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Résumé La tolérance au chlorure de sodium de trois souches deRhizobium meliloti dont deux isolées de nodules de luzernes poussant en sols salins a été étudiée. Pour deux souches, la croissance est ralentie par 600 mmol/l de NaCl et inhibée par 750 mmol/l mais les bactéries restent vivantes. Une des souches isolées de sol salin se développe encore en présence de 750 mmol/l de NaCl. Avec 900 mmol/l de NaCl la croissance est inhibée et la viabilité altérée. Le sodium et le potassium intra-cellulaires ont été dosés. Les trois souches accumulent du K en présence de NaCl. La souche la plus tolérante au NaCl contient plus de Na et accumule moins de K que les autres souches. La germination des graines de deux luzernes (européenne et marocaine) est inhibée à partir de 0.5% et totale à 1.4% de NaCl pour la première, et à partir de 0.9% et totale à 2% de NaCl pour la seconde. Les trois souches deR. meliloti infectent de jeunes plantes de luzerne en présence de 1.5% de NaCl et les nodules formés contiennent des bactéroïdes d'aspect normal. Cependant les nodules restent blancs à partir de 1% de NaCl et les plantes sont moins développées. L'activité nitrogénasique mesurée sur ces plantes nodulées en présence de NaCl est ralentie à partir de 0.4% de NaCl, très faible avec 1% et totalement inhibée avec 1.5%. La plante-hôte et par suite l'activité fixatrice symbiotique semblent ainsi plus sensibles au NaCl que la bactérie elle-même.
Effect of sodium chloride on in vitro growth, infectivity and effectiveness of Rhizobium meliloti
Summary The tolerance to sodium chloride shown by three strains ofRhizobium meliloti, two of them isolated from nodules of lucerne cultivated in a saline soil, was studied. The growth of two strains is slowed by NaCl at 600 mmol/l and inhibited at 750 mmol/l, but the bacteria remain visible. One of the strains isolated from saline soil grows in the presence of 750 mmol/l NaCl. With NaCl at 900 mmol/l the growth is inhibited and viability impaired. The intracellular concentrations of Na and K has been determined. All three strains accumulate K in the presence of NaCl. The most tolerant strain contains more Na and accumulates less K than the other two. The germination of seeds of two varieties of lucerne (European and Moroccan) is inhibited at 0.5% and suppressed completely at 1.5% NaCl for the first variety, and inhibited at 0.9% and suppressed at 2% NaCl for the second. In the presence of 1.5% NaCl the threeR. meliloti strains infect the young lucerne plants and the nodules formed certain morphologically normal bacteroids. With 1% NaCl, however, the nodules are colourless and the plants are less well developed. Nitrogenase activity measured on plants nodulated in the presence of NaCl is decreased at 0.4%, very weak at 1% and inhibited completely at 1.5% NaCl. Therefore, the host plant and the symbiotic nitrogen fixation process appear to be more sensitive to NaCl than are the bacteria themselves.

Efecyo del cloruro sodico en el crecimiento in vitro, la infectividady la eficacia de Rhizobium meliloti
Resumen Se ha estudiado la tolerancia al cloruro sódico de très cepas deRhizobium meliloti, dos de ellas aisladas de nodulos de alfalfa cultivada en suelos salinos. La presencia de NaCl a concentración de 600 mmol/l disminuye la velocidad de crecimiento de dos de las cepas, quedando este totalmente inhibido en 700 mmol/1. La bacteria, permanece, sin embargo, viable. Una de las cepas aisladas del suelo salino crece incluso en presencia de 750 mmol/1 de NaCl y su crecimiento no se inhibe hasta llegar a una concentración de 900 mmol/l quedando noobstante disminuida la viabilidad de la bacteria. Se han determinado las concentraciones intracelulares de Na y K observandose que las tres cepas acumulan K en presencia de NaCl. La cepa m tolerante a la salinidad contiene más Na y acumula menos K que las otras dos. Se ha estudiado la germinación de dos variedades de semillas de alfalfa: europea y marroquí. La germinación de la variedad europea es inhibida parcialmente a 0.5% NaCl y completamente a 1.5%. En la variedad marroquí la inhibición parcial occure a 0.9% y la supresión de la germinación a 2% de NaCl. En presencia de 1.5% de NaCl las tres cepas deR. meliloti infectan las plantulas de alfalfa formando nódulos que contienen bacteroides morfologicamente normales. A pesar de ello in 1% de Na Cl los nódulos son incoloros y las plantas no se desarrollan tan bien. En plantas que han nodulado en presencia de NaCl la actividad nitrogenasa disminuye a 0.4%, es muy debil a 1% y esta inhibida totalmente a 1.5% de NaCl. De todo ello podemos concluir que la planta húesped y el proceso de fijación simbiótico de nitrógeno parecen ser más sensibles al cloruro sódico de lo que lo son las bacterias por sí mismas.

The rooting capacity of leaves isolated from a vegetative clone ofAnagallis arvensis L. exposed to 9 hours of light (75 W m−2) at 22 °C and 15 hours of dark at 12 °C a day is significant only in F1 young leaves and not in adult ones. The rooting capacity of the young leaves and of the vegetative shoots is greater in longer photoperiods. The leaves make roots even under weak (14 W m−2) irradiance. The rooting capacity of the leaves is diminished and even suppressed by exogenous sucrose (14,60 ×10−3M). This inhibition may be counteracted by IAA (10−6M). When leaves and shoots are taken from clones under long (16 h) photoperiods, or in constant irradiance, they progressively lose their rooting capacity during the treatment. Rooting capaoity is regained if the clones are returned again to “short day” (9 h) condition.   相似文献   

In 1979 and 1980, batch culture experiments were conducted to observe the inhibitory effect of copper ion (concentrations of 10, 50, 100, 200 and 400 µg Cu · l–1) on the standing crops and photosynthesis of phytoplankton of the Saguenay River (for 124 hours) and in Chlorella vulgaris (for 8 days). These algal assays were carried out using the surface water of the Saguenay River. In natural populatoins of phytoplankton, it was found that photosynthesis was more sensitive than growth: at the lowest concentrations, such as 10 µg Cu · 1–1, copper seemed to increase the chlorophyll concentrations whereas the rates of primary production show a decrease of 60% with respect to the control. At higher concentrations of copper, the effect is weak in chlorophyll concentrations and more pronounced in the rates of primary production (decrease of 86 to 90%). The pennate diatoms are dominant (in all the samples) and these organisms are known as relatively resistant to copper. In Chlorella vulgaris, it was observed that with 100 µg Cu · 1–1, chlorophyll concentrations and rates of photosynthesis respectively decrease by 63 and 99% with respect to the control. At higher concentrations of copper, a maximum decrease of 70% and 99% respectively for chlorophyll concentrations and rates of primaryproduction are observed.

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2003,2(3):231-240
Evolution of the Phyllocerataceae, the variability of the dimensional and relative parameters. Variability of the complexity of the suture line. Variability and paedomorphosis. A recent study has shown the importance of heterochronies in the development of Phyllocerataceae. It was attractive to estimate with precision the variability of some morphological characters of the shell and of the suture line in order to study how this variability changed in the course of time (from Jurassic to terminal Cretaceous). This note gives the averages of the calculations of variability in dimensional and relative variables in the shell of Phylloceratidae and variability in the complexity C of their suture lines. Coefficient of variation V is the statistical parameter used here, because it allows the comparison between the dispersions of different populations. This study shows that the variability of the complexity in the suture line and h1 + h2 is more fluctuating among the taxa (usually subfamilies, genera and species) in which heterochrony is evident. On the other hand, the variability of other parameters (V1, V2, D) first grows and then slowly decreases till the branch or the lineage is extinct. This schema is mostly acceptable down to the Lower Cretaceous-Upper Cretaceous in the Tethys and in the marine shelf of Gondwana. In the family of Neophylloceratidae, very clearly in the Tethys, less clearly in marine shelf of Gondwana (it is less obvious in the genus Phyllopachyceras), the variability grows as far as the terminal Cretaceous. The extinction of this family may result from a catastrophic event and not from internal causes. In short, the decrease of variability comes before the extinction of the taxa and consequently it agrees with a Darwinian classic schema. On the other hand, the extinction of Neophylloceratidae that occurs when the variability is maximal probably takes place in another perspective, an external « catastrophic » event. To cite this article, B. Joly, C.R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

Despite surgical treatment, cryptorchidism is the most common cause of infertility. Through a literature review, the authors report current data on the influence of age at the time of orchidopexy, testicular size, the position of the testis, and the existence of epididymal anomalies on fertility.  相似文献   

Résumé 58 échantillons de sol sont collectés dans des parcelles cultivées en blé du Centre et de l'Ouest de la France. Ces sols sont répartis en pots, infestés ou non par une souche agressive ou hypoagressive deGaeumannomyces graminis var.tritici et cultivés en blé pendant 3 mois. Les plantes sont alors arrachées pour appréciation du niveau de maladie et mesure du volume de racines développées dans chaque sol. L'analyse en composantes principales réalisée sur ces variables biologiques et les caractéristiques physicochimiques des sols montre que le niveau de la maladie observé est corrélée négativement avec le niveau potassique et la teneur en sable, corrélé positivement avec la teneur en limon. Dans certains sols il a pu être constaté un développement plus important du système racinaire à la suite de l'infestation par l'un ou l'autre des champignons et l'analyse révèle que ce phénomène est en étroite relation avec la teneur en manganèse échangeable.  相似文献   

A kinetic study of the effect of antimycin A on succinate oxidase from plant mitochondria produced sigmoidal curves for the reduction of cytochromes b560 and b585 and for the inhibition of succinate oxidase. In the stationary state the interaction of the various components of the respiratory chain (flavins, ubiquinone, cytochromes…) occurs in a sequential mode which allows the application of simple equations utilizing rate constants and cytochrome concentrations. In these equations, it is assumed that there exists an excess of ubiquinone relative to other components of the respiratory chain as suggested by Kröger & Klingenberg (1970) and that the reoxidation of b cytochromes is fast. The inhibition by antimycin A, characterized by non-linear inhibition curves for succin-oxidase and inhibitor fixation in complex III on a component other than cytochrome c1, is interpreted in terms of this model. This hypothesis presupposes the existence of an F factor between cytochrome b560 and cytochrome c1 as suggested by other authors. Utilizing these equations, theoretical curves for the inhibition of the reduction of cytochrome b560 have been constructed and the results agree with the experimental data. The kinetic behavior of cytochrome b566 during the induction of anaerobiosis suggests that it is not directly involved in the electron transfer chain but rather is either in thermodynamic equilibrium with cytochrome b560 or in a shunt between cytochrome b560 and factor F. From the experimental data, an equation is derived for the inhibition of the reduction of cytochrome b566 by antimycin A. The actual effects of ATP and mClCCP on succinoxidase agree well with those predicted by the model.  相似文献   

Une nouvelle espèce du genre Pseudamaurops Jeannel, 1948, récoltée dans une grotte à proximité de Virpazar, au Monténégro, et décrite et illustrée. Il s’agit là du troisième représentant du genre, deux autres espèces ayant été décrites d’Albanie. La position taxonomique de la nouvelle espèce est discutée, quelques remarques sur le genre et deux genres apparentés, Bergrothia Reitter, 1884 et Zoufalia Reitter, 1918, sont fournies.  相似文献   

Myrica gale, Alnus rugosa and Populus tremuloides leaves were incubated in situ in the oligotrophic acid waters of the Canadian Shield (James Bay, Quebec) in order to follow microorganic decomposition, respiration and chemical transformations.Respiratory activities in decomposing speckled alder and trembling aspen leaves were more important than that in sweet gale. In spite of low nutrient concentrations in the water, nitrogen concentration increased in the three species while phosphorus levels increased only in the speckled alder during decomposition.

Résumé Dans le but de modifier la composition électrolytique du plasma, des Tritons à crête (Triturus cristatus) sont placés dans une solution de chlorure de potassium (KCl 5). D'autres Tritons (témoins) sont placés dans de l'eau du robinet. Tous les animaux ont été préalablement hypophysectomisés.8 jours après le début de l'expérience, les cellules interrénales des Tritons hypophysectomisés placés dans la solution de KCl présentent une activité stéroidogénique élevée, se traduisant notamment par une forte déplétion lipidique, une augmentation du nombre des mitochondries et un développement important du réticulum endoplasmique agranulaire et tubulaire; d'autre part, la réaction 5-3-hydroxystéroide deshydrogénasique est intense. Toutes les cellules du tissu interrénal sont fortement stimulées dans ces conditions.Les cellules interrénales des Tritons témoins présentent par contre une activité stéroidogénique très réduite, comme en témoignent leur structure et la faible intensité de la réaction 5-3-hydroxystéroide deshydrogénasique.Les mécanismes précis pouvant être à l'origine de la stimulation des cellules interrénales de Tritons hypophysectomisés placés dans la solution de KCl sont discutés.
Effects of modifications of plasma electrolyte composition on the structure and function of the interrenal (adrenocortical) cells of the newt, Triturus cristatus
Summary In order to induce a modification of the plasmatic electrolyte composition, newts (Triturus cristatus) are placed into a potassium chloride solution (KCl 5), while controls are kept in tap water. All animals are previously hypophysectomized.8 days after the beginning of the experiment, the interrenal cells of the hypophysectomized newts kept in KCl solution exhibit a very strong steroidogenic activity, as evidenced by a striking lipid depletion, an increase in the number of mitochondria and a considerable development of the agranular tubular endoplasmic reticulum. On the other hand, the 5-3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase reaction is notably intensified. All the cells of the interrenal tissue are affected by the stimulatory effect of the KCl solution.Control animals show only reduced steroidogenic activity of their interrenal cells, as demonstrated both by the morphology of these cells and the weak 5-3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase reaction.The mechanisms involved in the stimulatory effect on steroidogenesis of the variation of the electrolyte composition of the plasma are discussed.

Vingt-deux puces collectées lors de captures de Acomys dimidiatus et Gerbillus dasyurus dans les montagnes de Ras Al Khaimah aux Émirats arabes unis ont été identifiées comme appartenant à deux espèces. Un nouveau taxon est décrit dans le genre Nosopsyllus

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:ACB8C547-5A7C-4D45-BBC3-2ABD705FE797  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(4):227-234
Two viperid snakes, Vipera natiensis sp. n. (belonging to the Vipera aspis group) and Vipera sp., have been found in the Pliocene of Minorca. On the other hand, an indeterminate viperid extends back the fossil record of the family in the Balearic Islands, to the Middle Miocene. These fossils represent the first report of viperids from the Balearic Islands. Vertebra of Vipera natiensis sp. n. are characterised by a concave anterior border of zygosphene, dorsoventrally flattened, short (as wide as long) and blunt prezygapophyseal processes. Centrum convex in transverse section, subcentral margins poorly marked and presence of two well defined subcotylar tubercles. Hypapophysis located posteriorly on the centrum and not prolonged anteriorly, or only slightly prolonged as a keel. The dorsal border of the neural spine is slightly thickened; the posterior border of the neural spine is markedly inclined posteriorly; as a result, the spine forms a posterior point, which is more or less developed, depending on the position of the vertebra along the vertebral column. The presence of Viperidae in the Neogene of the Balearic Islands involves the existence of a terrestrial connection between this archipelago and the continent during the Early Miocene and/or Middle Miocene and perhaps the presence of a later connection during the Late Miocene.  相似文献   

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