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We propose the new genus Melyvonnea to accommodate species previously included in Mesophyllum having: a) perithallial protuberances that may branch and dominate over the encrusting base, b) monoecious gametophytes with gametangial conceptacles occasionally developed in superimposition, c) spheroid carposporangial chambers (lacking a central pedestal), and d) filaments lining canals of multiporate roofs composed of 3 to 5 cells with distinctively elongate basal cells. The new genus shares with Mesophyllum the development of a predominantly coaxial hypothallium. Melyvonnea presently accommodates three species in the Central Atlantic, viz. the generitype Melyvonnea canariensis (Foslie) comb. nov. from the Canary Islands, Melyvonnea erubescens (Foslie) comb. nov. ( = Mesophyllum incertum; type locality: Bermuda) from the western Atlantic, Melyvonnea aemulans (Foslie & Howe) comb. nov. from Puerto Rico, and one Indo‐Pacific species, Melyvonnea madagascariensis (Foslie) comb. nov. We also emend Mesophyllum Lemoine to encompass Northern Hemisphere species that lack the above apomorphies of Melyvonnea and in addition develop a central pedestal in carposporangial conceptacles (via dissolution of the surrounding cells) with gonimoblasts bending down to fill the empty space. Mesophyllum sensu stricto currently includes six species in the northeast Pacific (M. aleuticum, M. conchatum, M. crassiusculum, M. lamellatum, M. megagastri, M. vancouveriense), two species in the western Atlantic (M. mesomorphum and M. syntrophicum), and three species in the northeast Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea (M. expansum, M. lichenoides, M. philippii). Gametophytic species of each genus show a mainly disjunct distribution being restricted to the tropics–subtropics (Melyvonnea) and the temperate waters of the Northern Hemisphere (Mesophyllum s.s.). This classification is supported by a consensus of studies of all well‐known species of Mesophyllum sensu Adey (1970), and is based on a phylogenetic analysis of morphological and anatomical characters in addition to molecular evidence.  相似文献   

The combination of ocean acidification (OA) and global warming is expected to have a significant effect on the diversity and functioning of marine ecosystems, particularly on calcifying algae such as rhodoliths (maërl) that form extensive beds worldwide, from polar to tropical regions. In addition, the increasing frequency of extreme events, such as heat waves, threatens coastal ecosystems and may affect their capacity to fix blue carbon. The few studies where the simultaneous effects of both temperature and CO2 were investigated have revealed contradictory results. To assess the effect that high temperature spells can have on the maërl beds under OA, we tested the short‐time effects of temperature and CO2 on the net photosynthesis, respiration, and calcification of the recently described species Phymatolithon lusitanicum, the most common maërl species of southern Portugal. Photosynthesis, calcification, and respiration increased with temperature, and the differences among treatments were enhanced under high CO2. We found that in the short term, the metabolic rates of Phymatolithon lusitanicum will increase with CO2 and temperature as will the coupling between calcification and photosynthesis. However, under high CO2, this coupling will favor photosynthesis over calcification, which, in the long term, can have a negative effect on the blue carbon fixing capacity of the maërl beds from southern Portugal.  相似文献   

Three separate collections of the type material of Kjellman's Lithophyllum arcticum are re‐examined and a lectotype is selected. It is confirmed that the thallus is unattached, at least 4.5 cm in diameter, composed of up to eight superimposed more or less discoidal lamellae, provided with concentric striations on the surface. Individual lamellae are usually 100 to 200 μm thick (reaching 1 mm), developing dorsally from the main thallus and expanding centrifugally. The internal organization is dorsiventral with a polystromatic hypothallium, giving rise to an ascending perithallium with small subepithallial initials and rectangular (in TS) epithallial cells. It is found that patches of coaxial‐like growth occur sporadically in the hypothallium and the perithallium, and that ventral lamellae may grow back‐to‐back. Somatic cells exhibit both large and narrow cell fusions. Pore plates of the raised multiporate conceptacles are slightly sunken to flattened and perforated by 16 to 31 pores. Pore canals are conical (narrowing towards the top) and are bordered by filaments composed of both undifferentiated and slender‐elongate cells. Old conceptacles are overgrown by vegetative filaments and empty chambers are embedded in the perithallium. Collectively these features indicate that L. arcticum belongs to the subfamily Melobesioideae. The development of an unattached‐superimposed thallus, patches of coaxial growth, short subepithallial initials and specialized pore cells suggest a position either in Mesophyllum, or in an amended Leptophytum to include even species with coaxial patches and unattached‐superimposed habit (characters presently segregating Leptophytum from Synarthrophytorn). The holotype of Lithophyllum zonatum from East‐Finnmark, previously considered to be related to L. arcticum, is re‐examined and shown to belong to a different species. A previous Arctic record of Mesophyllum lichenoides from Spitsbergen is abolished, and thus the disjunct distribution of I. arcticum in relation to Mesophyllum suggests a position in the Synarthrophyton‐Leptophytum complex which shows a bipolar to temperate distribution.  相似文献   

Maërl, comprised of shallow, subtidal deposits of calcareous red algae belonging to the family Corallinaceae, is used in agriculture, primarily to increase soil pH. Its use has been strongly criticised because of its high price compared to limestone. The chemical and physical characteristics of maërl and limestone are compared to determine whether these indicate if any benefit is to be gained with the use of the former. Analysis by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrophotometry shows that the proportion of magnesium in maërl is about ten times higher than that in the limestone samples tested. The levels of iron, boron and especially strontium are noticeably higher in the calcified seaweed than in the limestone, although the manganese contents are lower. Scanning electron microscopy shows that the surface characteristics of maërl and limestone are similar but, in section, maërl is considerably more porous because of its cellular structure. Atomic force microscopy revealed minor differences in fine structure between the two. The differences between maërl and limestone would not appear to compensate for the considerably higher costs involved with the utilization of the former material.  相似文献   

The subfamily Mastophoroideae (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta) is characterized by species possessing nongeniculate, uniporate tetrasporangial conceptacles without apical plugs, the presence of cell fusions, and the absence of secondary pit connections. However, molecular phylogenetic studies not including the type genus Mastophora indicated that the Mastophoroideae was polyphyletic. Our molecular phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily including the type genus using DNA sequences of SSU rDNA and plastid‐encoded gene of PSII reaction center protein D1 (psbA) revealed that Mastophora formed a robust clade only with Metamastophora. The other mastophoroid genera were divided into six lineages within the family Corallinaceae. Five supported lineages—(i) Pneophyllum; (ii) Hydrolithon gardineri (Foslie) Verheij et Prud’homme, Hydrolithon onkodes (Heydr.) Penrose et Woelk., and Hydrolithon pachydermum (Foslie) J. C. Bailey, J. E. Gabel et Freshwater; (iii) Hydrolithon reinboldii (Weber Bosse et Foslie) Foslie; (iv) Spongites; and (v) Neogoniolithon—were clearly distinguished by the combination of characters including the presence or absence of palisade cells and trichocytes in large, tightly packed horizontal fields and features of tetrasporangial and spermatangial conceptacles. Therefore, we amend the Mastophoroideae to be limited to Mastophora and Metamastophora with a thin thallus with basal filaments comprised of palisade cells, tetrasporangial conceptacles formed by filaments peripheral to fertile areas, and spermatangia derived only from the floor of male conceptacles. This emendation supports Setchell’s (1943) original definition of the Mastophoroideae as having thin thalli. We also propose the establishment of three new subfamilies, Hydrolithoideae subfam. nov. including Hydrolithon, Porolithoideae subfam. nov. including the resurrected genus Porolithon, and Neogoniolithoideae subfam. nov. including Neogoniolithon. Taxonomic revisions of Pneophyllum and Spongites were not made because we did not examine their type species.  相似文献   

Adeylithon gen. nov. with one species, A. bosencei sp. nov., belonging to the subfamily Hydrolithoideae is described from Pacific coral reefs based on psbA sequences and morpho‐anatomy. In contrast with Hydrolithon, A. bosencei showed layers of large polygonal “cells,” which resulted from extensive lateral fusions of perithallial cells, interspersed among layers of vegetative cells. This anatomical feature is shared with the fossil Aethesolithon, but lacking DNA sequences from the fossils and the fragmentary nature of Aethesolithon type material, we cannot ascertain if Adeylithon and Aethesolithon are congeneric. Morpho‐anatomical features of A. bosencei were generally congruent with diagnostic features of the subfamily Hydrolithoideae: (i) outline of cell filaments entirely lost in large portions due to pervasive and extensive cell fusions, (ii) trichocytes not arranged in tightly packed horizontal fields, (iii) basal layer without palisade cells, and (iv) cells lining the canal pore oriented more or less perpendicular to roof surface and not protruding into the canal. However, it showed a predominant monomerous thallus organization and trichocytes were disposed in large pustulate, horizontal fields, although they were not tightly packed and did not become distinctly buried in the thallus. Only mature tetrasporangial conceptacles were observed, therefore the type of conceptacle roof formation remained undetermined. Adeylithon bosencei occurs on shallow coral reefs, in Australia, Papua New Guinea, and South Pacific islands (Fiji, Vanuatu). Fossil Aethesolithon is considered an important component of shallow coral reefs since the Miocene; fossil records showed a broad Indo‐Pacific distribution, but a long‐term process of range contraction in the last 2.6 million years, resulting in an overlap with the distribution of the extant Adeylithon. While the congeneric nature of extant and fossil taxa remained uncertain, similarities in morpho‐anatomy, habitat, and distribution may indicate that both taxa likely shared a common ancestor.  相似文献   

A new species of semi-endophytic coralline alga, Lithophyllum cuneatum (Corallinaceae: Lithophylloideae), is described from Fiji. The species is characterized by a wedge-like thallus that is partially buried in the thallus of the host coralline, Hydrolithon onkodes (Heydrich) Penrose et Woelkerling or occasionally Neogoniolithon sp., and that appears at the surface of the host as a small pustule that is usually paler in color than the host. The thallus consists of erect filaments that are derived from a single cell. The basal cell, when visible, is non-palisade, and areas of bistratose margin are absent. Cells of contiguous erect filaments are joined by secondary pit connections. Epithallial cells are present in 2–3 layers, and individual trichocytes are common. Gametangial plants are dioecious. Male conceptacles have simple spermatangial systems that are confined to the floors of their elliptical chambers. Carposporangial conceptacles contain 5–8 celled gonimoblast filaments that are borne at the margin of a more-or-less discoid fusion cell, and so occupy the periphery of the elliptical conceptacle chambers. Tetrasporangial conceptacles are uniporate, with roofs formed from peripheral filaments, and chambers lack a central columella of sterile filaments. Despite its semi-endophytic nature, haustorial cells are absent, and plastids and pigmentation are present.  相似文献   

The major diagnostic features for erecting the red algal subfamily Choreonematoideae (Corallinales) were a combination of 1) absence of both cell fusions and secondary pit connections, 2) conceptacle roof and wall comprised of a single cell layer, and 3) presence of tetrasporangial pore plugs within a uniporate conceptacle in the monotypic taxon Choreonema thuretii (Bornet) Schmitz. Because this alga is a parasite, the absence of secondary cell connections is most likely an adaptation to a reduced thallus. This study shows that all conceptacles are not composed of a file of cells but rather a single layer of epithallial cells that are underlain by a thick layer of calcified acellular material; both epithallial cells and the calcified layer are produced by peripheral sterile cells. Although the outermost tetrasporangial pore canal is uniporate, there is a calcified acellular multiporate plate recessed just below the rim. The plate is produced by interspersed sterile cells and is continuous with the calcified layer supporting the conceptacle. These unique structures are likely due to parasitism rather than to the ancestral state. Based on these results and a reexamination of published micrographs depicting lenticular cells in Austrolithon intumescens Harvey et Woelkerling, we propose that both subfamily Choreonematoideae and Austrolithoideae are closely allied with subfamily Melobesioideae. This distant relationship to its host (Corallinoideae) plus a combination of unique conceptacle and unusual type of parasitism indicates that C. thuretii is an alloparasite and that it is likely the most ancient red algal parasite studied to date.  相似文献   

This paper begins a series aimed at clarifying the structure and function of reproductive organs in Gastrotricha Macrodasyida. Morphological data are presented for Dolichodasys carolinensis sp.n. and D. delicatus sp.n. Both are elongate, have reduced adhesive organs and complex accessory reproductive organs, termed the frontal-caudal organ system. The system consists of a band of cells behind the gonads in the central body chamber. The anterior portion, the frointal organ, stores foreign spermatozoa; the posterior portion, the caudal organ, may function as a copulatory organ. The caudal organ has two canals forming a loop opening at a single ventral pore. One canal contains a spiralled secretion, the other elongated filaments that appear to be muscle cell derivatives. Systematic groupings are made for other long-bodied Gastrotricha Macrodasyida.  相似文献   

The South African marine alga Amphithallia crassiuscula, previously subsumed in the widely reported Synarthrophyton patena, is here re-described as a distinct species and genus. Thalli grow as obligate epiphytes on Gelidium capense in the upper sublittoral zone (while S. patena grows on Ballia callitricha). Gametophytes are monoecious with four-celled carpogonial branches and sterile cells are borne on supporting cells (dioecious or hermaphroditic with two or three-celled carpogonial branches and sterile cells borne on hypogynous cells in Synarthrophyton). Postfertilization stages involve a connecting filament linking the carpogonium to several putative auxiliary cells, demonstrating a non-procarpic condition with apparent absence of a fusion cell. Gonimoblast filaments develop at the level of basal cells of carpogonial branches. Spermatangial mother cells remain either unbranched (cutting off spermatangia only) or develop dendroid (branched) filaments with terminal spermatangia (as in Synarthrophyton). Multiporate conceptacles develop straight pore canals lined by non-differentiated cells (conical canals with differentiated pore cells along the base in Synarthrophyton). The here described pre- and post-fertilization characters are new for the order Corallinales motivating the establishment of the new genus Amphithallia.  相似文献   

Type material of Lithothamnion flavescens Kjellman, originally described from Karlsøy (Troms) and Karmakul Bay (Novaya Zemlya), is re-examined and a lectotype is selected. Type specimens and other collections from NW Spitsbergen and North Norway possess distinctive characters of the genus Leptophytum, including the development of flattened epithallial cells, short subepithallial cells, and simple spermatangial structures. Leptophytum flavescens (Kjellman) comb. nov. resembles the generitype Leptophytum laeve, differing in having: (1) a thicker perithallium, to 900?µm (vs. 350?µm in L. laeve), that embeds older conceptacles, and (2) non-differentiated (in size or shape) pore cells of multiporate roofs. An epitype for L. laeve is also selected, which consolidates the status of this species and the genus, in agreement with the current literature and all publications prior to 1996.  相似文献   

Two European species of Gracilaria possess flattened blades borne on cylindrical axes, namely, G. multipartita, known primarily from the Atlantic coast, and G. corallicola from the Mediterranean Sea. They are sister species that cluster with G. armata, G. bursa-pastoris and G. longa in rbcL analyses with strong bootstrap support. Blades of G. multipartita taper towards the tips, whereas those of G. corallicolla have broadly rounded tips. Spermatangia of G. corallicola are borne in shallow conceptacles (textorii-type) and data from the literature indicate that the same is true of G. multipartita. Cystocarp morphology is similar, with the gonimoblast filaments initially elongated, narrow and densely filled with cytoplasm, and with tubular nutritive cells issuing initially from lower gonimoblast cells and fusing with cells in the lowermost regions of the outer pericarp. Tetrasporangia are initiated terminally and displaced laterally with the production of side branches from the subterminal cell. The diagnostic characters of the Gracilariaceae are reviewed from a developmental perspective.  相似文献   

Ampullary receptor organs of the South American weakly electric gymnotid fish Eigenmannia virescens consist of a pore at the surface of the skin, a canal through the epidermis, and the expanded basal end of the canal in the corium. The cavity of the organ contains a jelly that is filled with fine fibers. The canal wall consists of three to six layers of flattened cells that appear to be derived from the adjacent skin. Along the lumen of the organ the cells are joined by tight junctions. Usually there are four spherical receptor cells in the base of the organ. They are innervated by single neural terminals. These organs are compared to tuberous receptor organs found in the same species, and the functional significance of the fine structure observed in these cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Lepidotrachelophyllum fornicis n. g., n. sp. was discovered in White Lake, Ontario, Canada, under winter ice. The genus is Trachelophyllum-like, being highly flattened, elongate, and very extensible. The major feature that separates it from other genera in the family Trachelophyllidae is the presence of a dense layer of organic scales which covers the exterior of the cell and through which the cilia emerge. The scales are composed of filamentous material which is organized as an ovoid structure. The “rim” of the baseplate is formed of interwoven filaments. The baseplate is broken by circular or polygonal apertures. The same filaments form an arched superstructure broken by even larger, less regular apertures.  相似文献   

Clearcut differences exist between the reproductive organs of Corallina and Jania. Fully formed spermatangial conceptacles in Corallina have low ceillings and pronounced beaks whereas in Jania they have high ceilings and lack beaks. Fusion cells in carposporophytic conceptacles are thin and broad in the former genus and thick and narrow in the latter. Tetrasporangial conceptacles have less capacity in Jania than in Corallina and the fertile areas in young conceptacles cover a smaller area.

Haliptylon is changed from group to generic status and Corallina subulata is transferred to this genus. Haliptylon is characterised by conceptacles similar in all known respects to those of Jania, but the branching is pinnate, as in Corallina.

From the available evidence it appears possible that organisms having Corallina-type conceptacles diverged phylogenetically long ago from those having Jania-type conceptacles.  相似文献   

A morphological-anatomical study of Australian populations of Metamastophora flabellata (Sonder) Setchell, the type species of Metamastophora (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta), has revealed that the primarily erect or ascending non-geniculate thallus possesses a dorsi-ventral organization of tissues. All conceptacles are uniporate and arise dorsally. Two distinct vegetative meristems occur: an apical primary meristem from which hypothallial cells are produced basipetally and a sub-epithallial secondary meristem which generates perithallial cells basipetally and secondary epithallial cells acropetally. Primary epithallial cells arise from divisions of subapical hypothallial cells. In younger parts, tissues are produced only dorsal to the hypothallium; in veins and stipes, tissue production occurs both dorsal and ventral to the hypothallium. Mature tetrasporic conceptacles contain peripheral tetrasporangia with zonately divided contents and a central sterile columella. Gametic conceptacles produce fertile tissue across the entire conceptacle chamber floor. After fertilization, the zygotic nucleus or a derivative is transferred (presumably) to an auxiliary cell through cells of the carpogonial branch; no tubular transfer siphon develops. Mature fusion cells are composed of the amalgamated supporting cells of carpogonial branches and are initiated from a single supporting cell which functions as an auxiliary cell. Unbranched 3–4 celled gonimoblast filaments arise from the fusion cell, do not become connected to other cells, and produce terminal carposporangia. Results from this study have led to a redefinition of hypothallium and perithallium in relation to meristems rather than substrate. In addition, carposporophyte ontogeny in the Corallinaceae is considered in terms of the presumed mode of transfer of the zygotic nucleus to the fusion cell, the extent of fusion cell development, and gonimoblast filament production in relation to auxiliary cells and fusion cells.  相似文献   

Gracilaria hummii Hommers. et Freshwater is proposed as a new name for the inshore cylindrical species found in North Carolina that was treated as Gracilaria confervoides (L.) Grev. during World War II, and more recently as G. verrucosa (Huds.) Papenf. Molecular evidence places G. hummii in the Gracilis‐group in Gracilaria together with G. gracilis (Stackh.) Steentoft, L. M. Irvine et Farnham, the name currently applied to specimens formerly identified as G. confervoides and G. verrucosa. G. hummii differs from G. gracilis in possessing shallower male conceptacles in which the spermatangial filament originates from a surface cortical cell rather than from a subcortical cell. The cystocarps are similar, except that the gonimoblasts of G. hummii are attached to the base of the pericarp by numerous, prominent thickened terminal tubular cells and because terminal tubular cells are absent above the midregion of the cystocarp or in the vicinity of the ostiole. The gonimoblasts are subtended by a bundle of longitudinally oriented, thick‐walled secondary filaments of a type that has not been described before in Gracilaria but that may be characteristic of some other species. G. hummii occupies a basal position in the Gracilis‐group and is distinct from all other cylindrical North Carolina Gracilaria species, according to the molecular and morphological evidence.  相似文献   

The life history, reproduction and development of Desmarestia menziesii J. Agardh from Antarctica is described. Unilocular sporangia occur singly or in small groups in the outermost cortical layer of the sporophyte. They are formed by periclinal division of cortex cells into a stalk cell and the sporangium initial. Meiospores germinate into dioecious microscopic filamentous gametophytes. As in other perennial Antarctic species of the Desmarestiales, gametangia are formed in culture under short-day conditions or in darkness. In nature, juvenile sporophytes should therefore be formed in winter. They develop only attached to the oogonium. At first they are uniseriate and elongate by means of an intercalary meristem located in their middle part. Laterals are formed predominantly in this region, and they subsequently give rise to secondary laterals. The branching pattern is opposite to alternate in both young and adult plants. Cortication of the main axis is initiated by filaments growing out from the lowermost cells of the primary laterals. In sporophytes of this developmental stage the meristem of the main axis is confined to a small region where cortication starts and above. Lateral branches elongate and become corticated in the same way as the main axis. In mature plants, cells of the inner cortex can become meristematic again and form a meristoderm which contributes to axis thickness by periclinal and anticlinal divisions. The observations are discussed in relation to possible evolutionary relationships in the genus Desmarestia and in the order Desmarestiales.  相似文献   

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