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The use of elevated temperatures (> or = 40-60 degrees C) or heat treatments for managing insects in food-processing facilities is a viable alternative to space fumigation with methyl bromide. Quantitative data are lacking on the responses of life stages of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), an important pest of food-processing facilities worldwide, to elevated temperatures used during heat treatments. We determined time-mortality relationships for eggs, young (neonate) larvae, old larvae, pupae, and adults of T. castaneum, exposed to constant temperatures of 42, 46, 50, 54, 58, and 60 degrees C. Generally, mortality of each stage increased with an increase in temperature and exposure time. Young larvae were the most heat-tolerant stage, especially at temperatures > or = 50 degrees C. Exposure for a minimum of 7.2 h at > or = 50 degrees C was required to kill 99% of young larvae, whereas the other stages required < or = 1.8 h. Heat treatments that control young larvae should control all other stages of T. castaneum, and young larvae should be used as test insects to evaluate efficacy against T. castaneum during an actual facility heat treatment. These results provide the basis for successful use of elevated temperatures for management of T. castaneum life stages associated with food-processing facilities.  相似文献   

The influence of sanitation on responses of life stages of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), an economically important pest in flour mills, was investigated in a pilot flour mill subjected to two, 24-h heat treatments. One hundred eggs or 100 adults of T. castaneum were exposed inside each 20-cm diameter by 15-cm high PVC rings holding 0.1-, 0.2-, 1.0-, 3.0-, 6.0-, and 10.0-cm-deep wheat flour to simulate different sanitation levels that may exist in a flour mill. These rings were placed on the first and third floors of a pilot flour mill. On the first floor, temperatures inside rings with eggs reached 50 degrees C in 7-11 h only in 0.1- and 0.2-cm-deep flour treatments. In all other treatments the maximum temperatures attained generally were below 50 degrees C and inversely related to flour depth. Adults of T. castaneum on this floor were less susceptible than eggs. The egg mortality decreased linearly with an increase in flour depth, whereas that of adults decreased exponentially. All eggs and adults in rings on the third floor were killed irrespective of flour depth, because temperatures inside rings reached 50 degrees C in 15-17 h and were held above 50 degrees C for 6-8 h with the maximum temperatures ranging between 55.0 and 57.0 degrees C. Although the protective effects of flour on survival of T. castaneum eggs and adults were evident only if temperatures did not reach 50 degrees C, removal of flour accumulations is essential to improve heat treatment effectiveness.  相似文献   

Methyl bromide, a space fumigant used in food-processing facilities, may be phased out in the United States by 2005. The use of elevated temperatures or heat treatment is gaining popularity as a methyl bromide alternative. During heat treatment, the temperature of the whole food-processing facility, or a portion of it, is raised and held between 50 and 60 degrees C for 24-36 h to kill stored-product insects. We determined time-mortality responses of the confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum (Jacquelin du Val), eggs, young larvae, old larvae, pupae, and adults exposed to six constant temperatures between 46 and 60 degrees C. Responses of all five insect stages also were measured using exposure times of 160, 40, and 12 min at 46, 50, and 60 degrees C, respectively. Time-mortality responses of all T. confusum life stages increased with an increase in exposure time and temperature. Both time-mortality and fixed time responses showed eggs and young larvae to be most susceptible at elevated temperatures and old larvae to be least susceptible. Our results suggest that old larvae should be used as test insects to gauge heat treatment effectiveness, because heat treatment aimed at controlling old larvae should be able to control all other T. confusum life stages. Besides providing baseline data for successful use of heat treatments, time-mortality data collected at the six temperatures can be used for developing thermal death kinetic models for this species to predict mortality during actual facility heat treatments.  相似文献   

Heat treatment of food-processing facilities involves using elevated temperatures (50-60 degrees C for 24-36 h) for management of stored-product insects. Heat treatment is a viable alternative to the fumigant methyl bromide, which is phased out in the United States as of 2005 because of its adverse effects on the stratospheric ozone. Very little is known about responses of the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne (F.) (Coleoptera: Anobiidae), a pest associated with food-processing facilities, to elevated temperatures. Responses of L. serricorne life stages to elevated temperatures were evaluated to identify the most heat-tolerant stage. Exposure of eggs, young larvae, old larvae, and adults during heat treatment of a food-processing facility did not clearly show a life stage to be heat tolerant. In the laboratory, exposure of eggs, young larvae, old larvae, pupae, and adults at fixed times to 46, 50, and 54 degrees C and 22% RH indicated eggs to be the most heat-tolerant stage. Time-mortality responses at each of these three temperatures showed that the time for 99% mortality (LT99) based on egg hatchability and egg-to-adult emergence was not significantly different from one another at each temperature. Egg hatchability alone can be used to determine susceptibility to elevated temperatures between 46 and 54 degrees C. The LT99 based on egg hatchability and egg-to-adult emergence at 46 degrees C was 605 and 598 min, respectively, and it decreased to 190 and 166 min at 50 degrees C and 39 and 38 min at 54 degrees C. An exponential decay equation best described LT99 as a function of temperature for pooled data based on egg hatchability and egg-to-adult emergence. Our results suggest that during structural heat treatments eggs should be used in bioassays for gauging heat treatment effectiveness, because treatments aimed at controlling eggs should be able to control all other L. serricorne life stages.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of various life stages of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), a pest of stored wheat, Triticum aestivum L., to flameless catalytic infrared radiation in the 3-7-microm range was evaluated in the laboratory. Immature stages were collected from flour infested with T. castaneum adults only for 1 d. Stages collected after 1 d represented eggs (collected on day 0); those collected after 7, 14, and 21 d from day 0 represented larvae in different developmental stages, whereas those collected after 24 d represented pupae. Adults (2 wk old) were collected after 42 d. Each of these stages was exposed for 45 or 60 s in 113.5 or 227.0 g of wheat at a distance of 8.0 or 12.7 cm from a bench top infrared emitter. The mean temperatures attained during exposures were measured continuously using a noncontact infrared thermometer connected to a computer. The mean grain temperatures attained increased with an increase in exposure time and were inversely related to distance from the emitter. Grain quantity least influenced mean temperatures attained. Pupae were the least susceptible stage and larvae collected after 7 d were the most susceptible stage. Variation in probability of death of various life stages decreased with an increase in mean grain temperatures attained. All life stages were killed after a 60-s exposure at a distance of 8.0 cm from the emitter in 113.5 g of wheat, where the mean +/- SE temperatures attained ranged from 107.6 +/- 1.2 to 111.4 +/- 0.5 degrees C. Our laboratory results using small grain quantities and short exposure times showed that flameless catalytic infrared radiation can be a valuable tool for managing insects in stored organic and nonorganic wheat.  相似文献   

Heating the ambient air of a whole, or a portion of a food-processing facility to 50 to 60 degrees C and maintaining these elevated temperatures for 24 to 36 h, is an old technology, referred to as heat treatment. There is renewed interest in adopting heat treatments around the world as a viable insect control alternative to fumigation with methyl bromide. There is limited published information on responses of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), exposed to elevated temperatures typically used during heat treatments. Time-mortality relationships were determined for eggs, fifth-instars (wandering-phase larvae), pupae, and adults of P. interpunctella exposed to five constant temperatures between 44 and 52 degrees C. Mortality of each stage increased with increasing temperature and exposure time. In general, fifth-instars were the most heat-tolerant stage at all temperatures tested. Exposure for a minimum of 34 min at 50 degrees C was required to kill 99% of the fifth-instars. It is proposed that heat treatments aimed at controlling fifth-instars should be able to control all other stages of P. interpunctella.  相似文献   

  • 1 In Tribolium castaneum Herbst, in which dispersal is genetically determined, it is possible to select for strains that are characterized by high and low dispersal, High dispersal (HD) beetles are better adapted than low dispersal (LD) beetles for colonization, as can be seen from differences that exist between the two groups with regard to several life-history parameters.
  • 2 Comparisons were made between the dynamics of seventy-two HD and seventy-two LD populations. Generation length in HD populations was significantly shorter than in LD populations. After 91/2 weeks, in open treatments (from which dispersal away from the set was allowed), HD populations had more beetles than LD populations, whereas in closed treatments (from which dispersal away from the set was not allowed) the opposite was true.
  • 3 These findings may explain the maintenance of the genetic variability of dispersal behaviour in natural populations of T.castmeurn.

Drought and heat stress are two major abiotic stresses that tend to co‐occur in nature. Recent climate change models predict that the frequency and duration of periods of high temperatures and moisture‐deficits are on the rise and can be detrimental to crop production and hence a serious threat for global food security. In this study we examined the impact of short‐term heat, drought and combined heat and drought stress on four barley varieties. These stresses were applied during vegetative stage or during heading stages. The impact on root and shoot biomass as well as seed yields were analyzed. This study demonstrated that sensitivity to combined stress was generally greater than heat or drought individually, and greater when imposed at heading than at the vegetative stages. Micromalted seeds collected from plants stressed during heading showed differences in malt extract, beta‐glucan content and percent soluble protein. Screening barley germplasm during heading stage is recommended to identify novel sources of tolerance to combined stress. Apart from seed yield, assessing the seed quality traits of concern for the stakeholders and/or consumers should be an integral part of breeding programs for developing new barley varieties with improved heat and drought stress tolerance.  相似文献   

Some Pacific salmon populations have been experiencing increasingly warmer river temperatures during their once-in-a-lifetime spawning migration, which has been associated with en route and prespawn mortality. The mechanisms underlying such temperature-mediated mortality are poorly understood. Wild adult pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) salmon were used in this study. The objectives were to investigate the effects of elevated water temperature on mortality, final maturation, and blood properties under controlled conditions that simulated a "cool" (13°C) and "warm" (19°C) freshwater spawning migration. After 10 d at 13°C, observed mortality was 50%-80% in all groups, which suggested that there was likely some mortality associated with handling and confinement. Observed mortality after 10 d at 19°C was higher, reaching ≥98% in male pink salmon and female pink and sockeye salmon. Thus, male sockeye salmon were the most thermally tolerant (54% observed mortality). Model selection supported the temperature- and sex-specific mortality patterns. The pink salmon were closer to reproductive maturation and farther along the senescence trajectory than sockeye salmon, which likely influenced their survival and physiological responses throughout the experiment. Females of both species held at 19°C had reduced plasma sex steroids compared with those held at 13°C, and female pink salmon were less likely to become fully mature at 19° than at 13°C. Male and female sockeye salmon held at 19°C had higher plasma chloride and osmolality than those held at 13°C, indicative of a thermally related stress response. These findings suggest that sex differences and proximity to reproductive maturity must be considered when predicting thermal tolerance and the magnitude of en route and prespawn mortality for Pacific salmon.  相似文献   

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