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To clarify factors causing mortality of Leptocorisa chinensis Dallas (Hemiptera: Alydidae) eggs in rice fields, sentinel egg masses were exposed for seven days in two rice, Oryza sativa L. (Poaceae), fields. An insecticide was sprayed to remove natural enemies in one-half of each field before exposing egg masses to predation. An egg mass containing 14 eggs was glued to a plastic label, and 21 egg masses each were placed in the sprayed and unsprayed control plots. During exposure, the number of hatched and missing eggs was observed daily. Egg predators were sampled in the fields before and after insecticide application. After the egg masses were retrieved from the fields, mortality factors of the unhatched eggs were assessed in the laboratory. The mean number of hatched and missing eggs was not significantly different between the sprayed and control plots in field A. In field B, however, the numbers were significantly different. The percentage of missing eggs in damaged egg masses ranged from 80 to 100%. In the laboratory, we observed that feeding marks caused by the grasshopper Conocephalus chinensis (Redtenbacher) were similar to those on the eggs exposed in the rice fields. The density of C. chinensis was low in control plots of field A. In contrast, the density was high in those of field B. These observations suggest that the density of egg predators, e.g., C. chinensis, is a mortality factor of L. chinensis eggs in rice fields.  相似文献   

A species of Neomegalotomus is an occasional pest of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] in the neotropics, including in Brazil. It was known as Neomegalotomus parvus (Westwood); but the discovery of the type specimen of a species described earlier requires that the name be changed to Neomegalotomus simplex (Westwood), which becomes the correct name for the soybean pest.  相似文献   

本文梳理了我国常见水稻重要害虫稻缘蝽属3个物种中文名称使用混乱问题,对其常见种中文名称做出如下订正:Leptocorisa acuta(Thunberg,1783)中文名为异稻缘蝽;Leptocorisa chinensis Dallas,1852中文名为中稻缘蝽;Leptocorisa oratoria(Fabricius,1794)中文名为大稻缘蝽,以便于名称的统一和规范,并提供了修订后的中国稻缘蝽5个已记录种的检索表。  相似文献   

To elucidate the relationship between locomotion activity and reproductive status versus age after eclosion of the rice bug, Leptocorisa chinensis, locomotion activity and mating behavior were investigated by use of an actograph and video recording system. Locomotion activity of males and females 3, 7, 14, and 21 days after eclosion was recorded. High locomotion activity was observed in the scotophase. In both sexes, the activity pattern changed with age; that is, settling mode was observed in younger (3 and 7 days old) individuals and locomotion mode in older (14 and 21 days old) individuals. Locomotion activity in the scotophase in settling-mode individuals was lower than in locomotion-mode individuals, and they often stayed on rice panicles all day. On the other hand, the activity of locomotion-mode individuals was high throughout the scotophase. Most locomotion-mode males had mature gonads. Courtship and mating behavior occurred in the scotophase. The results indicate that L. chinensis adults spend a lot of time on food plants and their gonads develop during the young, teneral period. They subsequently change to the locomotive mode and move around, probably for reproductive activity.  相似文献   

Brown stink bug, Euschistus servus (Say) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), damage on developing corn, Zea mays L., ears was examined in 2005 and 2006 by using eight parameters related to its yield and kernel quality. Stink bug infestations were initiated when the corn plants were at tasseling (VT), mid-silking (R1), and blister (R2) stages by using zero, three, and six in 2005 or zero, one, two, and four bugs per ear in 2006, and maintained for 9 d. The percentage of discolored kernels was affected by stink bug number in both years, but not always affected by plant growth stage. The growth stage effect on the percentage of discolored kernels was significant in 2006, but not in 2005. The percentage of aborted kernels was affected by both stink bug number and plant growth stage in 2005 but not in 2006. Kernel weight was significantly reduced when three E. sercus adults were confined on a corn ear at stage VT or R1 for 9 d in 2005, whereas one or two adults per ear resulted in no kernel weight loss, but four E. servus adults did cause significant kernel weight loss at stage VT in 2006. Stink bug feeding injury at stage R2 did not affect kernel damage, ear weight or grain weight in either year. The infestation duration (9 or 18 d) was positively correlated to the percentage of discolored kernels but did not affect kernel or ear weight. Based on the regression equations between the kernel weight and stink bug number, the gain threshold or economic injury level should be 0.5 bugs per ear for 9 d at stage VT and less for stage R1. This information will be useful in developing management guidelines for stink bugs in field corn during ear formation and early grain filling stages.  相似文献   

The function of “cuticular hydrocarbons” (CHCs) in insects is to protect the body as well as chemical communication and recognition between species. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry were used to compare the composition of CHCs in eggs, all nymph instars, and male and female adults of the bean bug, Riptortus pedestris (Hemiptera: Alydidae). CHC carbon chain numbers of each developmental stage ranged from 14 to 19 in eggs to the fourth nymph and were 24 in the last nymph. CHCs' carbon chain numbers in male and female adults increased from 16 to 23 and 16 to 27 until 6 days of age, respectively. Major components consisted of n-nonacosane in the larval stages, which changed to n-hentriacontane, n-heptacosane and 13,17-;15,19-demethyltritriacontane in adults. The major component from eggs was not identified. The major component from newly emerged adults was n-heptacosane. CHCs in different developmental stages of the bean bug consisted of n-alkanes with saturated hydrocarbons (27–63%), followed by mono or di-methyl alkanes. However, the CHCs of newly emerged female and male adults consisted mostly of methyl-alkanes. The major constituents of CHCs in the developmental stages of R. pedestris were proportionally different but showed only slight differences in composition.  相似文献   

We recognize two species in Neomegalotomus, N. parvus (Westwood), the type species; and N. rufipes (Westwood). The two species are redescribed from type specimens, and are keyed. We synonymize the following species with Neomegalotomus parvus: N. simplex (Westwood), N. latifascia (Berg), and N. pallescens (St?l) (all new synonymies). We synonymize N. jamaicensis (Westwood) with N. rufipes (new synonymy). The type specimens of all species hitherto placed in the genus are also redescribed, except those of N. debilis (Walker) and N. vicinus (Westwood). N. parvus occurs from México through Central America into northern Argentina and east into Venezuela and adjacent Caribbean islands. N. rufipes is widespread in the Caribbean south towards Venezuela. The two species overlap in distribution: N. parvus is found on St. Vincent and Tobago, whereas N. rufipes occurs on Grenada, which lies between those two islands.  相似文献   

Gryon flavipes (Ashmead) is an egg-parasite of the rice earbug,Leptocorisa oratorius (Fabricius) in Sarawak. The life cycle is completed in 10–16 days. One larva develops per host egg, and maximum parasitism varies between 40–90%. Parasitism is at least partially density-dependent but does not prevent the build-up ofLeptocorisa numbers.  相似文献   

Studies related to the flight behavior of the bean bug, Riptortus clavatus, an insect pest of soybean, provide information, which can aid the development of management tactics. R. clavatus flight activities were determined using the tethered flight technique in the laboratory and a field study. We compared the flight parameters (flight distance, duration, speed and frequency) of laboratory-reared mated or unmated females and males of different adult age groups, and field-collected females and males from different seasons in a year. Mating effect was only significant for flight frequency, which was higher for unmated adults. Only the flight frequency was different between females and males. Among age groups, 25 d old individuals were shown to have higher flight parameters while the 35 or 45 d old groups showed the lower flight. Among the season, flight activities decreased as the season progressed. The flight distance of R. clavatus in a day was estimated to be 1.6–5.1 km with an average speed of 0.8 m/s from the laboratory data. However, from the field study, it was shown that bean bugs flew a 45–54 m distance with a flight speed of 3.0–3.6 m/s for the first single flight. The second flight was much shorter and slower. We discuss the possible difference of flight parameters between the laboratory and field studies with features of flight mill, variable field conditions and host plant finding behaviors. Further study on flight behavior may provide a better understanding of R. clavatus biology which may guide proper management.  相似文献   

<正>Widespread use of inorganic nitrogen fertilizers has increased yields of many grains, including rice (Oryza sativa L.); however, fertilizers are costly for farmers and cause serious environmental problems, such as soil acidification and water eutrophication (Guo et al., 2010, 2021; Liu et al., 2021). Improving nitrogen use efficiency(NUE) in rice offers a practical way to enhance grain yield and alleviate the environmental problems caused by overuse of nitrogen fertilizer. Identifying a...  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted from 1989 to 1992 to determine the effects of Oebalus ornatus (Sailer) on Cica 8 rice, Oryza sativa L., yield and to study the population dynamics of the insect. The effect of O. ornatus was measured for seven population levels (0, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, and 24 sexed pairs per 20 panicles) at three stages of grain development (flowering, milk, and soft dough stage). Insect feeding during the flowering and milk stages of grain development caused more damage than feeding during the soft dough stage. The action threshold was calculated to be 14 O. ornatus adults per square meter for the flowering and milk stages and 67 for the soft dough stage of grain maturity. Population densities that would reduce rice yield in southwestern Colombia were not observed during the 3 yr of the study.  相似文献   

The rice bug, Leptocorisa acuta (Thunb.) is a major pest of the rice crop in India. A computer simulation model of the bug's population dynamics was formulated using the information generated on the thermal requirements of development stages. It is a mechanistic model which follows the state variable–rate variable approach. The model works based on the accumulation of heat units over stage-specific thresholds of development. Validation using light trap catches has shown that the model has satisfactory predictive value. Simulated population dynamics over the years were compared and the influence of global warming on bug population dynamics was predicted. The model can forecast the pest population in the field and help in timely adoption of management practices.  相似文献   

Adult squash bugs, Anasa tristis (De Geer) (Heteroptera: Coreidae), were confined on watermelon plants at differing phenological stages and at densities of zero to four per plant in one trial and zero to 32 per plant in three additional trials. Squash bugs were allowed to feed on the plants until plants died or fruit matured. Plant foliage, roots, and fruit were harvested and weighed to determine effects on growth and productivity. Growth and fruit production was regressed on number of squash bugs and results indicated that an increasing density of squash bugs feeding on vining and flowering stage plants resulted in significant reductions in plant growth and fruit yield. When plants were infested at the fruit set stage of growth, there was either less effect or no effect on plant growth and fruit production. Plant mortality increased as the density of squash bugs increased regardless of the stage of growth when plants were infested with squash bugs.  相似文献   

Effects of the pars intercerebralis (PI) on the rate of oviposition were examined in adult females of Riptortus pedestris (F.) under long-day conditions that promote reproduction. When the neurosecretory cells in the PI were surgically removed from the females, they laid significantly fewer eggs than control females. When the PI from reproductive females was transplanted to PI-removed females, the number of eggs was significantly greater than that in PI-removed females without transplantation. Therefore, we suggest that the PI neurons promote fecundity or oviposition in R. pedestris.  相似文献   

Many publications indicated various beneficial effects of the addition of silicon (Si) in soil on the physiology of rice plants. The gene responsible for the Si-uptake in rice, low Si-influx 1 (Lsi1), was identified and cloned for this study. The photosynthetic rate (Pn), grain yield, and resistance to Cadmium (Cd)-stress of the wild-type (WT) and Lsi1-transgenic Lemont rice lines under Cd-stress were examined in an attempt to better understand the mechanism associated with the Si-addition, Cd-stress, and rice physiology. Si-fertilization significantly reduced the Cd-content in rice under Cd-stress. The effect was most significant in the Lsi1-overexpression transgenic Lemont rice (Lsi1-OE line) under high Cd-stress. Conversely, Cd in soil lowered the Si-uptake of the plants indicating a significant interaction between the two elements. During the grain-filling period, Cd-stress greatly reduced the chlorophyll content and Pn of the rice resulting in a diminished grain output. However, Lsi1-OE line with a higher chlorophyll content and Pn than either WT or Lsi1-RNAi transgenic Lemont rice (Lsi1-RNAi line) maintained a high photo-assimilate transportation for high yield potential. At harvest, Lsi1-OE line contained more Si and less Cd than WT, whereas the Lsi1-RNAi line showed an opposite result. In general, Cd-stress reduced, while Si-fertilization significantly increased, the grain yield on rice. However, no significant difference on the grain yields existed between WT and Lsi1-RNAi line. This might be due to a compensation effect generated by Lsi1-RNAi line. It appeared that Si in the soil, as well as the enhancing or inhibiting Lsi1 expression and the resistance to Cd-toxicity of the plants, could significantly affect the rice yield making alternations on these factors a plausible approach for production improvement.  相似文献   

The Japanese common broad-headed bugs Riptortus clavatus and Leptocorisa chinensis possess a number of crypts in the posterior region of the midgut, whose lumen contains a copious amount of bacterial cells. We characterized the gut symbiotic bacteria by using molecular phylogenetic analysis, light and electron microscopy, in situ hybridization, and PCR-based detection techniques. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 16S rRNA gene clones suggested that a single bacterium dominated the microbiota in the crypts of the both bug species. The predominant 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained from different individuals and species of the bugs were not identical but were very similar to each other. Homology searches in the DNA databases revealed that the sequences showed the highest levels of similarity (96% to 99%) to the sequences of Burkholderia spp. belonging to the beta subdivision of the class Proteobacteria. In situ hybridization with specific oligonucleotide probes confirmed the localization of the Burkholderia symbiont in the lumen of the midgut crypts. Electron microscopy showed that the lumen of the crypts was filled with rod-shaped bacteria of a single morphotype. Molecular phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the Burkholderia symbionts of the bugs formed a well-defined monophyletic group, although the group also contained several environmental Burkholderia strains. The phylogenetic relationship of the Burkholderia symbionts did not reflect the relationship of the host bug species at all. The sequences from R. clavatus and the sequences from L. chinensis did not form clades but were intermingled in the phylogeny, suggesting that horizontal transmission of the symbiont might have occasionally occurred between populations and species of the bugs.  相似文献   

The effect of the auxin physiological analogues analogues 1-[2-chloroethoxycarbonylmethyl]-4-naphthalenesulfonic acid calcium salt (TA-12) and 1-[2-dimethylaminoethoxicarbonylmethyl]naphthalene chlormethylate (TA-14) TA-14 on different winter rapeseed cultivars were studied with regard to their autumnal growth, cold hardening, accumulation of the stress-protective metabolites proline and saccharide in plant organs: apical bud and root collum, winter survival and productivity formation. The test cultivars were the very early ‘Libea’ medium-resistant to wintering, the medium-early ‘Sunday’ resistant to wintering, the medium–early ‘Valesca’ less than medium resistant to wintering, and the early ‘Hornet’ (hybrid) tolerant to stress growth conditions. During the period of cold hardening in natural field conditions, the test compounds TA-12 (2 mM) and TA-14 (4 mM), applied to different winter rapeseed cultivars at the 4th–5th leaf stage, stimulate accumulation proline and saccharides (sucrose and glucose) in the root collum and apical bud tissues, influence plants acclimation to cold, overwintering and productivity formation. Compounds TA-12 and especially TA-14 produced a stable effect on seed and crude fat yield in cvs. ‘Hornet’, ‘Sunday’ and ‘Libea’. The genotypic peculiarities of a cultivar and the meteorological conditions of the plant vegetation period were the factors that mostly determined fatty acid content in seed oil.  相似文献   

Next‐generation sequencing technologies (NGS) allow systematists to amass a wealth of genomic data from non‐model species for phylogenetic resolution at various temporal scales. However, phylogenetic inference for many lineages dominated by non‐model species has not yet benefited from NGS, which can complement Sanger sequencing studies. One such lineage, whose phylogenetic relationships remain uncertain, is the diverse, agriculturally important and charismatic Coreoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Given the lack of consensus on higher‐level relationships and the importance of a robust phylogeny for evolutionary hypothesis testing, we use a large data set comprised of hundreds of ultraconserved element (UCE) loci to infer the phylogeny of Coreoidea (excluding Stenocephalidae and Hyocephalidae), with emphasis on the families Coreidae and Alydidae. We generated three data sets by including alignments that contained loci sampled for at least 50%, 60%, or 70% of the total taxa, and inferred phylogeny using maximum likelihood and summary coalescent methods. Twenty‐six external morphological features used in relatively comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of coreoids were also re‐evaluated within our molecular phylogenetic framework. We recovered 439–970 loci per species (16%–36% of loci targeted) and combined this with previously generated UCE data for 12 taxa. All data sets, regardless of analytical approach, yielded topologically similar and strongly supported trees, with the exception of outgroup relationships and the position of Hydarinae. We recovered a monophyletic Coreoidea, with Rhopalidae highly supported as the sister group to Alydidae + Coreidae. Neither Alydidae nor Coreidae were monophyletic; the coreid subfamilies Hydarinae and Pseudophloeinae were recovered as more closely related to Alydidae than to other coreid subfamilies. Coreinae were paraphyletic with respect to Meropachyinae. Most morphological traits were homoplastic with several clades defined by few, if any, synapomorphies. Our results demonstrate the utility of phylogenomic approaches in generating robust hypotheses for taxa with long‐standing phylogenetic problems and highlight that novel insights may come from such approaches.  相似文献   

The nymphal locomotion ability (walking distance) of the stenophagous bean bug Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) was studied in each instar. We measured the walking distance using two systems. The walking distance in photophase was measured for 6 h using a tracking system with a charge coupled device (CCD) camera and computer software. The daily activity of nymphs was measured by an actograph system counting the number of infrared beam intercepts. The actograph data were converted to distance using a linear regression against the data of the tracking system. The longevity of nymphs without food was also studied to estimate the potential walking distance. Using both the tracking and actograph systems, it was determined that first instars walked less than the other instars (only 10.7 m within 6 h). The second to fifth instars could move 20-25 m within 6 h, and this distance did not differ among instar. This indicates that first instars seldom move after hatching in the field. The walking distance for 24 h varied and was greatest for the third instars (80.8 m). The potential longevity of nymphs was found to increase with instar age. Potential locomotion ability (walking distance for 24 hxpotential longevity) was high in the third to fifth instars (approximately 340 m). The potential locomotion ability for the second instars was relatively low compared with the elder instars (approximately 180 m). From these results, nymphs of R. pedestris seem to adapt by identifying feeding site locations after hatching and elder instars may be able to find a novel feeding site after the degradation of previous habitat.  相似文献   

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