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Previous studies from this laboratory employing a comprehensive synthetic overlapping peptide strategy showed that the -chain of human hemoglobin (Hb) contains a single haptoglobin (HP) binding region residing within residues 121–135. The present study describes a precise delineation of this Hp-binding site on the -chain. Two overlapping peptides (111–125 and 121–135) spanning this region and a panel of five peptides decreasing at the C-terminal from residue 135 by decrements of two residues (119–135, 119–133, 119–131, 119–129, and 119–127) were synthesized, purified, and characterized. Quantitative radiometric titration of125I-labeled human HP (type 2-1) with adsorbents of each of these synthetic peptides showed that the peptide 119–127 retained a Hp-binding activity equivalent to that of peptide 121–135. This finding indicated that Lys-127 marked the C-terminal boundary of the binding site. Another panel of eight peptides was then synthesized, which had their C-terminus fixed at Lys-127 and increased at the N-terminus by one-residue increments from residue 122 up to residue 115 (122–127, 121–127, 120–127, 119–127, 118–127, 117–127, 116–127, and 115–127). The binding of125I-Hp to adsorbents of these peptides demonstrated that the N-terminal boundary of the site did not extend beyond Valine 121. It is, therefore, concluded that the Hp-binding site on the -chain of human Hb comprises residues 121–127.  相似文献   

The anti-Alzheimer’s agent galantamine is known to possess anti-amyloid properties. However the exact mechanisms are not clear. We studied the binding interactions of galantamine with amyloid peptide dimer (Aβ1–40) through molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations. Galantamine’s binding site within the amyloid peptide dimer was identified by docking experiments and the most stable complex was analyzed by molecular dynamics simulation. These studies show that galantamine was interacting with the central region of the amyloid dimer (Lys16–Ala21) and the C-terminal region (Ile31–Val36) with minimum structural drift of Cα atom in those regions. Strikingly, a significant drift was observed at the turn region from Asp23-Gly29 (Cα atom RMSD = 9.2 Å and 11.6 Å at 50 fs and 100 fs respectively). Furthermore, galantamine’s binding mode disrupts the key pi–pi stacking interaction between aromatic rings of Phe19 (chain A) and Phe19 (chain B) and intermolecular hydrogen bonds seen in unbound peptide dimer. Noticeably, the azepine tertiary nitrogen of galantamine was in close proximity to backbone CO of Leu34 (distance <3.5 Å) to stabilize the dimer conformation. In summary, the results indicate that galantamine binding to amyloid peptide dimer leads to a significant conformational change at the turn region (Asp23–Gly29) that disrupts interactions between individual β-strands and promotes a nontoxic conformation of Aβ1–40 to prevent the formation of neurotoxic oligomers.  相似文献   

Bradykinin is a bioactive hormone involved in a variety of physiological processes. In various solvents, this peptide adopts beta-turn structures. The C-terminal turn is a structural feature for the receptor affinity of agonists and antagonists while the N-terminal turn might be important for antagonistic activities. Polyphenols like dimeric proanthocyanidin B3 interact with the peptide. Thus to investigate the effects of polyphenols on bradykinin activity and structure, we studied the interaction in the structuring solvent DMSO which can be a close mimic of aqueous physiological environments like receptor-binding sites. Bradykinin alone presented a folded structure with two turns. B3 interacted with the peptide C-terminus and involved the loss of the bend structure of this region, while the N-terminus turn was maintained. Numerous studies have shown that polyphenolic molecules can act upon various biological targets, and the formation of this type of complex might be one of the possible modes of action.  相似文献   

Aβ is the main constituent of the amyloid plaque found in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. There are two common isoforms of Aβ: the more common form, Aβ40, and the less common but more amyloidogenic form, Aβ42. Crocin is a carotenoid from the stigma of the saffron flower and it has many medicinal properties, including antioxidant effects. In this study, we examined the potential of crocin as a drug candidate against Aβ42 amyloid formation. The thioflavin T-binding assay and electron microscopy were used to examine the effects of crocin on the extension and disruption of Aβ42 amyloids. To further investigate the relationship between crocin and Aβ42 structure, we analyzed peptide conformation using the ANS-binding assay and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. An increase in the thioflavin T fluorescence intensity upon incubation revealed amyloid formation in Aβ42. It was found that crocin has the ability to prevent amyloid formation by decreasing the fluorescence intensity. Electron microscopy data also indicated that crocin decreased the amyloid fibril content of Aβ. The ANS-binding assay showed that crocin decreased the hydrophobic area in incubated Aβ42. CD spectroscopy results also showed that the peptide undergoes a structural change to α-helical and β-turn. Our study shows that the anti-amyloidogenic effect of crocin may be exerted not only by the inhibition of Aβ amyloid formation but also by the disruption of amyloid aggregates. Therefore, crocin could be essential in the search for therapies inhibiting aggregation or disrupting aggregation.  相似文献   

Through interaction with the active site of αvβ3 integrin, tumstatin T7 peptide inhibits both the angiogenesis and the proliferation of tumour cells. In this work, docking in conjunction with molecular dynamics simulation was used to explore the binding mode of T7 peptide and αvβ3 integrin. The binding mode analysis revealed that the residues Ser90, Arg91, Asp93 and Tyr94 in T7 peptide, and (α)-Asp150, (β)-Arg214, (α)-Asp148 (α)-Gln214 and (α)-Glu123 in the active site of αvβ3 integrin were most likely the key interaction sites. The hydroxyl of Tyr94 coordinates αvβ3 via a Mn2+ ion, revealing that Mn2+ is also an important factor for the interaction. The insight into these key interaction sites not only suggests that the active site of αvβ3 integrin can bind to molecules through multiple binding mechanisms, but also provides some useful information for structure-based drug design.  相似文献   

Summary The amino acid sequence, arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD), found in some cell adhesive proteins, is a recognition signal for the receptor protein. It is interesting that we have found the RGD sequence in terminal protein (TP) of bacteriophages 29 and M2 near an amino acid, the serine residue at 232, covalently linked to the terminal nucleotide of their DNAs. At the initiation of proteinprimed DNA replication, TP is essential for the recognition of replication machinery containing DNA polymerase and primer protein (PP; PP becomes TP upon linking the first nucleotide, and hence the primary structure of TP is the same as that of PP). Synthetic peptide RGD specifically inhibited transfection of 29 and M2. The target of the RGD peptide is shown to be TP by marker rescue experiments, suggesting that a receptor for the RGD sequence exists in TP. Furthermore, the peptide inhibited the in vitro protein-priming reaction of DNA replication. We propose that the RGD sequence of PP and a putative receptor on TP is utilized for the molecular recognition initiating DNA replication.  相似文献   

Allosteric potentiation of acetylcholine nicotinic receptors is considered to be one of the most promising approaches for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. However, the exact localization of the allosteric binding site and the potentiation mechanism at the molecular level are presently unknown. We have performed the “blind docking” of three known allosteric modulators (galanthamine, codeine and eserine) with the Acetylcholine Binding Protein and models of human α7, α3β4 and α4β2 nicotinic receptors, created by homology modeling. Three putative binding sites were identified in the channel pore, each one showing different affinities for the ligands. One of these sites is localized opposite to the agonist binding site and is probably implicated in the potentiation process. On the basis of these results, a possible mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChRs) activation is proposed. The present findings may represent an important advance for understanding the allosteric modulation mechanism of nAChRs. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

<正>Cortical microtubule(MT)arrays are dynamic filamentous structures that are essential for cell differentiation and development in plants.However,the molecular mechanisms that control the organization of cortical MT arrays are not well understood.Early studies have revealed that the formation of cortical MT arrays involves MT nucleation on existing cortical MTs.The growth of new MTs follows the polarity of existing MTs and the orientation of new MTs is either in parallel with extant MTs or at a small angle(about40 degree)to the extant MTs[1].Nucleation machinery appears to be conserved between animals and plants in  相似文献   

The Arg-Gly-Asp sequence is being found in an increasing wide range of proteins with "adhesive" function. Studying a series of synthetic peptide fragments of VP1 protein of FMDV, we showed that peptides containing the Arg-Gly-Asp sequence, but not control peptides, inhibited FMDV binding to pig kidney cells in vitro, thus indicating participation of that sequence in FMDV binding to host cells.  相似文献   

The altered oxygen binding curves for various abnormal hemoglobins were analyzed according to a two-state allosteric model. Of three allosteric parameters computed for abnormal hemoglobins, K R was nearly constant, but K T and L varied with the correlation of log c=?0.4 log L, where c is K R/K T. This correlation indicates that the abnormal allosteric oxygen binding of hemoglobin is due to altered molecular properties of the deoxy-T state but not that of the deoxy-R state. To clarify the molecular basis of this idea, resonance Raman spectra in the low-frequency region of abnormal hemoglobins were measured under different solvent conditions. Varied frequencies of iron-histidine stretching Raman lines was found to correlate with varied oxygen affinities (K T) of deoxy-T states. The strength of the iron-histidine bond of deoxy-T states was changed, depending upon the magnitude of the strain imposed on hemes by globin, and this bond presumably comprises an important part of the regulation mechanisms for hemoglobin oxygen binding and structure changes.  相似文献   

The role of cardiolipin acyl chain composition in assembly/stabilization of mitochondrial complexes was investigated using three yeast deletion mutants (acb1Δ strain; taz1Δ strain; and acb1Δtaz1Δ strain). Deletion of the TAZ1 gene, involved in cardiolipin acyl chain remodeling, is known to increase the content of monolyso-cardiolipin (MLCL) at the expense of CL, and to decrease the unsaturation of the remaining CL. Deletion of the ACB1 gene encoding the acyl-CoA-binding protein, involved in fatty acid elongation, decreases the average length of the CL acyl chains. Furthermore, a TAZ1ACB1 double deletion mutant strain was used in this study which has both a decrease in the length of the CL acyl chains and an increase in MLCL. BN/SDS PAGE analysis revealed that cardiolipin is important for the prohibitin–m-AAA protease complex, the α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex and respiratory chain supercomplexes. The results indicate that the decreased level of complexes in taz1Δ and acb1Δtaz1Δ mitochondria is due to a decreased content of CL or the presence of MLCL.  相似文献   

Arachidonic acid (AA) is a fatty acid involved in the modulation of several ion channels. Previously, we reported that AA activates the high conductance Ca2+- and voltage-dependent K+ channel (BK) in vascular smooth muscle depending on the expression of the auxiliary β1 subunit. Here, using the patch-clamp technique on BK channel co-expressed with β1 subunit in a heterologous cell expression system, we analyzed whether AA modifies the three functional modules involved in the channel gating: the voltage sensor domain (VSD), the pore domain (PD), and the intracellular calcium sensor domain (CSD). We present evidence that AA activates BK channel in a direct way, inducing VSD stabilization on its active configuration observed as a significant left shift in the Q-V curve obtained from gating currents recordings. Moreover, AA facilitates the channel opening transitions when VSD are at rest, and the CSD are unoccupied. Furthermore, the activation was independent of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration and reduced when the BK channel was co-expressed with the Y74A mutant of the β1 subunit. These results allow us to present new insigths in the mechanism by which AA modulates BK channels co-expressed with its auxiliary β1 subunit.  相似文献   

The interactions of fatty acids with porcine and bovine β-lactoglobulins were measured using tryptophan fluorescence enhancement. In the case of bovine β-lactoglobulin, the apparent binding constants for most of the saturated and unsaturated fatty acids were in the range of 10?7 M at neutralpH. Bovine β-lactoglobulin displays only one high affinity binding site for palmitate with an apparent dissociation constant of 1·10?7 M. The strength of the binding was decreasing in the following way: palmitate > stearate > myristate > arachidate > laurate. Caprylic and capric acids are not bound at all. The affinity of β-lactoglobulin for palmitate decreased as thepH of the incubation medium was lowered and BLG/palmitate complex was not observed atpH's lower than 4.5. Surprisingly, chemically modified bovine β-lactoglobulin and porcine β-lactoglobulin did not bind fatty acids in the applied conditions.  相似文献   

A feeding-trial was conducted to determine the effects of a deoxynivalenol (DON)-contaminated diet in growing pigs. DON was added as either the purified toxin or as naturally contaminated wheat. Growth performance, biochemical and hematological parameters and DON-transformation through intestinal bacteria were monitored throughout the study. Epithelial tissues along the gastro-intestinal tract were also examined for pathological changes and selected enzyme activities (oxoglutarat dehydrogenase, alanine-amino-transferase). There were no differences among the dietary treatments in all parameters measured except for feed intake and weight gain in the naturally contaminated diets fed ad libitum. Effectsin vivo could not be explained exclusively by cytotoxicity of DON foundin vitro. These observations may reflect the presence of other unidentified (toxic) compounds in the naturally contaminated grain or the influence of further factors. In future studies synergistic/additive interactions with substances promoting appetite should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

A software package was designed and used in a detailed study of the contact regions (interfaces) of a large number of protein-protein complexes using the PDB data. It appeared that for about 75% of the complexes the amino acid composition of the subunit surface in the contact region is not essential. Thus one may suggest that, along with the amino acid residues at the interface, the residues in the interior of the globules substantially contribute to protein-protein recognition. Such interactions between quite remote residues are most probably of electrical nature, and are involved in recognition by contributing to the overall electric field created by the protein molecule; the configuration of this field is perhaps the definitive factor of recognition. The overall field of the protein molecule is additively built of the fields created by each constituent residue, and it can be calculated as a sum of the fields created by the protein multipole (aggregate of 'partial' electric charges assigned to every atom of the protein molecule). Preliminary calculations of the remote electrostatic interaction have been performed for ribonuclease subunits in vacuum. The results are indicative of a real possibility that the electric field created by the protein multipole can strongly influence the mutual orientation of molecules before Brownian collisions.  相似文献   

Summary There is currently great interest in the study of peptide aggregation by β-sheet formation because of its relevance in pathological states or in the design of self-assembling systems of technological interest. NMR studies of β-sheet aggregates are difficult because of their long correlation times and spectral degeneracy. In this communication we demonstrate the combination of a semiselective TOCSY-NOESY experiment with partial deuterium exchange of labile protons to assign inter-molecular NOE cross peaks and prove the presence of a soluble parallel β-sheet in fast exchange with monomeric Ac-ASTTNYT-NH2 (Ac-T-NH2) in solution.  相似文献   

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