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In proteomics multi-dimensional fractionation techniques are widely used to reduce the complexity of peptide mixtures subjected to mass spectrometric analysis. Here, we describe the sequential use of strong cation exchange and reversed phase liquid chromatography in the separation of peptides generated by a relatively little explored metallo-endopeptidase with Lys-N cleavage specificity. When such proteolytic peptides are subjected to low-pH strong cation exchange we obtain fractionation profiles in which peptides from different functional categories are well separated. The four categories we distinguish and are able to separate to near completion are (I) acetylated N-terminal peptides; (II) singly phosphorylated peptides containing a single basic (Lys) residue; (III) peptides containing a single basic (Lys) residue; and (IV) peptides containing more than one basic residue. Analyzing these peptides by LC-MS/MS using an ion trap with both collision as well as electron transfer-induced dissociation provides unique optimal targeted strategies for proteome analysis. The acetylated peptides in category I can be identified confidently by both CID and ETcaD, whereby the ETcaD spectra are dominated by sequence informative Z-ion series. For the phosphorylated peptides in category II and the "normal" single Lys containing peptides in category III ETcaD provides unique straightforward sequence ladders of c'-ions, from which the exact location of possible phosphorylation sites can be easily determined. The later fractions, category IV, require analysis by both ETcaD and CID, where it is shown that electron transfer dissociation performs relatively well for these multiple basic residues containing peptides, as is expected. We argue that the well resolved separation of functional categories of peptides observed is characteristic for Lys-N-generated peptides. Overall, the combination of Lys-N proteolysis, low-pH strong cation exchange, and reversed phase separation, with CID and ETD induced fragmentation, adds a new very powerful method to the toolbox of proteomic analyses.  相似文献   

The iTRAQ technique is popular for the comparative analysis of proteins in different complex samples. To increase the dynamic range and sensitivity of peptide identification in shotgun proteomics, SCX chromatography is generally used for the fractionation of iTRAQ-labeled peptides before LC-MS/MS analysis. However, SCX suffers from clustering of similarly charged peptides and the need to desalt fractions. In this report, SCX is compared with the alternative ERLIC method for fractionating iTRAQ-labeled peptides. The simultaneous effect of electrostatic repulsion and hydrophilic interaction in ERLIC results in peptide elution in order of decreasing pI and GRAVY values (increasing polarity). Volatile solvents can be used. We applied ERLIC to iTRAQ-labeled peptides from rat liver tissue, and 2745 proteins and 30,016 unique peptides were identified with high confidence from three technical replicates. This was 12.9 and 49.4% higher, respectively, than was obtained using SCX. In addition, ERLIC is appreciably better at the identification of highly hydrophobic peptides. The results indicate that ERLIC is a more convenient and more effective alternative to SCX for the fractionation of iTRAQ-labeled peptides. Quantification data show that both SCX and ERLIC fractionation have no significant effect on protein quantification by iTRAQ.  相似文献   

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Starting in 1991, the advance of Tyr-recombinases Flp and Cre enabled superior strategies for the predictable insertion of transgenes into compatible target sites of mammalian cells. Early approaches suffered from the reversibility of integration routes and the fact that co-introduction of prokaryotic vector parts triggered uncontrolled heterochromatization. Shortcomings of this kind were overcome when Flp-Recombinase Mediated Cassette Exchange entered the field in 1994. RMCE enables enhanced tag-and-exchange strategies by precisely replacing a genomic target cassette by a compatible donor construct. After “gene swapping” the donor cassette is safely locked in, but can nevertheless be re-mobilized in case other compatible donor cassettes are provided (“serial RMCE”). These features considerably expand the options for systematic, stepwise genome modifications. The first decade was dominated by the systematic generation of cell lines for biotechnological purposes. Based on the reproducible expression capacity of the resulting strains, a comprehensive toolbox emerged to serve a multitude of purposes, which constitute the first part of this review. The concept per se did not, however, provide access to high-producer strains able to outcompete industrial multiple-copy cell lines. This fact gave rise to systematic improvements, among these certain accumulative site-specific integration pathways. The exceptional value of RMCE emerged after its entry into the stem cell field, where it started to contribute to the generation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS-) cells and their subsequent differentiation yielding a variety of cell types for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. This topic firmly relies on the strategies developed in the first decade and can be seen as the major ambition of the present article. In this context an unanticipated, potent property of serial Flp-RMCE setups concerns the potential to re-open loci that have served to establish the iPS status before the site underwent the obligatory silencing process. Other relevant options relate to the introduction of composite Flp-recognition target sites (“heterospecific FRT-doublets”), into the LTRs of lentiviral vectors. These “twin sites” enhance the safety of iPS re-programming and -differentiation as they enable the subsequent quantitative excision of a transgene, leaving behind a single “FRT-twin”. Such a strategy combines the established expression potential of the common retro- and lentiviral systems with options to terminate the process at will. The remaining genomic tag serves to identify and characterize the insertion site with the goal to identify genomic “safe harbors” (GOIs) for re-use. This is enabled by the capacity of “FRT-twins” to accommodate any incoming RMCE-donor cassette with a compatible design.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the secondary structure has been carried out on the polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP) from Phaseolus vulgaris, a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) protein present in the cell wall of many plants. Far-UV CD and infrared spectroscopies coupled to constrained secondary structure prediction methods indicated the presence of 12 alpha- and 12 beta-segments, thus allowing a schematic representation of three domains of the protein, namely, the central LRR region and the two cysteine-rich flanking domains. Peptides from endoproteinase-degraded PGIP were analyzed by mass spectrometry, and four disulfide bonds were identified. Mass spectrometric analysis in combination with glycosidase treatments revealed two N-linked oligosaccharides located on Asn 64 and Asn 141. The main structure resembled the typical complex plant N-glycan consisting of a core pentasaccharide beta1,2-xylosylated, carrying an alpha1,3-fucose linked to the innermost N-acetylglucosamine and one outer arm N-acetylglucosamine residue. The schematic representation of PGIP structural domains is discussed in the framework of the structure and function of LRR proteins.  相似文献   

Yansheng Liu 《Proteomics》2022,22(4):2100316
Protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) generate an enormous, but as yet undetermined, expansion of the produced proteoforms. In this Viewpoint, we firstly reviewed the concepts of proteoform and peptidoform. We show that many of the current PTM biological investigation and annotation studies largely follow a PTM site-specific rather than proteoform-specific approach. We further illustrate a potentially useful matching strategy in which a particular “modified peptidoform” is matched to the corresponding “unmodified peptidoform” as a reference for the quantitative analysis between samples and conditions. We suggest this strategy has the potential to provide more directly relevant information to learn the PTM site-specific biological functions. Accordingly, we advocate for the wider use of the nomenclature “peptidoform” in future bottom-up proteomic studies.  相似文献   

We have identified several protein biomarkers of three Campylobacter jejuni strains (RM1221, RM1859, and RM3782) by proteomic techniques. The protein biomarkers identified are prominently observed in the time-of-flight mass spectra (TOF MS) of bacterial cell lysate supernatants ionized by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI). The protein biomarkers identified were: DNA-binding protein HU, translation initiation factor IF-1, cytochrome c553, a transthyretin-like periplasmic protein, chaperonin GroES, thioredoxin Trx, and ribosomal proteins: L7/L12 (50S), L24 (50S), S16 (30S), L29 (50S), and S15 (30S), and conserved proteins similar to strain NCTC 11168 proteins Cj1164 and Cj1225. The protein biomarkers identified appear to represent high copy, intact proteins. The significant findings are as follows: (1) Biomarker mass shifts between these strains were due to amino acid substitutions of the primary polypeptide sequence and not due to changes in post-translational modifications (PTMs). (2) If present, a PTM of a protein biomarker appeared consistently for all three strains, which supported that the biomarker mass shifts observed between strains were not due to PTM variability. (3) The PTMs observed included N-terminal methionine (N-Met) cleavage as well as a number of other PTMs. (4) It was discovered that protein biomarkers of C. jejuni (as well as other thermophilic Campylobacters) appear to violate the N-Met cleavage rule of bacterial proteins, which predicts N-Met cleavage if the penultimate residue is threonine. Two protein biomarkers (HU and 30S ribosomal protein S16) that have a penultimate threonine residue do not show N-Met cleavage. In all other cases, the rule correctly predicted N-Met cleavage among the biomarkers analyzed. This exception to the N-Met cleavage rule has implications for the development of bioinformatics algorithms for protein/pathogen identification. (5) There were fewer biomarker mass shifts between strains RM1221 and RM1859 compared to strain RM3782. As the mass shifts were due to the frequency of amino acid substitutions (and thus underlying genetic variations), this suggested that strains RM1221 and RM1859 were phylogenetically closer to one another than to strain RM3782 (in addition, a protein biomarker prominent in the spectra of RM1221 and RM1859 was absent from the RM3782 spectrum due to a nonsense mutation in the gene of the biomarker). These observations were confirmed by a nitrate reduction test, which showed that RM1221 and RM1859 were C. jejuni subsp. jejuni whereas RM3782 was C. jejuni subsp. doylei. This result suggests that detection/identification of protein biomarkers by pattern recognition and/or bioinformatics algorithms may easily subspeciate bacterial microorganisms. (6) Finally, the number and variation of PTMs detected in this relatively small number of protein biomarkers suggest that bioinformatics algorithms for pathogen identification may need to incorporate many more possible PTMs than suggested previously in the literature.  相似文献   



Most biological processes are influenced by protein post-translational modifications (PTMs). Identifying novel PTM sites in different organisms, including humans and model organisms, has expedited our understanding of key signal transduction mechanisms. However, with increasing availability of deep, quantitative datasets in diverse species, there is a growing need for tools to facilitate cross-species comparison of PTM data. This is particularly important because functionally important modification sites are more likely to be evolutionarily conserved; yet cross-species comparison of PTMs is difficult since they often lie in structurally disordered protein domains. Current tools that address this can only map known PTMs between species based on known orthologous phosphosites, and do not enable the cross-species mapping of newly identified modification sites. Here, we addressed this by developing a web-based software tool, PhosphOrtholog (www.phosphortholog.com) that accurately maps protein modification sites between different species. This facilitates the comparison of datasets derived from multiple species, and should be a valuable tool for the proteomics community.


Here we describe PhosphOrtholog, a web-based application for mapping known and novel orthologous PTM sites from experimental data obtained from different species. PhosphOrtholog is the only generic and automated tool that enables cross-species comparison of large-scale PTM datasets without relying on existing PTM databases. This is achieved through pairwise sequence alignment of orthologous protein residues. To demonstrate its utility we apply it to two sets of human and rat muscle phosphoproteomes generated following insulin and exercise stimulation, respectively, and one publicly available mouse phosphoproteome following cellular stress revealing high mapping and coverage efficiency. Although coverage statistics are dataset dependent, PhosphOrtholog increased the number of cross-species mapped sites in all our example data sets by more than double when compared to those recovered using existing resources such as PhosphoSitePlus.


PhosphOrtholog is the first tool that enables mapping of thousands of novel and known protein phosphorylation sites across species, accessible through an easy-to-use web interface. Identification of conserved PTMs across species from large-scale experimental data increases our knowledgebase of functional PTM sites. Moreover, PhosphOrtholog is generic being applicable to other PTM datasets such as acetylation, ubiquitination and methylation.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1820-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Jens Allmer 《Amino acids》2012,42(1):129-138
Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics, by itself, is a vast and complex area encompassing various mass spectrometers, different spectra, and search result representations. When the aim is quantitation performed in different scanning modes at different MS levels, matters become additionally complex. Quantitation of post-translational modifications (PTM) represents the greatest challenge among these endeavors. Many different approaches to quantitation have been described and some of these can be directly applied to the quantitation of PTMs. The amount of data produced via MS, however, makes manual data interpretation impractical. Therefore, specialized software tools meet this challenge. Any software currently able to quantitate differentially labeled samples may theoretically be adapted to quantitate differential PTM expression among samples as well. Due to the heterogeneity of mass spectrometry-based proteomics; this review will focus on quantitation of PTM using liquid chromatography followed by one or more stages of mass spectrometry. Currently available free software, which either allow analysis of PTM or are easily adaptable for this purpose, is briefly reviewed in this paper. Selected studies, especially those related to phosphoproteomics, shall be used to highlight the current ability to quantitate PTMs.  相似文献   

In large-scale phosphoproteomics studies, fractionation by strong cation exchange (SCX) or electrostatic repulsion-hydrophilic interaction chromatography (ERLIC) is commonly used to reduce sample complexity, fractionate phosphopeptides from their unmodified counterparts, and increase the dynamic range for phosphopeptide identification. However, these procedures do not succeed to separate, both singly and multiply phosphorylated peptides due to their inverse physicochemical characteristics. Hence, depending on the chosen method only one of the two peptide classes can be efficiently separated. Here, we present a novel strategy based on the combinatorial separation of singly and multiply phosphorylated peptides by SCX and ERLIC for in-depth phosphoproteome analysis. In SCX, mostly singly phosphorylated peptides are retained and fractionated while not-retained multiply phosphorylated peptides are fractionated in a subsequent ERLIC approach (SCX-ERLIC). In ERLIC, multiply phosphorylated peptides are fractionated, while not-retained singly phosphorylated peptides are separated by SCX (ERLIC-SCX). Compared to single step fractionations by SCX, the combinatorial strategies, SCX-ERLIC and ERLIC-SCX, yield up to 48% more phosphopeptide identifications as well as a strong increase in the number of detected multiphosphorylated peptides. Phosphopeptides identified in two subsequent, complementary fractionations had little overlap (5%) indicating that ERLIC and SCX are orthogonal methods ideally suited for in-depth phosphoproteome studies.  相似文献   

Protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) play a crucial role in all cellular functions by regulating protein activity, interactions and half-life. Despite the enormous diversity of modifications, various PTM systems show parallels in their chemical and catalytic underpinnings. Here, focussing on modifications that involve the addition of new elements to amino-acid sidechains, I describe historical milestones and fundamental concepts that support the current understanding of PTMs. The historical survey covers selected key research programmes, including the study of protein phosphorylation as a regulatory switch, protein ubiquitylation as a degradation signal and histone modifications as a functional code. The contribution of crucial techniques for studying PTMs is also discussed. The central part of the essay explores shared chemical principles and catalytic strategies observed across diverse PTM systems, together with mechanisms of substrate selection, the reversibility of PTMs by erasers and the recognition of PTMs by reader domains. Similarities in the basic chemical mechanism are highlighted and their implications are discussed. The final part is dedicated to the evolutionary trajectories of PTM systems, beginning with their possible emergence in the context of rivalry in the prokaryotic world. Together, the essay provides a unified perspective on the diverse world of major protein modifications.  相似文献   

Evidence and arguments are summarized that suggest that intrinsic (tryptophan) protein fluorescence provides an excellent and convenient signal for monitoring both GEF (guanine nucleotide exchange factor) and GAP (GTPase activating protein) activity of a large number of small GTPases. In addition, post-translational modifications of Rab proteins occurring in a region known to be a hot spot for such modifications also lead to fluorescence changes that can be accurately monitored in a time-dependent manner. It is suggested that intrinsic fluorescence should be the first method chosen for monitoring such reactions of tryptophan-containing small GTPases.  相似文献   

Cytokeratins 8 and 18 have recently been identified as acetylated. The acetylation of other cytoskeletal proteins has been reported as linked to stabilility. As colorectal cells exist bathed in pharmacologically active levels of the HDACi butyrate, we sought to apply state-of-the-art High Content Analytical approaches to identify the effect of butyrate upon the cytoskeleton of colorectal cells. We observed butyrate caused an increase in acetylation at three distinct residues of cytokeratin 8 (K10, K471, and K482) and that the kinetics of altered acetylation were distinct, implying either separate HDACs, or a heirachy of acetylation. This change in acetylation was associated with a breakdown in the cytokeratin cytoskeleton, implying a functional role for cytokeratin acetylation.  相似文献   

Post-translational modification (PTM) of a protein is an important event in regulating cellular functions. An algorithm, MAPRes, has been developed for mining associations among PTM sites and the preferred amino acids in their vicinity. The algorithm has been implemented to O-glycosylation and O-phosphorylation data (phosphorylated/glycosylated Ser/Thr/Tyr). The association patterns mined by MAPRes demonstrate significant correlations and the results are in conformity with the existing methods. These association rules/patterns will be helpful in predicting the sequences/motifs involved for specific PTMs in proteins.  相似文献   

The proteome of any system is a dynamic entity dependent on the intracellular concentration of the entire set of expressed proteins. In turn, this whole protein concentration will be reliant on the stability/turnover of each protein as dictated by their relative rates of synthesis and degradation. In this study, we have investigated the dynamics of the stromal proteome in the model organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by characterizing the half-life of the whole set of proteins. 2-DE stromal proteins profiling was set up and coupled with MS analyses. These identifications featuring an average of 26% sequence coverage and eight non-redundant peptides per protein have been obtained for 600 independent samples related to 253 distinct spots. An interactive map of the global stromal proteome, of 274 distinct protein variants is now available on-line at http://www.isv.cnrs-gif.fr/gel2dv2/. N-α-terminal-Acetylation (NTA) was noticed to be the most frequently detectable post-translational modification, and new experimental data related to the chloroplastic transit peptide cleavage site was obtained. Using this data set supplemented with series of pulse-chase experiments, elements directing the relationship between half-life and N-termini were analyzed. Positive correlation between NTA and protein half-life suggests that NTA could contribute to protein stabilization in the stroma.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP) represents a candidate autoantigen in multiple sclerosis (MS). We isolated MBP from normal and MS human white matter and purified six components (charge isomers) to compare the post-translational modifications on each. The sites and extent of methylation, deimination, and phosphorylation were documented for all tryptic peptides by mass spectrometry. We found that mono and dimethylated arginine 107 was increased in MS samples; deimination of arginine occurred at a number of sites and was elevated in MS; phosphorylation was observed in 10 peptides in normal samples but was greatly reduced or absent in most peptides from MS samples. Data obtained with MBP isolated from fresh brain obtained from a spontaneously demyelinating mouse model supported the view that the changes observed in human brain were probably related to pathogenesis of demyelination, i.e. we found decreased phosphorylation and decreased amounts of glycogen synthesis kinase in brain homogenates using specific antibodies. This study represents the first to define post-translational modifications in demyelinating disease and suggest an important role in pathogenesis.  相似文献   



Tau is a microtubule-binding protein, which is subject to various post-translational modifications (PTMs) including phosphorylation, methylation, acetylation, glycosylation, nitration, sumoylation and truncation. Aberrant PTMs such as hyperphosphorylation result in tau aggregation and the formation of neurofibrillary tangles, which are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In order to study the importance of PTMs on tau function, antibodies raised against specific modification sites are widely used. However, quality control of these antibodies is lacking and their specificity for particular modifications is often unclear.


In this study, we first designed an online tool called ‘TauPTM’, which enables the visualization of PTMs and their interactions on human tau. Using TauPTM, we next searched for commercially available antibodies against tau PTMs and characterized their specificity by peptide array, immunoblotting, electrochemiluminescence ELISA and immunofluorescence technologies.


We demonstrate that commercially available antibodies can show a significant lack of specificity, and PTM-specific antibodies in particular often recognize non-modified versions of the protein. In addition, detection may be hindered by other PTMs in close vicinity, complicating the interpretation of results. Finally, we compiled a panel of specific antibodies and show that they are useful to detect PTM-modified endogenous tau in hiPSC-derived neurons and mouse brains.


This study has created a platform to reliably and robustly detect changes in localization and abundance of post-translationally modified tau in health and disease. A web-based version of TauPTM is fully available at http://www.tauptm.org.

The newly sequenced genome of Streptomyces coelicolor is estimated to encode 7825 theoretical proteins. We have mapped approximately 10% of the theoretical proteome experimentally using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. Products from 770 different genes were identified, and the types of proteins represented are discussed in terms of their annotated functional classes. An average of 1.2 proteins per gene was observed, indicating extensive post-translational regulation. Examples of modification by N-acetylation, adenylylation and proteolytic processing were characterized using mass spectrometry. Proteins from both primary and certain secondary metabolic pathways are strongly represented on the map, and a number of these enzymes were identified at more than one two-dimensional gel location. Post-translational modification mechanisms may therefore play a significant role in the regulation of these pathways. Unexpectedly, one of the enzymes for synthesis of the actinorhodin polyketide antibiotic appears to be located outside the cytoplasmic compartment, within the cell wall matrix. Of 20 gene clusters encoding enzymes characteristic of secondary metabolism, eight are represented on the proteome map, including three that specify the production of novel metabolites. This information will be valuable in the characterization of the new metabolites.  相似文献   

While phosphorylation and O-GlcNAc (cytoplasmic and nuclear glycosylation) are linked to normal and pathological changes in cell states, these post-translational modifications have been difficult to analyze in proteomic studies. We describe advances in beta-elimination / Michael addition-based approaches which allow for mass spectrometry-based identification and comparative quantification of O-phosphate or O-GlcNAc-modified peptides, as well as cysteine-containing peptides for expression analysis. The method (BEMAD) involves differential isotopic labeling through Michael addition with normal dithiothreitol (DTT) (d0) or deuterated DTT (d6), and enrichment of these peptides by thiol chromatography. BEMAD was comparable to isotope-coded affinity tags (ICAT; a commercially available differential isotopic quantification technique) in protein expression analysis, but also provided the identity and relative amounts of both O-phosphorylation and O-GlcNAc modification sites. Specificity of O-phosphate vs. O-GlcNAc mapping is achieved through coupling enzymatic dephosphorylation or O-GlcNAc hydrolysis with differential isotopic labeling. Blocking of cysteine labeling by prior oxidation of a cytosolic lysate from mouse brain allowed specific targeting of serine / threonine post-translational modifications as demonstrated through identification of 21 phosphorylation sites (5 previously reported) in a single mass spectrometry analysis. These results demonstate BEMAD is suitable for large-scale quantitative analysis of both protein expression and serine / threonine post-translational modifications.  相似文献   

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