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Despite considerable advances in the past decade, melanin research still suffers from the lack of universally accepted and shared nomenclature, methodologies, and structural models. This paper stems from the joint efforts of chemists, biochemists, physicists, biologists, and physicians with recognized and consolidated expertise in the field of melanins and melanogenesis, who critically reviewed and experimentally revisited methods, standards, and protocols to provide for the first time a consensus set of recommended procedures to be adopted and shared by researchers involved in pigment cell research. The aim of the paper was to define an unprecedented frame of reference built on cutting‐edge knowledge and state‐of‐the‐art methodology, to enable reliable comparison of results among laboratories and new progress in the field based on standardized methods and shared information.  相似文献   

During the past decade, melanins and melanogenesis have attracted growing interest for a broad range of biomedical and technological applications. The burst of polydopamine‐based multifunctional coatings in materials science is just one example, and the list may be expanded to include melanin thin films for organic electronics and bioelectronics, drug delivery systems, functional nanoparticles and biointerfaces, sunscreens, environmental remediation devices. Despite considerable advances, applied research on melanins and melanogenesis is still far from being mature. A closer intersectoral interaction between research centers is essential to raise the interests and increase the awareness of the biomedical, biomaterials science and hi‐tech sectors of the manifold opportunities offered by pigment cells and related metabolic pathways. Starting from a survey of biological roles and functions, the present review aims at providing an interdisciplinary perspective of melanin pigments and related pathway with a view to showing how it is possible to translate current knowledge about physical and chemical properties and control mechanisms into new bioinspired solutions for biomedical, dermocosmetic, and technological applications.  相似文献   

黑素细胞及黑素的生成与调节   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文概述了:(1)黑素细胞的来源,黑素细胞的数量、形态、分布特点及其与角朊细胞等周围组织和细胞的关系;(2)黑素生物合成的基本过程;(3)酪氨酸酶、黑素合成相关基因、黑素细胞刺激素、细胞因子以及环境因素等对黑素生物合成的调节作用。  相似文献   

It is well known that, among mammals, specific play vocalizations are produced exclusively by certain nonhuman primate species. In order to investigate the functional significance of these calls, we examined their phyletic distribution among New World and Old World monkeys. The results indicate that such calls are produced by species in which allomothering behaviour occurs. We propose a functional explanation of play vocalizations according to which they serve as a possible source of information for maternal retrieval of infants whenever necessary.  相似文献   

The articular facet of a superior articular process of the sacrum is directed backward, inward, and upward with marked variations. 4 angles characterize the orientation of this facet: a) The relative angle of tilt: i.e. the angle between the articular facet and the upper end-plate of the sacrum, measured in a sagittal plane. b) The absolute angle of tilt: i.e. the angle between the articular facet and the horizontal plane, measured in a sagittal plane. c) The tilted part-angle of opening: i.e. the angle between the articular facet and the sagittal plane, measured in a plane parallel to the upper end-plate of the sacrum. d) The horizontal part-angle of opening: i.e. the angle between the articular facet and the sagittal plane, measured in a horizontal plane. These 4 angles are determined by characteristic straights within the articular facet and certain reference planes (upper end-plate of the sacrum, horizontal plane, sagittal plane). Only 2 intersecting straights suffice for an adequate determination of a geometrical plane; therefore, if we know the relative angle of tilt and the tilted part-angle of opening, we are able to construct or to calculate the absolute angle of tilt as well as the horizontal part-angle of opening by using the range of inclination of the sacrum. The shape as well as the orientation of the articular facets at the superior articular processes of the sacrum do not depend on the inclination of the pelvis nor on the inclination of the sacrum nor on the range of the lumbosacral angle. Only the absolute angle of tilt shows a reference to the inclination of the sacrum because the relative angle of tilt shows a certain constancy. The orientation of the articular facets is slightly influenced by static moments, but considerably determined by dynamical requirements. At spines with irregular numbers of praesacral vertebrae, the orientation of the lumbosacral articular facets do not differ from the orientation of these facets at spines with the regular number of 24 praesacral vertebrae. This, however, does not prove right at spines, that have a lumbosacral "transitional vertebra". Such lumbosacral transitional vertebrae detract much from the stability of the lumbosacral region of the spine.  相似文献   

叶脉网络功能性状及其生态学意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
叶脉网络结构是叶脉系统在叶片里的分布和排列样式。早期叶脉网络结构研究主要集中在其分类学意义上; 近年来叶脉网络功能性状及其在植物水分利用上的意义已成为植物生态学研究的热点。该文介绍了叶脉网络功能性状的指标体系(包括叶脉密度、叶脉直径、叶脉之间的距离、叶脉闭合度等), 综述了叶脉网络功能性状与叶脉系统功能(包括水分、养分和光合产物等物质运输、机械支撑和虫害防御等)的关系, 叶脉网络功能性状与叶片其他功能性状(包括比叶重、叶寿命、光合速率、叶片大小、气孔密度等)的协同变异和权衡关系, 以及叶脉网络功能性状随环境因子(包括水分、温度、光照等)的变化规律等方面的最新研究进展。此外, 叶脉网络功能性状的研究成果也被应用于古环境重建、城市交通规划、流域规划及全球变化研究中。由于叶脉网络功能性状是环境因子与系统发育共同作用的结果, 未来开展分子—叶片—植物—生态系统等多尺度的叶脉网络功能性状研究, 理清叶脉网络功能性状与气孔失水—茎干导水—根系吸水等植物水分利用的关系, 将为预测植物及生态系统对全球变化的响应提供新的启示。  相似文献   

Erythrocytes play a key role in human and vertebrate metabolism. Tissue O2 supply is regulated by both hemoglobin (Hb)-O2 affinity and erythrocyte rheology, a key determinant of tissue perfusion. Oxygenation-deoxygenation transitions of Hb may lead to re-organization of the cytoskeleton and signalling pathways activation/deactivation in an O2-dependent manner. Deoxygenated Hb binds to the cytoplasmic domain of the anion exchanger band 3, which is anchored to the cytoskeleton, and is considered a major mechanism underlying the oxygenation-dependence of several erythrocyte functions. This work discusses the multiple modes of Hb-cytoskeleton interactions. In addition, it reviews the effects of Mg2+, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, NO, shear stress and Ca2+, all factors accompanying the oxygenation-deoxygenation cycle in circulating red cells. Due to the extensive literature on the subject, the data discussed here, pertain mainly to human erythrocytes whose O2 affinity is modulated by 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, ectothermic vertebrate erythrocytes that use ATP, and to bird erythrocytes that use inositol pentaphosphate.  相似文献   

Tibial combs in representatives of the family Cydnidae are described in detail for the first time. The structure was studied in 98 species of 58 genera representing all the subfamilies, among them 16 species were investigated using scanning electron microscopic (SEM) techniques. In addition, Parastrachia japonensis (Scott, 1880) of the family Parastrachiidae, and two species of Dismegistus Amyot and Serville, 1843 (a genus of uncertain systematic position within Pentatomoidea) have also been studied. Morphological terminology is proposed for all the structures connected with tibial combs and the term 'the tibial comb complex' is suggested; its functional, taxonomic and phylogenetic significance is also discussed. The genera of Cydnidae can be classified into two groups depending on differences in the tibial comb complex, when it is present; moreover, its absence in the tribe Scaptocorini (Cephalocteinae) is demonstrated for the first time and is regarded as an autapomorphy of this tribe. Data on the occurrence of tibial combs in other families of true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) are also briefly reviewed, and an anagenetic trend in their evolution in terrestrial Heteroptera is hypothesized. The presence of tibial combs on all legs is regarded as the most plesiomorphic state.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells from many organisms have the capacity to generate in vitro a wide variety of cell types depending on their environment. Understanding precisely how such toti- or pluripotent cells may be driven towards a specific lineage represents a major challenge if our ambition of using ES cells to generate a ready supply of healthy cells for cell-based therapies for a range of diseases is to be realized. Recent advances have demonstrated that melanocytes and retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells exhibiting the characteristics of their natural counterparts can be induced from undifferentiated ES cells grown on monolayers of specific stromal cell lines or by using a combination of Wnt3a, Endothelin-3 and SCF. The ability to induce pigment cells from ES cells promises to facilitate our understanding of the precise molecular mechanisms underlying this process and moreover enable us to distinguish the program of gene expression that underpins the choice made between generating a nerual crest-type melanocyte versus an RPE cell. Moreover, once the combination of signals required to induce a particular type of pigment cell are characterized, the way may be open for future cell-based therapy for various diseases caused by defective pigment cells.  相似文献   

To have some insight into the functional coupling between the parasternal intercostals (PS) and the diaphragm (DPM), we have examined the isometric contractile properties of bundles from canine PS and DPM muscles. Bundles of external (EXT) and internal (INT) interosseous intercostals were studied for comparison. In addition we have related sonometrically measured length of the intercostals in vivo at supine functional residual capacity (FRC) to in vitro optimal force-producing length (Lo). We found that 1) intercostal twitch speed is significantly faster than DPM, thus displacing their relative force-frequency curve to the right of that of the DPM; 2) the ascending limb of the active length-tension curve of all intercostals lies below the DPM curve; i.e., at 85% Lo, PS force is 46% of maximal force (Po), whereas DPM force is still 87% Po; 3) for any given length change beyond Lo, all intercostals generate greater passive tension than the DPM; 4) Po is greater for the intercostals than the DPM; and 5) at supine FRC, both EXT and INT in dogs are nearly operating at Lo, whereas the PS are operating at a length greater than Lo. We conclude that 1) PS produce less force than DPM during breathing efforts involving low- (10-20 Hz) stimulation frequencies, but they generate more force than DPM when high- (greater than 50 Hz) stimulation frequencies are required; and 2) the pressure-generating ability of the PS is better preserved than that of the DPM with increases in lung volume.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

New remains of Megaladapis from the caves within the Ankarana Range of northern Madagascar and the cave site of Ankilitelo near Toliara in southwestern Madagascar add considerably to the present sample of pedal remains for this genus. Here we describe and analyze the new pedal material and discuss the function of the Megaladapis foot in terms of positional behavior and substrate use. The northern specimens belong to the M. madagascariensis/M. grandidieri group in terms of size and morphology, whereas the new southwestern fossils are assigned to M. madagascariensis. The new specimens demonstrate that the small and intermediate sized M. madagascariensis and M. grandidieri were very similar in anatomy and inferred locomotor function, findings that also support the prior suggestion that they belong to a single widespread subgenus (Megaladapis). The new fossils provide the first examples of many pedal elements and present the first opportunity to analyze the whole pedal complex from associated remains. The foot of Megaladapis is distinctive among primates in numerous features. Intrinsic proportions of the hindlimb indicate that the foot is relatively longer than that of any other primate. The first complete calcanei reveal a large and highly modified hindfoot. The calcaneus is reduced distally, indicating an emphasis on climbing over leaping or quadrupedal walking and running. Proximally, a large, medially directed calcaneal tuberosity suggests both a strong inversion component to plantarflexion and a well-developed abductor mechanism and recalls the calcaneal morphology of the larger lorisines in some respects. Talar shape is consistent with considerable tibial rotation during plantarflexion and dorsiflexion. The subtalar joint is designed to emphasize supination/pronation and medial/lateral rotation over proximodistal translation. The distal tarsals are extremely reduced in length, and they form a high transverse arch and a serial tarsus; this configuration promotes inversion/eversion at the transverse tarsal joint. The phalanges are long and moderately curved, and the hallux is very long, robust, and abducted. Pedal morphology suggests that Megaladapis (subgenus Megaladapis) was well adapted to exploit an arboreal environment. The grasping mechanism of Megaladapis is an extreme modification of the prosimian condition, emphasizing a highly inverted set, mobility in rotation, and a powerful abduction/flexion type grasp using large hallux and the lateral abductor musculature. Such a mechanism insures a secure grasp regardless of the position of the hindlimb or the substrate. These pedal design features contrast with the grasping strategy seen in highly arboreal palaeopropithecids (or “sloth lemurs”), a group that reduces and modifies the hindfoot, culminating in Palaeopropithecus, and emphasizes extrinsic digital flexors in a more hook-like mechanism. Much less is known of M. (Peloriadapis) edwardsi. The larger body size, more gorilla-like talar articular morphology, and anatomy of the proximal fifth metatarsal suggest that this species may have been more terrestrial than the smaller forms, but other aspects of pedal morphology suggest it also exploited arboreal habitats.  相似文献   

γ—氨基丁酸受体的反应动力学及其功能意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)受体的反应动力学(激活,失敏和失活)是否在快速抑制性突触传递中起作用及怎样发挥作用是一个重要问题。随着分子生物学的发展,膜片钳技术及快速施药系统的应用,对GABA受体的反应动力学的结构基础,单通道水平的发生机制及其人功能意义等开始形成较全面的认识,揭示了其反应动力学在调节抑制性突触后电流(IPSC)中的关键作用及在快速抑制性突触传递中的重要意义。  相似文献   

In response to environmental pressures, speciation within the Chasmopinae involved the attempt to minimise the anterior blind spot. This was attempted in four different ways: by positioning the eyes progressively closer to the glabella, in the Chasmops-Toxochasmops lineage; on the sides of the cephalon, in Bolbochasmops and Rollmops; by elevating and reducing the size of the eyes, in Scopelochasmops ; and by the development of very large eyes in species of Chasmops and Toxochasmops. Development of different eye morphologies resulted in complementary cephalic morphological changes, involving frontal lobe convexity, position and orientation of glabellar furrows, size of hypostome and overall cephalic shape. The strong selection pressure acting on eye form in order to minimise the anterior blind spot suggests that the Chasmopinae may have led a predatory mode of life.  相似文献   

In a comparative study the lipoquinones of some chemoorganotrophic, facultatively aerobic bacteria, and representative Acholeplasma, Mycoplasma, Spiroplasma, and Thermoplasma strains were investigated. The quinones were partly purified by preparative thin layer chromatography of lipid extracts, and characterized by their difference spectra (reduced minus oxidized) and Rf values. Respiring bacteria expectedly contained benzoquinones and/or naphthoquinones in micromolar concentrations whereas some aerotolerant, cytochrome-less, gram-positive bacteria were found to contain menaquinones in nanomolar concentrations, or even no quinones; only Streptococcus faecalis, an organism supposed to use a rudimentary, flavin-terminated respiratory chain system produced desmethyl menaquinone in amounts ranging between high and low quinone contents. Among the mycoplasmas investigated, only Thermoplasma acidophilum was found to be capable of synthesizing quinones (MK-7) in the micromolar order of magnitude indicating a respiratory electron transport system. The presence of energetically useful respiratory chain systems in Acholeplasma, Mycoplasma, and Spiroplasma is questioned since these organisms contain quinones (MK-4) in nanomolar concentrations, or no quinones, depending on the presence of exogeneous MK-6 in the growth medium. The possible metabolic role of menaquinones present in low amounts, as well as the role of NADH oxidase systems more or less tightly bound to the cytoplasmic membrane with the mycoplasmas deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

Morphological inversions during the ontogenesis of the ixodid ticks consist in the deranges of species-specific tendencies in the development of some external structures by the female line. The inversions, which included a wide range of organs and their fine structures, have been described for the first time in 14 species of 4 from 7 Palearctic ixodid genera. Emphasis is placed on the study of the structures, which serve as differential characters for closely related species. It is shown, that the using of the structures subjected to inversions is unavoidable in systematics because of the great similarity of closely related species, especially in immature stages. It is established by the data on the variability of all active stages in the species distribution ranges, that the degree of the inversions manifestation may somewhat fluctuate in different subspecies or geographic morphotypes of the same species, but the peculiarity of the inversions always remains a species-specific character. The cause of inversions origin is the evolution of the Ixodidae by the way of morpho-ecological specialization, namely hypertrophic, giantism, the growth of teguments in the period of nutrition act by pasture ambushing, which led to the derange of the development coordination of the organs during ontogenesis. Biological implication of the inversions is a guarantee of the adaptive potential of species during the process of microevolution. Even though the inversions make identification of closely related species difficult, their substantial importance is that they form integral species-specific character for the whole active part of the species ontogenesis.  相似文献   

The skin pigment melanin is produced in melanocytes in highly specialized organelles known as melanosomes. Melanosomes are related to the organelles of the endosomal/lysosomal pathway and can have a low internal pH. In the present study we have shown that melanin synthesis in human pigment cell lysates is maximal at pH 6.8. We therefore investigated the role of intramelanosomal pH as a possible control mechanism for melanogenesis. To do this we examined the effect of neutralizing melanosomal pH on tyrosinase activity and melanogenesis in 11 human melanocyte cultures and in 3 melanoma lines. All melanocyte cultures (9 of 9) from Caucasian skin as well as two melanoma cell lines with comparable melanogenic activity showed rapid (within 24 h) increases in melanogenesis in response to neutralization of melanosomal pH. Chemical analysis of total melanin indicated a preferential increase in eumelanin production. Electron microscopy revealed an accumulation of melanin and increased maturation of melanosomes in response to pH neutralization. In summary, our findings show that: (i) near neutral melanosomal pH is optimal for human tyrosinase activity and melanogenesis; (ii) melanin production in Caucasian melanocytes is suppressed by low melanosomal pH; (iii) the ratio of eumelanin/phaeomelanin production and maturation rate of melanosomes can be regulated by melanosomal pH. We conclude that melanosomal pH is an essential factor which regulates multiple stages of melanin production. Furthermore, since we have recently identified that pink locus product (P protein) mediates neutralization of melanosomal pH, we propose that P protein is a key control point for skin pigmentation. We would further propose that the wide variations in both constitutive and facultative skin pigmentation seen in the human population could be associated with the high degree of P-locus polymorphism.  相似文献   

Recent expeditions to Madagascar have recovered abundant skeletal remains of Archaeolemur, one of the so-called "monkey lemurs" known from Holocene deposits scattered across the island. These new skeletons are sufficiently complete to permit reassembly of entire hands and feet--postcranial elements crucial to drawing inferences about substrate preferences and positional behavior. Univariate and multivariate analysis of intrinsic hand and foot proportions, phalangeal indices, relative pollex and hallux lengths, phalangeal curvature, and distal phalangeal shape reveal a highly derived and unique morphology for an extinct strepsirrhine that diverges dramatically from that of living lemurs and converges in some respects on that of Old World monkeys (e.g., mandrills, but not baboons or geladas). The hands and feet of Archaeolemur are relatively short (extremely so relative to body size); the carpus and tarsus are both "long" relative to total hand and foot lengths, respectively; phalangeal indices of both the hands and feet are low; both pollex and hallux are reduced; the apical tufts of the distal phalanges are very broad; and the proximal phalanges are slightly curved (but more so than in baboons). Overall grasping capabilities may have been compromised to some extent, and dexterous handling of small objects seems improbable. Deliberate and noncursorial quadrupedalism was most likely practiced on both the ground and in the trees. A flexible locomotor repertoire in conjunction with a eurytopic trophic adaptation allowed Archaeolemur to inhabit much of Madagascar and may explain why it was one of the latest surviving subfossil lemurs.  相似文献   

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