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The biology and biochemistry of plasmid transfer in soil bacteria is currently under active investigation because of its central role in prokaryote adaptation and evolution. In this work, we examined the conjugal properties of the cryptic plasmids present in a collection of the N2-fixing legume-symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti . The study was performed on 65 S. meliloti isolates recovered from 25 humic soils of Argentina, which were grouped into 22 plasmid-profile types [i.e. plasmid operational taxonomic units (OTUs)]. The cumulative Shannon index calculated for the observed plasmid profiles showed a clear saturation plateau, thus indicating an adequate representation of the S. meliloti plasmid-profile types in the isolates studied. The results show that isolates of nearly 14% of the plasmid OTUs hosted transmissible plasmids and that isolates of 29% of the plasmid OTUs were able to retransfer the previously characterized mobilizable-cryptic plasmid pSmeLPU88b to a third recipient strain. It is noteworthy that isolates belonging to 14% of the plasmid OTUs proved to be refractory to the entrance of the model plasmid pSmeLPU88b, suggesting either the presence of surface exclusion phenomena or the occurrence of restriction incompatibility with the incoming replicon. Incompatibility for replication between resident plasmids and plasmid pSmeLPU88b was observed in c . 20% of the OTUs. The results reported here reveal a widespread compatibility among the conjugal functions of the cryptic plasmids in S. meliloti , and this fact, together with the observed high proportion of existing donor genotypes, points to the extrachromosomal compartment of the species as being an extremely active plasmid mobilome.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we propose a method of direct selection for hybrid DNA molecules in paromomycin-dependent E. coli cells.  相似文献   

宏基因组文库技术的发展拓宽了酶学的研究范围,从而导致了一系列新型的生物催化剂被发现和鉴定。采用蛋白酶的活性筛选策略,从已构建的碱性污染土壤宏基因组文库分离得到了一个表达蛋白酶的阳性克隆。生物信息学分析表明该克隆所包含的外源DNA片断编码一个由381个氨基酸编码组成的多肽,该多肽大约为39kDa,等电点为8.91。BLAST软件分析该外源DNA片断包含一个完整的碱性蛋白酶基因(ap01),GC含量为46.3%。相关酶学数据表明该阳性克隆所分泌的碱性蛋白酶最适作用pH值为9.5,最佳作用温度为40℃。  相似文献   

The plasmids R1162 and pSC101 have origins of conjugative transfer (oriTs) and corresponding relaxases that are closely related. The oriTs are made up of a highly conserved core, where DNA is cleaved by the relaxase prior to transfer, and an inverted repeat that differs in size and sequence. We show that in each case the seven base pairs adjacent to the core and within one arm of the inverted repeat are sufficient to determine specificity. Within this DNA there are three AT base pairs located 4 bp from the core. Mutations in the AT base pairs suggest that the relaxase makes essential contacts at these locations to the minor groove of the DNA. The remaining four bases are different for each oriT and are both necessary and sufficient for stringent recognition of oriT by the pSC101 mobilization proteins. In contrast, the R1162 mobilization proteins have a much more relaxed requirement for the base sequence of this specificity region. As a result, the R1162 mobilization proteins can initiate transfer from a variety of sites, including those derived from the chromosome. The R1162 mobilization proteins could therefore contribute to the horizontal gene transfer of DNA from diverse sources.  相似文献   

The genetic control and mechanism of mobilization of the non-conjugative plasmids ColE1 and pMB-9 by the conjugative plasmids was orived to be recA-independent process in contrast to the mobilization of the chromosomal marker pro. Acridine orange and ethidium bromide curing data together with the results of electrophoretic analysis of plasmid DNA suggest that the plasmids F' lac+ and pMB-9 as well as F' lac+ and ColE1 remain autonomous after their contransfer to recipient cells. These data argue in favour of non-recombinational nature of the plasmid mobilization process. The possibility of transmission of a non-conjugative plasmid without transmission of a conjugative one from the donor strain carrying both plasmids was established. The results obtained are discussed with respect to the hypothesis on the effect of diffusible products encoded by the conjugative plasmid and required of the mobilization of the non-conjugative plasmid.  相似文献   

Streptococcus faecalis strain DS-5 has been shown previously to contain three plasmids, pAMalpha1, pAMbeta1, and pAMgamma1. Mixed incubation of DS-5 with strain JH2-2, a plasmid-free S. faecalis recipient, results in the transfer of pAMalpha1 (which determines resistance to tetracycline) and/or pAMgamma1. Analyses of recipients carrying various combinations of these plasmids have revealed the pAMgamma1 codes for toxin (hemolysin) production and two bacteriocin activities. JH2-2 strains carrying both pAMalpha1 and pAMgamma1, or pAMgamma1 only, can donate their plasmids to other recipients, whereas strains carrying only pAMalpha1 cannot serve as donors. This indicates that pAMgamma1 actually mobilizes the otherwise nontransferable pAMalpha1.  相似文献   

A nodulation plasmid, pRtr-514a, of molecular size 180 megadaltons (Mdal) was identified in Rhizobium trifolii strain NZP514. This plasmid was absent in both spontaneous and heat-cured Nod- derivatives of NZP514, and these strains were unable to induce root hair curling. The ability to nodulate clover was transferred from the wild-type strain to a Nod- derivatives, PN104, with the broad-host-range plasmid R68.45 (39 megadaltons) at a cotransfer frequency of about 4 X 10(-3). Most of the Nod+ transconjugants were resistant to kanamycin, tetracycline, and carbenicillin and had received a plasmid approximately 36 or 70 Mdal larger than pRtr514a but did not contain a plasmid of the size of R68.45, indicating that pRtr-514a was mobilized as a cointegrate plasmid containing either one or possibly two copies of R68.45. Use of these cointegrate-containing strains as donors in further crosses with the Nod- derivative strain PN118 resulted in high-frequency transfer of Nod+ (10(-3) to 10(-4), with cotransfer frequencies with kanamycin of up to 100%. Introduction of R68.45 into a derivative of NZP514 containing the broad-host-range plasmid pJP4 (52 Mdal) resulted in a high frequency of transconjugants carrying a cointegrate plasmid composed of pRtr-514a and pJP4. When used as donors to Nod- derivatives, such strains cotransferred Nod+ with kanamycin plus mercury at a frequency of 67%. The identification of stable cointegrates between pRtr-514a and the broad-host-range plasmids R68.45 and pJP4 should enable several genetic manipulations to be carried out with this nodulation plasmid, including the transfer of the plasmid to most gram-negative bacterial genera.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of a small cryptic plasmid designated pRAO1, from the Gram-negative ruminal bacterium Ruminobacter amylophilus NIAH-3, was determined. The plasmid is a circular DNA molecule, 2140 bp in size, with a GC content of 40%. Computer-assisted analysis identified three open reading frames (ORFs), one of which, ORF3 (347 amino acids), displayed a high degree of amino acid identity with the Mob proteins involved in conjugative mobilization and interplasmid recombination of plasmids from Gram-positive bacteria. We proved the mobilization properties of pRAO1 in the Escherichia coli system using the coresident IncW broad-host-range conjugative plasmid R388. These data demonstrated, for the first time, the mobilization properties of small cryptic plasmids from Gram-negative inhabitants of the rumen.  相似文献   

Natural selection and gene substitution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

We report the development of a nonantibiotic and nonpathogenic host-plasmid selection system based on lactococcal genes and threonine complementation. We constructed an auxotrophic Lactococcus lactis MG1363Deltathr strain which carries deletions in two genes encoding threonine biosynthetic enzymes. To achieve plasmid-borne complementation, we then constructed the minimal cloning vector, pJAG5, based on the genes encoding homoserine dehydrogenase-homoserine kinase (the hom-thrB operon) as a selective marker. Using strain MG1363Deltathr, selection and maintenance of cells carrying pJAG5 were obtained in threonine-free defined media. Compared to the commonly used selection system based on erythromycin resistance, the designed complementation system offers a competitive and stable plasmid selection system for the production of heterologous proteins in L. lactis. The potential of pJAG5 to deliver genes for expression in eukaryotes was evaluated by insertion of a mammalian expression unit encoding a modified green fluorescent protein. The successful delivery and expression of genes in human kidney fibroblasts indicated the potential of the designed nonantibiotic host-plasmid system for use in genetic immunization.  相似文献   

The structures of two R-plasmids pWP14a and pWP12a (Tra-, Ap, Gm; 21 kb) and of several cointegrates they form with bacteriophages P1Cm and P1-15 were analyzed. In each case, replicon fusion was mediated by the element IS140 (about 0.8 kb), one copy of which resides on both plasmids adjacent to the gentamicin resistance determinant (AAC(3)-III). pWP14a cointegrated preferentially into or near the invertible C-loop structure of the P1 genome. Cointegrational mobilization of pWP14a was observed also with several conjugative R-factors. The process of replicon fusion is independent of the host's rec+ functions. Sequences homologous to IS140 are constituents of many R-factors, including RA1, R40a, R124, R144, Rts1, N3, and pJR255. IS140 also shows homology to two other sequences, IS15 delta and Tn2680, but not to other, well studied transposable elements. The ampicillin resistance determinant of pWP14a is within a Tn3-like transposon, Tn3651.  相似文献   

We have used purified RSF1010 mobilization proteins to reproduce in vitro a strand-specific nicking at the plasmid origin of transfer, oriT. In the presence of Mg2+, the proteins MobA (78-kDa form of RSF1010 DNA primase), MobB, and MobC and supercoiled or linear duplex oriT DNA form large amounts of a cleavage complex, which is characterized by its sensitivity to protein-denaturant treatment. Upon addition of SDS to such a complex, a single strand break is generated in the DNA, and MobA is found linked to the 5' nick terminus, presumably covalently. The double-strand nicking activity of MobA requires, in addition to Mg2+, the presence of MobC and is stimulated by the presence of MobB. The nick site has been shown by DNA sequencing to lie at the position cleaved in vivo during transfer, between nucleotides 3138/3139 in the r strand of RSF1010. We have found that MobA will also cleave DNA at sites other than oriT if the DNA is present in single-stranded form. Breakage in this case occurs in the absence of denaturing conditions, and after prolonged incubation, reclosure can be demonstrated.  相似文献   

MbeA is a 60 kDa protein encoded by plasmid ColE1. It plays a key role in conjugative mobilization. MbeA*, a slightly truncated version of MbeA, was purified for in vitro analysis. MbeA* catalysed DNA cleavage and strand-transfer reactions using oligonucleotides embracing the ColE1 nic site, which was mapped to 5'-(1469)CTGG/CTTA(1462)-3'. Thus MbeA is the relaxase for ColE1 conjugal mobilization, in spite of the fact that it lacks a three histidine motif considered the invariant signature of conjugative relaxases. Amino acid sequence comparisons suggest MbeA is nevertheless related to the common relaxase protein family. For instance, MbeA residue Y19 could correspond to the invariant tyrosine in Motif I, whereas H97, E104 and N106 may constitute the equivalent residues to the histidine triad in Motif III. This hypothesis was tested by site-directed mutagenesis. MbeA amino acid residues Y19, H97, E104 and N106 were changed to alanine. MbeA mutant N106A showed reduced oligonucleotide cleavage and strand-transfer activities, whereas mutation in the other three residues resulted in proteins without detectable activity, suggesting they are directly implicated in catalysis of DNA-cleavage and strand-transfer reactions. A double substitution of E104 and N106 by histidines, therefore reconstituting the canonical histidine triad, restored relaxase activities to 1% of wild type. Thus, MbeA is a variant of the common relaxase theme with a HEN signature motif, which has to be added to the canonical three histidine motif of previously reported relaxases.  相似文献   

Transfer-defective mutants of the Tra1 region of RP1 were isolated. Complementation studies involving stable heterozygotes combined with the mapping of Tn5 insertion mutations revealed two pilus cistrons, pilA and pilB, at positions 46.9 to 48.2 kb and 46.0 to 46.4 kb, respectively. All pilB mutants were Dps- (i.e., resistant to donor-specific phages PR4 and PRR1), whereas pilA mutants were Dps- (promoter-proximal mutations), Dps+/- (sensitive only to PR4 [more centrally located mutations]), or Dps+ (sensitive to both phages [promoter-distal mutations]). The correlation between the site mutated and the Dps phenotype, together with the finding that certain Dps+ pilA mutants continued to mobilize nonconjugative plasmids, suggested that pilA is bifunctional, contributing both to pilus function (at the promoter-proximal end) and to RP1 mobilization. It was also shown that the 43.5- to 49.5-kb region that includes pilA and pilB encodes all of the Tra1 pilus functions required for propagation of donor-specific phages and hence, probably, for pili that are active in conjugation. Finally, three cistrons that specifically affect RP1 mobilization were identified. Two of these, mobA and mobB, occur immediately anticlockwise to oriT and probably correspond to the traJ and traI genes characterized by other workers. The third cistron, mobC, occurs clockwise to oriT and may be a new mobilization gene, since its function can be substituted by IncP beta plasmids, a feature different from that of the traK mobilization gene which occurs in the same region but is RP1 specific. None of the mob cistrons was required for mobilization of nonconjugative plasmids, except for mobB, which was required by pVS99.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli strain DH1lacdapD enables plasmid selection and maintenance that is free from antibiotics and selectable marker genes. This is achieved by using only the lac operator sequence as a selectable element. This strain is currently used to generate high copy number plasmids with no antibiotic resistance genes for use as DNA vaccines and for expression of recombinant proteins. Until now these have been limited to pUC-based plasmids containing a high copy number pMB1-derived origin of replication, and the principle lacO(1) and auxiliary lacO(3) operators. In this study we have shown that this system can also be used to select and maintain pBR322-based plasmids with the lower copy number pMB1 origin of replication, and that lacO(1) alone or a palindromic version of lacO(1) can provide a sufficient level of repressor titration for plasmid selection. This is advantageous for recombinant protein production, where low copy number plasmids are often used and plasmid maintenance is important. The degree of repressor titration due to these plasmids was measured using the natural lactose operon in E. coli DH1 as a model.  相似文献   

Plasmid pTC-F14 is a 14.2-kb plasmid isolated from Acidithiobacillus caldus that has a replicon that is closely related to the promiscuous, broad-host-range IncQ family of plasmids. The region containing the mobilization genes was sequenced and encoded five Mob proteins that were related to those of the DNA processing (Dtr or Tra1) region of IncP plasmids rather than to the three-Mob-protein system of the IncQ group 1 plasmids (e.g., plasmid RSF1010 or R1162). Plasmid pTC-F14 is the second example of an IncQ family plasmid that has five mob genes, the other being pTF-FC2. The minimal region that was essential for mobilization included the mobA, mobB, and mobC genes, as well as the oriT gene. The mobD and mobE genes were nonessential, but together, they enhanced the mobilization frequency by approximately 300-fold. Mobilization of pTC-F14 between Escherichia coli strains by a chromosomally integrated RP4 plasmid was more than 3,500-fold less efficient than the mobilization of pTF-FC2. When both plasmids were coresident in the same E. coli host, pTC-F14 was mobilized at almost the same frequency as pTF-FC2. This enhanced pTC-F14 mobilization frequency was due to the presence of a combination of the pTF-FC2 mobD and mobE gene products, the functions of which are still unknown. Mob protein interaction at the oriT regions was unidirectionally plasmid specific in that a plasmid with the oriT region of pTC-F14 could be mobilized by pTF-FC2 but not vice versa. No evidence for any negative effect on the transfer of one plasmid by the related, potentially competitive plasmid was obtained.  相似文献   

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