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Ocean acidification describes changes in the carbonate chemistry of the ocean due to the increased absorption of anthropogenically released CO2. Experiments to elucidate the biological effects of ocean acidification on algae are not straightforward because when pH is altered, the carbon speciation in seawater is altered, which has implications for photosynthesis and, for calcifying algae, calcification. Furthermore, photosynthesis, respiration, and calcification will themselves alter the pH of the seawater medium. In this review, algal physiologists and seawater carbonate chemists combine their knowledge to provide the fundamental information on carbon physiology and seawater carbonate chemistry required to comprehend the complexities of how ocean acidification might affect algae metabolism. A wide range in responses of algae to ocean acidification has been observed, which may be explained by differences in algal physiology, timescales of the responses measured, study duration, and the method employed to alter pH. Two methods have been widely used in a range of experimental systems: CO2 bubbling and HCl/NaOH additions. These methods affect the speciation of carbonate ions in the culture medium differently; we discuss how this could influence the biological responses of algae and suggest a third method based on HCl/NaHCO3 additions. We then discuss eight key points that should be considered prior to setting up experiments, including which method of manipulating pH to choose, monitoring during experiments, techniques for adding acidified seawater, biological side effects, and other environmental factors. Finally, we consider incubation timescales and prior conditioning of algae in terms of regulation, acclimation, and adaptation to ocean acidification.  相似文献   

Coralline algae are among the most sensitive calcifying organisms to ocean acidification as a result of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (pCO2). Little is known, however, about the combined impacts of increased pCO2, ocean acidification, and sea surface temperature on tissue mortality and skeletal dissolution of coralline algae. To address this issue, we conducted factorial manipulative experiments of elevated CO2 and temperature and examined the consequences on tissue survival and skeletal dissolution of the crustose coralline alga (CCA) Porolithon (=Hydrolithon) onkodes (Heydr.) Foslie (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta) on the southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. We observed that warming amplified the negative effects of high pCO2 on the health of the algae: rates of advanced partial mortality of CCA increased from <1% to 9% under high CO2 (from 400 to 1,100 ppm) and exacerbated to 15% under warming conditions (from 26°C to 29°C). Furthermore, the effect of pCO2 on skeletal dissolution strongly depended on temperature. Dissolution of P. onkodes only occurred in the high‐pCO2 treatment and was greater in the warm treatment. Enhanced skeletal dissolution was also associated with a significant increase in the abundance of endolithic algae. Our results demonstrate that P. onkodes is particularly sensitive to ocean acidification under warm conditions, suggesting that previous experiments focused on ocean acidification alone have underestimated the impact of future conditions on coralline algae. Given the central role that coralline algae play within coral reefs, these conclusions have serious ramifications for the integrity of coral‐reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

Despite continuous efforts since the 1950s and more recent advances in culturing flagellates and nonflagellate cells of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis, a number of different life‐cycle models exist today that appear to apply for P. globosa Scherff. and P. antarctica G. Karst., both spherical colony formers. In one such model, this life cycle consists of three different flagellates and one nonmotile cell stage that is embedded in carbohydrate matrix‐forming colonies of different sizes and forms. Recently, noncolonial aggregates of diploid nonmotile cells attached to surfaces of diatoms were put forward as a new stage in the sexual life cycle of P. antarctica. However, it can be discussed that these “attached aggregates” (AAs) are an intermediate between motile diploid flagellates, with their well‐known tendency to adhere to surfaces, and the young spherical colony with its diploid nonmotile cells, which in nature is commonly found attached to diatoms. A life‐cycle model pertaining to both P. globosa and P. antarctica is presented.  相似文献   

The diazotrophic cyanobacteria Trichodesmium spp. contribute approximately half of the known marine dinitrogen (N2) fixation. Rapidly changing environmental factors such as the rising atmospheric partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) and shallower mixed layers (higher light intensities) are likely to affect N2‐fixation rates in the future ocean. Several studies have documented that N2 fixation in laboratory cultures of T. erythraeum increased when pCO2 was doubled from present‐day atmospheric concentrations (~380 ppm) to projected future levels (~750 ppm). We examined the interactive effects of light and pCO2 on two strains of T. erythraeum Ehrenb. (GBRTRLI101 and IMS101) in laboratory semicontinuous cultures. Elevated pCO2 stimulated gross N2‐fixation rates in cultures growing at 38 μmol quanta · m?2 · s?1 (GBRTRLI101 and IMS101) and 100 μmol quanta · m?2 · s?1 (IMS101), but this effect was reduced in both strains growing at 220 μmol quanta · m?2 · s?1. Conversely, CO2‐fixation rates increased significantly (P < 0.05) in response to high pCO2 under mid‐ and high irradiances only. These data imply that the stimulatory effect of elevated pCO2 on CO2 fixation and N2 fixation by T. erythraeum is correlated with light. The ratio of gross:net N2 fixation was also correlated with light and trichome length in IMS101. Our study suggests that elevated pCO2 may have a strong positive effect on Trichodesmium gross N2 fixation in intermediate and bottom layers of the euphotic zone, but perhaps not in light‐saturated surface layers. Climate change models must consider the interactive effects of multiple environmental variables on phytoplankton and the biogeochemical cycles they mediate.  相似文献   

Eight months after the 1988 bloom of Chrysochromulina polylepis Manton et Parke in Skagerrak and Kattegat, off the coasts of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, an alternate cell type carrying a scale complement different from that of authentic C. polylepis appeared in some clones isolated from the bloom. The cultures were recloned, and the development of the new clones was monitored. In clones with 100% cells of the alternate type, authentic cells reappeared, suggesting that the alternate cell type is a stage in the life cycle of C. polylepis and that transition between cell types occurs in both directions. Growth rates of clone cultures (termed a cultures) producing exclusively authentic cells, and of clone cultures (termed β cultures), capable of producing the alternate cell type, were compared at various combinations of temperature and photon fluence rate. The β cultures were less tolerant of high temperatures and photon fluence rates (≤20° C, 570 μmol photons·m?2·s?1) than were the α cultures. At lower temperatures and photon fluence rates (≤16° C, ≤90 μmol photons·m?2·s?1ss), β cultures grew better than α cultures. Relative abundance of the two cell types in β cultures changed in an apparently random manner during these experiments. Preliminary results from flow cytometric analyses indicated that cells of the alternate type were about twice the size and contained an equal or smaller amount of DNA per cell compared to the authentic cells. The β cultures were less toxic to Artemia nauplii than were the a cultures. Three other Chrysochromulina species tested were apparently nontoxic.  相似文献   

The relationships among inorganic carbon transport, bicarbonate availability, intracellular pH, and culture age were investigated in high-calcifying cultures of Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) Hay & Mohler. Measurement of inorganic carbon transport by the silicone-oil centrifugation technique demonstrated that gadolinium, a potential Ca2+ channel inhibitor, blocked intracellular inorganic carbon uptake and photosynthetic 14CO2+ fixation in exponential-phase cells. In stationary-phase cells, the intracellular inorganic carbon concentration was unaffected by gadolinium. Gadolinium was also used to investigate the link between bicarbonate and Ca2+ transport in high-calcifying cells of E. huxleyi. Bicarbonate availability had significant and rapid effects on pHi in exponential- but not in stationary-phase cells. 4′, 4′-Diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid did not block bicarbonate uptake from the external medium by exponential-phase cells. Inorganic carbon utilization by exponential- and stationary-phase cells of Emiliania huxleyi was investigated using a pH drift technique in a closed system. Light-dependent alkalization of the medium by stationary-phase cells resulted in a final pH of 10.1 and was inhibited by dextran-bound sulphonamide, an inhibitor of external carbonic anhydrase. Exponential-phase cells did not generate a pH drift. Overall, the results suggest that for high-calcifying cultures of E. huxleyi the predominant pathway of inorganic carbon utilization differs in exponential and stationary phase cells of the same culture.  相似文献   

Seaweeds are ecologically important primary producers, competitors, and ecosystem engineers that play a central role in coastal habitats ranging from kelp forests to coral reefs. Although seaweeds are known to be vulnerable to physical and chemical changes in the marine environment, the impacts of ongoing and future anthropogenic climate change in seaweed‐dominated ecosystems remain poorly understood. In this review, we describe the ways in which changes in the environment directly affect seaweeds in terms of their physiology, growth, reproduction, and survival. We consider the extent to which seaweed species may be able to respond to these changes via adaptation or migration. We also examine the extensive reshuffling of communities that is occurring as the ecological balance between competing species changes, and as top‐down control by herbivores becomes stronger or weaker. Finally, we delve into some of the ecosystem‐level responses to these changes, including changes in primary productivity, diversity, and resilience. Although there are several key areas in which ecological insight is lacking, we suggest that reasonable climate‐related hypotheses can be developed and tested based on current information. By strategically prioritizing research in the areas of complex environmental variation, multiple stressor effects, evolutionary adaptation, and population, community, and ecosystem‐level responses, we can rapidly build upon our current understanding of seaweed biology and climate change ecology to more effectively conserve and manage coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Cell homogenates of Pleurochrysis sp. (CCMP299) were fractionated by means of sucrose gradients. Ca2+-stimulated ATPase (EC, ATP phosphohydrolase) was associated primarily with the plasma membrane, Golgi, and high density (1.21 g·cm?3) membranous structures. Ca2+-stimulated ATPase was highly enriched in the latter. Based on treatments with Triton X-100 and NBD ceramide, we conclude that the high-density structures were membrane-delimited organelles. These vesicle-like organelles contained complex polysaccharides, a high concentration of calcium, and, upon microscopic examination, structures resembling coccoliths. These findings are consistent with observations on the known composition of coccoliths and the presumed mineralizing function of the sub-cellular coccolith-producing compartment. The high-density vesicles were linked to the Golgi by means of colchicine-sensitive materials, presumably microtubules. These data and prior ultrastructural observations by other investigators indicating vectorial assembly and secretion suggest that the subcellular movement of the newly formed coccoliths may be directed and/or powered by colchicine-sensitive cytoskeletal elements. We interpret the data to mean that the high-density vesicles represent the coccolith-producing compartment previously observed by others in electron micrographs.  相似文献   

Two morphotypes of Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann 1902) Hay et al. 1967, types A and B, known to be unequally distributed in the oceans, were grown in dilution cultures at a range of photon flux densities (PFDs) (1.5–155 μmol photons·m?2·s?1) and two temperatures (10° and 15° C). Calcite carbon and organic carbon content of the cells as well as instantaneous growth rate, cell size, chlorophyll fluorescence, and light-scatter properties clearly depended on growth conditions and differed considerably for the two morphotypes. The ratio between calcite carbon and organic carbon production showed an optimum of 0.65 in E. huxleyi type A cells at PFD = 17.5. The ratio increased slightly with a temperature increase from 10° to 15°C but remained < 1.0 at both temperatures in light-limited cells. In contrast, calcite carbon production exceeded organic carbon production (ratio: 1.4–2.2) in phosphate-deprived cultures. Emiliania huxleyi type B generally showed a higher calcite carbon/organic carbon ratio than E. huxleyi type A, but the relation with PFD was similar. The content of calcite carbon and organic carbon as well as the instantaneous growth rate, cell size, chlorophyll fluorescence, and light-scatter properties showed large diel variations that were closely related to the division cycle. Our results show the importance of mapping the structure of any sampled cell population with respect to the phase in the cell division cycle, as this largely determines the outcome of not only “per cell” measurements but also short time (less than 24 h) flux measurements. For instance, dark production of calcite by E. huxleyi was negatively affected by cell division. Slowly growing (phosphate-stressed) cultures produced calcite in the light and in the dark. In contrast, rapidly growing cultures at 10°C produced calcite only in the light, whereas in the dark there was a significant loss of calcite due to dissolution.  相似文献   

Little is known about the combined impacts of future CO2 and temperature increases on the growth and physiology of marine picocyanobacteria. We incubated Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus under present‐day (380 ppm) or predicted year‐2100 CO2 levels (750 ppm), and under normal versus elevated temperatures (+4°C) in semicontinuous cultures. Increased temperature stimulated the cell division rates of Synechococcus but not Prochlorococcus. Doubled CO2 combined with elevated temperature increased maximum chl a–normalized photosynthetic rates of Synechococcus four times relative to controls. Temperature also altered other photosynthetic parameters (α, Φmax, Ek, and ) in Synechococcus, but these changes were not observed for Prochlorococcus. Both increased CO2 and temperature raised the phycobilin and chl a content of Synechococcus, while only elevated temperature increased divinyl chl a in Prochlorococcus. Cellular carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) quotas, but not phosphorus (P) quotas, increased with elevated CO2 in Synechococcus, leading to ~20% higher C:P and N:P ratios. In contrast, Prochlorococcus elemental composition remained unaffected by CO2, but cell volume and elemental quotas doubled with increasing temperature while maintaining constant stoichiometry. Synechococcus showed a much greater response to CO2 and temperature increases for most parameters measured, compared with Prochlorococcus. Our results suggest that global change could influence the dominance of Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus ecotypes, with likely effects on oligotrophic food‐web structure. However, individual picocyanobacteria strains may respond quite differently to future CO2 and temperature increases, and caution is needed when generalizing their responses to global change in the ocean.  相似文献   

Increasing anthropogenic carbon dioxide is causing changes to ocean chemistry, which will continue in a predictable manner. Dissolution of additional atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to increased concentrations of dissolved carbon dioxide and bicarbonate and decreased pH in ocean water. The concomitant effects on phytoplankton ecophysiology, leading potentially to changes in community structure, are now a focus of concern. Therefore, we grew the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) W. W. Hay et H. Mohler and the diatom strains Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hust.) Hasle et Heimdal CCMP 1014 and T. pseudonana CCMP 1335 under low light in turbidostat photobioreactors bubbled with air containing 390 ppmv or 750 ppmv CO2. Increased pCO2 led to increased growth rates in all three strains. In addition, protein levels of RUBISCO increased in the coastal strains of both species, showing a larger capacity for CO2 assimilation at 750 ppmv CO2. With increased pCO2, both T. pseudonana strains displayed an increased susceptibility to PSII photoinactivation and, to compensate, an augmented capacity for PSII repair. Consequently, the cost of maintaining PSII function for the diatoms increased at increased pCO2. In E. huxleyi, PSII photoinactivation and the counter‐acting repair, while both intrinsically larger than in T. pseudonana, did not change between the current and high‐pCO2 treatments. The content of the photosynthetic electron transport intermediary cytochrome b6/f complex increased significantly in the diatoms under elevated pCO2, suggesting changes in electron transport function.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification (OA) is a reduction in oceanic pH due to increased absorption of anthropogenically produced CO2. This change alters the seawater concentrations of inorganic carbon species that are utilized by macroalgae for photosynthesis and calcification: CO2 and HCO3? increase; CO32? decreases. Two common methods of experimentally reducing seawater pH differentially alter other aspects of carbonate chemistry: the addition of CO2 gas mimics changes predicted due to OA, while the addition of HCl results in a comparatively lower [HCO3?]. We measured the short‐term photosynthetic responses of five macroalgal species with various carbon‐use strategies in one of three seawater pH treatments: pH 7.5 lowered by bubbling CO2 gas, pH 7.5 lowered by HCl, and ambient pH 7.9. There was no difference in photosynthetic rates between the CO2, HCl, or pH 7.9 treatments for any of the species examined. However, the ability of macroalgae to raise the pH of the surrounding seawater through carbon uptake was greatest in the pH 7.5 treatments. Modeling of pH change due to carbon assimilation indicated that macroalgal species that could utilize HCO3? increased their use of CO2 in the pH 7.5 treatments compared to pH 7.9 treatments. Species only capable of using CO2 did so exclusively in all treatments. Although CO2 is not likely to be limiting for photosynthesis for the macroalgal species examined, the diffusive uptake of CO2 is less energetically expensive than active HCO3? uptake, and so HCO3?‐using macroalgae may benefit in future seawater with elevated CO2.  相似文献   

Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz. 7820 was cultured at 350 and 700 μL·L ? 1 CO2 to assess the impacts of doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration on this bloom‐forming cyanobacterium. Doubling of CO2 concentration in the airflow enhanced its growth by 52%–77%, with pH values decreased and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) increased in the medium. Photosynthetic efficiencies and dark respiratory rates expressed per unit chl a tended to increase with the doubling of CO2. However, saturating irradiances for photosynthesis and light‐saturated photosynthetic rates normalized to cell number tended to decrease with the increase of DIC in the medium. Doubling of CO2 concentration in the airflow had less effect on DIC‐saturated photosynthetic rates and apparent photosynthetic affinities for DIC. In the exponential phase, CO2 and HCO3 ? levels in the medium were higher than those required to saturate photosynthesis. Cultures with surface aeration were DIC limited in the stationary phase. The rate of CO2 dissolution into the liquid increased proportionally when CO2 in air was raised from 350 to 700 μL·L ? 1, thus increasing the availability of DIC in the medium and enhancing the rate of photosynthesis. Doubled CO2 could enhance CO2 dissolution, lower pH values, and influence the ionization fractions of various DIC species even when the photosynthesis was not DIC limited. Consequently, HCO3 ? concentrations in cultures were significantly higher than in controls, and the photosynthetic energy cost for the operation of CO2 concentrating mechanism might decrease.  相似文献   

卵形异绒螨的形态和生活史研究(真螨目:绒螨科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张慧杰  李建社 《昆虫学报》1997,40(3):288-296
卵形异绒螨Allothrombium ovatum Zhang et Xin,1992是我国北方地区棉蚜Aphis gossypii Giover,1877的一种外寄生性天敌。通过室内饲养和田间观察结果表明:该螨一年发生一代,以卵在土壤内越冬。在年平均温度13.7℃条件下,其卵、前幼螨、幼螨、若蛹、若螨、成蛹和成螨的发育历期平均为220.8d、19.5d、22.0 d、12.0 d、13.0 d、13.0 d和59.O d。另外,本文还对卵形异绒螨主要虫态的形态和习性进行了描述和研究。  相似文献   

The partial dominance model for the evolution of inbreeding depression predicts that tetraploids should exhibit less inbreeding depression than their diploid progenitors. We tested this prediction by comparing the magnitude of inbreeding depression in tetraploid and diploid populations of the herbaceous perennial Epilobium angustifolium (Onagraceae). Inbreeding depression was estimated in the greenhouse for three tetraploid and two diploid populations at four life stages. The mating system of a tetraploid population was estimated and compared to a previous estimate for diploids. Tetraploids showed less inbreeding depression than diploids at all life history stages, and these differences were significant for seed-set and cumulative fitness, but not for germination, survival, or plant dry mass at nine weeks. This result suggests that the genetic basis of inbreeding depression may differ among life stages. The primary selfing rate of the tetraploid population was r = 0.43, which is nearly identical to that of a diploid population (r = 0.45), indicating that differences in inbreeding depression between diploids and tetraploids are probably not due to differences in the mating system. Cumulative inbreeding depression, calculated from the four life history stages, was significantly higher for diploids () than for tetraploids (), supporting the partial dominance model of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Benthic diatoms form a particularly important community in oligotrophic lakes, but factors influencing their distribution are not well known. This study reports the depth distribution of living motile and total diatoms (living plus dead diatoms) on both natural (from sand to fine organic mud) and artificial substrates in an oligotrophic lake. On artificial substrates, motile diatom densities peaked in abundance (24–30 cells · mm?2) between 0.6 and 1.9 m depth; on natural sediment surfaces, motile diatoms were generally more numerous and peaked in abundance (925 cells · mm?2) at 1.3 m depth. Total diatom densities on artificial substrates were highest (1260 valves · mm?2) at 0.6 m depth, with very low values below 3 m depth; on natural sediment surfaces, total diatom abundances were generally much higher (21600 valves · mm?2) at 3 m depth and declined gradually with depth. Significant relationships were found between light and diatom densities on the artificial substrate. Ordination analysis indicated that substrate type significantly correlated with the variation of diatom composition on artificial and natural substrates. Our results suggest that in oligotrophic lakes, light influences benthic diatom abundance, whereas substrate type has more influence on benthic diatom composition.  相似文献   

采用正交实验研究了外加Ca~(2+)和La~(3+)对酿酒酵母生长的影响。结果表明:外加Ca~(2+)和La~(3+)对酿酒酵母的生长均有显著的影响,都呈现出低浓度时正效应和高浓度时负效应,当Ca~(2+)浓度为1mmol/L及La~(3+)浓度为15μmol/L时酿酒酵母生长最好。  相似文献   

The influence of temperature and inorganic carbon (Ci) concentration on photosynthesis was examined in whole corals and samples of cultured symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.) using combined measurements from a membrane inlet mass spectrometer and chl a fluorometer. In whole corals, O2 production at 26°C was significantly limited at Ci concentrations below ambient seawater (~2.2 mM). Further additions of Ci up to ~10 mM caused no further stimulation of oxygenic photosynthesis. Following exposure to 30°C (2 d), net oxygen production decreased significantly in whole corals, as a result of reduced production of photosynthetically derived oxygen rather than increased host consumption. Whole corals maintained a rate of oxygen evolution around eight times lower than cultured Symbiodinium sp. at inorganic carbon concentrations <2 mM, but cultures displayed greater levels of photoinhibition following heat treatment (30°C, 2 d). Whole corals and cultured zooxanthellae differed considerably in their responses to Ci concentration and moderate heat stress, demonstrating that cultured Symbiodinium make an incongruous model for those in hospite. Reduced net oxygen evolution, in whole corals, under conditions of low Ci (<2 mM) has been interpreted in terms of possible sink limitation leading to increased nonphotochemical energy dissipation. The advantages of combined measurement of net gas exchange and fluorometry offered by this method are discussed.  相似文献   

Buoyancy of the gas-vacuolate alga Anabaena flosaquae Brébisson was measured under various levels of light, NH4+, and CO2. At high irradiance (50 μE · m?2·?1) the alga was non-buoyant regardless of the availability of CO2 and NH4+. At low irradiance (≤10 μE · m ?2· s?1) buoyancy was controlled by the availability of NH4+ and CO2. When NH4+ was abundant, algal buoyancy was high over a wide range of CO2 concentrations. In the absence of NH4+, algal buoyancy was reduced at high CO2 concentrations, however as the CO2 concentration declined below about 5 μmol · L?1, algal buoyancy increased. These results help explain why gas vacuolate, nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae often form surface blooms in eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

Cystocarpic and spermatangial plants of rarely reported red alga Bonnemaisonia geniculata Gardner, epiphytic on Odonthalia Aoccosa (Esp.) Falk, were collected from june to September 1975 at shell Beach, california. Carpospores inoculated into unialgal culture divided, upon germination, in to two daughter cells, both of which formed erect and rhizoidal axes, Erect axes were uniseriale and alternately branched with a distictive zigzag pattern of axial cells. No tetrasporangia developed in culture. The presumptive tetrasporangia developed in culture to a described genus. Plants morphologically similar to those cultured from carpospores were found at the collection site; they bore tetrasporangia from February to june. Cullured letrasporews gave rise to male and female plants similar to those of field-collected B. geniculate in ca. a I:I ratio. Fertile female plants in the presence of male plants formed cystocarps. Carpospores gave rise to the alternately branched tetrasporophyte phase. Bonnemaisonia geniculate has a heteromorphic life history involving a previously undescribed tetrasporophyte.  相似文献   

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