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Octopamine influences honey bee foraging preference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Colony condition and differences in individual preferences influence forage type collected by bees. Physiological bases for the changing preferences of individual foragers are just beginning to be examined. Recently, for honey bees octopamine is shown to influence age at onset of foraging and probability of dance for rewards. However, octopamine has not been causally linked with foraging preference in the field. We tested the hypothesis that changes in octopamine may alter forage type (preference hypothesis). We treated identified foragers orally with octopamine or its immediate precursor, tyramine, or sucrose syrup (control). Octopamine-treated foragers switched type of material collected; control bees did not. Tyramine group results were not different from the control group. In addition, sugar concentrations of nectar collected by foragers after octopamine treatment were lower than before treatment, indicating change in preference. In contrast, before and after nectar concentrations for bees in the control group were similar. These results, taken together, support the preference hypothesis.  相似文献   

Reproducing Varroa jacobsoni obtained from brood cells of Apis mellifera L. with 13–16 day old bees (pupae) and Varroa mites kept on adult bees for at least 8 days were simultaneously tested for their choice in three host types. Comparisons were made of attractiveness of Varroa jacobsoni to nurse bees, pollen foragers as to larvae from nearly capped brood cells. Host choices were observed in Petri dishes and in an Y-shaped olfactometer. Varroa jacobsoni obtained from capped brood cells showed a stronger preference for nurse bees in Petri dish simultaneous choice tests with pollen foragers or larvae than did mites which were previously kept on adult bees. In olfactometer simultaneous choice tests, the two mite test groups showed no clear difference in preferences for bees of different ages. The preference of Varroa jacobsoni for bees of different ages is therefore not only influenced by host factors but also by intrinsic factors in female mites that depend on the mite's reproductive stage.  相似文献   

Invasion behaviour of Varroa jacobsoni into honey bee brood cells was studied using an observation hive. The mites were carried close to a suitable brood cell by the bees. Subsequently, the mites moved from the bees to the rim of the cell, walked quickly inside, crawled between the larva and the cell wall, and moved onto the bottom of the cell. Varroa mites were never seen walking across the comb, and entering and leaving brood cells as has been described for Tropilaelaps clareae. Differences in invasion strategies between V. jacobsoni and T. clareae are discussed.  相似文献   

Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans (Acari: Varroidae) was studied with respect to invasion into different types of honeybee,Apis mellifera L., brood cells. Different cell types were obtained by shortening and elongating of cells, grafting worker larvae into drone cells andvice versa. The type of cell strongly affected the number of mites per cell, and the attractive period of the cells to the mites. The type of cell also affected the distance from larva to cell rim preceding cell capping. When this distance was larger in comparison to control cells of the same age, the attractive period of the brood cells was shorter andvice versa. Since in all cell types the distance from larva to cell rim continuously decreased preceding cell capping, this negative correlation is in agreement with the hypothesis that there is a critical larva-rim distance under which brood cells are attractive to mites. Then, the length of the attractive period of brood cells depends on the moment this critical distance is reached. The distribution of mites over different cell types in turn results from differences in the attractive period.  相似文献   

Interactions between pathogens might contribute to honey bee colony losses. Here we investigated if there is an association between the microsporidian Nosema ceranae and the deformed wing virus (DWV) in different body sections of individual honey bee workers (Apis mellifera ligustica) under exclusion of the vector Varroa destructor. Our data provide correlational evidence for antagonistic interactions between the two pathogens in the midgut of the bees.  相似文献   

Summary. Foragers inhibit the behavioural development of young adult worker honey bees, delaying the age at onset of foraging. But the similar effect caused by pheromones produced by both the queen and brood raised the possibility that some of the previously attributed forager effects might be due to queen, brood, or both. Here we studied whether physical contacts between young bees and old foragers can inhibit behavioural development while controlling for queen and brood effects. Results demonstrated that foragers inhibit the behavioural development of young adult worker bees independent of the queen and brood, via a mechanism that requires physical contact.Received 24 November 2003; revised 27 March 2004; accepted 21 April 2004.  相似文献   

We introduce a pair of compartment models for the honey bee nest-site selection process that lend themselves to analytic methods. The first model represents a swarm of bees deciding whether a site is viable, and the second characterizes its ability to select between two viable sites. We find that the one-site assessment process has two equilibrium states: a disinterested equilibrium (DE) in which the bees show no interest in the site and an interested equilibrium (IE) in which bees show interest. In analogy with epidemic models, we define basic and absolute recruitment numbers (R0 and B0) as measures of the swarm's sensitivity to dancing by a single bee. If R0 is less than one then the DE is locally stable, and if B0 is less than one then it is globally stable. If R0 is greater than one then the DE is unstable and the IE is stable under realistic conditions. In addition, there exists a critical site quality threshold Q* above which the site can attract some interest (at equilibrium) and below which it cannot. We also find the existence of a second critical site quality threshold Q** above which the site can attract a quorum (at equilibrium) and below which it cannot. The two-site discrimination process, in which we examine a swarm's ability to simultaneously consider two sites differing in both site quality and discovery time, has a stable DE if and only if both sites’ individual basic recruitment numbers are less than one. Numerical experiments are performed to study the influences of site quality on quorum time and the outcome of competition between a lower quality site discovered first and a higher quality site discovered second.  相似文献   

Bees foraging for nectar should choose different inflorescences from those foraging for both pollen and nectar, if inflorescences consist of differing proportions of male and female flowers, particularly if the sex phases of the flowers differ in nectar content as well as the occurrence of pollen. This study tested this prediction using worker honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) foraging on inflorescences of Lavandula stoechas. Female flowers contained about twice the volume of nectar of male flowers. As one would predict, bees foraging for nectar only chose inflorescences with disproportionately more female flowers: time spent on the inflorescence was correlated with the number of female flowers, but not with the number of male flowers. Inflorescence size was inversely correlated with the number of female flowers, and could be used as a morphological cue by these bees. Also as predicted, workers foraging for both pollen and nectar chose inflorescences with relatively greater numbers of both male and female flowers: time spent on these inflorescences was correlated with the number of male flowers, but not with the number of females flowers. A morphological cue inversely associated with such inflorescences is the size of the bract display. Choice of flowers within inflorescences was also influenced predictably, but preferences appeared to be based upon corolla size rather than directly on sex phase.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper considers a little-studied topic in the biology of social insects: the formation of self-assemblages. It focuses on the mechanisms whereby the outermost workers in a bivouacked swarm of honey bees, when rained upon, form a water repellent curtain of bees over the swarm cluster. Specifically, we analyzed how the worker bees in the mantle of a swarm cluster adjust their body orientation, wing spread, and inter-individual spacing to form a protective curtain when wetted. When warm and dry, the mantle bees orient their bodies weakly with respect to gravity, do not tuck their heads under adjacent bees, have high variability in wing spread, and space themselves widely. In contrast, when warm and wet, the mantle bees orient uniformly with head upward, tuck their heads beneath the abdomens of bees above, hold their wings together, and press tightly together. This produces a surface that closely resembles a tiled roof. When cool and dry, the mantle bees generally orient their bodies with head upward, press their heads into the interior of the cluster, hold their wings wide apart, and draw close together. We also examined the age distribution of the mantle bees. Older bees are more likely than younger bees to be found in the mantle of a swarm, perhaps because younger bees are more important than older bees to colony survival after swarming and so occupy a more sheltered position in a swarm. Finally, we tested whether swarm clusters that have formed a protective curtain shed water more effectively than ones that have not formed a curtain. We found that this is the case.Received 28 November 2003; revised 29 February 2004; accepted 11 April 2004.  相似文献   

Summary Kin recognition and nepotism between honeybee workers (Apis mellifera L.) was analysed in a trophallactic bio-assay. Donor workers were fed dyed sugar syrup and introduced into a recipient group consisting of 12 to 15 workers of the same colony. After allowing for 1 hour of trophallaxis, the distribution of the dyed food was analysed with spectrophotometry. The subfamily composition in the recipient group was varied such that the donor bees had to discriminate between workers of 2 to 7 different patrilines. Donor bees preferentially fed super sisters if few patrilines were present in the recipient group. However, preferential feeding was not observed if the recipient group consisted of workers of more than three subfamilies. Since the natural degree of polyandry causes intracolonial genetic variance to exceed the genetic variability in the experiments, nepotistic behaviour among workers may not reveal intranidal subfamily recognition in honeybees.  相似文献   

Summary Juvenile hormone synthesis in drone larvae of the honey bee was measured by an in vitro radiochemical assay. The developmental profile of corpora allata activity in male larvae showed considerable differences from queen larvae, the presumptive reproductive females, and was comparable to workers, the sterile female morph. Drone and worker larvae, however, differed drastically in the regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthesis, as revealed by the addition of farnesoic acid to the culture medium. This precursor stimulated juvenile hormone synthesis of drone glands nearly eightfold, whereas in worker larvae it is known to lead to an accumulation of methyl farnesoate. The sex-specific differences in endocrine activity indicate a role for juvenile hormone in the expression of genetically determined sexually dimorphic characters during metamorphosis, a role not currently accounted for in models describing endocrine regulation of insect development. Correspondence to: K. Hartfelder  相似文献   

The relationship between workers from different patrilines in a naturally mated queen honey bee colony is very complex due to queen polyandry, and still poorly characterized. Here, we report a means of determining the genotype of living workers in a natural honey bee colony by a new non-destructive method, which makes it possible to observe the relationship between behaviours and genotypes. DNA was extracted from the exuvia, found at the bottom of each brood cell, and confirmed to be identical to the DNA extracted from the thorax muscle of the bee emerging from that particular cell. The genotypes were thus determined using DNA from the exuviae without having to hurt or kill the organisms. The emerging workers were marked with coloured, numbered tags to enable behavioural observations over their entire life. Using this new method, we determined 20 patrilines in a naturally mated queen colony, and discovered that the patriline composition of bees exhibiting fanning behaviour was significantly different from the patriline composition of the whole colony. Our results confirm that the genetic structure of a natural insect society plays a fundamental role in the division of labour. The new non-destructive method reveals a novel avenue for the determination of relationships between the behaviours and genes of social insects.  相似文献   

In the honey bee, Apis mellifera, the fifth larval instar is a critical period for caste differentiation. During this premetamorphic phase the hormonal milieu shows pronounced caste differences and several organs, particularly the ovaries, enter different developmental pathways leading to highly fertile queens and nearly sterile workers. Developmental profiles of total protein synthesis in larval ovaries showed marked caste differences starting with the early fifth instar. By two-dimensional electrophoresis, caste-specific patterns could be detected in the synthesis of a 29 kDa/pI 4.6 and two 24 kDa/pI 5.2–5.5. proteins (pI=isoelectric point). A marked decrease in the expression of these proteins was found to coincide with caste-specific differences in the haemolymph ecdysteroid titer. In vitro exposure of larval worker ovaries to physiological (10–7 m) concentrations of synthetic makisterone A elicited an identical response. Juvenile hormone did not affect protein synthesis patterns in larval ovaries, and also did not inhibit or reverse the ecdysteroid-induced effects. Heat shock experiments revealed that the 29 kDa/pI 4.6 ecdysteroid-regulated protein belongs to the class of small heat shock proteins.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of behaviour, age and social environment on mushroom body volume in adult bees. The mushroom bodies are regions of the central brain important for sensory integration and learning. Their volume was influenced by behaviour throughout life: always larger in forager bees than age-matched nurse bees, even in old bees up to 93 days of age as adults. Mushroom body development was influenced by the social environment in the first 8 days of adult life, with different environments having markedly different effects on mushroom body size. Compared to hive-reared bees, isolation slowed mushroom body growth, but bees reared in isolation confined with a single dead bee showed a dramatic increase in mushroom body volume comparable to that seen in active foragers. Despite their precocious mushroom body development, these bees did not show improved performance in an olfactory learning test. Since simple environmental manipulations can both accelerate and delay mushroom body growth in young bees, and since mushroom body volume is sensitive to behaviour throughout life, the honey bee has great potential as a model for exploring the interactions between environment, behaviour and brain structure.  相似文献   

The existing experimental data on metabolic power P m of honey bees are critically discussed, partly corrected for real flight conditions and plotted as a function of flight speed v. New wind tunnel measurements of tethered flight under near-natural conditions are added in the range 3.3<v<5.1 m·s-1, derived from exhaustion flight measurements. Within this small sector the latter measurements can be characterised by a linear correlation: P m(mW)=6.72v (m·s-1)+13.83, the slope of which is significantly different from zero. The over-all P m(v) curve is significantly not a straight line of zero slope but a U-shaped minimum curve and may be approximated by a second-order polynom: P m=49.2-8.9v+1.5v 2. The same is true for relative metabolic power, P m rel (e) related to empty body mass of 76.5 mg: P m rel(e)=630.0-114.0v+19.2v 2 (P m in mW: P m rel in mW·g-1; v in m·s-1). The data support the existence of a U-shaped power-versus-speed curve in bees.Abbreviations bm body mass (mg) - f full - e empty - mu muscles - P m (mJ·s-1=mW) metabolic power (input) - P m rel (mW·g-1) relative metabolic power - P mec (mW) mechanical power (output) - efficiency (of the flight musculature) - t(s) flight time - v (m·s-1) relative speed between bee and air  相似文献   

Pheromones cause dramatic changes in behavior and physiology, and are critical for honey bee colony organization. Queen mandibular pheromone (QMP) regulates multiple behaviors in worker bees (Slessor et al. in J Chem Ecol 31(11):2731–2745, 2005). We also identified genes whose brain expression levels were altered by exposure to QMP (Grozinger et al. in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100(Suppl 2):14519–14525, 2003). Krüppel-homolog 1 (Kr-h1) RNA levels were significantly downregulated by QMP, and were higher in foragers than in nurses (Whitfield et al. in Science 302(5643):296–299, 2003). Here we report on results of behavioral and pharmacological experiments that characterize factors regulating expression of Kr-h1. Foragers have higher brain levels of Kr-h1 than in-hive bees, regardless of age and pheromone exposure. Furthermore, forager Kr-h1 levels were not affected by QMP. Since the onset of foraging is caused, in part, by increasing juvenile hormone blood titers and brain octopamine levels, we investigated the effects of octopamine and methoprene (a juvenile hormone analog) on Kr-h1 expression. Methoprene produced a marginal (not significant) increase in Kr-h1 expression, but Kr-h1 brain levels in methoprene-treated bees were no longer downregulated by QMP. Octopamine did not modulate Kr-h1 expression. Our results demonstrate that the gene expression response to QMP is not hard-wired in the brain but is instead dependent on worker behavioral state.  相似文献   

Summary Special features facilitate the admission of new members, such as neonates, to otherwise closed animal societies. In eusocial insects, such as honeybees and paper wasps, young adults acquire a colony recognition phenotype from other colony members or nesting materials. Older adults must exempt them from expulsion during the acquisition period. Newly emerged adult honeybees gain tolerance in their colony before their acquisition of the colony recognition phenotype by presenting a blank slate, absent recognition cues. This makes them generically acceptable in honey bee colonies. This strategy is analogous to the easily recognizable phenotypes associated with juvenility in birds and mammals.Received 25 September 2002; revised 20 June 2003; accepted 2 July 2003.  相似文献   

The reproduction of pyrethroid-resistant Varroa destructor mite, a brood parasite of honey bees, was observed in Weslaco, Texas, and the results compared with known susceptible mite populations from other studies. Seven Apis mellifera colonies that had mite populations resistant to the acaricide Apistan were used. Pyrethroid-resistance was confirmed when only 17% rather than 90% of mites confined in dishes containing Apistan died after 12 h of exposure. The average number of eggs laid by resistant mites invading worker and drone cells was 4.4 and 5.4 respectively. This is similar to the number of eggs laid by susceptible mites in worker (4.4–4.8) or drone (4.7–5.5) cells. Also the average number of fertilised V. destructor female mites produced by resistant mites in worker (1.0) and drone (2.1) cells were similar to the number produced by susceptible mites in worker (0.9) and drone (1.9–2.2) cells. In addition, no major differences between the resistant and susceptible mite populations were observed in either worker or drone cells when six different reproductive categories and offspring mortality rates were compared. Therefore, it appears that there is little or no reproductive fitness cost associated with pyrethroid resistance in V. destructor in Texas. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary In the south-east of France, local honey bees possess only the B allele at the MDH locus, whereas the races which are usually imported into this area do not have this allele. The proportion of non-B genes in a sample of drones was used to measure the genetic pollution in the local population. Within the course of a breeding scheme of local bees, 99 queens, whose genotypes are BB, were naturally mated between April 25 and June 10, 1985 at la Tave (Gard, France). Twenty daughters-workers of each queen were analysed at the MDH locus. The frequency of the B allele in drones that mated with these queens is estimated by the proportion of workers with genotype BB and the genetic pollution by the cumulated frequency of the other alleles. The sampling variances of these frequencies involve a coefficient which is a function of the average number of drones mated with a queen. This latter parameter is estimated through the maximum likelihood method. In addition to the three well-known alleles, a rare allele (frequency=0.0055), possibly equivalent to the S1 allele described by Badino et al. (1983), has been found in three different colonies. Cumulating the frequencies of the non-B alleles results in an estimation of the genetic pollution equal to 0.0394 (±0.0071). This low value allows us to proceed to the next step of the selection project. The mean number of drones mated to a queen is 12.4 with a (10.4–19.3) confidence interval at the 90% level.  相似文献   

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