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  • 1 In nature, interference among Anagrus delicatus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) parasitoids reduced the per-capita number of hosts parasitized. Interference increased with parasitoid density.
  • 2 Anagrus delicatus did not avoid parasitizing hosts that had recently been parasitized by conspecific wasps. Evidence indicated that this superparasitism was largely a random process, increasing with the ratio of parasitized to unparasitized hosts.
  • 3 Individual parasitoid efficiency, the number of hosts killed per wasp per unit time, decreased with increasing wasp density. This occurred whether wasps searched the patch together (simultaneously) or one by one (sequentially), and was the result of an increase in time spent superparasitizing hosts at higher wasp density. This is known as indirect mutual interference.
  • 4 Increasing numbers of parasitoids together on the same patch caused a significant decline in the rate and per-capita number of hosts parasitized. However, there was not a correspondent decline in searching efficiency with increasing wasp density (i.e. no direct mutual interference).
  • 5 These forms of parasitoid density dependence should contribute to the stability of the host—parasitoid interaction.

Five species of Anagrus , egg parasites of various leafhopper species (Delphacidae and Cicadellidae, Honioptera), were bred for 3–13 generations in laboratory conditions. Biological and niorphological characteristics as well as attempts at crossbreeding were used to recognise the species Anagrus ensijer Debauche and four new. species. A. ensifer occurred in two varieties. The four new species and the two varieties of A. ensifer are described, and a key is given to both sexes.  相似文献   

Many herbivorous insects display a marked tendency to aggregate and previous work has shown that the parasitoids likely to be more effective for pest control programs are those that concentrate their attacks on denser host patches. However, as herbivore density changes different spatial patterns usually emerge in their distribution. In Tucumán province, Argentina the mymarid Anagrus flaveolus is a native egg parasitoid of Delphacodes kuscheli, which oviposits endophitic eggs and is the only demonstrated vector of the MRCV virus that seriously affects maize (Zea mays). Winter is the critical period for maize colonization from oat (Avena sativa) crops where D. kuscheli overwinters. We analyzed, under field conditions and during the winter critical period, percentage parasitism by A. flaveolus when host patch density increases following two different patterns: an increase in the batch size, and an increase in the number of infested plants with similar mean batch size. In order to generate a heterogeneous egg patchiness, 144 oat plants were arranged in 36 groups of four plants each, and four types of groups were created by placing one, two, three or four infested plants per group. Each group was characterized by the number of infested plants as well as by the number of eggs. If one, two, three or all four plants were infested, the group was denominated G1, G2, G3 or G4, respectively. Considering only G1, the number of eggs per group increased only if the batch size increased. On the other hand, considering all G1, G2, G3 and G4 groups, the increase in patch density from G1 to G4, was essentially due to an increase in the number of infested plants. The groups were symmetrically distributed in the field in a homogeneous 200-m2 area (the position of each group was randomly assigned), and allowed for oviposition for 48 h since A. flaveolus only attacks eggs that have three or less days of development. We found that almost all infected plants were parasitized by A. flaveolus but parasitism never surpassed 64% of the available eggs, suggesting that the parasitoid selectively attacks eggs inserted in particular places of the oat plant, and/or never saturates a batch. We also found that parasitism was spatially direct density dependent when only G1 was considered, as well as when G1, G2, G3 and G4 were considered together. In the first case, an increase in the number of eggs in a group of four plants represents an increase in the batch size, and higher batch size received higher parasitism. In the second case, it represents an increase in the number of infested plants, and higher patch density received higher parasitism. Although the proportion of infected plants parasitized was similar, infected plants with similar number of eggs received higher parasitism when placed in denser groups (G3 and G4) than when placed in the less dense groups (G1 and G2). Behavioral mechanisms leading to a restriction on re-dispersal, like an area-restricted search behavior, as well as supernormal stimulus of contiguous host egg batches in certain places that may require a higher threshold before mutual interference has an effect, could be explained these results.  相似文献   

The efficiency of local augmentation releases of the egg parasitoid Anaphes nitens to control the Eucalyptus snout‐beetle Gonipterus platensis was tested in Eucalyptus globulus plantations in Galicia (NW Spain). On May–June 2006, at two localities of Pontevedra province, the release of host egg capsules parasitized by A. nitens at a potential rate of 300 adults/ha was compared with a release density of 900 adults/ha, and a control group of eucalypts not subjected to augmentation. Parasitism rate after 1–2 weeks did not significantly increase over the control plots at both localities. The high release rate did not ensure a higher crop protection and therefore could be not economically justified. On March–April 2017, at four localities of Pontevedra province, the test was replicated by releasing 300 parasitoids/ha. Parasitism level did significantly increase over the control just in one locality. Augmentation of A. nitens at small scale generally failed to achieve a higher protection from the pest, possibly due to the large extension of the E. globulus plantations, the magnitude of the G. platensis population and the fluctuations of the established parasitoid population, whose density is in turn affected by host egg availability and density‐dependent dispersal.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 We tested the hypothesis that providing nectar‐producing cover crops will enhance the biological control of grape leafhoppers (Erythroneura spp.) by Anagrus wasps in commercial vineyards in New York, U.S.A. 2 We established three cover crops between vine rows in a commercial vineyard: buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum (Moench)), clover (Trifolium repens L.) and mowed sod (Dactylis glomerata L.). 3 There was no effect of cover crop on adult Anagrus in 1996, whereas in 1997 adults were more abundant within edge vines with buckwheat compared to vines with clover or sod; adults were more abundant at the vineyard edge, especially early in the season. 4 Parasitism of ‘sentinel’ leafhopper eggs was higher on vines with buckwheat compared to parasitism on vines with clover or sod in 1996; a similar, non‐significant trend, was observed in 1997. 5 Neither the abundance nor the distribution of leafhoppers was influenced by cover crops, although in 1997 there was a trend toward greater numbers of nymphs on edge vines with buckwheat. 6 In a cage experiment, parasitism by Anagrus of leafhopper eggs on grapes was greater when adults had access to flowering buckwheat rather than buckwheat without flowers. 7 In a laboratory study, longevity of female Anagrus was increased when provided with honey or sugar water compared to water only or nothing. 8 Our results suggest that parasitism of grape leafhoppers by Anagrus may be enhanced by providing floral resources within vineyards in New York, although it is unclear whether this will produce meaningful reductions in pest abundance.  相似文献   

The relationship between body size (hind tibia length), <12 h egg load, wing wear and parasitoid age was used to estimate realised lifetime parasitism of recently dead Gonatocerus ashmeadi collected in a citrus orchard. Under prevailing field conditions and methodology assumptions, it was estimated that female G. ashmeadi lived on average for 183 ± 17 degree-days, parasitised a total of 87 ± 9 Homalodisca vitripennis eggs, and died with 34 ± 5 eggs remaining in the ovaries. Only 17% of dead G. ashmeadi died with no mature eggs suggesting that 83% of G. ashmeadi were not egg limited at time of death. Estimates of realised lifetime parasitism for female G. ashmeadi under prevailing field conditions in July and August in a southern California citrus orchard indicated that time of year had a significant effect on reproductive output. Additionally, live G. ashmeadi captured daily during June through August 2006 had body size, egg load and wing wear recorded to detect possible monthly changes in parasitoid age and egg load. Foraging G. ashmeadi captured alive in June were older and oviposited more eggs in the field compared with August. Only 0.5% of live G. ashmeadi were captured with no mature eggs in their ovaries indicating that the vast majority of live G. ashmeadi were not egg limited.  相似文献   

Clavigralla spp. (Hemiptera: Coreidae) are major pests of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp, Fabacae), common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., Fabacae) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L., Fabacae) in Africa. Clavigralla spp. egg parasitoids, Gryon spp. (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), have previously been reported as potential biological control candidates. Little is known about the parasitism levels and their potential relationship with cuticular chemistry of Clavigralla spp. The aims of this study were to determine parasitism levels of Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stål (Hemiptera: Coreidae) and C. elongata Signoret (Hemiptera: Coreidae) eggs, and to explore the relationship between egg parasitism and egg cuticular chemistry. High parasitism levels were determined for C. tomentosicollis by collecting eggs from plants in mono‐cropping and multi‐cropping systems in farmers’ fields in Bénin and Kenya between April and June 2016. Three species of Clavigralla were recorded: C. tomentosicollis, C. shadabi and C. elongata. Clavigralla tomentosicollis was the most common in both countries, while C. shadabi and C. elongata were only collected in Bénin and Kenya, respectively. An egg parasitoid (Gryon sp.) was recovered from egg batches collected from both countries. In parasitism assays using Gryon sp., the incidence of parasitism was higher in C. tomentosicollis eggs than that of C. elongata. Chemical analysis by coupled gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) of cuticular extracts obtained from C. tomentosicollis and C. elongata eggs identified fifteen compounds including ten alkanes of which the amounts varied between the two species. We speculate that Clavigralla spp. cuticular chemistry may serve as potential host location cues for Gryon sp.  相似文献   

Solitary parasitoids are limited to laying one egg per host because larvae compete within hosts. If host encounter rate is low, females should not increase the number of eggs/host in response. The tachinid fly, Chetogena edwardsii,was used to evaluate the effect of host deprivation on egg accumulation, oviposition behavior, and egg quality in a solitary parasitoid. Females deprived of hosts for 2– 7 days accumulate about 1 day's supply of eggs. Egg output of deprived females once hosts are restored does not differ from that of control females. Deprived females retain one egg in the uterus where it undergoes embryogenesis. Maggots emerging from retained eggs are more likely to survive in hosts molting in 40 h or less after receipt of an egg than are maggots emerging from eggs fertilized shortly before oviposition. Egg retention is a consequence of host deprivation that permits females to broaden the range of hosts they can exploit to include soon-to-molt hosts and possibly multiply parasitized hosts.  相似文献   

Anaphes victus Huber andAnaphes listronoti Huber (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) are respectively solitary and gregarious egg parasitoids of the carrot weevil,Listronotus oregonensis (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). We made detailed ethograms of the oviposition behavior on unparasitized and parasitized hosts for the two species. We then compared the behavior of virgin and mated females for the oviposition of male and female progenies. The two species did not always oviposit after insertion of the ovipositor, but these punctures without oviposition could be readily differentiated from oviposition.A. victus oviposited only once by puncture, whileA. listronoti deposited one to three eggs during the same sequence. The variability of the duration of the various components was generally lower for a given female than between females. Two components, the abdominal vibrations and the pause, were significantly shorter in ovipositions that resulted in male progency for the two species. However, an important overlap in duration prevents using these differences to sex the progeny at oviposition. Virgin females of both species, although capable of producing only males, exhibited both behaviors. Parasitized hosts were recognized through internal and external markings that were used in host discrimination.  相似文献   

Biological control, as a major component of pest management strategies, uses natural biological agents to reduce pest populations. Studying the interaction among Aphis craccivora and its parasitoids including, Lysiphlebus fabarum, Binodoxys acalephae, and Aphidius matricariae in 2016 and 2017 in Tehran Parke-Shahr, showed positive, significant correlations in all cases between the densities of three parasitoid species and that of aphid nymphs and adults. The density of the parasitoids increased by increasing the density of the aphids. The parasitoids showed aggregative behavior in response to different densities of the host. There was a positive density-dependent correlation between the density of A. craccivora and rate of parasitism. Parasitism rates of nymphs and adult aphids by L. fabarum, B. acalephae, and A. matricariae increased or decreased along with decline or increase in the population of the aphid host. In 2016 spring, the highest rates of parasitism on aphid nymphs by L. fabarum, B. acalephae, and A. matricariae were 46.82, 23.09, and 17.16%, respectively. In 2017 spring, the highest rates of parasitism on aphid nymphs by L. fabarum, B. acalephae, and A. matricariae were 48.97, 21.77, and 15.06%, respectively. So, given the accordance between changes in aphid population and that of parasitoids, and parasitoids’ efficacy in Tehran’s polluted air, they can be used as biological agents in the management of A. craccivora population.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Many cicadellid females in the tribe Proconiini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) cover their egg masses with specialised, usually rod‐shaped, brochosomes as the eggs are being laid. The brochosomes are produced in Golgi complexes in the Malpighian tubules of Cicadellidae. In contrast to the gravid females, adult males, pre‐reproductive adult females, and nymphal males and females produce specialised, usually spherically shaped brochosomes. Brochosomes are also used to cover the external surfaces of nymphs and newly moulted adult males and females. 2. The function of the brochosome covering the egg masses is unknown but various hypotheses have been suggested, including protecting the eggs against pathogens, predators, and parasitoids. Based on preliminary observations of Gonatocerus ashmeadi Girault (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) parasitising the eggs of the cicadellid, Homalodisca coagulata (Say), it is speculated here that brochosomes covering an egg mass hinder parasitisation of eggs by G. ashmeadi. This hypothesis was tested by observing G. ashmeadi females foraging on leaves with H. coagulata egg masses heavily covered with rod‐shaped brochosomes vs. those lacking brochosomes. 3. Cox's proportional hazards model was used to evaluate the probability, per unit time, that a female G. ashmeadi displayed the sequence of behaviours that ended in successful oviposition as influenced by five variables: (a) presence or absence of brochosomes on an egg mass, (b) the leaf surface, upper or lower, being searched by the parasitoid (the egg masses are laid in the parenchyma on the lower leaf surface), (c) the parasitoid's previous ovipositional experience, (d) egg mass size, and (e) the parasitoid's age. 4. Brochosomes significantly decreased oviposition efficacy of G. ashmeadi females. Scanning electron microscopy showed that females exposed to brochosome‐covered egg masses had brochosomes adhering to their tarsi, legs, antennae, and eyes, all of which prompted extensive bouts of grooming.  相似文献   

本研究以管氏肿腿蜂Sclerodermus guani雌成蜂为研究对象,拟探明寄生蜂密度对其寄生及繁衍能力的影响,为该寄生蜂行为生物学研究提供科学依据。本研究以松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus幼虫(0.350~0.450 g)为寄主,设置8种不同雌蜂密度(1~8头/寄主),对比分析不同雌蜂密度下,管氏肿腿蜂的寄生行为和效能,以及雌蜂生殖力和子代适合度变化。结果表明,随雌蜂密度增加,管氏肿腿蜂蛰刺发生前历时、寄主麻痹历时及产卵前历时均缩短。基于Hassell-Varley数据模型分析(E=0.9023×P-0.9378),雌蜂的寻找效应随自身密度增加而逐渐变小,雌蜂间的干扰降低了寄生效能。雌蜂生殖力随其密度增加而降低,单雌平均产卵量及产雌量明显下降,雌蜂密度为1头/寄主时,单雌产卵量分别是4头/寄主和8头/寄主处理下的1.4倍和2.4倍。子代适合度也随雌蜂密度增加而变化,子代发育历期明显缩短,低龄幼虫存活率和单雌体重均下降。雌蜂密度为1头/寄主时,其子代发育历期最长,平均为26.7 d, 8头/寄主时最短,平均为24.0 d。雌蜂密度为1头/寄主时...  相似文献   

夏诗洋  孟玲  李保平 《生态学报》2013,33(4):1118-1125
寄生蜂卵成熟动态影响其产卵决策行为,因而对于认识寄生蜂搜寻行为生态学机理具有重要意义。以蝶蛹金小蜂(Pteromalus puparum)-菜粉蝶(Pieris rapae)为模式生物,首先连续3周每隔24 h详细观察子代蜂幼期不同发育阶段的体型、卵巢管以及寄主蛹的外部形态,以此为基础观察了低温处理(模拟越冬温度)被寄生蛹对子代蜂成熟卵数量动态的影响。蝶蛹金小蜂胚后发育历时约2周,其中卵期1 d;幼虫历期约7 d。初孵幼虫体透明;胚后第3—6天体积快速增大,然后减缓,体色由绿变黄;胚后第8天进入预蛹,第9—12天蛹淡色,复眼由淡黄变为深红,第13—14天蛹暗黑色,并逐渐带有金属光泽。卵巢管在羽化当天即开始沉积卵黄,并在羽化后1—4 d连续增加直到出现卵吸收;羽化后5—6 d成熟卵数量增速不明显甚至略有减小。寄主蛹随子代蜂从卵发育至幼虫再到蛹体色从绿色变为灰褐色再到土黄色。低温处理被寄生的寄主蛹(寄生蜂处于老熟幼虫或蛹期)后,羽化成虫的卵巢管略细,成熟卵数量较少。成熟卵数量的变化不仅受低温处理的影响,而且受雌蜂体型大小和日龄的影响;低温处理明显减缓卵成熟速率,各日龄期成熟卵数量均明显减少;适温下成熟卵数量于羽化后第4天达到峰值,而低温处理下成熟卵数量达到峰值的时间延迟至第7天。研究表明,越冬低温对来年羽化的蝶蛹金小蜂卵成熟动态具有不良影响。  相似文献   

The eucalyptus weevil, Gonipterus spp. Schoenherr, 1833 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) is considered a major pest of eucalyptus plantations. In regions where control is achieved, success is usually brought by the action of the solitary egg parasitoid Anaphes nitens (Girault, 1928) (Hymenoptera, Mymaridae). Research was conducted to ascertain which cues might mediate female wasp host location and selection. In Petri dish arenas, females were attracted to Gonipterus platensis Marelli, 1927 egg capsules, to G. platensis mated female faeces and to leaves of Eucalyptus globulus Labillardière, 1799. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry electroantennographic detection analysis was conducted using extracts obtained from leaves of E. globulus, from G. platensis egg capsules, as well as from adults of both sexes and their faeces, in order to detect and identify compounds perceived by the wasp's olfactory system. The parasitoids were shown to detect a wide range of compounds emitted by each one of these sources, and for 31 compounds, antennal response was confirmed by dose-response tests. Further behavioural trials were conducted in Petri dishes in order to decode the effect, on parasitoid behaviour, of selected compounds emitted by E. globulus and of the pheromones, emitted by the weevils on parasitoid behaviour. Attraction was observed to two compounds emitted by E. globulus, namely 1,8-cineole and γ-terpinene, and to the main component of the male sex/aggregation pheromone, cis-verbenol. To our knowledge, this is the first report of attraction of a parasitoid from the family Mymaridae to a component of its host's sexual/aggregation pheromone. Similarly, to other egg parasitoid species, A. nitens females are likely to use the host plant volatiles as long-range host location cues and to adopt the ‘infochemical detour’ strategy in order to get in the vicinity of their hosts.  相似文献   

The egg parasitoid Anagrus nigriventris Girault is an important natural enemy of the beet leafhopper, Circulifer tenellus (Baker) which has a broad host range that includes cultivated sugar beets and the weed, Russian thistle. When parasitoids were reared on leafhopper eggs deposited in sugar beets, females were attracted to sugar beet volatiles and preferred them over a blank control and over Russian thistle volatiles in Y- tube olfactometer tests. No preference was detected for either plant by female wasps that were reared on Russian thistle. Wasps reared on Russian thistle and allowed an oviposition experience on sugar beet showed a strong attraction to sugar beet volatiles; however, wasps reared on sugar beets and allowed oviposition experience on Russian thistle demonstrated no preference between the two plants. The implications of parasitoid response towards plant volatiles and their importance in biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

Egg deposition within plants is one of the most widely distributed and ancient behaviors in Odonata. The resulting clutch consists of eggs placed in peculiar pattern that can be a characteristic for certain groups of Odonata. Despite their importance for paleontological and evolutionary research, data on egg‐clutch positioning are missing or insufficient for most species. Here, patterning of egg clutches in Lestes virens was measured and described in detail for the first time. The female usually produces a linear row of single eggs directed at an angle rightward or leftward to the longitudinal axis of plant substrate. Less often eggs are arranged in egg‐sets consisting of up to 4 eggs. Apparently, the female insect follows the rigid behavior stereotypes during oviposition and is unable to easily switch to the alternate stereotypical behavior of single egg deposition or production of multiegg sets. Based on a literature review and original data, egg clutch patterning of European Lestidae is overlaid on preexisting phylogenies. The resulting evolutionary scenario of egg‐clutch patterning can be considered in the framework of egg‐laying behavior in Lestidae.  相似文献   

We compared the age, movement, and time–activity budgets of male Calopteryx maculata damselflies occupying off-stream tree-fall gaps with those at stream sites within a 10-ha woodland. All males collected at off-stream sites were younger than males collected at stream sites—as indicated by their significantly higher wing transmittance. Thirty-three percent of teneral males marked at off-stream gaps moved to stream sites within 4 days (mean distance = 140 m), while mature males marked at stream sites never left the stream. In contrast to stream site males, off-stream males spent significantly more time capturing prey and never engaged in aggressive interactions with other males. Behavioral differences were not due to variations in the operative body temperature. However, malaise trapping revealed a greater frequency of suitable prey in forest light gaps. Our findings support the idea that teneral male Calopteryx leave their emergence sites along the stream for off-stream light gaps to forage without interference and build the energy reserves necessary to attain and hold streamside territories.  相似文献   

Abstract  Neopolycystus sp. is the only primary egg parasitoid associated with the pest beetle Paropsis atomaria in subtropical eucalypt plantations, but its impact on its host populations is unknown. The simplified ecosystem represented by the plantation habitat, lack of interspecific competition for host and parasitoid, and the multivoltinism of the host population makes this an ideal system for quantifying the direct and indirect effects of egg parasitism, and hence, effects on host population dynamics. Within-, between- and overall-egg-batch parasitism rates were determined at three field sites over two field seasons, and up to seven host generations. The effect of exposure time (egg batch age), host density proximity to native forest and water sources on egg parasitism rates was also tested. Neopolycystus sp. exerts a significant influence on P. atomaria populations in Eucalyptus cloeziana. plantations in south-eastern Queensland, causing the direct (13%) and indirect (15%) mortality of almost one-third of all eggs in the field. Across seasons and generations, 45% of egg batches were parasitised, with a within-batch parasitism rate of around 30%. Between-batch parasitism increased up to 5–6 days after oviposition in the field, although within-batch parasitism rates generally did not. However, there were few apparent patterns to egg parasitism, with rates often varying significantly between sites and seasons.  相似文献   

The reproductive behavior of adult Calopteryx splendens males and females inhabiting the Nida River, south Poland, was studied and compared during a pre‐flood and a post‐flood year. The flood disturbance in 2010 caused a decrease in aquatic macrophytes, thus reducing availability of potential territories and consequently, significantly influencing male behavior towards a frequent non‐territorial strategy. Many males in the post‐flood population had damaged wings due to extremely aggressive contests. Male–male tandems were commonly observed; this is an uncommon behavior in C. splendens. Although the sex ratio was male‐biased throughout the whole study, we observed more males in the post‐flood year. We also observed less‐frequent copulations and ovipositions during the post‐flood year. The only unchanged characteristic was population density, which did not differ before and after the flood disturbance. Floods have significant impact on damselfly reproductive sites and this, due to changes in behavior and sex ratio, may result in further consequences on population dynamics.  相似文献   

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