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Size restoration by the auxospore that develops from the zygote is a crucial stage in diatom life cycles. However, information on sexual events in pelagic diatom species is very limited. We report for the first time auxospore formation by the pennate diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis (O'Hara) Hustedt during an iron‐induced bloom in the Southern Ocean (EIFEX, European Iron Fertilization EXperiment). Auxospores of F. kerguelensis resembled those described for Pseudo‐nitzschia species. The auxospore was characterized by an outer coating, the perizonium; two caps, one at each distal end; and four chloroplasts, one at each end and two in the central part. Different stages of auxospore elongation were recorded, with a length of 24–91 μm, but only the largest auxospores contained the initial cell, whose apical axis ranged between 76 and 90 μm. Gametangial cell walls were often attached to the auxospores and ranged from 10 to 31 μm in length. Auxospore abundances were consistently higher in the fertilized patch, where an increase in the F. kerguelensis population was observed, as compared with surrounding waters.  相似文献   

Diatoms possess a remarkable life cycle in which cell size decreases slowly during vegetative cell division and then increases rapidly via special expanding cells called ‘auxospores’, which are usually formed as a result of biparental sexual reproduction. However, auxospores are sometimes produced by single unpaired cells, i.e. uniparentally. We examined the nature of uniparental auxosporulation in Sellaphora and used a two-gene dataset to study phylogenetic relationships between uniparental and biparental Sellaphora demes and species; we tested whether uniparental reproduction has evolved once or repeatedly in the genus. In at least two of the uniparental demes auxosporulation occurred through autogamy (i.e. intra-tetrad mating within an undivided cell). Maximum likelihood phylogenies indicated four lineages of uniparental Sellaphora and significance tests of alternative topologies, in which combinations of uniparental Sellaphora were constrained to be monophyletic, coupled with likelihood reconstruction of ancestral character states, led to rejection of the hypothesis that uniparental auxosporulation evolved only once in the genus. Uniparentally reproducing lineages appear to arise not infrequently in diatoms but do not persist. Two small extranuclear bodies, apparently containing DNA and lying outside the chloroplast (one close to each pole of the cell), were revealed by DAPI staining.  相似文献   

The availability of extensive experimental data and remarkable intra- and interspecific variation in breeding behaviour make Achnanthes Bory sensu stricto an especially good model for studying the reproductive and population biology of pennate diatoms. In most Achnanthes species studied, auxospore formation is accompanied by biparental sexual reproduction, but we found uniparental auxosporulation in Achnanthes cf. subsessilis. Auxosporulation appears to be apomictic and follows contraction of the contents of unpaired cells and then a mitotic division, which is normally acytokinetic: one nucleus aborts before the cell develops into an auxospore. Rarely, both daughter nuclei survive and cytokinesis produces two auxospores (two auxospores per mother cell is highly unusual in pennate diatoms); one may abort. Expansion of auxospores is not accompanied by deposition of a transverse perizonium, but a longitudinal perizonium is produced and consists of a wide central strip (structurally similar to the araphid valve) and at least one narrow lateral strip. This newly discovered asexual lineage in Achnanthes is discussed in relation to other reproductive systems found in the genus, and also in relation to the ‘sex clock’ hypothesis concerning the adaptive significance of the diatom life cycle. Brief information on chloroplast division and nuclear dynamics over the cell cycle is also presented.  相似文献   

Thalassiosira species are common components of marine planktonic communities worldwide and are used intensively as model experimental organisms. However, data on life cycles and sexuality within the genus are fragmentary. A clone of the cosmopolitan marine diatom Thalassiosira punctigera Cleve emend. Hasle was isolated from the North Sea and oogamous sexual reproduction was observed in culture. Cells approximately 45 μm and smaller became sexualized. Oogonia were produced preferentially and spermatogenesis was infrequent. Unfertilized oogonia always aborted and their development was apparently arrested at prophase of meiosis I. Further progression through meiosis and auxospore formation occurred only after a sperm had penetrated into the oocyte. Many cells of the new large‐celled generation (approximately 90–120 μm in size) immediately became sexualized again but only oogonia were produced. A few of the large oogonia became auxospores and produced initial cells 132–153 μm in diameter. The second step of auxosporulation probably involved fertilization of large‐celled oocytes by the sperm of the small‐celled spermatogonangia that were still present in the culture. An F1 clone obtained after selfing within the small‐celled auxosporulation size range was investigated. Like the parent clone, the F1 clone was homothallic but no auxosporulation was observed: spermatogonangia were unable to produce viable sperm, apparently because of inbreeding depression. Aggregation and interaction of oogonia were documented, and may be relevant for understanding the mechanisms of signaling and recognition between sexualized cells and the evolution of sexuality in pennate diatoms.  相似文献   

Homothallic sexual reproduction and auxosporulation were studied in monoclonal cultures and seminatural populations of the freshwater epipelic diatom Navicula cryptocephala Kütz. Gametangia paired via the girdle, one gamete was formed per gametangium (and hence one zygote per pair of gametangia), and gamete fusion took place without the formation of any copulation envelope or copulation canal. Superfluous nuclei from meiosis survived unusually long, so that gametes and young zygotes were probably functionally polyploid; later, all but two haploid nuclei degenerated. Expanded auxospores had a swollen center, but during formation of the initial valves, the auxospore contracted away from the perizonium to produce linear‐lanceolate valves. The pattern of reproductive behavior found in N. cryptocephala can be classified as type IIA2a auxosporulation in Geitler's system. The same type of zygote and auxospore formation seen in clonal cultures was observed in seminatural material from four lakes in Scotland and the Czech Republic. Variation in nuclear structure and auxosporulation in the N. cryptocephala species complex is discussed, as is the evolution of type II auxosporulation (one zygote per pair of gametangia) from type I auxosporulation (two zygotes per pair). The penalty of smaller numbers of zygote produced in type II may be outweighed by formation of larger auxospores (prolonging the vegetative phase) or more vigorous auxospores. The variation present among members of the N. cryptocephala complex indicates that biogeographical analyses based on use of the name N. cryptocephala, as performed recently to support the ubiquity hypothesis of protist distributions, are almost meaningless.  相似文献   

Nitzschia fonticola (Grunow) Grunow is a member of Nitzschia sect. Lanceolatae, a group of taxonomically intractable but ecologically important and widespread diatoms. We investigated the morphology and life cycle in three clones of N. fonticola and all exhibited reduced sexuality, with pedogamous production of auxospores in unpaired gametangia. The auxospores of all clones contained tangles of striplike elements that lay outside the perizonium and were distinct from it in structure and ontogeny. We introduce a new term, incunabula, to refer to such components of the auxospore wall. Semicryptic variation was detected: one clone differed from the other two in valve size and shape, stria density, and fibula density, as well as its nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU rDNA) sequence. The implications of reduced sexuality for the taxonomy of sect. Lanceolatae are discussed. A lectotype is designated for N. fonticola from among original material of Grunow, and the application of the name is clarified further by designating illustrations and the LSU sequence AM182191 from one of our clones as epitypes.  相似文献   

Recent studies have led to a rapid increase in knowledge of auxospore formation in diatoms. However, these studies have been limited to centric and raphid pennate diatoms, and there is still very little information for the araphid pennate diatoms. Using LM and SEM, we studied the development of the auxospore and the initial cell of the marine epiphytic diatom Gephyria media Arnott. Auxospores were bipolar and curved in side view, as in many other pennate diatoms. SEM revealed many transverse perizonial bands, all of which were incomplete rings. There was an elongate, sprawling, silicified structure beneath the ventral suture of the transverse perizonial bands. This structure is presumably equivalent to the longitudinal perizonial band in other pennate diatoms, although we could not determine the homologous relationship between the two features. Scales were found both in the inner wall of the perizonium and around the primary perizonial bands. The presence or absence of scales may be of phylogenetic significance in diatoms, only during the final stages of auxospore formation because scales are found in early spherical stages. The distinctive finger‐like structures observed throughout all stage of G. media have not been observed before in the other diatom taxa.  相似文献   

Cell division, the mating system, and auxosporulation were studied in the marine epipelic diatom Seminavis cf. robusta Danielidis & D. G. Mann. The interphase protoplast contains two girdle‐appressed chloroplasts, each with an elongate bar‐like pyrenoid, and also a central nucleus, located in a bridge between two vacuoles. Before cell division, the chloroplasts divide transversely and translocate onto the valves. The nucleus relocates to the ventral side for mitosis. After cytokinesis and valve formation, the chloroplasts move back to the girdle, showing a constant clockwise movement relative to the epitheca of the daughter cell. Seminavis cf. robusta is dioecious, and sexual reproduction is possible once cells are less than 50 μm. In crosses of compatible clones, gametangia pair laterally, without the formation of a copulation envelope, and produce two gametes apiece. The intensity of sexualization increases as cells reduce further in size below the 50‐μm threshold. At plasmogamy, the gametangia dehisce fully and the gametes, which were morphologically and behaviorally isogamous, fuse in the space between the gametangial thecae. The auxospore forms a transverse and longitudinal perizonium. After expansion is complete, there is an unequal contraction of the protoplast within the perizonium, creating the asymmetrical shape of the vegetative cell. Apart from this last feature, almost all characteristics exhibited by the live cell and auxospores of Seminavis agree with what is found in Navicula sensu stricto, supporting the classification of both in the Naviculaceae. Haploid parthenogenesis and polyploid auxospores were found, lending support to the view that change in ploidy may be a significant mechanism in diatom evolution.  相似文献   

The auxospore wall of Melosira nummuloides C. A. Agardh is composed of two distinct parts, an organic layer and a layer of siliceous scales. Similar scales are reported from other species of the genus and their mode of formation is described. The possible phylogenetic significance of the two wall layers is discussed with respect to the two main groups of diatoms.  相似文献   

Reproduction in Rhoicosphenia curvata (Kütz.) Grun. is isogamous. The two auxospores formed expand parallel to the apical axes of the gametangial cells. Expansion is bipolar and leads to the formation of a slightly curved, tapering cell, in which the initial valves are laid down. The perizonium consists of transverse and longitudinal bands. The transverse series, of 35 or so bands, is laid down centrifugally as the auxospore expands and can be classified into three groups on the basis of band morphology. All except the central band are open hoops, orientated so that their ends lie in the midline of the less convex, ventral side of the auxospore. The bands have fimbriate margins on one or both sides, and overlap one another from center to either pole. The longitudinal series includes 5 bands—a wide central band, with two on either side: again, the bands overlap one another from the center outwards. The initial epivalve of the new generation forms beneath the dorsal side of the auxospore, on the opposite side from the longitudinal perizonial series. Comparisons are made with other genera and the relevance of auxospore studies to an understanding of diatom morphogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

We report on auxospore wall structure and development in the araphid pennate diatom Tabularia fasciculata. Similar to most other pennates, these auxospores showed a typical bidirectional elongation, but unexpectedly bore no transverse perizonium, and with no detectable silicon during much of their expansion. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analyses segregated auxospores into two types: (1) those containing no detectable silicon and (2) those with measureable amounts. Both types were of similar size. Silica precipitation began throughout the auxospore at or near maximal length, but initially was detectable in isolated regions throughout the structure. Following this initial condition, silicon was consistently detectable throughout auxospores of comparable size and corresponded to deposition of longitudinal perizonium (visible through the thin organic outer layer of the wall in some auxospores), followed by the deposition of the initial valves. Our results raise the question as to how the tubular shape of bidirectionally expanding auxospores up to ∼90 μm long is maintained in the absence of transverse siliceous elements restricting isodiametric expansion of the cell, which are present in all other known pennate auxospores and all but one other diatom. Our study is the first to systematically examine mineral elements of the auxospore wall analytically.  相似文献   

Abstract One new species, four newly recorded genera, and two newly recorded species of diatoms are described from China. They are Sellaphora fuxianensis sp. nov. Li, Sellaphora Mereschkowsky, Karayevia Round & Bukhtiyarova, Placoneis Mereschkowsky, Fallacia Stickle & Mann, Placoneis prespanensis Levkov, Krstic & Nakov, and Fallacia lucinensis (Hustedt) D. G. Mann. All taxa were collected from Lake Fuxian in Yunnan Province, China. These species were observed with light and scanning electron microscopes, and their taxonomic characters are discussed.  相似文献   

We document the fine structure of auxospores in a Chaetoceros species isolated from the Acadian coast of New Brunswick, Canada. Auxospore development in this species occurs in a terminal rather than lateral position, a characteristic never before observed in this genus. Our observations suggest that auxosporulation was uniparental, probably an extreme form of autogamy with sister nuclei fusing following meiosis II. Mature auxospores were adze-shaped to sub-globular and contained both scales and transverse perizonia in their walls. The transverse perizonial band structure was similar to longitudinal perizonial bands found in other species of Chaetoceros and differed from the pinnate bands of pennate transverse perizonia, which consisted of a central rib and bilateral fimbria. Instead, the band structure in C. acadianus was more similar to unilateral fimbriate bands in cymatosiroids. We also propose that our diatom represents a species new to science and is a member of the Chaetoceros Section Compressa. We provide its morphological, molecular and reproductive characterization.  相似文献   

The structure of the frustule of auxospores, resting spores and vegetative cells of Chaetoceros muelleri Lemm. are described with LM and SEM. Vegetative frustules are relatively small and lightly silicified, are not united into filaments, and appear unornamented under LM and SEM. The setae are circular to subcircular in transverse section with spines and puncta arranged in a spiral pattern. The resting spore and auxospore frustules are more silicified than the vegetative frustules and appear unornamented under LM and SEM. The auxospores of C. muelleri were previously unknown.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis and auxospore development were studied in the freshwater centric diatom Hydrosera triquetra. Spermatogenesis was unusual, lacking depauperating cell divisions within the spermatogonangium. Instead, a series of mitoses occurred within an undivided cell to produce a multinucleate plasmodium with peripheral nuclei, which then underwent meiosis. 32 or 64 sperm budded off from the plasmodium leaving a large residual cell containing all the chloroplasts. Similar development apparently occurs in Pleurosira, Aulacodiscus, and Guinardia, these being so distantly related that independent evolution of plasmodial spermatogenesis seems likely. After presumed fertilization, the Hydrosera egg cell expanded distally to form a triangular end part. However, unlike in other triangular diatoms (Lithodesmium, Triceratium), the development of triradiate symmetry was not controlled by the “canonical” method of a perizonium that constrains expansion to small terminal areas of the auxospore wall. Instead, the auxospore wall lacked a perizonium and possessed only scales and a dense mat of thin, apparently entangled strips of imperforate silica. No such structures have been reported from any other centric diatoms, the closest analogs being instead the incunabular strips of some raphid diatoms (Nitzschia and Pinnularia). Whether these silica structures are formed by the normal method (intracellular deposition within a silica deposition vesicle) is unknown. As well as being more rounded than vegetative cells, the initial cell is aberrant in its structure, since it has a less polarized distribution of the “triptych” pores characteristic of the species.  相似文献   

M Idei  K Osada  S Sato  K Toyoda  T Nagumo  DG Mann 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e41890
cGametogenesis and auxospore development have been studied in detail in surprisingly few centric diatoms. We studied the development of sperm, eggs and auxospores in Actinocyclus sp., a radially symmetrical freshwater diatom collected from Japan, using LM and electron microscopy of living cultures and thin sections. Actinocyclus represents a deep branch of the 'radial centric' diatoms and should therefore contribute useful insights into the evolution of sexual reproduction in diatoms. Spermatogenesis was examined by LM and SEM and involved the formation of two spermatogonia (sperm mother-cells) in each spermatogonangium through an equal mitotic division. The spermatogonia produced a reduced 'lid' valve, resembling a large flat scale with irregular radial thickenings. Sperm formation was merogenous, producing four sperm per spermatogonium, which were released by dehiscence of the 'lid' valve. The sperm were spindle-shaped with numerous surface globules and, as usual for diatoms, the single anterior flagellum bore mastigonemes. One egg cell was produced per oogonium. Immature eggs produced a thin layer of circular silica scales before fertilization, while the eggs were still contained within the oogonium. Sperm were attracted in large numbers to each egg and were apparently able to contact the egg surface via a gap formed between the long hypotheca and shorter epitheca of the oogonium and a small underlying hole in the scale-case. Auxospores expanded isodiametrically and many new scales were added to its envelope during expansion. Finally, new slightly-domed initial valves were produced at right angles to the oogonium axis, after a strong contraction of the cell away from the auxospore wall. At different stages, Golgi bodies were associated with chloroplasts or mitochondria, contrasting with the constancy of Golgi-ER-mitochondrion (G-ER-M) units in some other centric diatoms, which has been suggested to have phylogenetic significance. Electron-dense bodies in the vacuole of Actinocyclus are probably acidocalcisomes containing polyphosphate.  相似文献   

Auxospore formation by allogamy in pennate diatoms has been known for a long time, but more recently many kinds of peculiar behavior have come to light. An example of these is the amazing and quite unexpected relationships existing between the alternative site of epi- and hypotheca and the establishment of plasmatic gradients in the cell on the one hand and the determination of mating types on the other. Furthermore, there are remarkable specific relations between the formation of copulation-tubes (or canals) and the mode of pairing, as well as the kind of gamete fusion. There are, too, specific relationships between the mode of gamete fusion and the position of the polar axes in the auxospores and the primary cells. Although there are great variations, one can determine certain types and rules of behavior in pairing and auxospore formation. On the other hand there are certain events, e.g., a “spontaneous plasmolysis” in the auxospores of some races of Navicula cryptocephala, by which the abnormal shape of the primary cell—otherwise inevitable—is avoided.  相似文献   

Auxosporulation of the freshwater epipelic diatom Pinnularia nodosa (Ehrenb.) W. Sm. was studied in a clonal culture. Interphase cells possessed two chloroplasts with invaginated pyrenoids. The nucleus contained a single small body of heterochromatin at one end, also visible during most of meiotic prophase. During auxosporulation, induced by transfer of stationary‐phase cells to fresh medium and suppressed by high nitrogen (N), an unpaired mother cell produced a single auxospore. Although meiosis II and nuclear fusion were not observed, indirect evidence indicated that auxosporulation was autogamous (rarely reported in pennate diatoms), rather than apomictic; paedogamy was excluded. The protoplast produced after meiosis either (1) matured into a “pseudozygote,” via an asymmetrical contraction after meiosis I to form a single spherical cell at one end of the mother cell (pathway 1); or (2) constricted into two spherical cells (pathway 2). In pathway 2, the “pseudogametes” never fused and only one or none developed into a pseudozygote and then into an auxospore. Pathway 2 could be suppressed by continuous light. During metamorphosis of the spherical pseudozygote into an elongate young auxospore, a complete covering of thin siliceous incunabular strips was formed, separate from the organic wall formed around the pseudozygote when first formed and from the perizonium. Mature auxospores produced via pathway 2 had 60% of the volume as those produced via pathway 1 and had smaller chloroplasts (through loss of fragments during protoplast cleavage), but they achieved exactly the same lengths, suggesting that absolute length is monitored during expansion.  相似文献   

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