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黄淮西部是我国新石器时代南、北不同考古学文化与农业模式的过渡地带,近年来该地区植物考古研究成果显著,但目前学术界对该区域仰韶早期人类植食资源利用与农业发展状况仍不甚了解。本文利用淀粉粒分析方法,对张王庄遗址出土仰韶文化早期54件陶器和13件石器进行了表面残留物提取与分析。结果显示,该遗址仰韶早期先民的植食资源利用具有显著的多样性特征,旱地农作物粟、黍虽然已在人类生业经济中占据了重要地位,但采集获取的各类野生植物资源包括薏苡属、小麦族、莲藕等仍是人类食物主要组成,其重要性甚至高于农业种植。与此同时,研究结果也表明,在至迟不晚于距今6000年的仰韶早期阶段,粟、黍两类旱地作物已传播至黄淮西部的低纬度地区并成为先民种植的主要农作物,从而在整个黄淮西部形成以粟、黍为主,水稻为辅的稻-粟兼作农业。研究结果首次提供了黄淮西部仰韶早期人类植食资源利用与农业发展状况的科学证据,对认识黄淮西部史前农作物传播与农业结构演化的具体时空过程等具有重要价值。  相似文献   

农业的起源与发展,改变了人类食物资源的获取方式。作为史前文化发展的中心,关中地区史前人类生业模式演变规律与影响因素的探索,将为北方地区农业的起源、发展与传播,文化交流对农业发展的影响,人类对环境变迁的适应等热点问题研究提供重要依据。本文对关中地区史前不同文化、不同遗址人与动物骨骼的稳定同位素以及动植物遗存进行了综合分析。结果显示,受文化的发展与交流、区域地理环境的差异、气候的演变等因素影响,关中地区史前先民生业模式呈现时空差异。老官台文化先民的生业模式中旱作农业与狩猎采集并重。仰韶文化早期,旱作农业成为先民生业模式的主体,但不同区域发展水平不同;另外,家畜饲养的发展速度要滞后于农作物。仰韶文化中、晚期至龙山文化早期,水稻与小麦先后传入,形成以粟、黍旱作农业为主,兼营水稻、大豆等的多元化农业结构;水稻对仰韶文化中期先民的食谱产生影响,而同时期家畜饲养主要依赖于粟黍类农作物。龙山文化,黍、粟农业比重下降,水稻含量相对增加,并对先民与家畜的食谱产生影响;肉食获取方式以饲养活动为主,渔猎活动为辅。  相似文献   

山西乡宁内阳垣遗址先民食物结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文应用C、N稳定同位素分析方法,对山西乡宁内阳垣遗址先民的食物结构进行了分析,旨在揭示该遗址先民的生活方式及社会经济状况,探索戎狄对该遗址先民的影响。分析表明,该遗址先民的δ13C平均值为-8.27‰,δ15N平均值为9.54‰,由此推测他们主要的经济模式应为畜牧业。考古学证据显示该遗址主体文化为晋,但食物结构分析却反映,先民的经济模式主要为畜牧业,明显受到了游牧民族(戎狄)的影响。样品XNM50具有异常的δ13C值(-15.36‰)和较高的δ15N值(9.88‰),当与其从事狩猎活动有关。δ13C和δ15N的统计分析表明,不同性别的先民在食物结构上无明显差异,而不同规格的墓葬却差异明显。  相似文献   

姜寨遗址先民食谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管通过C、N稳定同位素分析已对陕西临潼姜寨遗址先民的食物结构和粟作农业进行了初步探索,但研究中的一些重要问题,如不同时期先民食物结构的演变,姜寨与半坡、史家先民食物结构间的差异等,依然未能深入讨论。为此,本文对姜寨遗址出土的不同时期(一期、二期)人骨进行了C、N稳定同位素分析,试图揭示先民食物结构的演变历程,探索姜寨与半坡、史家先民食物结构间的差异,并初步探讨产生这种差异的可能原因。人骨的δ13C平均值(-9.7±1.0‰)和δ15 N平均值(8.5±0.5‰),表明粟类食物(包括粟类作物以及依赖于粟类作物的动物等)在姜寨先民食谱中占据主要地位,且动物资源在食物中的比例相对较低。两期先民的δ13C和δ15N值,无显著性差异,表明先民一直从事粟作农业以及家畜的饲养活动。食谱分析并未发现第二期先民食用更多野生动物的证据,这可能与先民样品量相对偏少、二期先民食用的野生动物比例上升较小、动物类食物在先民食谱中所占比例较小等原因有关。对比地理位置毗邻、文化年代相近的姜寨、史家、半坡遗址先民δ13C值,姜寨(-9.7±1.0‰,N=19)与史家(-10.0±0.7‰,N=9)接近,而远高于半坡(-14.8±1.9‰,N=5),表明半坡遗址粟作农业的种植规模要逊于姜寨和史家遗址。我们认为,不同遗址间先民δ13C值的差异,可能受半坡样品量偏少、遗址间小生态环境不同等因素的影响。  相似文献   

施崇阳  郭怡 《人类学学报》2022,41(2):308-318
对渔业食用资源的利用是人类生业经济的重要方面,然而至今尚无专文介绍如何定量分析渔业食物资源在先民食物结构中所占的比例。本文采用利用同位素传递信号重建食谱(FRUITS)模型,以田螺山遗址与梁王城遗址已发表的先民和动植物稳定同位素数据为例,对先民食物结构中的多种食物资源比重进行分析。结果显示,梁王城遗址渔业资源在食谱中占5%~22%;田螺山遗址淡水渔业资源在食谱中占5%~20%,而海洋渔业资源在10%以下。  相似文献   

农业的起源和传播是人类历史上最重要的变革之一。本文通过对云南省文山州广南县大阴洞遗址出土的17例人骨标本的C、N稳定同位素分析,探索新石器时代晚期至青铜时代,滇东南地区先民的食物结构和生业经济。结果显示,大阴洞遗址居民的δ13C值范围为-20.2‰ ~ -17.5‰,主要以C3类食物为主;δ15N值范围为9.2‰ ~ 10.7‰,所处的营养级别较高;两性之间存在食谱差异,大部分男性比女性摄入更多的动物蛋白。结合相关考古发现,大阴洞遗址居民可能主要经营稻作农业,兼营狩猎;对动物资源的利用可能具有多样性,并通过采集、渔猎及家畜饲养补充食物来源。考虑到云南作为农业向中南半岛传播的重要通道,进一步对云南地区新石器-青铜时代先民的生业策略选择的梳理发现,云南地区新石器时代不同区域的人群有不同的农业经营策略。到青铜时代,随着小麦的传入,农业经济的选择更为多元化,动物资源的获取技术也更加成熟多样。不同的农业策略选择除了受到自然条件的影响,也是与相邻地区文化互动的结果。  相似文献   

聚落考古研究表明,二里头文化时期(1750~1530 BC)中原腹地出现了都邑和大、中、小型四级聚落系统,东亚地区由此进入了早期广域王权国家时代。二里头文化时期的生业经济研究对于理解中华文明形成与早期发展过程中的关键时期的社会变革与文化演进的骤然提速具有重要意义。家养动物及其副产品的开发和利用、管理和分配是生业经济研究和社会复杂化发展的重要内容。在以往研究中,尽管学界已对二里头文化时期的核心都邑二里头遗址和若干中小型聚落遗址开展了多项动物考古学研究,但是针对大型聚落的系统分析较少。鉴于此,本文以河南省新郑市望京楼遗址发掘出土的动物骨骼为研究对象,通过种属鉴定、数量统计、测量数据分析、死亡年龄推算等方法,尝试探讨居于大型聚落的先民对动物资源的消费和利用。结果显示,该遗址的家养动物有猪、黄牛、绵羊、山羊和狗,家养动物数量占多数。遗址的猪多数为未成年个体,说明肉食消费是遗址先民养猪的主要目的;绵羊多数为成年个体,说明获取羊毛是遗址先民养羊的主要目的。通过与二里头、南洼、煤山和皂角树等其他等级聚落遗址的比较可知,早期国家的都邑和大中型聚落的家养动物的种类更丰富,绵羊的数量比例随聚落等级的降低而减少,绵羊的身体尺寸随聚落等级的降低而变小,以获取羊毛为主要目的养羊业更容易在高等级聚落中出现。这一研究揭示了早期国家大型聚落和国家内部不同等级聚落开发利用动物资源的特点和差异,为从动物考古的角度探讨早期社会复杂化提供了可能性。  相似文献   

本文从生物考古视角探讨官庄聚落两周时期的人群与社会状况.官庄聚落农业经济较为发达,农田管理和农业生产水平较高,手工业经济较为兴盛,存在多种类的手工业作坊.聚落内社会等级分化明显,人群构成较为复杂,这些社会状况都在人群食物结构上有所反映.贵族阶层具有最高的δ15N值,食用较多的肉食资源;平民阶层δ15N值都偏低,显示较低...  相似文献   

哈民忙哈遗址是迄今为止内蒙古乃至东北地区发现面积最大的一处史前聚落遗址,为重建当时的生产和生活情况、文化习俗甚至思想观念等都提供了弥足珍贵的实物资料。其中,重建该遗址先民的食物结构和生业经济,有助于揭示哈民忙哈遗址产生和兴盛的动因及科尔沁沙地史前文化的变迁过程。目前,多学科的研究成果已经初步显示哈民忙哈遗址先民的生业经济具有多样性,但各种生业模式的比重以及是否存在家畜饲养等问题还缺乏相应的了解。本文对该遗址87例人骨与18例动物骨骼进行了C、N稳定同位素分析,还原了人和动物的食物结构及生业经济面貌。结果显示,陆生野生动物的食物结构主要基于C3植物类食物和少量的C4农作物,而犬科动物则体现出家养动物的食谱特性:食物主要依赖C4食物和人类食物残羹。C4类粟黍农作物和以此饲喂的动物是该遗址先民的主要食物来源,其中粟黍农作物在食物结构中的地位尤其重要。在该遗址中,女性摄入相对较多的粟黍和相对较少的肉类,与男性在食物结构上存在显著差异。农耕、家畜饲养是先民最重要的经济行为,狩猎、渔猎和采集是生业的重要补充。  相似文献   

辽宁北票喇嘛洞遗址出土人骨稳定同位素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
喇嘛洞遗址是我国北方地区一处以三燕文化墓葬为主的大型墓地,对其出土人骨进行C和N稳定同位素分析,可望了解先民的食谱,揭示其生活方式进而探索鲜卑与汉的相互联系。该遗址20个墓葬出土人骨的C、N含量以及C/N摩尔比反映了样品均保存较好,可用作食谱分析。人骨中骨胶原δ13C和δ15N分析显示,先民主要以C4类食物为食,且基本为素食,这当与发达的糜子和粟米农业密切相关,表明喇嘛洞遗址鲜卑生活方式已受到汉文化的强烈影响,由游猎为生转变为农业生产为主。对不同性别的先民食谱差异性进行t检验,发现男女食谱上不存在显著差异。样品BLM63和BLM99的δ15N值相对较高,揭示了其食物结构中含有一定量的肉类。  相似文献   

Although the human diet is markedly different from the diets of closely related primate species, the influence of diet on phenotypic and genetic differences between humans and other primates is unknown. In this study, we analyzed gene expression in laboratory mice fed diets typical of humans and of chimpanzees. The effects of human diets were found to be significantly different from that of a chimpanzee diet in the mouse liver, but not in the brain. Importantly, 10% of the genes that differ in their expression between humans and chimpanzee livers differed also between the livers of mice fed the human and chimpanzee diets. Furthermore, both the promoter sequences and the amino acid sequences of these diet-related genes carry more differences between humans and chimpanzees than random genes. Our results suggest that the mouse can be used to study at least some aspects of human-specific traits.  相似文献   

For the Early Iron Age western Hallstatt culture, which includes the site of Magdalenenberg in southwest Germany, it has been proposed that people were mobile and maintained far reaching social and trading networks throughout Europe. We tested this hypothesis by analyzing multiple isotopes (strontium, oxygen, sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen) of the preserved skeletons from the Magdalenenberg elite cemetery to determine diets and to look for evidence of mobility. The analysis of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur isotope ratios in collagen of humans (n = 50) and associated domestic fauna (n = 10) indicates a terrestrial-based diet. There was a heterogeneous range of isotope values in both strontium (0.70725 to 0.71923, n = 76) and oxygen (13.4‰ to 18.5‰, n = 78) measured in tooth enamel. Although many of the individuals had values consistent with being from Hallstatt culture sites within southwest Germany, some individuals likely originated from further afield. Possible areas include the Alps of Switzerland and Austria or even locations in Italy. Our study strongly supports the assumption of far reaching social and economic networks in the western Hallstatt culture.  相似文献   

Social hierarchies guide behavior in many species, including humans, where status also has an enormous impact on motivation and health. However, little is known about the underlying neural representation of social hierarchies in humans. In the present study, we identify dissociable neural responses to perceived social rank using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in an interactive, simulated social context. In both stable and unstable social hierarchies, viewing a superior individual differentially engaged perceptual-attentional, saliency, and cognitive systems, notably dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. In the unstable hierarchy setting, additional regions related to emotional processing (amygdala), social cognition (medial prefrontal cortex), and behavioral readiness were recruited. Furthermore, social hierarchical consequences of performance were neurally dissociable and of comparable salience to monetary reward, providing a neural basis for the high motivational value of status. Our results identify neural mechanisms that may mediate the enormous influence of social status on human behavior and health.  相似文献   

相对于长江流域和黄河流域而言,华南地区先民生活方式的了解一直较为缺乏。广东湛江鲤鱼墩遗址人骨的C和N稳定同位素分析,显示此遗址的先民主要以海生类资源为食,陆生资源(包括可能的块茎类原始农业和动物)只占次要地位。通过与约同时代黄河流域、长江流域先民的稳定同位素数据比较,可以看出,早在6000年前,我国先民的生活方式就已出现3大类型。  相似文献   

淇县宋庄东周墓地出土贵族和殉人骨骼遗存的稳定同位素分析是国内首例针对东周社会分化背景下不同社会阶层先民开展的食谱研究.稳定碳氮同位素分析结果表明,贵族阶层在主粮和肉食方面与殉人群体明显不同.贵族几乎完全以粟为主粮,食物中肉类含量很高;而殉人阶层整体食肉水平较低,主粮的内部差异显著,大部分个体都不同程度的食用了当时不受青...  相似文献   

The medieval period in Europe was a time of unprecedented social complexity that affected human diet. The diets of certain subgroups-for example, children, women, and the poor-are chronically underrepresented in historical sources from the medieval period. To better understand diet and the distribution of foods during the medieval period, we investigated stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of 30 individuals from Trino Vercellese, Northern Italy (8th-13th c.). Specifically, we examined diet differences between subgroups (males and females, and high- and low-status individuals), and diet change throughout the life course among these groups by comparing dentine and bone collagen. Our results show a diet based on terrestrial resources with input from C(4) plants, which could include proso and/or foxtail millet. Diets of low-status males differ from those of females (both status groups) and of high-status males. These differences develop in adulthood. Childhood diets are similar among the subgroups, but sex- and status-based differences appear in adulthood. We discuss the possibility of cultural buffering and dietary selectivity of females and high-status individuals.  相似文献   

Many traits associated with domestication are suggested to have developed as correlated responses to reduced fear of humans. Tameness may have reduced the stress of living in human proximity and improved welfare in captivity. We selected Red Junglefowl (ancestors of all domestic chickens) for four generations on high or low fear towards humans, mimicking an important aspect of the earliest period of domestication, and tested birds from the third and fourth generation in three different social tests. Growth and plumage condition, as well as size of eggs and offspring were also recorded, as indicators of some aspects of welfare. Birds selected for low fear had higher weight, laid larger eggs and generated larger offspring, and had a better plumage condition. In a social dominance test they also performed more aggressive behaviour and received less of the same, regardless of whether the restricted resource was feed or not. Hence, dominance appeared to increase as a consequence of reduced fear of humans. Furthermore, egg size and the weight of the offspring were larger in the less fearful birds, and plumage condition better, which could be interpreted as the less fearful animals being better adapted to the environment in which they were selected.  相似文献   

The scale of human cooperation is an evolutionary puzzle. All of the available evidence suggests that the societies of our Pliocene ancestors were like those of other social primates, and this means that human psychology has changed in ways that support larger, more cooperative societies that characterize modern humans. In this paper, we argue that cultural adaptation is a key factor in these changes. Over the last million years or so, people evolved the ability to learn from each other, creating the possibility of cumulative, cultural evolution. Rapid cultural adaptation also leads to persistent differences between local social groups, and then competition between groups leads to the spread of behaviours that enhance their competitive ability. Then, in such culturally evolved cooperative social environments, natural selection within groups favoured genes that gave rise to new, more pro-social motives. Moral systems enforced by systems of sanctions and rewards increased the reproductive success of individuals who functioned well in such environments, and this in turn led to the evolution of other regarding motives like empathy and social emotions like shame.  相似文献   

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