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The usual practice of using a control chart to monitor a process is to take samples from the process with fixed sampling interval (FSI). In this paper, a synthetic X¯ control chart with the variable sampling interval (VSI) feature is proposed for monitoring changes in the process mean. The VSI synthetic X¯ chart integrates the VSI X¯ chart and the VSI conforming run length (CRL) chart. The proposed VSI synthetic X¯ chart is evaluated using the average time to signal (ATS) criterion. The optimal charting parameters of the proposed chart are obtained by minimizing the out-of-control ATS for a desired shift. Comparisons between the VSI synthetic X¯ chart and the existing X¯, synthetic X¯, VSI X¯ and EWMA X¯ charts, in terms of ATS, are made. The ATS results show that the VSI synthetic X¯ chart outperforms the other X¯ type charts for detecting moderate and large shifts. An illustrative example is also presented to explain the application of the VSI synthetic X¯ chart.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the horned viper, Cerastes cerastes gasperettii, in Riyadh region of Saudi Arabia was investigated over a period of one year. Study of reproductive cycle of male and female C. c. gasperettii revealed that the breeding season is relatively short (April and May). Thereafter females laid eggs by mid of July and hatching probably had taken place by the end of September. No activity was observed during winter, this may indicate just a single clutch per year. Relative testis weight to body weight was drastically increased (X¯ = 0.88%) during the peak of reproductive activity (May) where maximal expansion of seminiferous tubules was also attained during April and May (X¯ = 209 μm and 191 μm, respectively). Likewise, the ovarian activity was the highest during May where ovarian parameters were greater in terms of relative ovarian weight to body weight and ova diameter being 0.46% and 2.29 mm, respectively. Fat body weight was increased drastically just before the peak of reproductive activity then started to decline during June. It could be concluded that the harsh desert conditions and similar environments certainly affect reproductive activity of Saudi Arabian reptiles including snakes.  相似文献   

In the 200 years since the Sumatran rhinoceros was first scientifically described (Fisher 1814), the range of the species has contracted from a broad region in Southeast Asia to three areas on the island of Sumatra and one in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Assessing population and spatial distribution of this very rare species is challenging because of their elusiveness and very low population number. Using an occupancy model with spatial dependency, we assessed the fraction of the total landscape occupied by Sumatran rhinos over a 30,345-km2 survey area and the effects of covariates in the areas where they are known to occur. In the Leuser Landscape (surveyed in 2007), the model averaging result of conditional occupancy estimate was ψ^(SE[ψ^])=0.151(0.109) or 2,371.47 km2, and the model averaging result of replicated level detection probability p^(SE[p^])=0.252(0.267); in Way Kambas National Park—2008: ψ^(SE[ψ^])=0.468(0.165) or 634.18 km2, and p^(SE[p^])=0.138(0.571); and in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park—2010: ψ^(SE[ψ^])=0.322(0.049) or 819.67 km2, and p^(SE[p^])=0.365(0.42). In the Leuser Landscape, rhino occurrence was positively associated with primary dry land forest and rivers, and negatively associated with the presence of a road. In Way Kambas, occurrence was negatively associated with the presence of a road. In Bukit Barisan Selatan, occurrence was negatively associated with presence of primary dryland forest and rivers. Using the probabilities of site occupancy, we developed spatially explicit maps that can be used to outline intensive protection zones for in-situ conservation efforts, and provide a detailed assessment of conserving Sumatran rhinos in the wild. We summarize our core recommendation in four points: consolidate small population, strong protection, determine the percentage of breeding females, and recognize the cost of doing nothing. To reduce the probability of poaching, here we present only the randomized location of site level occupancy in our result while retaining the overall estimation of occupancy for a given area.  相似文献   

The basic reproductive number (R₀) and the distribution of the serial interval (SI) are often used to quantify transmission during an infectious disease outbreak. In this paper, we present estimates of R₀ and SI from the 2003 SARS outbreak in Hong Kong and Singapore, and the 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) outbreak in South Africa using methods that expand upon an existing Bayesian framework. This expanded framework allows for the incorporation of additional information, such as contact tracing or household data, through prior distributions. The results for the R₀ and the SI from the influenza outbreak in South Africa were similar regardless of the prior information (R^0 = 1.36–1.46, μ^ = 2.0–2.7, μ^ = mean of the SI). The estimates of R₀ and μ for the SARS outbreak ranged from 2.0–4.4 and 7.4–11.3, respectively, and were shown to vary depending on the use of contact tracing data. The impact of the contact tracing data was likely due to the small number of SARS cases relative to the size of the contact tracing sample.  相似文献   

The ability of biomolecules to fold and to bind to other molecules is fundamental to virtually every living process. Advanced experimental techniques can now reveal how single biomolecules fold or bind against mechanical force, with the force serving as both the regulator and the probe of folding and binding transitions. Here, we present analytical expressions suitable for fitting the major experimental outputs from such experiments to enable their analysis and interpretation. The fit yields the key determinants of the folding and binding processes: the intrinsic on-rate and the location and height of the activation barrier.Dynamic processes in living cells are regulated through conformational changes in biomolecules—their folding into a particular shape or binding to selected partners. The ability of biomolecules to fold and to bind enables them to act as switches, assembly factors, pumps, or force- and displacement-generating motors (1). Folding and binding transitions are often hindered by a free energy barrier. Overcoming the barrier requires energy-demanding rearrangements such as displacing water from the sites of native contacts and breaking nonnative electrostatic contacts, as well as loss of configurational entropy. Once the barrier is crossed, the folded and bound states are stabilized by short-range interactions: hydrogen bonds, favorable hydrophobic effects, and electrostatic and van der Waals attractions (2).Mechanistic information about folding and binding processes is detailed in the folding and binding trajectories of individual molecules: observing an ensemble of molecules may obscure the inherent heterogeneity of these processes. Single-molecule trajectories can be induced, and monitored, by applying force to unfold/unbind a molecule and then relaxing the force until folding or binding is observed (3–5) (Fig. 1). Varying the force relaxation rate shifts the range of forces at which folding or binding occurs, thus broadening the explorable spectrum of molecular responses to force and revealing conformational changes that are otherwise too fast to detect. The measured force-dependent kinetics elucidates the role of force in physiological processes (6) and provides ways to control the timescales, and even the fate, of these processes. The force-dependent data also provides a route to understanding folding and binding in the absence of force—by extrapolating the data to zero force via a fit to a theory.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Schematic of the output from a force-relaxation experiment. The applied force is continuously relaxed from the initial value F0 until the biomolecule folds or binds, as signified by a sharp increase in the measured force. From multiple repeats of this experiment, distributions of the folding or binding forces are collected (inset). Fitting the force distributions with the derived analytical expression yields the key parameters that determine the kinetics and energetics of folding or binding.In this letter, we derive an analytical expression for the distribution of transition forces, the major output of force-relaxation experiments that probe folding and binding processes. The expression extracts the key determinants of these processes: the on-rate and activation barrier in the absence of force. The theory is first developed in the context of biomolecular folding, and is then extended to cover the binding of a ligand tethered to a receptor. In contrast to unfolding and unbinding, the reverse processes of folding and binding require a theory that accounts for the compliance of the unfolded state, as well as the effect of the tether, to recover the true kinetic parameters of the biomolecule of interest.In a force-relaxation experiment, an unfolded biomolecule or unbound ligand-receptor complex is subject to a stretching force, which is decreased from the initial value F0 as the pulling device approaches the sample at speed V until a folding or binding transition is observed (Fig. 1) (3–5). Define S(t) as the probability that the molecule has not yet escaped from the unfolded (implied: or unbound) state at time t. When escape is limited by one dominant barrier, S(t) follows the first-order rate equationS˙(t)dS(t)dt=k(F(t))S(t),where k(F(t)) is the on-rate at force F at time t. Because, prior to the transition, the applied force decreases monotonically with time, the distribution of transition forces, p(F), is related to S(t) through p(F)dF=S˙(t)dt, yieldingp(F)=k(F)F˙(F)eF0Fk(F)F˙(F)dF.(1)Here F˙(F)dF(t)/dt<0 is the force relaxation rate. The proper normalization of p(F) is readily confirmed by integrating Eq. 1 from the initial force F0 to negative infinity, the latter accounting for transitions that do not occur by the end of the experiment. Note that the expression for the distribution of folding/binding forces in Eq. 1 differs from its analog for the unfolding process (7) by the limits of integration and a negative sign, reflecting the property of a relaxation experiment to decrease the survival probability S(t) by decreasing the force. Converting the formal expression in Eq. 1 into a form suitable for fitting experimental data requires establishing functional forms for k(F) and F˙(F) and analytically solving the integral. These steps are accomplished below.The on-rate k(F) is computed by treating the conformational dynamics of the molecule as a random walk on the combined free energy profile G(x,t) = G0(x) + Gpull(x,t) along the molecular extension x. Here G0(x) is the intrinsic molecular potential and Gpull(x,t) is the potential of the pulling device. When G(x,t) features a high barrier on the scale of kBT (kB is the Boltzmann constant and T the temperature), the dynamics can be treated as diffusive. The unfolded region of the intrinsic potential for a folding process, unlike that for a barrierless process (8), can be captured by the functionG0(x)=ΔGν1ν(xx)11νΔGν(xx),which has a sharp (if ν = 1/2, Fig. 2, inset) or smooth (if ν = 2/3) barrier of height ΔG and location x. The potential of a pulling device of stiffness κS is Gpull(x,t) = κS/2(X0Vtx)2 with an initial minimum at X0 (corresponding to F0). Applying Kramers formalism (9) to the combined potential G(x,t), we establish the analytical form of the on-rate at force F(t),k(F)=k0(1+κSκU(F))1ν12(1+νFxΔG)1ν1×eβΔG[1(1+κSκU(F))2ν1ν1(1+νFxΔG)1ν],where k0 is the intrinsic on-rate, β ≡ (kBT)−1, andκU(F)=ν(1ν)2ΔGx2(1+νFxΔG)21νis the stiffness of the unfolded biomolecule under force F (see the Supporting Material for details on all derivations). The full nonlinear form of Gpull(x,t) was necessary in the derivation because, in contrast to the typically stiff folded state, the unfolded state may be soft (to be exact, 1/2κS x‡2(F) << kBT may not be satisfied) and thus easily deformed by the pulling device. Because of this deformation, the folding transition faces an extra contribution (regulated by the ratio κS/κU(F)) to the barrier height, typically negligible for unfolding, that decreases the on-rate in addition to the applied force F.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Contributions to the free energy profile for folding (inset) and binding (main figure). The derived expression (Eq. 2) extracts the on-rate and the location and height of the activation barrier to folding. When applied to binding data, the expression extracts the parameters of the ligand-tether-receptor (LTR) potential G˜0 (x); the proposed algorithm (Eqs. 3 and 4) removes the contribution of the tether potential Gteth(x) to recover the parameters of the intrinsic ligand-receptor (LR) potential G0(x).The last piece required for Eq. 1, the loading rate F˙(F), is computed as the time derivative of the force F(t) on the unfolded molecule at its most probable extension at time t:F˙(F)=κSV1+κS/κU(F).Finally, we realize that the integral in Eq. 1 can be solved analytically exactly, both for ν = 1/2 and ν = 2/3, resulting in the analytical expression for the distribution of folding forces:p(F)=k(F)|F˙(F)|ek(F)β|F˙(F)|x(1+κSκU(F))νν1(1+νFxΔG)11ν.(2)Equation 2 can be readily applied to (normalized) histograms from force-relaxation experiments to extract the parameters of the intrinsic kinetics and energetics of folding. Being exact for ν = 1/2 and ν = 2/3, Eq. 2 is also an accurate approximation for any ν in the interval 1/2 < ν < 2/3 as long as κSκU (F) (see Fig. S1 in the Supporting Material). For simplicity, in Eq. 2 we have omitted the term containing F0 as negligible if F0 is large enough to prevent folding events.The solution in Eq. 2 reveals properties of the distribution of folding forces that distinguish it from its unfolding counterpart (7):
  • 1.The distribution has a positive skew (Fig. 3), as intuitively expected: the rare folding events occur at high forces when the barrier is still high.Open in a separate windowFigure 3Force histograms from folding (left) and binding (right) simulations at several values of the force-relaxation speed (in nanometers per second, indicated at each histogram). Fitting the histograms with the analytical expression in Eq. 2 (lines) recovers the on-rate and activation barrier for folding or binding (2.Increasing the relaxation speed shifts the distribution to lower forces (Fig. 3): faster force relaxation leaves less time for thermal fluctuations to push the system over a high barrier, causing transitions to occur later (i.e., at lower forces), when the barrier is lower.
  • 3.The stiffness κS and speed V enter Eq. 2 separately, providing independent routes to control the range of folding forces and thus enhance the robustness of a fit.
The application of the above framework to binding experiments on a ligand and receptor connected by a tether (3) involves an additional step—decoupling the effect of the tether—to reconstruct the parameters of ligand-receptor binding. Indeed, the parameters extracted from a fit of experimental histograms to Eq. 2 characterize the ligand-tether-receptor (LTR) potential (k˜0, x˜, ΔG˜, ν) (Fig. 2). The parameters of the natural ligand-receptor (LR) potential (k0, x, ΔG) can be recovered using three characteristics of the tether: contour length L; persistence length p; and extension Δℓ of the tether along the direction of the force in the LTR transition state. The values of L and p can be determined from the force-extension curve of the tether (10); these define the tether potential Gteth(x) (Fig. 2). The value of Δℓ can be found from an unbinding experiment (7) on LTR and the geometry of the tether attachment points (see Fig. S3). Approximating the region of the LR potential between the transition and unbound states as harmonic, with no assumptions about the shape of the potential beyond x, the ligand-receptor barrier parameters are thenx=α1α2x˜,ΔG=(α1)22(α2)x˜Fteth(Δ+x˜),(3)and the intrinsic unimolecular association rate isk0k˜0(βΔG)32(βΔG˜)1ν12(x˜x)2eβ(ΔG˜ΔG).(4)Here, the force value Fteth(Δ+x˜) is extracted from the force-extension curve of the tether at extension Δ+x˜ andα=2(ΔG˜Gteth(Δ)+Gteth(Δ+x˜))x˜Fteth(Δ+x˜),where Gteth(x) is the wormlike-chain potential (see Eq. S13 in the Supporting Material). Equations 3–4 confirm that a tether decreases the height and width of the barrier (see Fig. 2), thus increasing the on-rate.In Fig. 3, the developed analytical framework is applied to folding and binding force histograms from Brownian dynamics simulations at parameters similar to those in the analogous experimental and computational studies (3,5,11) (for details on simulations and fitting procedure, see the Supporting Material). For the stringency of the test, the simulations account for the wormlike-chain nature of the molecular unfolded and LTR unbound states that is not explicitly accounted for in the theory. With optimized binning (12) of the histograms and a least-squares fit, Eqs. 2–4 recover the on-rate, the location and the height of the activation barrier, and the value of ν that best captures how the kinetics scale with force (
  • 1.Multiple relaxation speeds,
  • 2.Folding/binding events at low forces, and
  • 3.A large number of events at each speed.
  • Table 1

    On-rate and the location and height of the activation barrier from the fit of simulated data to the theory in
    Eq. 2
    Foldingk0 (s−1)x (nm)ΔG (kBT)ν
     True9.5 × 1032.22.0
     Fit8 ± 2 × 1032.2 ± 0.21.8 ± 0.50.54a
    Binding (LTR)k˜0 (s−1)x˜ (nm)ΔG˜ (kBT)ν
     Fit24 ± 31.57 ± 0.091.8 ± 0.40.53a
    Binding (LR)k0 (s−1)x (nm)ΔG (kBT)
     Fit2.7 ± 0.22.9 ± 0.14.1 ± 0.1
    Open in a separate windowaFixed at value that minimized least-squares error.  相似文献   

    We introduce a method for comparing a test genome with numerous genomes from a reference population. Sites in the test genome are given a weight, w, that depends on the allele frequency, x, in the reference population. The projection of the test genome onto the reference population is the average weight for each x, w¯(x). The weight is assigned in such a way that, if the test genome is a random sample from the reference population, then w¯(x)=1. Using analytic theory, numerical analysis, and simulations, we show how the projection depends on the time of population splitting, the history of admixture, and changes in past population size. The projection is sensitive to small amounts of past admixture, the direction of admixture, and admixture from a population not sampled (a ghost population). We compute the projections of several human and two archaic genomes onto three reference populations from the 1000 Genomes project—Europeans, Han Chinese, and Yoruba—and discuss the consistency of our analysis with previously published results for European and Yoruba demographic history. Including higher amounts of admixture between Europeans and Yoruba soon after their separation and low amounts of admixture more recently can resolve discrepancies between the projections and demographic inferences from some previous studies.  相似文献   

    The fine structure of curdlan produced by Alcaligenes faecalis var. myxogenes 10C3, mutant K, and pachyman from Poria cocos were investigated, with regard to their gel-forming properties. Periodate oxidation showed that both polysaccharides contain very high proportions of (1→3)-linked glucose residues. On complete hydrolysis the glucan polyalcohol obtained by periodate oxidation and borohydride reduction of curdlan (DP¯ 455) gave glucose and glycerol, in the molar ratio of 125~130: 1, and on mild acid hydrolysis yielded degraded polysaccharide (DP¯ 155), confirming the previous conclusion that curdlan has an essentially unbranched structure though it may contain a few internal (1→6)-glucosidic linkages. On complete hydrolysis the glucan polyalcohol derived from pachyman (DP¯ 255) gave glucose and glycerol, in the ratio of 40:1, and on mild hydrolysis it yielded degraded polysaccharide (DP¯ 130). This indicates that pachyman contains on the average four branch points and one internal (1→6)-glucosidic linkage in the molecule.  相似文献   

    To better understand the interaction of physical activity and air pollution exposure, it is important to quantify the change in ventilation rate incurred by activity. In this paper, we describe a method for estimating ventilation using easily-measured variables such as heart rate (HR), breathing rate (fB), and forced vital capacity (FVC). We recruited healthy adolescents to use a treadmill while we continuously measured HR, fB, and the tidal volume (VT) of each breath. Participants began at rest then walked and ran at increasing speed until HR was 160–180 beats per minute followed by a cool down period. The novel feature of this method is that minute ventilation (V˙E) was normalized by FVC. We used general linear mixed models with a random effect for subject and identified nine potential predictor variables that influence either V˙E or FVC. We assessed predictive performance with a five-fold cross-validation procedure. We used a brute force selection process to identify the best performing models based on cross-validation percent error, the Akaike Information Criterion and the p-value of parameter estimates. We found a two-predictor model including HR and fB to have the best predictive performance (V˙E/FVC = -4.247+0.0595HR+0.226fB, mean percent error = 8.1±29%); however, given the ubiquity of HR measurements, a one-predictor model including HR may also be useful (V˙E/FVC = -3.859+0.101HR, mean percent error = 11.3±36%).  相似文献   

    Determining associations between intestinal bacteria and continuously measured physiological outcomes is important for understanding the bacteria-host relationship but is not straightforward since abundance data (compositional data) are not normally distributed. To address this issue, we developed a fully Bayesian linear regression model (BRACoD; Bayesian Regression Analysis of Compositional Data) with physiological measurements (continuous data) as a function of a matrix of relative bacterial abundances. Bacteria can be classified as operational taxonomic units or by taxonomy (genus, family, etc.). Bacteria associated with the physiological measurement were identified using a Bayesian variable selection method: Stochastic Search Variable Selection. The output is a list of inclusion probabilities (p^) and coefficients that indicate the strength of the association (β^included) for each bacterial taxa. Tests with simulated communities showed that adopting a cut point value of p^ ≥ 0.3 for identifying included bacteria optimized the true positive rate (TPR) while maintaining a false positive rate (FPR) of ≤ 5%. At this point, the chances of identifying non-contributing bacteria were low and all well-established contributors were included. Comparison with other methods showed that BRACoD (at p^ ≥ 0.3) had higher precision and a higher TPR than a commonly used center log transformed LASSO procedure (clr-LASSO) as well as higher TPR than an off-the-shelf Spike and Slab method after center log transformation (clr-SS). BRACoD was also less likely to include non-contributing bacteria that merely correlate with contributing bacteria. Analysis of a rat microbiome experiment identified 47 operational taxonomic units that contributed to fecal butyrate levels. Of these, 31 were positively and 16 negatively associated with butyrate. Consistent with their known role in butyrate metabolism, most of these fell within the Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae. We conclude that BRACoD provides a more precise and accurate method for determining bacteria associated with a continuous physiological outcome compared to clr-LASSO. It is more sensitive than a generalized clr-SS algorithm, although it has a higher FPR. Its ability to distinguish genuine contributors from correlated bacteria makes it better suited to discriminating bacteria that directly contribute to an outcome. The algorithm corrects for the distortions arising from compositional data making it appropriate for analysis of microbiome data.  相似文献   

    The crawling of biological cell is a complex phenomenon involving various biochemical and mechanical processes. Some of these processes are intrinsic to individual cells, while others pertain to cell-to-cell interactions and to their responses to extrinsically imposed cues. Here, we report an interesting aggregation dynamics of mathematical model cells, when they perform chemotaxis in response to an externally imposed global chemical gradient while they influence each other through a haptotaxis-mediated social interaction, which confers intriguing trail patterns. In the absence of the cell-to-cell interaction, the equilibrium population density profile fits well to that of a simple Keller-Segal population dynamic model, in which a chemotactic current density Jchemop competes with a normal diffusive current density Jdiffρ, where p and ρ refer to the concentration of chemoattractant and population density, respectively. We find that the cell-to-cell interaction confers a far more compact aggregation resulting in a much higher peak equilibrium cell density. The mathematical model system is applicable to many biological systems such as swarming microglia and neutrophils or accumulating ants towards a localized food source.  相似文献   

    PurposeSkin temperature assessment has historically been undertaken with conductive devices affixed to the skin. With the development of technology, infrared devices are increasingly utilised in the measurement of skin temperature. Therefore, our purpose was to evaluate the agreement between four skin temperature devices at rest, during exercise in the heat, and recovery.MethodsMean skin temperature (T-sk) was assessed in thirty healthy males during 30 min rest (24.0 ± 1.2°C, 56 ± 8%), 30 min cycle in the heat (38.0 ± 0.5°C, 41 ± 2%), and 45 min recovery (24.0 ± 1.3°C, 56 ± 9%). T-sk was assessed at four sites using two conductive devices (thermistors, iButtons) and two infrared devices (infrared thermometer, infrared camera).ResultsBland–Altman plots demonstrated mean bias ± limits of agreement between the thermistors and iButtons as follows (rest, exercise, recovery): -0.01 ± 0.04, 0.26 ± 0.85, -0.37 ± 0.98°C; thermistors and infrared thermometer: 0.34 ± 0.44, -0.44 ± 1.23, -1.04 ± 1.75°C; thermistors and infrared camera (rest, recovery): 0.83 ± 0.77, 1.88 ± 1.87°C. Pairwise comparisons of T-sk found significant differences (p < 0.05) between thermistors and both infrared devices during resting conditions, and significant differences between the thermistors and all other devices tested during exercise in the heat and recovery.ConclusionsThese results indicate poor agreement between conductive and infrared devices at rest, during exercise in the heat, and subsequent recovery. Infrared devices may not be suitable for monitoring T-sk in the presence of, or following, metabolic and environmental induced heat stress.  相似文献   

    Accuracy of prediction of yet-to-be observed phenotypes for food conversion rate (FCR) in broilers was studied in a genome-assisted selection context. Data consisted of FCR measured on the progeny of 394 sires with SNP information. A Bayesian regression model (Bayes A) and a semi-parametric approach (Reproducing kernel Hilbert Spaces regression, RKHS) using all available SNPs (p = 3481) were compared with a standard linear model in which future performance was predicted using pedigree indexes in the absence of genomic data. The RKHS regression was also tested on several sets of pre-selected SNPs (p = 400) using alternative measures of the information gain provided by the SNPs. All analyses were performed using 333 genotyped sires as training set, and predictions were made on 61 birds as testing set, which were sons of sires in the training set. Accuracy of prediction was measured as the Spearman correlation (r¯S) between observed and predicted phenotype, with its confidence interval assessed through a bootstrap approach. A large improvement of genome-assisted prediction (up to an almost 4-fold increase in accuracy) was found relative to pedigree index. Bayes A and RKHS regression were equally accurate (r¯S = 0.27) when all 3481 SNPs were included in the model. However, RKHS with 400 pre-selected informative SNPs was more accurate than Bayes A with all SNPs.  相似文献   

    Red cells suspended in solutions much more viscous than blood plasma assume an almost steady-state orientation when sheared above a threshold value of shear rate. This orientation is a consequence of the motion of the membrane around the red cell called tank-treading. Observed along the undisturbed vorticity of the shear flow, tank-treading red cells appear as slender bodies. Their orientation can be quantified as an angle of inclination (θ) of the major axis with respect to the undisturbed flow direction. We measured θ using solution viscosities (η0) and shear rates (γ˙) covering one and three orders of magnitude, respectively. At the lower values of η0, θ was almost independent of γ˙. At the higher values of η0, θ displayed a maximum at intermediate shear rates. The respective maximal values of θ increased by ∼10° from 10.7 to 104 mPas. After accounting for the absent membrane viscosity in models by using an increased cytoplasmic viscosity, their predictions of θ agree qualitatively with our data. Comparison of the observed variation of θ at constant γ˙ with model results suggests a change in the reference configuration of the shear stiffness of the membrane.  相似文献   

    The fixation index F st plays a central role in ecological and evolutionary genetic studies. The estimators of Wright (F^st1), Weir and Cockerham (F^st2), and Hudson et al. (F^st3) are widely used to measure genetic differences among different populations, but all have limitations. We propose a minimum variance estimator F^stm using F^st1 and F^st2. We tested F^stm in simulations and applied it to 120 unrelated East African individuals from Ethiopia and 11 subpopulations in HapMap 3 with 464,642 SNPs. Our simulation study showed that F^stm has smaller bias than F^st2 for small sample sizes and smaller bias than F^st1 for large sample sizes. Also, F^stm has smaller variance than F^st2 for small F st values and smaller variance than F^st1 for large F st values. We demonstrated that approximately 30 subpopulations and 30 individuals per subpopulation are required in order to accurately estimate F st.  相似文献   

    In this study, we evaluate a preload-based Starling-like controller for implantable rotary blood pumps (IRBPs) using left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (PLVED) as the feedback variable. Simulations are conducted using a validated mathematical model. The controller emulates the response of the natural left ventricle (LV) to changes in PLVED. We report the performance of the preload-based Starling-like controller in comparison with our recently designed pulsatility controller and constant speed operation. In handling the transition from a baseline state to test states, which include vigorous exercise, blood loss and a major reduction in the LV contractility (LVC), the preload controller outperformed pulsatility control and constant speed operation in all three test scenarios. In exercise, preload-control achieved an increase of 54% in mean pump flow (QP-) with minimum loading on the LV, while pulsatility control achieved only a 5% increase in flow and a decrease in mean pump speed. In a hemorrhage scenario, the preload control maintained the greatest safety margin against LV suction. PLVED for the preload controller was 4.9 mmHg, compared with 0.4 mmHg for the pulsatility controller and 0.2 mmHg for the constant speed mode. This was associated with an adequate mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 84 mmHg. In transition to low LVC, QP- for preload control remained constant at 5.22 L/min with a PLVED of 8.0 mmHg. With regards to pulsatility control, QP- fell to the nonviable level of 2.4 L/min with an associated PLVED of 16 mmHg and a MAP of 55 mmHg. Consequently, pulsatility control was deemed inferior to constant speed mode with a PLVED of 11 mmHg and a QP- of 5.13 L/min in low LVC scenario. We conclude that pulsatility control imposes a danger to the patient in the severely reduced LVC scenario, which can be overcome by using a preload-based Starling-like control approach.  相似文献   

    The cardiotoxic effects of adjuvant cancer treatments (i.e., chemotherapy and radiation treatment) have been well documented, but the effects on peripheral cardiovascular function are still unclear. We hypothesized that cancer survivors i) would have decreased resting endothelial function; and ii) altered muscle deoxygenation response during moderate intensity cycling exercise compared to cancer-free controls. A total of 8 cancer survivors (~70 months post-treatment) and 9 healthy controls completed a brachial artery FMD test, an index of endothelial-dependent dilation, followed by an incremental exercise test up to the ventilatory threshold (VT) on a cycle ergometer during which pulmonary V˙O2 and changes in near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)-derived microvascular tissue oxygenation (TOI), total hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]total), and muscle deoxygenation ([HHb] ≈ fractional O2 extraction) were measured. There were no significant differences in age, height, weight, and resting blood pressure between cancer survivors and control participants. Brachial artery FMD was similar between groups (P = 0.98). During exercise at the VT, TOI was similar between groups, but [Hb]total and [HHb] were significantly decreased in cancer survivors compared to controls (P < 0.01) The rate of change for TOI (ΔTOIΔ/V˙O2) and [HHb] (Δ[HHb]/ΔV˙O2) relative to ΔV˙O2 were decreased in cancer survivors compared to controls (P = 0.02 and P = 0.03 respectively). In cancer survivors, a decreased skeletal muscle microvascular function was observed during moderate intensity cycling exercise. These data suggest that adjuvant cancer therapies have an effect on the integrated relationship between O2 extraction, V˙O2 and O2 delivery during exercise.  相似文献   

    BackgroundApproximately 10% to 20% of people with concussion experience prolonged post-concussion symptoms (PPCS). There is limited information identifying risk factors for PPCS in adult populations. This study aimed to derive a risk score for PPCS by determining which demographic factors, premorbid health conditions, and healthcare utilization patterns are associated with need for prolonged concussion care among a large cohort of adults with concussion.Methods and findingsData from a cohort study (Ontario Concussion Cohort study, 2008 to 2016; n = 1,330,336) including all adults with a concussion diagnosis by either primary care physician (ICD-9 code 850) or in emergency department (ICD-10 code S06) and 2 years of healthcare tracking postinjury (2008 to 2014, n = 587,057) were used in a retrospective analysis. Approximately 42.4% of the cohort was female, and adults between 18 and 30 years was the largest age group (31.0%). PPCS was defined as 2 or more specialist visits for concussion-related symptoms more than 6 months after injury index date. Approximately 13% (73,122) of the cohort had PPCS. Total cohort was divided into Derivation (2009 to 2013, n = 417,335) and Validation cohorts (2009 and 2014, n = 169,722) based upon injury index year. Variables selected a priori such as psychiatric disorders, migraines, sleep disorders, demographic factors, and pre-injury healthcare patterns were entered into multivariable logistic regression and CART modeling in the Derivation Cohort to calculate PPCS estimates and forward selection logistic regression model in the Validation Cohort. Variables with the highest probability of PPCS derived in the Derivation Cohort were: Age >61 years (p^ = 0.54), bipolar disorder (p^ = 0.52), high pre-injury primary care visits per year (p^ = 0.46), personality disorders (p^ = 0.45), and anxiety and depression (p^ = 0.33). The area under the curve (AUC) was 0.79 for the derivation model, 0.79 for bootstrap internal validation of the Derivation Cohort, and 0.64 for the Validation model. A limitation of this study was ability to track healthcare usage only to healthcare providers that submit to Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP); thus, some patients seeking treatment for prolonged symptoms may not be captured in this analysis.ConclusionsIn this study, we observed that premorbid psychiatric conditions, pre-injury health system usage, and older age were associated with increased risk of a prolonged recovery from concussion. This risk score allows clinicians to calculate an individual’s risk of requiring treatment more than 6 months post-concussion.

    In a retrospective study of data from a cohort of adults with a concussion diagnosis in Ontario, Laura Kathleen Langer and colleagues derive a risk score for predicting risk of prolonged post-concussion symptoms.  相似文献   

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