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[目的]松天牛小首螨是近年发现的首个能够寄生致死松墨天牛卵的一个螨类新种,研究该螨对极端温度耐受性的驯化效应和低温存储条件,有助于进一步评估该螨的潜在地理分布或应用区域,并为该螨的规模化运输和存储提供基础依据。[方法]通过不同温度条件驯化后,测定松天牛小首螨暴露在极端温度下的存活率,同时比较不同低温条件下存储的松天牛小首螨膨腹体涌出的成螨数量,以及存储的雌成螨的生存情况。[结果]高温驯化可显著提高雌成螨高温暴露存活率,其中30℃ 36 h驯化后的存活率提高了1.26倍;低温驯化可显著提高雌成螨极端低温暴露存活率,其中10℃ 96 h、10℃ 120 h驯化后的存活率分别提高了2.08和2.13倍。以膨腹体为存储对象,低温存储后涌出成螨的数量随着存储时间延长而逐渐显著减少;以雌成螨为存储对象,在10℃条件下存储30 d,存活率为65.10%,在4℃条件下存储30 d,存活率达84.21%。[结论]松天牛小首螨具有很强的温度适应性,短期温度驯化即可大幅提升其对极端温度的耐受性。膨腹体适合作为该螨短期低温存储对象,雌成螨则适合作为中长期低温存储对象。  相似文献   

The relative effect of acclimation temperature on temperature tolerance was estimated from a geometrical partitioning of the temperature tolerance polygon of a fish species into three distinct zones relative to four key tolerance temperatures. This approach yields a middle tolerance zone which is independent of acclimation temperature bounded by upper and lower acclimation dependent zones. Acclimation dependent and independent temperature tolerance zones can be quantified by either areal or linear methods. Both methods were applied to quantify the effect of acclimation temperature in 21 species of temperate fishes for which temperature tolerance polygons were available. Temperature tolerance polygon areas of these 21 species ranged from 468 to 1380°C2 and are linearly related (r 2=0.93, p<0.001) to ultimate incipient upper lethal temperatures. Although areal and linear partitioning methods yielded similar acclimation independent and dependent tolerances, estimates from the areal method incorporates additional information concerning the shape of the temperature tolerance polygon, in particular lower and upper lethal temperature plateaus. Mean combined acclimation dependent and independent tolerance areas of these 21 species were not different, indicating that acclimation effectively doubles the temperature tolerance polygon. Mean lower acclimation dependent area was nearly three times greater than mean upper acclimation dependent area, suggesting that acclimation plays a larger role in tolerance of low rather than high temperatures. Among these 21 species, temperature tolerance of brook charr and sheepshead minnow were the least and most affected by acclimation temperature, respectively.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi contribute significantly to ecosystem respiration, but little research has addressed the effect of temperature on ECM fungal respiration. Some plants have the ability to acclimate to temperature such that long‐term exposure to warmer conditions slows respiration at a given measurement temperature and long‐term exposure to cooler conditions increases respiration at a given measurement temperature. We examined acclimation to temperature and temperature sensitivity (Q10) of respiration by ECM fungi by incubating them for a week at one of three temperatures and measuring respiration over a range of temperatures. Among the 12 ECM fungal isolates that were tested, Suillus intermedius, Cenococcum geophilum, and Lactarius cf. pubescens exhibited significant acclimation to temperature, exhibiting an average reduction in respiration of 20–45% when incubated at 23 °C compared with when incubated at 11 or 17 °C. The isolates differed significantly in their Q10 values, which ranged from 1.67 to 2.56. We also found that half of the isolates significantly increased Q10 with an increase in incubator temperature by an average of 15%. We conclude that substantial variation exists among ECM fungal isolates in their ability to acclimate to temperature and in their sensitivity to temperature. As soil temperatures increase, ECM fungi that acclimate may require less carbon from their host plants than fungi that do not acclimate. The ability of some ECM fungi to acclimate may partially ameliorate the anticipated positive feedback between soil respiration and temperature.  相似文献   

The effect of constant and changing temperatures on both high and low lethal temperatures of Lymnaea peregra and the time course of acclimation were investigated. Snails acclimated to 6.5°, 11.5° and 16.5°C showed paradoxical ‘adaptation’ of their high letal temperature and reasonable ‘adaptation’ of the lowlethal temperature. This combination is thus observed for the first time in molluscs. Seasonal variation in the upper lethal temperature showed parallel changes and the snails became less resistant to heat during spring and summer. Acclimation to changing temperature conditions did not extend their temperature tolerance range. During the course of acclimation of 6.5°C snails to 16.5°C, about 70% of the acclimation was completed within the first 24 h and the rest was completed within 360 h at 16.5°C.  相似文献   

Onion (Allium cepa) was grown in the field within temperature gradient tunnels (providing about ‐2.5°C to +2.5°C from outside temperatures) maintained at either 374 or 532 μmol mol?1 CO2. Plant leaf area was determined non‐destructively at 7 day intervals until the time of bulbing in 12 combinations of temperature and CO2 concentration. Gas exchange was measured in each plot at the time of bulbing, and the carbohydrate content of the leaf (source) and bulb (sink) was determined. Maximum rate of leaf area expansion increased with mean temperature. Leaf area duration and maximum rate of leaf area expansion were not significantly affected by CO2. The light‐saturated rates of leaf photosynthesis (Asat) were greater in plants grown at normal than at elevated CO2 concentrations at the same measurement CO2 concentration. Acclimation of photosynthesis decreased with an increase in growth temperature, and with an increase in leaf nitrogen content at elevated CO2. The ratio of intercellular to atmospheric CO2 (C1/C3 ratio) was 7.4% less for plants grown at elevated compared with normal CO2. Asat in plants grown at elevated CO2 was less than in plants grown at normal CO2 when compared at the same C1. Hence, acclimation of photosynthesis was due both to stomatal acclimation and to limitations to biochemical CO2 fixation. Carbohydrate content of the onion bulbs was greater at elevated than at normal CO2. In contrast, carbohydrate content was less at elevated compared with normal CO2 in the leaf sections in which CO2 exchange was measured at the same developmental stage. Therefore, acclimation of photosynthesis in fully expanded onion leaves was detected despite the absence of localised carbohydrate accumulation in these field‐grown crops.  相似文献   

Based on short-term experiments, many plant growth models – including those used in global change research – assume that an increase in temperature stimulates plant respiration (R) more than photosynthesis (P), leading to an increase in the R/P ratio. Longer-term experiments, however, have demonstrated that R/P is relatively insensitive to growth temperature. We show that both types of temperature response may be reconciled within a simple substrate-based model of plant acclimation to temperature, in which respiration is effectively limited by the supply of carbohydrates fixed through photosynthesis. The short-term, positive temperature response of R/P reflects the transient dynamics of the nonstructural carbohydrate and protein pools; the insensitivity of R/P to temperature on longer time-scales reflects the steady-state behaviour of these pools. Thus the substrate approach may provide a basis for predicting plant respiration responses to temperature that is more robust than the current modelling paradigm based on the extrapolation of results from short-term experiments. The present model predicts that the acclimated R/P depends mainly on the internal allocation of carbohydrates to protein synthesis, a better understanding of which is therefore required to underpin the wider use of a constant R/P as an alternative modelling paradigm in global change research.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli in phosphate-buffered saline irradiated with far-infrared (FIR) energy was injured and killed even under the condition where the bulk temperature of the suspension was maintained below the lethal temperature. Using four kinds of antibiotics (penicillin G, chloramphenicol, nalidixic acid and rifampicin), we investigated the FIR irradiation-induced damage to E. coli on the basis of the sensitivity changes to the antibiotics. FIR irradiation increased the organism’s sensitivity to rifampicin both below and above the lethal temperature. The increase in sensitivity to chloramphenicol was observed only when FIR irradiation occurred above the lethal temperature. These results suggest that the mechanism of FIR irradiation-induced death in E. coli differs according to whether the radiation exposure occurs above or below the lethal temperature. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 24, 19–24. Received 27 May 1999/ Accepted in revised form 24 September 1999  相似文献   

The rate of development of Lymnaea auricularia eggs was studied at various constant temperatures between 10° and 36°C. Development was accelerated as the temperature increased and at 36°C the eggs failed to develop. Spring eggs showed differences in their rate of development when compared with summer eggs when measured at similar tempertures.

Both spring and summer eggs were more than 90% fertile. Hatching success was high at temperatures between 10° and 30° (100%–82/9%); while at 34°C it was reduced to 60.6% for spring eggs. It was above 87% at temperatures between 10° and 34°C but it dropped to 62.3% at 36°C for summer eggs.

In one regularly changing temperature experiment a significant acceleration (P < .05) was found. In two others there was no significant difference beween predicted and observed egg durations. In one suddenly changing temperature regime (1 day at 20°, 1 day at 30° and so on) a huge retardation of development was found. In the other suddenly changing experiment (1 day at 15°, 1 day at 25°) no significant difference was found.

The exposure of eggs to extreme temperature (4°C, freezing and 4°C caused a retardation in the race of subsequent development of eggs at 25°C.  相似文献   

In Patella vulgata and Helix aspersa which had been killed by exposure to high temperatuers, the rates of oxygen consumption of gill, foot muscle and hepatopancreas are remarkably steady when measured at lower temperatures, although the absolute levels are in some cases different from normal animals. These tissues are thus substantially metabolically intact in heat dead individuals. In Helix there is a fall in blood sodium and a rise in blood potassium during heat death. In Patella there is a marked rie in blood Na+ and a consequent disturbance of the Na+/K+ ratio. These ionic disturbances are thought to be a prime cause of heat death. The significance of the results is discussed.  相似文献   

The main duration of time from egg hatching to egg laying (D) in this anostracan crustacean increases at lower constant temperatures. The mean number of eggs per female lay between 25 and 50. In both regularly changing temperature experiments D was significantly increased (P<.05). This may be due to an increase in length of adult life which would also account for the increase in number of eggs per female to about 100. The relation of the results to the life and survival strategy of the animal in Ireland in discussed.  相似文献   

Assessments made over the past few decades have suggested that boreal forests may act as a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide. However, the fate of the newly accumulated carbon in the living forest biomass is not well understood, and the estimates of carbon sinks vary greatly from one assessment to another. Analysis of remote sensing data has indicated that the carbon sinks in the Russian forests are larger than what has been estimated from forest inventories. In this study, we show that over the past four decades, the allometric relationships among various plant parts have changed in the Russian forests. To this end, we employ two approaches: (1) analysis of the database, which contains 3196 sample plots; and (2) application of developed models to forest inventory data. Within the forests as a whole, when assessed at the continental scale, we detect a pronounced increase in the share of green parts (leaves and needles). However, there is a large geographical variation. The shift has been largest within the European Russia, where summer temperatures and precipitation have increased. In the Northern Taiga of Siberia, where the climate has become warmer but drier, the fraction of the green parts has decreased while the fractions of aboveground wood and roots have increased. These changes are consistent with experiments and mathematical models that predict a shift of carbon allocation to transpiring foliage with increasing temperature and lower allocation with increasing soil drought. In light of this, our results are a possible demonstration of the acclimation of trees to ongoing warming and changes in the surface water balance. Independent of the nature of the observed changes in allometric ratios, the increase in the share of green parts may have caused a misinterpretation of the satellite data and a systematic overestimation by remote sensing methods of the carbon sink for living biomass of the Russian forest.  相似文献   

滇青冈幼苗的光合和生长对不同生长光强的适应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了3种光强(全日照的80%、20%和2%)下生长的滇青冈幼苗的光合-光强响应和生长状况。结果表明:3种光强生境滇青冈幼苗光饱和点和最大净光合速率没有显著差异,20%和2%生长光强下光补偿点显著低于80%生长光强。3种光强生境幼苗的光合饱和点在400~450μmol·m-2·s-1左右,光补偿点也很低(6~10μmol·m-2·s-1),表现出阴生植物的特征。但滇青冈幼苗较强的耐荫能力,是以牺牲生长为代价的。在2%的弱光生境中滇青冈幼苗比叶重显著降低,单位面积和单位干重叶绿素含量均显著增多,具有利用较强辐射的潜力,一旦林窗出现就可以利用增加的辐射提高光合速率,及时进入快速高生长。  相似文献   

Temperature acclimation of respiration may contribute to climatic adaptation and thus differ among populations from contrasting climates. Short-term temperature responses of foliar dark respiration were measured in 33-yr-old trees of jack pine (Pinus banksiana) in eight populations of wide-ranging origin (44-55 degrees N) grown in a common garden at 46.7 degrees N. It was tested whether seasonal adjustments in respiration and population differences in this regard resulted from changes in base respiration rate at 5 degrees C (R(5)) or Q(10) (temperature sensitivity) and covaried with nitrogen and soluble sugars. In all populations, acclimation was manifest primarily through shifts in R(5) rather than altered Q(10). R(5) was higher in cooler periods in late autumn and winter and lower in spring and summer, inversely tracking variation in ambient air temperature. Overall, R(5) covaried with sugars and not with nitrogen. Although acclimation was comparable among all populations, the observed seasonal ranges in R(5) and Q(10) were greater in populations originating from warmer than from colder sites. Population differences in respiratory traits appeared associated with autumnal cold hardening. Common patterns of respiratory temperature acclimation among biogeographically diverse populations provide a basis for predicting respiratory carbon fluxes in a wide-ranging species.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study to what extent surface temperatures of growing pigs are altered during acclimation to a change of the air temperature and to exposure to draught.

4 groups of 10 pigs (Large White × Dutch Landrace) of approximately 10 weeks old were used. They were housed in 2 calorimeters with 2 pens each. In the reference chamber air temperature was kept constant at 25°C, in the other chamber air temperature could be lowered to 15°C, and a draught was also applied. Surface temperatures of the pigs were measured by means of Probey® Thermal Video System, with an accuracy of ±0.3°C.

Surface temperatures of growing pigs were obviously related to air temperature, draught and the duration of food withdrawal. Acclimation to air temperature or draught as measured by surface temperatures was not observed between days, but within and between night periods.

Also indications of huddling, vasocontriction and even cold-induced vasodilatation within the neck, chest and abdomen region of the pigs' body surface were observed.  相似文献   

Determining the capacity of organisms to acclimate and adapt to increased temperatures is key to understand how populations and communities will respond to global warming. Although there is evidence that elevated water temperature affects metabolism, growth and condition of tropical marine fish, it is unknown whether they have the potential to acclimate, given adequate time. We reared the tropical reef fish Acanthochromis polyacanthus through its entire life cycle at present day and elevated (+1.5 and+3.0 °C) water temperatures to test its ability to thermally acclimate to ocean temperatures predicted to occur over the next 50–100 years. Fish reared at 3.0 °C greater than the present day average reduced their resting oxygen consumption (RMR) during summer compared with fish reared at present day temperatures and tested at the elevated temperature. The reduction in RMR of up to 69 mg O2 kg?1 h?1 in acclimated fish could represent a significant benefit to daily energy expenditure. In contrast, there was no acclimation to summer temperatures exhibited by fish reared at 1.5 °C above present day temperatures. Fish acclimated to +3.0 °C were smaller and in poorer condition than fish reared at present day temperatures, suggesting that even with acclimation there will be significant consequences for future populations of tropical fishes caused by global warming.  相似文献   

大丽轮枝菌微菌核的萌发条件及致死温度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微菌核是大丽轮枝菌在土壤中的主要存活结构和初侵染源,在土壤中可存活14年之久,其数量及存活状况直接影响着大丽轮枝菌型黄萎病的发生为害程度。以棉花黄萎病菌Verticillium dahliae XJ2008菌株为试材,研究了微菌核萌发的最佳条件、致死温度及土壤温度对微菌核存活的影响。结果表明,20℃、pH8.0是微菌核萌发的最佳条件。大丽轮枝菌微菌核具有很强的耐高温特性,随着处理时间的延长,微菌核的萌发率呈下降趋势,在55℃及以上处理时其萌发率下降迅速,而在50℃及以下处理时其萌发率下降相对较慢,在55℃处理360min可使微菌核完全致死,而在40℃、45℃和50℃处理1,440min,仍然有少量的微菌核存活,但其萌发率随着时间的推移呈下降趋势。土壤微菌核模拟试验结果表明,土壤温度对微菌核有很强的致死作用,40℃条件下处理4d后土壤中的微菌核已全部死亡。该研究结果为通过覆膜增温防治作物黄萎病提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

【目的】飞蝗Locusta migratoria(Linnaeus)是我国乃至全世界广泛发生的重要农业害虫,其种群暴发会给农作物造成重大为害和减产。飞蝗种群发生动态受低温及变温的影响,但低温和变温如何作用于胚胎发育和是否诱导胚胎滞育的发生,目前尚不清楚。【方法】本文在对飞蝗胚胎发育特点观察鉴定的基础上,研究了胚胎发育中期恒定低温诱导、诱导后恢复、发育中期变温诱导及发育早期低温诱导等条件对胚胎发育进程的影响。【结果】研究发现,胚胎发育起点温度下非致死温度7.5℃处理促使胚胎发育历期变异增加,而25~30℃高温下胚胎发育整齐。7.5℃处理时间长短对胚胎发育影响不明显,但该低温培育时间长短影响后期常温下的胚胎发育,即7.5℃下长期低温可能促进25℃或30℃下的胚胎的发育。25℃以下变温温度影响胚胎发育进展,但影响胚胎发育的限制因子主要是发育起点以上温度。【结论】因此,温度作为单一环境因子,其特定的低温和变温处理不仅没有诱导胚胎滞育的发生,反而促进后期胚胎在常温下的发育。本研究结果对揭示温度变化对个体发育和种群动态影响及预测飞蝗种群发生有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

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