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罗布泊野骆驼的家域特征及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野双峰骆驼(Camelus ferus)生活在荒漠戈壁, 种群数量稀少, 栖息地地形复杂多样, 且有长距离迁徙习性, 目前对其家域面积和重要栖息地范围的研究只有定性描述。本研究于2012年5月至2013年7月, 在阿奇克谷地和阿尔金山北麓捕捉了8峰野骆驼并安装GPS卫星跟踪项圈, 分别获得了12-423天的13,748个GPS位点记录。研究结果表明, 8峰野骆驼的100%最小凸多边形(minimum convex polygons, MCP)家域面积分别为1,775-11,768 km2, 总家域面积为32,821 km2, 占罗布泊野骆驼分布区面积的23.1%, 平均家域面积为7,349 ± 1,323 km2。野骆驼个体家域面积季节间差异显著, 秋季最大, 其次是冬季和夏季, 春季最小, 秋季是春季的4.4倍。野骆驼在繁殖季节的家域平均面积为879 ± 320 km2, 非繁殖季节为998 ± 106 km2, 二者间无显著差异。除了项圈编码为135号的野骆驼和其他7峰野骆驼的家域没有重叠外, 其余7峰野骆驼的家域都有重叠。这7峰野骆驼的家域总面积是24,910 km2, 占罗布泊野骆驼分布区总面积的17.5%, 重叠区面积是515 km2。鉴于野骆驼主要分布在阿奇克谷地及以南区域、阿尔金山北麓, 建议将罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区位于阿奇克谷地北山以北的核心区部分区域、磁海低地以南的山区和阿尔金山西部原为实验区的部分区域调整为缓冲区, 而将阿尔金山北麓至库姆塔格沙漠之间的戈壁地带原为缓冲区的部分区域调整为核心区。  相似文献   

长岛海域是黄渤海东亚江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis sunameri)的热点分布区域之一。为了掌握长岛海域东亚江豚的种群密度与分布特征,2019年10月至2021年10月采用截线抽样法进行了5次东亚江豚目视考察。5次考察总航程2 421 km,共发现东亚江豚614次,1 156头次。相同月份调查种群遇见率无显著性差异(P> 0.05),不同月份种群遇见率差异极显著(P <0.01),提示东亚江豚种群在该水域可能存在季节性迁移。按照考察月份对数据进行合并处理,长岛海域5月和10月东亚江豚平均种群密度为(0.56±0.11)头/km2(0.46~0.68头/km2)和(3.63±0.25)头/km2(3.38~3.88头/km2),平均种群数量为(20 209±202)头和(2 971±681)头,这在目前已知所有东亚江豚分布区中是最高的。尽管不同季节种群数量差异显著,但东亚江豚种群在长岛海域的空间分布特征相似,砣矶岛-大钦岛西北侧和东南侧均为高密度分布区,因此...  相似文献   

研究同域物种的分布格局及重叠状况对物种的区域整合保护管理及区域生物多样性保护具有重要实践价值。本研究基于全国第四次大熊猫调查及长期野外调查数据, 利用MaxEnt模型预测了凉山山系两种同域分布的熊科动物——大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)和黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)的适宜生境, 基于适宜生境预测结果, 分析了两个物种的生境需求因子、生境破碎化现状及重叠状况。结果显示: (1)大熊猫和黑熊的适宜生境分布格局相似, 主要分布在凉山山系的山脊地带, 适宜生境面积分别为1,383.84 km2和2,411.49 km2; (2)两个物种的适宜生境都较为破碎, 且存在一些隔离分布区, 相较而言, 黑熊适宜生境的连通性要优于大熊猫; (3)两个物种生态位重叠度较高(D = 0.654, I = 0.901), 适宜生境重叠面积为958.29 km2, 分别占大熊猫和黑熊适宜生境总面积的69.25%和39.74%; (4)两个物种对环境因子的选择和响应表现出了相似性和差异性。相似性在于对两个物种生境分布影响最大的两个因子均为距居民点距离和海拔; 差异性在于对大熊猫生境分布影响次之的因子是植被类型和最冷季均温, 而黑熊的是年最大EVI指数和距道路距离。为了更有效地保护两个物种, 应加强对人类干扰的控制和植被的恢复, 对栖息地实行连通管理, 并建立多物种保护规划。  相似文献   

马可波罗盘羊是帕米尔高原的代表性物种,开展生境适宜性评价对于该物种的保护与管理具有重要意义。综合考虑植被、地形等影响马可波罗盘羊生境选择的关键因子,以及道路和牧场等人为干扰因子,借助ArcGIS,构建生境适宜性指数模型,在不同尺度上评价分析马可波罗盘羊的生境适宜性及其季节变化特征。结果表明:15836 km2保护区内马可波罗盘羊夏季潜在适宜生境面积为2127.19 km2,冬季为1915.70 km2。保护区西北部面积3767.73 km2的马可波罗盘羊实际分布区内,夏季潜在适宜生境面积为1095.48 km2,冬季为1072.82 km2,马可波罗盘羊适宜生境集中分布于保护区内该物种实际分布区。受人为干扰,保护区内马可波罗盘羊夏季和冬季实际适宜生境丧失率分别为18.43%和17.78%,实际分布区内适宜生境丧失率分别为33.65%和29.73%,表明实际分布区马可波罗盘羊适宜生境受人类活动影响较大,应予以重点保护。总体而言,影响马可波罗盘羊生境适宜性的关...  相似文献   

目前我国印太江豚 (Neophocaena phocaenoides) 的基础信息十分有限,2018—2020年对北部湾离岸较近的广西壮族自治区合浦儒艮国家级自然保护区及离岸较远的涠洲岛水域进行了截线抽样法船只考察。应用DISTANCE估算出儒艮国家级自然保护区印太江豚密度约为每平方千米0.273 (0.133 ~ 0.561) 头,数量约88头 (95%CI:43 ~ 181);涠洲岛水域印太江豚密度约为每平方千米0.100 (0.048 ~ 0.210) 头,数量约137头 (95%CI:65 ~ 286)。利用最大熵模型 (MaxEnt) 分析北部湾水域印太江豚的适宜栖息地分布及面积。MaxEnt模型训练集和测试集AUC值分别为0.980和0.927,模型拟合度较好,结果表明离岸距离和海洋深度是影响印太江豚栖息地分布的主要因子,印太江豚的适宜栖息地在北部湾东北部近岸区和海南西侧,适宜度超过0.5的栖息地面积达14 630.62 km2。2018—2020年印太江豚适宜栖息地面积较2013年大幅度下降,0.5适宜度的栖息地面积减少了40%。参考印太江豚2个群体的平均密度和北部湾适宜栖息地面积,粗略估计北部湾水域印太江豚约1 463 ~ 3 994头。由此可见,北部湾水域内印太江豚密度比较高,应引起足够的重视。建议首先进行区域性海洋环境的整体保护,重点关注鱼类资源的恢复及对人类活动尤其渔船的管控,并尽快建立新的自然保护区。  相似文献   

生态廊道具有维持或恢复生态连通性的功能,对于连接生物栖息地、保护物种多样性具有重要意义。现有的生态廊道研究主要集中于陆地,而海洋生态系统具有水体广泛连通、缺乏直观的景观斑块等特点,导致海洋生态廊道的研究成为长期以来的科学难题。以栖息地位于厦门湾的国家一级保护动物中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)为对象,尝试基于物种分布模型和最小成本路径分析法建立海洋生态廊道的识别方法。研究采用物种分布模型识别厦门湾内中华白海豚的适宜生境分布区和节点,并利用模型产出的生境适宜性结果生成海洋中的阻力表面,模拟计算节点与节点间在阻力表面上的最小成本路径,从而生成物种扩散网络。研究结果显示,厦门湾中华白海豚的分布主要受到航道距离、到岸线距离和叶绿素浓度三项因素的影响,主要适宜生境位于西海域至九龙江口和大嶝海域。潜在的核心生态廊道面积93.19km2,次级生态廊道面积170.41km2,九龙江口-鼓浪屿南侧-黄厝-大小嶝岛沿线可能是厦门湾中华白海豚的主要迁移路线。在此基础上,从用海空间重叠和桥梁影响两方面开展了人类活动对廊道的干扰评估。评估结果显示旅游活动和...  相似文献   

明确同域近缘物种在时空生态位上的分布格局及重叠性关系,对理解物种行为和多物种栖息地的整合管理均具有重要意义。本研究基于四川贡嘎山国家级自然保护区2012—2021年红外相机监测数据,对保护区内分布的国家级二级重点野生保护动物——中华斑羚和中华鬣羚的时空分布开展研究。基于2016—2021年红外相机获得的72个中华斑羚和108个中华鬣羚分布点位,结合可能影响其空间分布的12个重要环境因子,利用MaxEnt模型对贡嘎山保护区内的中华斑羚和中华鬣羚的空间分布格局进行研究。基于2012—2021年1312条中华斑羚和1889条中华鬣羚的有效红外相机记录数据,利用核密度估计原理测算中华斑羚和中华鬣羚的日活动节律,了解两物种在时间生态位上的分布格局及重叠性。结果表明:中华斑羚和中华鬣羚适宜栖息地分别为731.95和1220.46 km2,分布区重叠面积为697.17 km2,且主要环境因子对两物种栖息地选择具有相似影响。两物种的日活动高峰均出现在清晨和黄昏,但两物种对晨昏时间段的利用区间和强度存在差异,中华鬣羚的早、晚活动高峰分别先于和迟于中华斑羚,且对...  相似文献   

作为入侵物种,北美水貂(Neovison vison)在欧洲引起了一系列生态问题,侵占了欧亚水獭(Lutra lutra)的生态空间,其入侵性对当地生物多样性和生态系统构成了严重威胁。水貂引入我国东北地区已有70多年的历史,然而国内对其野外种群却鲜有研究。掌握水貂种群的入侵范围、入侵影响因素以及与本地具有相似生态位的欧亚水獭之间的竞争关系,对水貂的入侵管理和东北地区的生物多样性保护具有重要意义。本研究利用实地调查和文献资料获取的分布信息,通过集合模型识别水貂和水獭的潜在分布区,评估水貂对水獭在地理空间上的入侵风险,并通过主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)评估其生态位重叠和影响因素。结果表明:(1)我国东北地区水貂的潜在分布区面积为61,944.57 km2,水獭的潜在分布区面积为83,590.94 km2,两者重叠区域面积为50,544.21 km2,占水獭潜在分布区面积的60.47%;(2)从各省分布情况来看,黑龙江省水獭受水貂入侵的风险最高,潜在分布区重叠的比例达到78.9...  相似文献   

渤海是黄渤海江豚种群的重要分布区,但是有关该区域江豚的种群数量的资料极其匮乏。2015年至2016年,采用截线抽样法在渤海水域开展了6个航次的目视调查,收集了渤海江豚的分布数据,首次评估了区域内的江豚种群数量,为制定有效的渤海江豚种群生态保护策略提供了基础资料。调查结果显示,在2015年8月、2016年5~7月、9月和11月进行的6个调查航次共计8972 km的有效航程中,发现江豚87次、136头次。江豚在渤海各海湾和中部水域都可观察到;14:00-18:00时段、离岸15~35km范围内较易观察到江豚;黄河口外、秦皇岛东北侧老龙口和莱州外沿岸河口水域,江豚出现频次较多。各季节中,以5月在黄河口外20~40km范围内发现江豚的频次和数量最多。采用Distance 7.0软件估算渤海江豚种群数量,其中探测概率分别取值0.399、0.85和1时,渤海江豚种群数量估算值分别为7883头(CV=0.21)、3701头(CV=0.21)和3124头(CV=0.21),对应的种群密度分别为1.441头/km2、0.066头/km2和0.056头/km2,均低于已报道的南黄海和日本海江豚种群相应值。受海上天气、调查条件和经验所限,本文估值可能存在偏差,但限于渤海江豚历史资料缺乏的现状,本文的结果对于认识渤海江豚的种群状况仍具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

食源植物的分布与食物的可获得性影响灵长类动物的家域动态。研究灵长类动物家域利用及其影响因素,对揭示野生动物的生态适应性与行为复杂性有重要意义。2020年9月—2021年8月,利用GPS技术、直接跟踪观察等方法,对黄山低海拔地区的野生藏酋猴群的家域范围进行研究。结果发现藏酋猴家域面积从春季到冬季依次递减,分别为7.16 km2、5.09 km2、3.85 km2、0.35 km2,面积与食物资源可得性呈显著正相关;猴群月平均漫游距离 (d= 1735.67 m ± 288.35 m, n = 12) 与食物可得性呈正相关,且月平均漫游距离在7月最长、1月最短。猴群偏好利用的生境类型为针阔混交林和常绿落叶阔叶混交林,春季主要偏好利用毛竹林和常绿落叶阔叶混交林,夏季和冬季为针阔混交林 (马尾松),秋季为常绿落叶阔叶混交林。结果表明,藏酋猴会根据食物资源分布、食物可得性等因素来优化家域的时空利用以适应低海拔地区。  相似文献   

铁是动物体的必需元素,是血红蛋白和肌红蛋白中氧的携带者。动物体内的含铁化合物主要为血红蛋白、肌红蛋白(Mb)、转铁蛋白、含铁血黄素和含铁酶(王夔,1992)。铁与水生哺乳动物的潜水能力密切相关。Wright和Davis(2006)对威德尔海豹(Leptonychotes weddellii)的研究表明,Mb是水生哺乳动物最重要的储氧部位,在胃肠吸收后状态下Mb从正常水平降低7%时,有氧潜水限度(Aerobic Dive Limit,ADL)下降39%;Mb增加两倍时,ADL则增加30%。  相似文献   

Two near shore small cetaceans occur commonly along the Maharashtra coast, the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin and Indo Pacific finless porpoise. These cetaceans frequently interact with fisheries in this region due to overlap in space and resource use. Besides stranding records, little ecological information is available about these species from Maharashtra. We conducted 143 semistructured interviews to document local ecological knowledge and community perceptions of small cetaceans in 30 coastal fishing villages in Sindhudurg. Perceptions of finless porpoises were largely neutral, whereas humpback dolphins were negative. A classification regression tree (CART) analysis (root node error: 60%) showed that the annual cost of gear damage was an important predictor variable of humpback dolphin perceptions, followed by occupation (gear type) and age. Entanglements were reported for both species in large and small gill nets, and shore seines. Perceived net damage and catch loss due to humpback dolphins was six times greater than that of finless porpoises. However, finless porpoises were reportedly more frequently entangled in gear than humpback dolphins. We provide an insight into the perceptions of cetaceans in the local community and the fisheries‐cetacean interactions that shape them.  相似文献   

We report the results of molecular monitoring of 'whalemeat' markets in the Republic of (South) Korea based on nine systematic surveys from February 2003 to February 2005. As Korea has no programme of commercial or scientific whaling and there is a closure on the hunting of dolphins and porpoises, the only legal source of these products was assumed to be incidental fisheries mortalities ('bycatch') as reported by the government to the International Whaling Commission. Species identification of 357 products using mitochondrial DNA control region or cytochrome b sequences and the web-based programme DNA-surveillance revealed three species of baleen whales (North Pacific minke, common form Bryde's and humpback), three species of beaked whales (Cuvier's, Stejneger's and Blainville's), seven species of dolphins (short-finned pilot, false killer and killer whales; Risso's, bottlenose, common and Pacific white-sided dolphins) and two species of porpoises (harbour and finless). Comparison of market products with official records revealed a number of discrepancies. Of the eight species identified on the markets in 2003, three were not reported in official records for that year. Of the 11 species identified in 2004, five were not reported as bycatch, although one species, a humpback whale, was reported as 'stranded'. We also found significant inconsistencies in the expected frequencies of products from most species, including a large over-representation of finless porpoises and false killer whales. We suggest ways in which market surveys could be improved to provide better information on the magnitude of fisheries bycatch and other illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) exploitation of wildlife.  相似文献   

Stranded cetaceans reported from the territorial waters of Hong Kong during the period May 1993 to March 1998 were examined to establish factors that may have contributed to their death. During the current study, 28 Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphins (Sousa chinensis), 32 finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides), and four bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were necropsied. Bacteria (15 species) were isolated from nine animals. Of these bacteria, 47% were of possible fecal origin reflecting the high level of sewage contamination in Hong Kong's waters. One finless porpoise displayed wounds caused by a shark attack, and two female finless porpoises presented prolapsed uteri. At least 10 finless porpoises showed evidence of moderate to heavy lungworm infections (Halocercus pingi), and this appears to have been a factor contributing to death in at least six animals. Evidence suggesting blunt traumatic injury (probably caused by boat collisions) was found in six cetaceans (three finless porpoises and three hump-backed dolphins). Signs of fishery-related mortality were detected in at least nine animals (six hump-backed dolphins, two finless porpoises, and one bottlenose dolphin). Of these two human-caused mortality types, pre-existing disease or bacterial infection were detected in 29% of cases. Results indicate that human factors may have played a significant role in the death of at least 15 animals (32% of hump-backed dolphins, 15% of finless porpoises, and 25% of bottlenose dolphins).  相似文献   

长江江豚主要栖居在近岸浅水水域,喜好泥沙质类型的河岸。但在长江干流,有很多自然河岸被固化,河岸固化给长江江豚分布和栖息活动造的影响仍不甚清楚。2016年3月—2017年1月,对长江干流2个自然河段江豚的数量和分布做了12次考察,并收集了这2个河段岸型的相关数据,来分析固化河岸对江豚栖息活动的影响。12次考察累计发现江豚215头次,平均每次考察观察到江豚(17.92±7.09)头次。研究区域的固化河岸约占岸线总长的59%,分析发现,仅约13.9%的江豚分布在固化河岸水域,86.1%的江豚均分布在自然河岸水域。江豚在单位河岸长度的分布数量与该段固化河岸长度所占的比例呈显著负相关(r=-0.639,P0.01)。在自然河岸,分布在近岸50 m水域的江豚占31.8%,而在固化河岸,仅观察到2头江豚活动在近岸50 m水域内。由此可见,固化河岸对江豚的近岸分布有明显影响。调查还发现,安庆城区建设带约10 km江段12次考察均未发现江豚分布,城区建设带可能对江豚栖息已造成严重影响。长江干流的固化河岸所占比例非常高,研究结果提示这可能导致长江干流江豚栖息地的丧失和破碎化加剧,在制定长江江豚保护措施必需慎重考虑此因素的影响,并据此提出相应的栖息地保护和恢复方案。  相似文献   

Indo-Pacific bottlenose ( Tursiops aduncus ) and humpback dolphins ( Sousa chinensis ) off the south coast of Zanzibar, East Africa, have been subject to both direct and indirect takes as well as disturbance from local dolphin tourism during the last decade. Meanwhile, little or no information on population parameters exists for these animals. In order to assess the anthropogenic threats, a study was conducted between 1999 and 2002 to determine population sizes, distribution, and behavior of these animals. Population sizes were calculated for each year using mark-recapture methods applied to photo-identification data. The estimates ranged between 136 and 179 for the bottlenose dolphins and between 58 and 65 for the humpback dolphins in the calculated 26 km2 study area. Patterns in distribution and behavior were investigated using image and spatial statistic software on data from boat surveys. Analyses of spatial densities showed that both species concentrated their activities to smaller areas (2%–11.5%) within the study area. When the study results were considered in light of the anthropogenic threats, it was clear that immediate conservation measures were needed. This is critical if the negative impact on the species is to be minimized and the dolphins are to continue to represent a socioeconomic resource in the region.  相似文献   

This study presents a detailed seasonal comparison of the abundance and distribution of cetaceans within 100-150 nmi (185-278 km) of the California coast during 1991 and 1992. The results of a shipboard line-transect survey conducted in July-November 1991 ("summer") were compared to those from aerial line-transect surveys conducted in March-April 1991 and February-April 1992 ("winter"). Using a confidence-interval-based bootstrap procedure, abundance estimates for six of the eleven species included in the comparison exhibited significant (α= 0.05) differences between the winter and summer surveys. Pacific white-sided dolphins ( Lagenorhynchus obliquidens ), Risso's dolphins ( Grampus griseus ), common dolphins ( Delphinus spp.), and northern right whale dolphins ( Lissodelphis borealis ) were significantly more abundant in winter. The abundance of blue whales ( Balaenoptera musculuss ) and gray whales ( Eschrichtius robustus ) reflected well-documented migratory patterns. Fin whales ( B. physalus ) were significantly more abundant during summer. No significant differences in seasonal abundance were identified for Dall's porpoises ( Phocoenoides dalli ), bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ), killer whales ( Orcinus orca ), sperm whales ( Physeter macrocephalus ), or humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ). Significant north/south shifts in distribution were found for Dall's porpoises, common dolphins, and Pacific white-sided dolphins, and significant inshore/offshore differences were identified for northern right whale dolphins and humpback whales.  相似文献   

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