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The Anchorage Mechanics of Maize, Zea mays   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The anchorage system of mature maize Zea mays was investigatedby combining morphological and anatomical study of the rootsystem with mechanical tests on roots and with studies in whichplants were pulled over. The root system is dominated by 20–30adventitious roots which emerge in rings from the stem basepointing radially downwards and outwards, approximately 30°from the vertical. Roots are strengthened near their base bya heavily lignified exodermis which makes them rigid in bending;distally, strength and rigidity both decrease because rootsbecome thinner and less lignified. When plants were pulled over,a maximum anchorage moment of 5–20 Nm was mobilized atangles of 8–10°, larger plants having stronger anchorage.Movement was initially centred on the leeward side of the stem,anchorage being due to the resistance of both windward and leewardroots to axial motion through the soil and to bending. At displacementsover 10°, however, leeward roots buckled under combinedbending and compression and the centre of rotation shifted tothe windward perimeter of the root system; subsequent movementof the cone of roots and soil was resisted only by the bearingstrength of the soil beneath it. The differences between anchorage failure in balsam and sunflowersand that in maize probably results from the lower angular spreadand the weakness in compression of the maize roots which preventsthe leeward side of the root system from bearing large downwardloads. The system behaves more like that of wheat; these resultssuggest that the lodging resistance of both plants may be improvedby increasing the bending strength and angle of spread of theadventitious roots. Key words: Zea mays, roots, anchorage  相似文献   

Plants of two contrasting species of herbaceous annuals, thedicot sunflower (Helianthus annuusL.) and the monocot maize(Zea maysL.), grown in the glasshouse were subjected to regularunidirectional stem flexure. Differences in morphology and mechanicalproperties of roots and shoots were then investigated. Rootsystems were divided into quadrants around the axis of stimulationand differences in root morphology and mechanics between thezones were investigated. There were considerable differencesbetween roots in the leeward and windward zones compared withroots perpendicular to the axis of stimulation. First-orderlateral roots in both species were thicker, more rigid and morenumerous. These results suggest that plant roots respond locallyto mechanical stimulation. There were, however, also differencesin the responses of the two species. In sunflower, the tap rootand stem base became elliptical in cross section with the majoraxis lying in the plane of stimulation. The lateral roots offlexed sunflowers in both the leeward and windward zones showedsimilar growth responses: roots were thicker, more numerousand weighed more than those in the perpendicular zones. However,only leeward roots showed significant differences in their mechanicalproperties; roots were more rigid, stronger and stiffer. Incontrast, the leeward roots of maize were thicker and more numerous,with a greater biomass than the windward roots. However, onlyroots in the windward zone were stiffer than those in the perpendicularzone. These differences between sunflower and maize are relatedto their contrasting anchorage mechanics.Copyright 1998 Annalsof Botany Company Anchorage, biomechanics, adaptive growth, roots, thigmomorphogenesis,Helianthus annuusL.,Zea maysL.  相似文献   

用'陕单9号'玉米为试材进行分根实验,研究土壤干旱和湿润条件下,土壤容重对玉米单叶水分利用效率(WUEl)和单株水分利用效率(WUEp)的影响.土壤容重分4种处理:低容重(两边容重都为1.20 g/cm3)、中容重(两边容重都为1.33 g/cm3)、高容重(两边容重都为1.45 g/cm3)和混合容重(一边为1.20 g/cm3,另一边为1.45 g/cm3).土壤水分控制在高基质势(-0.17 MPa)和低基质势(-0.86 MPa)两个水平.结果表明,在干旱条件下,WUEl随容重的增大而提高,而WUEp随容重的增大而降低;在湿润条件下,WUEl和WUEp都随容重的增大而提高.相关分析表明,无论是干旱还是湿润条件下,WUEl与土壤机械阻力(Rs)呈正相关;在湿润条件下WUEp与Rs呈正相关,但在干旱条件下WUEp与Rs呈显著负相关.无论是干旱还是湿润条件下,生长在混合容重土壤的植株能维持较高的WUEl和WUEp.因此,土壤水分和容重都会影响植物水分利用效率,并存在交互作用,但土壤水分的作用更大;同时,土壤容重空间变化有利于提高水分利用效率.  相似文献   

The Anchorage of Leek Seedlings: The Effect of Root Length and Soil Strength   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
ENNOS  A. ROLAND 《Annals of botany》1990,65(4):409-416
The mechanical behaviour of single roots being extracted fromsoil was modelled as a process in which tension is transferredfrom the upper regions of the root to the soil via shear. Quantitativepredictions were made about the extraction forces and the shapeof the uprooting curves, and these were tested using leek radiclesof different lengths in soil of two different strengths. Results of uprooting tests were qualitatively similar to thepredictions. The pullout resistance rose with root length, untilthe breaking strength of the root was reached, at around 30mm: longer roots all broke before the tip was stressed. In wholeroot systems, therefore, failure will occur proximally beforethe line distal roots are mechanically stressed, so these canhave no anchorage function. Resistance to an upward force will be most economically achievedby having many strengthened proximal root axes, as in the adventitiousroot systems of grasses, sedges and stoloniferous dicots. Allium porrum, root, anchorage, shear, tension, soil  相似文献   

受旱玉米植株木质部汁液中的ABA浓度是高水分处理的5倍,土壤容重每增加0.12g·cm-3,木质部液汁中ABA浓度约增加1倍。在相同土壤基质势下,植株的气孔导度和蒸腾速率随土壤容重的增大而下降,而容重对植株的叶水势没有影响。生长在混合容重(一边为1.20g·cm-3,另一边为1.45g·cm-3)土壤上的植株中,ABA浓度和气孔导度与全部根系处在高容重土壤中的植株接近。  相似文献   

Root to Shoot Communication in Maize Plants of the Effects of Soil Drying   总被引:44,自引:2,他引:44  
Seedlings of Zea mays L. (John Innes hybrid) were grown withroots divided between two containers such that part of the rootsystem could reduce the water potential of the soil in its immediatevicinity while the rest of the root system was well suppliedwith water. When compared to plants rooted in two pots of moistsoil, drying of part of the root system resulted in partialclosure of stomata, even though leaf water potential, turgorand abscisic acid (ABA) content remained unaffected. When leafpieces were removed from the two groups of plants and incubatedunder conditions favourable for stomatal opening, stomata ofthe ‘half-watered’ plants still showed restrictedapertures. Incubation in kinetin (10 mmol m–3) or zeatin(100 mmol m–3) reversed the closure of stomata stimulatedby soil drying. These results suggest that a continuous supplyof cytokinin from roots may be necessary to sustain maximalstomatal opening and an interruption of this supply due to soildrying may act as an indicator of inhibited root activity, resultingin restricted stomatal opening and thereby restricted wateruse. Key words: Zea mays L., Soil drying, Stomata, Roots  相似文献   

The root systems of cereal seedlings (wheat, rye, barley, oats),grown in a series of liquid and solid media at 5, 15 and 25?C, were measured at intervals between sowing and emergence(shoot length 4.0 cm). In all cases, the length of seminal axesincreased linearly with time, and the rate of root extensionwas increased significantly by each 10 ?C increment in growingtemperature. In general, extension rates were lower in the solidmedia than in water culture; however, there was a strong interactionbetween medium and growing temperature, indicating that highertemperatures can compensate partly for the detrimental effectsof mechanical impedance. Examination of the influence of growing temperature upon rootaxis diameter was hampered by the observation that, for allfour species, apical root diameter was inversely related toroot length. It was concluded that comparison of the diametersof roots grown at different temperatures was valid only if theroots were of the same length (but different ages). Followingthis principle, it was found that, although cereal roots grownat 5 ?C tended to be slightly thicker than those at 15 ?C or25 ?C, this effect was small and rarely exceeded 10%. Publishedreports of very large differences in root diameter at differentgrowing temperatures were examined and found to be generallyunreliable. Lateral roots did not represent a significant fractionof the root system in any of the treatments studied. Root: shoot relationships at different growing temperatureswere examined by plotting root system length against shoot lengthfor each sample. It was found that, for the same shoot length,the root systems at 5 ?C were much shorter than at 25 ?C, theresponse at 15 ?C being rather more variable. This finding,which indicates that plants grown at low temperatures have alower capacity for water and solute uptake than those grownat laboratory temperatures, has important implications for thedesign of laboratory experiments. The influence of root zonetemperature upon root growth and physiology can be determinedunequivocably only if the roots have been exposed to the experimentaltemperature throughout their growth. Key words: Barley, Oats, Rye, Wheat, Root length, Root diameter, Root, shoot ratio  相似文献   

The influence of root morphology and soil type on the mechanical behaviour of tree anchorage was investigated through numerical modelling. We developed a simple computer program to construct three-dimensional virtual root architectural patterns. This tool was used to build four schematic patterns: heart-, tap-, herringbone- and plate-like root systems. Each of these rooting types was characterized by specific branching characteristics. However, the total volume (proportional to the wood biomass) and material properties were kept constant. The finite element method was used to calculate the mechanical response of root/soil systems when the stem was subjected to bending forces. The overturning resistance of the four schematic root patterns was determined in four different idealistic soil types. These soils were based on Mohr–Coulomb plasticity models. Results showed that soil internal friction modified the position of the rotation axis during tilting of the root/soil plate. Rooting depth was a determinant parameter in sandy-like soils. Overturning resistance was greatest in heart- and tap-root systems whatever the soil type. However, the heart root system was more resistant on clay-like soil whereas the tap root system was more resistant on sandy-like soil. Herringbone and plate root systems were twice as less resistant on clay soils and 1.5 times less resistant on sandy soils when compared to heart and tap-like structures.  相似文献   

The anchorage systems of Himalayan balsam Impatiens glanduliferaand mature sunflowers Helianthus annuus were investigated bycombining morphological and anatomical study of the root systemswith mechanical tests on roots and with studies in which matureplants were pulled over. The root system of balsam is dominated by large numbers of fleshytapering adventitious roots which point downwards from theirorigin at the wide stem base. Sunflowers, in contrast, havea tapering tap-root from which 20–30 well-branched lateralsemerge, pointing radially outwards and downwards. Roots of eachspecies have contrasting anatomy: those of balsam resemble stems,having a central watery pith and being strengthened peripherallyby lignification of vascular tissue; roots of sunflowers arestrengthened by a solid woody stele. Roots of both species arerigid in tension and, towards the base, in bending. Both species exhibited similar behaviour to that known for treessuch as Sitka spruce; when pulled over they rotated about ahinge leeward of the stem base and a root-soil ball was pulledout of the surrounding soil. Anchorage was resolved into threecomponents which, in order of decreasing magnitude, were (i)the resistance to pulling of the roots on the windward sideof the plant (and, for sunflower, the tap-root); (ii) the resistanceof roots and soil at the leeward hinge to rotation; and (iii)the weight of the root-soil ball. Sunflower had stronger anchoragebut achieved it at a greater cost in terms of the dry mass ofits root system. In each species, the morphology, anatomy and mechanical propertiesof the root system can be related to those of the stem. Thewide stem base of balsam allows large numbers of mechanicallyefficient fleshy roots to be attached whereas in sunflowersa woody tap-root system is necessary to anchor the much narrowerstem. Key words: Impatiens, Helianthus, roots, anchorage  相似文献   

The anchorage mechanics of mature winter-sown oilseed rape (‘Envol’)were investigated by combining a morphological and mechanicalstudy of the root system with anchorage tests on real and modelplants. Oilseed rape plants were anchored by a rigid tap root;the few laterals all emerged below the centre of rotation ofthe root system (approx. 30 mm below the soil surface). Whenplants were pulled over, the tap root bent and the top 30 mmmoved in the soil towards the direction of pull, creating acrevice on the opposite side. The maximum anchorage moment was2.9 ± 0.36 N m. Two main components of anchorage wereidentified: the bending resistance of the tap root and the resistanceof the soil on the near side to compression. The relative importanceof these components was determined by measuring both the bendingresistance of the tap root, and the resistance of metal tubesof varying diameter, inserted to various depths in the soil,to being pulled over. These tests showed that the tap root bendingmoment at failure could account for around 40% of anchoragemoment, while soil resistance could account for around 60%.The model tests on the tubes also help to shed light on theway in which the dimensions of tap roots will influence theiranchorage capability. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Anchorage, lodging, root bending resistance, mechanical properties, oilseed rape, Brassica napus L  相似文献   

Comparisons between competing and non-competing sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) populations demonstrate pronounced effects of density on plant height growth, height-to-crown width ratio, and s popuiaUon's height inequality. In the present study, non-destructive measurements of height and the prolected crown area of sunflower plants were taken at seven times from emergence to fruit maturation in even-aged monospeclflc stands with initial densities of 1, 4, 16, and 64 plants/m^2. The mean height of populations Increased and then decreased with increasing population density; the height Inequalities of uncrowded populations decreased during stand growth, whereas the height inequaiiUes of crowded popuisUons decreased first and then increased during stand development. The interindlvidual relationships between the relative height growth rate and height within uncrowded populations became significantly negative during population growth, whereas these relationships were negative first and then became positive during the development of crowded populations. In the uncrowded populations, the static Interindlvldual relationship between height-to-crown width ratio and volume was positive, whereas for the crowded population these relationships became negative with increasing competition for light. The data suggest that the plastic responses of plant height and height-to-crown width ratio to light competition will become more Intense with increasing competition Intensity. The results of the present study argue strongly for the Importance of size-dependent Individual-level plastic responses due to size-asymmetric light competition In generating the variations in population height inequality.  相似文献   

为了明确硼肥对甜荞植株构型及产量的影响,本研究以甜荞品种'综甜2号'为试验材料,在花蕾期对其叶片喷施不同浓度的硼肥,于成熟期测定甜荞根际土壤养分的含量、根系形态、农艺性状及产量.结果表明:硼肥的施用能显著增加'综甜2号'根际土壤铵态氮、速效钾含量,以及pH、根系表面积和根系体积,而且显著降低根际土壤有机质的含量.当硼肥...  相似文献   

The fungal population dynamics in soil and in the rhizospheres of two maize cultivars grown in tropical soils were studied by a cultivation-independent analysis of directly extracted DNA to provide baseline data. Soil and rhizosphere samples were taken from six plots 20, 40, and 90 days after planting in two consecutive years. A 1.65-kb fragment of the 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) amplified from the total community DNA was analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and by cloning and sequencing. A rhizosphere effect was observed for fungal populations at all stages of plant development. In addition, pronounced changes in the composition of fungal communities during plant growth development were found by DGGE. Similar types of fingerprints were observed in two consecutive growth periods. No major differences were detected in the fungal patterns of the two cultivars. Direct cloning of 18S rDNA fragments amplified from soil or rhizosphere DNA resulted in 75 clones matching 12 dominant DGGE bands. The clones were characterized by their HinfI restriction patterns, and 39 different clones representing each group of restriction patterns were sequenced. The cloning and sequencing approach provided information on the phylogeny of dominant amplifiable fungal populations and allowed us to determine a number of fungal phylotypes that contribute to each of the dominant DGGE bands. Based on the sequence similarity of the 18S rDNA fragment with existing fungal isolates in the database, it was shown that the rhizospheres of young maize plants seemed to select the Ascomycetes order Pleosporales, while different members of the Ascomycetes and basidiomycetic yeast were detected in the rhizospheres of senescent maize plants.  相似文献   

干旱与渍涝对砂姜黑土玉米根系干重变化及其分布的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
砂姜黑土主要分布于黄淮海平原的南部(淮北平原、沂河平原和胶莱平原等)和南阳盆地,面积约4×106ha,其中河南省125×106ha[1],是面积较大的中低产田。其低产的主要原因可归结为“旱、涝、僵、薄”,根本原因在于其不良的水分物理特性[2~4]。而关于旱、涝灾害对作物根系的影响还未见报道。砂姜黑土区地势平坦,土层深厚,光、热、水等自然资源比较丰富,具有适宜作物生长发育的有利条件。因而,充分了解和掌握旱、涝灾害对作物根系的影响,因时制宜灌溉、排涝和耕作,对提高该区粮食产量具有重要意义。为此,于1997~1998年探讨了干旱与渍涝对砂…  相似文献   

REMISON  S. U. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(2):277-283
Studies were made of competition between Dactylis glornerataL., Holcus lanatus L. and Anthoxanthum odoratum L. The competitiveability of the species depended on the density of planting.D. glomerata was more competitive when planted at high density,whereas H. lanatus was more competitive at low density. A. odoratumwas most competitive at the intermediate density.  相似文献   

Effects of pH on Georeaction and Elongation of Maize Root Segments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The pH effect was analysed in relation to the georeaction and the elongation of apical maize root segments. Two kinds of citrate-disodium phosphate buffers were used for pretreatment and application on the fresh cut section of the segments. Both reactions to gravity and to growth seem to be more affected by the buffer components than by the proton concentration. Such results were confirmed by the comparison of several buffers.  相似文献   

Observed phenotypic variation in the lateral root branching density (LRBD) in maize (Zea mays) is large (1–41 cm−1 major axis [i.e. brace, crown, seminal, and primary roots]), suggesting that LRBD has varying utility and tradeoffs in specific environments. Using the functional-structural plant model SimRoot, we simulated the three-dimensional development of maize root architectures with varying LRBD and quantified nitrate and phosphorus uptake, root competition, and whole-plant carbon balances in soils varying in the availability of these nutrients. Sparsely spaced (less than 7 branches cm−1), long laterals were optimal for nitrate acquisition, while densely spaced (more than 9 branches cm−1), short laterals were optimal for phosphorus acquisition. The nitrate results are mostly explained by the strong competition between lateral roots for nitrate, which causes increasing LRBD to decrease the uptake per unit root length, while the carbon budgets of the plant do not permit greater total root length (i.e. individual roots in the high-LRBD plants stay shorter). Competition and carbon limitations for growth play less of a role for phosphorus uptake, and consequently increasing LRBD results in greater root length and uptake. We conclude that the optimal LRBD depends on the relative availability of nitrate (a mobile soil resource) and phosphorus (an immobile soil resource) and is greater in environments with greater carbon fixation. The median LRBD reported in several field screens was 6 branches cm−1, suggesting that most genotypes have an LRBD that balances the acquisition of both nutrients. LRBD merits additional investigation as a potential breeding target for greater nutrient acquisition.At least four major classes of plant roots can be distinguished based on the organ from which they originate: namely the seed, the shoot, the hypocotyl/mesocotyl, and other roots (Zobel and Waisel, 2010). The last class is lateral roots, which form in most plants the majority of the root length, but not necessarily of the root weight, as lateral roots have smaller diameter. Lateral roots start with the formation of lateral root primordia, closely behind the root tip of the parent root. These primordia undergo nine distinguishable steps, of which the last step is the emergence from the cortex of the parent root just behind the zone of elongation, usually only a few days after the first cell divisions that lead to their formation (Malamy and Benfey, 1997). However, not all primordia develop into lateral roots; some stay dormant (Dubrovsky et al., 2006), although dormancy of primordia may not occur in maize (Zea mays; Jordan et al., 1993; Ploshchinskaia et al., 2002). The final number of lateral roots is thereby dependent on the rate of primordia formation as well as the percentage of primordia that develop into lateral roots. This process of primordia formation and lateral root emergence is being studied intensively, including the genes that are activated during the different steps and the hormones regulating the process (López-Bucio et al., 2003; Dubrovsky et al., 2006; Osmont et al., 2007; Péret et al., 2009; Lavenus et al., 2013). Significant genotypic variation in the density of lateral roots has been observed, ranging from no lateral roots to 41 roots cm−1 in maize (Trachsel et al., 2010; Lynch, 2013). This suggests that clear tradeoffs exist for the development of lateral roots and that these genotypes have preprogrammed growth patterns that are adaptive to specific environments. While some of the variation for lateral root branching density (LRBD) that has been observed across environments, for example by Trachsel et al. (2010), is constitutive, many genotypes have strong plasticity responses of LRBD to variations in soil fertility (Zhu et al., 2005a; Osmont et al., 2007). Both the nutrient and carbon status of the plant and the local nutrient environment of the (parent) root tip influence LRBD. Many studies have documented these plasticity responses, and others have tried to unravel parts of the sensing and signaling pathways that regulate LRBD. The utility of root proliferation into a nutrient patch has been studied and debated (Robinson et al., 1999; Hodge, 2004), but much less so the utility of having fewer or more branches across the whole root system. Our understanding of the adaptive significance of variation in LRBD among genotypes is thereby limited, with many studies not accounting for relevant tradeoffs. In this study, we integrate several functional aspects of LRBD with respect to nutrient acquisition, root competition, and internal resource costs and quantify these functional aspects using the functional structural plant model SimRoot. SimRoot simulates plant growth with explicit representation of root architecture in three dimensions (Fig. 1; Supplemental Movie S1). The model focuses on the resource acquisition by the root system and carbon fixation by the shoot while estimating the resource utilization and requirements by all the different organs.

Table I.

Minimum, maximum, and median LRBD in different populations phenotyped by various researchers at several locations in the worldLocations are as follows: D, Juelich, Germany; PA, State College, PA; and SA, Alma, South Africa. Some of the experiments included nutrient treatments: LN, low nitrogen availability; and LP, low phosphorus availability. Data were collected by counting the number of roots along a nodal root segment. Data were supplied by the person indicated under source: H.S., H. Schneider; L.Y., L. York; A.Z., A. Zhan; and J.P., J.A. Postma. WiDiv, Wisconsin Diversity panel; IBM, intermated B73 × Mo17; NAM, nested association mapping.
PopulationNo. of GenotypesaExperimentLocationDateNutrient TreatmentsSourceLRBD
400FieldSA2011, 2012H.S.0186
IBM30FieldSA, PA2012, 2013, 2014LNL.Y.0416
NAM1,235FieldSA2010, 2011, 2012H.S.0146
6RhizotronsD2011LN, LPJ.P.1144
Open in a separate windowaMeans for the individual treatments are presented in Supplemental Appendix S4, Figure S5.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Rendering of two simulated maize root systems. The model presents 40-d-old maize root systems with 2 (left) and 20 (right) branches cm−1 major root axes. The simulations depicted here assumed that there were no nutrient deficiencies affecting growth. Carbon limitations do cause the laterals in the right root system to stay somewhat shorter. Different major axes, with their respective laterals, have different pseudocolors: light blue, primary root; green, seminal roots; red, crown roots; and yellow, brace roots. For animation of these root systems over time, see Supplemental Movie S1.The formation of lateral roots presumably increases the sink strength of the root system, promoting the development of greater root length and thereby greater nutrient and water acquisition. However, greater LRBD also places roots closer together, which may increase competition for nutrients and water among roots of the same plant, effectively reducing the uptake efficiency per unit of root length. This decrease in efficiency when the root system increases in size was nicely modeled by Berntson (1994). Furthermore, the metabolic costs of the construction and maintenance of the additional root length, either calculated in units of carbon or in terms of other limiting resources, may reduce the growth of other roots or the shoot (Lynch, 2007b). We can thereby logically derive that there will be an optimum number of lateral roots depending on the balance of the marginal cost of root production and the marginal utility of soil resource acquisition. Therefore, the optimal LRBD will depend on environmental conditions. It is not clear in the literature what the optimal branching density might be, and how different environmental factors shift this optimum to fewer or more lateral branches per centimeter of parent root. Considering the primacy of soil resources as pervasive limitations to plant growth, understanding the utility and tradeoffs of lateral root branching density is important in understanding the evolution of root architecture and plant environmental adaptation in general. In addition, such information would be useful for trait-based selection to develop cultivars with increased productivity on soils with suboptimal availability of nutrients. The necessity and prospects of developing such cultivars are outlined by Lynch (2007a, 2011).Here, we present results from root architectural simulations with which we estimated the optimal lateral branching density in maize in soils with variable availability of nitrogen and phosphorus. The model simulated the uptake benefits from having additional lateral roots, root competition as affected by the three-dimensional placement of roots over time, metabolic costs of lateral roots, and effects on whole-plant root architecture, notably with respect to rooting depth.  相似文献   

The Responses of Field-grown Sunflower and Maize to Mechanical Support   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
The effects of mechanical support on two contrasting speciesof herbaceous annual, the dicot sunflower (Helianthus annuusL.) and the monocot maize (Zea mays L.), were investigated bycomparing the growth and mechanical properties of supportedplants and those which were left to sway freely in the wind. Providing support had its greatest effect on the more highly-stressedbasal areas of the plants, such as the lower stem and the baseof the lateral roots. The diameter of the stem bases of bothspecies was approx. 10% lower in supported plants, but therewas no difference between treatments in the diameter of thestem above 50 cm. Roots of both species also showed a reductionin rigidity and bending strength of 40–50% in the supportedplants compared with freely swaying plants. There was a significantreduction in the partitioning of biomass to the root systemsof supported plants of both species. There were differences in the way in which sunflower and maizeresponded to the provision of support; in sunflower, the reductionin lateral diameter was about twice that in maize, whereas inmaize the decrease in the number of first-order laterals wastwice that of sunflower. This study suggests that thigmomorphogenesismay be a localized response, but that different species canrespond in different ways to mechanical stimulation. Wind; support; anchorage; thigmomorphogenesis; Helianthus annuus L.; sunflower; Zea mays L.; maize  相似文献   

Root Growth and Water Uptake by Maize Plants in Drying Soil   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Sharp, R. E and Da vies, W. J. 1985. Root growth and water uptakeby maize plants in drying soil.— J. exp. Bot. 36: 1441–1456. The influence of soil drying on maize (Zea mays L.) root distributionand use of soil water was examined using plants growing in thegreenhouse in soil columns. The roots of plants which were wateredwell throughout the 18 d experimental period penetrated thesoil profile to a depth of 60 cm while the greatest percentageof total root length was between 20–40 cm. High soil waterdepletion rates corresponded with these high root densities.Withholding water greatly restricted root proliferation in theupper part of the profile, but resulted in deeper penetrationand higher soil water depletion rates at depth, compared withthe well watered columns. The deep roots of the unwatered plantsexhibited very high soil water depletion rates per unit rootlength. Key words: Maize, roots, water deficit, soil water depletion  相似文献   

褪黑素对玉米幼苗根系发育和抗旱性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
褪黑素是一种在生物体内广泛存在的吲哚胺类化合物,参与植物的多种生理和生化过程.近年来研究认为褪黑素可以不同程度地增强植物的抗逆性,但对其作用机理仍知之甚少.通过两种褪黑素的施用方法,详细研究了褪黑素对于玉米根系发育和抗旱性的影响.首先,采用水培根灌褪黑素的方法对玉米幼苗的根系和生长状况进行分析,结果表明施加褪黑素显著提...  相似文献   

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