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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Insecticide-treated nets (ITN) are one of the most effective measures for preventing malaria. Mass distribution campaigns are being used to rapidly increase net coverage in at-risk populations. This study had two purposes: to evaluate the impact of a universal coverage campaign (UCC) of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) on LLIN ownership and usage, and to identify factors that may be associated with inadequate coverage. METHODS: In 2011 two cross-sectional household surveys were conducted in 50 clusters in Muleba district, north-west Tanzania. Prior to the UCC 3,246 households were surveyed and 2,499 afterwards. Data on bed net ownership and usage, demographics of household members and household characteristics including factors related to socio-economic status were gathered, using an adapted version of the standard Malaria Indicator Survey. Specific questions relating to the UCC process were asked. RESULTS: The proportion of households with at least one ITN increased from 62.6% (95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 60.9-64.2) before the UCC to 90.8% (95% CI = 89.0-92.3) afterwards. ITN usage in all residents rose from 40.8% to 55.7%. After the UCC 58.4% (95% CI = 54.7-62.1) of households had sufficient ITNs to cover all their sleeping places. Households with children under five years (OR = 2.4, 95% CI = 1.9-2.9) and small households (OR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.5-2.4) were most likely to reach universal coverage. Poverty was not associated with net coverage. Eighty percent of households surveyed received LLINs from the campaign. CONCLUSIONS: The UCC in Muleba district of Tanzania was equitable, greatly improving LLIN ownership and, more moderately, usage. However, the goal of universal coverage in terms of the adequate provision of nets was not achieved. Multiple, continuous delivery systems and education activities are required to maintain and improve bed net ownership and usage.  相似文献   

Signs of discontent with the health care system are growing. Calls for health care reform are largely motivated by the continued increase in health care costs and the large number of people without adequate health insurance. For the past 20 years, health care spending has risen at rates higher than the gross national product. As many as 35 million people are without health insurance. As proposals for health care reform are developed, it is useful to understand the roots of the cost problem. Causes of spiraling health care costs include "market failure" in the health care market, expansion in technology, excessive administrative costs, unnecessary care and defensive medicine, increased patient complexity, excess capacity within the health care system, and low productivity. Attempts to control costs, by the federal government for the Medicare program and then by the private sector, have to date been mostly unsuccessful. New proposals for health care reform are proliferating, and important changes in the health care system are likely.  相似文献   

Wenhui Mao and coauthors discuss possible implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for health aspirations in low- and middle-income countries.

Summary points
  • The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic threatens progress toward a “grand convergence” in global health—universal reduction in deaths from infections and maternal and child health conditions to low levels—and toward achieving universal health coverage (UHC).
  • Our analysis suggests that COVID-19 will exacerbate the difficulty of achieving grand convergence targets for tuberculosis (TB), maternal mortality, and, probably, for under-5 mortality. HIV targets are likely to be met.
  • By 2035, our analysis suggests that the public sectors of low-income countries (LICs) would only be able to finance about a third of the costs of a package of 120 essential non-COVID-19 health interventions through domestic sources, unless the country increases significantly the priority assigned to the health sector; lower middle-income countries (LMICs) would likewise only be able to finance a little less than half.
  • The likelihood of getting back on track for reaching grand convergence and UHC will depend on (i) how quickly COVID-19 vaccines can be deployed in LICs and LMICs; (ii) how much additional public sector health financing can be mobilized from external and domestic sources; and (iii) whether countries can rapidly strengthen and focus their health delivery systems.

In the control strategy for process related impurities in biopharmaceuticals, the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is the method of choice for the quantification of host cell proteins (HCPs). Besides two dimensional-western blots (2D-WB), the coverage of ELISA antibodies is increasingly evaluated by affinity purification-based liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (AP-MS) methods. However, all these methods face the problem of unspecific binding issues between antibodies and the matrix, involving the application of arbitrarily defined thresholds during data evaluation. To solve this, a new approach (optimized AP-MS) was developed in this study, for which a cleavable linker was conjugated to the ELISA antibodies enabling the subsequent isolation of specifically interacting HCPs. By comparing both approaches in terms of method variability and the number of false positive or negative hits, we could demonstrate that the optimized AP-MS method is very reproducible and superior in the identification of antibody detection gaps, while previously described strategies suffered from over- or underestimating the coverage. As only antibody associated HCPs were identified, we demonstrated that the method is beneficial for hitchhiker analysis. Overall, the method described herein has proven as a powerful tool for reliable coverage determination of ELISA antibodies, without the need to arbitrarily exclude HCPs during the coverage evaluation.  相似文献   

区域生态系统健康评价——研究方法与进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
彭建  王仰麟  吴健生  张玉清 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4877-4885
生态系统健康评价是当前宏观生态学与生态系统管理研究的热点问题之一,区域尺度的生态系统健康评价则是生态系统健康评价研究的一个重要发展方向。在探讨生态系统健康时空尺度特征的基础上,明确界定了区域生态系统健康及其评价等相关概念,结合目前区域尺度生态系统健康评价的相关研究进展,从评价的区域类型、目标单元、模型方法、指标选取及其阈值、权重设定等方面探讨了区域生态系统健康评价的基本原理与方法,并展望了进一步研究的重点方向,即评价结果的多尺度综合与尺度转换、景观生态学理论与方法的应用、3S技术的综合应用等理论与技术问题。  相似文献   

Peng J  Wang Y L  Wu J S  Zhang Y Q 《农业工程》2007,27(11):4877-4885
The evaluation for ecosystem health is one of the hotspots in the fields of macro-ecology and ecosystem management. Conducting analysis at the regional scale is an important direction for evaluating ecosystem health. Changing the spatial scale from the local to the regional level leads to great differences in targets and methodologies for ecosystem health evaluation and creates a new direction for regional ecosystem health research. Compared with the ecosystem health at the local scale, which refers to a single ecosystem type, the regional ecosystem health focuses on the health conditions and spatial patterns of different ecosystem types. However, there has been little attention paid to this very research up to now. Based on the progress on ecosystem health studies at the regional scale, the study reported in this article aims to discuss the implications of the conception of regional ecosystem health and to put forward a methodology for evaluating the regional ecosystem health. The main results include: (1) there is a significant scaling effect on the ecosystem health analysis, and the regional level is the key scale used to focus on the correlation between spatially neighboring ecosystems in terms of ecosystem health; (2) regional ecosystem health can be defined through 4 aspects, i.e., vigor, organization, resilience, and ecosystem service functions; (3) the basic evaluation objects of the regional ecosystem health is spatial entity, which is the matrix of different ecosystem types; (4) indicator system method is the only approach to evaluate regional ecosystem health; (5) the absolute thresholds of the evaluation indicators for the regional ecosystem health do not exist; the aim of the evaluation is to discuss the temporal dynamic changes and spatial differences of health conditions rather than to ascertain whether a region is healthy or not in view of ecological sustainability; and (6) the integration of evaluation results at multispatial scales, the application of this methodology in the landscape ecology, and the utilization of geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing (RS), and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technologies are the main directions for further research.  相似文献   



Rates of diseases and injuries and the effects of their risk factors can have substantial subnational heterogeneity, especially in middle-income countries like Mexico. Subnational analysis of the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors can improve characterization of the epidemiological transition and identify policy priorities.

Methods and Findings

We estimated deaths and loss of healthy life years (measured in disability-adjusted life years [DALYs]) in 2004 from a comprehensive list of diseases and injuries, and 16 major risk factors, by sex and age for Mexico and its states. Data sources included the vital statistics, national censuses, health examination surveys, and published epidemiological studies. Mortality statistics were adjusted for underreporting, misreporting of age at death, and for misclassification and incomparability of cause-of-death assignment. Nationally, noncommunicable diseases caused 75% of total deaths and 68% of total DALYs, with another 14% of deaths and 18% of DALYs caused by undernutrition and communicable, maternal, and perinatal diseases. The leading causes of death were ischemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus, cerebrovascular disease, liver cirrhosis, and road traffic injuries. High body mass index, high blood glucose, and alcohol use were the leading risk factors for disease burden, causing 5.1%, 5.0%, and 7.3% of total burden of disease, respectively. Mexico City had the lowest mortality rates (4.2 per 1,000) and the Southern region the highest (5.0 per 1,000); under-five mortality in the Southern region was nearly twice that of Mexico City. In the Southern region undernutrition and communicable, maternal, and perinatal diseases caused 23% of DALYs; in Chiapas, they caused 29% of DALYs. At the same time, the absolute rates of noncommunicable disease and injury burdens were highest in the Southern region (105 DALYs per 1,000 population versus 97 nationally for noncommunicable diseases; 22 versus 19 for injuries).


Mexico is at an advanced stage in the epidemiologic transition, with the majority of the disease and injury burden from noncommunicable diseases. A unique characteristic of the epidemiological transition in Mexico is that overweight and obesity, high blood glucose, and alcohol use are responsible for larger burden of disease than other noncommunicable disease risks such as tobacco smoking. The Southern region is least advanced in the epidemiological transition and suffers from the largest burden of ill health in all disease and injury groups.  相似文献   

BackgroundExtreme weather events, including droughts, are expected to increase in parts of sub-Saharan Africa and are associated with a number of poor health outcomes; however, to the best of our knowledge, the link between drought and childhood vaccination remains unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between drought and vaccination coverage.Methods and findingsWe investigated the association between drought and vaccination coverage using a retrospective analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys data in 22 sub-Saharan African countries among 137,379 children (50.4% male) born from 2011 to 2019. Drought was defined as an established binary variable of annual rainfall less than or equal to the 15th percentile relative to the 29 previous years, using data from Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station (CHIRPS) data. We evaluated the association between drought at the date of birth and receipt of bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG), diphtheria–pertussis–tetanus (DPT), and polio vaccinations, and the association between drought at 12 months of age and receipt of measles vaccination. We specified logistic regression models with survey fixed effects and standard errors clustered at the enumeration area level, adjusting for child-, mother-, and household-level covariates and estimated marginal risk differences (RDs). The prevalence of drought at date of birth in the sample was 11.8%. Vaccination rates for each vaccination ranged from 70.6% (for 3 doses of the polio vaccine) to 86.0% (for BCG vaccination); however, only 57.6% of children 12 months and older received all recommended doses of BCG, DPT, polio, and measles vaccinations. In adjusted models, drought at date of birth was negatively associated with BCG vaccination (marginal RD = −1.5; 95% CI −2.2, −0.9), DPT vaccination (marginal RD = −1.4; 95% CI −2.2, −0.5), and polio vaccination (marginal RD = −1.3; 95% CI −2.3, −0.3). Drought at 12 months was negatively associated with measles vaccination (marginal RD = −1.9; 95% CI −2.8, −0.9). We found a dose–response relationship between drought and DPT and polio vaccinations, with the strongest associations closest to the timing of drought. Limitations include some heterogeneity in findings across countries.ConclusionsIn this study, we observed that drought was associated with lower odds of completion of childhood BCG, DPT, and polio vaccinations. These findings indicate that drought may hinder vaccination coverage, one of the most important interventions to prevent infections among children. This work adds to a growing body of literature suggesting that health programs should consider impacts of severe weather in their programming.

Jason M. Nagata and colleagues investigate the association between drought and child vaccination coverage in 22 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, using Demographic and Health Survey data from 2011 to 2019.  相似文献   

SA Butler 《Bioethics》2012,26(7):351-360
The concept of solidarity has achieved relatively little attention from philosophers, in spite of its signal importance in a variety of social movements over the past 150 years. This means that there is a certain amount of preliminary philosophical work concerning the concept itself that must be undertaken before one can ask about its potential use in arguments concerning the provision of health care. In this paper, I begin with this work through a survey of some of the most prominent bioethical, political philosophical and intellectual historical literature concerned with the project of determining a philosophically specific and historically perspicacious meaning of the term 'solidarity'. This provides a conceptual foundation for a sketch of a four-tiered picture of social competition and cooperation within the nation-state. Corresponding to this picture is a four-tiered account of health care provision. These two models, taken together, provide a framework for articulating the conclusion that, while there are myriad examples of solidarity in claiming health care for some, or even many, the concept does not provide a basis for claiming health care for all.  相似文献   

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