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A molecular method, termed hierarchical oligonucleotide primer extension (HOPE), was used to determine the relative abundances of predominant Bacteroides spp. present in fecal microbiota and wastewaters. For this analysis, genomic DNA in feces of healthy human adults, bovines, and swine and in wastewaters was extracted and total bacterial 16S rRNA genes were PCR amplified and used as the DNA templates for HOPE. Nineteen oligonucleotide primers were designed to detect 14 Bacteroides spp. at different hierarchical levels (domain, order, cluster, and species) and were arranged into and used in six multiplex HOPE reaction mixtures. Results showed that species like B. vulgatus, B. thetaiotaomicron, B. caccae, B. uniformis, B. fragilis, B. eggerthii, and B. massiliensis could be individually detected in human feces at abundances corresponding to as little as 0.1% of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA genes. Minor species like B. pyogenes, B. salyersiae, and B. nordii were detected only collectively using a primer that targeted the B. fragilis subgroup (corresponding to approximately 0.2% of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA genes). Furthermore, Bac303-related targets (i.e., most Bacteroidales) were observed to account for 28 to 44% of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA genes from human fecal microbiota, and their abundances were higher than those detected in the bovine and swine fecal microbiota and in wastewaters by factors of five and two, respectively. These results were comparable to those obtained by quantitative PCR and to those reported previously from studies using whole-cell fluorescence hybridization and 16S rRNA clone library methods, supporting the conclusion that HOPE can be a sensitive, specific, and rapid method to determine the relative abundances of Bacteroides spp. predominant in fecal samples.  相似文献   

Methylation-sensitive single-nucleotide primer extension (Ms-SNuPE) is a technique that allows for rapid and simultaneous quantitation of the degree of methylation at several CpG sites. Treatment of genomic DNA with sodium bisulfite is used to convert unmethylated cytosine to uracil while leaving 5-methylcytosine unchanged. A strand-specific polymerase chain reaction product is then generated to provide a suitable DNA template for quantitative methylation analysis using Ms-SNuPE. Single-nucleotide primer extension is performed with oligonucleotide(s) designed to hybridize immediately upstream of the CpG site(s) being analyzed. The Ms-SNuPE technique can be adapted for high-throughput methylation analysis and therefore represents a novel approach for rapid quantitation of cytosine methylation suitable for a wide range of biological investigations.  相似文献   

B Nelkin  D Strayer  B Vogelstein 《Gene》1980,11(1-2):89-96
Primate ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes have been compared by restriction endonuclease mapping. In all species examined, the restriction map of the reiterated ribosomal DNA is simple (within the limits of detection by hybridization with rRNA) and is consistent with a high degree of homogeneity among the repeats. Within a species, all members have similar rDNA restriction patterns. However, different species of primates have distinctly different rDNA restriction maps; even chimpanzee and man can be discerned by their rDNA restriction patterns. Possible mechanisms for maintenance of homogeneity of the rDNA repeats within a species, while allowing divergence among closely related species, are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are clustered in a DNA repeat unit of 5.9 megadaltons with the gene order 5S-18S-5.8S-25S rRNA (Nath and Bollon, 1977). By using two restriction endonucleases, EcoRII and HindII, which generate DNA fragments that span contiguous portions of two repeat units, we report that the rRNA gene clusters are tandemly repeated without the intervention of additional spacer DNA.The treatment of yeast DNA with the restriction endonucleases EcoRII and HindII result in the generation of 4 different DNA fragments that are of varying sizes and which hybridize with rRNA. The largest DNA fragments, 3.30 megadaltons in the case of HindII and 3.67 megadaltons in the case of EcoRII, encompass regions that code for the two opposite end regions of the 35S precuursor-rRNA. These two end regions are joined by a constant DNA segment of about 0.9 megadaltons in size of which a 0.08 megadalton segment codes for 5S rRNA. Since the 35S precursor-rRNA includes the 5.8S, 18S and 25S rRNA most of the repeat units containing the 4 rRNA coding genes in yeast are linked to each other contiguously without any intervening spacer DNA.A composite map of the DNA restriction fragments obtained by the action of the restriction endonucleases EcoRI, EcoRII, HindII and HindIII on the 5.9 megadalton repeat unit is presented. Some striking features concerning the location of the restriction sites are noted. Of the total 17 DNA restriction sites present on each repeat unit, 9 are located at or near the 3 transcribed spacer regions contained in the 5 megadalton DNA segment that codes for the 35S precursor-rRNA. The 3 transcribed spacer regions in the 35S precursor-rRNA include the two external transcribed spacer regions and an internal transcribed spacer region, the latter representing the 5.8S rRNA.  相似文献   

In the myxomycete Physarum polycephalum, the genes for ribosomal RNA replicate to a large extent in the G2 phase of the mitotic cycle. In mitotically synchronous plasmodia this fact allows the rRNA genes to be localized by electron microscopic autoradiography. After labelling with thymidine in the G2 phase, silver grains were concentrated over the fibrillar and not over the granular regions of the nucleoli. This shows the presence of DNA in these fibrillar regions or their immediate vicinity. Following labelling and chase during the G2 period, nucleoli are dispersed during mitosis and silver grains concentrate over some regions of condensed chromatin.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of binding ribosomal protein S4 to 16 S rRNA on the susceptibility of the RNA to a variety of chemical and enzymatic probes. We have used dimethyl sulfate to probe unpaired adenines (at N-1) and cytosines (at N-3), kethoxal to probe unpaired guanines (at N-1 and N-2) and cobra venom (V1) ribonuclease as a probe of base-paired regions of 16 S rRNA. Sites of attack by the probes were identified by primer extension using synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides. Comparison of probing results for naked and S4-bound rRNA shows: Protein S4 protects a relatively compact region of the 5' domain of 16 S rRNA from chemical and enzymatic attack. This region is bounded by nucleotides 27 to 47 and 394 to 556, and has a secondary structure characterized by the junction of five helical elements. Phylogenetically conserved irregular features (bulged nucleotides, internal loops and flanking unpaired nucleotides) and helical phosphodiester bonds of four of the helices are specifically protected in the S4-RNA complex. We conclude that this is the major, and possibly sole region of contact between 16 S rRNA and S4. Many of the S4-dependent changes mimic those observed on assembly of 16 S rRNA into 30 S ribosomal subunits. Binding of S4 causes enhanced chemical reactivity coupled with protection from V1 nuclease outside the S4 junction region in the 530, 720 and 1140 loops. We interpret these results as indicative of loss of structure, and suggest that S4 binding causes disruption of adventitious pairing in these regions, possibly by stabilizing the geometry of the RNA such that these interactions are prevented from forming.  相似文献   

Published bacterial 23S ribosomal RNA sequences were aligned, and universally conserved regions flanking highly variable regions were looked for. In strategically positioned conserved regions, six oligonucleotides suitable for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing were designed, allowing fast sequencing of four of the most variable 23S rRNA regions. Two other primers were designed for PCR amplification of nearly complete 23S rRNA genes. All these primers successfully amplified fragments of 23S rRNA genes from seven unrelated bacteria. Four primers were used to determine 938 bp of sequence forCampylobacter jejuni subsp.jejuni. These results indicate that the oligonucleotide sequences presented here are useful for PCR amplification and sequence determination of variable 23S rRNA regions for a broad variety of eubacterial species.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in two regions of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repeat unit were examined in 33 strains representing 18 species ofSaprolegnia. The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was used to separately amplify the 18S rDNA and the region spanning the two internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and the 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene. Amplified products were subjected to a battery of restriction endonucleases to generate various fingerprints. The internal transcribed spacer region exhibited more variability than the 18S rDNA and yielded distinctive profiles for most of the species examined. Most of the species showing 100% similarity for the 18S rDNA could be distinguished by 5.8S + ITS restriction polymorphisms except forS. hypogyna, S. delica, S. lapponica, andS. mixta. The rDNA data indicate thatS. lapponica andS. mixta are conspecific withS. ferax, whereas there is no support for the proposed synonymies ofS. diclina withS. delica and ofS. mixta withS. monoica. Results from cluster analysis of the two data sets were very consistent and tree topologies were the same, regardless of the clustering method used. A further examination of multiple strains in theS. diclina-S. parasitica complex showed that restriction profiles are conserved across different strains ofS. parasitica originating from the U.K. and Japan.HhaI andBsaI restriction polymorphisms were observed in isolates from the U.S. and India. The endonucleaseBstUI was diagnostic forS. parasitica, generating identical fingerprints for all strains regardless of host and geographic origin. Except for the atypical strain ATCC 36144, restriction patterns were also largely conserved inS. diclina. Correlation of the rDNA data with morphological and ultrastructural features showed thatS. diclina andS. parasitica are not conspecific. Restriction polymorphisms in PCR-amplified rDNA provide a molecular basis for the classification ofSaprolegnia and will be useful for the identification of strains that fail to produce antheridia and oogonia.  相似文献   

A genomic library of Mycobacterium smegmatis DNA was constructed in phage EMBL3. A clone (gamma HB85) containing rRNA genes was isolated using as probes, fragments of E. coli rRNA cistron B. This cloned DNA fragment was mapped by restriction analysis and was shown to contain one complete set of rRNA genes (rRNA A). The physical mapping of the second set of rRNA genes of M. smegmatis (rRNA B) was done by restriction analysis of total chromosomal DNA. The two sets of rRNA genes showed highly conserved restriction sites within the respective sets but not in the flanking regions. The two rRNA sets of genes are organised like in the other eubacteria in the order 16S-23S-5S.  相似文献   

DNA molecules possessing multiple ferrocene (Fc) molecules as a redox active probe were prepared by the primer extension (PEX) reaction using a 2′-deoxyuridine-5′-triphosphate derivative in which Fc was connected to the C5-position of the uridine by a diethylene glycol linker. Gold nanoparticles (AuNP) covered with DNA possessing the Fc molecules were prepared by the PEX reaction on the surface. The AuNP–FcDNA conjugates exhibit a detectable electrochemical signal due to the Fc molecules. Possible application of the PEX reaction on AuNP is demonstrated for the detection of a single nucleotide mutation in the target DNA.  相似文献   

Linkage of ribosomal RNA genes in Leptospira   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We determined the linkage of 16S, 23S, and 5S rRNA genes in several strains of Leptospira and Leptonema by DNA-DNA hybridization. Almost all the hybridizations in all leptospires used in these experiments gave two radioactive bands and the results strongly suggest that the number of the 16S and the 23S rRNA genes in those strains is two, respectively. In contrast with the larger rRNAs, the number of 5S rRNA gene was different. In the strains of leptospires, L. biflexa, which were non-parasitic, there are two genes for 5S rRNA, whereas only one gene for 5S rRNA is carried in L. interrogans, which were originally isolated as parasitic. Southern hybridization experiments suggest that those rRNA genes are interspersed on the leptospiral chromosome.  相似文献   

The 16S-23S ribosomal DNA spacer region of selected cyanobacterial strains was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction using primers to conserved flanking sequences. Single or multiple rDNA amplification products were generated depending on the strain and primer pair. Species could generally be distinguished on the basis of size heterogeneity of the products. Analysis of restriction digests of the amplified rDNAs indicated polymorphisms useful in identification. Four enzymes (HinfI, DdeI, AluI, TaqI) generated restriction fragment length patterns that could discriminate between the cyanobacteria to the taxonomic levels of genus and species. This approach should prove useful in the rapid identification of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

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