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Summary Ten restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the LDL receptor gene were used for haplotype analysis in 12 unrelated patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. These patients were drawn from the Black, Coloured, and White population groups and collectively represent 24 mutant alleles underlying the FH phenotype. Five distinct haplotypes were detected. Hybridization analysis using DNA codigested with EcoRI and PstI revealed that haplotype IV was associated with two distinct mutations. When coupled to the recent demonstration by other workers of two receptor defects in South African Afrikaners homozygous for FH and haplotype I, these data are suggestive of at least seven distinct LDL receptor mutations in the FH patients examined and thus in the general South African population.  相似文献   

Rett syndrome is an X-linked dominant disorder that usually arises following a single de novo mutation in the MECP2 gene. Point mutation testing and gene dosage analysis of a cohort of British Rett syndrome patients in our laboratory revealed four females who each had two different de novo causative mutations, presumed to be in cis because the patients showed no deviation from the classical Rett syndrome phenotype. Two of these cases had a point mutation and a small intraexonic deletion, a third had a whole exon deletion and a separate small intraexonic deletion, and a fourth case had a small intraexonic deletion and a large duplication. These findings highlight the necessity to perform both point mutation analysis and exon dosage analysis in such cases, particularly because of the possibility of undetected parental mosaicism and the implications for prenatal diagnosis in future pregnancies. These cases also suggest that the MECP2 gene may be particularly prone to multiple mutation events.  相似文献   

Three sera, showing only a 2-3% of the usual cholinesterase activity and belonging to two families of 800 Caucasian inhabitants of the same small town, were classified as type II silent cholinesterase genes by polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis, dibucaine and fluoride number and by their specific activity with acetyl- butyryl- or propionyl-thiocholine.  相似文献   

Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) gene mutations, C282Y and H63D, have been screened in a cohort of 254presumably healthy persons originating from a western region of France.The carrier frequencies of these mutations and the incidence of HH have been estimated and compared with those of other studies. This cohort contains two C282Y/C282Y genotypes and has the highest C282Y heterozygosity frequency (17.46%) ever reported. Received: 25 May 1997 / Accepted: 19 November 1997  相似文献   

Alteration of the p53 tumor suppressor gene is the most common genetic abnormality in human cancer. In breast cancer, depending on the stage of disease and method of detection, mutation rates of 25-60% have been observed. Multiple mutations of p53 gene in the same tumor however, are rarely reported. In this study we explored the frequency of multiple mutations of p53 gene in mammary carcinoma in a cohort of south Florida patients. Three hundred eighty-four cases of primary breast cancer diagnosed between 1984 and 1986 at the University of Miami, Jackson Medical Center were subjects of this study. Sequence analysis of exons 5 through 8 of p53 was performed on cloned PCR-amplified DNA of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumors. Two hundred thirty-four of 384 breast cancers (61%) had p53 mutation. Of those, 36 tumors showed more than one mutation; 31 tumors had two mutations, three showed three, one tumor had five mutations, and one case carried six mutations. The majority of mutations were missense (43) followed by silent (35); and most occurred within a single exon. Our study suggests that multiple mutations of p53 suppressor gene in breast cancer are more common than currently believed.  相似文献   

Myosin I isozymes have been implicated in various motile processes, including organelle translocation, ion-channel gating, and cytoskeleton reorganization. Unconventional myosins were among the first family of proteins found to be associated with hearing loss in both humans and mice. Here, we report the identification of a nonsense mutation, of a trinucleotide insertion leading to an addition of an amino acid, and of six missense mutations in MYO1A cDNA sequence in a group of hearing-impaired patients from Italy. MYO1A, which is located within the DFNA48 locus, is the first myosin I family member found to be involved in causing deafness and may be a major contributor to autosomal dominant-hearing loss.  相似文献   

In semi‐arid environments, aperiodic rainfall pulses determine plant production and resource availability for higher trophic levels, creating strong bottom‐up regulation. The influence of climatic factors on population vital rates often shapes the dynamics of small mammal populations in such resource‐restricted environments. Using a 21‐year biannual capture–recapture dataset (1993 to 2014), we examined the impacts of climatic factors on the population dynamics of the brush mouse (Peromyscus boylii) in semi‐arid oak woodland of coastal‐central California. We applied Pradel''s temporal symmetry model to estimate capture probability (p), apparent survival (φ), recruitment (f), and realized population growth rate (λ) of the brush mouse and examined the effects of temperature, rainfall, and El Niño on these demographic parameters. The population was stable during the study period with a monthly realized population growth rate of 0.993 ± SE 0.032, but growth varied over time from 0.680 ± 0.054 to 1.450 ± 0.083. Monthly survival estimates averaged 0.789 ± 0.005 and monthly recruitment estimates averaged 0.175 ± 0.038. Survival probability and realized population growth rate were positively correlated with rainfall and negatively correlated with temperature. In contrast, recruitment was negatively correlated with rainfall and positively correlated with temperature. Brush mice maintained their population through multiple coping strategies, with high recruitment during warmer and drier periods and higher survival during cooler and wetter conditions. Although climatic change in coastal‐central California will likely favor recruitment over survival, varying strategies may serve as a mechanism by which brush mice maintain resilience in the face of climate change. Our results indicate that rainfall and temperature are both important drivers of brush mouse population dynamics and will play a significant role in predicting the future viability of brush mice under a changing climate.  相似文献   

Yan  Guorong  Liu  Xianxian  Xiao  Shijun  Xin  Wenshui  Xu  Wenwu  Li  Yiping  Huang  Tao  Qin  Jiangtao  Xie  Lei  Ma  Junwu  Zhang  Zhiyan  Huang  Lusheng 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2022,65(4):781-794
Science China Life Sciences - Sequencing-based genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have facilitated the identification of causal associations between genetic variants and traits in diverse...  相似文献   

Metachromatic leukodystrophy is a lysosomal storage disorder caused by the deficiency of arylsulfatase A. The disease occurs panethnically, with an estimated frequency of 1/40,000. Metachromatic leukodystrophy was found to be more frequent among Arabs living in two restricted areas in Israel. Ten families with affected children have been found, three in the Jerusalem region and seven in a small area in lower Galilee. Whereas all patients from the Jerusalem region are homozygous for a frequent mutant arylsulfatase A allele, five different mutations were found in the families from lower Galilee. In patients of Muslim Arab origin, we have found a G86-->D, a S96-->L, and a Q190-->H substitution. Two different defective arylsulfatase A alleles, characterized by a T274-->M and a R370-->W substitution, respectively, have been found among the Christian Arab patients. All mutations were introduced into the wild-type arylsulfatase A cDNA. No enzyme activity could be expressed from the mutagenized cDNAs after transfection into heterologous cells. In all instances, the patients were found to be homozygous for the mutations, and four of the five mutations occurred on different haplotypes. The clustering of this rare lysosomal storage disease in a small geographic area usually suggests a founder effect, so the finding of five different mutations is surprising.  相似文献   

Steroid 21 -hydroxylase deficiency is the major cause of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Genotyping for deletions and nine point mutations in the CYP21 gene has been performed in 38 Spanish patients and their relatives by Southern blot analysis and allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization. Three clinical variants were included in this study, viz., salt-wasting (SW, 21 patients), simple virilizer (SV, two patients), and late-onset (LO, 15 patients) forms. Twenty-three patient genotypes (16 SW, two SV, and five LO) were fully characterized. In both alleles, all but one of these severe forms (SW and SV) presented mutations that abolished or severely affected enzymatic activity. Patients with LO forms showed mutations that moderately impaired enzymatic activity in both alleles, or severe mutations in only one chromosome. Of 46 chromosomes from severe forms, 41 were characterized in this study (89%). The most frequent mutation was an aberrant splicing site (655 A or C to G) in intron 2, in 30% of these chromosomes. Deletions were found in 20%, and large gene conversions in 13% of these alleles. This screening allowed the characterization of 18 out of 30 LO chromosomes, the most frequent mutation being Val281Leu (37%). Severe mutations were found, in heterozygosis, in one third of LO patients.  相似文献   

The main role of superoxide dismutases (SODs) is to eliminate reactive oxygen species in cells and tissues. Extracellular SOD (EC-SOD/SOD3) is a major superoxide scavenger and it is located on cell surfaces and primarily in extracellular matrix, and binds heparan sulfates by its carboxyterminal portion. Human EC-SOD gene is located on chromosome 4 and comprises three exons and two introns. The SOD3 coding sequence is entirely located within exon 3 and has missense polymorphisms. The Arg213Gly mutation affects the function of the carboxyterminus and correlates with several diseases. In this work, we explored genetic variants within EC-SOD gene of subjects living in southern Italy. Four new variations were detected: one was silent mutation, while three were missense variations that give rise to amino acid substitutions at position 131 (F>C), 160 (V>L) and 202 (R>L) in the mature product. The Arg213Gly variant was not found. The missense mutations in the DNA of assayed 2400 chromosomes had frequencies of 5.34% for the F131C variation, 0.25% for the V160L variation and 0.84% for the R202L variation. The effect of these alterations on the metabolic activity and diseases remains to be further explained.  相似文献   

Hu Z  Xiong Z  Xu X  Li F  Lu L  Li W  Su J  Liu Y  Liu D  Xie Z  Peng Y  Kuang Y  Wu L  Zhang J  Pan Q  Tang B  Chen X  Xia K 《Human genetics》2012,131(7):1269-1274
Loss-of-function mutations in filaggrin gene (FLG; OMIM #135940) have been reported to cause the semi-dominant keratinizing disorders such as ichthyosis vulgaris (IV; OMIM #146700) and atopic dermatitis (AD; OMIM #605803). Recent linkage analysis and immunohistochemical studies suggest the possible contribution of FLG to psoriatic susceptibility. However, no susceptibility variant in FLG gene associated with psoriasis (OMIM #177900) has been identified. In this study, we identified a non-sense mutation of FLG (p.K4022X) in a Chinese psoriasis/IV coexisting family. The homozygous p.K4022X mutation was detected in a psoriasis patient, whereas the heterozygous p.K4022X mutation was identified in two IV patients and four apparently normal family members. We also genotyped p.K4022X variant in 441 sporadic Chinese psoriasis patients and found homozygous mutation in two patients, while no homozygous variant was found in 500 control individuals. After sequencing the entire coding region of FLG gene in 441 psoriasis patients, we identified another five mutations (p.R826X, p.W2583X, c.7945delA, c.3321delA and p.Q2417X). Although all six FLG mutations as a whole was not significantly associated with psoriasis (P = 0.105), mutation p.K4022X was significantly associated with psoriasis (P < 0.05). Our data thus indicates an association of FLG with psoriasis in Chinese population.  相似文献   

mtDNA genotypes of six domestic horses (three adult short horses whose heights are under 1 m and three common domestic horses) from a small region of 15 km2 in Malipo county of Yunnan province of China were investigated by the technique of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) with 16 restriction endonucleases which recognize 6-bp sequences. An average of 56 fragments for an individual was obtained. Unlike other domestic animals, this population of horses exhibits high mtDNA genetic diversity. Each of the six horses has a specific mtDNA genotype showing a pattern of multiple maternal origins, as suggested by fossil and literature records. We think the population of horses is an amazing seed-resource pool of horses and hence deserves to be paid more attention from the view of conservation genetics. However, it is also remarkable that we did not find any typical mtDNA genetic markers which would discriminate between short horses and common domestic horses.  相似文献   



Miltefosine (MF) is the first oral compound used in the chemotherapy against leishmaniasis. Since the mechanism of action of this drug and the targets of MF in Leishmania are unclear, we generated in a step-by-step manner Leishmania major promastigote mutants highly resistant to MF. Two of the mutants were submitted to a short-read whole genome sequencing for identifying potential genes associated with MF resistance.

Methods/Principal Findings

Analysis of the genome assemblies revealed several independent point mutations in a P-type ATPase involved in phospholipid translocation. Mutations in two other proteins—pyridoxal kinase and α-adaptin like protein—were also observed in independent mutants. The role of these proteins in the MF resistance was evaluated by gene transfection and gene disruption and both the P-type ATPase and pyridoxal kinase were implicated in MF susceptibility. The study also highlighted that resistance can be highly heterogeneous at the population level with individual clones derived from this population differing both in terms of genotypes but also susceptibility phenotypes.


Whole genome sequencing was used to pinpoint known and new resistance markers associated with MF resistance in the protozoan parasite Leishmania. The study also demonstrated the polyclonal nature of a resistant population with individual cells with varying susceptibilities and genotypes.  相似文献   



Guanylyl cyclases (GCs) are responsible for the production of the secondary messenger cyclic guanosine monophosphate, which plays important roles in a variety of physiological responses such as vision, olfaction, muscle contraction, homeostatic regulation, cardiovascular and nervous function. There are two types of GCs in animals, soluble (sGCs) which are found ubiquitously in cell cytoplasm, and receptor (rGC) forms which span cell membranes. The complete genomes of several vertebrate and invertebrate species are now available. These data provide a platform to investigate the evolution of GCs across a diverse range of animal phyla.  相似文献   

The authors used polymerase chain reaction to analyse 56 Slovenian cystic fibrosis (CF) chromosomes for the presence of delta F508 and eight other most frequent mutations located in exons 7,11 and 20 (R347P, R334W, G551D, R553X, S549RA, S549RT, S549I and S1255X) of the CF gene. We also determined the frequency of haplotypes associated with CF for six linked RFLP markers (MetD/TaqI, MetH/TaqI, XV-2c/TaqI, KM-19/PstI, MP6d9/MspI and J3.11/MspI) in 27 Slovenian CF families. delta F508 mutation was present in 55.4 percent of the CF chromosomes. No case of the other mutations were detected in the sample of tested CF chromosomes. A very high degree of association (0.88) has been found between DNA marker MetH and CF (as measured by the Yule's association coefficient) in our population. Using the RFLP markers XV-2c and KM-19, we found that 85% of delta F508 mutated chromosomes have a single 1 2 (B) haplotype, and that this haplotype is present on only 15.4 percent of CF chromosomes without this deletion.  相似文献   

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