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The proportion of Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides , caught around South Georgia in the south-west Atlantic, with empty stomachs was much lower in fish caught in pots compared to longlines (28 and 91%, respectively, of examined individuals). It is hypothesized that pots caused reduced levels of stress on capture. Stomach content data examined from pot-caught fish will probably therefore be more comprehensive than that from fish caught using longlines. A wide range of prey items was identified in the stomachs of D. eleginoides and stomach contents of individuals caught using the two fishing methods were significantly different. The most common prey item for D. eleginoides caught using pots was the decapod prawn Nauticaris sp., which was restricted in location and depth. However, prawns were not common in the stomachs of D. eleginoides caught from the same location using longlines. Stomach contents from the two fishing methods remained significantly different when Nauticaris sp. were eliminated from the assessment, although fishes then dominated the diet of D. eleginoides caught using either fishing gear. The study confirms that D. eleginoides is an opportunistic carnivore, and indicates that feeding habits depend on the local availability of food items, as well as factors such as depth and predator size. The potential ecological impacts of fishing for D. eleginoides on the South Atlantic ecosystem are discussed.  相似文献   

The information about cetacean occurrence around the Island of South Georgia is scarce. With the main goal of gathering information on a feeding ground of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) that winter in Brazilian waters, we conducted an expedition to South Georgia. We present here the information regarding cetacean sightings during the expedition. From 28 January to 2 March, 2006 we carried out 13 research cruises, covering 700 nautical miles and 110 h of observation. We registered 10 sightings, in 7 h of ad libitum observations, of the following species: Megaptera novaeangliae, Eubalaena australis, Balaenoptera physalus, Mesoplodon layardii, Orcinus orca and Lagenorhynchus cruciger. We present data on location, depth, group size, structure, and behavior for this geographical area of essential importance for cetacean conservation.  相似文献   

Summary An intensive net sampling survey was conducted around the island of South Georgia during November/December 1981. The distribution and copepodite stage structure of the dominant copepods Calanoides acutus, Calanus simillimus, C. propinquus, Rhincalanus gigas, Metridia lucens and Metridia gerlachei were compared. The herbivorous species had completed their spring vertical migration and their summer generations were developing during the survey. At every station, Calanoides acutus was noticeably more advanced than Rhincalanus gigas in its reproductive cycle. The species were also more advanced in their development in the SE oceanic part of the survey area than in the NW. However, copepod development rates are rapid at this time of year, and this apparent regional difference may be due mainly to temporal variation during the four weeks of the survey. A truly regional variation in timing of reproduction was found when development was compared between shelf and oceanic waters. Spawning of Rhincalanus gigas and particularly of Calanoides acutus was later over the shelf. The age structure of the epi-mesopelagic metridinids also differed between shelf and oceanic waters, but no age differences were found for either Calanus simillimus or C. propinquus, both of which live and spawn higher in the water column than the other species. The presence of the South Georgia shelf also limited the overall abundance of the two deeper living metridinids. However, the length of time between spawning (and production of large numbers of early copepodids) and sampling had the largest influence on observed species abundance within the survey area.  相似文献   

Summary A net sampling survey was conducted around the island of South Georgia during July/August 1983. This study compares the age structure and vertical and horizontal distributions of the dominant copepods Calanoides acutus, Calanus simillimus, C. propinquus, Rhincalanus gigas, Metridia lucens and M. gerlachei. The chief physical and biological factors affecting the distributions of these species are assessed and the results are compared with those from a similar survey around the island carried out in early summer (1981/1982). The survey grid lay within the Polar Front during the winter survey, and horizontal changes in copepod abundance corresponded well to the temperature gradient across the front. This pattern was interrupted by the South Georgia shelf where the seasonal migrants (Calanoides acutus, Rhincalanus gigas and Calanus simillimus) occurred in high abundance. The concentration of these migrants over the shelf relative to the oceanic surface layer was attributed to the shelf having prevented their seasonal migration. Within the oceanic area the copepods occupied differing depths, with Calanoides acutus and Metridia gerlachei living deeper than Calanus simillimus, C. propinquus and M. lucens. The populations also tended to live deeper in the warmer (NW) portion of the oceanic survey area. In contrast to the summer survey the age structure of each species showed little variation throughout the survey area. This was attributed mainly to the decreased rates of copepod growth and metabolism in winter.  相似文献   

Seguin  Gérard  Errhif  Ahmed  Dallot  Serge 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):369-377
During the oceanographic campaign, ALMOFRONT I (April 24–May 26, 1991) a total of 50 vertical zooplankton hauls was carried out in the Alboran Sea using a triple net. Leg A (18 stations; 18 hauls) described a widely spaced grid in the region of the Atlantic current and some northern eddies, while Leg B (16 stations; 32 hauls, 6 hydrodynamically characterized sites sampled during a two day period) covered a more restricted area in the frontal zone. Ninety-one species of copepods were found in 100 samples collected by either 200 µm or 500 µm mesh size nets, including 32 genera and 26 families. Copepod abundance, structure indexes (species richness, evenness, Shannon species diversity index, standardized for unequal sample counts) and species abundance patterns (as rank-frequency diagrams) are presented and compared among the sites of leg-B. Copepod abundance was found to be the highest in the more productive sites of the Atlantic current. Structure indexes values and the changing shape of rank-frequency diagrams give a coherent view of the ecological succession stages of the copepod community. Juvenile stage (1) develops from the Atlantic divergence zone, left side of the jet. More mature stages (1 and 2) occur on the right side of the jet influenced by cross frontal flow. Both abundance and structure indexes decrease within an anticyclonic gyre south to the current. A situation more influenced by oligotrophic conditions was observed in a Mediterranean anticyclonic gyre north of the current. The importance of lateral displacement and meandering of the Atlantic current across the Alboran Sea to the community structure is discussed.  相似文献   

In the framework of the Dutch Mauritania Expedition 1988, zooplankton was sampled in the beginning of the spring upwelling season at 44 stations along the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania. Distribution patterns of oceanic and neritic copepod species and especially of the upwelling indicator Calanoides carinatus (Kröyer) were analysed in search for direct proof of circulation of ocean upwelling water over the inshore banks. The vertical temperature distribution at the stations pointed to upwelling in two different parts of the shelf area. According to the copepod data the two upwellings were of a different nature. A restricted area at the shelf edge near Cap Timiris appeared to represent a relatively stable coastal upwelling situation. Upwelled water present near Cap Blanc was found to have traveled quite recently over a considerable part of the shelf. In the central area between the two upwellings, Banc-water extended from the shelf into the ocean. The possible impact of the observed circulation of ocean water on productivity of the shelf benthic system is discussed.  相似文献   

Skeletal remains of baleen whales killed during the onset of 20th century commercial whaling lie scattered across the shores and abandoned whaling stations of the subantarctic island of South Georgia. Here we report on genetic species identification of whale bones collected from South Georgia using standard historical DNA protocols. We amplified and sequenced short fragments of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region from 281 available bone samples. Of these, 231 provided mtDNA sequences of sufficient quality and length (174–194 bp) for species identification: 158 bones were identified as humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), 51 bones were identified as fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), 18 bones were identified as blue whale (B. musculus), two bones were identified as sei whale (B. borealis), one bone was identified as a southern right whale (Eubalaena australis), and one bone was identified as a southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina). The prominence of humpback, fin, and blue whale bones in the sample collection corresponds to the catch record of the early years of whaling on the island of South Georgia (pre‐1915), prior to the depletion of these populations.  相似文献   

The zooplankton of three european estuaries (Ems, Gironde and Westerschelde) was investigated during spring 1992 by means of samples taken along the salinity gradient. The three estuaries are comparable in terms of total area, flushing time and salinity gradient but differ by their level of eutrophication (highest in the Westerschelde), suspended matter concentration (highest in the Gironde) and potential phytoplankton production (highest in the Ems). Copepods and meroplankton dominated the zooplankton in the three estuaries. The dominant copepod species were Eurytemora affinis and Acartia bifilosa. The distribution of E. affinis along the salinity gradient differed between the estuaries. Peaks of abundance were observed at 0 PSU in the Gironde, 6 PSU in the Ems and 9 PSU in the Westerschelde. The downstream shift of the population in the Westerschelde was likely due to anoxic conditions occurring in the oligohaline zone. In the Gironde the downstream distribution of E. affinis was limited by the very high suspended matter concentration found in the maximum turbidity zone. Whatever the estuary, the parameters of the population of E. affinis and maximum abundance values were similar. However, the influence of the better quality of the available food was suggested in the Ems where individual dry weights and egg production were higher than in the two other estuaries. The influence of a good quality of food in the Ems was confirmed by the development of a large population of Acartia bifilosa (as abundant as E. affinis) and highest values of adult individual weights.The meroplankton (essentially Polychaete and cirripede larvae) was much more developed in the Ems than in the Westerschelde and Gironde. This was likely due to the large extent of mudflats and hard substrates in the Ems favouring adult settlement and hence the number of larvae locally produced.  相似文献   

Little is known about the life histories of the deep-sea metazoan meiobenthos. At a bathyal site (depth 1430 m) in Sagami Bay, central Japan, temporal changes in abundance and reproductive activity of deep-sea benthic copepods were investigated for eight abundant species that composed about 50% of total individuals, based on samples collected before fresh organic matter increased in the sediment (December 1996 and 1997), 1 month thereafter (June 1997 and May 1998), and a few months after the event (August 1997 and 1998). Densities of adults of these species fluctuated among samples (the total abundance was 5–30 individuals/10 cm2), but did not show any seasonal trend. Strong evidence for competitive relationships among species could not be detected, and there was no significant negative correlation in abundance between any species pair. The percentage of ovigerous females among total adult females of Schizopera sp. 1 differed significantly by month. Furthermore, the adult sex ratio of the species appeared to fluctuate temporally. These suggest a temporal change in reproductive activity and synchronized growth of Schizopera sp. 1. There was no temporal trend, however, in any parameter for the other species. Mean egg number per brood and egg diameter differed among species, but did not change seasonally in any species. Our study suggests the rarity of seasonal breeding species among the deep-sea benthic copepods, one of the major metazoan meiofaunal groups, as well as among other macro-megafaunal metazoans.  相似文献   

Day/night differences in the removal rate of phytoplankton can occur as a result of increased copepod grazing rates at certain times of the day and diel vertical migration of animals. We conducted shipboard grazing experiments and fine-scale vertical zooplankton sampling to resolve these behaviors. Day/night feeding differences were compared in the center of several warm-core Gulf Stream rings, under conditions of no lateral water mass exchange, in the mesohaline portion of Chesapeake Bay and when following drogues in the Chesapeake Bay plume. Day/night variations in copepod biomass in the surface mixed layer were greater in neritic waters as compared to the open ocean stations. Day/night differences in weight-specific copepod filtration rates varied less than biomass. At the neritic stations copepod grazing was often higher at night, whereas at the oceanic stations day/night grazing rates were similar or daytime grazing rates were highest. The night/day ratio of zooplankton grazing impact on the phytoplankton community (the product of zooplankton biomass and their weight-specific grazing rate) averaged 4.8 in the Chesapeake Bay plume and 1.6 in warm-core Gulf Stream rings. Our results suggest that at lower food levels, there often are less day/night differences in the removal rate of phytoplankton by the copepod community.  相似文献   

Summary Fourteen species of the genus Euchaeta (Copepoda: Calanoida) were encountered during two cruises undertaken around South Georgia during November–December 1981 (Summer) and July–August 1983 (Winter). All 14 species were present in summer but only nine in winter. The distribution of the majority of species centered on the mesopelagic (500–1000 m) and bathypelagic (1000–2000 m) depth horizons. During both cruises, four species, Euchaeta Antarctica, E. biloba, E. rasa and E. farrani were numerically dominant. Although all four species had a wide depth distribution, E. Antarctica and E. biloba had distributions centered around the 250–500 m (epi-mesopelagic) and mesopelagic depth horizons. E. rasa was most abundant in the mesopelagic whereas E. farrani, the largest species encountered, was centered on the mesopelagic and bathypelagic depth horizons. Two species, E. Antarctica and E. biloba commonly occurred in the surface 250 m, the former being far more abundant especially over the shelf and shelf break areas, with a high abundance of copepodite stages IV and V being present in summer and adults in winter.  相似文献   

The species and size composition of zooplankton and its seasonal biomass dynamics are discussed and the consumption of zooplankton by nekton organisms is estimated from the results of 12 integrated expeditions of the Pacific Center of Scientific Fisheries performed during 1991–1996 in the region of the South Kuril Islands.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of planktonic calanoid copepods were studied from samples collected at 13–20 stations during four oceanographic cruises (pre- and post- monsoons, and during northeast (NE) and southwest (SW) monsoons) performed between 1998 and 2000 in the Straits of Malacca. Space and time variations of calanoid copepods were described using univariate (number of species, diversity indices, abundance) as well as multivariate (MDS, ANOSIM, SIMPER) techniques from the Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research (PRIMER) package. There were significant differences in abundance between the cruises. k-Dominance curves also revealed significant differences in the relative species abundance distributions among the monsoon periods, and a decrease in diversity from northern to southern parts of the Straits during each cruise. Multi-dimensional scaling revealed four groups of abundances with differences in species composition. Evidence from analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) suggested that the differences in communities among monsoon periods were significant, although spatial differences among samples in geographic locations in the northern, central and southern parts of the Straits were insignificant. These differences resulted from an overall change in the balance of relative abundance of few dominant species, rather from changes of many species. Similarity percentage analyses (SIMPER) indicated that the major species contributing to the average dissimilarity between monsoons varied temporally.  相似文献   

A diet analysis of the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides, trawled in the South Georgia Islands area in March–April 1996, was carried out by frequency of occurrence (F%) and coefficient Q (%) methods. The samples consisted chiefly of immature specimens, with predominant length ranges of 30–70 cm (TL). Fish was by far the main food on the shelves of Shag Rocks and South Georgia, accounting for about 70% of prey. Krill appeared as secondary food, although its importance was overestimated by the frequency of occurrence method. Cephalopods and mysids were infrequent in the stomachs, and only at Shag Rocks and South Georgia, respectively. Lepidonotothen kempi, Champsocephalus gunnari and Chaenocephalus aceratus constituted the main fish prey and their variability between Shag Rocks and South Georgia depended on their local abundance. The large proportion of fish exhibiting stomachs full or close to fullness (together 62%) suggests that feeding intensity of the species was high.  相似文献   

Pavlova  E. V. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):333-339
Measurements of respiration in adult copepods at optimum concentrations in a respirometer were made at different hours of day; the amperometric method was used to measure dissolved oxygen. The migratory species from the tropical Indian Ocean and from the Black Sea displayed distinct daily variations in respiration rate and considerable difference between averages recorded in day and night hours. Such vertical migrants as Pleuromamma xiphias (Giesbr.) and Calanus euxinus Hulsemann were found to increase respiration rate late in the evening and early in the morning. No statistically reliable daily differences in the estimates of respiration were observed in copepod species like Acatria clausi (Giesbr.) and Temora discaudata (Giesbr.) which do not make long-distance migrations. In these experimental conditions the respiration rate appeared to represent changes in locomotory activity resulting from the sustained natural migratory rhythm and movements in food search. Using data available from the literature, the feeding rhythm and intensity were compared with respiration rate. This suggested that trophic status of the water may indirectly, through locomotory activity, affect the respiration rate. Increased respiration rate was suggested in the Black Sea copepod species in comparison with data obtained in earlier decades. The possibility of changes in respiration caused by changed food conditions of the environment is discussed.  相似文献   

More white-chinned petrels (Procellaria aequinoctialis) are accidentally killed in fisheries than probably any other seabird in the world, but the population impact of this mortality is poorly understood, partly because there have been no recent estimates of the species’ abundance. The breeding aggregation on the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia is believed to be larger than all others combined. We estimated the size of this population by calculating the area of suitable habitat and the density of occupied burrows within it. Some 670,000 occupied nests were estimated for the island at mid-incubation, representing 0.9 million pairs of breeding-age birds associated with South Georgia in the survey seasons (2005/06 and 06/07). This is 40–45% of the previous estimate, but still represents well over half of the global population. If the population is declining due to fishery bycatch, as is likely, the scale of annual mortality in this population alone is at least in the high tens of thousands, and plausibly hundreds of thousands.  相似文献   

A new, monotypic genus of the interstitial marine cyclopoid copepod family Cyclopinidae G.O. Sars, 1913 is described from male and female specimens collected at Laguna de Términos, a large coastal lagoon system in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Mexiclopina campechana gen. et sp. n. cannot be adequately placed in any extant genus within the family. It differs from other cyclopinid genera in having a unique combination of characters including: 1) absence of modified brush-like seta on the mandibular exopod; 2) maxillule exopod with stout setal elements and brush-like setae absent; 3) basis of mandible with one seta; 4) presence of a modified seta on endopod of fourth leg; 5) fifth leg exopod unsegmented, armed with three elements in the female and five in the male; 6) intercoxal sclerite of first swimming leg with two medial spiniform processes on distal margin. The new genus is monotypic and appears to be most closely related to Cyclopina Claus, 1863 and Heptnerina Ivanenko & Defaye, 2004; the new species was compared with species of Cyclopina and it resembles Cyclopina americana Herbst, 1982 and Cyclopina caissara Lotufo, 1994. This is the second record of a species of Cyclopinidae in Mexico and the first in the Gulf of Mexico; the number of cyclopinid species recorded from the Americas is now 13.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in the northern Aegean Sea during late summer and spring. The aim was to examine the spatial and temporal distribution of the zooplankton community across a dynamic frontal area and to investigate how the oceanographic heterogeneity structures the composition of the zooplankton assemblages. The low-salinity and cold Black Sea water coming from the Dardanelles Strait is modified by mixing with the underlying warm and saline Aegean water. These hydrological features result in a pronounced thermohaline front in the northern Aegean Sea throughout the year. In both seasons, zooplankton was collected using both 45 and 200 µm mesh plankton nets. A high abundance of zooplankton was observed in the surface layer at the stations closest to the Dardanelles Strait on the stratified side of the front. The zooplankton distribution and community structure in the northern Aegean Sea were strongly influenced by the hydrological features. The frontal structure acts as a boundary for the zooplankton community. The surface layer at the stratified stations had the lowest copepod diversity, from where it increased with depth and horizontally as the stratification weakened outside of the front. The total abundance of zooplankton collected with the 200 µm net was between two and 20 times lower than samples taken with the 45 µm net. The most pronounced differences were observed for the adults and copepodids of the small genera Oithona, Oncaea and Microsetella. Thus, to manage and understand the transfer of primary production up the food chain in the Aegean Sea, the smaller fraction of copepods should be taken into account in future investigations.  相似文献   

A. Atkinson 《Polar Biology》1994,14(8):551-560
During the austral midsummers of 1989/1990 and 1990/1991, seven grazing experiments were undertaken near South Georgia. The copepods spanned 3 orders of magnitude in body mass, from young copepodids of small pseudocalanids to adult females of Rhincalanus gigas. Incubations were in natural sea-water and feeding rates were determined by microscope counts of food items (size range 7–1200 m). Daily rations of the smallest copepods were up to 120% body carbon per day. These high rations contrast with values of less than 10% for large copepods (older copepodids of Calanoides acutus and R. gigas). All sizes of copepods could ingest the full size spectrum of measured particles. However, maximum filtration rates of small copepods were on cells <100 m whereas the large grazers cleared the largest cells (usually long diatoms) at maximum rates. Motile, non-diatom taxa (mainly heterotrophic, aloricate dinoflagellates and ciliates) did not appear to have been eaten in preference to diatoms of similar size, but their abundance and high calorific value meant that they comprised a median of 43% of carbon intake across the experiments. These motile, mainly <50 m cells were of a suitable size for ingestion by small copepods and consequently featured more prominently in their diets. The ability of small copepods to feed heavily on cells <50 m, before, during or after blooms, may be important in their life cycles, leading to reduced competition with their larger relatives.  相似文献   

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