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Summary Using mark-recapture data, we related the movements of adult field voles to population density, sex ratio and population growth. Dispersal movements (defined as distances larger than 1 home range diameter) were few in both sexes; 4 out of 197 (2.0%) in males and 8 of 316 (2.5%) in females. The distance moved between sequential trapping periods was similar for males and females; the mean being 10.2 m and 9.0 m respectively. Both males and females moved larger distances during the breeding season than during the nonbreeding period. The distance moved between sequential trapping periods showed a strong negative relation to density, i.e. both sexes moved shorter distances at higher densities, but there were no differences between periods of increasing and declining population densities. These results contradict the dispersal predictions of all major hypotheses proposed to explain population fluctuations in small mammals. The dispersal patterns fit a geometric distribution, suggesting that competition is the primary factor determining the dispersal characteristics of this population.  相似文献   

We investigated the changes that occurred in basal and noradrenaline-induced metabolic rate, body temperature and body mass in short-tailed field voles,Microtus agrestis, during exposure to naturally increasing photoperiod and ambient temperature. These parameters were first measured in winter-acclimatized voles (n=8) and then in the same voles which had been allowed to seasonally acclimatize to photoperiod and ambient temperature (6 months later). Noradrenaline induced metabolic rate, basal metabolic rate and nonshivering thermogenesis were significantly higher in winter-acclimatized compared to summer-acclimatized voles. There was a significant positive relationship between basal metabolic rate and noradrenaline-induced metabolic rate. Body mass was significantly higher in summer-acclimatized compared to winter-acclimatized voles. There was a significant positive relationship between body mass and noradrenaline-induced metabolic rate in both winter-acclimalized and summer-acclimatized voles; however, there was no relationship between basal metabolic rate and body mass in either seasonal group of voles. Body temperature after measurements of basal metabolic rate was not significantly different in the seasonal cohorts of voles. However, body temperature was significantly higher in winter-acclimatized compared to summer-acclimatized voles after injection of noradrenaline. Previously we have found that a long photoperiod was not a sufficient stimulus to reduce thermogenic capacity in winter-acclimatized voles during cold exposure, since basal metabolic rate increased to compensate for a reduction in regulatory nonshivering thermogenesis. Here we found that a combination of increased ambient temperature and photoperiod did significantly reduce thermogenic capacity in winter-acclimatized voles. This provided evidence that the two aspects of non-shivering thermogenesis, obligatory and regulatory, are stimulated by different exogenous cues. Summer acclimatization in the shorttailed field vole is manifest as a significant decrease in both basal and noradrenaline-induced metabolic rate, combined with a significant increase in body mass.Abbreviations ANCOV A analysis of covariance - BAT brown adipose tissue - BM body mass - BMR basal metabolic rate - NST non-shivering thermogenesis - NA noradrenaline - V the maximum V recorded following mass specific injection of noradrenaline - V the maximum V recorded following mass specific injection of saline - T a ambient temperature - T b rectal body temperature - T 1c lower critical temperature - UCP uncoupling protein - V oxygen consumption  相似文献   

Microtus duodecimcostatus in a mediterranean vole which is not known to display spectacular increases in population numbers as in some microtine species. A population was studied in southern France with a capture-recapture method. The population included resident adults which have a high and constant survival rate (monthly estimate: 0.879), erratic adults (those caught once only), and juveniles which have a lower and constant survival rate. The adult survival rate was not sexbiased but the juvenile survival rate was higher in males (monthly estimates: 0.710 and 0.596 for males and females, respectively). Adult body weight did not vary seasonally. Residents had a higher mean body weight than erratics. Reproduction occurred all the year round. The proportion of reproductive females was higher among residents than among erratics. Population numbers varied seasonally. Our study points out thatM. duodecimcostatus is very different from microtine species which display cyclic fluctuations. Population studies on the subgenusPitymys (which containsM. duodecimcostatus and its closest related species) suggest that they are typically non-cyclic. The importance of social factors in the control of reproduction and maturation was evidenced inM. pinetorum. The role of such factors in the population regulation ofM. duodecimcostatus is discussed.  相似文献   

We developed nine polymorphic microsatellite loci for the field vole, Microtus agrestis. The number of alleles ranged from five to 15 and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.40 to 1.00. We also tested the microsatellite loci for amplification and polymorphism in the congeneric species Microtus arvalis. Five of the nine loci were successfully analysed in this species. The microsatellite markers will be employed in studies of reproductive success and fine‐scale spatial genetic structure.  相似文献   

The thermogenic capacity of brown adipose tissue in winter- and summer-acclimatized short-tailed field voles (Microtus agrestis) was investigated by examining changes in mass of brown adipose tissue, the ratio of white adipose tissue to brown adipose tissue, the concentration of the uncoupling protein (thermogenin) in whole depots (μg) and in mitochondrial mass (μg·mg-1) and the activity of cytochrome c oxidase in the depots (mmol·min-1). The concentration of thermogenin in winter-acclimatized voles (n=8), per brown adipose tissue depot and per mitochondrial mass, was significantly higher than in summer-acclimatized voles (n=6). There was no significant difference in the level of cytochrome c oxidase activity between these two groups. Four groups of winter-acclimatized voles (n=6 in each group) were exposed to 5°C for 10, 20, 50 and 100 days in a 14L:10D photoperiod. Body mass, brown adipose tissue mass, white adipose tissue mass and basal metabolic rate were significantly positively related to the length of time cold exposed up to 100 days. There was a significant inverse relationship between the ratio of white to brown adipose tissue mass and the duration of cold exposure. There was no significant relationship between thermogenin concentration, either per depot or in mitochondrial mass of brown adipose tissue, with the length of time cold exposed. The level of cytochrome c oxidase activity increased significantly from control levels to a maximum after 10 days in the cold but decreased from 10 days onwards. In winter-acclimatized M. agrestis, a 14L:10D photoperiod is not a sufficient stimulus to reduce thermogenic capacity during cold acclimation. Indeed, some changes in the indirect parameters reflecting thermogenesis, notably the increase in basal metabolic rate and the decrease in the ratio of white to brown adipose tissue mass, indicated that despite the long photophase the thermogenic capacity was slightly further enhanced during the cold acclimation.  相似文献   

橙腹田鼠中延缓性密度依赖效应和种群波动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
检验了延迟的密度依赖对橙腹田鼠 (Microtusochrogaster)一个波动种群的生存和生殖的影响 ,研究持续了 63个月 ,取样间隔为 3 5天。在研究期间 ,该种群的密度经历了 4次波动 ,每次波动的高峰都在 11月至次年 1月 ,种群数量在冬季下降。生存和生殖都有负面的密度依赖效应 ,最大效应具有 2个月的时滞。种群存活率增长对种群密度最大的正面效应具有 2个月的时滞 ,而对与增加生殖则有 3个月的时滞。内部因素和冬季都可能推延对生殖的密度依赖效应 ,但是本文未能检验这些内部因素的影响。季节性影响看来与对生存的延缓性密度依赖效应无关。负面的延缓性密度依赖效应对生存和生殖的净作用可能在于减少、而不是阻止橙腹田鼠种群波动的幅度  相似文献   

Sex-biased dispersal occurs in all seed plants and many animal species. Theoretical models have shown that sex-biased dispersal can lead to evolutionarily stable biased sex ratios. Here, we use a spatially explicit chessboard model to simulate the evolution of sex ratio in response to sex-biased dispersal range and sex-biased dispersal rate. Two life cycles are represented in the model: one in which both sexes disperse before mating (DDM), the other in which males disperse before mating and mated females or zygotes disperse after mating (DMD). Model parameters include factors like dispersal rate, dispersal range, number of individuals per patch, and habitat heterogeneity.When dispersal range is sex biased, we find that, in a homogeneous environment, the sex ratio is generally biased towards the sex that disperses more widely (sex ratio range: 0.47–0.52). In a heterogeneous environment, the sex ratio is generally biased towards the more dispersive sex in good habitats, and towards the less dispersive sex in poor habitats (sex ratio range: 0–1). This is opposite to the effect of sex-biased dispersal rate, which favours the production of the more dispersive sex in poor habitats and the less dispersive sex in good habitats (sex ratio range: 0–1). To allow for a comparison with theoretical predictions, data concerning sex-biased dispersal and habitat-dependent sex ratios should thus incorporate information about the spatial scale of both dispersal and environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Kin dusters of philopatric females are thought to form the basicsocial organization of breeding females in various vole species.The spatial association between young breeding females and theirmothers was studied in five 2500–m2 enclosures in naturalhabitats during mid- and late breeding season in summer 1992.The mothers (founder females) were introduced into the enclosuresin die beginning of the study in June, whereas the young breedingfemales were born within the enclosures. Matrilineal kinshipwas determined by using radionudides. In July-August, 58% ofyoung breeding females were philopatric, but 82% of the mother-daughterassociations broke up until August-September. Of the young femalesthat started to breed in August-September, only 12% were philopatricThus the kin clusters found were short Hved and few in numberduring the late breeding season. The reduction in the incidenceof the kin clusters coincided with an increase of populationdensity. The mean reproductive success of females breeding inkin clusters was better than that of those breeding separately.In addition, among the nonphilopatric females there was a positive,significant correlation between reproductive success and thedistance to the nearest unrelated founder female. Such correlationwas not found among the philopatric females.  相似文献   

为探讨自然条件下母体密度应激对根田鼠F1代性器官指数的影响,通过在围栏内建立不同密度的母体种群获得相应的F1代个体,以此建立了不同密度的子代种群,并测定了母体种群建群者的血浆皮质酮含量,将建立子代种群后剩余的F1代个体带回实验室饲养.实验结束后,测定了全部F1代个体的性器官指数及皮质酮含量.结果表明,高密度母体种群建群者的皮质酮含量显著高于低密度母体种群建群者;出生于高密度母体种群的F1代个体处于高密度子代种群,其性器官指数显著低于出生于低密度母体种群且处于低密度子代种群的F1代个体,而皮质酮含量显著高于后者;出生于高密度母体种群的F1代个体处于低密度子代种群,其性器官指数及皮质酮含量与出生于低密度母体种群且处于低密度子代种群的F1代个体间无显著差异.此外,实验室饲养条件下,出生于高密度和低密度母体种群的F1代个体间的睾丸指数无显著差异.本研究结果说明,在根田鼠种群中,单一的母体密度应激对子代的性器官指数无影响,但生前应激子代在性成熟后,当再次遭遇密度应激时,其性器官指数显著降低,母体密度应激和当前环境对种群的未来繁殖能力具有耦合效应.  相似文献   

A discrete time model was built to understand the origin of the sex-specific population structure of the human blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni. We have estimated both male/female individual ratio and male/female genotype ratio of this parasite taking into account all the experimental published values on differential male and female life-history traits all along the life cycle. We considered in our model male and female life-history traits when both separated and together. The model showed that both male/female individual ratio and male/female genotype ratio of S. mansoni adults are biased toward males in each combination. This bias was more important in male/female genotype ratio than in the male/female individual ratio for the same initial values of cercarial development success. This model could explain the sex specific population structure of this parasite. Firstly, we showed that the male-biased individual ratio finds its origin in the vertebrate host. Secondly, we showed that the male-biased genotype ratio originates prior to any interrelationship between adult worms and could generate by itself a sex-specific genetic structure.  相似文献   

The Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae) is a threatened rodent endemic in the Iberian Peninsula with a patchy distribution and specific microhabitat requirements. This aim of this study was to document the composition of plant communities in habitats of Cabrera vole colonies in southern Portugal. Differences observed in plant species composition were also compared with vegetation structure, taxonomic and life form groups, species and group diversity, disturbance, topography and soil properties. Vegetation was sampled between March and July 2004, in 26 colonies occurring in five geographical areas. Grasses were the most abundant, common and diverse family in the colonies, and the perennial grass Agrostis castellana was present in 92% of colonies, with a mean cover of 16% of the site. Other frequently occurring species were Briza maxima (85%), Vulpia myuros (85%), Gaudinia fragilis (81%), Leontodon spp. (81%), Avena barbata (77%), Bromus hordeaceus (77%) and Tolpis barbata (77%). Colonies were classified in eight vegetation groups that included meadows, tall perennial grasslands, manured meadows with tall sedges, annual grasslands and ruderal and nitrophilous grasslands. Main gradients associated with composition differences were grass richness, annual and perennial grass cover, vegetation structure (herbaceous vegetation height), soil properties (texture and moisture), disturbance (ruderal species) and colony dimensions (area). Results suggest that the Cabrera vole is able to exploit a wide variety of grasslands, with a varying degree of ecological disturbance. Meadows and perennial grassland communities seem to be higher-quality microhabitats for voles.  相似文献   

Genetic markers are often used to examine population history. There is considerable debate about the behaviour of molecular clock rates around the population-species transition. Nevertheless, appropriate calibration is critical to any inference regarding the absolute timing and scale of demographic changes. Here, we use a mitochondrial cytochrome b gene genealogy, based entirely on modern sequences and calibrated from recent geophysical events, to date the post-glacial expansion of the Eurasian field vole (Microtus agrestis), a widespread temperate mammal species. The phylogeographic structure reflects the subsequent expansion of populations that went through bottlenecks at the time of the Younger Dryas (ca 12,000 years BP) rather than the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, ca 24,000 years BP), which is usually seen as the time when present-day patterns were determined. The nucleotide substitution rate that was estimated here, ca 4 × 10(-7) substitutions/site/year, remains extremely high throughout the relevant time frame. Calibration with similarly high population-based substitution rates, rather than long-term rates derived from species divergence times, will show that post-LGM climatic events generated current phylogeographic structure in many other organisms from temperate latitudes.  相似文献   

The densities of microtine rodents and their main predators,small mustelids, fluctuate synchronously in 3–5-year cyclesin central and northern Fennoscandia. Predation by small mustelidshas been suggested as one of the driving forces in microtinecyclicity, causing deep synchronous declines of several volespecies. We studied experimentally the effects of small mustelidson mating behavior, foraging, and breeding in nonwintered fieldvoles (Microtus agrestis) originating from a cyclic population.By using mustelid odors, we simulated a crash phase environmentwith high predation risk for breeding pairs of voles. In ourexperiments, 87% of the female field voles suppressed breedingwhen exposed to mustelid odors. Both female and male behaviorchanged, and no mating behaviors were observed under the simulatedpredation risk. Weights of both sexes decreased when exposedto mustelid odor, probably due to decreased foraging; weightsof the control females increased due to pregnancy; and no weightchanges occurred in control males. Decreased breeding and foragingpossibilities under high predation pressure may form the basisfor the ultimate explanation for breeding suppression. Thereare at least two different mechanisms for breeding suppression:either mating does not take place or malnutrition in femalesdoes not' allow breeding to occur. Delayed breeding under highrisk of predation, for whatever reason, could increase the probabilityof individuals, especially that of the females, to survive overthe crash to the next, safer breeding season when their youngwould have better possibilities to survive.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the causes of natal dispersal in four Spanish areas where 35 breeding groups of the polygynous great bustard Otis tarda were monitored intensively. A total of 392 juveniles were radio-tracked between 1991 and 2006 by ground and via aeroplane to avoid potential biases derived from the non-detection of long-distance dispersers. 2. We explored 10 explanatory variables that were related to individual phenotypic features, habitat and conspecific traits in terms of group size and breeding performance, and spatial distribution of available breeding groups. Probability of group change and natal dispersal distances were investigated separately through multifactorial analyses. 3. Natal dispersal occurred in 47.8% of the birds and median natal dispersal distance of dispersers was 18.1 km (range 4.97-178.42 km). Sex largely determined the dispersal probability, with 75.6% of males being dispersers and 80.0% of females being philopatric, in contrast to the general pattern of female-biased dispersal found in most avian species. 4. Both the frequency of natal dispersal and dispersal distances were affected by the spatial distribution of breeding groups. More isolated groups showed a higher proportion of philopatric individuals, the effect being more evident in males than in females. This implies a reduction in gene flow in fragmented populations, as most genetic exchange is achieved through male dispersal. Additionally, dispersers hatched in more isolated groups tended to exhibit longer dispersal distances, which increases the associated energetic costs and mortality risks. 5. The dispersal decision was influenced by the number of conspecifics in the natal group. The individual probability of natal dispersal was related inversely to the size of the natal group, which supports the balanced dispersal model and the conspecific attraction hypothesis. 6. Overall, our results provide a good example of phenotypic plasticity and reinforce the current view that dispersal is an evolutionary complex trait conditioned by the interaction of individual, social and environmental causes that vary between individuals and populations.  相似文献   

Arvicolinae voles are small herbivores relying on constant food availability with weak adaptations to tolerate prolonged food deprivation. The present study performed a comparative analysis on the responses to 4–18 h of food deprivation in the common vole (Microtus arvalis) and the tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus). Both species exhibited rapid decreases in the plasma and liver carbohydrate concentrations during phase I of fasting and the decline in the liver glycogen level was more pronounced in the tundra vole. The plasma thyroxine concentrations of the common vole decreased after 4 h. Lipid mobilization (phase II of fasting) was indicated by the increased plasma free fatty acid levels after 8–18 (the common vole) or 4–18 h (the tundra vole) and by the elevated lipase activities. In the tundra vole, the plasma ghrelin concentrations increased after 12 h possibly to stimulate appetite. Both species showed increased liver lipid concentrations after 4 h and plasma aminotransferase and creatine kinase activities after 12–18 h of food deprivation implying liver dysfunction and skeletal muscle damage. No signs of stimulated protein catabolism characteristic to phase III of fasting were present during 18 h without food.  相似文献   

H. Korn  M. J. Taitt 《Oecologia》1987,71(4):593-596
Summary Feeding the secondary plant compound 6-Methoxybenzoxazolinone (6-MBOA) during winter to a free living population of Microtus townsendii accelerated breeding in females. Both the recruitment of young and sexual maturation of these young were advanced by four weeks in comparison with a control population. Overwintered females supplied with 6-MBOA matured at a lower body weight than control females. But there was no such weightat-maturity difference between the grids for males. During April and May 72% of all juveniles captured came from the experimental population. Winter reproduction and early recruitment of young stimulated by 6-MBOA could have important population consequences for these voles.  相似文献   

Summary The seeds of the halophyte Spergularia marina differ both within and between individuals in that they either possess or lack a membranaceous border. This paper presents a morphological study of the length, weight and area of the seed types, and their dispersal characteristics under experimental conditions of wind and water dispersal. The winged seeds are shown to be larger both by length and by weight. Their rate of descent increases with wing loading. If the wing is lacking, however, the rate of descent increases with weight only. The distance of dispersal is equal for both seed types except at low wind speeds, when the winged seeds disperse farther. If the seed wing is removed, the excised seeds have shorter dispersal distances. When dispersed by water, a difference in the distance seeds are dispersed can only be detected in the presence of vegetation. The winged seeds are more frequently trapped in the vegetation as compared to the unwinged seeds. The hypothesis that the seed dimorphism is an adaptation for differential dispersal distances is discussed.  相似文献   

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