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The reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome is a variable, segmental, and multifocal constriction of brain arteries, usually with a benign course.We describe the case of a 49-year-old woman who presented with headaches, visual symptoms, and seizures. Three days after admission, vasoconstriction areas were found in at least two vascular territories in two segments of the same arteries.The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit where her blood pressure was monitored and she received medical treatment. Surprisingly, the patient presented an unpredicted evolution in developing malignant cerebral edema on the seventh day after admission. She then suffered brain death and was taken to organ donation. A guided nervous system necropsy was later performed. The pathology discarded vasculitis and exhibited hemorrhage areas in the cerebral convexity.Herein, we discuss the most relevant aspects of cases with fulminant evolution reported in the literature. The reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome is usually associated with fatal outcomes when patients exhibit focalization, their first neuroimaging typically shows disturbances, and a rapid clinical deterioration occurs. It is crucial to identify factors linked to poor prognosis and set intervention strategies and early prevention.Key words: stroke, brain hemorrhage, vasoconstriction, mortality, prognosis

El síndrome de vasoconstricción cerebral reversible se produce por una vasoconstricción variable, segmentaria y multifocal, de las arterias cerebrales (1).Esta condición patológica es más común en mujeres entre los 10 y los 76 años, con un pico a los 42 años (2). Hasta en el 70% de los pacientes puede haber factores precipitantes (3), entre los cuales se han mencionado estrés emocional y físico, actividad sexual, puerperio, trauma, maniobra de Valsalva, y uso de sustancias vasoactivas o de inhibidores selectivos de la recaptación de serotonina (4-6).Los hallazgos clínicos son diversos, pero se sabe que la forma más común de presentación clínica es la cefalea “en trueno” (7). La principal herramienta diagnóstica es la angiografía cerebral, considerada la prueba de referencia, aunque no es el único estudio de imagenología que se puede utilizar como método de evaluación (3,8).A pesar de que muchos casos se resuelven de forma espontánea, algunos pacientes pueden desarrollar complicaciones como hemorragia, convulsiones e infartos cerebrales (3), e incluso, se han reportado casos fatales asociados con este síndrome (9-12).Se presenta el caso de una paciente que falleció. Se describe la secuencia de eventos clínicos que llevaron a su muerte, haciendo énfasis en aquellos factores que deben alertar sobre un posible curso fulminante.  相似文献   



Chagas disease is an endemic parasitic infection in Latin America transmitted by triatomines. It is associated with risk factors such as poverty and rurality. After acute infection, a third of patients will present target organ involvement (heart, digestive tract, central nervous system). The remaining two thirds remain asymptomatic throughout their life. Pharmacological immunosuppression breaks the balance between the immune system and the parasite, favoring its reactivation.

Clinical case:

We present the case of a 58-year-old man from a Colombian rural area with a diagnosis of multiple myeloma refractory to the first line of treatment who required a new chemotherapy scheme and consolidation with autologous stem cell transplant. During the post-transplant period, he suffered from febrile neutropenia. Initial microbiological studies were negative but the peripheral blood smear evidenced trypomastigotes in blood. With a diagnosis of acute Chagas disease in a post-transplant patient, benznidazole was started. The evolution of the patient was satisfactory.


Positive serology prior to transplantation makes it necessary to rule out reactivation of the pathology in the setting of febrile neutropenia. More studies are required to determine tools for estimating the probability of reactivation of the disease and defining the best cost-risk-benefit relation for the prophylactic therapy.  相似文献   

Neurological visual impairments in children have multiple causes, some of them reversible while others are not. Hydrocephalus is one of the most important and common ones as it can result in permanent impairment. There are multiple causes of hydrocephalus, intraventricular hemorrhage being the main one. This generally occurs when the germinal matrix bleeds and is very common in preterm newborns.We present the clinical case of a patient with cerebral palsy, intraventricular hemorrhage, and hydrocephalus as a result of a preterm multiple pregnancy who developed optic atrophy during childhood secondary to ventricle-peritoneal shunt dysfunction. During the rehabilitation and treatment period, she received neurorehabilitation sessions, which improved her visual acuity and capacity. We found similarities and differences with other cases and we confirmed the importance of the treatment chosen for the recovery of visual capacity.  相似文献   

Exogenous pigmentation by silver nitrate is a rare disease whose clinical manifestations appear even years after the contact, making its diagnosis difficult on occasions. It is characterized by the presence of blue-gray macules or plaques on the skin or mucosa in the contact area, sometimes very similar to melanocytic lesions and melanoma, which constitute the main differential diagnosis.We report the case of a male patient from Medellín, Colombia, with a family history of melanoma and the presence of these lesions throughout his body.  相似文献   



HIV-1 infection induces a chronic inflammatory state in which inflammasomes participate. The increase in inflammatory parameters is higher in individuals with active viral replication (progressors) than in those with viral control (HIV-1 controllers). This process triggers metabolic alterations related to changes in the lipid profile, which could increase the risk of cardiovascular events, even in patients with antiretroviral therapy.


To establish whether there was a correlation between the expression of inflammasome components and cardiovascular risk markers in HIV-1 controllers and progressors with or without antiretroviral therapy.

Materials and methods:

We studied 13 HIV-1 controllers and 40 progressors (19 without antiretroviral therapy and 31 with therapy) and evaluated in them classic markers of cardiovascular risk. Using RT-PCR we quantified the expression of inflammasome components (NLRP1, NLRP3, NLRC4, AIM2, ASC, IL-1β, IL-18, and caspase-1), TLR2, TLR4, TGF-β, and IL-10.


Progressors with antiretroviral therapy had an increased expression of TLR2, TLR4, and IL-18 compared to HIV-1 controllers. They also showed high levels of triglycerides and VLDL, which positively correlated with the expression of the inflammasome components NLRP1, NLRP3, NLRC4, AIM2, ASC, and caspase-1.


Progressors receiving antiretroviral therapy exhibited an increased expression of the inflammasome components, which correlated with the levels of triglycerides and VLDL. This supports the role of inflammation in cardiovascular risk during HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   



Armed conflicts affect territories rich in resources and biodiversity. As a result of the environmental damage caused by violent actions, the health of populations can be affected.


To assess the risks to human health due to environmental degradation associated with three violent actions in the context of the Colombian armed conflict: Pipeline bombing, informal mining with mercury, and spraying of illicit crops with glyphosate.

Materials and methods:

We conducted a quantitative evaluation of the risks to individual health associated with armed conflict activities using methodologies focused on the routes of pollutants dispersion, their concentrations in the environment, the exposure of the individuals, and the risks of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects.


The risk assessment of the armed conflict-related actions under study evidenced intolerable carcinogenic risk and unacceptable non-carcinogenic risk due to the consumption of water and fish contaminated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), mercury, and glyphosate.


The study reiterates the inextricable connections existing among the environment, society, and health, as well as the implications of environmental violence for the public health of vulnerable population groups and, in general, for the well-being of all living beings affected by the armed conflict.  相似文献   

La encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica es una causa frecuente e importante de daño neurológico en recién nacidos a término y prematuros. Un evento centinela de esta condición es la vasa previa, específicamente cuando existe anormalidad de la placenta como la inserción “velamentosa” del cordón umbilical. Algunos reportes evidencian la asociación entre estas dos condiciones, pero son escasos los que dan cuenta del proceso de recuperación y del pronóstico neurológico de los niños afectados por ellas.Se presenta el caso de un paciente, con antecedentes de inserción “velamentosa” del cordón umbilical y encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica, que recibió hipotermia terapéutica (cool cap). Se describe su proceso de rehabilitación neurológica y se calculó el porcentaje de probabilidad de presentar esta condición frente a la población sin estos factores. El niño tenía cinco años y el puntaje en su prueba de Apgar fue de 0 al minuto y de 2 a los 15 minutos. Desarrolló encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica grave secundaria a una inserción “velamentosa” del cordón umbilical sin diagnóstico prenatal, con gran compromiso neurológico y multisistémico inicial. El proceso de recuperación incluyó el manejo inicial multidisciplinario en la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales y el inicio temprano de habilitación neurológica.Hoy el niño está escolarizado y en terapia integral, no presenta deficiencias motoras ni sensoriales en el examen físico, aunque la prueba neuropsicológica sugiere un riesgo de trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad. Habitualmente, los niños con encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica grave presentan discapacidad por deficiencias motoras, cognitivas o conductuales. El haber recibido hipotermia terapéutica y un manejo estructurado de rehabilitación redujo en gran medida las deficiencias esperadas y ha promovido un satisfactorio desarrollo físico y neurológico.Palabras clave: cordón umbilical, hipoxia-isquemia encefálica, hipotermia inducida, rehabilitación neurológica  相似文献   



Cancer patients have significant levels of emotional distress. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) developed the distress management tool to quickly assess significant distress in oncological patients who require intervention. For its use in Colombia, we made its cross-cultural adaptation and validation.


To determine the operative characteristics of the distress management tool, version 2.2018, in patients seen at the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (INC) in Colombia.

Materials and methods:

Counting with the authorization from the NCCN, we translated, made the cross-cultural adaptation, and evaluated the operational characteristics of the tool. We included 343 cancer patients seen at the INC, who filled out the cross-culturally adapted instrument. A diagnostic test study was carried out with a semi-structured interview as a reference.


The patients had an average age of 49.7 years (SD=15) and the majority were women (67%). The instrument had an area under the ROC curve of 0.81 (95% CI: 0.77 - 0.86); its optimal cut-off point was 3.5 approached to 4 when using integers on the scale; its sensitivity was 0.81 (95% CI: 0.76 - 0.85), and its specificity, 0.69 (95% CI: 0.64 - 0.74). The agreement percentage between the result of the interview and the instrument was 73% (kappa = 0.64; p< 0.001).


The distress management tool allowed for the detection of moderate to severe distress requiring intervention and management. This instrument was adapted and validated in cancer patients in Colombia keeping the cutoff point at ≥ 4 as in the original version.  相似文献   



Aneuploidies are frequent genetic disorders in clinical practice. However, little is known about other genetic variants that may influence the final phenotype.


To determine the variations in the number of copies and regions with homozygosity greater than 0.5% or larger than 10 Mb in newborns with autosomal aneuploidies.

Materials and methods:

We performed a chromosomal microarray analysis on newborns with autosomal aneuploidies (n=7), trisomy 21 (n=5), and trisomy 18 (n=2) evaluated at the Hospital Antonio Lorena and Hospital Regional of Cusco, Perú, during 2018.


We found pathogenic and probably pathogenic variants in the number of copies in other genomic regions different to chromosomes 21 or 18 in two neonates. Additionally, we found two variants bigger than 500 kpb of unknown pathogenicity.


Although the number of analyzed individuals was small, it is important to highlight that we found other variants in the number of copies that have been described in association with neurodevelopmental disorders, congenital anomalies, deafness, and short/ tall stature, among others, in almost half of them, which will probably impact the phenotype negatively in patients with aneuploidies.  相似文献   



Colombia has modified the nuclear medicine norms that impact the administration of radioactive iodine therapy in the treatment of thyroid cancer.


To identify the areas of agreement regarding the issue, as well as the current and emergent requirements associated with the normative for the operation of nuclear medicine services that have an impact on the care of patients with thyroid cancer in Colombia.

Materials and methods:

We conducted a two-round Delphi study for each expert, clinical, and regulatory group. The first round explored views on the implications of the regulations that apply to nuclear medicine. The second round rated the statements from the first round by their relevance.


The issues regarding nuclear medicine services were related to the normative clarity and the lack of synergy and coherence among inspection, surveillance, and control bodies. The demands on the waste management system require a high economic investment that can influence the service offer and have an impact on the integral control of thyroid cancer. Unification of the auditors’ criteria, delimitation of the acting agent functions, technical assistance to the services to comply with the normative, and the oversight of the inspection, surveillance, and control bodies by the regulatory entities are among the current and future needs.


Our findings suggest that nuclear medicine services are going through a time of multiple institutional, regulatory, and economic challenges that put at risk the development and maintenance of nuclear medicine in cancer care.Key words: Thyroid neoplasms, nuclear medicine, radioactive waste, radioisotopes, health services

La medicina nuclear utiliza radionúclidos con fines diagnósticos y terapéuticos para detectar y tratar tumores y enfermedades benignas. En el contexto de la oncología moderna, esta especialidad involucra el uso de elementos radiactivos para evaluar las funciones corporales, determinar el diagnóstico y el tratamiento, así como la conjunción de los dos (“teragnóstica”) 1. Hay una gran variedad de radiofármacos utilizados en la medicina nuclear, pero en la mayoría de los procedimientos se recurre al tecnecio 99m (Tc99m) y al yodo radioactivo (I131) 2.El cáncer de tiroides es la neoplasia endocrina más común (1,0-1,5 %), y es la quinto más frecuentemente diagnosticada en mujeres, con un incremento continuo en su incidencia mundial en los últimos 30 años 3. En el cáncer diferenciado de tiroides, el tratamiento con I131 se administra con tres propósitos: como tratamiento ablativo para eliminar tejido tiroideo residual sano después de una tiroidectomía; como tratamiento adyuvante para tratar la enfermedad residual microscópica, y como dosis terapéutica para tratar la enfermedad macroscópica o metastásica 4. Dependiendo del tipo de tratamiento, los pacientes sometidos a terapia con I131 son hospitalizados en habitaciones especiales, con el fin de controlar la irradiación a otros pacientes, familiares y cuidadores 5.Al igual que en muchos países, en Colombia las habitaciones utilizadas para la terapia con yodo radioactivo están ubicadas en instituciones especializadas de prestación de servicios de salud 6, las cuales están sujetas a inspecciones por parte de los organismos de inspección, vigilancia y control de la seguridad radiológica y nuclear. En el último quinquenio, las autoridades nacionales competentes en materia nuclear han modificado las normas que permiten prestar servicios de medicina nuclear debido a las exigencias en el otorgamiento de autorizaciones para el empleo de fuentes radiactivas y la gestión de los desechos radiactivos liberados en el suelo, los cuerpos de agua o los sistemas de recolección de aguas residuales por medio de la orina y las excretas del paciente o la descarga de desechos líquidos hospitalarios 7.Dicha regulación está ajustada a las directrices del Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (OIEA), del cual Colombia es miembro. Para honrar los compromisos adquiridos con este organismo en torno a una seguridad nuclear que proteja la salud humana, el país estableció desde el 2002 un marco regulador fundamental para el uso seguro de material radiactivo 8. En el
2002Resolución 181434Reglamentó la protección y seguridad radiológica; constituye el marco regulador fundamental para el uso seguro de materiales radiactivos y nucleares.
2004Resolución 181419Establece los requisitos y el procedimiento para la expedición de la licencia de importación de todo tipo de material radiactivo.
2004Resolución 181289Establece los requisitos para la obtención de licencias para la prestación del servicio de dosimetría personal
2008Resolución 180052Adopta el sistema de categorización, cuyo fundamento descansa en el daño potencial que la radiación puede causar a la salud humana.
2010Resolución 180005Reglamento para la gestión de los desechos radiactivos en el territorio colombiano
2014Resolución 90874Establece los requisitos y condiciones mínimas que se deben cumplir para la obtención de los diferentes tipos de autorización, y se otorga al órgano regulador la potestad de vigilancia y control mediante inspecciones o auditorías reguladoras para verificar las condiciones de protección radiológica y seguridad física de las instalaciones.
2015Resolución 4245Establece los requisitos para obtener la certificación en buenas prácticas de elaboración de radiofármacos y se adopta el instrumento para su verificación.
2016Resolución 41226Establece los requisitos y procedimientos para la expedición de autorizaciones para el empleo de fuentes radiactivas y de inspección de las instalaciones radiactivas.
2016Resolución 41178Por la cual se modifica la Resolución 180005 de 2010, la cual reglamenta la gestión de los desechos radiactivos en el territorio colombiano.
2018Resolución 482Reglamenta el uso de equipos generadores de radiación ionizante, su control de calidad y la prestación de servicios de protección radiológica.
2019Resolución 3100Define los procedimientos y condiciones de inscripción de los prestadores de servicios de salud y de habilitación de los servicios de salud.
Open in a separate window Las modificaciones más importantes de la norma, que han generado reacciones de parte de los involucrados en la práctica de la medicina nuclear, están en la Resolución 180005, además de la contenida en la Resolución 41178, ambas emitidas por el Ministerio de Minas y Energía. En ellas, se establecen los niveles permitidos para vertidos líquidos a alcantarillas, ríos y otras grandes masas de agua 9-10. Estos estándares se armonizaron con respecto a las tasas de vertidos establecidas en otros países con actividades nucleares y radiactivas equiparables a las de Colombia. Entre los radionúclidos regulados, está el I131, cuya tasa de emisión mensual se fijó en una concentración de actividad de 1,90 bq/L, con un límite de emisión anual de 1,00E+07 bq/año 10. Estos límites incluyen la descarga de la actividad radiactiva derivada de la atención de los pacientes hospitalizados en las instituciones y de quienes recibieron el tratamiento de cáncer de tiroides con I131.En este contexto, el objetivo del estudio fue establecer las áreas de acuerdo e incertidumbre frente a la problemática, los requisitos actuales y los que surgirán con las normas de funcionamiento de los servicios de medicina nuclear que repercuten en la atención del cáncer de tiroides en Colombia.  相似文献   

La campaña de erradicación de la malaria en Colombia, 1959-1979     
Julio Csar Padilla-Rodríguez  Mario Javier Olivera  Pablo Chaparro  Martha Lucía Quinez  Jos Pablo Escobar  Gilberto lvarez 《Biomédica : revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud》2022,42(2):264

Clima de aprendizaje y enganche al trabajo del residente clínico: relación con la autodeterminación humana     
Jorge Alberto Restrepo  Luis Carlos Domínguez  Marcelo García-Diguez 《Biomédica : revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud》2022,42(1):102


The learning climate is a factor associated with the clinical resident’s engagement in work activities and the improvement of students’ well-being in the workplace through their self-determination during clinical rotation.


To determine the relationship between the learning climate measured with the D-RECT 35 scale and residents’ self-determination and commitment to work using the UWES 17 scale.

Materials and methods:

We conducted a cross-sectional correlational study with residents of surgical medical specialties in clinical rotation at the practice site and who completed the measurement questionnaires.


We evaluated 188 residents of clinical specialties. The median of the results in the learning climate scale was 3.9/5.0; in the self-determination scale, 4.86/7.0, and in the job engagement scale, 5.0/6.0. The learning climate was considered adequate and a positive relationship was found with self-determination and the residents’ attachment to their activities; these correlations were statistically significant.


Adequate learning climates are positively related to the ability to engage in work activities and the self-determination of clinical residents as they favor collaborative work and access to supervision generating greater autonomy and more enthusiasm and dedication to assigned activities. This can drive improvements in educational programs in clinical departments and translate into safer patient care.  相似文献   

Histiocitosis de células de Langerhans: reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura     
Miguel ngel Medina  Wendy Meyer  Carolina Echeverri  Natalia Builes 《Biomédica : revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud》2021,41(3):5430
Histiocytosis comprises a heterogeneous group of inflammatory diseases whose main cellular components are dendritic cells and macrophages. The inflammatory infiltrate can affect the skin and other organs and the clinical outcome varies from mild to fatal depending on the involved cell subset and multisystemic compromise. Delay in diagnosis may occur due to its non-specific presentation and to a low suspicion on the part of the clinician. We report the case of an infant who despite multiple consultations with nonspecific but characteristic symptoms of the disease was only finally diagnosed thanks to histopathological findings.  相似文献   

Membrana de cáscara de huevo para la curación de heridas superficiales en ratones     
Noelia Mendoza  Georgina Chvez  Omar Araya 《Biomédica : revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud》2022,42(2):234


Eggshell membranes offer beneficial properties for tissue regeneration and their biomedical applications are important.


To demonstrate the effectiveness of hen unfertilized eggshell membranes in the treatment of superficial open wounds in mice compared to the conventional procedure.

Materials and methods:

15-mm linear wounds were made on the back of 10 male CF-1 mice. The mice were divided into four groups. One group did not receive any treatment and the other three were given conventional treatment, eggshell membranes dressing, and eggshell membranes powder. The evolution of the wounds was registered by photographs.We measured wounds length and healing time and calculated the length reduction rate and the percentage of healing. The healing percentages were analyzed by ANOVA with a post hoc Dunnett test (p<0.05).


The treatments with eggshell membranes and membrane powder had a wound- length reduction rate of 1.009 and 1.020 mm/day, greater than the conventional treatment, of 0.852 mm/day, and a healing time of 12 days, i.e., less than the 16-day conventional treatment. The statistical analysis showed significant differences between eggshell membrane treatments and the conventional treatment.


Eggshell membrane dressing and eggshell membrane powder applied to open superficial wounds in mice were more effective than the conventional treatment in regenerating injured tissue in mice.  相似文献   

Evaluación de la efectividad de la prueba rápida OptiMAL-IT™ para el seguimiento de pacientes con diagnóstico de malaria en la Amazonía peruana     
Nancy Arrspide  Hernn Sanabria  William J. Araujo-Banchon 《Biomédica : revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud》2022,42(1):147


In Peru, optical microscopy with the thick smear test continues to be performed for the follow-up of malaria patients. This test is simple but it requires microscopic equipment and suitable staff to perform the reading of the samples. Studies suggest that the rapid OptiMAL-IT™ test is an option for follow-up.


To evaluate the effectiveness of OptiMAL-IT™ as a follow-up test in malaria patients in endemic areas of Perú.

Materials and methods:

We conducted an observational, analytical cross-sectional study of diagnostic tests performed in patients with malaria. We selected all the patients attending different health facilities in the Peruvian departments of San Martín and Loreto who met the inclusion criteria. Optical microscopy with thick smear and OptiMAL-IT™ was used on days 2, 3, 7, and 14 for Plasmodium vivax and until day 21 of follow-up for Plasmodium falciparum. Percentages of correctly classified samples and predictive values were calculated, and the results were compared between the western jungle and the eastern jungle using Chi2 or Fisher''s exact tests.


We registered 262 patients from San Martín and 302 from Loreto. The percentage of correctly classified cases and the negative predictive value were higher than 92.0% and 93,0%, respectively, from the third day of follow-up; no statistical differences were found in the results obtained from the western jungle and those from the eastern jungle.


The OptiMAL-IT™ test would be effective as a follow-up test in patients diagnosed with malaria in endemic areas of Perú.  相似文献   

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