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The electron-transfer activities of flavin and pterin coenzymes can be fine-tuned by coordination of metal ions, protonation and hydrogen bonding. Formation of hydrogen bonds with a hydrogen-bond receptor in metal–flavin complexes is made possible depending on the type of coordination bond that can leave the hydrogen-bonding sites. The electron-transfer catalytic functions of flavin and pterin coenzymes are described by showing a number of examples of both thermal and photochemical redox reactions, which proceed by controlling the electron-transfer reactivity of coenzymes with metal ion binding, protonation and hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   

Summary The surface of the external glial layer of the isocortex in the human temporal lobe is generally slightly undulated, with a few protrusions and indentations. The surface is formed by an uninterrupted basement membrane which is continuous over the surface no matter how tortuous it becomes. The overall thickness of the glial layer is generally 15 to 25 m, but diminishes to about 5 m immediately beneath blood vessels. It consists mainly of a variable number of stacked glial cell processes.Two groups of cell bodies are encountered particularly in the middle and lower levels of the glial layer. Most of the cells are specialized fibrous astrocytes. They are characterized by eccentrically placed, rounded nuclei with homogeneously dispersed chromatin, and electron-lucent cytoplasm rich in filaments. Lipofuscin pigment granules occupy large areas of the perikaryon. The astroglial cells give rise to four types of processes: foot-processes, tangential and radial processes, and processes irregular in outline.The foot-processes ascend towards the cortical surface and terminate as flat expansions spreading out immediately beneath the basement membrane. Contiguous terminal expansions are connected by gap junctions. The individual profiles are irregular in form and fit together like in a jig-saw puzzle. The plasmalemma beneath the basement membrane is underlined by a fuzzy material, which is penetrated by glial filaments. In the terminal expansions individual or groups of mitochondria are abundant.The tangential processes are straight and slender and form a lattice within the middle and deep level of the external glial layer. They contain numerous filaments, evenly distributed or fasciculated. The remainder of the lattice is filled up by a considerable number of processes irregular in outline and varying greatly in size. They contain fewer filaments than the tangential processes, coursing in all directions, and glycogen particles. In both types of processes only a few mitochondria are present. These processes are also connected by gap junctions and desmosomes, too.Large cytoplasmic areas of astroglial cells localized in the deepest portion of the glial layer protrude into the neuropil of the molecular layer, giving rise to several radiate processes, which extend deeper into the cortex.The second, heterogeneous group of cell bodies is characterized by elongated nuclei, ovoid or irregular in outline, which are smaller than those of astroglial cells, and contain blocks of condensed chromatin; a thin cytoplasmic rim generating a few appendages surrounds the nucleus. The first sub-type is characterized by a nucleus with large chromatin blocks bordering the inner nuclear membrane and a medium-dense cytoplasmic matrix. The second sub-type displays smaller chromatin condensations at the inner nuclear membrane and many microtubules are scattered throughout an electron-lucent cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The dermis of adult human skin contains a physiologically heterogeneous population of fibroblasts that interact to produce its unique architecture and that participate in inflammatory and wound repair functions in vivo. This heterogeneity has been well documented for fibroblasts located in the superficial papillary dermis and the deep reticular dermis. However, the existence of diverse fibroblast subpopulations within a given region of the dermis has not been explored. In this study, fibroblast cultures have been established from the superficial dermis following enzymatic dissociation of the tissue. These fibroblasts have been cloned by limiting dilution and initially selected on the basis of morphology and proliferation kinetics. Fibroblasts in some of the clones selected for study express α-smooth muscle actin, a myofibroblast characteristic. Significant differences for fibroblast clones obtained from the same piece of skin have been observed with regard to their rate of collagen lattice contraction, their ability to organize a fibronectin matrix, their release of specific growth factors/cytokines into culture medium, and their response to interleukin-1α. These differences in both morphological and physiological characteristics indicate that the superficial papillary dermis contains a heterogeneous population of fibroblasts. This heterogeneity might indicate that diverse subpopulations of fibroblasts are required to interact in both homeostatic and pathological situations in skin. We thank L’Oréal Life Sciences for providing funding for these studies.  相似文献   

Summary The rat ovary has been transplanted successfully to subcutaneous tissue areas by several investigators. Light microscopy has revealed that corpora lutea in ovarian autografts are formed by luteinization of intact follicles and contain entrapped ova. In the present study, corpora lutea from autografted ovaries in castrate rats were obtained at metestrus and examined electron microscopically to determine whether their cellular morphology correlated with the normal progesterone levels in these animals. Cellular features usually accepted as regressive were apparent. The findings suggest either structural luteolysis is occurring before functional luteolysis or that the adrenal has increased steroidogenic activity in the castrate with ovarian autografts to account for the normal progesterone levels.Supported in part by USPHS Grant T01-DE00241-04The authors wish to thank J. Canale and Y. Tablada for technical, G. Kerimian for photographic, and M.A. Anderson for secretarial assistance  相似文献   

Summary Taste buds occur in the epithelium of the catfish barbel along its entire length. Two major cell types, light and dark cells, occupy the upper two-thirds of the taste bud. A third cell type, the basal cell, lies on the basal lamina and is essentially separated from the light and dark cells by a plexus of unmyelinated nerve fibers. The dark cells have branching processes, both apically and basally whereas the light cells have a single apical process and many basal processes. The apical processes of dark cells contain secretory granules, while the apical processes of light cells contain an abundant agranular endoplasmic reticulum. Light cell nuclei contain bundles of 10 nm filaments, often arranged in the shape of a cup or ring, but nucleoli are rarely seen. It is suggested that this morphology indicates a low degree of RNA synthesis by light cells. The basal cells contain large numbers of vesicles, about 60 nm in diameter, which are sometimes seen in clumps in relation to an adjacent nerve fiber in a configuration resembling a synapse. Curiously, although basal cells present a large surface to the basal lamina, there are no hemidesmosomes. This suggests that the basal cell does not originate from the epidermis.Supported by grant#NS-06181 from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, U.S. Public Health Service  相似文献   

Contacts between small unmyelinated nerve fibres and dermal melanophores of the angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare, exhibit several features characteristic of synapses, including small synaptic vesicles and dense core vesicles, a narrow synaptic cleft, electron-dense material at the postsynaptic membrane (cell membrane of the melanophore) and, occasionally, presynaptic densities. An analysis of serial thin sections shows that the synapses described here represent varicosities of an otherwise more or less straight nerve fibre. A single axon thereby may form several en passant synapses with a single melanophore. It is suggested that the synaptic contacts described here not only represent sites of transmitter release but also play a role as sites of firm attachment between nerves and melanophores which guarantee a stable arrangement of nerve fibres and melanophores.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the nerves forming the submucous plexus of cervical and thoracic parts of the trachea was studied in the guinea-pig. Specimens were obtained from 6 animals perfused with warm fixative and from 6 animals in which pieces of trachea were incubated in buffer containing 5-hydroxydopamine before being immersed in cold fixative. Of the two types of axonal terminal identified in the nerves, one contained mainly large dense-cored vesicles, and the second contained numerous small vesicles. In specimens incubated in 5-hydroxydopamine, the small vesicles of the latter terminals exhibited the electron-dense cores which are characteristic of adrenergic axonal terminals. Counts made on perfused specimens showed that, in both the thoracic and cervical parts of the trachea, the density of adrenergic terminals was higher than that of terminals containing mainly large dense-cored vesicles. Overall terminal density was, however, higher in the thoracic than in the cervical part of the trachea, and estimates of nerve size showed that this was associated with the presence in the thoracic plexus of a substantially greater proportion of nerves with less than 6 axons. The possible function of the nerves in the control of the calibre of the submucous blood vessels was discussed.  相似文献   

Summary According to their ultrastructure and histochemistry three types of efferent nerve fibers can be distinguished in the bird's adrenal gland. The main part is made up of cholinergic fibers recognizable by a positive reaction for acetylcholinesterase and two specific populations of granules within the synaptic ending. Synaptic vesicles measuring 300 to 500 Å in diameter and dense-cored vesicles with a diameter of about 1 000 Å are discernible.In the periphery of the gland cholinergic axons for the innervation of adrenal cells form large bundles surrounded by a perineural sheath. The bundles cross the capsule and are situated within the adrenal chromaffin cords or at their periphery. Finally small groups of fibers enter a group of chromaffin cells which are surrounded by a basal lamina and which consist of about a dozen or more cells producing adrenaline and noradrenaline. Synaptic endings occur, above all in passeriform species, in the center of a chromaffin cell complex. They are either attached to the innervated cells or their dendrite-like processes, or embedded into the cells, or connected to short spines of the innervated cells. Synaptic and dense-cored vesicles leave the bouton by exocytosis. One synaptic terminal may innervate up to three A- or NA-cells. The existence of different types of synapses for A- and NA-cells cannot be excluded.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Un 34/1).  相似文献   

Summary Photoreceptor cells in the epidermis and nerve branches of the prostomium and in the cerebral ganglion of Lumbricus terrestris were investigated with the electron microscope. The photoreceptor cell is similar to the visual cell of Hirudo by having a central intracellular cavity (phaosome) filled with microvilli. Besides microvilli, several sensory cilia can also be found in the phaosome but they are structurally independent of the microvilli. A gradual branching of the phaosome cavity into smaller cavities makes its sectional profile extremely labyrinthic. Flattened smooth-surfaced cisternae in stacks of 2 to 5 are frequently observed around the phaosome. Characteristic constituents of the cytoplasm are vesicles and vacuoles filled with a substance of varying density. The photoreceptor cell is covered by glial cells or by their processes which at many places deeply invaginate the cell surface (trophospongium).
Zusammenfassung Die Feinstruktur der Photorezeptorzellen in der Epidermis, in kleineren Nervenästen und im Zerebralganglion von Lumbricus terrestris wurde untersucht. Das Vorhandensein eines zentralen, intrazellulären Lumens (Phaosom), das mit Mikrozotten gefüllt ist, erinnert in der Struktur der Photorezeptorzelle des Regenwurms an Lichtsinneszellen von Hirudo. Außer Mikrozotten findet man im Phaosom einige Zilien vom Typ 9×2+0; solche Zilien sind von den Mikrozotten strukturell unabhängig. Durch eine Aufzweigung des Phaosoms in kleinere Buchten, die tief in das umgebende Zytoplasma eindringen, erhält es ein labyrinthartiges Aussehen.Glatte Zisternen in Gruppen von 2 bis 5 wurden oft um das Phaosom im Zytoplasma beobachtet. Charakteristische Bestandteile der Zelle sind noch Vesikel und Vakuolen, die mit einer Substanz von wechselnder Elektronendichte gefüllt sind. Die Photorezeptorzellen werden von Gliazellen und Gliafortsätzen umgeben, die an vielen Stellen die Zelloberfläche tief einstülpen (Trophospongium).

Summary Apart from cholinergic nerve fibers, which make up the main part of efferent fibers to the avian adrenal gland (Unsicker, 1973b), adrenergic, purinergic and afferent nerve fibers occur. Adrenergic nerve fibers are much more rare than cholinergic fibers. With the Falck-Hillarp fluorescence method they can be demonstrated in the capsule of the gland, in the pericapsular tissue and near blood vessels. By their green fluorescent varicosities they may be distinguished characteristically from undulating yellow fluorescent ramifications of small nerve cells which are found in the ganglia of the adrenal gland and below the capsule. The varicosities of adrenergic axons exhibit small (450 to 700 Å in diameter) and large (900 to 1300 Å in diameter) granular vesicles with a dense core which is usually situated excentrically. After the application of 6-hydroxydopamine degenerative changes appear in the varicosities. Adrenergic axons are not confined to blood vessels but can be found as well in close proximity of chromaffin cells. Probably adrenergic fibers are the axons of large ganglion cells which are situated mainly within the ganglia of the adrenal gland and in the periphery of the organ and whose dendritic endings show small granular vesicles after treatment with 6-OHDA.A third type of nerve fiber is characterized by varicosities containing dense-cored vesicles with a thin light halo, the mean diameter (1250 Å) of which exceeds that of the morphologically similar granular vesicles in cholinergic synapses. Those fibers resemble neurosecretory and purinergic axons and are therefore called p-type fibers. They cannot be stained with chromalum-hematoxyline-phloxine. Axon dilations showing aggregates of mitochondria, myelin bodies and dense-cored vesicles of different shape and diameter are considered to be afferent nerve endings. Blood vessels in the capsule of the gland are innervated by both cholinergic and adrenergic fibers.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Un 34/1).  相似文献   

Summary The epithelium of the monkey epididymis was studied by means of freeze-fracture techniques and conventional electron microscopy. For the study of transepithelial permeability lanthanum hydroxide was used as an intercellular tracer. The epididymal epithelium consists mainly of tall columnar cells. The long stereocilia at the apical surface, similarly to microvilli, exhibit after freeze-fracture, two distinct faces: the E face, concave and with fewer membrane-associated particles, and the complementary convex P face. In the lumen unusual groups of smooth-surfaced vacuoles are present. A tight junctional network, which shows some permeability to the lanthanum tracer, is located at the apical end of the cells. Supranuclear cross-fractures clearly show the well developed Golgi cisternae and numerous vacuole profiles. The highly infolded, centrally located nucleus exhibits, after freeze-fracture, an even distribution of nuclear pores. In the perinuclear region the rough endoplasmic reticulum, which also presents pores, displays a sheet-like organization. The basal cytoplasm is filled by numerous globular profiles of membrane-bounded granules. Freeze-cleave exposes large cytoplasmic areas where the types and amount of organelles indicate an intense metabolic activity.Supported by Grant No from PLAMIRHInvestigator of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) Argentina  相似文献   

Summary Thymic small lymphocytes of dd-mice were qualitatively and quantitatively studied by electron microscopy. Differences in fine structure were revealed between cortical and medullary small lymphocytes. Cortical small lymphocytes are rounded in cell outline with a round nucleus. The cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus as a narrow rim is scanty and appears relatively dense due to an abundance of free ribosomes. The cell organelles are not well developed. On the other hand, medullary small lymphocytes are more irregular in shape with uneven cell membranes. Their nuclei are also more irregular in outline with frequent infoldings of the nuclear membrane. The cytoplasm is more abundant and paler with less numerous ribosomes. The cell organelles are better developed.Quantitative analysis was made of both cortical and medullary small lymphocytes by means of the point counting method. The nuclei of both cortical and medullary small lymphocytes are almost the same in size (a diameter of 4.9 ). The cell sizes are different between cortical and medullary lymphocytes: cortical small lymphocytes with a diameter of 5.5 were smaller than medullary ones with a diameter of 6.4 .Cortical small lymphocytes are very sensitive to the destructive effects of hydrocortisone, whereas the medullary ones are resistant.Periarteriolar lymphoid sheath in the splenic white pulp, which is known to be a thymus-dependent area, contains small lymphocytes that were similar in cytological details to medullary small lymphocytes of the thymus.In the light of the recent knowledge about a recirculating long-lived small lymphocyte pool, it appears probable that medullary small lymphocytes represent a contribution to the pool and that small lymphocytes with a long life span can be cytologically identified by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the neural sheath, glial cells and nerve cells in the brain of adult male houseflies is described. The neural sheath is composed of neural lamella and perineurium. The neural lamella consists of an external lamina and collagen-like fibrils which are embedded in an amorphous matrix. The perineurial cells form a continuous layer around the brain. On their inner surface, perineurial cells form junctional complexes with glial cell processes. A cortical cellular layer composed of neurons and glial cells surrounds the centrally located neuropil. Three types of glial cells are identified. Glial cells differ in size and in relative development and distribution of organelles. Thin processes of glioplasm completely surround the cell bodies of the neurons. Five types of neurons are described. Most of the neurons are monopolar, a few are bipolar.Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation  相似文献   

Summary A study of the ultrastructure of the developing thymus of the leopard frog (Rana pipiens) revealed that the thymus had undergone all of the major changes which would persist through larval life and metamorphosis by the time that the animals had reached larval stage IV of Taylor and Kollros (1946). These changes included development of an outer, lymphoid cortical region and an inner, essentially nonlymphoid medulla; mitotic activity among lymphoid cell precursors and the formation of the first small lymphocytes; development of complex cysts containing PAS-positive material and the appearance of other signs of secretory activity among epithelial cells of the medulla; and differentiation of large myoid cells containing bundles of striated muscle fibrils. The changes are particularly noteworthy because they first appear during a period in which the animals are known to be developing the capacity to respond immunologically to allografts.Supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health number GM-11782 to E.P.V.  相似文献   

Summary Chromophobes of the pars distalis in young Chelydra serpentina have sparse cytoplasm with no specific granules; however, many cytoplasmic filaments are present. The chromophobes are connected to the other cell types by desmosomes, while different types of junctional specializations occur between adjacent chromophobes. Cytoplasmic filaments traverse the cytoplasm in a random manner and terminate on both the junctional complexes and the nuclear envelope. It is proposed that, in addition to providing a structural framework, the chromophobes may be involved in integrating cellular responses of the parenchyma to changes in the endocrine milieu.Supported in part by a General Research Support Grant RR05402, NIH to Dr. Tseng and a Human Development Grant HD-03484, NIH to Dr. Yntema.  相似文献   

The squamates are composed of many taxa, among which there is morphological variation in the vomeronasal organ (VNO). To elucidate the evolution of chemoreception in squamate reptiles, morphological data from the VNO from a variety of squamate species is required. In this study, the morphology of the VNO of the grass lizard Takydromus tachydromoides was examined using light and electron microscopy. The VNO consists of a pair of dome-shaped structures, which communicate with the oral cavity. There are no associated glandular structures. Microvilli are present on the apical surfaces of receptor cells in its sensory epithelium, as well as on supporting cells, and there are centrioles and ciliary precursor bodies on the dendrites. In addition to ciliated cells and basal cells in the non-sensory epithelium, there is a novel type of non-ciliated cell in T. tachydromoides. They have constricted apical cytoplasm and microvilli instead of cilia, and are sparsely distributed in the epithelium. Based on these results, the variation in the morphology of the VNO in scincomorpha, a representative squamate taxon, is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Peculiar cells forming cysts were observed in the area postrema and sometimes also in the choroid plexus and the tela chorioidea near the area postrema, and were studied in detail by electron microscopy. The cytological features of the cyst cell and its junctional relationship to neighboring cells imply that cyst cells are derived from ependymal and choroid epithelial cells. The cyst cells usually contact directly the perivascular spaces of postremal, choroidal or pial capillaries, where the cytoplasm is often considerably attenuated. The cystic lumen is commonly filled with a flocculent material. The limiting membrane of the cystic lumen, which frequently bears cilia and microvilli, has the same thickness as the surface cell membrane. In many cases, the cyst is surrounded by the cytoplasm of a single cell. In some cases, however, two cells participate in the formation of the cyst, although one is only a slender process and joined by a zonula occludens with the main cyst cell. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injected into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) space failed to enter the cystic lumen. A possible significance of the cyst in relation to the CSF and blood circulation was considered.  相似文献   

Summary Three types of sensilla occurring on the lips and on the antennae of Peripatopsis moseleyi have been investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. On the lips sensory spines can be found which contain numerous cilia originating from bipolar receptor cells. They reach the tip of the spine where the cuticle is modified. The perikarya of the sensory cells, a large supporting cell with a complicated surface and a second type of receptor, form a bud-like structure and are surrounded by a layer of collagen fibrils. The second receptor cell bears apical stereocilia as well as a kinocilium which are directed towards the centre of the animal — thus the cell appears to be turned upside down. The sensilla of the antennae are 1) sensory bristles containing two or three kinds of receptor cells, one of which bears an apical cilium and one kind of supportive cell and 2) sensory bulbs located within furrows consisting of receptor cells with branched cilia and two kinds of supportive cells which are covered by a modified thin cuticle. According to the electron microscopical findings the sensory spines on the lips are presumably chemoreceptors. The sensory bristles on the antennae can be regarded as mechanoreceptors and the sensory bulbs as chemoreceptors.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sto 75/3)  相似文献   

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