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以番茄品种‘184’为材料,采用水肥一体化番茄设施基质栽培模式,以甘肃农业大学植物营养液配方C中钾肥为对照(T1常规钾肥量),再在配方C中添加不同量钾肥组成T2(钾肥增量25%)、T3(钾肥增量50%)、T4(钾肥增量75%)等处理,探究不同施钾量对设施基质栽培番茄生长、生理、产量及品质的影响,并筛选设施基质栽培条件下最佳施钾量。结果显示:(1)与常规施钾肥量(T1)相比,增施钾肥处理(T2-T4)均可显著提高番茄株高、茎粗、根系活力,且T3处理的各指标均最高,但增施钾肥对叶片数的影响不显著。(2)增施钾肥处理较T1均能够显著提高番茄叶片光合色素含量,增强光合和荧光过程,进一步促进光能的吸收与转化,且T3处理的增幅最高。(3)随着施钾量的升高,增施钾肥处理的番茄单果重、果实产量呈现不同程度的增长趋势,适量增施钾肥处理增幅均达到显著水平,并以T3番茄产量最高,且较T1显著增产20.87%。(4)与T1相比,各施钾处理番茄果实硬度、可溶性总糖、Vc、可溶性蛋白、番茄红素含量等均有不同程度提升,各指标均随着施钾量增加呈先上升后下降的变化趋势,并在T3处理下达到最优。(5)主成分分析表明,各处理的综合得分依次为T3>T4>T2>T1。研究发现,在设施基质栽培条件下,适量增施钾肥能显著提高番茄植株光合作用效率,促进植株生长,达到提高果实产量和改善品质的目的,并以常规钾肥增量50%处理的效果最佳。  相似文献   

番茄果实成熟过程中钙调素含量变化及其与乙烯生成的关系   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

应用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill大红品种)果实成熟过程中钙调素(CaM)含量的变化。果实开始成熟(发白期),CaM含量随着呼吸跃变上升,成熟时(粉红期)达到最大,过熟衰老时则下降。果实内部乙烯浓度、ACC含量及其合成酶活性也随跃变而增加,随过熟衰老而降低。GaM含量在果实不同部位中的分布有明显差异,跃变上升期以子房腔组织含量最高,并由中心向外逐渐降低,外周果皮含量最低。此时用外源乙烯催熟处理促进各部位CaM增加。成熟衰老时子房腔组织首先衰老,CaM含量大为降低,但在中柱和果皮中却高于跃变上升期。外源乙烯促进衰老使CaM下降。Ca~(2+)促进番茄圆片CaM含量增高和乙烯产生,CaM抑制剂CPZ,TFP在降低CaM含量的同时也抑制乙烯的产生。  相似文献   

以伤诱导的番茄囊果皮为材料,改进了ACC合成酶(EC4.4.1.14)纯化方法。经改进的5步纯化后,ACC合成酶被纯化7300倍,比活性达到116870U/mg蛋白,回收率为7%.以较少的步骤得到了较高的纯化倍数。纯化的ACC合成酶经SDS-PAGE和银染检验为一条带,分子量为50kD,等电点为pH6.5。  相似文献   

番茄果实ACC合成酶的纯化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以伤诱导的番茄囊果皮为材料,改进了ACC合成酶(EC4.4.1.14)纯化方法,经改进的5步纯化后,ACC合成酶被纯化7300倍,比活性达到116870U/mg蛋白,回收率为7%,以较少的步骤得到了较高的纯化倍数,纯化的ACC合成酶经SDS-PAGE和银染检验为一条带,分子量为50kD,等电点为pH6.5。  相似文献   

SPL转录因子在植物中广泛存在并参与植物生长、发育和成熟过程,CNR是SPL转录因子家族中的一个成员,其作用机制尚不清楚.通过RNA-seq、qRT-PCR和染色质免疫共沉淀技术(ChIP)确定转录因子CNR直接作用的新的靶基因,旨在揭示番茄果实成熟过程中CNR的转录调控网络.通过RNA-seq筛选出野生型AC和突变体...  相似文献   

番茄是一类比较重要的经济作物,具有很高的营养价值,长期以来番茄一直是研究肉质果实生长和成熟的模式生物。近年来,许多番茄果实成熟突变体的发现为研究果实成熟机制提供了重要的生物材料,综述了番茄果实成熟的影响因素、番茄果实成熟相关的突变体及基于突变体对果实成熟的相关研究,为今后突变体及果实成熟机制的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

温州蜜柑果实生长动态特征及影响因子的分子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Teng L  Cheng Z H  Chen X J  Lai L L 《农业工程》2012,32(2):111-116
Plant growth simulation models are valuable tools for optimizing the environmental factors and managing crop cultivation in cultural facilities. Researches presently on tomato simulation models have mainly focused on the plant growth and development, growth stages, dry matter production and distribution, however, no report on modeling of tomato fruit quality has been published yet. In this study, the method of accumulated Thermal Effectiveness and PAR (TEP) was employed to model the dynamic relationship between the major quality indicators and the environmental factors. Data of both indicators of tomato fruit quality and environmental factors, temperature and solar radiation of the cultivation environment, were collected under multiple protected structures like solar greenhouse and plastic tunnel for tomato production. The variety of simulation models were established based on the effects of temperature and solar radiation on tomato quality formation, and independently tested with the modeling data. The results show that the dynamic changes of the indicators of fruit quality after fruit set are accorded with the amount of accumulated TEP and individual indicators of fruit quality are suitable to its specific models. The fruit hardness is well accorded with a formula of generalized least squares FHi = k1 + k2 × TEPi + k3 × TEPi2 ; Fruit soluble sugar content is in a formula of Logistic model  . Fruit organic acid content is in a formula of generalized least squares OACi = n1 + n2 × TEPi + n3 × TEPi2. Fruit tannin content is in a formula of Johnson Schumacher model  . According to the established fruit hardness model, the determination coefficient R2 values based on the 1:1 beeline between the simulated values and the measured values of the first, second, third and the fourth truss of fruit are 0.9396, 0.9181, 0.8910 and 0.9523, respectively and values of root mean square error (RMSE) are 0.833 kg/cm2, 0.942 kg/cm2, 0.628 kg/cm2 and 0.738 kg/cm2, respectively. Based on the established fruit soluble sugar content model, the determination coefficient R2 values based on the 1:1 beeline between the simulated values and the measured values of the first, second, third and the fourth truss of fruit are 0.8596, 0.9420, 0.9027 and 0.9473, respectively and the values of RMSE are 1.011%, 0.710%, 0.771% and 0.608%, respectively. On the basis of the established fruit organic acid content model, the determination coefficient R2 values based on the 1:1 beeline between the simulated values and the measured values of the first, second, third and the fourth truss of fruit are 0.8856, 0.9025, 0.9183 and 0.8768, respectively and the values of RMSE are 0.029%, 0.030%, 0.024% and 0.023%, respectively. According to the established fruit tannin content model, the determination coefficient R2 values based on the 1:1 beeline between the simulated values and the measured values of the first, second, third and the fourth truss of fruit are 0.9481, 0.9219, 0.9521 and 0.8911, respectively and the values of RMSE are 13.41 mg/kg, 14.04 mg/kg, 13.92 mg/ kg and 16.78 mg/kg, respectively. All of the coefficients of determination R2 are higher than 0.85, and the values of RMSE are generally smaller, which means the modeling is accurate and well accordance. This study will form a theoretic basis and provide technical support for the management of tomato production and environment control under plastic tunnel and solar greenhouse cultivation.  相似文献   

为探明肉桂醛对番茄幼苗耐盐性的影响,该研究以番茄‘合作903’为试验材料,探究肉桂醛(100μg·L-1)对处于100 mmol·L-1 NaCl胁迫下番茄种子萌发与幼苗生长特性的影响。在试验中设置4组处理:对照(CK,蒸馏水)、NaCl (100 mmol·L-1)、NaCl+CA(100 mmol·L-1 NaCl+100μg·L-1 CA)、CA(100μg·L-1)。结果表明:(1)在100 mmol·L-1 NaCl胁迫下,添加100μg·L-1的肉桂醛,番茄种子的发芽势和发芽率均有所提升,番茄幼苗的根长和鲜重均显著提高,说明添加肉桂醛对NaCl胁迫下番茄种子的萌发与幼苗生长均有一定缓解作用。(2)肉桂醛能够有效降低NaCl胁迫导致的番茄幼苗根尖总活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)的过量累积,缓解膜脂过氧化程度从而降低细胞死亡率。综上表明,肉桂醛处理能够通过缓解幼苗的氧化...  相似文献   


Background and Aims

There are several studies suggesting that tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) chromoplasts arise from chloroplasts, but there is still no report showing the fluorescence of both chlorophylls and carotenoids in an intermediate plastid, and no video showing this transition phase.


Pigment fluorescence within individual plastids, isolated from tomato fruit using sucrose gradients, was observed at different ripening stages, and an in situ real-time recording of pigment fluorescence was performed on live tomato fruit slices.

Key results

At the mature green and red stages, homogenous fractions of chloroplasts and chromoplasts were obtained, respectively. At the breaker stage, spectral confocal microscopy showed that intermediate plastids contained both chlorophylls and carotenoids. Furthermore, an in situ real-time recording (a) showed that the chloroplast to chromoplast transition was synchronous for all plastids of a single cell; and (b) confirmed that all chromoplasts derived from pre-existing chloroplasts.


These results give details of the early steps of tomato chromoplast biogenesis from chloroplasts, with the formation of intermediate plastids containing both carotenoids and chlorophylls. They provide information at the sub-cellular level on the synchronism of plastid transition and pigment changes.  相似文献   



Endoreduplication is the major source of endopolyploidy in higher plants. The process of endoreduplication results from the ability of cells to modify their classical cell cycle into a partial cell cycle where DNA synthesis occurs independently from mitosis. Despite the ubiquitous occurrence of the phenomenon in eukaryotic cells, the physiological meaning of endoreduplication remains vague,although several roles during plant development have been proposed, mostly related to cell differentiation and cell size determination.


Here recent advances in the knowledge of endoreduplication and fruit organogenesis are reviewed, focusing on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) as a model, and the functional analyses of endoreduplication-associated regulatory genes in tomato fruit are described.


The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitory kinase WEE1 and the anaphase promoting complex activator CCS52A both participate in the control of cell size and the endoreduplication process driving cell expansion during early fruit development in tomato. Moreover the fruit-specific functional analysis of the tomato CDK inhibitor KRP1 reveals that cell size and fruit size determination can be uncoupled from DNA ploidy levels, indicating that endoreduplication acts rather as a limiting factor for cell growth. The overall functional data contribute to unravelling the physiological role of endoreduplication in growth induction of fleshy fruits.  相似文献   



The tomato (Solanum lycopersium L.) is the most widely grown vegetable in the world. It was domesticated in Latin America and Italy and Spain are considered secondary centers of diversification. This food crop has experienced severe genetic bottlenecks and modern breeding activities have been characterized by trait introgression from wild species and divergence in different market classes.


With the aim to examine patterns of polymorphism, characterize population structure and identify putative loci under positive selection, we genotyped 214 tomato accessions (which include cultivated landraces, commercial varieties and wild relatives) using a custom-made Illumina SNP-panel. Most of the 175 successfully scored SNP loci were found to be polymorphic. Population structure analysis and estimates of genetic differentiation indicated that landraces constitute distinct sub-populations. Furthermore, contemporary varieties could be separated in groups (processing, fresh and cherry) that are consistent with the recent breeding aimed at market-class specialization. In addition, at the 95% confidence level, we identified 30, 34 and 37 loci under positive selection between landraces and each of the groups of commercial variety (cherry, processing and fresh market, respectively). Their number and genomic locations imply the presence of some extended regions with high genetic variation between landraces and contemporary varieties.


Our work provides knowledge concerning the level and distribution of genetic variation within cultivated tomato landraces and increases our understanding of the genetic subdivision of contemporary varieties. The data indicate that adaptation and selection have led to a genomic signature in cultivated landraces and that the subpopulation structure of contemporary varieties is shaped by directed breeding and largely of recent origin. The genomic characterization presented here is an essential step towards a future exploitation of the available tomato genetic resources in research and breeding programs.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-835) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Nitric oxide (NO) is involved in the signalling and regulation of plant growth and development and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. The photoperiod-sensitive mutant 7B-1 in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) showing abscisic acid (ABA) overproduction and blue light (BL)-specific tolerance to osmotic stress represents a valuable model to study the interaction between light, hormones and stress signalling. The role of NO as a regulator of seed germination and ABA-dependent responses to osmotic stress was explored in wild-type and 7B-1 tomato under white light (WL) and BL. Methods Germination data were obtained from the incubation of seeds on germinating media of different composition. Histochemical analysis of NO production in germinating seeds was performed by fluorescence microscopy using a cell-permeable NO probe, and endogenous ABA was analysed by mass spectrometry. Key Results The NO donor S-nitrosoglutathione stimulated seed germination, whereas the NO scavenger 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (PTIO) had an inhibitory effect. Under WL in both genotypes, PTIO strongly suppressed germination stimulated by fluridone, an ABA inhibitor. The stimulatory effect of the NO donor was also observed under osmotic stress for 7B-1 seeds under WL and BL. Seed germination inhibited by osmotic stress was restored by fluridone under WL, but less so under BL, in both genotypes. This effect of fluridone was further modulated by the NO donor and NO scavenger, but only to a minor extent. Fluorescence microscopy using the cell-permeable NO probe DAF-FM DA (4-amino-5-methylamino-2',7'-difluorofluorescein diacetate) revealed a higher level of NO in stressed 7B-1 compared with wild-type seeds. Conclusions As well as defective BL signalling, the differential NO-dependent responses of the 7B-1 mutant are probably associated with its high endogenous ABA concentration and related impact on hormonal cross-talk in germinating seeds. These data confirm that light-controlled seed germination and stress responses include NO-dependent signalling.  相似文献   

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