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Although the quaternary state has been assessed in detail for only a few members of the major facilitator superfamily (MFS), it is clear that multiple oligomeric states are represented within the MFS. One of its members, the lactose transporter LacS from Streptococcus thermophilus assumes a dimeric structure in the membrane and in vitro analysis showed functional interactions between both subunits when proton motive force ((Delta)p)-driven transport was assayed. To study the interactions in further detail, a covalent dimer was constructed consisting of in tandem fused LacS subunits. These covalent dimers, composed of active and completely inactive subunits, were expressed in Escherichia coli, and initial rates of (Delta)p-driven lactose uptake and lactose counterflow were determined. We now show that also in vivo, both subunits interact functionally; that is, partial complementation of the inactive subunit was observed for both transport modes. Thus, both subunits interact functionally in (Delta)p-driven uptake and in counterflow transport. In addition, analysis of in tandem fused LacS subunits containing one regulatory LacS-IIA domain showed that regulation is primarily an intramolecular event.  相似文献   

Hydrophobic patches, defined as clusters of neighboring apolar atoms deemed accessible on a given protein surface, have been investigated on protein subunit interfaces. The data were taken from known tertiary structures of multimeric protein complexes. Amino acid composition and preference, patch size distribution, and patch contact complementarity across associating subunits were examined and compared with hydrophobic patches found on the solvent-accessible surface of the multimeric complexes. The largest or second largest patch on the accessible surface of the entire subunit was involved in multimeric interfaces in 90% of the cases. These results should prove useful for subunit design and engineering as well as for prediction of subunit interface regions. Proteins 28:333–343, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The subunit interfaces of 122 homodimers of known three-dimensional structure are analyzed and dissected into sets of surface patches by clustering atoms at the interface; 70 interfaces are single-patch, the others have up to six patches, often contributed by different structural domains. The average interface buries 1,940 A2 of the surface of each monomer, contains one or two patches burying 600-1,600 A2, is 65% nonpolar and includes 18 hydrogen bonds. However, the range of size and of hydrophobicity is wide among the 122 interfaces. Each interface has a core made of residues with atoms buried in the dimer, surrounded by a rim of residues with atoms that remain accessible to solvent. The core, which constitutes 77% of the interface on average, has an amino acid composition that resembles the protein interior except for the presence of arginine residues, whereas the rim is more like the protein surface. These properties of the interfaces in homodimers, which are permanent assemblies, are compared to those of protein-protein complexes where the components associate after they have independently folded. On average, subunit interfaces in homodimers are twice larger than in complexes, and much less polar due to the large fraction belonging to the core, although the amino acid compositions of the cores are similar in the two types of interfaces.  相似文献   

It is well established that, within families of homologous enzymes, amino acid residues that are involved in the chemistry of the reaction are highly conserved. To determine if residues at the subunit interface of oligomeric enzymes with shared active sites are also conserved, comparative analysis of five enzyme families was undertaken. For the chosen enzyme families, sequence data were available for a large number of proteins and a three-dimensional structure was known for at least two members of each family. The analysis indicates that the subunit interface and the hydrophobic core of proteins from all five families have diverged to a similar extent to the overall protein sequences.  相似文献   

Charge translocation associated with the activity of the Na(+)/proline cotransporter PutP of Escherichia coli was analyzed for the first time. Using a rapid solution exchange technique combined with a solid-supported membrane (SSM), it was demonstrated that Na(+)and/or proline individually or together induce a displacement of charge. This was assigned to an electrogenic Na(+)and/or proline binding process at the cytoplasmic face of the enzyme with a rate constant of k>50s(-1) which preceeds the rate-limiting step. Based on the kinetic analysis of our electrical signals, the following characteristics are proposed for substrate binding in PutP. (1) Substrate binding is electrogenic not only for Na(+), but also for the uncharged cosubstrate proline. The charge displacement associated with the binding of both substrates is of comparable size and independent of the presence of the respective cosubstrate. (2) Both substrates can bind individually to the transporter. Under physiological conditions, an ordered binding mechanism prevails, while at sufficiently high concentrations, each substrate can bind in the absence of the other. (3) Both substrate binding sites interact cooperatively with each other by increasing the affinity and/or the speed of binding of the respective cosubstrate. (4) Proline binding proceeds in a two-step process: low affinity (approximately 1mM) electroneutral substrate binding followed by a nearly irreversible electrogenic conformational transition.  相似文献   

The sodium-dependent glutamate transporter, glutamate transporter subtype 1 (GLT-1) is one of the main glutamate transporters in the brain. GLT-1 contains a COOH-terminal sequence similar to one in an isoform of Slo1 K(+) channel protein previously shown to bind MAGI-1 (membrane-associated guanylate kinase with inverted orientation protein-1). MAGI-1 is a scaffold protein which allows the formation of complexes between certain transmembrane proteins, actin-binding proteins, and other regulatory proteins. The glutathione S-transferase pull-down assay demonstrated that MAGI-1 was a binding partner of GLT-1. The interaction between MAGI-1 and GLT-1 was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. Immunofluorescence of MAGI-1 and GLT-1 demonstrated that the distribution of MAGI-1 and GLT-1 overlapped in astrocytes. Co-expression of MAGI-1 with GLT-1 in C6 Glioma cells resulted in a significant reduction in the surface expression of GLT-1, as assessed by cell-surface biotinylation. On the other hand, partial knockdown of endogenous MAGI-1 expression by small interfering RNA in differentiated cultured astrocytes increased glutamate uptake and the surface expression of endogenous GLT-1. Knockdown of MAGI-1 increased dihydrokainate-sensitive, Na(+) -dependent glutamate uptake, indicating that MAGI-1 regulates GLT-1 mediated glutamate uptake. These data suggest that MAGI-1 regulates surface expression of GLT-1 and the level of glutamate in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

The structure of human glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) has been determined in the absence of active site and regulatory ligands. Compared to the structures of bovine GDH that were complexed with coenzyme and substrate, the NAD binding domain is rotated away from the glutamate-binding domain. The electron density of this domain is more disordered the further it is from the pivot helix. Mass spectrometry results suggest that this is likely due to the apo form being more dynamic than the closed form. The antenna undergoes significant conformational changes as the catalytic cleft opens. The ascending helix in the antenna moves in a clockwise manner and the helix in the descending strand contracts in a manner akin to the relaxation of an extended spring. A number of spontaneous mutations in this antenna region cause the hyperinsulinism/hyperammonemia syndrome by decreasing GDH sensitivity to the inhibitor, GTP. Since these residues do not directly contact the bound GTP, the conformational changes in the antenna are apparently crucial to GTP inhibition. In the open conformation, the GTP binding site is distorted such that it can no longer bind GTP. In contrast, ADP binding benefits by the opening of the catalytic cleft since R463 on the pivot helix is pushed into contact distance with the beta-phosphate of ADP. These results support the previous proposal that purines regulate GDH activity by altering the dynamics of the NAD binding domain. Finally, a possible structural mechanism for negative cooperativity is presented.  相似文献   

In mammals, the apical sodium‐dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT) is responsible for the reuptake of bile acid from the intestine, thus recycling bile acid that is secreted from the gallbladder, for the purpose of digestion. As bile acid is synthesized from cholesterol, ASBT inhibition could have important implications in regulation of cholesterol levels in the blood. We report on a simulation study of the recently resolved structures of the inward‐facing ASBT from Neisseria meningitidis and from Yersinia frederiksenii, as well as of an ASBT variant from Yersinia frederiksenii suggested to be in the outward‐facing conformation. Classical and steered atomistic simulations and comprehensive potential of mean force analyses of ASBT, both in the absence and presence of ions and substrate, allow us to characterize and gain structural insights into the Na+ binding sites and propose a mechanistic model for the transport cycle. In particular, we investigate structural features of the ion translocation pathway, and suggest a third putative Na+ binding site. Our study sheds light on the structure–function relationship of bacterial ASBT and may promote a deeper understanding of transport mechanism altogether. Proteins 2015; 83:1107–1117. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Regulation of glutamate transporters accompanies plasticity of some glutamatergic synapses. The regulation of glutamate uptake at the Aplysia sensorimotor synapse during long-term facilitation (LTF) was investigated. Previously, increases in levels of ApGT1 ( Aplysia glutamate transporter 1) in synaptic membranes were found to be related to long-term increases in glutamate uptake. In this study, we found that regulation of ApGT1 during LTF appears to occur post-translationally. Serotonin (5-HT) a transmitter that induces LTF did not increase synthesis of ApGT1. A pool of ApGT1 appears to exist in sensory neuron somata, which is transported to the terminals by axonal transport. Blocking the rough endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi-trans-Golgi network (TGN) pathway with Brefeldin A prevented the 5-HT-induced increase of ApGT1 in terminals. Also, 5-HT produced changes in post-translational modifications of ApGT1 as well as changes in the levels of an ApGT1-co-precipitating protein. These results suggest that regulation of trafficking of ApGT1 from the vesicular trafficking system (rough endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi-TGN) in the sensory neuron somata to the terminals by post-translational modifications and protein interactions appears to be the mechanism underlying the increase in ApGT1, and thus, glutamate uptake during memory formation.  相似文献   

The activity of high-affinity glutamate transporters is essential for the normal function of the mammalian central nervous system. Using a combined pharmacological, confocal immunocytochemical, enzyme-based microsensor and fluorescence imaging approach, we examined glutamate uptake and transporter protein localization in single astrocytes of neuron-containing and neuron-free microislands prior to pre-synaptic transmitter secretion and during functional neuronal activity. Here, we report that the presence or absence of neurons strikingly affects the uptake capacity of the astroglial glutamate transporters GLT1 and GLAST1. Induction of transporter function is activated by neurons and this effect is mimicked by pre-incubation of astrocytes with micromolar concentrations of glutamate. Moreover, increased glutamate transporter activation is reproduced by endogenous release of glutamate via activation of neuronal nicotinic receptors. The increase in transport activity is dependent on neuronal release of glutamate, is associated with the local redistribution (clustering) of GLT1 and GLAST1 but is independent of transporter synthesis and of glutamate receptor activation. Together, these results suggest an activity-dependent neuronal feedback system for rapid astroglial glutamate transporter regulation where neuron-derived glutamate is the physiological signal that triggers transporter function.  相似文献   


Despite detailed genetic and mutagenic analysis and a recent high-resolution structure of a bacterial member of the nucleobase-ascorbate transporter (NAT) family, understanding of the mechanism of action of eukaryotic NATs is limited. Preliminary studies successfully expressed and purified wild-type UapA to high homogeneity; however, the protein was extremely unstable, degrading almost completely after 48 h at 4°C. In an attempt to increase UapA stability we generated a number of single point mutants (E356D, E356Q, N409A, N409D, Q408E and G411V) previously shown to have reduced or no transport activity, but correct targeting to the membrane. The mutant UapA constructs expressed well as GFP fusions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and exhibited similar fluorescent size exclusion chromatography (FSEC) profiles to the wild-type protein, following solubilization in 1% DDM, LDAO or OM + 1 mM xanthine. In order to assess the relative stabilities of the mutants, solubilized fractions prepared in 1% DDM + 1 mM xanthine were heated at 45°C for 10 min prior to FSEC. The Q408E and G411V mutants gave markedly better profiles than either wild-type or the other mutants. Further FSEC analysis following solubilization of the mutants in 1% NG ± xanthine confirmed that G411V is more stable than the other mutants, but showed that Q408E is unstable under these conditions. G411V and an N-terminally truncated construct G411VΔ1-11 were submitted to large-scale expression and purification. Long-term stability analysis revealed that G411VΔ1-11 was the most stable construct and the most suited to downstream structural studies.  相似文献   

The toxic metalloid arsenic is an abundant element and most organisms possess transport systems involved in its detoxification. One such family of arsenite transporters, the ACR3 family, is widespread in fungi and bacteria. To gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanism of arsenic transport, we report here the expression and characterization of a family member, So_ACR3, from the bacterium Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Surprisingly, expression of this transporter in the arsenic-hypersensitive Escherichia coli strain AW3110 conferred resistance to arsenate, but not to arsenite. Purification of a C-terminally His-tagged form of the protein allowed the binding of putative permeants to be directly tested: arsenate but not arsenite quenched its intrinsic fluorescence in a concentration-dependent fashion. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed that the purified protein was predominantly α-helical. A mutant bearing a single cysteine residue at position 3 retained the ability to confer arsenate resistance, and was accessible to membrane impermeant thiol reagents in intact cells. In conjunction with successful C-terminal tagging with oligohistidine, this finding is consistent with the experimentally-determined topology of the homologous human apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter, namely 7 transmembrane helices and a periplasmic N-terminus, although the presence of additional transmembrane segments cannot be excluded. Mutation to alanine of the conserved residue proline 190, in the fourth putative transmembrane region, abrogated the ability of the transporter to confer arsenic resistance, but did not prevent arsenate binding. An apparently increased thermal stability is consistent with the mutant being unable to undergo the conformational transitions required for permeant translocation.  相似文献   

It is difficult to determine the structural stability of the individual subunits or protomers of many proteins in the cell that exist in an oligomeric or complexed state. In this study, we used single‐molecule force spectroscopy on seven subunits of covalently linked cochaperonin GroES (ESC7) to evaluate the structural stability of the subunit. A modified form of ESC7 was immobilized on a mica surface. The force‐extension profile obtained from the mechanical unfolding of this ESC7 showed a distinctive sawtooth pattern that is typical for multimodular proteins. When analyzed according to the worm‐like chain model, the contour lengths calculated from the peaks in the profile suggested that linked‐GroES subunits unfold in distinct steps after the oligomeric ring structure of ESC7 is disrupted. The evidence that structured subunits of ESC7 withstand external force to some extent even after the perturbation of the oligomeric ring structure suggests that a stable monomeric intermediate is an important component of the equilibrium unfolding reaction of GroES.  相似文献   

In the nerve terminal, neurotransmitter is actively packaged into synaptic vesicles before its release by Ca2+-dependent exocytosis. The three vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUT1, -2 and -3) are highly conserved proteins that display similar bioenergetic and pharmacological properties but are expressed in different brain areas. We used the divergent C-terminus of VGLUT1 as a bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify and map the interaction between a proline-rich domain of VGLUT1 and the Src homology domain 3 (SH3) domain of endophilin. We further confirmed this interaction by using different glutathione-S-transferase-endophilin fusion proteins to pull down VGLUT1 from rat brain extracts. The expression profiles of the two genes and proteins were compared on rat brain sections, showing that endophilin is most highly expressed in regions and cells expressing VGLUT1. Double immunofluorescence in the rat cerebellum shows that most VGLUT1-positive terminals co-express endophilin, whereas VGLUT2-expressing terminals are often devoid of endophilin. However, neither VGLUT1 transport activity, endophilin enzymatic activity nor VGLUT1 synaptic targeting were altered by this interaction. Overall, the discovery of endophilin as a partner for VGLUT1 in nerve terminals strongly suggests the existence of functional differences between VGLUT1 and -2 terminals in their abilities to replenish vesicle pools.  相似文献   

Many of the sodium‐dependent neurotransmitter transporters are rapidly (within minutes) regulated by protein kinase C (PKC), with changes in activity being correlated with changes in transporter trafficking to or from the plasma membrane. Our recent studies suggest that one of the classical subtypes of PKC, PKCα, may selectively mediate redistribution of the neuronal glutamate transporter, excitatory amino acid carrier (EAAC)1, and show that PKCα can be co‐immunoprecipitated with EAAC1. When the glial glutamate transporter GLT‐1a is transfected into C6 glioma cells, this transporter is internalized in response to activation of PKC, but the PKC subtype involved in this regulation is unknown. In the present study, expression of the phorbol ester‐activated subtypes of PKC was examined in C6 glioma transfected with GLT‐1. Of the classical subtypes, only PKCα was detected, and of the non‐classical subtypes, PKCδ and PKCε were detected. In this system, phorbol ester‐dependent internalization of GLT‐1 was blocked by a general inhibitor of PKCs (bisindolylmaleimide II) and by concentrations of Gö6976 that selectively block classical PKCs, but not by an inhibitor of PKCδ (rottlerin). PKCα immunoreactivity was found in GLT‐1 immunoprecipitates obtained from transfected C6 cells and from crude rat brain synaptosomes, a milieu that better mimics in vivo conditions. The amount of PKCα in both types of immunoprecipitate was modestly increased by phorbol ester, and this increase was blocked by a PKC antagonist. These studies suggest that PKCα may be required for the regulated redistribution of GLT‐1.  相似文献   

Glutamate transporters are essential for terminating synaptic transmission. Glutamate is translocated together with three sodium ions. In the neuronal glutamate transporter EAAC1, lithium can replace sodium. To address the question of whether the coupling ion interacts with the 'driven' substrate during co-transport, the kinetic parameters of transport of the three substrates, L-glutamate and D- and L-aspartate by EAAC-1 in sodium- and lithium-containing media were compared. The major effect of the substitution of sodium by lithium was on Km. In the presence of sodium, the values for Km and Imax of these substrates were similar. In the presence of lithium, the Km for L-aspartate was increased around 13-fold. Remarkably, the corresponding increase for L-glutamate and D-aspartate was much larger, around 130-fold. In marked contrast, the Ki values for a non-transportable substrate analogue were similar in the presence of either sodium or lithium. The preference for L-aspartate in the presence of lithium was also observed when electrogenic transport of radioactive substrates was monitored in EAAC1-containing proteoliposomes. Our results indicate that, subsequent to substrate binding, the co-transported solutes interact functionally in the binding pocket of the transporter.  相似文献   

The twin-arginine protein transport (Tat pathway) is found in prokaryotes and plant organelles and transports folded proteins across membranes. Targeting of substrates to the Tat system is mediated by the presence of an N-terminal signal sequence containing a highly conserved twin-arginine motif. The Tat machinery comprises membrane proteins from the TatA and TatC families. Assembly of the Tat translocon is dynamic and is triggered by the interaction of a Tat substrate with the Tat receptor complex. This review will summarise recent advances in our understanding of Tat transport, focusing in particular on the roles played by Tat signal peptides in protein targeting and translocation.  相似文献   

A reduction in neurofilament (NF) protein synthesis and changes in their phosphorylation state are observed during nerve regeneration. To investigate how such metabolic changes are involved in the reorganization of the axonal cytoskeleton, we studied the injury-induced changes in the solubility and axonal transport of NF proteins as well as their phosphorylation states in the rat sciatic nerve. In the control nerve, 15-25% of high-molecular-mass NF subunit (NF-H) was recovered in the 1% Triton-soluble fraction when fractionated in the presence of phosphatase inhibitors. After a complete loss of NF proteins distal to the injury site (70-75 mm from the spinal cord) 1 week after injury, NF-H detected in the regenerating sprouts at 2 weeks or later exhibited higher solubility (>50%) and lower C-terminal phosphorylation level than NF-H in the control nerve. Solubility increase was also apparent with L-[35S]methionine-labeled NF-H that was in transit in the proximal axon at the time of injury. The low-molecular-mass subunit remained in the insoluble fraction in both the normal and the regenerating nerves, indicating that selective solubilization of NF-H rather than total filament disassembly occurs during regeneration.  相似文献   

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