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A homologue of a free secretory component (SC) was identified in chicken intestinal secretion by criteria based on its antigenic relationship with intestinal secretory IgA (SIgA), molecular size, sugar content, and electrophoretic mobility, as well as its elution characteristic from ion-exchange chromatography. SC was obtained in a form free from IgA from the intestinal secretion by salting out and DEAE chromatography, followed by density ultracentrifuguation or Sephadex G-200 gel-filtration. However, the free SC revealed some antigenic deficiency when compared to bound SC of intestinal SIgA and showed a failure of binding to serum-type-polymeric IgA of biliary IgA in vitro. Several kinds of chicken external secretions were examined for detection of SC and immunoglobulin classes of IgG, IgA, and IgM. In spite of the wide distribution of immunoglobulins in the external secretions, SC antigen could be detected only in intestinal secretion. Most IgA in the secretions had a molecular structure of a tetramer of serum-type IgA, lacking in SC and having 17S to 18.5S and 600,000 to 700,000 daltons. On the other hand, IgA in the intestinal secretion showed close similarity to the mammalian SIgA, associated with SC and having 11.2S and 350,000 daltons. Presence of antibody activity in the intestinal IgA to avian reovirus was confirmed by plaque reduction tests.  相似文献   

Normal serum IgA and secretory IgA (sIgA) of subclass IgA1 were isolated from pooled human serum and milk, respectively. They were tested for their susceptibility to bacterial IgA proteases from Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Neisseria meningitidis that cleave IgA of only the IgA1 subclass. They were also tested for susceptibility to a novel IgA-protease from Clostridium ramosum that cleaves IgA of the IgA1 as well as the IgA2 subclass of the A2m(1) allotype. Both normal serum IgA1 and sIgA1 exhibited resistance to most IgA proteases. The one exception was the IgA protease from C. ramosum which readily cleaved both the serum IgA1 and sIgA1 into Fab and Fc fragments. Secretory component (SC) had nothing to do with the resistance of these IgAs. The resistance of these IgAs to most of the IgA proteases was found to be due to their enzyme-neutralizing antibody activity, since the Fab but not the Fc fragment of sIgA1 showed enzyme-inhibitory activity against these IgA proteases. Similar enzyme-neutralizing antibody activity was found in the pepsin-digested normal serum IgG-(Fab')2 fragment. These results indicate that the induction of the enzyme-neutralizing antibodies against the bacterial IgA proteases took place not only in mucosal sIgA but also in serum IgA and IgG. No enzyme-neutralizing antibody activity against the novel IgA-protease of C. ramosum was detected in any immunoglobulin preparations used in the present study or in the serum of a patient who carries the IgA protease-producing strain of C. ramosum in his feces.  相似文献   

The kinetics of anti-influenza IgG antibodies in serum and nasal wash during the local and systemic immune response in rats was studied. The influenza virus A/HK/1/68 (H3N2) was injected by two different routes--intranasally and subcutaneously in the hind footpads. The proliferation of the Ig-forming cells in the popliteal and paratracheal lymph nodes either local or distant according to the mode of virus administration was also studied. The results obtained during the primary and secondary immune response suggested that an atypical immunization also produced a strong immune response in the distant lymph nodes. The nature of the secondary immune response supports the concept of migration of the activated lymphocytes from the peripheral lymph nodes to the natural portal of entry of virus thus giving rise to specific clonal population.  相似文献   

The objective of the current investigation was to explore the processes underlying the androgen control of tear IgA and to determine whether hormone exposure also modifies tear IgG content. In addition, studies evaluated the impact of diabetes on the androgen regulation of secretory immunity in the eye. Tears and lacrimal glands were collected from age-matched, adult male rats, which had undergone hypophysectomy, selective ablation of the anterior pituitary, streptozotocin-induced diabetes, sham-surgery and/or orchiectomy and had been exposed to vehicle or physiological amounts of testosterone for varying periods of time. Our findings demonstrated that testosterone administration selectively increased the accumulation of IgA, but not IgG, in tears and lacrimal glands of orchiectomized rats. This hormone effect was associated with a 2-fold enhancement of the IgA transfer from lacrimal tissue to tears; IgA movement was against a gradient. In contrast, androgen exposure had no significant influence on the lacrimal gland/tear transfer of IgG, which was down a 90-fold gradient. Testosterone action on the lacrimal gland appeared to involve an increase in IgA production, but not a consistent alteration in the total number of IgA-containing cells. Similarly, androgen exposure had no impact on the population of IgG-containing lymphocytes in lacrimal tissue. Of interest, ablation of the anterior or entire pituitary in orchiectomized rats, which procedure inhibits testosterone-induced stimulation of tear IgA levels, significantly reduced the total number of IgA-containing cells in the lacrimal gland. Induction of diabetes by streptozotocin injection to orchiectomized rats resulted in diminished tear IgA content and decreased numbers of lacrimal IgA-positive lymphocytes, but did not prevent the testosterone-associated rise in IgA antibody content. In summary, our findings demonstrate that androgens increase the lacrimal gland production and secretion of IgA, but not IgG.  相似文献   

Our study compares the status of human seminal plasma immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA secretory component (SC) fucosylation between infertile leukocytospermic and normal, fertile normozoospermic patients. The seminal IgG and SC are decorated with AAL-reactive core fucose, and antennary UEA- and LTA-reactive fucose of Lewisy and Lewisx structures, respectively. However, a correlation between IgG core fucosylation and IgG concentration (r?=??0.52; p?<?0.0003) was observed. The IgG present in leukocytospermic samples is characterized by lower expression of core fucose than in the normal group (0.82?±?0.3 AU and 1.2?±?0.3 AU, respectively; p?<?0.002). In seminal plasma the SC is present in two forms: 78-kDa and 63-kDa. The present study has also shown a higher AAL and LTA specific reactivity of glycans expressed in 63-kDa SC, in comparison to 78-kDa SC, in the normal group. In leukocytospermia, the values of specific lectin reactivity for core fucose, fucose α(1-2)- and α(1-3)- linked, were similar for both SC bands. Moreover, the present study has shown that in leukocytospermic samples the mean concentrations of IgG and S-IgA are twice as high (131.68?±?102.6 mg/l and 36?±?27 mg/l, respectively) as in the normal group (67.68?±?29.2 mg/l; p?<?0.02, and 19?±?18 mg/l, p?<?0.019, respectively). The analysis of IgG and SC fucosylation status and the determination of IgG and S-IgA concentrations in seminal plasma might constitute a valuable diagnosis tools for the evaluation of male infertility associated with leukocytospermia with accompanying inflammation.  相似文献   

Sera of patients with Kawasaki disease were studied for the levels of IgA-containing (C3-fixing) circulating immune complexes (IgA-CIC), IgG-containing (IgG-)CIC, total IgA, secretory IgA, and complement component (C3) by means of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays or single radial immunodiffusion methods. There was significantly high level of IgA-CIC, but not IgG-CIC. The levels of total IgA, secretory IgA, and C3 were significantly elevated. Significantly high levels of secretory IgA were found in 22 (51%) of 43 patients. The proportion of secretory IgA to total IgA also increased. These abnormalities in the IgA system may play a role in Kawasaki disease.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoperoxidase methods were used to localize secretory component, immunoglobulin A and immunoglobulin G1 in mammary tissue from dairy cows. In lactating tissue, immunostaining for immunoglobulin A and secretory component was observed primarily in the luminal contents of alveoli. By day 2 of involution, alveolar epithelial cells stained for both immunoglobulin A and secretory component. Staining of alveolar epithelial cells for immunoglobulin A and secretory component continued throughout the period of mammary involution. No staining for secretory component was observed in the interalveolar stromal area. Immunoglobulin G1 immunostaining was localized primarily in the interalveolar areas in lactating tissue, but was localized at the apical and basolateral surface of alveolar cells on day 2 of involution. In contrast to immunoglobulin A, immunoglobulin G1 staining of epithelial cells did not persist and was primarily in the interalveolar areas by day 4. These results suggest that an increased localization of immunoglobulin G1 in bovine mammary epithelial cells may occur transiently in early involution, while an increase in immunoglobulin A and secretory component localization in epithelial cells persists throughout involution.  相似文献   

The response of pancreatic exocrine secretion to cholecystokinin (CCK), has been studied in experimental acute pancreatitis induced in rats by supramaximal doses of caerulein. Several doses of caerulein were used (4, 20 and 40 micrograms/Kg) and each one was administered by four subcutaneous injections over 3 h at hourly intervals. Pancreatic juice was collected 9 h after the first injection. The caerulein-treated animals showed a statistically significant increase in serum amylase levels. Secretory activity of ductular cells remained unchanged in all the caerulein-treated animals, but total protein and amylase secretion decreased significantly at all the caerulein doses used, both in resting conditions and under stimulation with CCK (1.25 micrograms/Kg/h). Despite this the acinar cells of rats treated with the lowest dose of caerulein retained a certain degree of secretory function since amylase activity in pancreatic juice was greater than in other groups of rats treated with higher doses of caerulein. Moreover, the percentage of increase observed in total protein and amylase in response to CCK respect to basal secretion is similar to that of the untreated animals. At higher doses (20 and 40 micrograms/Kg) the secretory capacity in response to CCK was inhibited. Therefore CCK administration in slight acute pancreatitis could be used as a therapy since it favours the secretion of pancreatic enzymes at percentual levels similar to those of the controls.  相似文献   

The effects of IgG1 and IgG2 anti-carrier antibodies were studied on cellular and humoral reactions induced by immunization with a hapten-carrier complex. IgG1 was shown to depress both delayed hypersensitivity reactions (DHR) to the carrier and anaphylaxis to the hapten whereas IgG2 had no activity. A mixture of IgG1 and IgG2 depressed only DHR to the carrier. The modulating effects of passive anti-carrier antibodies were shown to depend on their immunoglobulin class and the concentration used.  相似文献   

Specific immune response to Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae has been studied in 158 children with acute pneumonia and pleuritis and 128 children with chronic pneumonia by countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) and in the complement fixation (CFT) and passive hemagglutination (PHA) tests. The use of CIE leads to the detection of antibodies to H. influenzae in 23.7% of children with acute pneumonia and in 46.9% of children with chronic pneumonia. In the CFT antibodies to H. influenzae are also more often detected in children with chronic pneumonia (48%) than in those with acute respiratory infections (12.2%). In the PHA test high titers of antibodies to type b H. influenzae capsular polysaccharide occur in 11.9% of children with acute pneumonia and in 8.2% of children with chronic pneumonia.  相似文献   

An artificial substrate was developed for quantitative testing of the ability of various fixatives to preserve the reactivity of IgG and IgA isotypes (gamma and alpha chains) and the secretory component (SC) of secretory IgA as model antigens. Polymerized normal rabbit serum was used as matrix and defined amounts (10-0.1 g/l) of antigen were incorporated into it by diffusion before fixation and paraffin embedding. The various fixatives comprised alcohol, routine formalin, glutaraldehyde(1%)-formalin, Baker's formol calcium, formol sublimate, acetic acid(2%)-formol saline, Bouin's fluid, Susa fixative, and carbodiimide. The detection sensitivity afforded by these fixatives was defined as the immunofluorescence staining end point. Compared to the reference value obtained with alcohol (gamma and alpha chains, 0.06 g/l of IgG and IgA; SC, 0.12 g/l of colostral IgA), an antigen concentration at least 8 times higher was necessary for detection with most of the cross-linking fixatives. Bouin's and Susa fixatives were peculiar in that they required more than 150 times higher antigen concentration for detection of IgG but only 3-8 times higher for IgA. The determined sensitivities were compared with the immunofluorescence performance results obtained on human tissues prepared with the same fixatives; excepting carbodiimide (which produced unacceptable autofluorescence of the substrate matrix) a remarkably good correlation was found with regard to IgG- and IgA-producing cells (especially of the former isotype) and secretory epithelium (IgA and SC). However, the latter result depended on pronase treatment of the tissue sections to unmask epithelial antigens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Antigen profiling using comprehensive protein microarrays is a powerful tool for characterizing the humoral immune response to infectious pathogens. Coxiella burnetii is a CDC category B bioterrorist infectious agent with worldwide distribution. In order to assess the antibody repertoire of acute and chronic Q fever patients we have constructed a protein microarray containing 93% of the proteome of Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of Q fever. Here we report the profile of the IgG and IgM seroreactivity in 25 acute Q fever patients in longitudinal samples. We found that both early and late time points of infection have a very consistent repertoire of IgM and IgG response, with a limited number of proteins undergoing increasing or decreasing seroreactivity. We also probed a large collection of acute and chronic Q fever patient samples and identified serological markers that can differentiate between the two disease states. In this comparative analysis we confirmed the identity of numerous IgG biomarkers of acute infection, identified novel IgG biomarkers for acute and chronic infections, and profiled for the first time the IgM antibody repertoire for both acute and chronic Q fever. Using these results we were able to devise a test that can distinguish acute from chronic Q fever. These results also provide a unique perspective on isotype switch and demonstrate the utility of protein microarrays for simultaneously examining the dynamic humoral immune response against thousands of proteins from a large number of patients. The results presented here identify novel seroreactive antigens for the development of recombinant protein-based diagnostics and subunit vaccines, and provide insight into the development of the antibody response.  相似文献   

Considering the mathematical model of antiviral immune response, we describe a method of fitting the model to the data characterizing acute viral hepatitis B. The corresponding procedure employs an idea of sequential parameter estimation to make the problem of fitting manageable. The underlying mechanisms responsible for the quantitative manifestations of the four basic phases of acute hepatitis B are used to select the model parameters. The identified model of acute hepatitis B is then tested with regard to the following situations: the effect of HBsAg-specific antibodies on HBV challenge; the vaccination and the resistance to challenge using live hepatitis B virus; the dose of viruses--the incubation time relationships. The sensitivity of the model with respect to parameters variations is then analysed. The developed model allows us to quantitatively simulate the basic features of the antiviral immune response during acute hepatitis B and some closely related phenomena.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding the dietary protein antigen, ovalbumin (OVA), on OVA-specific IgG and IgA immune responses involving Peyer's patches (PP) and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) were examined. Mice were administered soluble OVA by gastric intubation. One to 3 days later, PP, MLN, or spleen cells from these donor mice were adoptively transferred into normal syngeneic recipients. After two subsequent immunizations, spleens from the recipient mice were assayed for IgA and IgG anti-OVA plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses. None of the tissues from normal (unfed) mice had the inherent ability to alter recipients' IgG or IgA PFC responses. Within 1 day of OVA feeding, however, cells were generated in the PP that could augment recipients' IgA anti-OVA PFC responses and suppress IgG PFC responses. Three days after OVA feeding, these cells were present in MLN as well, and whereas the IgG suppressor cell also appeared to migrate to spleen, the IgA helper cell did not. The cells mediating antigen-specific IgG suppression and IgA help were both T cells but could be distinguished by surface phenotype. We therefore conclude that protein feeding induces differential, isotype-specific immunoregulation in gut-associated lymphoid tissues, part of which is mediated by an antigen-specific IgA helper T cell.  相似文献   

Both IgG and IgA Abs have been implicated in host defense against bacterial infections, although their relative contributions remain unclear. We generated a unique panel of human chimeric Abs of all human IgG and IgA subclasses with identical V genes against porin A, a major subcapsular protein Ag of Neisseria meningitidis and a vaccine candidate. Chimeric Abs were produced in baby hamster kidney cells, and IgA-producing clones were cotransfected with human J chain and/or human secretory component. Although IgG (isotypes IgG1-3) mediated efficient complement-dependent lysis, IgA was unable to. However, IgA proved equally active to IgG in stimulating polymorphonuclear leukocyte respiratory burst. Remarkably, although porin-specific monomeric, dimeric, and polymeric IgA triggered efficient phagocytosis, secretory IgA did not. These studies reveal unique and nonoverlapping roles for IgG and IgA Abs in defense against meningococcal infections.  相似文献   

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