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In view of reports that human breast cancer cells secrete growth factors that can replace estradiol in sustaining tumor growth [1], we have investigated whether hormone independent (HI) GR mouse mammary tumors can sustain growth of estrogen-depleted hormone dependent (HD) tumors. HD GR mammary tumor TSl 106 was grafted subcutaneously in the right flank of estrone plus progesterone treated castrated (020 X GR)F1 mice. After 2 weeks the estrone treatment was stopped and the mice received 50, 100 or 150 mg HI GR mammary tumor TSl 104 in the left flank. However, the regression of the HD tumor due to estrone depletion was not prevented or retarded by the HI grafts. In other experiments we investigated integrations of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) proviral DNA in the DNA of GR mammary tumors. We could demonstrate the presence of two cell populations in tumor TSl 96, both HD but differing in MMTV DNA integration events. Our data indicate that exogenous integrations of MMTV proviruses can take place in mouse mammary tumor DNA without loss of hormone dependency of the tumors. Like in GR/Mtv-2+ mice, mammary tumor transplants differing in MMTV proviral integrations are also observed in 020/Mtv-2+ mice.  相似文献   

We have generated temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants for steroid-regulated anchorage-independent cell growth. Androgen-responsive S115+A mouse mammary tumor cells were mutagenized with ethyl methane sulfonate and the variants which were growth-arrested in suspension at the nonpermissive temperature of 41 degrees C were selected by killing dividing wild-type cells with the DNA synthesis inhibitors 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine or cytosine arabinoside. Fifteen clones were isolated and characterized for morphology and growth properties. Three (ts21, ts27, ts33) of the phenotypic variants were ts for androgen-maintained anchorage-independent growth, two of them (ts27 and ts33) also for growth in monolayer. Growth arrest at 41 degrees C was not due to a defect in androgen receptor function in any of the mutant cell lines as shown by steroid binding assays and by the androgen-stimulated expression of both endogenous MMTV RNA and the transiently transfected LTR-CAT gene at the nonpermissive temperature. It remains to be determined for clone ts33 whether the defect is in postreceptor events of steroid action or in genes affecting general mechanisms of cell growth. However, since in clones ts21 and ts27 general cell growth remains functional at 41 degrees C under serum stimulation, defects may be in postreceptor steroid-related pathways. It is hoped that these mutants will provide a useful tool for study of steroid regulation of cell growth and in particular of the property of anchorage-independent growth.  相似文献   

Both T and B cells shed infectious mouse mammary tumor virus.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) infected both B and T tissue culture cells and primary B and T cells in vivo after milk-borne transmission of the virus. The infected tissue culture cells processed viral proteins, and both these and primary B and T cells shed virus when cultured in vitro. Moreover, the infected B and T tissue culture cells transmitted virus to uninfected mammary gland cells in vitro. The level of infection of these different cell types in vivo was dependent on the strain of mouse, with C3H/HeN mice showing greater B-cell infection and BALB/c mice greater T-cell infection after nursing on MMTV-infected C3H/HeN mothers. Although their B cells were less infected, BALB/c mice developed tumors more rapidly than C3H/HeN mice. These results indicate that both infected T and B cells are potential carriers of MMTV in vivo.  相似文献   

The androgen-induced proliferation of S115 mouse mammary tumor cells has been suggested to involve autocrinic fibroblast growth factor signaling. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans are required for fibroblast growth factor signaling, presumably due to their ability to alter binding of fibroblast growth factors to their receptors. We have investigated the role of heparan sulfate proteoglycans in the testosterone-induced proliferation of S115 cells. We demonstrate that when the cells are treated with sodium chlorate, which inhibits the sulfation of endogenous heparan sulfate proteoglycans, cell growth becomes dependent on exogenous heparin. The shortest heparin oligosaccharides supporting cell growth were octasaccharides, whereas dodecasaccharides were almost as effective as native heparin. The N-, 2-O-, and 6-O-sulfate groups of heparin were all required for full testosterone response. Treatment of S115 cells with chlorate or testosterone did not alter the expression of fibroblast growth factor receptors 1 or 3, whereas the expression of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 was down-regulated. We have previously shown that overexpression of syndecan-1 heparan sulfate proteoglycan renders S115 cells insensitive to testosterone and now demonstrate that this effect can be overcome by sodium chlorate treatment in combination with exogenous heparin. Our results suggest that heparin-like molecules are intimately involved in the androgen-mediated proliferation of S115 cells.  相似文献   

Proliferation of Shionogi carcinoma 115 cells under various endocrine conditions was determined 11 days after transplantation of the tumor in 100 male DS mice by measuring the incorporation of 5-[125I]-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine ([125I]-IdUrd) into the whole tumor. The [125I]-IdUrd uptake almost disappeared after castration. In castrated-hypophysectomized mice, the [125I]-IdUrd uptake in mice given testosterone was much higher than that in mice given oestradiol-17β, progesterone, cortisol or prolactin, which was almost undetectable. The [125I]-IdUrd uptake into the whole tumor stimulated by testosterone was not increased significantly by the addition of prolactin or other pituitary hormones. These results show that growth of Shionogi carcinoma 115 in vivo is stimulated by androgens but not by oestrogens, progestins, glucocorticoids or prolactin.  相似文献   

Infection of cultured rat hepatoma cells by mouse mammary tumor virus.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
A continuous line of buffalo rat hepatoma (HTC) cells has been successfully infected with mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) produced by the GR mammary tumor cell line. Uniform infection required initial exposure of the HTC cells to greater than 10(5) MMTV particles per cell. The resultant chronically infected cell population was found to have stably acquired 20-30 copies of MMTV DNA. The infected cells contain viral RNA and express viral antigens; however, very few MMTV particles are released into the culture medium. In spite of the biochemical evidence for infection, we have not detected any alterations in the morphology or growth properties of the infected HTC cells. As is the case in mammary tumor cells, the intracellular concentration of viral RNA is strongly stimulated (50-150 fold) by the synthetic glucorcorticoid, dexamethasone. Thus it appears that the mechanisms by which glucorticoids regulate MMTV gene expression in mouse cells are maintained when this virus infects nonmurine cells.  相似文献   

R F Bauer  L O Arthur  D L Fine 《In vitro》1976,12(8):558-563
Five different mouse mammary tumor cell lines were propagated in a serum free medium. Evaluation of growth characteristics, including logarithmic growth, cell population increase, protein production and days to confluency, showed serum-free medium comparable to serum-containing medium. Mouse mammary tumor virus expression and production, in C3H and GR tumor cell lines, as determined by virus particle counting and RNA dependent DNA polymerase assays, subsequent to dexamethasone stimulation revealed equivalent to higher levels of virus in serum-free medium as compared to serum-containing medium.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated previously that the inoculation of murine mammary tumor cells genetically modified to express high levels of secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (2C1) do not develop tumors in immunocompetent mice and these cells are more prone to apoptosis than control cells. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of the adaptive immune response in the lack of tumor growth of 2C1 cells and the possibility of using these cells for immunotherapy. The s.c. administration of mock transfected F3II cells induces tumor in BALB/c and Nude mice. However, the inoculation of 2C1 cells develops tumor in Nude but not in BALB/c mice. The inoculation of mock transfected F3II cells to 2C1 immunized BALB/c mice by repeated administration of 2C1 cells (once a week for 3 weeks) developed significantly smaller tumors than those observed in non-immunized mice. Remarkably, survival of tumor-bearing immunized mice was higher than non-immunized animals. Herein, we demonstrate that an immunotherapy with SLPI over-expressing non-irradiated tumor cells which do not develop tumor in immunocompetent mice, partially restrain the tumor growth induced by F3II cells and increase the survival of the mice.  相似文献   

Summary Tumor and lymphoid cell components from primary mammary adenocarcinomas of C3H/He mice were isolated simultaneously by velocity gradients. Viable tumor cells were obtained in sufficient numbers to test their in vivo and in vitro growth. Isolated tumor cells grew in 97% of inoculated syngeneic animals. In six assays with different tumors the effects of tumor-associated lymphoid cells (TAL) on in vivo tumor growth varied, enhancing in three and delaying in two experiments. Isolated tumor cells from animals with enhancing TAL grew faster in nonirradiated mice, whereas tumor cells from animals with inhibitory TAL grew better in irradiated animals. Isolated tumor cells also proliferated in cell culture, where they averaged 35% primary plating efficiency. Separated tumor cells were used in short-term 51Cr-release assays with TAL, tumor-bearer lymph node and spleen effectors. Cytotoxicity was detected in only five of 25 assays. In no case was there killing by lymphocyte populations from normal animals. In the present report we describe a technique for the isolation of viable tumor and lymphoid cells from murine adenocarcinomas that allows study of interactions between these populations from the original tumor-bearing host.Postdoctoral fellow of the Fogarty International Foundation. Present address: Department of Surgery, Harvard Medical School and Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, MA 02215, USA  相似文献   

Complementary DNA corresponding to the RNA genome of mouse mammary tumor virus was used to identify viral RNA contained in polysomes of a virus-producing mammary tumor cell line. Separation of polysomal mRNA by agarose gel electrophoresis, transfer of the RNA to diazobenzyloxymethyl paper, and hybridization with 32P-labeled mouse mammary tumor virus complementary DNA revealed three viral RNA size classes of 10, 8.8, and 4.4 kilobases in length, respectively.  相似文献   

Thrombomodulin enhances the invasive activity of mouse mammary tumor cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Thrombomodulin (TM) is a thrombin receptor on the surface of endothelial cells that converts thrombin from a procoagulant to an anticoagulant. Thrombin promotes invasion by various tumor cells, and positive or negative correlations are found between the expression of TM and tumorigenesis in some patients. In this study, we used an invasion assay to investigate the effect of TM on the invasive activity of a mouse mammary tumor cell line, MMT cells, and the effects of TM were compared with those of thrombin as a positive control. In the presence of 1% fetal calf serum (FCS), TM significantly stimulated MMT cell invasion in a dose-dependent manner, resulting in an approximately 3-fold increase at 1-10 pg/ml over the untreated control. Thrombin also caused a similar degree of stimulation at 50 ng/ml. Since thrombin activity was detected in the components of the assay system, an invasion assay was also performed in a thrombin-activity-depleted assay system constructed to eliminate the effect of thrombin activity; TM (10 pg/ml) plus thrombin (1 pg/ml) stimulated invasion by approximately 3.5-fold in this assay system. Hirudin, a specific thrombin inhibitor, inhibited stimulation by TM as well as by thrombin in both the presence and absence of 1% FCS. Investigations of the effects of TM on proliferation, adhesion and chemotaxis to clarify the mechanism of stimulation by TM revealed that TM does not affect proliferation or adhesion in the presence of 1% FCS, but stimulates chemotaxis by approximately 2.3-fold. Similar results were obtained in experiments using thrombin. TM (10 pg/ml) plus thrombin (1 pg/ml), on the other hand, stimulated chemotaxis by approximately 2.3-fold in the thrombin-activity-depleted assay system. Binding studies using [125I]-thrombin revealed that the cells have specific saturable binding sites for thrombin. These results show that TM stimulates the invasive activity of MMT cells, probably by acting as a cofactor for the thrombin-stimulated invasion of the cells via its receptor and lowering the effective concentration of thrombin. The findings also indicate that the stimulation of invasive activity in the presence of 1% FCS and in the thrombin-activity-depleted assay system may mainly be mediated by the stimulation of chemotaxis.  相似文献   

The involvement of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MTV) in spontaneous and hormone-induced mammary tumors in low-mammary-tumor mouse strains was studied by comparing the amounts of MTV RNA and MTV DNA sequences in mammary tumors and other tissues of mice with an without hormonal treatments. The following results were obtained. (i) Mammary tumors which appeared in C3H mice as a result of an infection with MTV contained more MTV DNA compared with noninfected organs; these mammary tumors also contained more MTV RNA than was present in lactating mammary gland cells. (ii) Hormonal stimulation by administration of excessive amounts of prolactin via hypophyseal isografts in C3Hf and O20 mice resulted in an increased expression of MTV RNA in the mammary glands. This elevated level of MTV RNA expression was, however, not maintained in the hormone-induced mammary tumors. (iii) Spontaneous mammary tumors in BALB/c mice contained similar levels of MTV DNA and MTV RNA sequences as were found in other cells of these animals.  相似文献   

Until now it was thought that the retrovirus mouse mammary tumor virus preferentially infects B cells, which thereafter proliferate and differentiate due to superantigen-mediated T cell help. We describe in this study that dendritic cells are infectable at levels comparable to B cells in the first days after virus injection. Moreover, IgM knockout mice have chronically deleted superantigen-reactive T cells after MMTV injection, indicating that superantigen presentation by dendritic cells is sufficient for T cell deletion. In both subsets initially only few cells were infected, but there was an exponential increase in numbers of infected B cells due to superantigen-mediated T cell help, explaining that at the peak of the response infection is almost exclusively found in B cells. The level of infection in vivo was below 1 in 1000 dendritic cells or B cells. Infection levels in freshly isolated dendritic cells from spleen, Langerhans cells from skin, or bone marrow-derived dendritic cells were compared in an in vitro infection assay. Immature dendritic cells such as Langerhans cells or bone marrow-derived dendritic cells were infected 10- to 30-fold more efficiently than mature splenic dendritic cells. Bone marrow-derived dendritic cells carrying an endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus superantigen were highly efficient at inducing a superantigen response in vivo. These results highlight the importance of professional APC and efficient T cell priming for the establishment of a persistent infection by mouse mammary tumor virus.  相似文献   

The mouse mammary tumor virus enters mammary epithelial cells via a plasma membrane protein that binds to a viral envelope glycoprotein, gp52. In intact cells, this gp52 receptor can be phosphorylated by activators of protein kinase A and protein kinase C (PKC), but this modification does not occur in response to epidermal growth factor, whose receptor is a tyrosine kinase, or to gp52. Phosphorylation of the gp52 receptor rapidly leads to internalization and gradual loss of binding activity. Both the phosphorylation and the intrnalization induced by PKC are abolished by prior downregulation of this kinase. Although the physiological function of the gp52 receptor is unknown, its binding to gp52 can stimulate several biological activities, including amino acid accumulation. Receptor processingimpairs this gp52-induced amino acid uptake, as well as viral infection, by depleting the binding protein at the cell surface. In contrast, PKC augments insulin-induced amino acid transport, and PKC downregulation abolishes the action of insulin, suggesting that insulin and gp52 utlize partially separate pathways leading to amino acid transport. These data further suggest that PKC may be involved in this insulin-stimulated activity. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The relationship of protein glycosylation to compartmentalization and processing of mouse mammary tumor virus (MTV) glycoproteins has been examined in M1.54, a cloned line of MTV-infected rat hepatoma tissue culture cells. Previous work established that full maturation of MTV glycoproteins in this cell line requires dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid (Firestone, G. L., Payvar, F., and Yamamoto, K. R. (1982) Nature (Lond.) 300, 221-225). The ability to regulate production of the full complement of five mature membrane-associated and secreted viral glycoproteins from one initially synthesized precursor has been used to advantage in the present work. At concentrations of tunicamycin that specifically inhibit N-linked protein glycosylation, incorporation of [35S]methionine into total cellular and secreted protein is not detectably affected, MTV-specific mRNAs are produced normally, and the nonglycosylated form of the glycosylated viral precursor polyprotein accumulates within the cells. However, tunicamycin inhibits the site-specific cleavage of the glycosylated polyprotein and distribution of MTV polypeptides to the cell surface and extracellular fractions. Thus, when tunicamycin-treated cultures of M1.54 are exposed to dexamethasone and [35S]methionine, no labeled viral antigens are detected in the culture medium. Similarly, tunicamycin prevents the appearance of membrane-associated viral antigens that can be labeled externally by lactoperoxidase-mediated iodination and it protects the cells against the cytolytic effects of MTV-specific antiserum and complement. Taken together, these results are consistent with the view that while glycosylation of some proteins may be unessential for their compartmentalization and processing, it does appear to be correlated with proper maturation of others. The hormone-dependent maturation of MTV glycoproteins in M1.54 may be particularly useful for study of this latter class since glycosylation is stringently associated with their compartmentalization and cleavage.  相似文献   

Effect of trypsin on mouse mammary tumor virus.   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Undisrupted mouse mammary tumor virus (MuMTV) derived from the milk of of RIII mice has been analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy after treatment with insolubilized trypsin. No alterations were found in viral fine structure by either freeze-etch or negative-stain electron microscopy. No alterations were found in the ability of trypsinized virus to compete in a radioimmune assay for viral antigens. Infectivity experiments indicate no significant differences in the ability of treated virus to infect C57Bl mice. However, significant differences were observed in polypeptide composition. The intensely periodic acid-Schiff-positive band, gp140, was shown by galactose oxidase-borotritide labeling to be degraded into a fragment of 125,000 molecular weight. The major glycoprotein, gp55, was split into fragments of 36,000 and 23,000 molecular weight, both of which stained with periodic acid-Schiff stain. Gp68 was removed from the virus. Experiments with purified, iodinated gp55 showed that the trypsin-induced fragments of gp55 were immunologically active. We conclude that: (i) certain glycoproteins at the surface of MuMTV are accessible to an insoluble form of trypsin, (ii) the trypsin causes a nick in the polypeptide chain without affecting the configuration of the molecule; (iii) the nicked molecules remain bound to the virus; and (iv) the presence of these nicked molecules does not interfere with the biological or antigenic expression of virus function.  相似文献   

Phenotypic stability of mouse mammary tumor cells cultured on collagen gels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary This study demonstrates that phenotypic characteristics of androgen-responsive (AR) Shionogi mouse mammary tumors and androgen-independent (AI) derivatives can be maintained in culture. Cells were seeded onto collagen gels in medium containing 2% dextran-characoal-treated fetal bovine serum with or without 0.01 μg/ml dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Androgen-responsive tumors grew more rapidly than AI tumors in vivo and consequently, cells from AR tumors cultured in DHT-containing medium grew faster than cells in DHT-deprived medium and cells from AI tumors. Androgen-responsive tumors had a sheetlike growth pattern; AI tumors formed clumps or irregular cords of cells. Cells from AR tumors cultured in the presence of DHT formed confluent pavements, whereas cells maintained in the absence of DHT and cells from AI tumors formed clusters or cords of cells. Ultrastructurally, cells of AR tumors were elongated; cells of AI tumors were smaller and rounder. These cellular morphologies persisted in culture. Tumorigenicity of cells was assayed by injecting cells s.c. into host mice. Tumors arising from cells of freshly dissociated AR tumors and cells of AR tumors cultured in the presence of DHT appeared more rapidly and grew faster in intact males than in castrated males and intact females. Tumors arising from cells cultured in the absence of DHT and from freshly dissociated or cultured cells of AI tumors had identical rates of appearance and growth in all hosts. This culture system permits these cells to retain their state of malignant progression in vitro and should be a useful model for studying the origin of heterogeneity within tumors and its role in tumor behavior. This work was supported by a grant from the National Cancer Institute of Canada. J. T. E. is a Research Scholar of the National Cancer Institute of Canada.  相似文献   

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