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Seven field releases of Trichogramma ostriniae and T. nubilale (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) were made separately and in combination in a sweet corn field to compare the level of parasitism in sentinel eggs of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). The results indicate that the levels of egg parasitism among different release dates differed mainly because of changes in weather and plant architecture within the season. The level of egg parasitism by releasing T. ostriniae alone was found to be 15% higher than that by releasing T. nubilale alone, and 20% higher than by releasing the combination of the two species. Further analyses using the logistic regression model for independent and correlated data indicated T. ostriniae to be more efficient at discovering host egg masses and to have higher levels of egg parasitism than T. nubilale. Mutual interference between T. ostriniae and T. nubilale was the main factor for the lower level of egg parasitism when T. ostriniae and T. nubilale were released together. The results suggest that T. ostriniae is the better candidate for augmentative releases for control of the European corn borer, and the two species should not be released into a corn field at the same time.  相似文献   

Dispersal of natural enemies is an important part of a biological pest-control programme. In augmentative biological control programmes, studies of dispersal are essential to determine the optimal number of release points per hectare. This study evaluated the kind of infestation that is most suitable for conducting these studies, and the dispersal of Trichogramma galloi in corn on eggs of Diatraea saccharalis. Corn plants with eggs laid directly by D. saccharalis moths showed higher rates of parasitism by T. galloi. The dispersal radii of T. galloi were 11.8 and 12.1 m in V6 (collar of sixth leaf visible) and V8 (collar of eighth leaf visible), respectively, and the dispersal areas were 176 and 187 m2 for the two corn phenological stages. Using these data, we determined that 58 and 54 release points are required per hectare to effect a homogeneous coverage of the release area by parasitoids on the corn phenological stages V6 and V8, respectively.  相似文献   

Trichogramma ostriniae (Hym: Trichogrammatidae), an egg parasitoid of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Lep: Pyralidae), were released into sweet corn (Zea mays L.) fields to study the effects of weather, plant size and distribution of egg masses on egg parasitism by the wasp. Sentinel European corn borer eggs were stapled onto leaves located in the upper, middle and lower third of sweet corn plants 5 to 35 meters away from the wasp release point in either a radial or grid manner. Weather conditions and plant architecture were monitored during the experiments. Logistic regression was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that percentage of eggs parasitized was negatively related to an increase in leaf area as well as an increase in distance eggs were located from the point of release of wasps. Eggs distributed on plants at different directions from the release point received different levels of parasitism. Eggs that were stapled onto leaves in the upper third of a corn plant received much less parasitism than those on the middle and lower third of the plant. Higher mean temperature adversely affected the level of parasitism during hotter times of the season and conversely, lower temperatures (<17 °C ) reduced the egg parasitism during cooler times of the season. The longer the exposure of eggs to wasps, the higher the level of egg parasitism. However, the levels of egg parasitism for 2 day's exposure were almost the same as that for 3 day's exposure due to the limited longevity and egg-laying behavior of the wasp. These results suggest that inundative releases of T. ostriniae should be made every two to three days, with multiple release points per hectare. In addition, weather conditions and plant architecture, especially temperature, plant height and leaf area must be taken into consideration to optimize levels of parasitism.  相似文献   

In the presence of an extract of Ostrinia nubilalis or Mamestra brassicae eggs, female Trichogramma brassicae exhibited increased rates of upwind locomotion in the tubes of a linear olfactometer. GC and GC-MS analyses of O. nubilalis and M. brassicae egg extracts revealed the presence of fatty acids, their ethyl esters, and various hydrocarbons. Exposing the wasps to a mixture of the five main saturated hydrocarbons (heneicosane, tricosane, pentacosane, heptacosane and nonacosane) increased the upwind progression in the olfactometer. Single hydrocarbons elicited reduced or no activity. Ethyl palmitate and palmitic acid were also effective in increasing upwind locomotion. Z11-14:Ac, the main component of the female sex pheromone of O. nubilalis was inactive, regardless of its concentration. It is concluded that various compounds present on the surface of the O. nubilalis egg masses may play a role in the orientation of T. brassicae to its host.  相似文献   

Inundative releases of Trichogramma minutum Riley were made in a commercialblueberry field in British Columbia, Canada, todetermine the extent of dispersal of adult wasps, andto determine whether complete parasitism of eggswithin egg masses of the target host [oblique-bandedleafroller (OBLR), Choristoneura rosaceana(Harris)] occurred. Three weekly releases of waspswere made from a single release point in the center ofeach field during the flight of first generation OBLRadults. Sticky trap, sentinel egg mass andtarget-host egg mass data all indicated only a limitedrange of dispersal of T. minutum within thefield. In addition, only partial parasitism of eggmasses of the target host occurred even in closeproximity to the release point. We discuss theimportance of determining the response of Trichogramma females to previously-parasitized eggswhen using Trichogramma wasps for biologicalcontrol of lepidopterous species that oviposit largeegg masses.  相似文献   

The effects of the insecticides abamectin, acetamiprid, cartap and chlorpyrifos on larvae, pupae (within the host egg) and adults of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hym.: Trichogrammatidae) were evaluated under laboratory conditions, using three standard tests described by IOBC. When sprayed on the immature stages of this parasitoid, cartap and chlorpyrifos proved to be the most harmful insecticides, affecting both the emergence success and parasitism capacity of this parasitoid, whereas abamectin and acetamiprid were selective. Abamectin was harmful to adults (residue test on glass plates), slightly harmful to larvae, and moderately harmful to pupae (sprayed on the immature stages within host eggs Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller)); acetamiprid was moderately harmful to adults, harmless to larvae, and slightly harmful to pupae; cartap was harmful to adults, moderately harmful to larvae and harmful to pupae; chlorpyrifos to adults, harmless to larvae and harmful to pupae.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Eggs of the potato tuber moth (PTM) Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) obtained from 150 or 300 Gy-irradiated moths, either inbred or out-crossed to untreated counterparts, were offered as host material to three generalist Trichogramma species; Trichogramma cacoeciae , Trichogramma evanescens , and Trichogramma principium , to determine the ability of these egg parasitoids to develop in F1 sterile eggs. All eggs laid by the different parental crosses at 150 or 300 Gy, were acceptable and suitable for Trichogramma development. However, in no choice and paired comparison tests, eggs from 300 Gy-irradiated parents were significantly less preferred compared with eggs laid by non-irradiated moths. No intra-specific differences for PTM sterile eggs were recorded among the tested Trichogramma species. The mean number of wasps emerging from each egg types was not affected by an interaction between parental crosses and applied doses. Overall, this study demonstrates that release of irradiated and non-irradiated moths at a 5 : 1 over-flooding ratio and Trichogramma over potatoes in small plexiglass boxes, is complementary and more effective in reducing PTM F1-emerged progeny than either technique used alone. The results provide baseline data for developing an integrated control approach by using inherited sterility technique in conjunction with Trichogramma for PTM population suppression.  相似文献   

Trichogramma ostriniae Pang and Chen (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) is an indigenous egg parasitoid of Ostrinia furnacalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in China. We evaluated T. ostriniae's responses in olfactometer and wind tunnel assays to various host and plant odors that are likely to impact the efficacy and non-target risk of utilizing T. ostriniae as an augmentative biocontrol agent against Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner in the USA. In a Y-olfactometer, female T. ostriniae exhibited innate positive responses to the egg mass volatiles, scale volatiles, and synthetic sex pheromones of O. nubilalis. When exposed to O. nubilalis pheromone while walking on a platform in a wind tunnel, the wasps manifested significant changes in patch exploration behavior, including delayed dispersal from the platform and slowed walking. The wasps did not respond innately to the synthetic pheromone of a non-target species, Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), however. Exposing wasps to S. frugiperda pheromone together with eggs of a factitious rearing host prior to testing also did not alter the wasps’ lack of response to the pheromone, indicating that associative learning of the novel odor did not occur. Lastly, wasps showed no innate responses to leaf volatiles from corn (Zea mays L.) and pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), two crops attacked by O. nubilalis. We conclude that T. ostriniae is likely to be highly efficient at finding O. nubilalis eggs in the field through the exploitation of host chemical cues. Further, T. ostriniae's response to moth pheromone appears to be relatively host-specific, since the wasps responded to the pheromone of a congener to their natural host, but not to the pheromone of a more distantly related non-target species. This type of odor-specificity could be an important mechanism for reducing the risk of T. ostriniae attack on non-target species.  相似文献   

Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is a key insect pest of tomato crop causing major economic losses worldwide. Biological control using Trichogramma parasitoids is considered a promising, eco-friendly management tactic of this pest. We performed inundative releases of Trichogramma cacoeciae (Marchal) (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) against T. absoluta in Takelsa (northeastern Tunisia). Three weekly releases of either (i) 10, 20 or 30 Trichogramma per plant in protected (greenhouse) tomato crops or (ii) 20 or 40 Trichogramma per plant in open field tomatoes were evaluated for their effectiveness. Results indicated that 20 Trichogramma per plant was the most effective release rate in significantly decreasing the pest’s life stage densities. Parasitism rates were significantly higher on apical tomato leaves (estimated at 58.6% for the rate 20 Trichogramma per plant in greenhouses and at about 56% for the rate 40 Trichogramma per plant in open field) compared to those observed on middle leaves (24.6% and 45.26% for rate 2 respectively under greenhouse and open field conditions). Furthermore, the overall number of T. absolua eggs and larvae was significantly reduced after releases of Trichogramma parasitoids. These results clearly indicate that T. cacoeciae could be a promising biocontrol agent of T. absoluta in the largest tomato-producing area in Tunisia.  相似文献   

Primer sequence and polymorphism data are presented for 13 microsatellite loci isolated from the European corn borer moth, Ostrinia nubilalis, as part of a project to construct a linkage map for the two pheromone strains. Experimental conditions are described for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) multiplexing, which allows genotyping in two electrophoresis runs of eight and five markers each. In a sample of 27 individuals coming from one European locality, the number of alleles per locus ranged from one to 12, and gene diversity from 0 to 0.859. Seven loci showed a deficit of heterozygotes. Eleven loci cross‐amplify in the related Ostrinia furnacalis.  相似文献   

A conidial suspension of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin, was injected into corn plants at anthesis to suppress populations of the European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). The fungus colonized the plants and moved, primarily upward, within the pith, possibly along with plant photosyn‐thates. Beauveria bassiana injected into the corn plants significantly reduced the amount of European corn borer tunneling. Colonization of corn plants by B. bassiana was independent of European corn borer infestation. The impact of environmental conditions on the movement and colonization of the plants by B. bassiana is discussed.  相似文献   

Biological control is widespread in management of greenhouse sweet pepper crops. Several species of predatory mites, bugs, and parasitoids are used against a wide range of pest species. However, biological control of particular pests like aphids, caterpillars, and the tobacco whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Gennadius, remains problematic. Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a generalist predatory bug which is used on a large scale in Western European tomato greenhouses. It has already been demonstrated that M. pygmaeus is a valuable biocontrol option in sweet pepper crops, but it has yet to find its way into common practice. Macrolophus pygmaeus should be introduced at the start of the growing season and determining an optimal release strategy is a key step in this process. In tomato crops, M. pygmaeus requires supplemental food releases to reach sufficient population numbers and dispersal levels. In this study, the need for food supplementation in sweet pepper is investigated. Three strategies were tested: (1) no food supplementation, (2) local food supplementation, and (3) full field food supplementation. Both population numbers and dispersal rates of the second generation were higher under the third strategy. Macrolophus pygmaeus oviposits near food sources, therefore dispersal rates are higher when food is more spread out. Pest control was achieved in all treatments, but faster and at lower pest levels under the full field strategy.  相似文献   

The ability of two non-aflatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus Link isolates (CT3 and K49) to reduce aflatoxin contamination of corn was assessed in a 4-year field study (2001–2004). Soil was treated with six wheat inoculant treatments: aflatoxigenic isolate F3W4; two non-aflatoxigenic isolates (CT3 and K49); two mixtures of CT3 or K49 with F3W4; and an autoclaved wheat control, applied at 20 kg ha?1. In 2001, inoculation with the aflatoxigenic isolate increased corn grain aflatoxin levels by 188% compared to the non-inoculated control, while CT3 and K49 inoculation reduced aflatoxin levels in corn grain by 86 and 60%, respectively. In 2002, the non-toxigenic CT3 and K49 reduced aflatoxin levels by 61 and 76% compared to non-inoculated controls, respectively. In 2001, mixtures of aflatoxigenic and non-aflatoxigenic isolates had little effect on aflatoxin levels, but in 2002, inoculation with mixtures of K49 and CT3 reduced aflatoxin levels 68 and 37% compared to non-inoculated controls, respectively. In 2003 and 2004, a low level of natural aflatoxin contamination was observed (8 ng g?1). However, inoculation with mixtures of K49?+?F3W4 and CT3?+?F3W4, reduced levels of aflatoxin 65–94% compared to the aflatoxigenic strain alone. Compared to the non-sclerotia producing CT3, strain K49 produces large sclerotia, has more rapid in vitro radial growth, and a greater ability to colonize corn when artificially inoculated, perhaps indicating greater ecological competence. Results indicate that non-aflatoxigenic, indigenous A. flavus isolates, such as strain K49, have potential use for biocontrol of aflatoxin contamination in southern US corn.  相似文献   

A biological control programme using inundative releases of Trichogramma chilonis Ischii (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) reared on Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is currently underway to reduce infestations of Chilo sacchariphagus Bojer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in sugarcane, Saccharum spp., on Réunion Island. To assess the potential of the parasitoid as an inundative biocontrol agent, the functional response of three T. chilonis strains was tested with G. mellonella and one strain with C. sacchariphagus host eggs in glass tubes in the laboratory. The shape of the functional response (type II or III) was determined using logistic regression, and attack coefficients and handling times (Th) were determined using non‐linear least‐square regression. The behaviour of all three strains with G. mellonella host eggs corresponded to a type III response. The St Benoît T. chilonis strain had a significantly shorter estimate of Th than the St Pierre strain (P<0.05) and may, therefore, be more appropriate as a biocontrol agent. The functional response with C. sacchariphagus host eggs was a type II with the St Benoît T. chilonis strain. More T. chilonis wasps developed per host egg from the larger C. sacchariphagus host eggs (2.9) relative to G. mellonella (1.1). Superparasitism at low host egg densities was, therefore, likely to have been less frequent with C. sacchariphagus. Black eggs were chosen as an estimate of number of eggs parasitized, although they represent the number of eggs where parasitism led to complete pupal development. The low rate of detected parasitism at low host densities with G. mellonella eggs may be due to incomplete pupal development due to superparasitism rather than lack of parasitism, thus explaining the type III functional response.  相似文献   

The efficiency ofTrichogramma brassicae inundative releases in biological control of the European corn borerOstrinia nubilalis was analyzed in seven plots of 504 plants, each situated in a corn field naturally infested by the European corn borer. Different strategies ofTrichogramma releases were defined on the seven plots. These inundative releases were concluded to be highly efficient even on plots where there were either no parasitoid release or only one parasitoid release at the beginning of the egg mass laying period.  相似文献   

Abstract  Effects of maize ( Zea mays L.) volatiles induced by larvae of the Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée), on the orientation behaviors of Asian corn borer larvae and oviposition of the females were investigated. Nineteen volatile chemicals, with terpenes being the major components, were identified from maize plants attacked by third instar Asian corn borer larvae. Coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analyses revealed some electroantennographic differences between female and male Asian corn borer antennae in response to larvae-induced maize volatiles; female responded to ( E )-2-hexenal, nonanal, ( Z )-3-hexen-1-ol and three unknown compounds while the male only responded to ( E )-2-hexenal, nonanal and one unknown compound. In laboratory orientation bioassays, Asian corn borer neonate larvae were attracted to extracts collected from Asian corn borer-damaged plants as well as to synthetic farnesene, but were repelled by ( Z )-3-hexen-1-ol. In laboratory oviposition bioassays, gravid females laid fewer eggs on plants damaged by larvae than on mechanically damaged plants or undamaged plants. Adult Asian corn borer females deposited fewer eggs on wax paper treated with ( E )-2-hexenal or ( Z )-3-hexen-1-ol than on wax paper treated with hexane (control). The results suggest that Asian corn borer can affect the behaviors of conspecific larvae and adults by changing host plant volatiles.  相似文献   

  • 1 Despite the increasing economic importance of root feeding pests such as the western corn rootworm (WCR) Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, basic parameters about their below ground biology are only partly understood. The present study investigated the dispersal and distribution of WCR larvae in the maize root system during their development at two growth stages of maize (BBCH 13–14 and BBCH 17–18).
  • 2 Dispersal of the WCR larvae increased as they developed; the larvae moved off their original place of emergence and into deeper soil layers. Overall, changes in the horizontal distribution of the larvae were more extensive than changes in the vertical distribution.
  • 3 The spatial analysis of distance indices revealed that the larvae had an aggregative distribution throughout their development. The feeding site of larvae in the root system was determined by the stage of larval development. Initially, WCR larvae started feeding in close proximity to their emergence location and moved to more developed root tissue towards the end of their development.
  • 4 Differences in root phenology mainly influenced the distribution of the larvae at the end of their development, when larvae exhibited increased vertical movement at a later growth stage of maize.
  • 5 The mechanisms of these distributional changes and the implications for the management of WCR larvae are discussed, especially with regard to chemical control, because fewer larvae are expected to be targeted at a later growth stage of maize.

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