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Over the past 150 years, Brazil has played a pioneering role in developing environmental policies and pursuing forest conservation and ecological restoration of degraded ecosystems. In particular, the Brazilian Forest Act, first drafted in 1934, has been fundamental in reducing deforestation and engaging private land owners in forest restoration initiatives. At the time of writing (December 2010), however, a proposal for major revision of the Brazilian Forest Act is under intense debate in the National Assembly, and we are deeply concerned about the outcome. On the basis of the analysis of detailed vegetation and hydrographic maps, we estimate that the proposed changes may reduce the total amount of potential areas for restoration in the Atlantic Forest by approximately 6 million hectares. As a radically different policy model, we present the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact (AFRP), which is a group of more than 160 members that represents one of the most important and ambitious ecological restoration programs in the world. The AFRP aims to restore 15 million hectares of degraded lands in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest biome by 2050 and increase the current forest cover of the biome from 17% to at least 30%. We argue that not only should Brazilian lawmakers refrain from revising the existing Forest Law, but also greatly step up investments in the science, business, and practice of ecological restoration throughout the country, including the Atlantic Forest. The AFRP provides a template that could be adapted to other forest biomes in Brazil and to other megadiversity countries around the world.  相似文献   



Natural reforestation is an important component of climate mitigation and adaptation, but the ecological processes promoting or constraining it are poorly understood. In this study we employ a stand reconstruction approach (which uses ages of extant trees to estimate year of establishment for each individual tree) to test for general trait-based effects on tree species arrival order in post-agricultural forest successions.


Naturally reforesting post-agricultural landscapes throughout New Zealand.


Ages were obtained for 2434 individuals spanning 30 tree species across a nationwide network of 128 plots in 14 naturally reforesting post-agricultural sites. These ages were used to calculate individual-level arrival times (relative to the oldest individual in each plot). We estimated species-level arrival times by fitting linear mixed-effects (LME) regressions (with species identity as the fixed effect, and plots nested within sites as the random effects) to individual arrival time data. We used back-casting (where arrival time data are used to document individual-level presence in plots through time) to track annual changes in species abundance and community-weighted mean (CWM) trait values. We used standardised major axis (SMA) regressions to examine the effect of traits related to resource use strategy, herbivory avoidance, seed dispersal and disturbance response on species-level arrival times. We used LME regressions to test for changes in CWM trait values with stand age.


The earliest-arriving species had traits associated with herbivory avoidance, were abiotically dispersed and had short predicted dispersal distances. There was no evidence that traits linked to resource use strategy or disturbance response affected species arrival times. Every significant species-level relationship was recovered in community-level LME analyses.


Our findings suggest that mammalian herbivore control and enhancement of biotic (bird) seed dispersal may be key management interventions in realising the full climate mitigation and adaptation potential of natural reforestation in post-agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) requires developing countries to quantify greenhouse gas emissions and removals from forests in a manner that is robust, transparent, and as accurate as possible. Although shifting cultivation is a dominant practice in several developing countries, there is still very limited information available on how to monitor this land‐use practice for REDD+ as little is known about the areas of shifting cultivation or the net carbon balance. In this study, we propose and test a methodology to monitor the effect of the shifting cultivation on above‐ground carbon stocks. We combine multiyear remote sensing information, taken from a 12‐year period, with an in‐depth community forest carbon stock inventory in Palo Seco Forest Reserve, western Panama. Using remote sensing, we were able to separate four forest classes expressing different forest‐use intensity and time‐since‐intervention, which demonstrate expected trends in above‐ground carbon stocks. The addition of different interventions observed over time is shown to be a good predictor, with remote sensing variables explaining 64.2% of the variation in forest carbon stocks in cultivated landscapes. Multitemporal and multispectral medium‐resolution satellite imagery is shown to be adequate for tracking land‐use dynamics of the agriculture‐fallow cycle. The results also indicate that, over time, shifting cultivation has a transitory effect on forest carbon stocks in the study area. This is due to the rapid recovery of forest carbon stocks, which results in limited net emissions. Finally, community participation yielded important additional benefits to measuring carbon stocks, including transparency and the valorization of local knowledge for biodiversity monitoring. Our study provides important inputs regarding shifting cultivation, which should be taken into consideration when national forest monitoring systems are created, given the context of REDD+ safeguards.  相似文献   

城市扩张所导致的绿地减少、生态环境退化等问题,影响碳达峰、碳中和(简称"双碳")目标的实现。"城市双修"通过对被破坏的城市自然生态系统的恢复与重建,有效发挥森林、草原、湿地和土壤的固碳作用,以及优化城市及社区更新方式,改变居民出行和生活方式,有助于城市碳汇能力提升和碳排放的降低。基于2005-2021年我国287个地级市的非平衡面板数据,运用交错双重差分模型 评估"生态修复、城市修补"(简称"城市双修")政策的碳减排效应。研究发现:(1)"城市双修"政策使城市碳排放显著降低了5.6%,但该效应有3年的滞后期;(2)机制分析揭示了城市绿地的增加是"城市双修"政策实现"双碳"目标的重要途径,绿地面积每增加1000hm2,城市碳排放降低1.5%;(3)异质性分析表明"城市双修"政策会扩大碳排放最高和最低城市之间的碳排放差距,城市的生态基础、财政基础以及政策执行力度会影响"城市双修"政策的碳减排效力,并对位于经济发达的东部地区的城市的碳减排助推作用更强。研究据此提出了充分总结推广试点经验、系统推进城市低碳转型、因地制宜开展"城市双修"工作等对策建议。  相似文献   

Policy makers across the tropics propose that carbon finance could provide incentives for forest frontier communities to transition away from swidden agriculture (slash‐and‐burn or shifting cultivation) to other systems that potentially reduce emissions and/or increase carbon sequestration. However, there is little certainty regarding the carbon outcomes of many key land‐use transitions at the center of current policy debates. Our meta‐analysis of over 250 studies reporting above‐ and below‐ground carbon estimates for different land‐use types indicates great uncertainty in the net total ecosystem carbon changes that can be expected from many transitions, including the replacement of various types of swidden agriculture with oil palm, rubber, or some other types of agroforestry systems. These transitions are underway throughout Southeast Asia, and are at the heart of REDD+ debates. Exceptions of unambiguous carbon outcomes are the abandonment of any type of agriculture to allow forest regeneration (a certain positive carbon outcome) and expansion of agriculture into mature forest (a certain negative carbon outcome). With respect to swiddening, our meta‐analysis supports a reassessment of policies that encourage land‐cover conversion away from these [especially long‐fallow] systems to other more cash‐crop‐oriented systems producing ambiguous carbon stock changes – including oil palm and rubber. In some instances, lengthening fallow periods of an existing swidden system may produce substantial carbon benefits, as would conversion from intensely cultivated lands to high‐biomass plantations and some other types of agroforestry. More field studies are needed to provide better data of above‐ and below‐ground carbon stocks before informed recommendations or policy decisions can be made regarding which land‐use regimes optimize or increase carbon sequestration. As some transitions may negatively impact other ecosystem services, food security, and local livelihoods, the entire carbon and noncarbon benefit stream should also be taken into account before prescribing transitions with ambiguous carbon benefits.  相似文献   

The natural recovery of vegetation on abandoned peat extraction areas lasts for decades and the result of restoration succession can be unpredictable. The aim of the study was to specify environmental factors that affect the formation of the pioneer stages of mire communities and, therefore, be helpful in the prediction of the resulting ecosystem properties. We used the national inventory data from 64 milled peatlands in Estonia, distributed over the region of 300 × 200 km. This is the first national‐scale statistical evaluation of abandoned extracted peatlands. During surveys, vascular plants, bryophytes, and residual peat properties were recorded on three microtopographic forms: flats, ditch margins, and ditches. The microtopography was the main factor distinguishing the composition of plant communities on flats and ditches, while ditch margins resembled flats. The extracted indicator species suggested two successional pathways, toward fen or raised bog community. A single indicator trait—the depth of residual peat, which combines the information about peat properties (e.g. pH, ash content, and trophicity status), predicted the plant community succession in microtopographic habitats. We suggest that peatland management plans about the cost‐efficient restoration of abandoned peat mining areas should consider properties of residual peat layer as the baseline indicator: milled peatfields with thin (<2.3 m) and well‐decomposed residual peat should be restored toward fen vegetation types, whereas sites with thick (>2.3 m) and less decomposed residual peat layer should be restored toward transitional mires or raised bogs. Specific methodological suggestions are provided .  相似文献   

The United Nations climate treaty may soon include a mechanism for compensating tropical nations that succeed in reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, source of nearly one fifth of global carbon emissions. We review the potential for this mechanism [reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD)] to provoke ecological damages and promote ecological cobenefits. Nations could potentially participate in REDD by slowing clear‐cutting of mature tropical forest, slowing or decreasing the impact of selective logging, promoting forest regeneration and restoration, and expanding tree plantations. REDD could also foster efforts to reduce the incidence of forest fire. Potential ecological costs include the accelerated loss (through displaced agricultural expansion) of low‐biomass, high‐conservation‐value ecosystems, and substitution of low‐biomass vegetation by monoculture tree plantations. These costs could be avoided through measures that protect low‐biomass native ecosystems. Substantial ecological cobenefits should be conferred under most circumstances, and include the maintenance or restoration of (1) watershed functions, (2) local and regional climate regimes, (3) soils and biogeochemical processes, (4) water quality and aquatic habitat, and (5) terrestrial habitat. Some tools already being developed to monitor, report and verify (MRV) carbon emissions performance can also be used to measure other elements of ecosystem function, making development of MRV systems for ecological cobenefits a concrete possibility. Analysis of possible REDD program interventions in a large‐scale Amazon landscape indicates that even modest flows of forest carbon funding can provide substantial cobenefits for aquatic ecosystems, but that the functional integrity of the landscape's myriad small watersheds would be best protected under a more even spatial distribution of forests. Because of its focus on an ecosystem service with global benefits, REDD could access a large pool of global stakeholders willing to pay to maintain carbon in forests, thereby providing a potential cascade of ecosystem services to local stakeholders who would otherwise be unable to afford them.  相似文献   

Restoration ecology is a deepening and diversifying field with current research incorporating multiple disciplines and infusing long‐standing ideas with fresh perspectives. We present a list of 10 recent pivotal papers exemplifying new directions in ecological restoration that were selected by students in a cross‐disciplinary graduate seminar at the University of California, Berkeley. We highlight research that applies ecological theory to improve restoration practice in the context of global change (e.g. climate modeling, evaluation of novel ecosystems) and discuss remaining knowledge gaps. We also discuss papers that recognize the social context of restoration and the coupled nature of social and ecological systems, ranging from the incorporation of cultural values and Traditional Ecological Knowledge into restoration, to the consideration of the broader impacts of markets on restoration practices. In addition, we include perspectives that focus on improving communication between social and natural scientists as well as between scientists and practitioners, developing effective ecological monitoring, and applying more integrated, whole‐landscape approaches to restoration. We conclude with insights on recurrent themes in the papers regarding planning restoration in human‐modified landscapes, application of ecological theory, improvements to restoration practice, and the social contexts of restoration. We share lessons from our cross‐disciplinary endeavor, and invite further discussion on the future directions of restoration ecology through contributions to our seminar blog site http://restecology.blogspot.com .  相似文献   

We estimate changes in forest cover (deforestation and forest regrowth) in the tropics for the two last decades (1990–2000 and 2000–2010) based on a sample of 4000 units of 10 ×10 km size. Forest cover is interpreted from satellite imagery at 30 × 30 m resolution. Forest cover changes are then combined with pan‐tropical biomass maps to estimate carbon losses. We show that there was a gross loss of tropical forests of 8.0 million ha yr?1 in the 1990s and 7.6 million ha yr?1 in the 2000s (0.49% annual rate), with no statistically significant difference. Humid forests account for 64% of the total forest cover in 2010 and 54% of the net forest loss during second study decade. Losses of forest cover and Other Wooded Land (OWL) cover result in estimates of carbon losses which are similar for 1990s and 2000s at 887 MtC yr?1 (range: 646–1238) and 880 MtC yr?1 (range: 602–1237) respectively, with humid regions contributing two‐thirds. The estimates of forest area changes have small statistical standard errors due to large sample size. We also reduce uncertainties of previous estimates of carbon losses and removals. Our estimates of forest area change are significantly lower as compared to national survey data. We reconcile recent low estimates of carbon emissions from tropical deforestation for early 2000s and show that carbon loss rates did not change between the two last decades. Carbon losses from deforestation represent circa 10% of Carbon emissions from fossil fuel combustion and cement production during the last decade (2000–2010). Our estimates of annual removals of carbon from forest regrowth at 115 MtC yr?1 (range: 61–168) and 97 MtC yr?1 (53–141) for the 1990s and 2000s respectively are five to fifteen times lower than earlier published estimates.  相似文献   

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