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In an examination of the distribution of nesting spaces of two Baikal sculpins, Paracottus kneri and Cottus kessleri , along two transects offshore at Bolshye Koty, a total of 43 P. kneri nests, 32 C. kessleri nests and one Batrachocottus baicalensis nest was found. Males of these species established breeding nests under overhanging stones in the same manner as most freshwater sculpins, but nests of each species were clearly partitioned in separate zones. Cottus kessleri nests were found where the lake floor was mostly covered with overhanging stones. Paracottus kneri nests, however, were found where the lake floor was moderately covered with overhanging stones. Two mixed-species brooding nests with a C. kessleri guarding male were found in an area bounded by the two zones. Each of these nests comprised one P. kneri egg mass and several C. kessleri egg masses, guarded by a C. kessleri male. The nest distribution of these fishes appears to reflect intra- and interspecific competition for overhanging stones as a reproductive resource rather than interspecific difference of nest selection.  相似文献   

Escape theory predicts that prey monitoring an approaching predator delay escape until predation risk outweighs costs of fleeing. However, if a predator is not detected until it is closer than the optimal flight initiation distance (FID = distance between predator and prey when escape begins), escape should begin immediately. Similarly, if a change in a nearby predator’s behavior indicates increased risk, the optimal FID increases, sometimes inducing immediate escape. If a predator that has been standing immobile near a prey suddenly turns toward the prey, greater risk is implied than if the predator turns away. If the immobile predator suddenly moves its foot without turning, it might be launching an attack. Therefore, we predicted that frequency of fleeing and preparation to flee are greater when a predator turns toward than away from prey and that frequency of fleeing when a predator suddenly moves decreases as distance between predator and prey increases. We verified these predictions in the Balearic lizard Podarcis lilfordi in field experiments in which an investigator simulated the predator. Lizards fled and performed alerting responses indicating readiness to flee more frequently when the predator turned toward than away from them, and fled more frequently the nearer the predator.  相似文献   

Abstract. Cues released by predators and injured prey often induce shifts in prey behavior that allow prey to evade predators, but also affect prey resource use. I investigated the effects of chemical and mechanical signals produced by injured snails (Physella gyrina) and predatory crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) on microdistributions of P. gyrina. In an initial experiment, I observed snail responses to the presence of a caged crayfish predator, to injured conspecifics, or to both. There were significant effects of time and the treatment × time interaction on the proportion of snails moving above the water line, with greater proportions of snails above the water line at night than during the day and with weak snail crawl‐out behavior being elicited by caged crayfish at night, but not during the day. In a second experiment, I examined snail microdistributions when exposed to crayfish confined to a small cage within each aquarium, crayfish confined to half of each aquarium, and crayfish ranging freely throughout each aquarium. Snails responded most strongly to free‐ranging crayfish by moving above the water line, but also demonstrated significant, but reduced, crawl‐out responses to crayfish confined to half of each aquarium; however, snails did not respond behaviorally to crayfish confined to small cages. In both experiments, there were marginally significant effects of unfed caged crayfish on the proportions of snail populations hiding under benthic shelters, with this response being the strongest at the start of the experiments but weak overall (with only 4–5% of P. gyrina responding in each experiment). These results indicate that cues (e.g., chemical or mechanical) produced by predators altered prey microdistributions, but that the exact prey responses (e.g., moving above the water line or into horizontal or benthic refugia) depended on the intensity and nature of cues.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at testing a novel idea, that rather than maximizing their distance from a predator during close-distance encounters, prey species are better off moving directly or diagonally toward the predator in order to increase the relative speed and confine the attack to a single available clashing point. We used two tamed barn owls Tyto alba to measure the rate of attack success in relation to the direction of prey movement. A dead mouse or chick was used to simulate the prey, pulled to various directions by means of a transparent string during the owl's attack. Both owls showed a high success rate in catching stationary compared with moving food items (90% and 21%, respectively). Success was higher when the prey moved directly away, rather than towards the owls (50% and 18%, respectively). Strikingly, these owls had 0% success in catching food items that were pulled sideways. This failure to catch prey that move sideways may reflect constraints in postural head movements in aerial raptors that cannot move the eyes but rather move the entire head in tracking prey. So far there is no evidence that defensive behavior in terrestrial prey species takes advantage of the above escape directions to lower rates of predator success. However, birds seem to adjust their defensive tactics in the vertical domain by taking-off at a steep angle, thus moving diagonally toward the direction of an approaching aerial predator. These preliminary findings warrant further studies in barn owls and other predators, in both field and laboratory settings, to uncover fine predator head movements during hunting, the corresponding defensive behavior of the prey, and the adaptive significance of these behaviors.  相似文献   

Escape theory predicts that flight initiation distance (FID=distance between predator and prey when escape begins) is longer when risk is greater and shorter when escape is more costly. A few tests suggest that escape theory applies to distance fled. Escape models have not addressed stochastic variables, such as probability of fleeing and of entering refuge, but their economic logic might be applicable. Experiments on several risk factors in the lizard Sceloporus virgatus confirmed all predictions for the above escape variables. FID was greater when approach was faster and more direct, for lizards on ground than on trees, for lizards rarely exposed to humans, for the second of two approaches, and when the predator turned toward lizards rather than away. Lizards fled further during rapid and second consecutive approaches. They were more likely to flee when approached directly, when a predator turned toward them, and during second approaches. They were more likely to enter refuge when approached rapidly. A novel finding is that perch height in trees was unrelated to FID because lizards escaped by moving out of sight, then moving up or down unpredictably. These findings add to a growing body of evidence supporting predictions of escape theory for FID and distance fled. They show that two probabilistic aspects of escape are predictable based on relative predation risk levels. Because individuals differ in boldness, the assessed optimal FID and threshold risks for fleeing and entering refuge are exceeded for an increasing proportion of individuals as risk increases[Current Zoology 55(2):123-131,2009].  相似文献   

During searching, discovery of a prey patch by juvenile plaice Pleuronectes platessa was associated with a change from extensive to intensive search behaviour several moves before an attack on a prey. Intensive search behaviour was characterized by reduced distance of moves, a greater rate of turning per unit distance and shorter pauses between moves. The increase in turn rate was associated with area-restricted seaching, while a decrease in distances moved suggests that plaice search more efficiently for prey when stationary than while moving. The klinokinetic mechanism that appears to regulate search behaviour in juvenile plaice should allow efficient exploitation of a range of prey distribution patterns based on localized cues alone. Such a mechanism is especially useful to a migratory predator, like plaice, whose foraging is subject to time constraints imposed by tidally available feeding areas.  相似文献   

Escape theory predicts that the probability of fleeing and flight initiation distance (predator–prey distance when escape begins) increase as predation risk increases and decrease as escape cost increases. These factors may apply even to highly cryptic species that sometimes must flee. Horned lizards (Phrynosoma) rely on crypsis because of coloration, flattened body form, and lateral fringe scales that reduce detectability. At close range they sometimes squirt blood‐containing noxious substances and defend themselves with cranial spines. These antipredatory traits are highly derived, but little is known about the escape behavior of horned lizards. Of particular interest is whether their escape decisions bear the same relationships to predation risk and opportunity costs of escaping as in typical prey lacking such derived defenses. We investigated the effects of repeated attack and direction of predator turning on P. cornutum and of opportunity cost of fleeing during a social encounter in P. modestum. Flight initiation distance was greater for the second of two successive approaches and probability of fleeing decreased as distance between the turning predator and prey increased, but was greater when the predator turned toward than away from a lizard. Flight initiation distance was shorter during social encounters than when lizards were solitary. For all variables studied, risk assessment by horned lizards conforms to the predictions of escape theory and is similar to that in other prey despite their specialized defenses. Our findings show that these specialized, derived defenses coexist with a taxonomically widespread, plesiomorphic method of making escape decisions. They suggest that escape theory based on costs and benefits, as intended, applies very generally, even to highly cryptic prey that have specialized defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

While some prey species possess an innate recognition of their predators, others require learning to recognize their predators. The specific characteristics of the predators that prey learn and whether prey can generalize this learning to similar predatory threats have been virtually ignored. Here, we investigated whether fathead minnows that learned to chemically recognize a specific predator species as a threat has the ability to generalize their recognition to closely related predators. We found that minnows trained to recognize the odour of a lake trout as a threat (the reference predator) generalized their responses to brook trout (same genus as lake trout) and rainbow trout (same family), but did not generalize to a distantly related predatory pike or non-predatory suckers. We also found that the intensity of antipredator responses to the other species was correlated with the phylogenetic distance to the reference predator; minnows responded with a higher intensity response to brook trout than rainbow trout. This is the first study showing that prey have the ability to exhibit generalization of predator odour recognition. We discuss these results and provide a theoretical framework for future studies of generalization of predator recognition.  相似文献   

Some prey may signal to deter pursuit by predators. Because deterrence is not needed when risk is low or useful when capture is imminent, most signaling should occur at intermediate risk. Probability of fleeing increases with risk for various risk factors. At low–intermediate risk, more frequent signaling should occur as assessed risk associated with risk factors increases. I examined the effects of three risk factors related to immobility and movement by a predator: standing distance (distance from prey to immobile predator), directions of walking, and turning by the predator. Risk is greater when the predator stands nearer, walks toward prey vs. retreating, and turns toward prey vs. away. In the lizard Callisaurus draconoides, which signals by elevating and waving its tail, signaling was more frequent before fleeing when I stood immobile at the shorter of two distances. All the lizards fled when I walked toward them, regardless of standing distance. Fewer fled when I moved away and only at the shorter standing distance. At the shorter standing distance, signal probability was high and did not differ between movement directions. At the longer standing distance, fewer lizards signaled and only when I moved toward them. Patterns of response of signaling and escape to combinations of standing distance and turn direction were qualitatively identical. When I turned away from lizards, none displayed or fled at the longer standing distance. At the shorter standing distance, probabilities of displaying and fleeing were higher when I turned toward than away from lizards. Standing distance affected signaling interactively with directions of movement and turning in manners readily interpretable from risk. Signaling was affected by risk associated with all factors, being absent or infrequent at both high‐ and low‐risk levels but frequent at intermediate risk, strengthening evidence for pursuit‐deterrent signaling.  相似文献   

Bean plants infested with herbivorous spider mites emit volatile chemicals that are attractive toP. persimilis, a predator of spider mites. In Y-tube olfactometer tests we evaluated involvement of a genetic component in predator response to herbivore-induced plant volatiles. Replicated bidirectional selection resulted in a significant increase in attraction after one generation of selection, but no decrease even after three generations of selection, indicating significant, but unbalanced, additive genetic variation in predator perception of, or response to, herbivore-induced plant volatiles. Selected lines responded differently than an unselected population to food deprivation, pointing to an interaction between their internal state and response to plant volatiles. Selected lines also differed from unselected ones in behaviors associated with local prey exploitation, such as residence time, prey consumption, and reproduction. At lower prey densities,P. persimilis from both “+” lines left spider mite-infested leaves more rapidly and consumed fewer prey eggs than an unselected population. Defining olfactory components of predator search behavior is one step in understanding the effect of plant volatiles on predator foraging efficiency. By selecting lines differing in their attraction to herbivore-induced plant volatiles we may experimentally investigate the link between this behavior, predator foraging efficiency, and local and regional predator-prey population dynamics. The impact of significant additive genetic variation in predator response to plant volatiles on evolution in a tritrophic context also remains to be uncovered.  相似文献   

We consider the optimal behavior of a cryptic prey individualas it is approached by a predator searching for prey. Althoughthe predator has not yet discovered the prey, it has an increasinglikelihood of doing so as it gets closer to the prey. Further,the closer the predator is to the prey when it discovers it,the more likely the predator will be to capture the prey. Thesearguments suggest that the prey should flee before the predatordiscovers it. However, the act of fleeing will alert the predatorto the presence of the prey and trigger an attack that mightnot have occurred otherwise. We capture these conflicting outcomesin a mathematical model, which we then use to predict the optimalbehavior of the prey and predator. We argue that the optimalstrategy for the prey is either to run as soon as they detecta predator approaching or to only flee in response to havingbeen detected by the predator. Running as soon as the predatoris detected is associated with low predator search speeds, alow nonpredation cost to running, a large advantage to the preyin initiating chases rather than reacting, limited ability tospot the predator at distance, a high ability to spot prey bythe predator, and a high probability that chases will be successful.The optimal strategy for the predator depends on whether itscurrent trajectory is taking it closer to or further from theprey. In the latter case, the predator should attack immediatelyon discovering the prey; in the former case, it should delayits attack until it reaches the point on its current trajectorywhere distance to the prey is minimized.  相似文献   

Two fish that jointly approach a predator in order to inspect it share the deadly risk of capture depending on the distance between them. Models are developed that seek ESS inspection distances of both single prey and pairs, based on experimental data of the risk that prey (sticklebacks) incur when they approach a predator (pike) to varying distances. Our analysis suggests that an optimal inspection distance can exist for a single fish, and for two equal fish behaving entirely cooperatively so as to maximize the fitness of the pair. Two equal fish inspecting cooperatively should inspect at an equal distance from the predator. The optimal distance is much closer to the predator for cooperative pairs than for single inspectors. However, optimal inspection for two equal fish behaving cooperatively operates across a rather narrow band of conditions relating to the benefits of cooperation. Evolutionarily stable inspection can also exist for two equal fish behaving non-cooperatively such that each acts to make a best reply (in terms of its personal fitness) to its opponent''s strategy. Non-cooperative pairs should also inspect at equal distance from the pike. Unlike the ''single fish'' and ''cooperative'' optima, which are unique inspection distances, there exists a range of ESS inspection distances. If either fish chooses to move to any point in this zone, the best reply of its opponent is to match it (move exactly alongside). Unilateral forward movement in the ''match zone'' may not be possible without some cooperation, but if the pair can ''agree'' to move forward synchronously, maintaining equal distance, inspection will occur at the nearest point in this zone to the predator. This ''near threshold'' is an ESS and is closer to the predator than the single fish optimum: pairs behaving almost selfishly can thus attain greater benefits from inspection by the protection gained from Hamilton''s dilution effect. That pairs should inspect more closely than single fish conforms with empirical findings. Phenotypic asymmetries in costs and benefits between the fish are not yet included in the model.  相似文献   

Occasional pesticide application in integrated pest management to at least part of a crop requires that any biological control agents must re-invade previously sprayed areas in order that resurgent pests can be constrained. The ability of the phytoseiid predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis to feed on adult two-spotted spider mite (TSSM) Tetranychus urticae on excised leaf discs in both control conditions and in a treatment with a sub lethal residue of agricultural mineral oil (AMO) was assessed. The predator exhibited a Type II functional response with the asymptote significantly higher in the AMO conditions due to the fact that the prey grew slower and reached a smaller size in this treatment. In terms of prey volume eaten, the satiation level of the predator was unchanged by the AMO deposits. The numbers of eggs produced by adult P. persimilis females at densities of 4, 8 and 16 TSSM adult females/disc in the control were significantly higher than those in the AMO treatment, but were similar for the higher density levels, 32 and 64 prey per disc. Thus the functional response in terms of volume of prey eaten explained the numerical response in terms of predator eggs produced. The presence of AMO deposits when the prey were at high density had no effect on predator efficiency (volume eaten) but resulted in a lower intake than that in control conditions when there was a greater distance between prey.  相似文献   

Interspecific threat-sensitivity allows prey to maximize the net benefit of antipredator strategies by adjusting the type and intensity of their response to the level of predation risk. This is well documented for classical prey-predator interactions but less so for intraguild predation (IGP). We examined threat-sensitivity in antipredator behaviour of larvae in a predatory mite guild sharing spider mites as prey. The guild consisted of the highly vulnerable intraguild (IG) prey and weak IG predator Phytoseiulus persimilis, the moderately vulnerable IG prey and moderate IG predator Neoseiulus californicus and the little vulnerable IG prey and strong IG predator Amblyseius andersoni. We videotaped the behaviour of the IG prey larvae of the three species in presence of either a low- or a high-risk IG predator female or predator absence and analysed time, distance, path shape and interaction parameters of predators and prey. The least vulnerable IG prey A. andersoni was insensitive to differing IGP risks but the moderately vulnerable IG prey N. californicus and the highly vulnerable IG prey P. persimilis responded in a threat-sensitive manner. Predator presence triggered threat-sensitive behavioural changes in one out of ten measured traits in N. californicus larvae but in four traits in P. persimilis larvae. Low-risk IG predator presence induced a typical escape response in P. persimilis larvae, whereas they reduced their activity in the high-risk IG predator presence. We argue that interspecific threat-sensitivity may promote co-existence of IG predators and IG prey and should be common in predator guilds with long co-evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Escape enables prey to avoid an approaching predator. The escape decision-making process has traditionally been interpreted using theoretical models that consider ultimate explanations based on the cost/benefit paradigm. Ultimate approaches, however, suffer from inseparable extra-assumptions due to an inability to accurately parameterize the model's variables and their interactive relationships. In this study, we propose a mathematical model that uses intensity of predator-mediated visual stimuli as a basic cue for the escape response. We consider looming stimuli (i.e. expanding retinal image of the moving predator) as a cue to flight initiation distance (FID; distance at which escape begins) of incubating Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). We then examine the relationship between FID, vegetation cover and directness of predator trajectory, and fit the resultant model to experimental data. As predicted by the model, vegetation concealment and directness of predator trajectory interact, with FID decreasing with increased concealment during a direct approach toward prey, but not during a tangential approach. Thus, we show that a simple proximate expectation, which involves only visual processing of a moving predator, may explain interactive effects of environmental and predator-induced variables on an escape response. We assume that our proximate approach, which offers a plausible and parsimonious explanation for variation in FID, may serve as an evolutionary background for traditional, ultimate explanations and should be incorporated into interpretation of escape behavior.  相似文献   

Distance-dependent prey detection was experimentally studied in the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio L.). Maggots were presented at varying distances and the time a food-deprived bird scanned for prey before attacking it was measured. The probability of detecting a prey decreased with increasing distance. There was a tendency for less precision in the strike with increasing attack distance. There was a greater probability that the birds would detect a prey at a given distance from a high perch than from a low perch. Prey concealment reduced the detection probability. Detection time for a prey increased significantly with increasing predator-prey distance. Several of the findings are consistent with the predictions of an optimal predator search model (Andersson 1981).  相似文献   

Theoretical work on intraguild predation suggests that if a top predator and an intermediate predator share prey, the system will be stable only if the intermediate predator is better at exploiting the prey, and the top predator gains significantly from consuming the intermediate predator. In mammalian carnivore systems, however, there are examples of top predator species that attack intermediate predator species, but rarely or never consume the intermediate predator. We suggest that top predators attacking intermediate predators without consuming them may not only reduce competition with the intermediate predators, but may also increase the vigilance of the intermediate predators or alter the vigilance of their shared prey, and that this behavioral response may help to maintain the stability of the system. We examine two models of intraguild predation, one that incorporates prey vigilance, and a second that incorporates intermediate predator vigilance. We find that stable coexistence can occur when the top predator has a very low consumption rate on the intermediate predator, as long as the attack rate on the intermediate predator is relatively large. However, the system is stable when the top predator never consumes the intermediate predator only if the two predators share more than one prey species. If the predators do share two prey species, and those prey are vigilant, increasing top predator attack rates on the intermediate predator reduces competition with the intermediate predator and reduces vigilance by the prey, thereby leading to higher top predator densities. These results suggest that predator and prey behavior may play an important dynamical role in systems with intraguild predation.  相似文献   

Foraging theory seeks to explain how the distribution and abundance of prey influence the evolution of predatory behaviour, including the allocation of effort to searching for prey and handling them after they are found. While experiments have shown that many predators alter their behaviour phenotypically within individual lifetimes, few have examined the actual evolution of predatory behaviour in light of this theory. Here, we test the effects of prey density on the evolution of a predator's searching and handling behaviours using a bacterial predator, Myxococcus xanthus. Sixteen predator populations evolved for almost a year on agar surfaces containing patches of Escherichia coli prey at low or high density. Improvements in searching rate were significantly greater in those predators that evolved at low prey density. Handling performance also improved in some predator populations, but prey density did not significantly affect the magnitude of these gains. As the predators evolved greater foraging proficiency, their capacity diminished to produce fruiting bodies that enable them to survive prolonged periods of starvation. More generally, these results demonstrate that predators evolve behaviours that reflect at least some of the opportunities and limitations imposed by the distribution and abundance of their prey.  相似文献   

In predator-prey encounters, many factors influence risk perceptionby prey and their decision to flee. Previous studies indicatethat prey take flight at longer distances when they detect predatorsat longer distances and when the predator's behavior indicatesthe increased likelihood of attack. We examined the flight decisionsof Columbian black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus)using an approaching human whose speed, directness of approach,directness of gaze, and simulated gun carrying varied. Deerfled at greater distances when approached more quickly and directly,and there was a concave-down quadratic trend in the relationshipbetween the distances at which the predator began its approachand at which the deer became alert (alert distance [AD]), indicatingthat deer have a zone of awareness beyond which there is a delayin detecting an approaching predator. Time spent assessing theapproacher (assessment time) was shorter during faster approachesand was positively related with AD. Deer fled at longer distancesand had shorter assessment times when they were already alertto the predator at the initiation of approach. Males fled atshorter distances than females when approached during the gun-holdingcondition, and males had shorter assessment times than femaleswhen the approacher averted his gaze. Such sex differences inrisk assessment might reflect male motivation during the matingseason as well as exposure to human hunting. We suggest thatrisk assessment is affected the by the predator's behavior,the state of awareness of the prey, and the distance at whichthey detect the predator.  相似文献   

Predator‐prey theory predicts that in the presence of multiple types of predators using a common prey, predator facilitation may result as a consequence of contrasting prey defense mechanisms, where reducing the risk from one predator increases the risk from the other. While predator facilitation is well established in natural predator‐prey systems, little attention has been paid to situations where human hunters compete with natural predators for the same prey. Here, we investigate hunting‐mediated predator facilitation in a hunter‐predator‐prey system. We found that hunter avoidance by roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) exposed them to increase predation risk by Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx). Lynx responded by increasing their activity and predation on deer, providing evidence that superadditive hunting mortality may be occurring through predator facilitation. Our results reveal a new pathway through which human hunters, in their role as top predators, may affect species interactions at lower trophic levels and thus drive ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

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