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The use of natural marks in capture-recapture studies can lead to unequal capture probabilities. This paper examined a catalog of northern bottlenose whale ( Hyperoodon ampullatus ) photographs from the Gully, Nova Scotia, to identify potential sources of heterogeneity. This information can be used to select appropriate individuals and photographs to include in analyses. Individual northern bottlenose whales were sufficiently marked to uniquely identify individuals (= 14.5 marks/individual; range 1-67), but not all mark types persisted over time. Reliable marks were defined as mark types that were not lost over the nine-yeat study period (notches, back indentation, and mottled patches). Individuals were considered reliably marked if they possessed at least one back indentation or mottled patch (located within one dorsal fin width, at the base of the dorsal fin) or a notch on the dorsal fin. Sixty-six percent (SE = 5%) of the population were reliably marked. Longterm analyses (months to years) should use only reliably marked individuals, and the results scaled to account for the rest of the population. Our results also showed that photographic quality affected an observer's ability to identify individuals. For this catalog, quantitative analysis indicated only photographs of Q ≥ 4 (on a 6-point scale with 6 representing the highest quality) should be included in mark-recapture analyses sensitive to heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Sounds produced by northern bottlenose whales ( Hyperoodon ampullatus ) recorded in the Gully, a submarine canyon off Nova Scotia, consisted predominately of clicks. In 428 min of recordings no whistles were heard which could unequivocally be attributed to bottlenose whales. There were two major types of click series, initially distinguished by large differences in received amplitude. Loud clicks (produced by nearby whales socializing at the surface) were rapid, with short and variable interclick intervals (mean 0.07 sec; CV 71%). The frequency spectra of these were variable and often multimodal, with peak frequencies ranging between 2 and 22 kHz (mean 11 kHz, CV 59%). Clicks received at low amplitude (produced by distant whales, presumably foraging at depth) had more consistent interclick intervals (mean 0.40 sec, CV 12.5%), generally unimodal frequency spectra with a mean peak frequency of 24 kHz (CV 7%) and 3 dB bandwidth of 4 kHz. Echolocation interclick intervals may reflect the approximate search distance of an animal, in this case 300 m, comparable to that found for sperm whales. The relationship between click frequency and the size of object being investigated, suggests that 24 kHz would be optimal for an object of approximately 6 cm or more, consistent with the size range of their squid prey.  相似文献   

Population substructure has important implications for a species' ecology and evolution. As such, knowledge of this structuring is critical for the conservation and management of natural populations. Among marine mammals, many examples exist of species that enjoy a broad geographical distribution, yet are characterized by fine‐scale population subdivisions. Coastal bottlenose dolphins have been studied extensively in a few regions globally, and these studies have highlighted a great diversity in both social strategies and demographic isolation. Here we use molecular genetic markers to examine the degree of population subdivision among three study sites separated by less than 250 km on Little Bahama Bank in the northern Bahamas. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation and microsatellite genotypes were used to assess partitioning of genetic variance among 56 individually recognized coastal ecotype bottlenose dolphins. Although resolved levels of genetic differentiation suggest gene flow among the three study sites, both nuclear and mitochondrial data indicate a significant degree of subdivision within the Little Bahama Bank population, and sex‐based analyses suggest that patterns of dispersal may not be strictly biased toward males. These results corroborate the site fidelity documented through long‐term photo‐identification studies in the NE Bahamas, and highlight the need to consider independent subpopulation units for the conservation and management of coastal bottlenose dolphins in the Bahamas.  相似文献   

We observed changes with time in the patterns of characteristic fluke markings used to identify sperm whales. Changes were categorized as minor, moderate, or major based on their severity. These change types were found to occur at rates of 0.9%, 11.8%, and 1.3% per individual per year, respectively. Gain and loss rates for each of seven different mark types were also calculated. The highest estimated rate was the gain of small nicks at 0.08 per individual per year. Most individuals identified by us possess at least a few characteristic marks and, therefore, changes of the type observed in this study are unlikely to severely affect their recognizability. For all but one mark type, gain rates were higher than loss rates, indicating that individuals may be accumulating marks with age. Over long periods this could eventually make individuals unrecognizable, with the result that population sizes calculated from these data may be overestimated. As long as photoidentification studies are conducted sufficiently often, and these changes are as gradual as they appear to be, this problem should be minimal.  相似文献   

Abstract: Restriction fragment length polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used to test for population subdivision in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Atlantic and Pacific dolphin mtDNA samples exhibited distinctly different haplotypes (approximately 2.4% sequence divergence), indicating a lack of gene exchange. Within the Atlantic Ocean, mtDNA samples from the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Coast were also found to be distinct, with a sequence divergence of approximately 0.6%. The Atlantic Coast–Gulf of Mexico dichotomy is consistent with patterns of genetic variation from other marine and coastal organisms from this region, and supports the hypothesized role of bio-geographic events in promoting the divergence of these and other forms. Regional differentiation was identified along the Atlantic Coast, whereas low sequence divergences among haplotypes and consistent haplotype frequencies across populations suggested considerable gene exchange among Gulf of Mexico populations. A highly divergent haplotype found in two individuals from two localities in the Gulf of Mexico is best explained by dispersal from either a distinct offshore Gulf stock or an unsampled Atlantic Coast stock. Additional samples are required to test for the existence of a distinct offshore race and, if it exists, to identify its distribution and contribution to population structure.  相似文献   

The pygmy sperm whale ( Kogia breviceps ) and the bottlenose dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus ) are equipped with a tapetum fibrosum and, with other Cetacea, are the only carnivores known to possess this typically ungulate tapetal type. Tapeta from two regions of a retina, each with a different spectral reflectance (blue and green), were found to have significantly different fibrillar diameters and inter-fibrillar spacing. When the measured values are applied to a dielectric reflector model, the predicted wavelengths agree with the observed reflectance of the flat-mounted tapeta. The spatial properties of the fibrils change progressively from the tapetal origin in the fibroblast layer to the pigment epithelium, suggesting that different wavelengths may be reflected systematically with tapetal depth. The very large number of reflecting layers characterizing these tapeta, relative to those of other carnivores, may provide for increased spectral purity and efficiency.  相似文献   

To determine whether Hudson Bay-Foxe Basin bowhead whales segregate on the basis of age, whales summering in northern Foxe Basin, were aerially photographed in August of 1996, 1997, and 1998. Image lengths on either the negatives or contact prints were measured and total body lengths were estimated. In all three years the majority of whales photographed were ≤13.5 m long. Calves and juveniles made up 89.3%, 96.6%, and 79.3% of the total number of measured whales in 1996 (n = 28), 1997 (n = 30) and 1998 (n = 29) respectively. The number of bowheads >13.5 m, the approximate size at which females reach sexual maturity, that were photographed was directly proportional to the number of calves photographed. Our results indicate that northern Foxe Basin bowheads are part of a more widely distributed stock. Adult males and resting adult females apparently summer in another part of the range, probably northwestern Hudson Bay. Northern Foxe Basin appears to be used as a summer feeding area by cows with young-of-the-year calves and by juveniles.  相似文献   

Boat-based photoidentification surveys of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were conducted from 1982 to 1989 in three discrete coastal study areas within the Southern California Bight: (1) Santa Barbara, California; (2) Orange County, California; (3) Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. A total of 207 recognizable dolphins were identified in these three “secondary” study areas. These individuals were compared to 404 dolphins identified from 1981 to 1989 in our “primary” study area, San Diego, California, to examine the coastal movement patterns of bottlenose dolphins within the Southern California Bight. A high proportion of dolphins photographed in Santa Barbara (88%), Orange County (92%), and Ensenada (88%) were also photographed in San Diego. Fifty-eight percent (n= 120) of these 207 dolphins exhibited back-and-forth movements between study areas, with no evidence of site fidelity to any particular region. Minimum range estimates were 50 and 470 km. Minimum travel-speed estimates were 11-47 km/d, and all dolphin schools sighted during the study were within 1 km of the shore. These data suggest that bottlenose dolphins within the Southern California Bight are highly mobile within a relatively narrow coastal zone. Home-range dimensions and movement patterns for many vettebrate species are influenced, in part, by variation in food resources. The unique range characteristics documented during this study may reflect the highly dynamic nature of this coastal ecosystem and the associated patchy distribution of food resources available to these bottlenose dolphins.  相似文献   

Despite the extensive use of photographic identification methods to investigate humpback whales in the North Pacific, few quantitative analyses have been conducted. We report on a comprehensive analysis of interchange in the North Pacific among three wintering regions (Mexico, Hawaii, and Japan) each with two to three subareas, and feeding areas that extended from southern California to the Aleutian Islands. Of the 6,413 identification photographs of humpback whales obtained by 16 independent research groups between 1990 and 1993 and examined for this study, 3,650 photographs were determined to be of suitable quality. A total of 1,241 matches was found by two independent matching teams, identifying 2,712 unique whales in the sample (seen one to five times). Site fidelity was greatest at feeding areas where there was a high rate of resightings in the same area in different years and a low rate of interchange among different areas. Migrations between winter regions and feeding areas did not follow a simple pattern, although highest match rates were found for whales that moved between Hawaii and southeastern Alaska, and between mainland and Baja Mexico and California. Interchange among subareas of the three primary wintering regions was extensive for Hawaii, variable (depending on subareas) for Mexico, and low for Japan and reflected the relative distances among subareas. Interchange among these primary wintering regions was rare. This study provides the first quantitative assessment of the migratory structure of humpback whales in the entire North Pacific basin.  相似文献   

Cow-calf pairs of southern right whales on the South African coast have been photographed in aerial surveys in October each year since 1979. In this paper 469 resightings of 177 individually identified cows photographed in the first six years of surveys have been analyzed in two ways to produce estimates of natural mortality rate. Both methods assume that all females calve either two, three, or four years after their previous calf. In Method A there is assumed to be no systematic trend with time in the probability of a female being photographed on each calving occasion. Natural logarithms of the numbers photographed 2-4, 5-7, 8-10, etc. yr after being first seen are regressed against time, the slope of which provides an estimate of natural mortality rate of 0.0255 ± 0.0071. The intercept value for this regression provides an estimate of the detection probability, or 0.769 ± 0.011. In Method B it is assumed that if a female has not been photographed for at least nine years then it is dead. Annual mortality estimates are obtained from the proportional reduction in the numbers of females known to be alive at each three-year interval after being first photographed, up to at least 6-8 yr from the present. Method B produces an estimate of natural mortality of 0.0260 ± 0.0190 (corrected to 0.0227 ± 0.0192 using the average detection probability). Both methods may be subject to various biases that tend to inflate estimates of natural mortality.  相似文献   

The occurrence, distribution, site fidelity, and school size of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the coastal waters of north San Diego County, California were assessed during a six-year boat-based photoidentification study. A total of 146 photographic surveys were conducted between January 1984 and December 1989. Dolphin schools were encountered on 79% of all surveys, and 2, 869 individuals were observed in 145 separate schools. Three-hundred seventy-three dolphins were individually identified. All schools were sighted within 1 km of shore, and more than two thirds of the schools were encountered in the southern half of the 32-km long study area. School size (mean = 19.8, SD = 18.40) and the number of dolphins encountered per survey (mean = 26.8, SD = 22.30) were highly variable. Low resighting rates of known individuals provided little evidence for longterm site fidelity. When our six-year photoidentification database was combined with previous data, 404 dolphins were identified in the study area from September 1981 to December 1989. Jolly-Seber population estimates during the 1984-1989 study period varied between 234 and 285. The combination of regular dolphin occurrence, low site fidelity by known individuals, and the continuous increase in the rate at which new dolphins were identified indicates that numerous different individuals were visiting the study area across and within years. The open California coastline differs in habitat structure and prey distribution from more protected study areas where bottlenose dolphins display site fidelity. These habitat differences may help to explain the observed intraspecific behavioral variability of this species.  相似文献   

A bottlenose dolphin community was studied from small inflatable craft from 1987 to 1994 in a relatively large area (about 800 km2) east of the islands of Loˇsinj and Cres, northern Adriatic Sea. A total of 106 individuals were photoidentified based on natural permanent marks on their dorsal fins. Most of the dolphins were resighted on a regular basis, indicating a high level of year-round site fidelity, although their range was evidently greater than the chosen study area. Dolphin density was highly variable and considerably lower than for most well-known bottlenose dolphin communities. Groups averaged seven individuals, with a mode of two. Groups entirely composed of adults were the smallest, groups with calves the largest. Group fluidity was high, seasonal and yearly changes in mean group size being also considerable. Summer was the peak calving season, with a striking variation in the number of births on alternate years. Poor evidence of shark predation was found. The social organization of this dolphin community seemed to be highly flexible, possibly as an adaptation to cope with environmental changes as well as with a limited and variable availability of prey.  相似文献   

Under a U.S.-U.S.S.R. cooperative Marine Mammal Project, shipboard cruises were made in 1979, 1980 and 1982, primarily to determine whether there is a substock of western Arctic bowhead whales ( Balaena mysticetus ) that summers in the western Chukchi Sea instead of migrating to the Beaufort Sea. More than 100 bowheads were sighted along the north Chukotka coast of Siberia in October 1979, and more than 200 bowheads were sighted there in September 1980. None were seen anywhere in the Chukchi Sea in late July and August 1982. We conclude that the September and October sightings were of animals returning early from the Beaufort Sea and that, other than occurrences peripheral to the main migration, there are no large concentrations in the Chukchi in the summer and there is apparently no western Chukchi substock.  相似文献   

Watercraft may provide the greatest source of anthropogenic noise for bottlenose dolphins living in coastal waters. A resident community of about 140 individuals near Sarasota, Florida, are exposed to a vessel passing within 100 m approximately every six minutes during daylight hours. I investigated the circumstances under which watercraft traffic may impact the acoustic behavior of this community, specifically looking for short-term changes in whistle frequency range, duration, and rate of production. To analyze whistles and received watercraft noise levels, acoustic recordings were made using two hydrophones towed from an observation vessel during focal animal follows of 14 individual dolphins. The duration and frequency range of signature whistles did not change significantly relative to vessel approaches. However, dolphins whistled significantly more often at the onset of approaches compared to during and after vessel approaches. Whistle rate was also significantly greater at the onset of a vessel approach than when no vessels were present. Increased whistle repetition as watercraft approach may simply reflect heightened arousal, an increased motivation for animals to come closer together, with whistles functioning to promote reunions. It may also be an effective way to compensate for signal masking, maintaining communication in a noisy environment.  相似文献   

The diurnal behavior of a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) community was observed from small inflatable craft between 1987 and 1994. Following a preliminary ad libitum study 11,839 3-min behavioral samples were recorded in 1991-1994. The behavioral budget showed a predominance (about 80%) of activities characterized by long (>30 sec) dives, considered to be largely related to prey search or feeding. Obvious foraging near the surface was observed rarely. The frequent following of trawlers (accounting for 4.6% of the behavioral budget) was indicative of the presence of alternative strategies for finding food. Yearly and seasonal behavioral variation-particularly in feeding-related and travel behaviors-was consistent with the hypothesis of behavioral flexibility as a response to environmental changes and fluctuating prey kind and availability. Yearly shifts in social behavior appeared to be partly influenced by breeding cycles. Groups engaged in feeding-related activities were significantly smaller than traveling or socializing groups, and dramatic interannual group-size shifts seemed to be largely affected by environmental variables, rather than being entirely determined by behavioral activity changes. The remarkable behavioral flexibility of this bottlenose dolphin community may contribute to its survival in the shifting environmental conditions of the northern Adriatic Sea. However, the high proportion of time consistently devoted to feeding-related activities, as compared to other areas, suggests that food resources in the Kvarneri? were not only highly variable but also depleted.  相似文献   

The social structure of coastal ecotype bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus , is largely unknown as they inhabit regions far from shore. This study reports on a community of bottlenose dolphins ≥ 27 km from Grand Bahama Island (May-September, 1993–2002). Resident and non-resident dolphins occurred in the area. Some dolphins traveled over 320 km between communities; others showed long- term site fidelity up to 17 yr. Average group size was 3–5, and was significantly larger with calves present and significantly smaller when traveling. The half-weight index was used to determine coefficients of association (COA) for individuals of known sex annually and for pooled years. Permutation tests revealed non-random associations and presence of preferred/avoided companions in all data sets. Annual COAs were low: female-female χ= 0.31, male-male χ= 0.30, and mixed-sex χ= 0.26. Mother-calf associations showed the highest values. Some males formed strong, long-term bonds. Female COAs fluctuated with reproductive status. Using pooled data, COAs were lower and the same basic trends were evident. However, strong associations seen in the annual data were not evident in pooled data. Bottlenose dolphins that inhabit offshore, shallow water show many of the same social structure characteristics as in well-studied coastal populations.  相似文献   

Data recorded from 24,862 whales killed by British Columbia coastal whaling stations between 1908 and 1967 revealed trends in the abundance, sex ratios, age structure, and distribution of sperm ( Physeter macrocephalus ), fin ( Balaenoptera physalus ), sei ( Balaenoptera borealis ), humpback ( Megaptera novaeangliae ), and blue ( Balaenoptera musculus ) whales. The catch data were analyzed using annual and monthly mean values. Monthly and annual variation in whaling effort was deduced from accounts of the history of British Columbia coastal whaling, and biases arising from changes in effort were considered in the interpretation of the results. During the later years of whaling (1948-1967), the mean lengths of captured whales declined significantly and pregnancy rates dropped to near zero in fin, sei, and blue whales. Monthly patterns in numbers killed revealed a summer migration of sei and blue whales past Vancouver Island, and confirms anecdotal suggestions that local populations of fin and humpback whales once spent extended periods in the coastal waters of British Columbia. Furthermore, the data strongly suggest that sperm whales mated (April-May) and calved (July-August) in British Columbia's offshore waters. The historic whaling records reveal much about the migratory behavior and distribution of the large whales species as they once were, and may continue to be, in the northeastern Pacific. Verifying the persistence of these trends in the remnant populations is a necessary and logical next step.  相似文献   

Coastal cetaceans are subject to potential injury or disturbance from vessels. In Sarasota, Florida, where about 120 resident bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus , share the inshore waters with over 34,000 registered boats, disturbance potential is high. We assessed specific behavioral responses of individual dolphins to boat traffic. We conducted focal animal behavioral observations during opportunistic and experimental boat approaches involving 33 well-known identifiable individual bottlenose dolphins. Dolphins had longer interbreath intervals (IBI) during boat approaches compared to control periods (no boats within 100 m). Treatment IBI length was inversely correlated with distance to the nearest boat in opportunistic observations. During 58 experimental approaches to 18 individuals, a video system suspended from a tethered airship was used to observe subsurface responses of focal dolphins as boats under our control, operating at specified speeds, were directed near dolphins. Dolphins decreased interanimal distance, changed heading, and increased swimming speed significantly more often in response to an approaching vessel than during control periods. Probability of change for both interanimal distance and heading increased when dolphins were approached while in shallow water. Our findings provide additional support for the need to consider disturbance in management plans for cetacean conservation.  相似文献   

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