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Do microtubules orient plant cell wall microfibrils?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Cortical microtubules (MTs) allegedly orient nascent cellulose microfibrils (CMFs) in plant cells. The frequently observed parallelism between them, and the effect of MT-depolymerizing agents, are the bases for this hypothesis. Data have, however, accumulated about cells in which MTs and CMFs are not in parallel alignment. These data will be reviewed. MT orientation cannot be the only factor determining CMF orientation, but MTs could overrule other factors in cells where, for instance, they are more tightly attached to the plasma membrane than in other cells. MT and CMF orientations could, however, both be controlled by a third factor, and CMFs may even impose orientation on MTs.  相似文献   

Xyloglucan-acting enzymes are believed to have effects on type I primary plant cell wall mechanical properties. In order to get a better understanding of these effects, a range of enzymes with different in vitro modes of action were tested against cell wall analogues (bio-composite materials based on Acetobacter xylinus cellulose and xyloglucan). Tomato pericarp xyloglucan endo transglycosylase (tXET) and nasturtium seed xyloglucanase (nXGase) were produced heterologously in Pichia pastoris. Their action against the cell wall analogues was compared with that of a commercial preparation of Trichoderma endo-glucanase (EndoGase). Both 'hydrolytic' enzymes (nXGase and EndoGase) were able to depolymerise not only the cross-link xyloglucan fraction but also the surface-bound fraction. Consequent major changes in cellulose fibril architecture were observed. In mechanical terms, removal of xyloglucan cross-links from composites resulted in increased stiffness (at high strain) and decreased visco-elasticity with similar extensibility. On the other hand, true transglycosylase activity (tXET) did not affect the cellulose/xyloglucan ratio. No change in composite stiffness or extensibility resulted, but a significant increase in creep behaviour was observed in the presence of active tXET. These results provide direct in vitro evidence for the involvement of cell wall xyloglucan-specific enzymes in mechanical changes underlying plant cell wall re-modelling and growth processes. Mechanical consequences of tXET action are shown to be complimentary to those of cucumber expansin.  相似文献   

Shaping in plant cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Plant cells adopt a diversity of different shapes that are adapted to their specific functions. Central to the development of specialised form is the modification of cell-wall composition and organisation. A number of recent papers emphasise the importance of the cell wall to cell shaping, in the definition of both localised regions that are expandable and regions that are more resistant to mechanical forces. The organisation and activity of the cytoskeleton, and the activity of signalling pathways, are also essential in defining regions of the cell wall that will grow and those that will not. Although turgor has long been assumed to be a rather passive contributor to cell shaping, recent reports show that, in some cells, differential changes in turgor may have a role in establishing specialised cell form.  相似文献   

The plant cell wall, a dynamic network of polysaccharides and glycoproteins of significant compositional and structural complexity, functions in plant growth, development and stress responses. In recent years, the existence of plant cell wall integrity (CWI) maintenance mechanisms has been demonstrated, but little is known about the signaling pathways involved, or their components. Examination of key mutants has shed light on the relationships between cell wall remodeling and plant cell responses, indicating a central role for the regulatory network that monitors and controls cell wall performance and integrity. In this review, we present a short overview of cell wall composition and discuss post-synthetic cell wall modification as a valuable approach for studying CWI perception and signaling pathways.  相似文献   

All plant cells are encased in primary cell walls that determine plant morphology, but also protect the cells against the environment. Certain cells also produce a secondary wall that supports mechanically demanding processes, such as maintaining plant body stature and water transport inside plants. Both these walls are primarily composed of polysaccharides that are arranged in certain patterns to support cell functions. A key requisite for patterned cell walls is the arrangement of cortical microtubules that may direct the delivery of wall polymers and/or cell wall producing enzymes to certain plasma membrane locations. Microtubules also steer the synthesis of cellulose—the load-bearing structure in cell walls—at the plasma membrane. The organization and behaviour of the microtubule array are thus of fundamental importance to cell wall patterns. These aspects are controlled by the coordinated effort of small GTPases that probably coordinate a Turing''s reaction–diffusion mechanism to drive microtubule patterns. Here, we give an overview on how wall patterns form in the water-transporting xylem vessels of plants. We discuss systems that have been used to dissect mechanisms that underpin the xylem wall patterns, emphasizing the VND6 and VND7 inducible systems, and outline challenges that lay ahead in this field.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that plants "evolved a strategy of defending themselves from a phytopathogen attack" during evolution. This metaphor is used frequently, but it does not facilitate understanding of the mechanisms providing plant resistance to the invasion of foreign organisms and to other unfavorable external factors, as well as the role of these mechanisms in plant growth and development. Information on processes involving one of the plant resistance factors--polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP)--is considered in this review. The data presented here indicate that PGIP, being an extracellular leucine-rich repeat-containing protein, performs important functions in the structure of plant cell wall. Amino acid residues participating in PGIP binding to homogalacturonan in the cell wall have been determined. The degree of methylation and the mode of distribution of homogalacturonan methyl groups are responsible for the formation of a complex structure, which perhaps determines the specificity of PGIP binding to pectin. PGIP is apparently one of the components of plant cell wall determining some of its mechanical properties; it is involved in biochemical processes related to growth, expansion, and maceration, and it influences plant morphology. Polygalacturonase (PG) is present within practically all plant tissues, but the manifestation of its activity varies significantly depending on physiological conditions in the tissue. Apparently, the regulation of PG functioning in apoplast significantly affects the development of processes associated with the modification of the structure of plant cell wall. PGIP can regulate PG activity through binding to homogalacturonan. The genetically determined structure of PGIP in plants determines the mode of its interaction with an invader and perhaps is one of the factors responsible for the set of pathogens causing diseases in a given plant species.  相似文献   

Cellulose biosynthesis and deposition in higher plants   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
The plant cell wall is central to plant development. Cellulose is a major component of plant cell walls, and is the world's most abundant biopolymer. Cellulose contains apparently simple linear chains of glucose residues, but these chains aggregate to form immensely strong microfibrils. It is the physical properties of these microfibrils that, when laid down in an organized manner, are responsible for both oriented cell elongation during plant growth and the strength required to maintain an upright growth habit. Despite the importance of cellulose, only recently have we started to unravel details of its synthesis. Mutational analysis has allowed us to identify some of the proteins involved in its synthesis at the plasma membrane, and to define a set of cellulose synthase enzymes essential for cellulose synthesis. These proteins are organized into a very large plasma membrane-localized protein complex. The way in which this protein complex is regulated and directed is central in depositing cellulose microfibrils in the wall in the correct orientation, which is essential for directional cell growth. Recent developments have given us clues as to how cellulose synthesis and deposition is regulated, an understanding of which is essential if we are to manipulate cell wall composition.  相似文献   

The architecture of the plant cell wall is highly dynamic, being substantially re‐modeled during growth and development. Cell walls determine the size and shape of cells and contribute to the functional specialization of tissues and organs. Beyond the physiological dynamics, the wall structure undergoes changes upon biotic or abiotic stresses. In this review several cell wall traits, mainly related to pectin, one of the major matrix components, will be discussed in relation to plant development, immunity and industrial bioconversion of biomass, especially for energy production. Plant cell walls are a source of oligosaccharide fragments with a signaling function for both development and immunity. Sensing cell wall damage, sometimes through the perception of released damage‐associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), is crucial for some developmental and immunity responses. Methodological advances that are expected to deepen our knowledge of cell wall (CW) biology will also be presented.  相似文献   

Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase activity loosens a plant cell wall   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Plant cells undergo cell expansion when a temporary imbalance between the hydraulic pressure of the vacuole and the extensibility of the cell wall makes the cell volume increase dramatically. The primary cell walls of most seed plants consist of cellulose microfibrils tethered mainly by xyloglucans and embedded in a highly hydrated pectin matrix. During cell expansion the wall stress is decreased by the highly controlled rearrangement of the load-bearing tethers in the wall so that the microfibrils can move relative to each other. Here the effect was studied of a purified recombinant xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase (XTH) on the extension of isolated cell walls. METHODS: The epidermis of growing onion (Allium cepa) bulb scales is a one-cell-thick model tissue that is structurally and mechanically highly anisotropic. In constant load experiments, the effect of purified recombinant XTH proteins of Selaginella kraussiana on the extension of isolated onion epidermis was recorded. KEY RESULTS: Fluorescent xyloglucan endotransglucosylase (XET) assays demonstrate that exogeneous XTH can act on isolated onion epidermis cell walls. Furthermore, cell wall extension was significantly increased upon addition of XTH to the isolated epidermis, but only transverse to the net orientation of cellulose microfibrils. CONCLUSIONS: The results provide evidence that XTHs can act as cell wall-loosening enzymes.  相似文献   



Plant cell walls form the interface between the cells and their environment. They perform different functions, such as protecting cells from biotic and abiotic stress and providing structural support during development. Maintenance of the functional integrity of cell walls during these different processes is a prerequisite that enables the walls to perform their particular functions. The available evidence suggests that an integrity maintenance mechanism exists in plants that is capable of both detecting wall integrity impairment caused by cell wall damage and initiating compensatory responses to maintain functional integrity. The responses involve 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), jasmonic acid, reactive oxygen species and calcium-based signal transduction cascades as well as the production of lignin and other cell wall components. Experimental evidence implicates clearly different signalling molecules, but knowledge regarding contributions of receptor-like kinases to this process is less clear. Different receptor-like kinase families have been considered as possible sensors for perception of cell wall damage; however, strong experimental evidence that provides insights into functioning exists for very few kinases.

Scope and Conclusions

This review examines the involvement of cell wall integrity maintenance in different biological processes, defines what constitutes plant cell wall damage that impairs functional integrity, clarifies which stimulus perception and signal transduction mechanisms are required for integrity maintenance and assesses the available evidence regarding the functions of receptor-like kinases during cell wall integrity maintenance. The review concludes by discussing how the plant cell wall integrity maintenance mechanism could form an essential component of biotic stress responses and of plant development, functions that have not been fully recognized to date.  相似文献   

Nonaqueous titration was used for detection of free amino groups in the polymeric matrix of plant cell walls. The content of amino groups varied in the range 0.54–0.91 and total nitrogen in the range 1.0–4.2 mmol per gram dry mass of cell walls depending on the plant species. However, these data on the high content of free amino groups do not correlate with the present day concept that the nitrogen fraction in charged amino groups in plant cell wall proteins, which are assumed to be mainly amino groups of lysine and arginine residues, is about 10%. It is supposed that most detected free amino groups belong to the hydroxy-amino acids hydroxyproline and tyrosine that can be bound at the hydroxyl group with the carbohydrate part of glycoprotein or another structural cell wall polymer.  相似文献   

内切-1,4-β-葡聚糖酶在植物细胞生长发育中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内切-1,4-β-葡聚糖酶(EGases)可以催化水解具有1,4-β-葡聚糖主链的多聚糖,如纤维素和木葡聚糖分子,从而参与对细胞壁的修饰.植物细胞中存在一个EGase蛋白家族,且多为分泌蛋白;在植物细胞中还存在另一类跨膜EGase,是细胞壁纤维素生物合成所必需的,但植物EGases在体外具有降解纤维素人造底物羧甲基纤维素(CMC)的能力,而绝大多数植物EGases在活体细胞中并不能有效地降解结晶态纤维素分子和木葡聚糖分子.本文就EGases在细胞伸长、果实成熟和组织器官脱落等发育过程中的作用,以及EGases在植物纤维素合成与降解中的作用进行综述.  相似文献   

In this paper, a geometrical model is put forward to account for the deposition orientation of plant cell wall microfibrils (CMFs). The model presupposes the insertion in the plasma membrane of CMF initiation complexes, which, once inserted, are moved through the fluid plane of the plasma membrane by the kinetic force of CMF synthesis, leaving CMFs in their wake. Deposition occurs in a limited space and the CMFs are linked to wall matrix molecules. CMF orientation is governed by the laws of geometry and, taking space-limiting conditions into account, therefore depends on (1) cell geometry, (2) the other wall molecules linked to the CMFs, and (3) the number of CMF initiation complexes inserted into the plasma membrane. The model does not exclude the idea that cortical microtubules may determine initial CMF orientation after cell division by determining the cell elongation direction.  相似文献   

The review concerns the newer aspects of plant cell wall construction and modification, including the structure and biosynthesis of basic components during the cell growth and differentiation, as well as their breakdown. The special interest is given to the enzymes incorporated into the cell wall and their specific activity in the biosynthesis and degradation processes, but also in the transfer of glycosyl fragments (blocks), which is connected with its thickening, softening, constructing the channels a.o. New aspects of lignification and specialisation of particular wall fragments, playing various functions, such as fruit ripening, dropping down leaves, fruits and flowers, breaking the dormancy, and others, are also presented.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) are noncatalytic domains that assist tethered catalytic domains in substrate targeting. CBMs have therefore been used to visualize distinct polysaccharides present in the cell wall of plant cells and tissues. However, most previous studies provide a qualitative analysis of CBM-polysaccharide interactions, with limited characterization of engineered tandem CBM designs for recognizing polysaccharides like cellulose and limited application of CBM-based probes to visualize cellulose fibrils synthesis in model plant protoplasts with regenerating cell walls. Here, we examine the dynamic interactions of engineered type-A CBMs from families 3a and 64 with crystalline cellulose-I and phosphoric acid swollen cellulose. We generated tandem CBM designs to determine various characteristic properties including binding reversibility toward cellulose-I using equilibrium binding assays. To compute the adsorption (nkon) and desorption (koff) rate constants of single versus tandem CBM designs toward nanocrystalline cellulose, we employed dynamic kinetic binding assays using quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation. Our results indicate that tandem CBM3a exhibited the highest adsorption rate to cellulose and displayed reversible binding to both crystalline/amorphous cellulose, unlike other CBM designs, making tandem CBM3a better suited for live plant cell wall biosynthesis imaging applications. We used several engineered CBMs to visualize Arabidopsis thaliana protoplasts with regenerated cell walls using confocal laser scanning microscopy and wide-field fluorescence microscopy. Lastly, we also demonstrated how CBMs as probe reagents can enable in situ visualization of cellulose fibrils during cell wall regeneration in Arabidopsis protoplasts.  相似文献   

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