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The evolution of the Ecdysozoa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ecdysozoa is a clade composed of eight phyla: the arthropods, tardigrades and onychophorans that share segmentation and appendages and the nematodes, nematomorphs, priapulids, kinorhynchs and loriciferans, which are worms with an anterior proboscis or introvert. Ecdysozoa contains the vast majority of animal species and there is a great diversity of body plans among both living and fossil members. The monophyly of the clade has been called into question by some workers based on analyses of whole genome datasets. We review the evidence that now conclusively supports the unique origin of these phyla. Relationships within Ecdysozoa are also controversial and we discuss the molecular and morphological evidence for a number of monophyletic groups within this superphylum.  相似文献   

The problem of the origin of the phylum Arthropoda was long considered solved based on evolutionary morphology data. But molecular biological studies of recent years have put forward a new solution that contradicts the old one. Hence, the need arises to review the argumentation of both sides and search for ways to reach a consensus. These two subjects constitute the scope of this paper.  相似文献   

Propelling a manual wheelchair (MWC) is a strenuous task that causes upper limb musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) in a large proportion of MWC users. Although most studies on MWC propulsion biomechanics assume that MWC propulsion is a relatively symmetric task, recent literature suggests that this is the case only when the assessed outcome measures are averaged over long periods of time, and not over short periods (i.e., instantaneously). No method is currently available to assess instantaneous symmetry. In this work, we present the Instantaneous Symmetry Index (ISI), a new method that quantifies how a variable has been instantaneously asymmetric during a selected time period. Thirteen experienced MWC users propelled on different cross slopes of 0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8%. As the cross slope is increased, the upper hand produced less propulsive moments and the lower hand produced more propulsive movements. This has been reflected in the ISI, which increased from 0.20 (0% slope) to 0.84 (8% slope) with a Spearman׳s coefficient of 0.90. The ISI has great potential to evaluate the ability of a user to propel symmetrically and synchronously, and will be a relevant measure to include in future studies on the impact of MWC propulsion asymmetry on MSD risk.  相似文献   

Two conflicting hypotheses of protostome relationships, Articulata and Ecdysozoa, are reviewed by evaluating the evidence in favor and against each one of them. Understanding early embryonic development and segmentation in non-arthropod non-annelid protostomes seems crucial to the debate. New ways of coding metazoan matrices, avoiding ground-patterns and higher taxa, and incorporating fossil evidence seems the best way to avoid circular debates. Molecular data served as the catalyzer for the Ecdysozoa hypothesis, although morphological support had been implicitly suggested. Most molecular analyses published so far have shown some support for Ecdysozoa, whereas none has ever supported Articulata. Here, new analyses of up to four nuclear loci, including 18S rRNA, myosin heavy chain II, histone H3 and elongation factor 1- are conducted to test the molecular support for Ecdysozoa, and, at least under some parameter sets, most data sets show a clade formed by the molting animals. In contrast, support for Articulata is not found under any analytical conditions.  相似文献   

The Ecdysozoa hypothesis proposes a clade of animals including arthropods and nematodes that share the characteristic of periodic molting or ecdysis. The original evidence supporting this hypothesis came from molecular phylogenies based on ribosomal RNA gene sequences. Contrary evidence has come from studies of multiple protein coding genes. One of the most convincing bits of supporting evidence for this theory has been the observation of an unusual multimeric form of the beta-thymosin gene in the genomes of Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans where, in other metazoans that had been studied, a monomeric form has been found. Here I show that recently deposited sequence data reveal that the multimeric form is in fact a characteristic of all major subdivisions of the Metazoa. The multimeric form is present in a deuterostome, Ciona intestinalis, a lophotrochozoan, Hermissenda crassicornis, and in the ecdysozoans and also exists outside the Metazoa in a fungus. The presence of the multimeric form in nematodes and arthropods, therefore, although not contradicting the Ecdysozoa hypothesis, gives it no support. The absence of the monomeric form in the completely sequenced flies and nematodes may suggest they are linked but, lacking the complete genomes of other ecdysozoans, proving its total absence from the Ecdysozoa is not possible. Furthermore, the absence of the monomeric form from the genome of the deuterostome Ciona suggests that the absence of this character is an unreliable indicator of relationships.  相似文献   

BackgroundMany head injury indices and finite element (FE) head models have been proposed to predict traumatic brain injury (TBI). Although FE head models are suitable methods with high accuracy, they are computationally intensive. Head motion-based brain injury criteria are usually fast tools with lower accuracy. So, the objective of this study is to propose new criteria along with an artificial neural network model to predict TBI risks, which can be fast and accurate.MethodsFor this purpose, 250 FE head simulations have been carried out at 5 magnitudes and 50 rotational impact directions using the SIMon model. The effects of directions and magnitudes of rotational impacts were assessed for cumulative strain damage measure (CSDM) values. Next, statistical analysis and neural network were applied to predict CSDM values.ResultsThe results of the present research showed that the direction of rotation in the sagittal and frontal planes had a considerable effect on the CSDM values. Furthermore, new brain injury indices and a radial basis function neural network have been proposed to predict CSDM values which having high correlation coefficients with SIMon responses.ConclusionsThe results of this research demonstrated that rotational impact directions should be used to develop new head injury criteria being able to predict CSDM values. However, findings of present research proved that head motion-based brain injury criteria and RBF network can be used to predict FE head model responses with high speed and accuracy.  相似文献   

Presence‐only data abounds in ecology, often accompanied by a background sample. Although many interesting aspects of the species’ distribution can be learned from such data, one cannot learn the overall species occurrence probability, or prevalence, without making unjustified simplifying assumptions. In this forum article we question the approach of Royle et al. (2012) that claims to be able to do this.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis (reproduction through unfertilized eggs) encompasses a variety of reproduction modes with (automixis) or without (apomixis) meiosis. Different modes of automixis have very different genetic and evolutionary consequences but can be particularly difficult to tease apart. In this study, we propose a new method to discriminate different types of automixis from population‐level genetic data. We apply this method to diploid Artemia parthenogenetica, a crustacean whose reproductive mode remains controversial despite a century of intensive cytogenetic observations. We focus on A. parthenogenetica from two western Mediterranean populations. We show that they are diploid and that markers remain heterozygous in cultures maintained up to ~36 generations in the laboratory. Moreover, parallel patterns of population‐wide heterozygosity levels between the two natural populations strongly support the conclusion that diploid A. parthenogenetica reproduce by automictic parthenogenesis with central fusion and low, but nonzero recombination. This settles a century‐old controversy on Artemia, and, more generally, suggests that many automictic organisms harbour steep within‐chromosome gradients of heterozygosity due to a transition from clonal transmission in centromere‐proximal regions to a form of inbreeding similar to self‐fertilization in centromere‐distal regions. Such systems therefore offer a new avenue for contrasting the genomic consequences of asexuality and inbreeding.  相似文献   

The origin and extreme diversification of the animal nervous system is a central question in biology. While most of the attention has traditionally been paid to those lineages with highly elaborated nervous systems (e.g. arthropods, vertebrates, annelids), only the study of the vast animal diversity can deliver a comprehensive view of the evolutionary history of this organ system. In this regard, the phylogenetic position and apparently conservative molecular, morphological and embryological features of priapulid worms (Priapulida) place this animal lineage as a key to understanding the evolution of the Ecdysozoa (i.e. arthropods and nematodes). In this study, we characterize the nervous system of the hatching larva and first lorica larva of the priapulid worm Priapulus caudatus by immunolabelling against acetylated and tyrosinated tubulin, pCaMKII, serotonin and FMRFamide. Our results show that a circumoral brain and an unpaired ventral nerve with a caudal ganglion characterize the central nervous system of hatching embryos. After the first moult, the larva attains some adult features: a neck ganglion, an introvert plexus, and conspicuous secondary longitudinal neurites. Our study delivers a neuroanatomical framework for future embryological studies in priapulid worms, and helps illuminate the course of nervous system evolution in the Ecdysozoa.  相似文献   

By assuming the brain as a multi-stable system, different scenarios have been introduced for transition from normal to epileptic state. But, the path through which this transition occurs is under debate. In this paper a stochastic model for seizure genesis is presented that is consistent with all scenarios: a two-level spontaneous seizure generation model is proposed in which, in its first level the behavior of physiological parameters is modeled with a stochastic process. The focus is on some physiological parameters that are essential in simulating different activities of ElectroEncephaloGram (EEG), i.e., excitatory and inhibitory synaptic gains of neuronal populations. There are many depth-EEG models in which excitatory and inhibitory synaptic gains are the adjustable parameters. Using one of these models at the second level, our proposed seizure generator is complete. The suggested stochastic model of first level is a hidden Markov process whose transition matrices are obtained through analyzing the real parameter sequences of a seizure onset area. These real parameter sequences are estimated from real depth-EEG signals via applying a parameter identification algorithm. In this paper both short-term and long-term validations of the proposed model are done. The long-term synthetic depth-EEG signals simulated by this model can be taken as a suitable tool for comparing different seizure prediction algorithms.  相似文献   

Going to the roots of the stem cell controversy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Holm S 《Bioethics》2002,16(6):493-507
The purpose of this paper is to describe the scientific background to the current ethical and legislative debates about the generation and use of human stem cells, and to give an overview of the ethical issues underlying these debates.
The ethical issues discussed are 1) stem cells and the status of the embryo, 2) women as the sources of ova for stem cell production, 3) the use of ova from other species, 4) slippery slopes towards reproductive cloning, 5) the public presentation of stem cell research and 6) the evaluation of scientific uncertainty and its implications for public policy.  相似文献   

Several recent reports (Mayshar et?al., 2010; Laurent et?al., 2011; Lister et?al., 2011; Gore et?al., 2011; Hussein et?al., 2011) uncover genetic and epigenetic alterations in induced pluripotent stem cells, stimulating debate about their future. However, will these important findings really impact what we hope to gain?  相似文献   

Aerobic denitrification: a controversy revived   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
During studies on the denitrifying mixotroph, Thiosphaera pantotropha, it has been found that this organism is capable of simultaneously utilizing nitrate and oxygen as terminal electron acceptors in respiration. This phenomenon, termed aerobic denitrification, has been found in cultures maintained at dissolved oxygen concentrations up to 90% of air saturation.The evidence for aerobic denitrification was obtained from a number of independant experiments. Denitrifying enzymes were present even in organisms growing aerobically without nitrate. Aerobic yields on acetate were higher (8.1 g protein/mol) without than with (6.0 g protein/mol) nitrate, while the anaerobic yield with nitrate was even lower (4 g protein/mol). The maximum specific growth rate of Tsa. pantotropha was higher (0.34 h-1) in the presence of both oxygen (>80% air saturation) and nitrate than in similar cultures not supplied with nitrate (0.27 h-1), indicating that the rate of electron transport to oxygen was limiting. This was confirmed by oxygen uptake experiments which showed that although the rate of respiration on acetate was not affected by nitrate, the total oxygen uptake was reduced in its presence. The original oxygen uptake could be restored by the addition of denitrification inhibitors.Dedicated to Professor Dr. H.-G. Schlegel on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

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