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The expression of GABA(A) receptors in rat cerebellar granules in culture has been studied by beta(2/3) subunit immunocytochemistry and fluorescence confocal microscopy. These cells show labeling all over the cell bodies' plasma membrane and dendrites. Treatment with the protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) inhibitor genistein results in a decrease of the labeling associated with the beta(2/3) subunit in both cell bodies and dendrites. No effect was found with an inactive genistein analogue, daidzein. A similar effect was found with a protein kinase C (PKC) activator, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). The effects of genistein and PMA are additive.The interpretation of the results is that PTK inhibition blocks exocytotic deposit of newly synthesized GABA(A) receptors onto the neuronal plasma membrane. On the other hand, PKC activation speeds up endocytotic removal of GABA(A) receptors.  相似文献   

The formation of the cerebellar circuitry depends on the outgrowth of connections between the two principal classes of neurons, granule neurons and Purkinje neurons. To identify genes that function in axon outgrowth, we have isolated a mouse homolog of C. elegans UNC51, which is required for axon formation, and tested its function in cerebellar granule neurons. Murine Unc51.1 encodes a novel serine/threonine kinase and is expressed in granule cells in the cerebellar cortex. Retroviral infection of immature granule cells with a dominant negative Unc51.1 results in inhibition of neurite outgrowth in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, infected neurons fail to express TAG-1 or neuron-specific beta-tubulin, suggesting that development is arrested prior to this initial step of differentiation. Thus, Unc51.1 signals the program of gene expression leading to the formation of granule cell axons.  相似文献   

AimsHypnotic zolpidem is a positive allosteric modulator of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) action, with preferential although not exclusive binding for α1 subunit-containing GABAA receptors. The pharmacological profile of this drug is different from that of classical benzodiazepines, although it acts through benzodiazepine binding sites at GABAA receptors. The aim of this study was to further explore the molecular mechanisms of GABAA receptor induction by zolpidem.Main methodsIn the present study, we explored the effects of two-day zolpidem (10 μM) treatment on GABAA receptors on the membranes of rat cerebellar granule cells (CGCs) using [3H]flunitrazepam binding and semi-quantitative PCR analysis.Key findingsTwo-day zolpidem treatment of CGCs did not significantly affect the maximum number (Bmax) of [3H]flunitrazepam binding sites or the expression of α1 subunit mRNA. However, as shown by decreased GABA [3H]flunitrazepam binding, two-day exposure of CGCs to zolpidem caused functional uncoupling of GABA and benzodiazepine binding sites at GABAA receptor complexes.SignificanceIf functional uncoupling of GABA and benzodiazepine binding sites at GABAA receptors is the mechanism responsible for the development of tolerance following long-term administration of classical benzodiazepines, chronic zolpidem treatment may induce tolerance.  相似文献   

Cerebellar granule neurons can be conveniently kept in culture. They constitute a useful model to study regulation of glutamatergic activity, in particular the inhibitory action of GABA (7-aminobutyrate). GABA exerts an inhibitory action on evoked transmitter release acting on both GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptors. The functional properties of these receptors are dependent upon the environment of the neurons during early development in culture as the expression of both receptor subtypes is enhanced by exposure of the neurons to GABA(A) receptor agonists. Thus, the inducible GABA(A) receptors are of low affinity and lack benzodiazepine sensitivity, and the G-protein coupling differs among the native and the inducible GABA(B) receptors. Moreover, the GABA(A) and the GABA(B) receptors are functionally coupled, leading to a disinhibitory action of GABA. Therefore drugs exhibiting selective agonist or antagonist action on subclasses of GABA(A) and GABA(B) may be of potential use as regulators of glutamatergic excitatory activity.  相似文献   

Being different from anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies, anti-phosphoserine- or anti-phosphothreonine-specific antibodies with high affinity for the detection of serine/threonine kinase substrates are not readily available. Therefore, chemical modification methods were developed for the detection of phosphoserine or threonine in the screening of protein kinase substrates based on β-elimination and Michael addition. We have developed a biotin-based detection probe for identification of the phosphorylated serine or threonine residue. A biotin derivative induced a color reaction using alkaline phosphate-conjugated streptavidin that amplified the signal. It was effective for the detection and separation of the target peptide on the resin. The detection probe was successfully used in identifying PKA substrates from peptide libraries on resin beads. The peptide library was prepared as a ladder-type, such that the active peptides on the colored resin beads were readily sequenced with the truncated peptide fragments by MALDI-TOF/MS analysis after releasing the peptides from the resin bead through photolysis.  相似文献   

GABA(A) receptors are chloride channels composed of five subunits. Cerebellar granule cells express abundantly six subunits belonging to four subunit classes. These are assembled into a number of distinct receptors, but the regulation of their relative proportions is yet unknown. Here, we studied the composition of cerebellar GABA(A) receptors after targeted disruption of the delta subunit gene. In membranes and extracts of delta-/- cerebellum, [(3)H]muscimol binding was not significantly changed, whereas [(3)H]Ro15-4513 binding was increased by 52% due to an increase in diazepam-insensitive binding. Immunocytochemical and Western blot analysis revealed no change in alpha(6) subunits but an increased expression of gamma(2) subunits in delta-/- cerebellum. Immunoaffinity chromatography of cerebellar extracts indicated there was an increased coassembly of alpha(6) and gamma(2) subunits and that 24% of all receptors in delta-/- cerebellum did not contain a gamma subunit. Because 97% of delta subunits are coassembled with alpha(6) subunits in the cerebellum of wild-type mice, these results indicated that, in delta-/- mice, alpha(6)betagamma(2) and alphabeta receptors replaced delta subunit-containing receptors. The availability of the delta subunit, thus, influences the level of expression or the extent of assembly of the gamma(2) subunit, although these two subunits do not occur in the same receptor.  相似文献   

Effects of taurine and THIP were studied on the development of cultured cerebellar granule cells with regard to GABA receptor expression and morphological development. Culturing in the presence of taurine or THIP led to the formation of low affinity GABA receptors as revealed from Scatchard analysis of [3H]GABA binding. This formation of receptors was susceptible to inhibition upon culturing in the simultaneous presence of taurine and bicuculline demonstrating the involvement of the high affinity GABA receptors which are present on the cells regardless of the culture condition. Superfusion experiments on cells cultured under the different conditions demonstrated that the low affinity GABA receptors expressed after culturing in the presence of THIP or taurine mediated an inhibition by GABA of evoked transmitter release from the granule cells. Cells cultured in either plain culture media or in the presence of taurine were indistinguishable with respect to the number of neurite extending cells observed after 4 days in culture. In contrast, culturing in the presence of THIP increased the number of neurite extending cells by 8% relative to the controls.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Paola S. Timiras  相似文献   

Studies on animal models of epilepsy and cerebellar ataxia, e.g., stargazer mice (stg) have identified changes in the GABAergic properties of neurones associated with the affected brain loci. Whether these changes contribute to or constitute homeostatic adaptations to a state of altered neuronal excitability is as yet unknown. Using cultured cerebellar granule neurones from control [+/+; alpha-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor (AMPAR)-competent, Kainate receptor (KAR)-competent] and stg (AMPAR-incompetent, KAR-competent), we investigated whether non-NMDA receptor (NMDAR) activity regulates GABA(A) receptor (GABAR) expression. Neurones were maintained in 5 mmol/L KCl-containing basal media or depolarizing media containing either 25 mmol/L KCl or the non-NMDAR agonist kainic acid (KA) (100 micromol/L). KCl- and KA-mediated depolarization down-regulated GABAR alpha1, alpha6 and beta2, but up-regulated alpha4, beta3 and delta subunits in +/+ neurones. The KCl-evoked but not KA-evoked effects were reciprocated in stg neurones compatible with AMPAR-regulation of GABAR expression. Conversely, GABAR gamma2 expression was insensitive to KCl-mediated depolarization, but was down-regulated by KA-treatment in a 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX)-reversible manner in +/+ and stg neurones compatible with a KAR-mediated response. KA-mediated up-regulation of GABAR alpha4, beta3 and delta was inhibited by L-type voltage-gated calcium channel (L-VGCC) blockers and the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase inhibitor, 4-[(2S)-2-[(5-isoquinolinylsulfonyl)methylamino]-3-oxo-3-(4-phenyl-1-piperazinyl)propyl] phenyl isoquinoline sulfonic acid ester (KN-62). Up-regulation of GABAR alpha4 and beta3 was also prevented by calcineurin (CaN) inhibitors, FK506 and cyclosporin A. Down-regulation of GABAR alpha1, alpha6 and beta2 was independent of L-VGCC activity, but was prevented by inhibitors of CaN. Thus, we provide evidence that a KAR-mediated and at least three mutually exclusive AMPAR-mediated signalling mechanisms regulate neuronal GABAR expression.  相似文献   

Desensitization of ligand-gated ion channels plays a critical role for the information transfer between neurons. The current view on γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)(A) and glycine receptors includes significant rapid components of desensitization as well as cross-desensitization between the two receptor types. Here, we analyze the mechanism of apparent cross-desensitization between native GABA(A) and glycine receptors in rat central neurons and quantify to what extent the current decay in the presence of ligand is a result of desensitization versus changes in intracellular Cl(-) concentration ([Cl(-)](i)). We show that apparent cross-desensitization of currents evoked by GABA and by glycine is caused by changes in [Cl(-)](i). We also show that changes in [Cl(-)](i) are critical for the decay of current in the presence of either GABA or glycine, whereas changes in conductance often play a minor role only. Thus, the currents decayed significantly quicker than the conductances, which decayed with time constants of several seconds and in some cells did not decay below the value at peak current during 20-s agonist application. By taking the cytosolic volume into account and numerically computing the membrane currents and expected changes in [Cl(-)](i), we provide a theoretical framework for the observed effects. Modeling diffusional exchange of Cl(-) between cytosol and patch pipettes, we also show that considerable changes in [Cl(-)](i) may be expected and cause rapidly decaying current components in conventional whole cell or outside-out patch recordings. The findings imply that a reevaluation of the desensitization properties of GABA(A) and glycine receptors is needed.  相似文献   

We investigate the immunoreactivity of serine/threonine kinase 33 (Stk33) and of vimentin in the brain of mouse, rat and hamster. Using a Stk33-specific polyclonal antibody, we show by immunofluorescence staining that Stk33 is present in a variety of brain regions. We found a strong staining in the ependymal lining of all cerebral ventricles and the central canal of the spinal cord as well as in hypothalamic tanycytes. Stk33 immunoreactivity was also found in circumventricular organs such as the area postrema, subfornical organ and pituitary and pineal glands. Double-immunostaining experiments with antibodies against Stk33 and vimentin showed a striking colocalization of Stk33 and vimentin. As shown previously, Stk33 phosphorylates recombinant vimentin in vitro. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments and co-sedimentation assays indicate that Stk33 and vimentin are associated in vivo and that this association does not depend on further interacting partners (Brauksiepe et al. in BMC Biochem 9:25, 2008). This indicates that Stk33 is involved in the dynamics of vimentin polymerization/depolymerization. Since in tanycytes the vimentin expression is regulated by the photoperiod (Kameda et al. in Cell Tissue Res 314:251–262, 2003), we determine whether this also holds true for Stk33. We study hypothalamic sections from adult Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) held under either long photoperiods (L:D 16:8 h) or short photoperiods (L:D 8:16 h) for 2 months. In addition, we examine whether age-dependent changes in Stk33 protein content exist. Our results show that Stk33 in tanycytes is regulated by the photoperiod as is the case for vimentin. Stk33 may participate in photoperiodic regulation of the endocrine system.  相似文献   

We have isolated a novel serine/threonine kinase gene designated Gek1 from mouse primordial germ cell-derived embryonic germ cell. Gek1 is preferentially expressed in meiotic testicular germ cells and primordial germ cells. Gek1 mRNA is also detected in several other tissues, including hematopoietic organs in adult mice and central nervous system in embryos. The Gek1 cDNA encodes a protein with the consensus sequence of the catalytic domain of protein kinases in its N-terminal region. The deduced amino acid sequence of Gek1 in the kinase domain is related to those encoded by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae STE20, CDC15, and Drosophila melanogaster ninaC. The patterns of expression and the structural features of Gek1 suggest that the gene product is involved in signal transduction or nuclear division of germ cells and other proliferating cells. We also show that Gek1 locates on chromosome 11, near the wr locus, showing neuronal and reproductive defects. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tuning of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) receptor function via phosphorylation of the receptor potentially allows neurons to modulate their inhibitory input. Several kinases, both of the serine-threonine kinase and the tyrosine kinase families, have been proposed as candidates for such a modulatory role in vivo. However, no GABA(A) receptor-phosphorylating kinase physically associated with the receptor has been identified so far on a molecular level. In this study, we demonstrate a GABA(A) receptor-associated protein serine kinase phosphorylating specifically beta3-subunits of native GABA(A) receptors. The characteristics of this novel kinase clearly distinguish it from enzymatic activities that have been shown so far to phosphorylate the GABA(A) receptor. We putatively identify this protein kinase as the previously described GTAP34 (GABA(A) receptor-tubulin complex-associated protein of molecular mass 34 kDa). Using expressed recombinant fusion proteins, we identify serine 408 as a major target of the phosphorylation reaction, whereas serine 407 is not phosphorylated. This demonstrates the high specificity of the kinase. Phosphorylation of serine 408 is known to result in a decreased receptor function. The direct association of this kinase with the receptor indicates an important physiological role.  相似文献   

Platelets, which play a central role in thrombosis and hemostasis, develop from megakaryocytes. Signal transduction originated from the megakaryocyte growth and development factor, the Mpl ligand, which leads to megakaryocyte differentiation, polyploidization, and maturation, has been gradually characterized. In this study, we report the inducibility of Mst1, a recently described serine/threonine kinase, by Mpl ligand and the effect of its induced expression on megakaryocyte differentiation. The steady-state level of mst1 message and Mst1-associated kinase activity increased in response to Mpl ligand. Ectopic expression of human mst1 in a mouse megakaryocytic cell line resulted in a drastic increase in DNA content per cell. Elevated expression of megakaryocyte differentiation markers, such as acetylcholine esterase, PF4, and GPIIb was also observed in hmst1-expressing cells. Activation of p38 MAPK, a known downstream effector of Mst1, was shown to be required for polyploidization, but not for enhanced expression of differentiation markers. Our study thus designates Mst1 as a Mpl ligand-responsive signaling molecule that promotes induction of lineage-specific cellular programming.  相似文献   

Platelets, which play a central role in thrombosis and hemostasis, develop from megakaryocytes. Signal transduction originated from the megakaryocyte growth and development factor, the Mpl ligand, which leads to megakaryocyte differentiation, polyploidization, and maturation, has been gradually characterized. In this study, we report the inducibility of Mst1, a recently described serine/threonine kinase, by Mpl ligand and the effect of its induced expression on megakaryocyte differentiation. The steady‐state level of mst1 message and Mst1‐associated kinase activity increased in response to Mpl ligand. Ectopic expression of human mst1 in a mouse megakaryocytic cell line resulted in a drastic increase in DNA content per cell. Elevated expression of megakaryocyte differentiation markers, such as acetylcholine esterase, PF4, and GPIIb was also observed in hmst1‐expressing cells. Activation of p38 MAPK, a known downstream effector of Mst1, was shown to be required for polyploidization, but not for enhanced expression of differentiation markers. Our study thus designates Mst1 as a Mpl ligand‐responsive signaling molecule that promotes induction of lineage‐specific cellular programming. J. Cell. Biochem. 76:44–60, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The microdomain localization of the GABA(A) receptor in rat cerebellar granule cells was studied by subcellular fractionation and fluorescence- and immunogold electron microscopy. The receptor resided in lipid rafts, prepared at 37 degrees C by extraction with the nonionic detergent Brij 98, but the raft fraction, defined by the marker ganglioside GM(1) in the floating fractions following density gradient centrifugation, was heterogeneous in density and protein composition. Thus, another major raft-associated membrane protein, the Na(+), K(+)-ATPase, was found in discrete rafts of lower density, reflecting clustering of the two proteins in separate membrane microdomains. Both proteins were observed in patchy "hot spots" at the cell surface as well as in isolated lipid rafts. Their insolubility in Brij 98 was only marginally affected by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin. In contrast, both the GABA(A) receptor and Na(+), K(+)-ATPase were largely soluble in ice cold Triton X-100. This indicates that Brij 98 extraction defines an unusual type of cholesterol-independent lipid rafts that harbour membrane proteins also associated with underlying scaffolding/cytoskeletal proteins such as gephyrin (GABA(A) receptor) and ankyrin G (Na(+), K(+)-ATPase). By providing an ordered membrane microenvironment, lipid rafts may contribute to the clustering of the GABA(A) receptor and the Na(+), K(+)-ATPase at distinct functional locations on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation is involved in many biological activities and plays important roles in cell cycle progression. In the present study, we identified a serine/threonine kinase, hAIK, from human hepatic cells using degenerated polymerase chain reactions with a pair of primers derived from the highly conserved sequence in the catalytic domain of kinases. The full-length hAIK cDNA was then obtained, which contained 403 amino acids and was homologous to Drosophila Aurora2 and yeast Ipl1 proteins. Northern blotting analysis revealed that hAIK was highly expressed in the testis but not in other tissues. Expressions of hAIK drastically increased in cancer tissues/cell lines but not in fibroblasts or nontumorigenic cell lines. The recombinant hAIK protein phosphorylated itself and histone H1; this phosphorylation activity was totally abolished after a point mutation at the catalytic domain (hAIKm). During the interphase cell, hAIK was found mainly in the cytoplasm; during mitosis hAIK accumulated at the centrosomes. In addition, overexpression of hAIK in cancer cell lines (HEK293T and HeLa) appeared to inhibit cell cycle progression. None of these phenomena were observed in hAIKm whose kinase activity was rendered inactive. Our results suggest that hAIK protein/activity might modulate cell cycle progression by interacting with the centrosomes and/or proteins associated with these structures.  相似文献   

During neuronal development, GABAA-mediated responses are depolarizing and induce an increase in the intracellular calcium concentration. Since calcium oscillations can modulate neurite outgrowth, we explored the capability of GABA to induce changes in cerebellar granule cell morphology. We find that treatment with GABA (1-1000 microm) induces an increase in the intracellular calcium concentration through the activation of GABA(A) receptors and voltage-gated calcium channels of the L-subtype. Perforated patch-clamp recordings reveal that this depolarizing response is due to a chloride reversal potential close to - 35 mV. When cells are grown in depolarizing potassium chloride concentrations, a shift in reversal potential (Erev) for GABA is observed, and only 20% of the cells are depolarized by the neurotransmitter at day 5 in vitro. On the contrary, cells grown under resting conditions are depolarized after GABA application even at day 8. GABA increases the complexity of the dendritic arbors of cerebellar granule neurons via a calcium-dependent mechanism triggered by voltage-gated calcium channel activation. Specific blockers of calcium-calmodulin kinase II and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (KN93 and PD098059) implicate these kinases in the intracellular pathways involved in the neuritogenic effect of GABA. These data demonstrate that GABA exerts a stimulatory role on cerebellar granule cell neuritogenesis through calcium influx and activation of calcium-dependent kinases.  相似文献   

Using PCR technology, we have cloned parts of three developmentally regulated putative serine/threonine kinases from Dictyostelium. All show significant homology to members of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A/protein kinase C subfamilies. A genomic clone encoding one of these, DdPK3, has been isolated and sequenced. The open reading frame encodes a protein of 648 amino acids with the conserved kinase domain in the C-terminal half. The protein encoded by this gene is unusual in that it contains long homopolymer runs in the N-terminal half of the protein, including a long run of 88 amino acids in which 73 are glutamine residues. To examine the function of DdPK3, a gene disruption was created via homologous recombination. Ddpk3- cells do not aggregate by themselves but will co-aggregate with wild-type cells. However, after aggregation these cells are 'sloughed off' and do not proceed further through development, but are found as a discrete mass alongside the fruiting body formed by the wild-type cells. Analysis of signal transduction pathways indicates that cAMP pulse-induced expression of aggregation stage-specific genes is normal in Ddpk3- cells, as is induction of the prestalk gene Ddras in single cell assays. However, cAMP induction of the late promoters of cAMP receptor cAR1 and of two prespore-specific genes is absent under similar conditions. These cells show normal activation of adenylate cyclase and normal phosphorylation of the G alpha protein G alpha 2 in response to cAMP. The possible role of DdPK3 in Dictyostelium development is discussed.  相似文献   

A mutant of Ustilago maydis (VR43) with single-gene resistance to the dicarboximide fungicide vinclozolin was previously isolated and characterized. A genomic library was constructed, and an 8.7-kb resistance-conferring fragment was isolated by sib selection. Sequencing this fragment, we identified an 1,218-bp open reading frame, which, if disrupted by deletion, no longer confers resistance. Analyses of the data in GenBank demonstrated a high degree of homology between the product of the 1,218-bp open reading frame, referred to as the adr-1 gene, and Ser (Thr) protein kinases.  相似文献   

The biological functions of prion protein (PrPC) and its possible interaction with other specific molecular membrane partners remain largely unknown. The aim of this study is to gain information on the molecular environment of PrPC by analyzing the lipid and protein composition of a PrPC-enriched membrane subfraction, called prion domain, PrD . This domain was obtained by immunoprecipitation of detergent-resistant microdomains (DRM) of rat cerebellar granule cells under conditions designed to preserve lipid-mediated membrane organization. The electrophoretic pattern of PrD , after staining with Coomassie blue, showed the enrichment of some protein bands in comparison with DRM. μLiquid cromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (μLC-ESI-MS)/MS analysis showed that Thy-1 and different types of myosin were strongly enriched in PrD and, in a lesser extent, also OBCAM, LSAMP and tubulin, present altogether in a single band. Experiments using the chemical cross-linker BS3 suggested the existence of an interaction between PrPC and neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM). Concerning lipids, the comparison between PrD and DRM showed a similar phospholipid/sphingolipid ratio, a phospholipid/cholesterol ratio doubled, and a strong decrease of plasmenilethanolamine (19.7 ± 3.5% vs. 38.3 ± 1.2%). In conclusion, the peculiar lipid composition and in particular the presence of proteins involved in synaptic plasticity, cell adhesion, cytoskeleton regulation and signalling, suggest an important physiological role in neurons of Prion Domain.  相似文献   

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