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A clonal isolate, termed L575, of the filamentous brackish-water cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena Mertens emend. was found to produce a potent hepatotoxic peptide (50% lethal intraperitoneal dose for the mouse, 60 micrograms/kg) with chemical and toxicological properties similar to those of the hepatotoxic heptapeptides produced by other freshwater planktonic cyanobacteria. The isolate was made from a water sample collected in Lake Ellesmere, New Zealand, in 1980. The toxin, isolated and purified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and analyzed by HPLC amino acid analysis, contained glutamic acid, beta-methyla-spartic acid, and arginine units in equivalent amounts. The fast-atom-bombardment mass spectrum of the toxin indicated the molecular weight to be 824. Batch cultures of strain L575 showed that the toxin content varied between 1.96 and 2.99 mg/g of cells and that a positive correlation between toxin content and chlorophyll a, but not biomass, was present.  相似文献   

Water blooms formed by potentially toxic species of cyanobacteria are a common phenomenon in the Baltic Sea in late summer. Twenty-five cyanobacterial bloom samples were collected from open and coastal waters of the Baltic Sea during 1985 to 1987, and their toxicity was determined by mouse bioassay. All of 5 bloom samples from the southern Baltic Sea, 6 of 6 from the open northern Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland), and 7 of 14 Finnish coastal samples were found to contain hepatotoxic cyanobacteria. Nodularia spumigena and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae occurred together in high amounts in blooms from the open-sea areas. In addition, coastal samples contained the species Anabaena lemmermannii, Microcystis aeruginosa, and Oscillatoria agardhii. Eighteen hepatotoxic N. spumigena cultures were isolated from water bloom and open-sea water samples. High-pressure liquid chromatographic analysis of both hepatotoxic bloom samples and Nodularia strains showed a single toxic fraction. The toxin concentrations of the blooms were less than or equal to 2.4 mg/g of freeze-dried material, and those of laboratory-grown cultures were 2.5 to 8.0 mg/g of freeze-dried cells. A single toxin was isolated from three N. spumigena-containing bloom samples and three N. spumigena laboratory isolates. Amino acid analysis and low- and high-resolution fast-atom bombardment mass spectroscopy indicated that the toxin from all of the sources was a cyclic pentapeptide (molecular weight, 824) containing glutamic acid, beta-methylaspartic acid, arginine, N-methyldehydrobutyrine, and 3-amino-9-methoxy-2,6,8-trimethyl-10-phenyl-4,6-decadienoic acid.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Water blooms formed by potentially toxic species of cyanobacteria are a common phenomenon in the Baltic Sea in late summer. Twenty-five cyanobacterial bloom samples were collected from open and coastal waters of the Baltic Sea during 1985 to 1987, and their toxicity was determined by mouse bioassay. All of 5 bloom samples from the southern Baltic Sea, 6 of 6 from the open northern Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland), and 7 of 14 Finnish coastal samples were found to contain hepatotoxic cyanobacteria. Nodularia spumigena and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae occurred together in high amounts in blooms from the open-sea areas. In addition, coastal samples contained the species Anabaena lemmermannii, Microcystis aeruginosa, and Oscillatoria agardhii. Eighteen hepatotoxic N. spumigena cultures were isolated from water bloom and open-sea water samples. High-pressure liquid chromatographic analysis of both hepatotoxic bloom samples and Nodularia strains showed a single toxic fraction. The toxin concentrations of the blooms were less than or equal to 2.4 mg/g of freeze-dried material, and those of laboratory-grown cultures were 2.5 to 8.0 mg/g of freeze-dried cells. A single toxin was isolated from three N. spumigena-containing bloom samples and three N. spumigena laboratory isolates. Amino acid analysis and low- and high-resolution fast-atom bombardment mass spectroscopy indicated that the toxin from all of the sources was a cyclic pentapeptide (molecular weight, 824) containing glutamic acid, beta-methylaspartic acid, arginine, N-methyldehydrobutyrine, and 3-amino-9-methoxy-2,6,8-trimethyl-10-phenyl-4,6-decadienoic acid.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Three water bloom samples were collected in August 1986 from the southern Baltic Sea. Acute toxicity of the samples was determined by mouse bioassay and the toxins were further studied by HPLC. The bloom samples contained equal amounts of cyanobacteria Nodularia spumigena and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and were hepatotoxic. Two hepatotoxic Nodularia spumigena strains were isolated from the samples. The isolates produce a toxic peak indistinguishable from the bloom material in the HPLC analysis. The toxicity of the fractions was verified by mouse bioassay. Thus the toxicity of the bloom samples was in all likelihood caused by Nodularia spumigena.  相似文献   

Physical disturbance and feeding by macrofauna in the sediment can potentially affect bloom initiation of phytoplankton species that have benthic stages in their life cycle. In this experimental study, we investigated how different species of macrozoobenthos can affect the recruitment of Nodularia spumigena from the sediment to the water column. N. spumigena is a toxic, nitrogen-fixing filamentous cyanobacterium, which forms large summer blooms in the Baltic Sea. Benthic recruitment from resting stages (akinetes) and vegetative cells deposited on the seafloor have long been suspected to initiate the blooms. We found that, depending on species-specific traits, deposit-feeding macrofauna (an amphipod, Monoporeia affinis, a bivalve, Macoma balthica and an invasive polychaete, Marenzelleria cf. arctia) has the potential to either reduce or facilitate recruitment of this cyanobacterium. Shorter filament length in treatments with fauna than in the treatment without indicates feeding on or mechanical destruction of N. spumigena by the animals. Our results show the importance of an often overlooked aspect of phytoplankton bloom initiation, the role of macrozoobenthos.  相似文献   

Nodularia spumigena is a filamentous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium that forms toxic blooms in brackish water bodies worldwide. Spumigins are serine protease inhibitors reported from a single strain of N. spumigena isolated from the Baltic Sea. These linear tetrapeptides contain non-proteinogenic amino acids including a C-terminal alcohol derivative of arginine. However, very little is known about these compounds despite the ecological importance of N. spumigena . We show that spumigins are assembled by two non-ribosomal peptide synthetases encoded in a 21 kb biosynthetic gene cluster. The compact non-ribosomal peptide synthetase features a reductive loading and release mechanism. Our analyses demonstrate that the bulk of spumigins produced by N. spumigena are released as peptide aldehydes in contrast to earlier findings. The main spumigin E variant contains an argininal residue and is a potent trypsin inhibitor. Spumigins were present in all of the N. spumigena strains isolated from the Baltic Sea and comprised up to 1% of the dry weight of the cyanobacterium. Our results demonstrate that bloom-forming N. spumigena strains produce a cocktail of enzyme inhibitors, which may explain in part the ecological success of this cyanobacterium in brackish water bodies worldwide.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms have been occasionally observed in Iznik lake, a freshwater body (salinity = 0.5) located in the western part of Turkey. Nodularia spumigena (Mertens in Juergens) was recorded in the lake in the summer months of 2005. Maximum filament concentration of the species (1.3 × 105 fil L?1) was measured in August and constituted 60% of total cyanobacteria abundance. Trichomes were solitary, straight and had cells containing gas vesicles. Heterocysts were regularly spaced throughout the filaments. In the isolated filaments nodularin was detected by HPLC, ELISA and PPIA as well as LC–MS. HPLC analysis showed that gravimetric nodularin concentration in cultured N. spumigena cells was 578 μg of nodularin per gram dry weight (d.w.). Apart from nodularin, demethylated nodularin variant was also found in Nodularia cell extract. This is the first report of toxic N. spumigena in a European freshwater lake.  相似文献   

A. L. Huber 《Hydrobiologia》1986,131(3):193-203
Variations in nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) by Nodularia spumigena blooms in the Peel-Harvey estuarine system were examined with respect to spatial (sampling station location, and depth) and temporal (seasonal and diurnal) distribution. The annual contributions of nitrogen fixation by the blooms to the nitrogen budget of the estuary were estimated to range from 309 to 713t. Contributions by nitrogen fixation were similar to the riverine inputs in the Harvey Estuary, but lower in the Peel Inlet.The Harvey Estuary had higher biomass and total fixation rates (to 0.4 nmol C2H2 · ml–1 h–1), but the heterocyst nitrogen fixation rates were greater in the Peel Inlet (to 9 × 10–1 nmol C2H2 · heterocyst–1 · h–1). Nitrogen fixation decreased with depth in response to light, though other factors also appeared to be involved. The rates of fixation decreased concurrently with increasing bloom age, total soluble inorganic nitrogen and salinities. Maximum daily fixation rates occurred in the early morning.  相似文献   

A strain of the filamentous cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. isolated from a lake in Finland was found to produce at least nine hepatotoxic peptides with chemical and toxicological properties similar to those of the hepatotoxic hepta- and pentapeptides produced by other cyanobacteria. Toxins were isolated and purified by high-performance liquid chromatography. Amounts available for five of the purified toxins (P6, P14, P15, P16, and P18) were adequate for high-performance liquid chromatography amino acid analysis and determination of molecular weight by fast-atom bombardment-mass spectrometry (FAB-MS). Quantities of three toxins (P14, P15, and P16) were adequate for further analysis by high-resolution FAB-MS, FAB-MS/MS, and 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance. Analysis showed that the toxins are new types of microcystin-LR homologs. Microcystin-LR contains equimolar amounts of D-alanine, L-leucine, D-erythro-beta-methylaspartic acid, L-arginine, ADDA (3-amino-9-methoxy-2,6,8-trimethyl-10-phenyl-4,6-decadienoic acid), D-glutamic acid, and N-methyldehydroalanine (molecular weight [MW], 994). Nostoc sp. strain 152 was found to produce the following microcystin-LR homologs: (i) P6 contains an extra methylene group most probably due to the presence of N-methyldehydrobutyrine instead of N-methyldehydroalanine (MW, 1,008); (ii) P14 is O-acetyl-O-demethyl ADDA-microcystin-LR (MW, 1,022); (iii) P15 is 3-demethyl-O-acetylADDA-homoarginine-microcystin-LR (MW, 1,036); (iv) P16 is 3-demethyl-O-acetyl-O-demethylADDA-microcystin-LR (MW, 1,008); (v) P18 is 3-demethyl-O-acetyl-O-demethylADDA-homoarginine-microcystin- LR (MW, 1,022). The toxicities of the new microcystin homologs were not significantly different from those of microcystin-LR or demethylmicrocystin-LR.  相似文献   

Nodularia spumigena is a toxic cyanobacteria that blooms in the Baltic Sea every year. In the brackish water of the Baltic Sea, its toxin, nodularin, mainly affects the biota in the surface water due to the natural buoyancy of this species. However, the fate of the toxin is unknown, once the cyanobacteria bloom enters the more saline waters of the Kattegat. In order to investigate this knowledge gap, a bloom of N. spumigena was followed during its passage, carried by surface currents, from the Baltic Sea into the Kattegat area, through the Öresund strait. N. spumigena cells showed an increased cell concentration through the water column during the passage of the bloom (up to 130 103 cells ml−1), and cells (4.2 103 cells ml−1) could be found down to 20 m depth, below a pycnocline. Sedimentation trap samples from below the pycnocline (10–12 m depth) also showed an increased sedimentation of N. spumigena filaments during the passage of the bloom. The toxin nodularin was detected both in water samples (0.3–6.0 μg l−1), samples of sedimenting material (a toxin accumulation rate of 20 μg m-2 day−1), zooplankton (up to 0.1 ng ind.−1 in copepods), blue mussels (70–230 μg kg−1 DW), pelagic and benthic fish (herring (1.0–3.4 μg kg−1 DW in herring muscle or liver) and flounder (1.3-6.2 μg kg−1 DW in muscle, and 11.7-26.3 μg kg−1 DW in liver). A laboratory experiment showed that N. spumigena filaments developed a decreased buoyancy at increased salinities and that they were even sinking with a rate of up to 1,7 m day−1 at the highest salinity (32 PSU). This has implications for the fate of brackish water cyanobacterial blooms, when these reach more saline waters. It can be speculated that a significant part of the blooms content of nodularin will reach benthic organisms in this situation, compared to blooms decaying in brackish water, where most of the bloom is considered to be decomposed in the surface waters.  相似文献   

A strain of the filamentous cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. isolated from a lake in Finland was found to produce at least nine hepatotoxic peptides with chemical and toxicological properties similar to those of the hepatotoxic hepta- and pentapeptides produced by other cyanobacteria. Toxins were isolated and purified by high-performance liquid chromatography. Amounts available for five of the purified toxins (P6, P14, P15, P16, and P18) were adequate for high-performance liquid chromatography amino acid analysis and determination of molecular weight by fast-atom bombardment-mass spectrometry (FAB-MS). Quantities of three toxins (P14, P15, and P16) were adequate for further analysis by high-resolution FAB-MS, FAB-MS/MS, and 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance. Analysis showed that the toxins are new types of microcystin-LR homologs. Microcystin-LR contains equimolar amounts of D-alanine, L-leucine, D-erythro-beta-methylaspartic acid, L-arginine, ADDA (3-amino-9-methoxy-2,6,8-trimethyl-10-phenyl-4,6-decadienoic acid), D-glutamic acid, and N-methyldehydroalanine (molecular weight [MW], 994). Nostoc sp. strain 152 was found to produce the following microcystin-LR homologs: (i) P6 contains an extra methylene group most probably due to the presence of N-methyldehydrobutyrine instead of N-methyldehydroalanine (MW, 1,008); (ii) P14 is O-acetyl-O-demethyl ADDA-microcystin-LR (MW, 1,022); (iii) P15 is 3-demethyl-O-acetylADDA-homoarginine-microcystin-LR (MW, 1,036); (iv) P16 is 3-demethyl-O-acetyl-O-demethylADDA-microcystin-LR (MW, 1,008); (v) P18 is 3-demethyl-O-acetyl-O-demethylADDA-homoarginine-microcystin- LR (MW, 1,022). The toxicities of the new microcystin homologs were not significantly different from those of microcystin-LR or demethylmicrocystin-LR.  相似文献   

A desiccation-tolerant cyanobacterium Nostoc commune accumulates a novel group of acidic proteins when colonies are subjected to repeated cycles of drying and rehydration. The proteins occur in high concentrations; they have isoelectric points between 4.3 and 4.8 and apparent molecular masses between 30 and 39 kDa. The purification of three of these proteins with molecular masses of 33, 37, and 39 kDa is described. The amino-terminal sequence of the 39-kDa protein is Ala-Leu-Tyr-Gly-Tyr-Thr-Ile-Gly-Glu. Peptide mapping of the 39- and the 33-kDa proteins, using different protease, gave similar patterns of digestion fragments. The amino acid compositions of the proteins isolated were similar, and each cross-reacted with a polyclonal antibody raised against the largest (39-kDa) protein. The results indicate that the microheterogeneity observed was generated by in vivo proteolysis of the 39-kDa protein. It is suggested that this protein is a water stress protein with a protective function on a structural level.  相似文献   

The effects of a cyclic peptide toxin, isolated from the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa, on cell morphology and ion transport in human erythrocytes, isolated rat hepatocytes and mouse fibroblasts (3T3) were studied. Neither in erythrocytes nor in fibroblasts did the toxin cause morphological alterations. In hepatocytes the toxin induced marked morphological alterations at a concentration of about 50 nM. In erythrocytes and fibroblasts no effects on ion transport were observed. In hepatocytes the toxin induced a significant increase in both phosphate and potassium efflux at concentrations far below the concentration causing morphological alterations (0.1 and 1 nM, respectively). It is suggested that the cytotoxicity of the toxin is not due to a non-specific interaction with the plasma membrane and that the effects of the toxin in hepatocytes are probably due to an interaction of the toxin with cytoskeletal elements.  相似文献   

Padhy RN  Mohapatra K 《Microbios》2001,106(414):81-95
Toxicity studies of two commercial carbamate insecticides, carbaryl and carbofuran with the nitrogen-fixing filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120, are described. Under nitrogen-fixing conditions and with calcium nitrate supplementation, 100 and 120 ppm carbaryl were the respective lethal concentrations (LC100), while 20 to 80 ppm (nitrogen-fixing conditions) and 20 to 100 ppm (with nitrate supplementation) were the partial lethal doses (相似文献   

Toxicity of a soluble peptide from Microcystis sp. to zooplankton and fish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  • 1 A soluble cell fraction lethal to Daphnia magna was isolated by the disruption of net phytoplankton from eutrophic Aculeo Lake. The phytoplankton of this lake is dominated by Microcystis sp.
  • 2 The soluble fraction was also lethal to common native zooplankton, including the rotifers Keratella sp., Trichocerca similis, the copepod Boeckella sp., and the cladoceran Chydorus sphaericus. In addition, a partially purified soluble component of the lethal fraction caused the death of the fish Gambusia affinis.
  • 3 The specific toxicity of the soluble fraction from phytoptankton varied four- to six-fold seasonally with peaks during periods of warm temperature.
  • 4 Our results suggest that releases of a toxic peptide from Microcystis sp. may be the cause of massive fish kills at the study site, Aculeo Lake.

Two planktonic cyanobacteria, Anabaena sp. N1444 and Anabaena sp. PC-1, and a green eukaryotic alga, Scene-desmus sp., produced extracellular flocculants. The flocculant of Anabaena PC-1, when purified, was found to be a macromolecular polysaccharide consisting of neutral sugars, uronic acids, and proteins, but not keto acids, hexosamines nor fatty acids. The flocculant bound a cationic dye, Alcian Blue, indicating it to be polyanionic. The flocculating activity was high under acidic conditions, slightly enhanced by the addition of salts and metals, and increased to about 40% upon heating at 100 °C for 7 min. The flocculant could flocculated various inorganic and organic compounds in solution. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Growth and glycogen production were characterized for Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803 grown under continuous fluorescent light in four variations of BG-11 medium: either with (G+) or without (G−) 5 mM glucose, and with a normal (N+, 1.5 g sodium nitrate/L) or a reduced (N−, 0.084 g sodium nitrate/L) nitrogen concentration. Glucose-supplemented BG-11 with a normal nitrogen concentration (N+G+) produced the highest growth rate and the greatest cell density. Although the maximum cell mass production was observed in the N+G+ medium, the highest glycogen yield (19.0 mg/g wet cell mass) was achieved under the glucose-supplemented, nitrogen-limiting condition (N−G+). The addition of glucose enhanced cell growth, while nitrogen limitation apparently directed carbon flux into glycogen accumulation rather than cell growth. Transmission electron microscopic analysis showed that, under nitrogen-limiting conditions (N−G+), glycogen particles accumulated in large amounts and filled the cytosol of the cells. Analysis by high-performance size-exclusion chromatography further revealed that the glycogen produced in N−G+ medium had the longest average branch chain-length (DP10.4) among the conditions tested. When the yield and structure of glycogen were examined in different growth phases, the greatest yield (36.6 mg/g wet cell mass) and the longest branch chain-length (DP10.7) were observed 2 days after the fully grown cells in the N+G+ medium were transferred to the growth restricting (N−G+) medium.  相似文献   

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