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Small basalt mounds with encrusting corals and inter-mound carbonate sandy zones with abundant rhodoliths corresponding to an ancient intertidal to shallow-water sea floor are exhumed from overlying volcaniclastic deposits and basalt lava flows at Pedra de água on Ilhéu de Cima off Porto Santo, one of the islands of the northeastern Atlantic Madeira Archipelago (Portugal). The mounds rise above the surrounding surface to attain a height of about half a meter. The mounds exhibit an in situ assemblage of hermatypic corals, dominated by Tarbellastrae and Solenastrea. They formed as massive (4.2?×?1.9?m average length), isolated patches in a protected bay close to shore eroded from an uneven basalt substrate dated to the Middle Miocene (14–15?Ma). The slightly deeper zones between basalt mounds, which alternate with them over a distance of more than 20?m, are covered mainly by coarse carbonate sand on which rhodoliths up to 14.8?cm in diameter are preserved in situ. Many rhodoliths have grown around a basalt core, which indicates a local, near-shore source for development. Complete burial of the elevated coral settlements and intervening low zones populated by rhodoliths occurred when volcanic lapilli and other tephra catastrophically buried this part of the rocky shore. The rhodoliths and coral assemblages exposed in an area of 12?m2 were canvassed systematically using census quadrats to quantify community relationships.  相似文献   

Abstract: The bioclaustration of the pyrgomatid barnacle Ceratoconcha aff. costata within the carbonate skeleton of a colonial hermatypical coral (Tarbellastrea reussiana) is described from a middle Miocene basaltic rocky palaeoshore on a small north‐eastern Atlantic islet of Porto Santo (Madeira Archipelago, Portugal). The resulting structure is named as a new trace fossil Imbutichnus igen. nov., characterized by a small, funnel‐like cavity, a circular to oval cross‐section, with a nearly cylindrical shape in the upper part and a conical shape towards the base. Imbutichnus costatum isp. nov. is defined as a bioclaustration structure produced by the overgrowth of a pyrgomatid barnacle by a coral. From an ethologic point of view, Imbutichnus is attributed to the Impedichnia category. In terms of palaeoecology, it is interpreted as the result of a parasitic relationship. This is also the oldest record of pyrgomatid barnacles in the eastern Atlantic and clearly demonstrates that the Miocene palaeogeographic range of Ceratoconcha was much wider than previously assumed.  相似文献   

The helminth fauna of pelagic-stage loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta, is still poorly known. Here, we describe the helminth-component community of healthy, free-ranging juvenile loggerhead sea turtles captured in the waters around Madeira Island, Portugal. Fifty-seven were used in this study. The esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidneys, trachea, bronchi, urinary bladder, heart, left and right aortas, and coelomic cavity were macroscopically inspected; organs and tissues were removed and washed through a sieve. A search for parasites was made using a stereoscopic microscope; recovered parasites were fixed and stored in 70% alcohol until staining and identification. Prevalence, mean intensity, and mean abundance values were recorded. In total, 156 parasite specimens belonging to 9 species were found: nematodes included Anisakis simplex s.l. (larvae) and an unidentified species; digenetic trematodes present were Enodiotrema megachondrus, Rhytidodes gelatinosus, Pyelosomum renicapite, and Calycodes anthos; acanthocephalans included Bolbosoma vasculosum and Rhadinorhynchus pristis; a single cestode, Nybelinia sp., was present. Parasite infections were found to have both low prevalences and intensities. Possible reasons for this include the oligotrophic conditions of the pelagic habitat around Madeira; a 'dilution effect' because of the vastness of the area; and the small size, and thus ingestion rate, of the turtles. Results are discussed in terms of the various turtle populations that may use the waters surrounding Madeira. This work provides valuable information on the parasite fauna of a poorly known stage in the life of loggerhead sea turtles, thereby filling a fundamental gap with regard to features of the parasite fauna in this species.  相似文献   

The bioenergetic strategies of house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) from the island of Porto Santo were investigated and compared with those of mice from mainland Portugal. Energy obtained from food ingestion was 18.2% lower in Porto Santo mice than in mainland mice (1.53 vs. 1.87 kJ/g/day). The same pattern was observed for metabolisable energy intake, which was 19.2% lower in island specimens (0.87 vs. 1.08 kJ/g/day for mainland specimens). Apparent digestibility was similar in both groups of mice. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) of Porto Santo individuals was low (1.16 ml O(2)/g/h), representing only 56% of the predicted value, based on body mass, while mainland individuals exhibited a BMR closer to the expected value, corresponding to 87% of the predicted value (1.80 ml O(2)/g/h). Thermoregulatory abilities within the range of 10-28 degrees C ambient temperature did not differ between island and mainland mice. Results suggest an adaptation of Porto Santo mice to the environmental aridity of the island of Porto Santo, leading to a conservative energetic strategy.  相似文献   

Abstract Intertidal limestone platforms off Perth show a characteristic pattern of algal zonation, with dense macroalgal beds nearshore bounded by a ‘barren zone’ along the seaward edge. Abalone (Haliotis roei) and several species of limpets and chitons are abundant in the barren zone, which is generally devoid of non-coralline macroalgae. The relative importance of abalone versus limpets and chitons in limiting macroalgal abundance in the barren zone was evaluated by manipulating the presence of each group in a factorial experiment. Percentage algal cover was measured photographically in 0.25m2 plots at 1–2 month intervals for 9 months. Mean algal cover (mainly the foliose green alga, Ulva rigida) was highest in plots where all grazers were excluded (77–99%), intermediate where only limpets and chitons were excluded (37–85%), and lowest where only abalone were excluded (4–30%) or where no grazers were excluded (2–19%). The effect of limpets and chitons accounted for 55–89% of the variance in total algal cover, whereas the effect of abalone generally accounted for <10% of the variance. Similar results were obtained in terms of the biomass of Ulva rigida at the end of the experiment. Haliotis roei are relatively large and sedentary herbivores, feeding mainly on drift algae. Their effect on algal abundance was mediated both through pre-emption of space, which might otherwise be colonized by algae, and by grazing around their home scar. Limpets and chitons are smaller than abalone, but were much more abundant. Intensive grazing of the reef surface by limpets and chitons precluded the establishment of non-coralline macroalgae, even where abalone were absent.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand the effects of the July 2006 heat wave through the use of the heat index, in mortality (all causes) and morbidity (all causes, respiratory and circulatory diseases) in general, and in people over 74 years and by gender, in Porto. In this paper, the Poisson generalized additive regression model was used to estimate the impact of apparent temperature (heat index) and daily mortality and morbidity during the July 2006 heat wave. Daily mortality, morbidity and heat index were correlated with lags of apparent temperature up to 7 days using Pearson correlation. For a 1°C increase in mean apparent temperature we observed a 2.7 % (95 % CI: 1.7–3.6 %) increase in mortality (all cause), a 1.7 % (95 % CI: 0.6–2.9 %) increase in respiratory morbidity, a 2.2 % (95 % CI: 0.4–4.1 %) increase in respiratory morbidity in women, a 5.4 % (95%CI: 1.1–6.6 %) increase in chronic obstructive pulmonary morbidity, and a 7.5 % (95 % CI: 1.3–14.1 %) increase in chronic obstructive pulmonary morbidity in women, for the entire population. For people?≥?75 years, our results showed a 3.3 % increase (95 % CI: 1.7–5.0 %) in respiratory morbidity, a 2.7 % (95 % CI: 0.4–5.1 %) increase in respiratory morbidity in men, a 3.9 % (95 %CI: 1.6–6.3 %) increase in respiratory morbidity in women, a 7.0 % (95 % CI: 1.1–13.2 %) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and a 9.0 % (95 % CI: 0.3–18.5 %) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in women. The use of heat index in a Mediterranean tempered climate enabled the identification of the effects of the July 2006 heat wave in mortality due to all causes and in respiratory morbidity of the general population, as well as in respiratory morbidity of individuals with more than 74 years of age.  相似文献   

On oceanic islands, the evolution of plants and animals with particular characteristics is favoured due to their isolation, populations normally comprising a large number of unique, endemic species. The Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos are considered biodiversity hotspots, containing an especially rich bryoflora. Due to its characteristically small size, this taxonomic group does not get much attention in conservation programmes. However, these plants are an important component of terrestrial ecosystems, representing a major part of biodiversity and playing a vital role in the ecosystem's functioning. As such, the development of the first Red List for Madeira and Selvagens Archipelagos has the potential to guide conservation efforts focused on taxa and habitats where threatened species and endemics are better represented. By applying the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) criteria, recently revised to apply to small islands, it was possible to obtain the percentage of threatened taxa present in the archipelagos (23.6%), and for each habitat type. It was verified that high mountain habitats and the Laurel forest represent areas that host higher percentages of threatened taxa (29.5% and 22.2%). An important result of the present Red List is the identification of hotspots for bryophyte diversity, supporting the definition of reserves/microreserves. The information obtained can also be linked up with the Red Lists of other taxonomic groups to work towards the definition of a more holistic conservation strategy.  相似文献   

The Atlantic chub mackerel Scomber colias and the blue jack mackerel Trachurus picturatus are two abundant species in the Macaronesia region which includes the archipelago of Madeira, Portugal. Both are key species in the trophic web, being important prey for several local top predators, such as seabirds and marine mammals. Nonetheless, little is known about their feeding ecology in oceanic environments. In this study, the authors describe the seasonal variation in the diet of S. colias and T. picturatus in the oceanic region of Madeira throughout a year. Visual inspection of stomach contents revealed that S. colias fed on a broader range of prey groups than T. picturatus, but for both species, zooplankton (particularly calanoid copepods) and fish were the most important food items. The diet of S. colias included a higher proportion of fish, namely Atlantic saury Scomberesox saurus and S. colias, than that of T. picturatus, that included mostly the longspine snipefish Macroramphosus scolopax. T. picturatus consumed a higher proportion of decapods and other copepods. Seasonal variation was found in the diet of both species, with zooplanktonic species being more important in colder months (February to April) for S. colias and during warm months (May to October) for T. picturatus. Their diet in other seasons was dominated by fish. Although they consume similar prey, carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of muscle of S. colias and T. picturatus showed little overlap in their diets, and T. picturatus showed higher δ15N and a narrower isotopic niche.  相似文献   

Duration of emergence increases with tidal height on rocky shores therefore, emergence adaptations in intertidal species such as littorine and other prosobranch gastropods have been considered correlated with zonation patterns; temperature tolerance, desiccation resistance and aerial respiration rate all commonly assumed to increase progressively with increasing zonation level. Such direct correlations are rarely observed in nature. Maximal aerial gas exchange occurs in mid-shore, not high shore species. Temperature tolerance and desiccation resistance do not increase directly with shore height. Thus, hypotheses regarding physiological correlates of zonation require revaluation. A new hypothesis is presented that the high tide mark presents a single major physiological barrier on rocky shores. Above it, snails experience prolonged emergence and extensive desiccation; below it, predictable submergence and rehydration with each tidal cycle. Thus, desiccation stress is minimal below the high tide mark and maximal above it. Therefore, species restricted below high tide (the eulittoral zone) should display markedly different adaptive strategies to emergence than those above it (the eulittoral fringe). A review of the literature indicated that adaptations in eulittoral species are dominated by those allowing maintenance of activity and foraging in air including: evaporative cooling; low thermal tolerance; elevated aerial O2 uptake rates; and high capacity for radiant heat absorption. Such adaptations exacerbate evaporative water loss. In contrast, species restricted to the eulittoral fringe display adaptive strategies that minimize desiccation and prolong survival of emergence including: foot withdrawal, preventing heat conduction from the substratum; aestivation in air; elevated thermal tolerance reducing necessity for evaporative cooling; position maintenance by cementation to the substratum and increased capacity for heat dissipation. In order to test of this hypothesis the upper thermal limits, tissue and substratum temperatures on emergence in direct sunlight and evaporative water loss and tissue temperatures on emergence in 40 °C were evaluated for specimens of six species of eulittoral and eulittoral fringe gastropods from a granite shore on Princess Royal Harbour near Albany, Western Australia. The results were consistant with adaptation to the proposed desiccation barrier at high tide. The eulittoral species, Austrocochlea constricta, Austrocochlea concamerata, Nerita atramentosa and Lepsiella vinosa, displayed adaptations dominated by maintenance of activity and foraging during emergence while the eulittoral fringe littorine species, Bembicium vittatum and Nodilittorina unifasciata displayed adaptations dominated by minization of activity and evaporative water loss during emergence. The evolution of adaptations allowing tolerance of prolonged desiccation have allowed littorine species to dominate high intertidal rocky shore gastropod faunas throughout the world's oceans.  相似文献   

Relationships of the eight species of the liverwort genus Radula occurring in Portugal (mainland, the Madeira and Azores archipelagos), including the Macaronesian endemics R. jonesii and R. wichurae, were evaluated based on molecular, phytochemical and morphological–anatomical data. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses were performed with sequences from three plastid DNA markers (trnS GGA-rps4 spacer, rps4 gene, trnL UAA intron), volatile oil compounds, as well as qualitative morphological–anatomical characters. In addition, the molecular data were subjected to maximum likelihood analysis. The eight taxa, R. aquilegia, R. carringtonii, R. complanata, R. holtii, R. jonesii, R. lindenbergiana, R. nudicaulis and R. wichurae, can be clearly distinguished from each other, either by molecular data alone or by combination of characters from all three data sets. Radula aquilegia is monophyletic according to the molecular data, but shows considerable, yet undescribed intraspecific morphological and phytochemical variability. Recognition of R. complanata and R. lindenbergiana as separate species, previously based solely on the paroecious vs. dioecious sexual condition, is moderately supported by the molecular phylogenetic analyses and strongly supported by the phytochemical data. The Radula species, narrowly distributed in Macaronesia and Atlantic Europe, probably have two different origins. For Radula holtii and R. nudicaulis, connections with Radula species from the Neotropics are indicated. The other species, among them the two Macaronesian endemics, are closely related with the R. complanata/R. lindenbergiana complex, which is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

The tropical barnacle Tetraclita forms a belt on hard substrates in the intertidal zone of the Red Sea. Based on morphological data, three distinct species were suggested to exist, occupying different vertical levels - T. barnesorum, T. rufotincta and T. achituvi. In this study we used molecular (12S mitochondrial ribosomal DNA) and ecological data to examine whether this morphological variability reflects genetic differences, or is a result of environmental factors. Adults and spats, collected from settlement plates, were censused and screened genotypically using single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis, and settlement dynamics was recorded. We provide evidence for the existence of only two distinct species, and point out both phenotypic plasticity and convergence within and between the proposed species. Cyprids of T. achituvi settle specifically at the lower part of the Tetraclita belt, and feature one phenotype. In contrast, T. rufotincta, occupying the upper and middle portions of the Tetraclita belt, settles throughout the range, shows phenotypic plasticity (three variants), and presumably undergoes selection at the lower part. Thus, the vertical zonation of Tetraclita is produced by the combination of pre-settlement and post-settlement factors, in T. achituvi and T. rufotincta, respectively. The examined system may offer a model in which to study the mechanisms underlying sympatric speciation.  相似文献   

The ability to effectively modify behaviours is increasingly relevant to attain and maintain a good health status. Current behaviour-change models and theories present two main approaches for (healthier) decision-making: one analytical/logical, and one experiential/emotional/intuitive. Therefore, to achieve an integral and dynamic understanding of the public perceptions both approaches should be considered: community surveys should measure cognitive understanding of health-risk contexts, and also explore how past experiences affect this understanding. In 2011, community perceptions regarding domestic source reduction were assessed in Madeira Island. After Madeira’s first dengue outbreak (2012) a unique opportunity to compare perceptions before and after the outbreak-experience occurred. This was the aim of this study, which constituted the first report on the effect of an outbreak experience on community perceptions regarding a specific vector-borne disease. A cross-sectional survey was performed within female residents at the most aegypti-infested areas. Perceptions regarding domestic source reduction were assessed according to the Essential Perception (EP)-analysis tool. A matching process paired individuals from studies performed before and after the outbreak, ensuring homogeneity in six determinant variables. After the outbreak, there were more female residents who assimilated the concepts considered to be essential to understand the proposed behaviour. Nevertheless, no significant difference was observed in the number of female residents who achieved the defined ‘minimal understanding’’. Moreover, most of the population (95.5%) still believed at least in one of the identified myths. After the outbreak some myths disappeared and others appeared. The present study quantified and explored how the experience of an outbreak influenced the perception regarding a dengue-preventive behaviour. The outbreak experience surprisingly led to the appearance of new myths within the population, apart from the expected increase of relevant concepts’ assimilation. Monitoring public perceptions is therefore crucial to make preventing dengue campaigns updated and worthy.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Available research is inconclusive on how circatidal habitat use and cross-shore distribution of aquatic epibenthic predators may affect the vertical zonation of infauna in muddy,...  相似文献   

The helminth parasite fauna of the oceanic horse mackerel Trachurus picturatus Bowdich 1825, caught off the Madeira Islands was composed of six different taxa. Prevalence and abundance of larval Anisakis sp. (Nematoda: Anisakidae) and Nybelinia lingualis (Trypanorhyncha: Tentaculariidae), the most common parasite taxa, were 24.3%, 0.9 and 37.9%, 0.7, respectively. Bolbosoma vasculosum (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae) and the monogeneans Heteraxinoides atlanticus (Monogenea: Heteraxinidae) and Pseudaxine trachuri (Monogenea: Gastrocotylidae) were comparatively rare. The depauperate helminth fauna of the oceanic horse mackerel at Madeira compared to other geographical regions of the north-eastern Atlantic, namely the Azores banks and the West African coast, may be attributed to the paucity of nutrients off oceanic islands and to a low density of the fish population.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):30-34

Conocephalum salebrosum Szweykowski, Buczkowska & Odrzykoski, a hygrophytic species, is newly reported for several localities in continental Portugal as well as in Madeira and Azores Islands. Information from studied specimens, and a map showing the actual distribution of this species and its closely related species, C. conicum (L.) Dumort., are provided as the basis for a discussion on the chorology and ecological ranges of both species. Additionally, a model of the potential distribution for both species in continental territory is developed through the Maximum Entropy Modelling technique, followed by an explanation of an hypothesis on the preferences of each species of Conocephalum known in this territory.  相似文献   

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