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The bizarre watering pot shells of the clavagellid bivalve Brechites comprise a calcareous tube encrusted frequently with sand grains and other debris, the anterior end of which terminates in a convex perforated plate (the ‘watering pot’). It has not proved easy to understand how such extreme morphologies are produced. Previously published models have proposed that the tube and ‘watering pot’ are formed separately, outside the periostracum, and fuse later. Here we present the results of a detailed study of the structure and repair of the tubes of Brechites vaginiferus which suggest that these models are not correct. Critical observations include the fact that the external surface of the tube and ‘watering pot’ are covered by a thin organic film, on to the inner surface of which the highly organized aragonite crystals are secreted. There is no evidence of a suture between the tube and the ‘watering pot’ or that the periostracum of the juvenile shell passes through the wall of the tube. Live individuals of B. vaginiferus are able to repair substantial holes in the tube or ‘watering pot’ by laying down a new organic film followed by subsequent calcareous layers. Brechites vaginiferus displays Type C mantle fusion, with the result that the whole animal is encased by a continuous ring of mantle and periostracum, thereby making it possible to secrete a continuous ‘ring’ of shell material. On the basis of these observations we suggest that watering pot shells are not extra‐periostracal but are the product of simple modification of ‘normal’ shell‐secreting mechanisms.  相似文献   

Abstract. A new species of Clavagellidae, Bryopa aligamenta, from Okinawa, Japan, is described. The species is endolithic in living corals, with the left valve cemented to the crypt wall, as in all clavagellids. The free right valve exhibits an unusual growth pattern, with commarginal lines seemingly arising from the posterior valve margin and extending towards the anterior. This results from: (i) progressive anterior erosion of the umbones, probably as a consequence of the boring process; (ii) the apparent migration posteriorly, as the umbones are eroded, of the dorso‐ventral growth axis of the shell; and (iii) enhanced posterior inter‐commarginal growth. Unlike other clavagellid genera and species, however, there is no discernible primary ligament, at least in the adult. It is possible, however, that if a juvenile ligament were present (as in B. lata), it too would be lost as a consequence of antero‐dorsal erosion during boring. To retain valve alignment in the absence of a primary ligament, and possibly upon reaching an adult size, the mantle lays down alternating layers of calcium carbonate and proteinaceous periostracum onto the interior surface of the shell to thicken it, most noticeably marginally and, especially, posteriorly. The two valves are united dorsally, therefore, by thin layers of periostracum that probably exert a minimal opening force. B. aligamenta is, however, further characterised by large adductor, pallial, and siphonal retractor muscles so that the entire animal is encased tightly within an internally strengthened shell within a crypt. Movement must be minimal, blood being pumped into pallial haemocoels to push open the valves and extend the siphons. Despite a suggestion to the contrary, Bryopa is retained in the Clavagellidae, its unusual growth processes resulting from an endolithic life style within living corals. The fossil clavagellid Stirpulina bacillus, from the Pliocene/Pleistocene of Palermo, Sicily, Italy, was, unlike Bryopa aligamenta and other clavagellids, endobenthic, with a long adventitious tube and anterior watering pot superficially similar to species of Penicillidae, another family of the Clavagelloidea. Furthermore, as in all clavagellids only the left valve is fused into the fabric of the tube, the right being free within it. In all penicillids, both valves are fused into the fabric of their tubes. The watering pots of the fossil S. coronata, S. vicentina, and S. bacillus, moreover, are formed in a different manner to that of penicillids, by progressive encasement of the right valve inside the tube. In penicillids, the tube is secreted in a single event from the general mantle surface and the incorporation of both valves into its fabric. The constituent genera of the Clavagellidae thus constitute an example of parallel evolution with members of the Penicillidae.  相似文献   

Abstract. The largest extant species of the adventitious tube-building Clavagelloidea has hitherto been placed in the genus Foegia (itself formerly a subgenus of Brechites ), the type species of which is the Western Australian F. novaezelandiae (B ruguiére 1792). Following examinations of and comparison with F. novaezelandiae and the southern Australian F. veitchi , the latter is herein placed in its own new genus Kendrickiana .
Individuals of both F. novaezelandiae and K. veitchi are essentially amyarian in terms of adductor and pedal retractor muscles, but in the latter species the connection to the adventitious tube is located dorsally by an unique horseshoe-shaped array of muscular papillae, which are inserted into holes in the tube. K. veitchi is different from other clavagelloids too in that the siphons are capable of only limited retraction into the tube. Their extension in K. veitchi is almost exclusively by hydraulic means because the complex internal siphonal muscles seen in other species of the Clavagelloidea, and which act antagonistically with extensive blood-filled haemocoels, are vestigial. Kendrickiana can also be separated from Foegia in other anatomical respects. For example, members of the former have paired anterior suspensory muscles, and vestigial posterior pedal retractor muscles with pericardial proprioreceptors associated with them (as in Humphreyia and Dianadema ), whereas the latter does not. Similarly, in Foegia there is a muscularized pedal disc, not found in Kendrickiana . Members of F. novaezelandiae are inhabitants of intertidal hypoxic muds, whereas those of K. veitchi apparently live exclusively in subtidal sea grass beds.  相似文献   

Six new species of the Australian myrmecophilous ptinid genus Polyplocotes are described from South Australia. Three are from the deserts of central Australia, one from the Franklin Islands in the Great Australian Bight, one from Eyre Peninsula and one from the Riverland region. Morphologically, the majority of these new species are conventional Polyplocotes , but two are less typical. The characters uniting the genus are explored in the discussion, and comparisons are made to related genera. Although the six new species described here have not been observed in the field, the species of this genus are known to be myrmecophilous, and ant – beetle interactions similar to those seen in other spider beetles might occur between these new species and their host ants.  相似文献   

The first extensive and stratigraphically detailed taxonomic study of the Middle to Late Eocene Bryozoa of the St Vincent Basin has identified more than 200 species of Cheilostomata and 50 species of Cyclostomata. There are three biogeographic groups: basin endemic, Australian and global. Two-thirds (116) of the cheilostome species and seven genera are currently considered endemic to this basin. Most species are endemic to Australia and similar to those found in the Oligo-Miocene of Victoria. The Cellariidae are a common component of most Australian Cainozoic deposits, but the species are highly dissimilar, with 13 of the 17 species here being new. The global component indicates that biogeographic links with regions outside Australia still existed in the Eocene. The cyclostome genus Reticrescis is only known from the Australian and Antarctic Eocene. Ten genera have their first occurrence in the Eocene St Vincent Basin. The Phidoloporidae and Smittinidae represent the most diverse and ubiquitous groups at a geological time close to their time of origination. Contemporaneous sediments in Antarctica, eastern Europe and North America also have a diverse fauna of this family, pointing to a strong Tethyan link. Rhamphosmittina lateralis (MacGillivray) is still extant in New Zealand, having an exceptionally long time range of 40 million years. Overall, the fauna has a distinct Late Cretaceous character. A new genus of Onychocellidae appears similar to genera that were common in Cretaceous Tethyan faunas but rare during the Cainozoic. This similarity ends in the Oligocene, after which the Australian bryozoan became endemic  相似文献   

Post-Cretaceous examples of Electridae, a primitive family of cheilostome bryozoans, are poorly represented in the fossil record, probably because of their thinly calcified zooids and preference for nearshore environments. Two new electrid species are here described from the Lower Miocene (Burdigalian) of Pontpourquey, Aquitaine, France: Electra triaurata nov. sp. and Electra aquitanica nov. sp. Both species belong to extant species groups, the E. indica and E. biscuta groups, respectively, that presently occur in the Indo-Pacific; both are the only fossil examples of these species groups. Whereas E. triaurata nov. sp. has uniserial colonies, zooids with porous gymnocysts, three flattened spines and basal windows allowing etching of the substrate to produce the trace fossil Leptichnus, E. aquitanica nov. sp. has multiserial colonies and zooids with a proximal gymnocyst bearing 2 to 5 spines.  相似文献   

丰富的化石记录显示中生代和新生代紫萁属在北半球广泛分布.本文描述了发现于福建中中新世佛昙群的紫萁属一新种:漳浦紫萁(Osmunda zhangpuensis Z.X.Wang and B.N.Sun,sp.nov.).化石小羽片保存完好,呈线状披针形,边缘具齿,羽状脉序.在该属现生种中,当前化石种与现生种Osmunda...  相似文献   

In Chiapas, southern Mexico, there are Miocene amber deposits containing high diversity of biological inclusions of plants, fungi, crustaceans, and vertebrates. Here I describe a new species of Podopterus (Polygonaceae), P. mijangosae n. sp. based on well-preserved fruit fossils collected from the Los Pocitos mine, Chiapas. The fruit specimens are characterized by obovate shape, emarginate apex, cuneate base with three thin wings, and the endocarp being pubescent or tomentose. The wings are thin and translucent with entire to undulate margin, pubescent hairs, and fine fusiform-reticulate venation. This new record of Podopterus represents the second fossil record to the southernmost in North America, and further supports the idea that several genera that grow in Mexico today were present in the area since the Miocene.  相似文献   

Tao Deng 《Palaeontology》2004,47(6):1427-1439
A new species of the genus Alicornops, A. laogouense , from Laogou in Hezheng County, Linxia Basin, Gansu, China, is described. It is mid-sized in the subfamily Aceratheriinae, but is the largest known species of Alicornops . It represents the first discovery of the genus in Asia. The Middle Miocene fauna bearing A. laogouense is contemporaneous with the Dingjiaergou fauna of Tongxin, Ningxia, China, and its age corresponds to MN 6 in Europe. The discovery of A. laogouense in the Linxia Basin implies that Alicornops dispersed from Europe to Asia. During MN 6 times it was relatively widespread throughout Eurasia. Alicornops laogouense lived in open woodland rich in lakes and rivers.  相似文献   

A new species of Eastmanosteus Obruchev is described from the Upper Devonian Gogo Formation of Western Australia as E. calliaspis sp. nov. It is at the pachyosteomorph level of organization having no contact between the plates of the flank and those of the ventral shield behind the pectoral fin. Well preserved material of the parasphenoid and scapulocoracoid throws further light on the structure of these elements in arthrodires. The genus Eastmanosteus is reviewed.  相似文献   

Tao Deng 《Geobios》2008,41(6):719
Ningxiatherium euryrhinus sp. nov. is a relatively large elasmothere rhino from the Linxia Basin in northwestern China found in the early Bahean, which corresponds to the early Vallesian (MN 9), ca. 11.1 Ma. It is much larger than the extant Ceratotherium simum and has a single horn. Ningxiatherium is similar to the late Miocene Parelasmotherium from Gansu and Shanxi, but differs in having partially ossified nasal septum, terminal nasal horn boss, shallower nasal notch above the P3/P4 boundary, and much shorter premolars. N. euryrhinus sp. nov. differs from N. longirhinus from the late Miocene of Zhongning, Ningxia in northwestern China by its larger size, relatively wider nasals, shallower nasal notch, and sub-quadrangular occlusal surface of M3. In the Linxia Basin, the other early late Miocene (Bahean or Vallesian) elasmotheres are known from complete skulls or isolated teeth. They include two genera and three species: Parelasmotherium linxiaense, P. simplum, and Iranotherium morgani. They lack a nasal septum, but Ningxiatherium has one. The age of N. euryrhinus is early late Miocene based on direct association with biochronologic indicator taxa, such as Dinocrocuta gigantea, Hipparion dongxiangense, and Chilotherium primigenius. N. euryrhinus is more primitive than N. longirhinus sp. nov. in having a sub-quadrangular M3, a shallower nasal notch, and the presence of DP1 in adults.  相似文献   

A new species of dasypodid armadillo (Xenarthra, Cingulata), Anadasypus aequatorianus, from the late Miocene of Ecuador is described. The remains were collected in sediments of the Letrero Formation, Nabón Basin, which is part of several intermontane basins related to Andean uplift. The genus represents the oldest record of Dasypodini, which also encompasses Propraopus (Pleistocene–early Holocene) and Dasypus (?Miocene–Recent). The new species is based on several osteoderms, which show more derived features than Anadasypus hondanus, from the middle Miocene of Colombia. In order to test the affinities of A. aequatorianus within Dasypodini, we conducted a cladistic analysis of 24 morphological characters for 10 taxa. The most parsimonious tree supports the generic attribution of the new species and places Anadasypus basal to Propraopus and Dasypus, agreeing with the stratigraphic evidence. The faunas from tropical Andean areas differ noticeably from the better-known assemblages of the classic South American sequences. In the case of dasypodines, their geochronological distribution shows that they were historically restricted to tropical and subtropical environments and the main cladogenetic events of the group probably occurred at lower latitudes. In this context, the taxon described herein fills important temporal and geographic gaps of early Neogene armadillos from intertropical areas.http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9DC76603-D831-4E68-BE55-90113228E0F4  相似文献   

Abstract  Four new species of the Australian ptinid genus Diplocotes are described. Two of these species are from the dry tropical and subtropical areas of northern and central Queensland, while the other two are from the arid areas of South Australia. While the four new species described here have not been observed with ants in the field, the species of this genus are known to be myrmecophilous, and similar interactions may occur between the new species and their host ants. Additionally, many characters are shared with other unrelated myrmecophilous species, and may be convergent adaptations to the ant-associated lifestyle.  相似文献   

The only extant, preserved and complete specimen of Stirpulina ramosa has been discovered in the collections of the late Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito) and is described herein. Hitherto, only shells and the adventitious tubes of this species have been described. This study of the anatomy complements previous ones and adds further information as to how the adventitious tube is formed: that is, by the laying down of an organic, periostracum‐like, template that is then biomineralized internally to form the tube and is externally plastered with the clasts that constitute the enclosing burrow wall. Such secretions are produced by pallial lobes that unite on the right side to create the characteristic sutured pleat in this region of the tube. The periostracum enclosing the so‐interred animal is then secreted against the internal template of the tube. The shell of S. ramosa and, as a consequence, the musculature, is greatly disfigured as a result of the incorporation of the left valve into the fabric of the adventitious tube. This valve can, however, continue to grow within the tube, especially posteriorly. The right valve remains free inside the tube but grows only a little more anteriorly. The anterior mantle, with a minute pedal gape, is greatly thickened and secretes the watering pot component of the tube. In many anatomical respects, for example simultaneous hermaphroditism, S. ramosa still reflects the basic anomalodesmatan plan and such modifications as there are from the clavagellid form relate principally to the structure, formation and thus functioning of the adventitious tube. This study of S. ramosa has allowed the full spectrum of clavagellid adaptive radiation to be analysed and an evolutionary picture created which suggests that species of Clavagella/Dacosta and Stirpulina are Mesozoic (Late Cretaceous) remnants. Conversely, species of Bryopa and Dianadema are more modern, Late Oligocene and Palaeocene (Cenozoic), respectively, and possibly evolved in association with the emergence of the Indo‐West Pacific centre of coral diversity, with a postulated average age of just 30 Myr. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Christine Argot 《Palaeontology》2003,46(6):1213-1267
Two Santacrucian borhyaenoids, Borhyaena tuberata and Prothylacinus patagonicus , are analyzed from a functional-adaptive perspective. Seven extant placental and marsupial models are examined in order to interpret the locomotor adaptations of the two fossils. These carnivorous models are characterized by various hunting types and locomotor habits, and the association of their skeletal adaptive features with diet, substrate preference, and locomotor performance permits a functional interpretation of the postcranium of Borhyaena and Prothylacinus . The analysis shows that the forelimb of Prothylacinus is modified to provide strength and flexibility for controlled climbing. This taxon exhibits semiplantigrade fore- and hind feet. Its vertebral column was flexible, and the hindlimb suggests an active predatory mode of hunting. The tail was muscular, heavy, and was probably used as a balancing organ. By comparison, the forelimb of Borhyaena indicates a more terrestrial mode of life, with a digitigrade forefoot, and more parasagittal movements. The tail was lighter and less muscular than in Prothylacinus . Both fossils are characterized by a powerful neck musculature related to predatory habits.  相似文献   

Gaimanophis is an extinct boid genus represented so far by a single species (Gaimanophis tenuis) known by isolated vertebrae from the early Miocene of Patagonia. In this paper, a new species of Gaimanophis is described from the India Muerta Formation (late Miocene) of Tucumán province (Argentina). Gaimanophis powelli sp. nov. distinguishes itself from G. tenuis mainly in its larger size, prezygapophyses less slanting, neural spine shorter dorsally than ventrally, and zygosphene straight bearing an anteriorly protruding tongue. This record indicates a wider temporal and geographical distribution of the genus from the early Miocene of Patagonia to the late Miocene of northwestern Argentina. The recognition of a new species of boid in South America increases the known diversity of this group. Although boids have inhabited in this territory since the Paleocene, fossils belonging to the group only show a glimpse of the real past diversity in the continent.  相似文献   

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