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Glatzel  Stephan  Stahr  Karl 《Plant and Soil》2001,231(1):21-35
We examined the effect of fertilisation (200 kg cattle slurry-N ha–1 year–1) on the exchange of N2O and CH4 in the soil–plant system of meadow agroecosystems in southern Germany. From 1996 to 1998, we regularly determined the gas fluxes (closed chamber method) and associated environmental parameters. N2O and CH4 fluxes were not significantly affected by fertilisation. N2O fluxes at the unfertilised and fertilised plots were small, generally between 50 and –20 g N m–2 h–1. We identified some incidents of N2O uptake. CH4-C fluxes ranged from 1.3 to –0.2 mg m–2 h–1 and were not significantly different from 0 at both plots. We budgeted an annual net emission of 15.5 and 29.6 mg m–2 N2O-N and an annual CH4-C net emission of 184.2 and 122.7 mg m–2 at the unfertilised and fertilised plots, respectively. Apparently, rapid N mineralization and uptake in the densely rooted topsoil prevents N losses and the inhibition of CH4 oxidation.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) additions to cropland soils are the largest source of anthropogenic nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and are an important contributor to global greenhouse gas radiative forcing. Progress in understanding controls on N2O fluxes from soils is demonstrated in increasingly sophisticated emissions estimates with improved spatial and source resolution. These methods build upon ongoing field, laboratory, and modeling advances that are restricted to just a handful of countries. Thus, burgeoning new knowledge is of limited utility for improving N2O emissions estimates for the rest of the world where prospects for near‐term advances are constrained by the limited breadth of observations and availability of model driver data. Here, we use Bayesian inversion to leverage information from recent national‐level N2O emission inventories and reduce uncertainty by up to 65% for estimates of regional and global direct cropland N2O emissions. Our estimates for the proportion of N inputs lost as N2O vary by a factor of two between regions and depart from existing default emission factors, yet regional emissions estimates based on these factors are consistent with global, regional, and local observations. Improved regional emission factors will enhance national greenhouse gas inventories in information‐poor countries and guide efforts to reduce agricultural N2O emissions.  相似文献   

Arable soil continues to be the dominant anthropogenic source of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions owing to application of nitrogen (N) fertilizers and manures across the world. Using laboratory and in situ studies to elucidate the key factors controlling soil N2O emissions remains challenging due to the potential importance of multiple complex processes. We examined soil surface N2O fluxes in an arable soil, combined with in situ high-frequency measurements of soil matrix oxygen (O2) and N2O concentrations, in situ 15N labeling, and N2O 15N site preference (SP). The in situ O2 concentration and further microcosm visualized spatiotemporal distribution of O2 both suggested that O2 dynamics were the proximal determining factor to matrix N2O concentration and fluxes due to quick O2 depletion after N fertilization. Further SP analysis and in situ 15N labeling experiment revealed that the main source for N2O emissions was bacterial denitrification during the hot-wet summer with lower soil O2 concentration, while nitrification or fungal denitrification contributed about 50.0% to total emissions during the cold-dry winter with higher soil O2 concentration. The robust positive correlation between O2 concentration and SP values underpinned that the O2 dynamics were the key factor to differentiate the composite processes of N2O production in in situ structured soil. Our findings deciphered the complexity of N2O production processes in real field conditions, and suggest that O2 dynamics rather than stimulation of functional gene abundances play a key role in controlling soil N2O production processes in undisturbed structure soils. Our results help to develop targeted N2O mitigation measures and to improve process models for constraining global N2O budget.  相似文献   

Row‐crop agriculture is a major source of nitrous oxide (N2O) globally, and results from recent field experiments suggest that significant decreases in N2O emissions may be possible by decreasing nitrogen (N) fertilizer inputs without affecting economic return from grain yield. We tested this hypothesis on five commercially farmed fields in Michigan, USA planted with corn in 2007 and 2008. Six rates of N fertilizer (0–225 kg N ha?1) were broadcast and incorporated before planting, as per local practice. Across all sites and years, increases in N2O flux were best described by a nonlinear, exponentially increasing response to increasing N rate. N2O emission factors per unit of N applied ranged from 0.6% to 1.5% and increased with increasing N application across all sites and years, especially at N rates above those required for maximum crop yield. At the two N fertilizer rates above those recommended for maximum economic return (135 kg N ha?1), average N2O fluxes were 43% (18 g N2O–N ha?1 day?1) and 115% (26 g N2O–N ha?1 day?1) higher than were fluxes at the recommended rate, respectively. The maximum return to nitrogen rate of 154 kg N ha?1 yielded an average 8.3 Mg grain ha?1. Our study shows the potential to lower agricultural N2O fluxes within a range of N fertilization that does not affect economic return from grain yield.  相似文献   

The effect of loss of the 34-kDa periplasmic NosX protein on the properties of N2O reductase was investigated with an N2O-respiration negative, double mutant of the paralogous genes nosX and nirX of Paracoccus denitrificans. In spite of absence of whole-cell N2O-reducing activity, the purified reductase was catalytically active, which attributes NosX a physiological role in sustaining the reaction cycle. N2O reductase exhibited the spectroscopic features of Cu(A) and the redox-inert, paramagnetic state, Cu(Z)*, of the catalytic center. Cu(Z)*, hitherto considered the result of spontaneous reaction of the reductase with dioxygen, attains cellular significance.  相似文献   

The ongoing climate change is predicted to induce more weather extremes such as frequent drought and high-intensity precipitation events, causing more severe drying-rewetting cycles in soil. However, it remains largely unknown how these changes will affect soil nitrogen (N)-cycling microbes and the emissions of potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). Utilizing a field precipitation manipulation in a semi-arid grassland on the Loess Plateau, we examined how precipitation reduction (ca. −30%) influenced soil N2O and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in field, and in a complementary lab-incubation with simulated drying-rewetting cycles. Results obtained showed that precipitation reduction stimulated plant root turnover and N-cycling processes, enhancing soil N2O and CO2 emissions in field, particularly after each rainfall event. Also, high-resolution isotopic analyses revealed that field soil N2O emissions primarily originated from nitrification process. The incubation experiment further showed that in field soils under precipitation reduction, drying-rewetting stimulated N mineralization and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in favor of genera Nitrosospira and Nitrosovibrio, increasing nitrification and N2O emissions. These findings suggest that moderate precipitation reduction, accompanied with changes in drying-rewetting cycles under future precipitation scenarios, may enhance N cycling processes and soil N2O emissions in semi-arid ecosystems, feeding positively back to the ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

There is uncertainty in the estimates of indirect nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions as defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The uncertainty is due to the challenge and dearth of in situ measurements. Recent work in a subtropical stream system has shown the potential for diurnal variability to influence the downstream N transfer, N form, and estimates of in‐stream N2O production. Studies in temperate stream systems have also shown diurnal changes in stream chemistry. The objectives of this study were to measure N2O fluxes and dissolved N2O concentrations from a spring‐fed temperate river to determine if diurnal cycles were occurring. The study was performed during a 72 h period, over a 180 m reach, using headspace chamber methodology. Significant diurnal cycles were observed in radiation, river temperature and chemistry including dissolved N2O‐N concentrations. These data were used to further assess the IPCC methodology and experimental methodology used. River NO3‐N and N2O‐N concentrations averaged 3.0 mg L−1 and 1.6 μg L−1, respectively, with N2O saturation reaching a maximum of 664%. The N2O‐N fluxes, measured using chamber methodology, ranged from 52 to 140 μg m−2 h−1 while fluxes predicted using the dissolved N2O concentration ranged from 13 to 25 μg m−2 h−1. The headspace chamber methodology may have enhanced the measured N2O flux and this is discussed. Diurnal cycles in N2O% saturation were not large enough to influence downstream N transfer or N form with variability in measured N2O fluxes greater and more significant than diurnal variability in N2O% saturation. The measured N2O fluxes, extrapolated over the study reach area, represented only 6 × 10−4% of the NO3‐N that passed through the study reach over a 72 h period. This is only 0.1% of the IPCC calculated flux.  相似文献   

The effect of soil microbial processes on production and/or consumption of atmospheric trace gases was studied in four different soils which were preincubated in the presence of elevated concentrations of CH4, NH 4 + or CO, to simulate the growth of the resident populations of methanotrophic, nitrifying, or carboxydotrophic bacteria, respectively. Oxidation of CH4, both at atmospheric (1.8 ppmv) and at elevated (3500 ppmv) CH4 mixing ratios, was stimulated after preincubation with CH4, but not with NH 4 + or CO, indicating that CH4 was oxidized by methanotrophic, but not by nitrifying or carboxydotrophic bacteria. However, the oxidation of CH4 was partially inhibited by addition of NH 4 + and CO. Analogously, oxidation of NH 4 + was partially inhibited by addition of CH4. Oxidation of CO at elevated mixing ratios (2300 ppmv) was stimulated after preincubation with CO, indicating oxidation by carboxydotrophs, but was also stimulated at a small extent after preincubation with CH4, suggesting the involvement of methanotrophs. At atmospheric CO mixing ratios (0.13 ppmv), on the other hand, oxidation of CO was stimulated after preincubation with NH 4 + , indicating that the activity was due to nitrifiers. NO uptake was stimulated in soils preincubated with CH4, indicating the involvement of methanotrophs. However, production of N2O was only stimulated, if CH4 was added as a substrate. The results indicate that especially the methanotrophic and nitrifying populations in soil not only oxidize their specific substrates, but are also involved in the metabolism of other compounds.  相似文献   

The emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) from streams draining agricultural landscapes is estimated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to constitute a globally significant source of this gas to the atmosphere, although there is considerable uncertainty in the magnitude of this source. We measured N2O emission rates and potential controlling variables in 12 headwater streams draining a predominantly agricultural basin on glacial terrain in southwestern Michigan. The study sites were nearly always supersaturated with N2O and emission rates ranged from ?8.9 to 266.8 μg N2O‐N m?2 h?1 with an overall mean of 35.2 μg N2O‐N m?2 h?1. Stream water NO3? concentrations best‐predicted N2O emission rates. Although streams and agricultural soils in the basin had similar areal emission rates, emissions from streams were equivalent to 6% of the anthropogenic emissions from soils because of the vastly greater surface area of soils. We found that the default value of the N2O emission factor for streams and groundwater as defined by the IPCC (EF5‐g) was similar to the value observed in this study lending support to the recent downward revision to EF5‐g. However, the EF5‐g spanned four orders of magnitude across our study sites suggesting that the IPCC's methodology of applying one emission factor to all streams may be inappropriate.  相似文献   

Urine patches in pastures rank among the highest sources of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) from animal production systems. Previous laboratory studies indicate that N2O emissions for urine-N in pastures may increase with a factor five or eight in combination with soil compaction and dung, respectively. These combinations of urine, compaction and dung occur regularly in pastures, especially in so-called camping areas. The aims of this study were (i) to experimentally quantify the effect of compaction and dung on emission factors of N2O from urine patches under field conditions; (ii) to detect any seasonal changes in emission from urine patches; and (iii) to quantify possible effects of urine concentration and -volume. A series of experiments on the effects of compaction, dung, urine-N concentration and urine volume was set up at a pasture on a sandy soil (typic Endoaquoll) in Wageningen, the Netherlands. Artificial urine was applied 8 times in the period August 2000–November 2001, and N2O emissions were monitored for a minimum of 1 month after each application. The average emission factor for urine-only treatments was 1.55%. Over the whole period, only soil compaction had a clear significant effect, raising the average N2O emissions from urine patches from 1.30% to 2.92% of the applied N. Dung had no consistent effect; although it increased the average emissions from 1.60% to 2.82%, this was clearly significant (P< 0.01) for only one application date and marginally significant (P=0.054) for the whole experiment. Both compaction and dung increased water-filled pore space (WFPS) of the topsoil for a more prolonged time than high urine volumes. No effect of amount of urine-N or urine volume on N2O emissions relative to added N was detected for the whole experiment. There were clear differences between application dates, with highest emissions for urine-only treatments of 4.25% in October, 2000, and lowest of –0.11% in June, 2001. Emissions peaked at 60–70% WFPS, and decreased rapidly with both higher and lower WFPS. We conclude that compaction leads to a considerable increase in the N2O emissions under field conditions, mainly through higher WFPS. Dung addition may have the same effect, although this was not consistent throughout our experiment. Seasonal variations seemed mainly driven by differences in WFPS. Based on this study, mitigation strategies should focus on minimizing the grazing period with wet conditions leading to WFPS > 50%, avoiding camping areas in pastures, and on avoiding grazing under moist soil conditions. Greenhouse gas budgets for grazing conditions should include the effects of soil compaction and dung to represent actual emissions.  相似文献   

A recent study (Wolf et al., 2010) suggests that short—lived pulses of N2O emission during spring thaw dominate the annual N2O budget and that grazing decreases N2O emissions during the spring thaw. To verify this we conducted year—round N2O flux measurements from June 2010 to May 2011 in Tianshan alpine grassland in central Asia. No pulse emissions of N2O were found at grazing management sites and nitrogen addition sites during the spring thaw. The contribution of the spring thaw to the total annual N2O budget was small and accounted for only 6.6% of the annual fluxes, with winter emissions accounting for 16.7% and growing season emissions accounting for 76.7%. The difference in N2O emissions attributable to grazing management was not significant (> 0.05). Nitrogen input tended to increase N2O emissions at N addition sites during the grass growing season compared with those at unfertilized sites. N2O fluxes showed a significant correlation with air temperature and also with both soil temperature and soil water content at 10 cm depth.  相似文献   

1. Denitrification, net oxygen consumption and net nitrous oxide flux to the atmosphere were measured in three small rivers (discharge approximately 2–27 m3 s?1) at the whole reach scale during Spring and Summer, 2002. Two of these rivers (Iroquois River and Sugar Creek in north‐west Indiana – north‐east Illinois, U.S.A.) drained agricultural catchments and the other (Millstone River in central New Jersey, U.S.A.) drained a mixed suburban–agricultural catchment. 2. Denitrification, oxygen consumption and N2O flux were measured based on net changes in dissolved gas concentrations (N2, O2, and N2O) during riverine transport, correcting for atmospheric exchange. On each date, measurements were made during both light and dark periods. 3. Denitrification rates in these rivers ranged from 0.31 to 15.91 mmol N m?2 h?1, and rates within each river reach were consistently higher during the day than during the night. This diurnal pattern could be related to cyclic patterns of nitrification driven by diurnal variations in water column pH and temperature. 4. Oxygen consumption ranged from 2.56 to 241 mmol O2 m?2 h?1. In contrast to denitrification, net oxygen consumption was generally higher during the night than during the day. 5. River water was consistently supersaturated with N2O, ranging from 102 to 209% saturated. Net flux of N2O to the atmosphere ranged from 0.4 to 60 μmol N m?2 h?1. Net flux of N2O was generally higher at night than during the day. The high flux of N2O from these rivers strengthens the argument that rivers are an important contributor to anthropogenic emissions of this greenhouse gas.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide reductase from Wolinella succinogenes was tested for benzyl viologen cation (BV+)-chlorinated methane oxidoreductase activity, using di-, tri- and tetra-chloromethanes, and for the inhibition of BV+-N2O oxidoreductase activity by these chloromethanes. No BV+-chlorinated methane oxidoreductase activity was detected. Any such activity, if it exists, must be less than 0.1% of the BV+-N2O oxidoreductase activity of the enzyme. Inhibition of the BV+-N2O oxidoreductase activity by dichloromethane was detected and was apparently reversible and non-competitive, as is the case with the small metal-ligand type inhibitors of the enzyme (e.g. acettlene, azide, cyanide and carbon monoxide). Trichloromethane was a weaker inhibitor and inhibition was not detected with tetrachloromethane.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) emission estimates from forest ecosystems are based currently on emission measurements using soil enclosures. Such enclosures exclude emissions via tall plants and trees and may therefore underestimate the whole-ecosystem N2O emissions. Here, we measured plant-mediated N2O emissions from the leaves of potted beech (Fagus sylvatica) seedlings after fertilizing the soil with 15N-labelled ammonium nitrate (15NH4(15)NO3), and after exposing the roots to elevated concentrations of N2O. Ammonium nitrate fertilization induced N2O + 15N2O emissions from beech leaves. Likewise, the foliage emitted N2O after beech roots were exposed to elevated concentrations of N2O. The average N2O emissions from the fertilization and the root exposure experiments were 0.4 and 2.0 microg N m(-2) leaf area h(-1), respectively. Higher than ambient atmospheric concentrations of N2O in the leaves of the forest trees indicate a potential for canopy N2O emissions in the forest. Our experiments demonstrate the existence of a previously overlooked pathway of N2O to the atmosphere in forest ecosystems, and bring about a need to investigate the magnitude of this phenomenon at larger scales.  相似文献   

The rapidly growing areal extent of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) plantations and their high fertilizer input raises concerns about their role as substantial N2O sources. In this study, we present the first eddy covariance (EC) measurements of ecosystem-scale N2O fluxes in an oil palm plantation and combine them with vented soil chamber measurements of point-scale soil N2O fluxes. Based on EC measurements during the period August 2017 to April 2019, the studied oil palm plantation in the tropical lowlands of Jambi Province (Sumatra, Indonesia) is a high source of N2O, with average emission of 0.32 ± 0.003 g N2O-N m−2 year−1 (149.85 ± 1.40 g CO2-equivalent m−2 year−1). Compared to the EC-based N2O flux, average chamber-based soil N2O fluxes (0.16 ± 0.047 g N2O-N m−2 year−1, 74.93 ± 23.41 g CO2-equivalent m−2 year−1) are significantly (~49%, p < 0.05) lower, suggesting that important N2O pathways are not covered by the chamber measurements. Conventional chamber-based N2O emission estimates from oil palm up-scaled to ecosystem level might therefore be substantially underestimated. We show that the dynamic gas exchange of the oil palm canopy with the atmosphere and the oil palms' response to meteorological and soil conditions may play an important but yet widely unexplored role in the N2O budget of oil palm plantations. Diel pattern of N2O fluxes showed strong causal relationships with photosynthesis-related variables, i.e. latent heat flux, incoming photosynthetically active radiation and gross primary productivity during day time, and ecosystem respiration and soil temperature during night time. At longer time scales (>2 days), soil temperature and water-filled pore space gained importance on N2O flux variation. These results suggest a plant-mediated N2O transport, providing important input for modelling approaches and strategies to mitigate the negative impact of N2O emissions from oil palm cultivation through appropriate site selection and management.  相似文献   

In order to determine the effect of increased nitrogen inputs on fluxed of N2O and CH4 from alpine soils, we measured fluxes of these gases from fertilized and unfertilized soils in wet and dry alpine meadows. In the dry meadow, the addition of nitrogen resulted in a 22-fold increase in N2O emissions, while in the wet meadow, we observed a 45-fold increase in N2O emission rates. CH4 uptake in the dry meadow was reduced 52% by fertilization; however, net CH4 production occurred in all the wet meadow plots and emission rates were not significantly affected by fertilization. Net nitrification rates in the dry meadow were higher in fertilized plots than in non-fertilized plots throughout the growing season; net mineralization rates in fertilized dry meadow pots were higher than those in non-fertilized plots during the latter half of the growing season.  相似文献   

Abstract NO production and consumption rates as well as N2O accumulation rates were measured in a loamy cambisol which was incubated under different conditions (i.e. soil moisture content, addition of nitrogen fertilizer and/or glucose, aerobic or anaerobic gas phase). Inhibition of nitrification with acetylene allowed us to distinguish between nitrification and denitrification as sources of NO and N2O. Under aerobic conditions untreated soil showed very low release of NO and N2O but high consumption of NO. Fertilization with NH4+ or urea stimulated both NO and N2O production by nitrification. Addition of glucose at high soil moisture contents led to increased N2 and N2O production by denitrification, but not to increased NO production rates. Anaerobic conditions, however, stimulated both NO and N2O production by denitrification. The production of NO and N2O was further stimulated at low moisture contents and after addition of glucose or NO3. Anaerobic consumption of NO by denitrification followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics and was stimulated by addition of glucose and NO3. Aerobic consumption of NO followed first-order kinetics up to mixing ratios of at least 14 ppmv NO, was inhibited by autoclaving but not by acetylene, and decreased with increasing soil moisture content. The high NO-consumption activity and the effects of soil moisture on the apparent rates of anaerobic and aerobic production and consumption of NO suggest that diffusional constraints have an important influence on the release of NO, and may be a reason for the different behaviour of NO release vs N2O release.  相似文献   

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