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消化系统疾病指的是组成消化道和消化腺的消化器官发生不同程度的病变,具有病因繁杂、病种多样和发病率高等特征,而传统的药物治疗和内镜治疗方法存在安全性较低和副作用大等缺陷,因此采用高效安全的措施来治疗消化系统疾病具有重要意义。双歧杆菌是一类革兰阳性厌氧益生菌,存在于人体消化系统内,其作用主要包括维持正常的微生物群落、抵抗致病菌入侵和增强宿主的免疫调节等。本文对双歧杆菌与消化系统疾病的关系进行了综述,包括双歧杆菌的生物学特性、其对不同类型消化系统疾病的影响、临床应用以及防治机制。  相似文献   

Mandibles and stomachs of three Antarctic shrimp species (Nematocarcinus lanceopes, Notocrangon antarcticus, and Chorismus antarcticus) were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy. Transmission electron microscopy of the midgut glands was applied to find out the nutritional status of the animals, which contained a broad variety of food items in their stomachs. In contrast to the Antarctic krill, the three carideans possess a dual filter system; primary filters in the cardia and secondary filters in the pyloric chamber. Morphologically, the mandibles and stomachs of the three species vary considerably; however, their food items are similar. We conclude that stomach contents do not really reflect the different modes of life or habitat preferences of the investigated species.  相似文献   

Heterobaric leaves show heterogeneous pigmentation due to the occurrence of a network of transparent areas that are created from the bundle sheaths extensions (BSEs). Image analysis showed that the percentage of photosynthetically active leaf area (Ap) of the heterobaric leaves of 31 plant species was species dependent, ranging from 91% in Malva sylvestris to only 48% in Gynerium sp. Although a significant portion of the leaf surface does not correspond to photosynthetic tissue, the photosynthetic capacity of these leaves, expressed per unit of projected area (Pmax), was not considerably affected by the size of their transparent leaf area (At). This means that the photosynthetic capacity expressed per Ap (P*max) should increase with At. Moreover, the expression of P*max could be allowing the interpretation of the photosynthetic performance in relation to some critical anatomical traits. The P*max, irrespective of plant species, correlated with the specific leaf transparent volume (lambda(t)), as well as with the transparent leaf area complexity factor ((CF)A(t)), parameters indicating the volume per unit leaf area and length/density of the transparent tissues, respectively. Moreover, both parameters increased exponentially with leaf thickness, suggesting an essential functional role of BSEs mainly in thick leaves. The results of the present study suggest that although the Ap of an heterobaric leaf is reduced, the photosynthetic performance of each areole is increased, possibly due to the light transferring capacity of BSEs. This mechanism may allow a significant increase in leaf thickness and a consequent increase of the photosynthetic capacity per unit (projected) area, offering adaptive advantages in xerothermic environments.  相似文献   

In the dorsal median anterior region of the head, the larvae of decapod Crustacea possess a discrete organ: a glandular-sensory complex which is not present in post-larval juvenile forms. Its external topography reveals the presence of one or two central pores (Brachyura, Anomura) or a poreless central area (Macrura) surrounded by four equidistant plate-pits which contain a central pimple or 'nipple'. The Macrura plate-pits lack the central pimple but develop a row of diminutive pegs. No definite function can yet be ascribed to the organ. The dorsal organ described here in Decapoda larvae closely resembles the median sensory tubercle found on the cephalon of some trilobites, especially Trinucleidae. In view of the possible homology between these structures in the two groups, previous interpretation of the trilobite organ as a median eye tubercle must be rejected.  相似文献   

Trilobites were notably flexible in the moulting behaviours they employed, producing a variety of moult configurations preserved in the fossil record. Investigations seeking to explain this moulting variability and its potential impacts are few, despite abundant material being available for study. We present the first quantitative study on moulting in a single trilobite species using a dataset of almost 500 moult specimens of Estaingia bilobata from the Cambrian (Series 2, Stage 4) Emu Bay Shale, South Australia. Specimens were categorized by moulting mode (Salter's or Sutural Gape) and their associated configurations, and their body proportions measured from both a museum collection (including a bycatch sample) and a randomly-collected field sample. This enabled analysis of the proportion of Ebilobata specimens displaying the Sutural Gape and Salter's modes of moulting and their different configurations, and tests for association between moulting behaviour and body proportions. The results show a wide range of Ebilobata moulting configurations in all samples, suggesting that configurations represent definable instances in a largely continuous spectrum of variation. Analyses comparing body proportions of specimens showing the two modes of moulting were non-significant, suggesting there is no true association between moulting behaviour and body proportion, except for a single significant result for body length. All results were relatively consistent between the museum and field samples. However, removing accessioned specimens from the museum sample brought results even further in line with the field sample, supporting the need for consideration of museum collection bias in palaeontological analyses.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the relationship between moments in the frontal and sagittal planes, generated by a lifting task, vs the electromyographic (EMG) activity of right and left trunk muscle groups. In particular, we postulate that the functional dependence between erector spinae muscle activity and the applied lifting moments about the spine is as follows: the sum of left and right erector spinae processed EMG depends on the sagittal plane moment, and the difference of left and right erector spinae processed EMG depends on the frontal plane moment. A simple out-of-sagittal plane physical model, treating the lumbar spine as a two degree-of-freedom pivot point is discussed to justify these hypotheses. To validate this model, we collected surface EMG and lifting moment data for ten males performing a grid of frontal and sagittal plane lifting tasks. A digital RMS-to-DC algorithm was developed for processing raw EMG. For these tests, we measured EMG for the left and right erector spinae and for the left and right external oblique muscles. The processed EMG signals of the left and right erector spinae muscles are summed and differenced for comparison to the measured sagittal and frontal plane moments. A linear correlation (r2) of 0.96 was obtained for the sum of erector spinae EMG vs the sagittal plane moment; a corresponding value of r2 = 0.95 was obtained for the difference vs the frontal plane moment. No correlations (r2 less than 0.004) was found for the sagittal plane moment and the difference of the left and right erector spinae EMG, and the frontal plane moment and the sum of the left and right erector spinae EMG.  相似文献   



The identification of vast numbers of unknown organisms using DNA sequences becomes more and more important in ecological and biodiversity studies. In this context, a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene has been proposed as standard DNA barcoding marker for the identification of organisms. Limitations of the COI barcoding approach can arise from its single-locus identification system, the effect of introgression events, incomplete lineage sorting, numts, heteroplasmy and maternal inheritance of intracellular endosymbionts. Consequently, the analysis of a supplementary nuclear marker system could be advantageous.


We tested the effectiveness of the COI barcoding region and of three nuclear ribosomal expansion segments in discriminating ground beetles of Central Europe, a diverse and well-studied invertebrate taxon. As nuclear markers we determined the 18S rDNA: V4, 18S rDNA: V7 and 28S rDNA: D3 expansion segments for 344 specimens of 75 species. Seventy-three species (97%) of the analysed species could be accurately identified using COI, while the combined approach of all three nuclear markers provided resolution among 71 (95%) of the studied Carabidae.


Our results confirm that the analysed nuclear ribosomal expansion segments in combination constitute a valuable and efficient supplement for classical DNA barcoding to avoid potential pitfalls when only mitochondrial data are being used. We also demonstrate the high potential of COI barcodes for the identification of even closely related carabid species.  相似文献   



Improving digestive efficiency is a major goal in poultry production, to reduce production costs, make possible the use of alternative feedstuffs and decrease the volume of manure produced. Since measuring digestive efficiency is difficult, identifying molecular markers associated with genes controlling this trait would be a valuable tool for selection. Detection of QTL (quantitative trait loci) was undertaken on 820 meat-type chickens in a F2 cross between D- and D+ lines divergently selected on low or high AMEn (apparent metabolizable energy value of diet corrected to 0 nitrogen balance) measured at three weeks in animals fed a low-quality diet. Birds were measured for 13 traits characterizing digestive efficiency (AMEn, coefficients of digestive utilization of starch, lipids, proteins and dry matter (CDUS, CDUL, CDUP, CDUDM)), anatomy of the digestive tract (relative weights of the proventriculus, gizzard and intestine and proventriculus plus gizzard (RPW, RGW, RIW, RPGW), relative length and density of the intestine (RIL, ID), ratio of proventriculus and gizzard to intestine weight (PG/I); and body weight at 23 days of age. Animals were genotyped for 6000 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) distributed on 28 autosomes, the Z chromosome and one unassigned linkage group.


Nine QTL for digestive efficiency traits, 11 QTL for anatomy-related traits and two QTL for body weight at 23 days of age were detected. On chromosome 20, two significant QTL at the genome level co-localized for CDUS and CDUDM, i.e. two traits that are highly correlated genetically. Moreover, on chromosome 16, chromosome-wide QTL for AMEn, CDUS, CDUDM and CDUP, on chromosomes 23 and 26, chromosome-wide QTL for CDUS, on chromosomes 16 and 26, co-localized QTL for digestive efficiency and the ratio of intestine length to body weight and on chromosome 27 a chromosome-wide QTL for CDUDM were identified.


This study identified several regions of the chicken genome involved in the control of digestive efficiency. Further studies are necessary to identify the underlying genes and to validate these in commercial populations and breeding environments.  相似文献   

HlyC, hemolysin-activating lysine acyltransferase, catalyzes the acylation (from acyl-ACP) of Escherichia coli prohemolysin (proHlyA) on the epsilon-amino groups of specific lysine residues, Lys564 and Lys690 of the 1024-amino acid primary structure, to form hemolysin (HlyA). The amino acid sequences flanking the two acylation sites are not homologous except that each has a glycine residue immediately preceding the lysine which is acylated; there are, however, numerous GK sequences throughout proHlyA that are not acylation sites. The substrate specificity of acylation was examined. ProHlyA-derived structures, altered by substantial deletions and separation of the acylation sites into two different peptides and site-directed mutation analyses of acylation sites, often served as internal protein acylation substrates, and the kinetics of the acylations were measured. The two sites of acylation of proHlyA functioned independently of one another with HlyC; there did not appear to be a common HlyC binding site or processivity of the enzyme between the sites. Acyl-HlyC was likely the enzyme form that interacted with the final acylation substrate. In a variety of constructs, the two acylation sites had similar K(m) values, but their V(max) values and catalytic efficiencies as substrates differed. Internal protein acylation was inhibited by specific small peptides mimicking the primary structure of each acylation site except that the crucial lysines were replaced with arginines; similar small peptides containing the crucial lysine, however, were not acylated.  相似文献   


The main challenge in second generation bioethanol production is the efficient breakdown of cellulose to sugar monomers (hydrolysis). Due to the recalcitrant character of cellulose, feedstock pretreatment and adapted hydrolysis steps are needed to obtain fermentable sugar monomers. The conventional industrial production process of second-generation bioethanol from biomass comprises several steps: thermochemical pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis and sugar fermentation. This process is undergoing continuous optimization in order to increase the bioethanol yield and reduce the economic cost. Therefore, the discovery of new enzymes with high lignocellulytic activity or new strategies is extremely important. In nature, wood-feeding termites have developed a sophisticated and efficient cellulose degrading system in terms of the rate and extent of cellulose hydrolysis and exploitation. This system, which represents a model for digestive symbiosis has attracted the attention of biofuel researchers. This review describes the termite digestive system, gut symbionts, termite enzyme resources, in vitro studies of isolated enzymes and lignin degradation in termites.  相似文献   

Muscle and connective tissue strands linking the prothoracic cuticle to the posterior foregut and anterior midgut are described for 17 species of orthopteroid insects: Dinocras cephalotes (Plecoptera); Forficula aurkularia (Dermaptera); Acheta domesticus, Gryllus bimaculatus, Brachytrupes sp. and Phaeophyllacris spectrum (Gryllidae); Schizodactylus monstrosus (Schizodactylidae); Hemideina crassidens (Stenopelmatidae); Ephippiger ephippiger, Tettigonia viridissima, Conocephalus dorsalis and Pholidoptera griseoaptera (Tetligoniidae); Schislocerca gregaria, Omocestus viridulus and Chorthippus brunneus (Acrididae), and Carausms morosus (Phasmida). Of the 18 species examined, only the Gryllotalpa sp. (Gryllotalpidae) lacked extrinsic strands to the post-cephalic gut. The arrangement of the strands in the various species is compared, and the possible evolution and function of the strands are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The Olenidae stands out for its abundance and biostratigraphical importance, especially in the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of northwestern Argentina. Their phylogenetic relationships have been traditionally determined stratigraphically and by direct morphological comparison. This study reports the first formal phylogenetic analysis of olenids. Eighty‐six characters (24 quantitative and 62 qualitative) were coded for 65 taxa (58 olenids). Quantitative characters were treated both as discrete and as continuous variables. To explore the best way of character coding for this group, continuous characters were coded as: median, log‐median, normalized and rescaled. Maximum parsimony and implied weighting were used as optimality criteria. A phylogenetic hypothesis more consistent with traditional taxonomy was reconstructed with both quantitative and qualitative partitions. All the trees obtained with quantitative characters coded as continuous and rescaled are better resolved, and those topologies were more similar among them. This treatment also reflects more effectively the behaviour of the original variables. Olenidae is not a monophyletic clade: Andrarina costata and Aphelaspis australis are included within the ingroup, as sister clade of Olenus gibbosus. Also, the results suggest that members of the Hypermecaspidinae constitute a new family within the Order Olenida. The traditional taxonomic scheme at subfamily level is partially supported. Triarthrinae and ‘pelturinds’ are recovered as monophyletic clades, but Oleninae is polyphyletic. This study proves, through a formal cladistic analysis, that characters disregarded by traditional taxonomy can be uncovered. Finally, this is the first step towards achieving a classification of the Olenidae taking into account the evolutionary process involved in its diversification history.  相似文献   

The avian digestive system, like other aspects of avian biology, is highly modified relative to other reptiles. Together these modifications have imparted the great success of Neornithes, the most diverse clade of amniotes alive today. It is important to understand when and how aspects of the modern avian digestive system evolved among neornithine ancestors in order to elucidate the evolutionary success of this important clade and to understand the biology of stem birds and their closest dinosaurian relatives: Mesozoic Paraves. Although direct preservation of the soft tissue of the digestive system has not yet been reported, ingested remains and their anatomical location preserved in articulated fossils hint at the structure of the digestive system and its abilities. Almost all data concerning direct evidence of diet in Paraves comes from either the Upper Jurassic Yanliao Biota or the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Biota, both of which are known from deposits in north-eastern China. Here, the sum of the data gleaned from the thousands of exceptionally well-preserved fossils of paravians is interpreted with regards to the structure and evolution of the highly modified avian digestive system and feeding apparatus. This information suggests intrinsic differences between closely related stem lineages implying either strong homoplasy or that diet in each lineage of non-ornithuromorph birds was highly specialized. Regardless, modern digestive capabilities appear to be limited to the Ornithuromorpha, although the complete set of derived feeding related characters is restricted to the Neornithes.  相似文献   

玉米根系水流导度差异及其与解剖结构的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在人工气候室水培条件下,从单根水平研究了不同水分条件下玉米根系水流导度的基因型差异及解剖结构之间的关系.结果表明,抗旱性的杂交种户单四号具有水流导度上的杂种优势现象,不抗旱的父本803根系水流导度最低,3个品种根系水流导度大小为F1代户单四号>母本天四>父本803;水分胁迫普遍降低了根系直径、导管直径和皮层厚度.同时,玉米品种根系的解剖结构和根系水流导度有关,正常水分条件下,根系导管直径与3个玉米品种的根系水流导度呈正相关,胁迫条件下则呈负相关.无论是在胁迫还是正常水分条件下,根系皮层厚度占根系直径的比例与根系水流导度都呈负相关,说明根系皮层是根系吸收水分的主要阻力部位.  相似文献   

Trilobites are a highly diverse group of extinct arthropods that persisted for nearly 300 million years. During that time, there was a profusion of morphological form, and they occupied a plethora of marine habitats. Their diversity, relative abundance, and complex morphology make them excellent candidates for phylogenetic analysis, and partly as a consequence they have been the subject of many cladistic studies. Although phylogenetic knowledge is certainly incomplete, our understanding of evolutionary patterns within the group has dramatically increased over the last 30 years. Moreover, trilobites have formed an important component of various studies of macroevolutionary processes. Here, we summarize the phylogenetic breadth of knowledge on the Trilobita, and present various hypotheses about phylogenetic patterns within the group, from the highest to the lowest taxonomic levels. Key topics we consider include the question of trilobite monophyly, the phylogenetic position of trilobites vis à vis extant arthropod groups, and inter- and intra-ordinal relationships.  相似文献   

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