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Comparison of polymorphism at synonymous and non-synonymous sites in protein-coding DNA can provide evidence for selective constraint. Non-coding DNA that forms part of the regulatory landscape presents more of a challenge since there is not such a clear-cut distinction between sites under stronger and weaker selective constraint. Here, we consider putative regulatory elements termed Conserved Non-coding Elements (CNEs) defined by their high level of sequence identity across all vertebrates. Some mutations in these regions have been implicated in developmental disorders; we analyse CNE polymorphism data to investigate whether such deleterious effects are widespread in humans. Single nucleotide variants from the HapMap and 1000 Genomes Projects were mapped across nearly 2000 CNEs. In the 1000 Genomes data we find a significant excess of rare derived alleles in CNEs relative to coding sequences; this pattern is absent in HapMap data, apparently obscured by ascertainment bias. The distribution of polymorphism within CNEs is not uniform; we could identify two categories of sites by exploiting deep vertebrate alignments: stretches that are non-variant, and those that have at least one substitution. The conserved category has fewer polymorphic sites and a greater excess of rare derived alleles, which can be explained by a large proportion of sites under strong purifying selection within humans – higher than that for non-synonymous sites in most protein coding regions, and comparable to that at the strongly conserved trans-dev genes. Conversely, the more evolutionarily labile CNE sites have an allele frequency distribution not significantly different from non-synonymous sites. Future studies should exploit genome-wide re-sequencing to obtain better coverage in selected non-coding regions, given the likelihood that mutations in evolutionarily conserved enhancer sequences are deleterious. Discovery pipelines should validate non-coding variants to aid in identifying causal and risk-enhancing variants in complex disorders, in contrast to the current focus on exome sequencing.  相似文献   

The posterior medial frontal cortex (pMFC) is known to be involved in adaptive goal-directed behavior, but its specific function is not yet clear. Most theories have proposed that the pMFC monitors performance in a reactive manner only, but it is possible that the pMFC also contributes to performance monitoring in a proactive manner. To date, the evidence for proactive pMFC activity is equivocal. Here, we investigated pMFC activity before, during and after the performance of a challenging motor task. Participants navigated a cursor through narrow and wide mazes in randomly intermixed trials. On each trial, participants saw previews of the actual maze display prior to gaining control of the cursor. Event-related potentials (ERPs) to the preview displays were compared to ERPs elicited by no-go signals and errors. Compared to the wider maze, the preview display for the more challenging narrow maze elicited a medial-frontal negativity (MFN) similar to the ERP components elicited by no-go signals and errors. Like these known ERP components, the preview-elicited MFN appeared to be generated from a source in pMFC. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the pMFC participates in adaptive behavior whenever there is a need for increased effort to maintain successful task performance.  相似文献   

Microdialysis was used to assess extracellular dopamine in striatum, nucleus accumbens, and medial frontal cortex of unanesthetized rats both under resting conditions and in response to intermittent tail-shock stress. The dopamine metabolites 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid also were measured. The resting extracellular concentration of dopamine was estimated to be approximately 10 nM in striatum, 11 nM in nucleus accumbens, and 3 nM in medial frontal cortex. In contrast, the resting extracellular levels of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid were in the low micromolar range. Intermittent tail-shock stress increased extracellular dopamine relative to baseline by 25% in striatum, 39% in nucleus accumbens, and 95% in medial frontal cortex. 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid also were generally increased by stress, although there was a great deal of variability in these responses. These data provide direct in vivo evidence for the global activation of dopaminergic systems by stress and support the concept that there exist regional variations in the regulation of dopamine release.  相似文献   

Two alternative models have been proposed to explain the spread of agriculture in Europe during the Neolithic period. The demic diffusion model postulates the spreading of farmers from the Middle East along a Southeast to Northeast axis. Conversely, the cultural diffusion model assumes transmission of agricultural techniques without substantial movements of people. Support for the demic model derives largely from the observation of frequency gradients among some genetic variants, in particular haplogroups defined by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the Y-chromosome. A recent network analysis of the R-M269 Y chromosome lineage has purportedly corroborated Neolithic expansion from Anatolia, the site of diffusion of agriculture. However, the data are still controversial and the analyses so far performed are prone to a number of biases. In the present study we show that the addition of a single marker, DYSA7.2, dramatically changes the shape of the R-M269 network into a topology showing a clear Western-Eastern dichotomy not consistent with a radial diffusion of people from the Middle East. We have also assessed other Y-chromosome haplogroups proposed to be markers of the Neolithic diffusion of farmers and compared their intra-lineage variation—defined by short tandem repeats (STRs)—in Anatolia and in Sardinia, the only Western population where these lineages are present at appreciable frequencies and where there is substantial archaeological and genetic evidence of pre-Neolithic human occupation. The data indicate that Sardinia does not contain a subset of the variability present in Anatolia and that the shared variability between these populations is best explained by an earlier, pre-Neolithic dispersal of haplogroups from a common ancestral gene pool. Overall, these results are consistent with the cultural diffusion and do not support the demic model of agriculture diffusion.  相似文献   

目的:探讨前交叉韧带(ACL)断裂对内侧半月板后角的生物力学特性影响.方法:12例新鲜正常成人膝关节标本作为ACL完整组,在200N轴向载荷下,测试膝关节0°、30°、60°、90°内侧半月板后角应变,测试完毕后随机将标本造模成前内侧束(AMB)断裂组和后外侧束(PLB)断裂组,各6例,在上述条件下测试,再将标本的ACL中下1/3全部切断作为全断组进行测试.结果:膝伸直0°、屈曲30°,全断组后角应变大于其它各组(p<0.01),PLB断裂组后角应变大于完整组、AMB断裂组(p<0.01),AMB断裂组与完整组无显著性差异(p>0.05);膝屈曲60°,全断组后角应变大于PLB断裂组、完整组(p<0.05).与AMB断裂组无显著性差异(p>0.05),AMB断裂组后角应变大于PLB断裂组、完整组(p<0.05),PLB断裂组与完整组无显著性差异(p>0.05);膝90°,全断组后角应变大于其它各组(p<0.05),完整组、AMB断裂组、PLB断裂组组间均无显著性差异(p>0.05).结论:(1)ACL完全断裂,在膝关节各角度对内侧半月板后角应变均有较大影响,为ACL完全断裂早期修复提供了理论依据.(2)AMB断裂在膝屈曲位(60°)引起内侧半月板后角生物力学改变;PLB断裂在膝0°、30°引起内侧半月板后角生物力学变化,其意义尚需进一步探讨.  相似文献   



Myelination of white matter in the brain continues throughout adolescence and early adulthood. This cortical immaturity has been suggested as a potential cause of dangerous and impulsive behaviors in adolescence.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We tested this hypothesis in a group of healthy adolescents, age 12–18 (N = 91), who underwent diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to delineate cortical white matter tracts. As a measure of real-world risk taking, participants completed the Adolescent Risk Questionnaire (ARQ) which measures engagement in dangerous activities. After adjusting for age-related changes in both DTI and ARQ, engagement in dangerous behaviors was found to be positively correlated with fractional anisotropy and negatively correlated with transverse diffusivity in frontal white matter tracts, indicative of increased myelination and/or density of fibers (ages 14–18, N = 60).


The direction of correlation suggests that rather than having immature cortices, adolescents who engage in dangerous activities have frontal white matter tracts that are more adult in form than their more conservative peers.  相似文献   

Gene duplication and the accompanying release of negative selective pressure on the duplicate pair is thought to be the key process that makes functional change in the coding and regulatory regions of genomes possible. However, the nature of these changes remains unresolved. There are a number of models for the fate of gene duplicates, the two most prominent of which are neofunctionalisation and subfunctionalisation, but it is still unclear which is the dominant fate. Using a dataset consisting of smaller-scale (tandem and segmental) duplications identified from the genomes of four fully sequenced mammalian genomes, we characterise two key features of smaller-scale duplicate evolution: the rate of pseudogenisation and the rate of accumulation of replacement substitutions in the coding sequence. We show that the best fitting model for gene duplicate survival is a Weibull function with a downward sloping convex hazard function which implies that the rate of pseudogenisation of a gene declines rapidly with time since duplication. Our analysis of the accumulation of replacement substitutions per replacement site shows that they accumulate on average at 64% of the neutral expectation immediately following duplication and as high as 73% in the human lineage. Although this rate declines with time since duplication, it takes several tens of millions of years before it has declined to half its initial value. We show that the properties of the gene death rate and of the accumulation of replacement substitutions are more consistent with neofunctionalisation (or subfunctionalisation followed by neofunctionalisation) than they are with subfunctionalisation alone or any of the other alternative modes of evolution of smaller-scale duplicates. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) has been shown to impair learning, memory and executive functioning in children. Perseveration, or the failure to respond adaptively to changing contingencies, is a hallmark on neurobehavioral assessment tasks for human fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Adaptive responding is predominantly a product of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and is regulated by corticosteroids. In our mouse model of PAE we recently reported deficits in hippocampal formation-dependent learning and memory and a dysregulation of hippocampal formation glucocorticoid receptor (GR) subcellular distribution. Here, we examined the effect of PAE on frontal cortical-dependent behavior, as well as mPFC GR subcellular distribution and the levels of regulators of intracellular GR transport. PAE mice displayed significantly reduced response flexibility in a Y-maze reversal learning task. While the levels of total nuclear GR were reduced in PAE mPFC, levels of GR phosphorylated at serines 203, 211 and 226 were not significantly changed. Cytosolic, but not nuclear, MR levels were elevated in the PAE mPFC. The levels of critical GR trafficking proteins, FKBP51, Hsp90, cyclophilin 40, dynamitin and dynein intermediate chain, were altered in PAE mice, in favor of the exclusion of GR from the nucleus, indicating dysregulation of GR trafficking. Our findings suggest that there may be a link between a deficit in GR nuclear localization and frontal cortical learning deficits in prenatal alcohol-exposed mice.  相似文献   

In an uncertain environment, probabilities are key to predicting future events and making adaptive choices. However, little is known about how humans learn such probabilities and where and how they are encoded in the brain, especially when they concern more than two outcomes. During functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), young adults learned the probabilities of uncertain stimuli through repetitive sampling. Stimuli represented payoffs and participants had to predict their occurrence to maximize their earnings. Choices indicated loss and risk aversion but unbiased estimation of probabilities. BOLD response in medial prefrontal cortex and angular gyri increased linearly with the probability of the currently observed stimulus, untainted by its value. Connectivity analyses during rest and task revealed that these regions belonged to the default mode network. The activation of past outcomes in memory is evoked as a possible mechanism to explain the engagement of the default mode network in probability learning. A BOLD response relating to value was detected only at decision time, mainly in striatum. It is concluded that activity in inferior parietal and medial prefrontal cortex reflects the amount of evidence accumulated in favor of competing and uncertain outcomes.  相似文献   



The aim of the present study was to investigate how the speed of observed action affects the excitability of the primary motor cortex (M1), as assessed by the size of motor evoked potentials (MEPs) induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).


Eighteen healthy subjects watched a video clip of a person catching a ball, played at three different speeds (normal-, half-, and quarter-speed). MEPs were induced by TMS when the model''s hand had opened to the widest extent just before catching the ball (“open”) and when the model had just caught the ball (“catch”). These two events were locked to specific frames of the video clip (“phases”), rather than occurring at specific absolute times, so that they could easily be compared across different speeds. MEPs were recorded from the thenar (TH) and abductor digiti minimi (ADM) muscles of the right hand.


The MEP amplitudes were higher when the subjects watched the video clip at low speed than when they watched the clip at normal speed. A repeated-measures ANOVA, with the factor VIDEO-SPEED, showed significant main effects. Bonferroni''s post hoc test showed that the following MEP amplitude differences were significant: TH, normal vs. quarter; ADM, normal vs. half; and ADM, normal vs. quarter. Paired t-tests showed that the significant MEP amplitude differences between TMS phases under each speed condition were TH, “catch” higher than “open” at quarter speed; ADM, “catch” higher than “open” at half speed.


These results indicate that the excitability of M1 was higher when the observed action was played at low speed. Our findings suggest that the action observation system became more active when the subjects observed the video clip at low speed, because the subjects could then recognize the elements of action and intention in others.  相似文献   

Children who have experienced chronic parental rejection and exclusion during childhood, as is the case in childhood emotional maltreatment, may become especially sensitive to social exclusion. This study investigated the neural and emotional responses to social exclusion (with the Cyberball task) in young adults reporting childhood emotional maltreatment. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated brain responses and self-reported distress to social exclusion in 46 young adult patients and healthy controls (mean age = 19.2±2.16) reporting low to extreme childhood emotional maltreatment. Consistent with prior studies, social exclusion was associated with activity in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate cortex. In addition, severity of childhood emotional maltreatment was positively associated with increased dorsal medial prefrontal cortex responsivity to social exclusion. The dorsal medial prefrontal cortex plays a crucial role in self-and other-referential processing, suggesting that the more individuals have been rejected and maltreated in childhood, the more self- and other- processing is elicited by social exclusion in adulthood. Negative self-referential thinking, in itself, enhances cognitive vulnerability for the development of psychiatric disorders. Therefore, our findings may underlie the emotional and behavioural difficulties that have been reported in adults reporting childhood emotional maltreatment.  相似文献   

For some traits, the human genome is more closely related to either the bonobo or the chimpanzee genome than they are to each other. Therefore, it becomes crucial to understand whether and how morphostructural differences between humans, chimpanzees and bonobos reflect the well known phylogeny. Here we comparatively investigated intra and extra labyrinthine semicircular canals orientation using 260 computed tomography scans of extant humans (Homo sapiens), bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Humans and bonobos proved more similarities between themselves than with chimpanzees. This finding did not fit with the well established chimpanzee – bonobo monophyly. One hypothesis was convergent evolution in which bonobos and humans produce independently similar phenotypes possibly in response to similar selective pressures that may be associated with postural adaptations. Another possibility was convergence following a “random walk” (Brownian motion) evolutionary model. A more parsimonious explanation was that the bonobo-human labyrinthine shared morphology more closely retained the ancestral condition with chimpanzees being subsequently derived. Finally, these results might be a consequence of genetic diversity and incomplete lineage sorting. The remarkable symmetry of the Semicircular Canals was the second major finding of this article with possible applications in taphonomy. It has the potential to investigate altered fossils, inferring the probability of post-mortem deformation which can lead to difficulties in understanding taxonomic variation, phylogenetic relationships, and functional morphology.  相似文献   

Binary classifiers are routinely evaluated with performance measures such as sensitivity and specificity, and performance is frequently illustrated with Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) plots. Alternative measures such as positive predictive value (PPV) and the associated Precision/Recall (PRC) plots are used less frequently. Many bioinformatics studies develop and evaluate classifiers that are to be applied to strongly imbalanced datasets in which the number of negatives outweighs the number of positives significantly. While ROC plots are visually appealing and provide an overview of a classifier''s performance across a wide range of specificities, one can ask whether ROC plots could be misleading when applied in imbalanced classification scenarios. We show here that the visual interpretability of ROC plots in the context of imbalanced datasets can be deceptive with respect to conclusions about the reliability of classification performance, owing to an intuitive but wrong interpretation of specificity. PRC plots, on the other hand, can provide the viewer with an accurate prediction of future classification performance due to the fact that they evaluate the fraction of true positives among positive predictions. Our findings have potential implications for the interpretation of a large number of studies that use ROC plots on imbalanced datasets.  相似文献   

Catecholamine turnover in brain areas innervated by dopaminergic neurons was examined 2, 6, and 12 days after bilateral, N-methyl-D-aspartate lesions confined to the rat medial prefrontal cortex. The lesion produced a significant regional increase in the concentration of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine (DA, dopamine) in both the medial prefrontal cortex and the ventral tegmental area. DA concentrations were increased in the nucleus accumbens on day 6 (128% of control), in the ventral tegmental area on day 2 (130% of control), and in the medial prefrontal cortex on days 2 (145% of control) and 6 (127% of control). The only significant changes in the concentration of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) (197% of control), and in the ratio DOPAC/DA (163% of control) were found in the medial prefrontal cortex on day 6 post-lesion. All parameters had returned to control levels by day 12. DA depletion after the administration of alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine (AMPT) was not significantly different between excitotoxin-lesioned and sham animals on day 6 in all brain regions. Noradrenaline (NA) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol concentrations and their ratios, and the depletion of noradrenaline after AMPT were also determined, and the lesion resulted in a significant regional increase in NA in both the nucleus accumbens and the ventral tegmental area. An elevation of NA (147% of control) in the nucleus accumbens was found on day 12. Since the excitotoxin lesion destroys corticofugal efferents from medial prefrontal cortex to the nucleus accumbens, the anterior corpus striatum and the ventral tegmental area, our results provide no evidence for a role of these cortical projections in the regulation of subcortical DA metabolism.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   



Thalamocortical EEG rhythms in gamma (30-80 Hz) and high-gamma (80-200 Hz) ranges have been linked to arousal and conscious processes. To test the hypothesis that general anesthetics attenuate these rhythms, we characterized the concentration-effect relationship of propofol on the spectral power of these rhythms. In view of the ongoing debate about cortex versus thalamus as the primary site of anesthetic action for unconsciousness, we also compared the relative sensitivity of cortex and thalamus to this effect propofol.


Adult male Long-Evans rats were chronically implanted with electrodes in somatosensory (barrel) cortex and ventroposteromedial thalamus. Propofol was delivered by a computer-controlled infusion using real-time pharmacokinetic modeling to obtain the desired plasma concentration. Spectral power was assessed during baseline, at four stable propofol plasma-concentrations (0, 3,6,9,12 μg/ml) and during recovery over four frequency ranges (30-50, 51-75, 76-125, 126-200 Hz). Unconsciousness was defined as complete loss of righting reflex. Multiple regression was used to model the change of power (after logarithmic transformation) as a function of propofol concentration and recording site.


Unconsciousness occurred at the 9 μg/ml concentration in all animals. Propofol caused a robust linear concentration-dependent attenuation of cortical power in the 76-200 Hz range and of thalamic power in the 51-200 Hz range. In all instances the concentration-effect slope for the thalamus was markedly steeper than for the cortex. Furthermore the lowest concentration causing unconsciousness significantly reduced cortical power in the 126-200 Hz range and thalamic power in the 51-200 Hz range.


Propofol causes a concentration-dependent attenuation of the power of thalamocortical rhythms in the 51-200 Hz range and this effect is far more pronounced for the thalamus, where the attenuation provides a robust correlate of the hypnotic action of propofol.  相似文献   

Most existing genome-wide association analyses are cross-sectional, utilizing only phenotypic data at a single time point, e.g. baseline. On the other hand, longitudinal studies, such as Alzheimer''s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), collect phenotypic information at multiple time points. In this article, as a case study, we conducted both longitudinal and cross-sectional analyses of the ADNI data with several brain imaging (not clinical diagnosis) phenotypes, demonstrating the power gains of longitudinal analysis over cross-sectional analysis. Specifically, we scanned genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with 56 brain-wide imaging phenotypes processed by FreeSurfer on 638 subjects. At the genome-wide significance level () or a less stringent level (e.g. ), longitudinal analysis of the phenotypic data from the baseline to month 48 identified more SNP-phenotype associations than cross-sectional analysis of only the baseline data. In particular, at the genome-wide significance level, both SNP rs429358 in gene APOE and SNP rs2075650 in gene TOMM40 were confirmed to be associated with various imaging phenotypes in multiple regions of interests (ROIs) by both analyses, though longitudinal analysis detected more regional phenotypes associated with the two SNPs and indicated another significant SNP rs439401 in gene APOE. In light of the power advantage of longitudinal analysis, we advocate its use in current and future longitudinal neuroimaging studies.  相似文献   

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) at frequencies lower than 5 Hz transiently inhibits the stimulated area. In healthy participants, such a protocol can induce a transient attentional bias to the visual hemifield ipsilateral to the stimulated hemisphere. This bias might be due to a relatively less active stimulated hemisphere and a relatively more active unstimulated hemisphere. In a previous study, Jin and Hilgetag (2008) tried to switch the attention bias from the hemifield ipsilateral to the hemifield contralateral to the stimulated hemisphere by applying high frequency rTMS. High frequency rTMS has been shown to excite, rather than inhibit, the stimulated brain area. However, the bias to the ipsilateral hemifield was still present. The participants’ performance decreased when stimuli were presented in the hemifield contralateral to the stimulation site. In the present study we tested if this unexpected result was related to the fact that participants were passively resting during stimulation rather than performing a task. Using a fully crossed factorial design, we compared the effects of high frequency rTMS applied during a visual detection task and high frequency rTMS during passive rest on the subsequent offline performance in the same detection task. Our results were mixed. After sham stimulation, performance was better after rest than after task. After active 10 Hz rTMS, participants’ performance was overall better after task than after rest. However, this effect did not reach statistical significance. The comparison of performance after rTMS with task and performance after sham stimulation with task showed that 10 Hz stimulation significantly improved performance in the whole visual field. Thus, although we found a trend to better performance after rTMS with task than after rTMS during rest, we could not reject the hypothesis that high frequency rTMS with task and high frequency rTMS during rest equally affect performance.  相似文献   

The effect of lesions of the catecholamine nerve terminals in the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat on neurotransmitter mechanisms within the basal ganglia has been investigated. Bilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions were stereotaxically placed in the dopamine-rich (DA) area of th frontal cortex. Animals were pretreated with desmethylimipramine to block the uptake of neurotoxin into noradrenergic (NA) terminals and to make it more selective for DA terminals. The lesion produced a selective reduction of both NA and DA from the medial prefrontal cortex, a result related to falls in tyrosine hydroxylase activity at this site. Lesioned animals showed enhanced DA turnover and utilisation in striatal and limbic regions. There was no change in subcortical tyrosine hydroxylase activity. In addition there were significant falls in other putative neurotransmitters within basal sites, including 5-hydroxytryptamine and GABA. Decreased activity of the neurotransmitter-synthesizing enzyme glutamate decarboxylase and choline acetyltransferase was also recorded in certain regions of the basal ganglia. The results suggest that frontal cortical catecholamine systems may serve to regulate various neurotransmitter mechanisms in the basal ganglia.  相似文献   



In Norway, repeat cytology and HPV testing comprise delayed triage of women with minor cytological lesions. The objective of this study was to evaluate HPV DNA and HPV mRNA testing in triage of women with an ASC-US/LSIL diagnosis.

Materials and Methods

We used repeat cytology, HPV DNA testing (Cobas 4800) and HPV mRNA testing (PreTect HPV-Proofer) to follow up 311 women aged 25–69 years with ASC-US/LSIL index cytology.


Of 311 women scheduled for secondary screening, 30 women (9.6%) had ASC-H/HSIL cytology at triage and 281 women (90.4%) had ASC-US/LSIL or normal cytology. The HPV DNA test was positive in 92 (32.7%) of 281 instances, and 37 (13.2%) were mRNA positive. Of the 132 women with repeated ASC-US/LSIL, we received biopsies from 97.0% (65/67) of the DNA-positive and 92.9% (26/28) of the mRNA-positive cases. The positive predictive values for CIN2+ were 21.5% (14/65) for DNA positive and 34.6% (9/26) for mRNA positive (ns). The odds ratio for being referred to colposcopy in DNA-positive cases were 2.8 times (95% CI: 1.8–4.6) higher that of mRNA-positive cases. Compared to the mRNA test, the DNA test detected four more cases of CIN2 and one case of CIN3.


The higher positivity rate of the DNA test in triage leads to higher referral rate for colposcopy and biopsy, and subsequent additional follow-up of negative biopsies. By following mRNA-negative women who had ASC-US/LSIL at triage with cytology, the additional cases of CIN2+ gained in DNA screening can be discovered. Our study indicates that in triage of repeated ASC-US/LSIL, HPV mRNA testing is more specific and is more relevant in clinical use than an HPV DNA test.  相似文献   

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