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Recently, a sequence-based approach has been developed for the fast isolation and characterization of class II aryl-hydroxylating dioxygenase activities (S. Kahl and B. Hofer, Microbiology 149:1475-1481, 2003). It comprises the PCR amplification of segments of alpha subunit genes of unknown sequence that encode the catalytic center and their fusion with sequences of the bphA gene cluster of Burkholderia xenovorans LB400. One of the resulting chimeric enzymes, harboring the core segment of a dioxygenase from Pseudomonas sp. strain B4-Magdeburg, has now been characterized with respect to the oxidation of chlorobiphenyls (CBs). Its substrate and product specificities differed favorably from those of the parental dioxygenase of strain LB400. The hybrid possessed a higher regiospecificity and yielded less unproductive dioxygenations at meta and para carbons. It attacked ortho-, meta-, and para-chlorinated rings with comparable efficiencies. It gave significantly higher yields in ortho,meta-dioxygenation of recalcitrant congeners containing a doubly ortho-chlorinated ring. While the parental enzyme yielded mainly unproductive meta, para dioxygenation of 2,5,4'-CB, the hybrid predominantly converted this congener into an ortho,meta-dioxygenated product. The subsequent enzymes of the LB400 catabolic pathway were able to transform most of the metabolites formed by the novel dioxygenase, indicating that the substrate ranges of these biocatalysts are not adapted to that of their initial pathway enzyme. Some of the catabolites, however, were identified as problematic for further degradation. Our results demonstrate that the outlined approach can successfully be applied to obtain novel dioxygenase specificities that favorably complement or supplement known ones.  相似文献   

Multiple gene transfer (MGT) technology has become a powerful tool for basic and applied plant biology research in recent years. Despite some notable successes in obtaining plant lines harbouring multiple transgenes, these methods are still generally unwieldy and costly. We report here a straightforward and cost effective strategy, utilizing commonly available restriction enzymes for the transfer of multiple genes into plants, hence greatly widening the accessibility of MGT. This methodology exploits the specific ‘nested’ arrangement of a pair of isocaudomer restriction enzymes (for example XbaI—AvrII–XbaI) so that through the alternate use of these two enzymes in a reiterative fashion multiple genes/constructs (up to five in this study) could be ‘stacked’ together with ease. In a proof-of-concept experiment, we constructed a plant transformation vector containing three reporter gene expression cassettes flanked by two matrix attachment region sequences. The expression of all three genes was confirmed in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. The usefulness of this technology was further validated by the construction of a plant transformation vector containing five transgenes for the production of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20?5,8,11,14,17), a polyunsaturated essential fatty acid found in fish oils that is beneficial for health. In addition, we constructed four more vectors, incorporating one seed specific and three promoters conferring constitutive expression. These expression cassettes are flanked by a different isocaudomer pair (AvrII—SpeI–AvrII) and four other unique restriction sites, allowing the exchange of promoters and terminators of choice.  相似文献   

Homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) assays represent a highly sensitive and robust high-throughput screening (HTS) method for the quantification of kinase activity. Traditional TR-FRET kinase assays detect the phosphorylation of an exogenous substrate. The authors describe the development and optimization of a TR-FRET technique that measures the autophosphorylation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR-2) kinase and extend its applicability to a variety of other kinases. The VEGFR-2 assay demonstrated dose-dependent inhibition by compounds known to modulate the catalytic activity of this receptor. In addition, kinetic analysis of a previously characterized VEGFR-2 inhibitor was performed using the method, and results were consistent with those obtained using a different assay format. Because of the known involvement of VEGFR-2 in angiogenesis, this assay should facilitate HTS for antiangiogenic agents. In addition, this general technique should have utility for the screening for inhibitors of kinases as potential therapeutic agents for many other disease indications.  相似文献   

We report a straightforward and widely applicable cryopreservation method for Lilium shoot tips. This method uses adventitious shoots that were induced from leaf segments cultured for 4 weeks on a shoot regeneration medium containing 1 mg/l α-naphthaleneacetic acid and 0.5 mg/l thidiazuron. Shoot tips (1.5–2 mm in length) including 2–3 leaf primordia were precultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS; 1962) medium with 0.5 M sucrose for 1 day and then treated with a loading solution containing 0.4 M sucrose and 2 M glycerol for 20 min, followed by a Plant Vitrification Solution 2 (PVS2) treatment for 4 h at 0 °C. Dehydrated shoot tips were transferred onto 2.5 µl PVS2 droplets on aluminum foil strips, prior to a direct immersion into liquid nitrogen for 1 h. Frozen shoot tips were re-warmed in MS medium containing 1.2 M sucrose for 20 min at room temperature, followed by post-thaw culture for shoot regrowth. Shoot regrowth levels ranged from 42.5 % for L. longiflorum × Oriental ‘Triumphator’ to 87.5 % for L. Oriental hybrid ‘Siberia’, with a mean shoot regrowth level of 67.1 % across the six diverse Lilium genotypes tested. Histological observations found that the survival patterns were similar in cryopreserved shoot tips of ‘Triumphator’ and ‘Siberia’. Assessments using inter-simple sequence repeat markers found no differences in regenerants recovered from the control stock cultures and from cryopreserved shoot tips in ‘Triumphator’ and ‘Siberia’. This Lilium droplet-vitrification cryopreservation method is efficient, simple and widely applicable for the long-term conservation of lily genetic resources.  相似文献   

Rarefaction of the renal microvasculature correlates with declining kidney function. However, current technologies commonly used for its evaluation are limited by their reliance on endothelial cell antigen expression and assessment in two dimensions. We set out to establish a widely applicable and unbiased optical sectioning method to enable three dimensional imaging and reconstruction of the renal microvessels based on their luminal filling. The kidneys of subtotally nephrectomized (SNx) rats and their sham-operated counterparts were subjected to either routine two-dimensional immunohistochemistry or the novel technique of fluorescent microangiography (FMA). The latter was achieved by perfusion of the kidney with an agarose suspension of fluorescent polystyrene microspheres followed by optical sectioning of 200 μm thick cross-sections using a confocal microscope. The fluorescent microangiography method enabled the three-dimensional reconstruction of virtual microvascular casts and confirmed a reduction in both glomerular and peritubular capillary density in the kidneys of SNx rats, despite an overall increase in glomerular volume. FMA is an uncomplicated technique for evaluating the renal microvasculature that circumvents many of the limitations imposed by conventional analysis of two-dimensional tissue sections.  相似文献   

The light chain of plasmin, prepared by selective reduction of the interchain disulfide bridges, can be separated from the heavy chain by affinity adsorption onto Kunitz inhibitor/Sepharose. This adsorption involves the active center of plasmin because it does not occur if the light chain is derived from a plasmin previously blocked by the active site titrant p-nitrophenyl-p'-guanidinobenzoate. It can be deduced that the conformation of the inhibitor binding domain of plasmin is preserved in the free light chain.  相似文献   

The increase of Sf9 cell diameter after infection with a recombinant baculovirus encoding VP8 protein of rotavirus can be used to predict culture productivity. A direct proportional correlation between the increase in cell size and VP8 concentration was obtained when manipulating selected medium components. Only yeast extract increased (38%) VP8 concentration, while fetal bovine serum increased (55%) the maximum cell concentration. An inexpensive and simplified culture media can thus be designed without detriment to protein yields.  相似文献   

Two protein families that are critical for vesicle transport are the Syntaxin and Munc18/Sec1 families of proteins. These two molecules form a high affinity complex and play an essential role in vesicle docking and fusion. Munc18c was expressed as an N-terminally His-tagged fusion protein from recombinant baculovirus in Sf9 insect cells. His-tagged Munc18c was purified to homogeneity using both cobalt-chelating affinity chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. With this simple two-step protocol, 3.5 mg of purified Munc18c was obtained from a 1L culture. Further, the N-terminal His-tag could be removed by thrombin cleavage while the tagged protein was bound to metal affinity resin. Recombinant Munc18c produced in this way is functional, in that it forms a stable complex with the SNARE interacting partner, syntaxin4. Thus we have developed a method for producing and purifying large amounts of functional Munc18c--both tagged and detagged--from a baculovirus expression system. We have also developed a method to purify the Munc18c:syntaxin4 complex. These methods will be employed for future functional and structural studies.  相似文献   

A method for the purification and subsequent quantification of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) from the same sample of highly pigmented green tissue has been developed and tested in several species. Solvent partitioning and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were used for purification. Separate fractions from HPLC-containing IAA and ABA were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) using selected-ion monitoring (SIM). Isotope dilution was used to correct for incomplete recovery. Results are presented for tissue samples from 11 different species and five different plant organs. The method can be completed, for both IAA and ABA, for two samples in 8 h by an experienced technician. IAA and ABA were the dominant peaks in the gas chromatograms from HPLC-purified samples, and amounts of about 1 ng can be detected. The extract was partitioned into an aqueous solution of pH 9.5, a step suspected of ester hydrolysis. By analyzing samples known to contain esters of IAA and ABA and comparing the results with methods which excluded this step, we have shown that this partitioning does not result in erroneously high values due to ester hydrolysis. A direct comparison of the method with one in which HPLC was not employed indicates that our method measures IAA and ABA in samples in which these compounds are not detectable when HPLC is omitted. Thus, HPLC is an essential purification step for samples where contaminating compounds co-purify with IAA and ABA through the solvent-partitioning steps.  相似文献   

The recently cloned Na/P i -cotransport system NaPi-2 is an apical membrane protein of rat proximal tubular cells and is involved in proximal phosphate reabsorption. To make the protein available for further functional/structural studies, this transport system has been expressed in Sf9 insect cells using a recombinant baculovirus. Sf9 cells infected with NaPi-2 (or 6His tagged NaPi-2) expressed functional Na/P i -cotransport up to 20- to 50-fold over noninfected Sf9 cells. Transport of phosphate in infected cells was highly dependent on sodium, exhibited a K m for P i of 0.114 mm and an apparent K m for Na of 63 mm (Hill coefficient of approximately 3) and was stimulated by high external pH. Infected cells expressed a polypeptide of 65 kDa representing a nonglycosylated form of the 85 kDa mature NaPi-2 transporter as present in proximal tubular brush-border membranes. By confocal microscopy expression of NaPi-2 protein was observed in the plasma membrane, yet submembranous accumulation of NaPi-2 protein could not be excluded. This demonstrates that the rat proximal tubular Na/P i -cotransport system NaPi-2 can be successfully expressed in Sf9 cells with characteristics similar to that in isolated brush-border membranes. The 6His tagging will permit isolation of the NaPi-2 cotransporter in amounts sufficient for structural/functional studies.We would like to thank W. Scherle and M. Lötscher (Institute of Anatomy) for their generous help using the confocal microscope and Ch. Gasser for the art work. Financial support by the Swiss National Fonds [Grant No. 32-30785.91 (to H.M.) and 32-28664.90 (to J.B.)] and by Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Forschung an der Universitát Zürich is greatly acknowledged.  相似文献   

Olfactory receptors (ORs) are the largest member of the G-protein-coupled receptors which mediate early olfactory perception in discriminating among thousands of odorant molecules. Assigning odorous ligands to ORs is a prerequisite to gaining an understanding of the mechanisms of odorant recognition. The functional expression of ORs represents a critical step in addressing this issue. Due to limitations in heterologous expression, very few mammal ORs have been characterized, and so far only one is from human origin. Consequently, OR function still remains poorly understood, especially in humans, whose genome encodes a restricted chemosensory repertoire compared with most mammal species. In this study, we have designed cassette baculovirus vectors to coexpress human OR 17-209 or OR 17-210 with either G(alpha olf) or G(alpha16) proteins in Sf9 cells. Each OR was found to be expressed at the cell surface and colocalized with both G(alpha) proteins. Using Ca2+ imaging, we showed that OR 17-209 and OR 17-210 proteins are activated by esters and ketones respectively. Odorant-induced calcium response was increased when ORs were coexpressed with G(alpha16) protein, whereas coexpression with G(alpha olf) abolished calcium signaling. This strategy has been found to overcome most of the limitations encountered when expressing an OR protein and has permitted odorant screening of functional ORs. Our approach could thus be of interest for further expression and ligand assignment of other orphan receptor proteins.  相似文献   

Mutations within the human skeletal muscle alpha-actin gene cause three different skeletal muscle diseases. Functional studies of the mutant proteins are necessary to better understand the pathogenesis of these diseases, however, no satisfactory system for the expression of mutant muscle actin proteins has been available. We investigated the baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) for the abundant production of both normal and mutant skeletal muscle alpha-actin. We show that non-mutated actin produced in the BEVS behaves similarly to native actin, as shown by DNase I affinity purification, Western blotting, and consecutive cycles of polymerisation and depolymerisation. Additionally, we demonstrate the production of mutant actin proteins in the BEVS, without detriment to the insect cells in which they are expressed. The BEVS therefore is the method of choice for studying mutant actin proteins causing human diseases.  相似文献   

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