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The relationships of the microsoroid ferns were studied using a DNA sequence-based phylogenetic approach. Nucleotide sequences for up to four chloroplast genome regions were assembled for 107 samples from 87 species. Microsoroids s.l. include six lineages of which two are species rich. The results indicate that several genera are not monophyletic (e.g. Microsorum), several controversial genera are confirmed to be monophyletic (e.g. Leptochilus), and some genera new to science should be recognized (M. membranaceum clade). Unique insights were gained into the biogeographic history of this highly diverse epiphytic vascular plant lineage that is widespread in continental Asia to Australasia. Evidence was found for splits into lineages diversifying in parallel in continental Asia and Malesia. No evidence was recovered for an African radiation because all African microsoroid species either also are found in Asia or have sister species in continental Asia. In contrast, evidence for independent radiations were discovered for the Australasian region.  相似文献   

The epiphytic fern genus Lecanopteris (Polypodiaceae) is regularly inhabited by five species of Iridomyrmex and Crematogaster, which nest and deposit debris in the hollow rhizomes. These epiphytes gain nutrients from ants in two ways: by root absorption from carton runways which surround plants, and by uptake of solutes from ant faeces and debris through the inner rhizome walls. The rhizome cavity surface is black, minutely pitted and bears no specialized absorptive structures. Nutrients containing 14-glucose, 86-rubidium and 32-phosphorus injected into the rhizome cavity were translocated through the plant. Ants inhabiting Lecanopteris were fed glycine and urea containing 15-nitrogen, and this label was incorporated into the fern tissues. Thus ant-derived nutrients can be incorporated into Lecanopteris tissues. The ferns may gain other benefits from the ants such as defence against herbivores, nurture of juveniles or spore dispersal.  相似文献   

Although considerable progress has been made in elucidating the relationships within the Chondrichthyes, there is no agreement as it concerns the systematics of Batoidea, the most derived superorder among cartilaginous fishes, and many different interpretations exist. Our investigation provides the first assessment of relationships among the described batoid species using sequences from both mtDNA and nuclear genes as well as karyological morphology. Our work consists primarily in reconstructing the phylogenetic relationships of Batoidea by examining the mtDNA (16S) and nuclear gene (18S) sequences from 11 batoid species. The three analytical methods (NJ, MP and Bayesian analysis) grouped Rajiformes, Myliobatiformes and Rhinobatiformes. In these trees the two torpedoes diverge from the other batoid fishes. We also compare the molecular data with the available karyological evidence, which consist of the diploid number and the karyotype morphology of eight species belonging to the four orders examined. The results show that the karyological structure in the different species is generally consistent with the various phylogenetical trees, and that Torpediniformes confirm their unique genome organization.  相似文献   

The genus Prosopis is an important member of arid and semiarid environments around the world. To study Prosopis diversification and evolution, a combined approach including molecular phylogeny, molecular dating, and character optimization analysis was applied. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred from five different molecular markers ( mat K- trn K, trn L- trn F, trn S- psb C, G3pdh, NIA). Taxon sampling involved a total of 30 Prosopis species that represented all Sections and Series and the complete geographical range of the genus. The results suggest that Prosopis is not a natural group. Molecular dating analysis indicates that the divergence between Section Strombocarpa and Section Algarobia plus Section Monilicarpa occurred in the Oligocene, contrasting with a much recent diversification (Late Miocene) within each of these groups. The diversification of the group formed by species of Series Chilenses, Pallidae, and Ruscifoliae is inferred to have started in the Pliocene, showing a high diversification rate. The moment of diversification within the major lineages of American species of Prosopis is coincident with the spreading of arid areas in the Americas, suggesting a climatic control for diversification of the group. Optimization of habitat parameters suggests an ancient occupation of arid environments by Prosopis species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 621–640.  相似文献   

Previous classification of the Disinae has been based almost entirely on floral morphological data. These data are critically assessed by various methods to determine to what extent they support a classification resolved to sectional level. The variation in the characters relative to the sections and genera is mapped, homologies are established by careful morphological observation and ontogenetic studies, and finally hypotheses of homology are tested by congruence in several cladistic analyseS. It is found that although floral morphology allows the recognition of some groups, for others the results are ambiguouS. Floral morphological data are clearly inadequate to establish the taxonomy of the Disinae on a sound footing.  相似文献   

This study produces a nearly comprehensive phylogeny for the marine gastropod group Cypraeidae (cowries) and uses this topology to examine diversification patterns in the tropics. The dataset is based on molecular sequence data from two mitochondrial genes and includes 210 evolutionary significant units (ESUs) from 170 recognized species (>80%). Systematics for the group is revised based on well‐supported clades, and tree topology is generally consistent with previously proposed classification schemes. Three new genera are introduced ( Cryptocypraea gen. nov , Palmulacypraea gen. nov , and Contradusta gen. nov ) and two previous genera are resurrected (Perisserosa and Eclogavena). One new tribe is proposed (Bistolidini). Topologies produced by a range of transition:transversion (Ti:Tv) weighting schemes in parsimony are pooled and evaluated using maximum likelihood criteria. Extensive geographical coverage shows persistent, large‐scale geographical structure in sister‐groups. Genetic divergence between subspecies is often equivalent or even greater than that between recognized species. Using ESUs as a metric, diversity throughout the Indo‐West Pacific (IWP) increases by 38%. Intra‐ and inter‐regional diversification patterns show that the IWP is the centre for speciation in cowries. The other major tropical regions of the world are inhabited by a predominantly relictual fauna; from a cowrie's eye‐view. Good dispersal ability begets larger ranges, increased extinction resistance and morphological stasis; whereas shorter larval duration results in smaller ranges, higher speciation rates, but also higher turnover. Larval duration and dispersal ability appear correlated with ocean productivity as taxa with longer‐lived larvae are associated with oligotrophic conditions; whereas taxa with shorter larval durations are associated with eutrophic, continental conditions. This tendency is carried to the extreme in temperate or upwelling regions where a planktonic phase is completely lost and crawl‐away larvae evolve multiple times. A strong phylogenetic trend supports these observations as lineages leading up to and including the derived Indo‐West Pacific Erroneinae clade contain taxa predominantly restricted to continental habitats and have undergone the greatest evolutionary radiations in their respective regions. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 79, 401– 459.  相似文献   

Microsorium linguaeforme is reported for the first time from India. Its rhizome is slender, much elongated with a highly dissected stele and leaf gaps in a single median dorsal row. The characteristic branching pattern is a modification of the common pattern in Polypodiaceae, resulting from the displacement of leaf-associated branches and the precocious development of the most basal secondary branch of each primary branch. The first two or three leaves of juvenile plants have no associated branches; thereafter, abaxially-originating traces t o solitary branches are progressively displaced so that the branch trace is close to the preceding leaf trace. Stomata of adult leaves are Copolomesoperigenous and of juvenile leaves Eupolomesoperigenous. The spores are monolete and with a smooth exine. Spore germination is of the Vitiariatype and prothallial development of the Kauliniatype. It is concluded that M. linguaeforme is closely allied to Leptochilus and is probably parental to it.  相似文献   

Aim Provide an empirical test of the ‘radiation zone’ hypothesis of the MacArthur–Wilson theory of island biogeography using the taxon‐pulse hypothesis of Erwin and Brooks Parsimony Analysis (BPA) on Simulium (Inseliellum) Rubstov. Location Micronesia, Cook Islands, Austral Islands, Society Islands, Marquesas Islands, Fiji and New Caledonia. Methods Primary and secondary BPA of the phylogeny of Inseliellum. Results Primary BPA showed that 15% of the taxon area cladogram contained area reticulations. Secondary BPA (invoking the area duplication convention) generated a clear sequence of dispersal for Inseliellum. The sequence follows a Micronesia – Cook Islands – Marquesas Islands – Society Islands dispersal, with a separate dispersal from the Cook Islands to the Austral Islands less than 1 Ma. A radiation in the island of Tahiti (Society Islands) produced numerous dispersals from Tahiti to other islands within the Society Islands system. Islands close to Tahiti (source island) have been colonized from Tahiti more often than islands far from Tahiti, but a higher proportion of those species colonizing distant islands have become distinct species. Main conclusions The dispersal sequence of Inseliellum exhibits both old to young island dispersal and young to old island dispersal. This is due to habitat availability on each island. Inseliellum is a model system in exemplifying the ‘radiation zone’ hypothesis of MacArthur and Wilson. As well, islands close to the source are colonized more often that those far from the source, but colonization of islands far away from the source results in a higher proportion of speciation events than for islands close to the source. The diversification of Inseliellum corresponds to a taxon‐pulse radiation, with a centre of diversification on Tahiti resulting from its large area and abundant freshwater habitats. This study illustrates the utility of BPA in identifying complex scenarios that can be used to test theories about the complementary roles of ecology and phylogeny in historical biogeography.  相似文献   

Previous studies established the existence of morphologically highly similar amphiatlantic populations of the predominantly interstitial genus Microphthatmus (European coastline - from the German Bay to the Bay of Biscaya; American coastline - from Maine to Massachusetts and at the coast of North Carolina). Originally these three populations were seen as belonging to a single species. By using a broad spectrum of different methodologies for character investigations (especially through the use of electron microscopy) three, distinct species can now be distinguished: M. listensis Westheide 1967, M. nahantensis n. sp. and M. carolinensis n. sp. While habitat structure and external morphology - generally important in polychaete systematics - were found to be rather similar between the three species, this study uncovered distinct differences between the species in their internal organization. Such sharp differences could even be followed down to the ultrastructure of single cells (e. g. copulatory stylets, position and number of ovaries, sperm and secretory granules of male accessory glands). Within population character variability is significantly lower in several features of M. carolinensis than in the same characters of the other two species. Similarities as well as differences have been noted in behavioural features and population dynamics between the species.  相似文献   

Resolving the phylogeny of treeshrews (Order Scandentia) has historically proven difficult, in large part because of access to specimens and samples from critical taxa. We used "antique" DNA methods with non-destructive sampling of museum specimens to complete taxon sampling for the 20 currently recognized treeshrew species and to estimate their phylogeny and divergence times. Most divergence among extant species is estimated to have taken place within the past 20 million years, with deeper divergences between the two families (Ptilocercidae and Tupaiidae) and between Dendrogale and all other genera within Tupaiidae. All but one of the divergences between currently recognized species had occurred by 4Mya, suggesting that Miocene tectonics, volcanism, and geographic instability drove treeshrew diversification. These geologic processes may be associated with an increase in net diversification rate in the early Miocene. Most evolutionary relationships appear consistent with island-hopping or landbridge colonization between contiguous geographic areas, although there are exceptions in which extinction may play an important part. The single recent divergence is between Tupaia palawanensis and Tupaia moellendorffi, both endemic to the Philippines, and may be due to Pleistocene sea level fluctuations and post-landbridge isolation in allopatry. We provide a time-calibrated phylogenetic framework for answering evolutionary questions about treeshrews and about evolutionary patterns and processes in Euarchonta. We also propose subsuming the monotypic genus Urogale, a Philippine endemic, into Tupaia, thereby reducing the number of extant treeshrew genera from five to four.  相似文献   

The Valvatacea is one the most ecologically important, taxonomically diverse, and widespread groups of post‐Palaeozoic (i.e. modern) Asteroidea. Classification within the group has been historically problematic. We present a comprehensively sampled, three‐gene (12S, 16S, early‐stage histone H3) molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Valvatacea. We include five of the six families within the Paxillosida, the monotypic Notomyotida, and 13 of the 16 families of the living Valvatida. The Solasteridae is removed from the Velatida (Spinulosacea) and joins the Ganeriidae and the Leilasteridae as members of the clade containing the Asterinidae. The Poraniidae is supported as the sister group to the large cluster of Valvatacea. Asteropseids and poraniids are phylogenetically distant, contrary to morphological evidence. Several goniasterid‐like ophidiasterids, such as Fromia and Neoferdina are supported as derived goniasterids rather than as Ophidiasteridae. The Benthopectinidae (Notomyotida) are supported as members of the Paxillosida as are two members of the Pseudarchasterinae that have traditionally been considered members of the Goniasteridae. Our data suggest that Antarctic valvataceans may be derived from sister taxa in adjacent regions. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 161 , 769–788.  相似文献   

Cardoso A  Vogler AP 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(11):3531-3546
Species delimitation is complicated where morphological variation is continuous or poorly subdivided, but for taxonomic convenience it is common practice to separate and name geographical groups to capture this variation. DNA-based approaches may be used to test if these groups in fact represent historically divided, discrete species entities. The Cicindela hybrida complex (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) is an assemblage of up to seven morphologically recognized species and 15 subspecies with wide distribution in the Palaearctic region. We sequenced a discontinuous segment of 1899 bp of mtDNA including three regions (coxI, rrnL+trnL2+nad1, cob) for a total of 99 specimens from 36 sampling localities across Europe, revealing 48 haplotypes. Four major clades could be identified corresponding to geographical groups from central Iberia, Ukraine, central Europe, and a band from the Atlantic Iberian coast to northern Europe. Taking into account further subdivisions within these clades, four of the six named species included in the analysis were recognizable by applying various procedures for species delimitation. Age estimates from calibrated molecular clocks date the diversification of the hybrida group within the past 2 million years (Myr), and the separation of the northern clade within 0.4 Myr. Nested clade analysis revealed the rapid range expansion of the northern group consistent with postglacial dispersal, but we did not find support for specific source population(s) in the postulated southern refugia. The evolutionary framework based on mtDNA sequences is shown to identify species entities as discrete clusters of closely related sequences and provides an objective system for delineating and recognizing hierarchically structured groups. In the case of the C. hybrida complex, these groups largely coincided with those established from morphology. The study adds further support to the utility of mtDNA-based sequence profiles (the 'DNA taxonomy') as a rapid and objective synthesis of evolutionary diversity and as reference system for communication.  相似文献   

The genus Liriomyza Mik (Diptera: Agromyzidae) is a diverse and globally distributed group of acalyptrate flies. Phylogenetic relationships among Liriomyza species have remained incompletely investigated and have never been fully addressed using molecular data. Here, we reconstruct the phylogeny of the genus Liriomyza using various phylogenetic methods (maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference, and gene tree coalescence) on target-capture-based phylogenomic datasets (nucleotides and amino acids) obtained from anchored hybrid enrichment (AHE). We have recovered tree topologies that are nearly congruent across all data types and methods, and individual clade support is strong across all phylogenetic analyses. Moreover, defined morphological species groups and clades are well-supported in our best estimates of the molecular phylogeny. Liriomyza violivora (Spencer) is a sister group to all remaining sampled Liriomyza species, and the well-known polyphagous vegetable pests [L. huidobrensis (Blanchard), L. langei Frick, L. bryoniae. (Kaltenbach), L. trifolii (Burgess), L. sativae Blanchard, and L. brassicae (Riley)]. belong to multiple clades that are not particularly closely related on the trees. Often, closely related Liriomyza species feed on distantly related host plants. We reject the hypothesis that cophylogenetic processes between Liriomyza species and their host plants drive diversification in this genus. Instead, Liriomyza exhibits a widespread pattern of major host shifts across plant taxa. Our new phylogenetic estimate for Liriomyza species provides considerable new information on the evolution of host-use patterns in this genus. In addition, it provides a framework for further study of the morphology, ecology, and diversification of these important flies.  相似文献   

The dinoflagellate genus Coolia, which contains potentially toxic species, is an important component of epiphytic assemblages in marine ecosystems. The morphology of C. malayensis has been illustrated from strains isolated in Asia and Oceania. In this study, strains of C. malayensis isolated from the Caribbean Sea in Puerto Rico, and for the first time from the South Atlantic Ocean in Brazil, were investigated by light, epifluorescence and scanning electron microscopies. No significant morphological differences between these new strains and other geographically distant strains of C. malayensis were observed. In the LSU rDNA phylogeny, the C. malayensis sequences from Brazil and Puerto Rico branched within the clade of strains from Oceania and Asia. The recently described species C. santacroce branched as a sister group of C. monotis, and C. palmyrensis was basal to the combined group of C. monotis/C. malayensis/C. santacroce. A tentative undescribed species from Florida and New Zealand branched as a sister group of C. malayensis. Our results confirm that C. malayensis showed a cosmopolitan distribution in tropical to subtropical waters, while the type species C. monotis remains endemic for the Mediterranean Sea and the temperate North Atlantic.  相似文献   

The aphid subfamily Hormaphidinae is a good candidate for the study of the evolution of insect – plant relationships. Most hormaphidine species depend on woody primary host plants and woody or herbaceous secondary host plants, and represent high host specificity, especially to their primary hosts. No detailed molecular phylogeny of Hormaphidinae has been reported, and the taxonomic positions of some taxa in this group remain unclear. To reconstruct major phylogenetic relationships and to understand the evolution of host association patterns for major lineages, we present the first detailed molecular phylogeny of Hormaphidinae, as inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods. The monophyly of Hormaphidinae and its three traditional tribes was supported, and a sister relationship between Hormaphidini and Nipponaphidini was suggested. Most inner relationships within tribes were also supported, and some novel relationships were revealed. Two subtribes of Cerataphidini are proposed. Divergence times estimated using a Bayesian approach indicate that tribal diversifications occurred during the Late Cretaceous and were coincident with the appearance of their primary host plants. The current pattern of secondary host association for the three tribes may have evolved in different time ranges. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 73–87.  相似文献   

We present a higher‐level phylogenetic hypothesis for the diverse neotropical butterfly subfamily Ithomiinae, inferred from one of the largest non‐molecular Lepidoptera data sets to date, including 106 species (105 ingroup) and 353 characters (306 informative) from adult and immature stage morphology and ecology. Initial analyses resulted in 1716 most parsimonious trees, which were reduced to a single tree after successive approximations character weighting. The inferred phylogeny was broadly consistent with other past and current work. Although some deeper relationships are uncertain, tribal‐level clades were generally strongly supported, with two changes required to existing classification. The tribe Melinaeini is polyphyletic and Athesis + Patricia require a new tribe. Methona should be removed from Mechanitini into the restored tribe Methonini. Dircennini was paraphyletic in analyses of all data but monophyletic based on adult morphology alone, and its status remains to be confirmed. Hypothyris, Episcada, Godyris, Hypoleria and Greta are paraphyletic. A simulation analysis showed that relatively basal branches tended to have higher partitioned Bremer support for immature stage characters. Larval hostplant records were optimized on to a reduced, generic‐level phylogeny and indicate that ithomiines moved from Apocynaceae to Solanaceae twice, or that Tithoreini re‐colonized Apocynaceae after a basal shift to Solanaceae. Ithomiine clades have specialized on particular plant clades suggesting repeated colonization of novel hostplant niches consistent with adaptive radiation. The shift to Solanum, comprising 70% of neotropical Solanaceae, occurs at the base of a clade containing 89% of all ithomiines, and is interpreted as the major event in the evolution of ithomiine larval hostplant relationships. © The Willi Hennig Society 2006.  相似文献   

Caprines include all bovids related to sheep and goat. The composition of the group is controversial and inter-generic relationships have been widely debated. Here, we analysed 2469 characters draw from three distinct molecular markers, i.e. two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b and 12S rRNA) and one nuclear fragment (exon 4 of the κ -casein gene). The taxonomic sampling includes all genera putatively described as caprines, as well as several other bovid genera in order to elucidate the position of caprines within the family Bovidae, and to determine the exact composition of the group. Phylogenetic analyses confirm firstly that Pseudoryx and Saiga do not belong to caprines, and secondly, that all tribes classically defined in the literature are not monophyletic, supporting the inclusion of all caprine species into a unique enlarged tribe Caprini sensu lato . Our results are in contradiction with previous investigations suggesting a sister-group relationship between Ovis (sheep and mouflons) and Budorcas (takins). By using a molecular calibration point at 18.5 Mya for the first appearance of bovids, we estimated divergence times with our molecular data. We also performed biogeographic inferences to better understand the origin and diversification of caprines during the Neogene. Our analyses suggest that caprines shared a common ancestor with Alcelaphini and Hippotragini in the middle-late Miocene (13.37 ± 0.70 Mya). Our results also indicate that the extant generic diversity of caprines resulted from a rapid adaptive radiation during the late Miocene, at 10.96 ± 0.73 Mya. We propose that this adaptive radiation resulted from the acquisition of reduced metacarpals, a key innovation which occurred during the late Miocene as a consequence of insularity isolation in the mountainous mega-archipelago between Mediterranean and Paratethys Seas.  相似文献   

Cranston and Humphries (1988) expose Sæther's (1976) revision of the Hydrobaenus grou of enera (Chironomidae, Ditera) to the vagaries of quantitative phyletics. In the rocess they have clearly shown why at feast their method is not in accordance with the view of Hennig. In the qualitative Hennigian method the parsimony criterion is used when choosing among alternative hypotheses of explanation of single character distribution. The selection and interpretation equals the cladogenetic analysis. In neocladistic methods the parsimony criterion is usel in order to find the tree implying the fewest evolutionary ains and losses with the fewest lines. The explanation of characters enters as an afterthought. The differences between the methods are shown by analyzing a theoretical data matrix as well as by reassessment of the results obtained by Cranston and Humphries. Their data critique is met point by oint, their data matrix, which is to a large extent erroneous, is corrected, and their data reanalyzed using their and alternative outgroups. The tree topologies remain similar to each other as well as to the original qualitative analysis since there is little inside homoplasy but the changes proposed by Cranston and Humphries are shown invalid.  相似文献   

Proper disease control is very important to minimize yield losses caused by oomycetes in many crops. Today, oomycete control is partially achieved by breeding for resistance, but mainly by application of single-site mode of action fungicides including the carboxylic acid amides (CAAs). Despite having mostly specific targets, fungicidal activity can differ even in species belonging to the same phylum but the underlying mechanisms are often poorly understood. In an attempt to elucidate the phylogenetic basis and underlying molecular mechanism of sensitivity and tolerance to CAAs, the cellulose synthase 3 (CesA3) gene was isolated and characterized, encoding the target site of this fungicide class. The CesA3 gene was present in all 25 species included in this study representing the orders Albuginales, Leptomitales, Peronosporales, Pythiales, Rhipidiales and Saprolegniales, and based on phylogenetic analyses, enabled good resolution of all the different taxonomic orders. Sensitivity assays using the CAA fungicide mandipropamid (MPD) demonstrated that only species belonging to the Peronosporales were inhibited by the fungicide. Molecular data provided evidence, that the observed difference in sensitivity to CAAs between Peronosporales and CAA tolerant species is most likely caused by an inherent amino acid configuration at position 1109 in CesA3 possibly affecting fungicide binding. The present study not only succeeded in linking CAA sensitivity of various oomycetes to the inherent CesA3 target site configuration, but could also relate it to the broader phylogenetic context.  相似文献   

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