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Problems of learning and memory: one or multiple memory systems?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Learning, and hence memory, is ubiquitous not only throughout the animal kingdom, but apparently throughout many regions of the brain. Is all learning reducible to a single common form? Neuropsychological dissociations suggest that the mammalian brain possesses a number of different and potentially independent memory systems, with different mechanisms and anatomical dispositions, some of which are neurally widely dispersed and others of which are narrowly organized. Among the types considered are: (i) short-term memory; (ii) knowledge and skills; (iii) stable associative memory; (iv) event memory; and (v) priming. As double or multiple dissociations do not lead to logically inevitable conclusions, it has been argued that an alternative to multiple memory systems is variable modes of processing. But these, too, would be dissociable on the same lines of evidence. Dissociations, if strong and absolute, have strong pragmatic power when they are combined with evolutionary and neuroscientific evidence. Multiple memory systems may possibly share some common cellular mechanisms, but such mechanisms do not define the separate properties at the systems level.  相似文献   

The cellular and molecular mechanisms of learning and memory are extremely complex and not well understood. The mechanisms of forgetting are even further more unclear, but several theories have been formulated to explain their cause and origin. Forgetting has recently been revealed to recruit specific mechanisms and anatomical basis which some components are distinct from those of learning and memory. Forgetting appears to depend essentially on protein phosphatases, enzymes highly abundant in the brain that are able to regulate numerous biochemical targets in neurons. The formation of memory by contrast depends on protein kinases. Memory and forgetting are indeed reciprocally controlled by a balance between kinases et phosphatases that determines the efficacy of learning and the persistence of memory. This review provides a brief account of the main features of forgetting and a summary of the most recent findings on its potential mechanisms.  相似文献   

日龄雏鸡的学习记忆模型及其分子机制和药理学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日龄雏鸡一次性被动回避学习和厌恶性条件化学习模型被广泛用于学习记忆机制的研究,并取得了很大的进展. 上纹体和旁嗅核是参与雏鸡学习记忆的主要脑区. 结合相关的分子机制研究,药理学实验发现了多种能影响不同记忆阶段的药物,如去甲肾上腺素对长时记忆有增强和调控作用. 由于鸟类和哺乳动物与记忆相关的脑结构和功能具有一定可比性,上述工作可为了解大脑的学习记忆功能提供重要参考.  相似文献   

The associative learning abilities of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, have been demonstrated in both classical and operant conditioning paradigms. Efforts to identify the neural pathways and cellular mechanisms of learning have focused largely on olfactory classical conditioning. Results derived from various genetic and molecular manipulations provide considerable evidence that this form of associative learning depends critically on neural activity and cAMP signaling in brain neuropil structures called mushroom bodies. Three other behavioral learning paradigms in Drosophila serve as the main subject of this review. These are (1) visual and motor learning of flies tethered in a flight simulator, (2) a form of spatial learning that is independent of visual and olfactory cues, and (3) experience-dependent changes in male courtship behavior. The present evidence suggests that at least some of these modes of learning are independent of mushroom bodies. Applying targeted genetic manipulations to these behavioral paradigms should allow for a more comprehensive understanding of neural mechanisms responsible for diverse forms of associative learning and memory.  相似文献   

药物成瘾及成瘾记忆的研究现状   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文在介绍药物成瘾与学习和记忆密切相关的神经回路及共同分子机制的基础上,围绕学习和记忆在药物成瘾中的作用,综述了关联性学习与复吸,关联性学习与敏化,异常关联性学习与强迫性用药行为,关联性学习及成瘾记忆与成瘾,多重记忆系统与成瘾的发生发展等方面的研究进展,并强调了突触可塑性及成瘾记忆在药物成瘾中的重要性。在此基础上提出:作为慢性脑病的药物成瘾的形成过程的重要特征是它包含着信息的特殊学习类型。药物成瘾与依赖于多巴胺的关联性学习紊乱有密切关系。海马可能在成瘾中扮演重要角色。  相似文献   

Synaptic mechanisms underlying pheromonal memory in vomeronasal system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When female mice are mated, they form a memory of the pheromonal signal of the male with which they mated. Our research objective was to determine the neural mechanisms underlying learning and memory by employing a convenient model of pheromone-induced olfactory memory (pheromonal memory). Formation of pheromonal memory depends on the association between mating and exposure to pheromones. Synaptic plasticity involving this memory occurs in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB), depending on vaginocervical stimulation at mating. The vaginocervical stimulation at mating reduces the dendrodendritic feedback inhibition of principal neurons (mitral/tufted (MT) cells) in the AOB and enhances their cell activity. The enhancement of activity induces on these plastic changes in dendrodendritic synapses, which in turn enhance GABA-mediated inhibition of MT cell activity. This "self-inhibition" of MT cells activity in response to pheromonal signals of the partner can disrupt its signals at the AOB thereby preventing the signals from reaching the central brain. The formation and maintenance of pheromonal memory is based on this inhibition mechanism.  相似文献   

Learning and memory of music involves a multitude of perceptual, motor, affective, and autobiographical memory processes [1]. Patient and imaging studies suggest that musical memory may involve distinct neural substrates [2,3]. However, the degree of independence of such a system from other memory domains is controversial [4]. We have investigated a 68-year-old professional cellist, patient PM, who developed severe amnesia following encephalitis. This case provided a unique opportunity to study musical memory in a patient with a precisely defined premorbid musical knowledge and well-demarcated focal lesions of the brain. Despite severe memory impairments, he performed like healthy musicians in various tests of recognition memory for music. These findings suggest that learning and retention of musical information depends on brain networks distinct from those involved in other types of episodic and semantic memory.  相似文献   

Neuronal signalling of fear memory   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The learning and remembering of fearful events depends on the integrity of the amygdala, but how are fear memories represented in the activity of amygdala neurons? Here, we review recent electrophysiological studies indicating that neurons in the lateral amygdala encode aversive memories during the acquisition and extinction of Pavlovian fear conditioning. Studies that combine unit recording with brain lesions and pharmacological inactivation provide evidence that the lateral amygdala is a crucial locus of fear memory. Extinction of fear memory reduces associative plasticity in the lateral amygdala and involves the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Understanding the signalling of aversive memory by amygdala neurons opens new avenues for research into the neural systems that support fear behaviour.  相似文献   

Recent evidence from cerebellum-dependent motor learning and amygdala-dependent fear conditioning indicates that, despite being mediated by different brain systems, these forms of learning might use a similar sequence of events to form new memories. In each case, learning seems to induce changes in two different groups of neurons. Changes in the first class of cells are induced very rapidly during the initial stages of learning, whereas changes in the second class of cells develop more slowly and are resistant to extinction. So, anatomically distinct cell populations might contribute differentially to the initial encoding and the long-term storage of memory in these two systems.  相似文献   

The plasticity of the central nervous system helps form the basis for the neurobiology of learning and memory. Long-term potentiation (LTP) is the main form of synaptic plasticity, reflecting the activity level of the synaptic information storage process, and provides a good model to study the underlying mechanisms of learning and memory. The glutamate receptor-mediated signal pathway plays a key role in the induction and maintenance of LTP, and hence the regulation of learning and memory. The progress in the understanding of the glutamate receptors and related signal transduction systems in learning and memory research are reviewed in this article.  相似文献   

We investigate the memory structure and retrieval of the brain and propose a hybrid neural network of addressable and content-addressable memory which is a special database model and can memorize and retrieve any piece of information (a binary pattern) both addressably and content-addressably. The architecture of this hybrid neural network is hierarchical and takes the form of a tree of slabs which consist of binary neurons with the same array. Simplex memory neural networks are considered as the slabs of basic memory units, being distributed on the terminal vertexes of the tree. It is shown by theoretical analysis that the hybrid neural network is able to be constructed with Hebbian and competitive learning rules, and some other important characteristics of its learning and memory behavior are also consistent with those of the brain. Moreover, we demonstrate the hybrid neural network on a set of ten binary numeral patters  相似文献   

Loss of brain function is one of the most negative and feared aspects of aging. Studies of invertebrates have taught us much about the physiology of aging and how this progression may be slowed. Yet, how aging affects complex brain functions, e.g., the ability to acquire new memory when previous experience is no longer valid, is an almost exclusive question of studies in humans and mammalian models. In these systems, age related cognitive disorders are assessed through composite paradigms that test different performance tasks in the same individual. Such studies could demonstrate that afflicted individuals show the loss of several and often-diverse memory faculties, and that performance usually varies more between aged individuals, as compared to conspecifics from younger groups. No comparable composite surveying approaches are established yet for invertebrate models in aging research. Here we test whether an insect can share patterns of decline similar to those that are commonly observed during mammalian brain aging. Using honey bees, we combine restrained learning with free-flight assays. We demonstrate that reduced olfactory learning performance correlates with a reduced ability to extinguish the spatial memory of an abandoned nest location (spatial memory extinction). Adding to this, we show that learning performance is more variable in old honey bees. Taken together, our findings point to generic features of brain aging and provide the prerequisites to model individual aspects of learning dysfunction with insect models.  相似文献   

The effect of inhibitor of serotonin and norepinephrine synthesis in the brain on learning was investigated in rats with emotionally different reinforcement. Parachlorphenylalanine (320 mg/kg) was shown to inhibit learning with food reinforcement, but facilitated learning with pain reinforcement. Disulfiram (100 mg/kg) inhibited learning with pain reinforcement considerably, but failed to influence learning with food reinforcement. Alpha-methyl-m-thyrosine inhibited both forms of learning. These new facts are in line with our previous data on mediating role of the brain monoaminergic systems between emotions and memory.  相似文献   

This article is part of a Special Issue “Estradiol and cognition”.Estrogens are becoming well known for their robust enhancement on cognition particularly for learning and memory that relies upon functioning of the hippocampus and related neural systems. What is also emerging is that estrogen modulation of cognition is not uniform, at times enhancing yet at other times impairing learning. This review explores the bidirectional effects of estrogens on learning from a multiple memory systems view, focusing on the hippocampus and striatum, whereby modulation by estrogens sorts according to task attributes and neural systems engaged during cognition. We highlight our findings showing that the ability to solve hippocampus-sensitive tasks typically improves under relatively high estrogen status while the ability to solve striatum-sensitive tasks degrades with estrogen exposures. Though constrained by dose and timing of exposure, these opposing enhancements and impairments of cognition can be observed following treatments with different estrogenic compounds including the hormone estradiol, the isoflavone genistein found in soybeans, and agonists that are selective for specific estrogen receptors, suggesting that activation of a single receptor type is sufficient to produce the observed shifts in learning strategies. Using this multi-dimensional framework will allow us to extend our thinking of the relationship between estrogens and cognition to other brain regions and cognitive functions.  相似文献   

5-HT(五羟色胺)能神经元是起源最早的神经元之一,在传统的神经元形成前,成长中的轴突就可释放5-HT,并且通过5-HT的各种亚型受体来实现不同的功能。近年来,随着5-HT、5-HTRs(五羟色胺受体)的基因克隆及5-HT受体选择性激动剂和拮抗剂的研究发展,5-HT系统在学习记忆中的作用越发明确,许多研究结果表明:5-HT系统在记忆的巩固、短时程记忆(STM)及长时程记忆(LTM)中起重要作用,5-HT1A受体更是在非脊椎动物及哺乳动物的脑中都高度表达,并通过相似的信号转导途径参与学习与记忆的形成和巩固。本文将介绍5-HT1A受体、5-HT1A受体激动剂、5-HT1A受体拮抗剂及其与学习记忆的联系,重点综述5-HT1A受体参与学习记忆的信号转导途径研究进展,讨论5-HT1A受体参与学习记忆的可能性分子神经生物学机制。  相似文献   

In four human learning experiments (Pavlovian skin conductance, causal learning, speeded classification task), we evaluated several associative learning theories that assume either an elemental (modified unique cue model and Harris’ model) or a configural (Pearce’s configural theory and an extension of it) form of stimulus processing. The experiments used two modified patterning problems (A/B/C+, AB/BC/AC+ vs. ABC-; A+, BC+ vs. ABC-). Pearce’s configural theory successfully predicted all of our data reflecting early stimulus processing, while the predictions of the elemental theories were in accord with all of our data reflecting later stages of stimulus processing. Our results suggest that the form of stimulus representation depends on the amount of time available for stimulus processing. Our findings highlight the necessity to investigate stimulus processing during conditioning on a finer time scale than usually done in contemporary research.  相似文献   

The subcellular processes that correlate with early learning and memory formation in the chick and sensitive periods for this learning are discussed. Imprinting and passive avoidance learning are followed by a number of cellular processes, each of which persists for a characteristic time in certain brain regions, and may culminate in synaptic structure modification. In the chick brain, the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptor appears to play an important role in both memory formation and sensitive periods during development, similar to its demonstrated role in neural plasticity in the mammalian brain. Two important findings have emerged from the studies using chickens. First, memory formation appears to occur at multiple sites in the forebrain and, most importantly, it appears to “flow” from one site to another, leaving neurochemical traces in each as it moves on. Second, the memory is laid down either in different sites or in different subcellular events in the left and right forebrain hemispheres. Hence, we are alerted to the possibility of similar asymmetrical processes occurring in memory consolidation in the mammalian brain. The similarities between early memory formation and experience-dependent plasticity of the brain during development are discussed.  相似文献   

A wide interest has been observed in the medical health care applications that interpret neuroimaging scans by machine learning systems. This research proposes an intelligent, automatic, accurate, and robust classification technique to classify the human brain magnetic resonance image (MRI) as normal or abnormal, to cater down the human error during identifying the diseases in brain MRIs. In this study, fast discrete wavelet transform (DWT), principal component analysis (PCA), and least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) are used as basic components. Firstly, fast DWT is employed to extract the salient features of brain MRI, followed by PCA, which reduces the dimensions of the features. These reduced feature vectors also shrink the memory storage consumption by 99.5%. At last, an advanced classification technique based on LS-SVM is applied to brain MR image classification using reduced features. For improving the efficiency, LS-SVM is used with non-linear radial basis function (RBF) kernel. The proposed algorithm intelligently determines the optimized values of the hyper-parameters of the RBF kernel and also applied k-fold stratified cross validation to enhance the generalization of the system. The method was tested by 340 patients’ benchmark datasets of T1-weighted and T2-weighted scans. From the analysis of experimental results and performance comparisons, it is observed that the proposed medical decision support system outperformed all other modern classifiers and achieves 100% accuracy rate (specificity/sensitivity 100%/100%). Furthermore, in terms of computation time, the proposed technique is significantly faster than the recent well-known methods, and it improves the efficiency by 71%, 3%, and 4% on feature extraction stage, feature reduction stage, and classification stage, respectively. These results indicate that the proposed well-trained machine learning system has the potential to make accurate predictions about brain abnormalities from the individual subjects, therefore, it can be used as a significant tool in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Free radical-mediated damage to neuronal membrane components has been implicated in the etiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and aging. The senescence accelerated prone mouse strain 8 (SAMP8) exhibits age-related deterioration in memory and learning along with increased oxidative markers. Therefore, SAMP8 is a suitable model to study brain aging and, since aging is the major risk factor for AD and SAMP8 exhibits many of the biochemical findings of AD, perhaps as a model for and the early phase of AD. Our previous studies reported higher oxidative stress markers in brains of 12-month-old SAMP8 mice when compared to that of 4-month-old SAMP8 mice. Further, we have previously shown that injecting the mice with alpha-lipoic acid (LA) reversed brain lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation, as well as the learning and memory impairments in SAMP8 mice. Recently, we reported the use of proteomics to identify proteins that are expressed differently and/or modified oxidatively in aged SAMP8 brains. In order to understand how LA reverses the learning and memory deficits of aged SAMP8 mice, in the current study, we used proteomics to compare the expression levels and specific carbonyl levels of proteins in brains from 12-month-old SAMP8 mice treated or not treated with LA. We found that the expressions of the three brain proteins (neurofilament triplet L protein, alpha-enolase, and ubiquitous mitochondrial creatine kinase) were increased significantly and that the specific carbonyl levels of the three brain proteins (lactate dehydrogenase B, dihydropyrimidinase-like protein 2, and alpha-enolase) were significantly decreased in the aged SAMP8 mice treated with LA. These findings suggest that the improved learning and memory observed in LA-injected SAMP8 mice may be related to the restoration of the normal condition of specific proteins in aged SAMP8 mouse brain. Moreover, our current study implicates neurofilament triplet L protein, alpha-enolase, ubiquitous mitochondrial creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase B, and dihydropyrimidinase-like protein 2 in process associated with learning and memory of SAMP8 mice.  相似文献   

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