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According to a recent model, the cortical tractor model, neural fold and neural crest formation occurs at the boundary between neural plate and epidermis because random cell movements become organized at this site. If this is correct, then a fold should form at any boundary between epidermis and neural plate. To test that proposition, we created new boundaries in axolotl embryos by juxtaposing pieces of neural plate and epidermis that would not normally participate in fold formation. These boundaries were examined superficially and histologically for the presence of folds, permitting the following observations. Folds form at each newly created boundary, and as many folds form as there are boundaries. When two folds meet they fuse into a hollow "tube" of neural tissue covered by epidermis. Sections reveal that these ectopic folds and "tubes" are morphologically similar to their natural counterparts. Transplanting neural plate into epidermis produces nodules of neural tissue with central lumens and peripheral nerve fibers, and transplanting epidermis into neural plate causes the neural tube and the dorsal fin to bifurcate in the region of the graft. Tissue transplanted homotypically as a control integrates into the host tissue without forming folds. When tissue from a pigmented embryo is transplanted into an albino host, the presence of pigment allows the donor cells to be distinguished from those of the host. Mesenchymal cells and melanocytes originating from neural plate transplants indicate that neural crest cells form at these new boundaries. Thus, any boundary between neural plate and epidermis denotes the site of a neural fold, and the behavior of cells at this boundary appears to help fold the epithelium. Since folds can form in ectopic locations on an embryo, local interactions rather than classical neural induction appear to be responsible for the formation of neural folds and neural crest.  相似文献   

In Xenopus, ectodermal patterning depends on a mediolateral gradient of BMP signaling, higher in the epidermis and lower in the neuroectoderm. Neural crest cells are specified at the border between the neural plate and the epidermis, at intermediate levels of BMP signaling. We recently described a novel secreted protein, Tsukushi (TSK), which works as a BMP antagonist during chick gastrulation. Here, we report on the Xenopus TSK gene (X-TSK), and show that it is involved in neural crest specification. X-TSK expression accumulates after gastrulation at the anterior-lateral edges of the neural plate, including the presumptive neural crest region. In gain-of-function experiments, X-TSK can strongly enhance neural crest specification by the dorsolateral mesoderm or X-Wnt8 in ectodermal explants, while the electroporation of X-TSK mRNA in the lateral ectoderm of embryos after gastrulation can induce the expression of neural crest markers in vivo. By contrast, depletion of X-TSK in explants or embryos impairs neural crest specification. Similarly to its chick homolog, X-TSK works as a BMP antagonist by direct binding to BMP4. However, X-TSK can also indirectly regulate BMP4 mRNA expression at the neural plate border via modulation of the Delta-Notch signaling pathway. We show that X-TSK directly binds to the extracellular region of X-delta-1, and modulates Delta-dependent Notch activity. We propose that X-TSK plays a key role in neural crest formation by directly regulating BMP and Delta activities at the boundary between the neural and the non-neural ectoderm.  相似文献   

Rohon-Beard mechanosensory neurons (RBs), neural crest cells, and neurogenic placodes arise at the border of the neural- and non-neural ectoderm during anamniote vertebrate development. Neural crest cells require BMP expressing non-neural ectoderm for their induction. To determine if epidermal ectoderm-derived BMP signaling is also involved in the induction of RB sensory neurons, the medial region of the neural plate from donor Xenopus laevis embryos was transplanted into the non-neural ventral ectoderm of host embryos at the same developmental stage. The neural plate border and RBs were induced at the transplant sites, as shown by expression of Xblimp1, and XHox11L2 and XN-tubulin, respectively. Transplantation studies between pigmented donors and albino hosts showed that neurons are induced both in donor neural and host epidermal tissue. Because an intermediate level of BMP4 signaling is required to induce neural plate border fates, we directly tested BMP4′s ability to induce RBs; beads soaked in either 1 or 10 ng/ml were able to induce RBs in cultured neural plate tissue. Conversely, RBs fail to form when neural plate tissue from embryos with decreased BMP activity, either from injection of noggin or a dominant negative BMP receptor, was transplanted into the non-neural ectoderm of un-manipulated hosts. We conclude that contact between neural and non-neural ectoderm is capable of inducing RBs, that BMP4 can induce RB markers, and that BMP activity is required for induction of ectopic RB sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells, a population of proliferative, migratory, tissue-invasive stem cells, are a defining feature of vertebrate embryos. These cells arise at the neural plate border during a time in development when precursors of the central nervous system and the epidermis are responding to the extracellular signals that will ultimately dictate their fates. Neural crest progenitors, by contrast, must be maintained in a multipotent state until after neural tube closure. Although the molecular mechanisms governing this process have yet to be fully elucidated, recent work has suggested that Myc functions to prevent premature cell fate decisions in neural crest forming regions of the early ectoderm. Here, we show that the small HLH protein Id3 is a Myc target that plays an essential role in the formation and maintenance of neural crest stem cells. A morpholino-mediated 'knockdown' of Id3 protein results in embryos that lack neural crest. Moreover, forced expression of Id3 maintains the expression of markers of the neural crest progenitor state beyond the time when they would normally be downregulated and blocks the differentiation of neural crest derivatives. These results shed new light on the mechanisms governing the formation and maintenance of a developmentally and clinically important cell population.  相似文献   

Neural crest is induced at the junction of epidermal ectoderm and neural plate by the mutual interaction of these tissues. In previous studies, BMP4 has been shown to pattern the ectodermal tissues, and BMP4 can induce neural crest cells from the neural plate. In this study, we show that epidermally expressed Delta1, which encodes a Notch ligand, is required for the activation and/or maintenance of Bmp4 expression in this tissue, and is thus indirectly required for neural crest induction by BMP4 at the epidermis-neural plate boundary. Notch activation in the epidermis additionally inhibits neural crest formation in this tissue, so that neural crest generation by BMP4 is restricted to the junction.  相似文献   

Chick embryos carrying transplants labeled with tritiated thymidine demonstrate that the neural crest originates in the anterior epiblast, at the junction of areas destined for epidermis and neural tube. As the neural tube begins to fold and the axis lengthens, cells along this junction are drawn dorsomedially; at the seven-somite stage they begin to separate from the epithelium of the head, and migrate into the angle between the epidermis and the neural tube. The paraxial mesoderm already populating this angle originates in more posterior and medial portions of the epiblast than do the neural crest cells; after invagination at the primitive streak, it migrates anterolaterally, ventral to the ectoderm layer, until it too is folded dorsomedially into the angle between the epidermis and the neural tube.  相似文献   

In studies of amphibian neurulation, the terms "neural ridge," "neural fold," and "neural crest" are sometimes used as synonyms. This has occasionally led to the misconception that grafting of the neural crest is equivalent to grafting of the neural fold. The neural fold, however, is composed of three parts: the neural crest, prospective neural tube tissue, and epidermis. In order to investigate how these neural fold components move during neurulation, time-lapse photography, electron microscopy, and grafting were performed. Ambystoma mexicanum embryos were photographed during neurulation at regular intervals. The photographs were analyzed to find the position of those cells at beginning of neurulation that end up on the line of fusion as the neural folds close. Posteriorly, these cells are already on the emerging neural fold. In the anterior neural folds, however, these cells are located in the lateral epidermis. Electron microscopy of the neural folds confirms the presence of epidermis. To follow the movement of the cells differentiating into melanophores (neural crest), neural fold parts were grafted into albino hosts. The crest cells differentiating into melanophores following ectopic grafting are located in the flank of the neural fold that is in contact with the neural plate. In grafts from the outside (distal) flank, no melanophores developed. Semithin sections show that the third part of the neural fold consists of apically constricted cells known to differentiate into neural tissue. Because the neural folds consist of epidermis, neural tissue, and neural crest, neural fold and neural crest cannot be used as synonyms.  相似文献   

Induction and differentiation of the neural crest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The neural crest is a population of cells that forms at the junction between the epidermis and neural plate in vertebrate embryos. Recent progress has elucidated the identity and timing of molecular events responsible for the earliest steps in neural crest development, particularly those involving the induction and its migration. Concomitantly, advances have been made in the identification, purification and generation of neural crest stem cells at various developmental stages that deepens our understanding of the plasticity and restriction of neural crest differentiation.  相似文献   

This study examines the pathways of migration followed by neural crest cells in Xenopus embryos using two recently described cell marking techniques. The first is an interspecific chimera created by grafting Xenopus borealis cells into Xenopus laevis hosts. The cells of these closely related species can be distinguished by their nuclear dimorphism. The second type of marker is created by microinjection of lysinated dextrans into fertilized eggs which can then be used for intraspecific grafting. These recently developed fluorescent dyes are fixable and identifiable in both living and fixed embryos. After grafting labeled donor neural tubes into unlabeled host embryos, the distribution of neural crest cells at various stages after grafting was used to define the pathways of neural crest migration. To control for possible grafting artifacts, fluorescent lysinated dextran was injected into a single blastomere which gives rise to a large number of neural crest cells, thereby labeling the neural crest without grafting. By all three techniques, Xenopus neural crest cells were observed along two predominant pathways in the trunk. The majority of neural crest cells were observed along a "ventral" route, between the neural tube and somite, the notochord and somite, and along the dorsal mesentery. A second group of neural crest cells was observed "dorsally" where they populated the dorsal fin. A third minor "lateral" pathway was observed primarily in borealis/laevis chimerae and in blastomere-injected embryos; some neural crest cells were observed underneath the ectoderm lateral to the neural tube. Along the rostrocaudal axis, neural crest cells were not continuously distributed but were primarily located across from the caudal two-thirds of the somite. Fewer than 3% of the neural crest cells were observed across from the rostral third of each somite. When grafted to ventral locations, neural crest cells were not able to migrate dorsally but migrated laterally along the dorsal mesentery. Labeled neural crest cells gave rise to cells of the spinal, sympathetic, and enteric ganglia as well as to adrenal chromaffin cells, Schwann cells, pigment cells, mesenchymal cells of the dorsal fin, and some cells in the integuments and in the region of the pronephros. These results show that the neural crest migratory pathways in Xenopus differ from those in the avian embryo. In avians NC cells migrate as a closely associated sheet of cells while in Xenopus they migrate as individual cells. Both species exhibit a metamerism in the neural crest cell distribution pattern along the rostrocaudal axis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The precise migration of neural crest cells is apparently controlled by their environment. We have examined whether the embryonic tissue spaces in which crest cells normally migrate are sufficient to account for the pattern of crest cell distribution and whether other migratory cells could also distribute themselves along these pathways. To this end, we grafted a variety of cell types into the initial crest cell migratory pathway in chicken embryos. These cell types included (a) undifferentiated neural crest cells isolated from cultured neural tubes, intact crest from cranial neural folds, and crest derivatives (pigment cells and spinal ganglia); (b) normal embryonic fibroblastic cells from somite, limb bud, lateral plate, and heart ventricle; and (c) a transformed fibroblastic cell line (Sarcoma 180). Crest cells or their derivatives grafted into the crest migratory pathway all distributed normally, although in contrast to the result when neural tubes were graftedin situ, fewer cells were observed in the epithelium and few or none were localized in the nascent spinal ganglia. Grafted quail somite cells contributed to normal somitic structures and did not migrate extensively in the chicken host. Other fibroblasts did not migrate along cranial or trunk crest pathways, or invade adjacent tissues, but remained intact at the graft site. Sarcoma 180 cells, however, distributed themselves along the normal trunk crest pathway. Cranial and trunk crest cells and crest derivatives grafted ectopically in the limb bud or somite also dispersed, and were found along the ventral migratory pathway. Fibroblastic cells grafted into ectopic sites again remained intact and did not invade host tissue. We conclude (1) that neural crest cells and their derivatives are highly motile and invasive in their normal pathway, as well as in unfamiliar embryonic environments; and (2) that the crest pathway does not act solely to direct neural crest cells, since at least one transformed cell can follow the crest migratory route.  相似文献   

Understanding the changing morphology of an embryo presentsspecial challenges. Analyses of neurulation in vertebrate embryosdescribed here required observation from sectioned materialand from time-lapse movies, modeling, computer simulation, andexperiments. All these approaches were essential, and each approachhelped guide the use of the others. Experiments have the specialrole of letting the embryo decide between our alternative hypotheses. In the newt embryo, induction and patterning events establishin the ectoderm boundaries between epidermis and neural plate,and between neural plate and the notoplate at its midline. Thedifferentdomains of cells thus established—epidermis, neural plateand notoplate—develop different adhesive properties suchthat cell motility behavior along the notoplate boundary andalong the spinal cord/epidermis boundary produces forceful intercalationof cells which lengthens the boundaries and distorts (lengthens)the neuroepithelium. Neural plate cells also attempt to crawlbeneath the epidermis along their common boundary, raising neuralfolds and producing a rolling moment directed mediad that islargely responsible for neural tube formation. Both cell motilitythat leads to columnarization of neural plate cells and contractionof organized subapical microfilament bundles reduce the apicalsurface area of the neural plate cells and produce an apicaltension that aids neural tube formation. Cell relocation reducesthe width of the neural plate and increases its length, andthe Poisson buckling forces resulting from this elongation ofthe plate also aid neural tube formation. The newt embryo accomplishes neurulation without growth, butbird and mammal embryos grow during neurulation. Understandingthe organization of the products of growth in the amniote neuralplate is critical in determining whether growth helps or hindersneurulation.  相似文献   

It is still controversial whether cranial placodes and neural crest cells arise from a common precursor at the neural plate border or whether placodes arise from non-neural ectoderm and neural crest from neural ectoderm. Using tissue grafting in embryos of Xenopus laevis, we show here that the competence for induction of neural plate, neural plate border and neural crest markers is confined to neural ectoderm, whereas competence for induction of panplacodal markers is confined to non-neural ectoderm. This differential distribution of competence is established during gastrulation paralleling the dorsal restriction of neural competence. We further show that Dlx3 and GATA2 are required cell-autonomously for panplacodal and epidermal marker expression in the non-neural ectoderm, while ectopic expression of Dlx3 or GATA2 in the neural plate suppresses neural plate, border and crest markers. Overexpression of Dlx3 (but not GATA2) in the neural plate is sufficient to induce different non-neural markers in a signaling-dependent manner, with epidermal markers being induced in the presence, and panplacodal markers in the absence, of BMP signaling. Taken together, these findings demonstrate a non-neural versus neural origin of placodes and neural crest, respectively, strongly implicate Dlx3 in the regulation of non-neural competence, and show that GATA2 contributes to non-neural competence but is not sufficient to promote it ectopically.  相似文献   

Different types of placodes originate at the anterior border of the neural plate but it is still an unresolved question whether individual placodes arise as distinct ectodermal specializations in situ or whether all or a subset of the placodes originate from a common preplacodal field. We have analyzed the expression and function of the homeoprotein Iro1 in Xenopus and zebrafish embryos, and we have compared its expression with several preplacodal and placodal markers. Our results indicate that the iro1 genes are expressed in the preplacodal region, being one of the earliest markers for this area. We show that an interaction between the neural plate and the epidermis is able to induce the expression of several preplacodal markers, including Xiro1, by a similar mechanism to that previously shown for neural crest induction. In addition, we analyzed the role of BMP in the specification of the preplacodal field by studying the expression of the preplacodal markers Six1, Xiro1, and several specific placodal markers. We experimentally modified the level of BMP activity by three different methods. First, we implanted beads soaked with noggin in early neurula stage Xenopus embryos; second, we injected the mRNA that encodes a dominant negative of the BMP receptor into Xenopus and zebrafish embryos; and third, we grafted cells expressing chordin into zebrafish embryos. The results obtained using all three methods show that a reduction in the level of BMP activity leads to an expansion of the preplacodal and placodal region similar to what has been described for neural crest regions. By using conditional constructs of Xiro1, we performed gain and loss of function experiments. We show that Xiro1 play an important role in the specification of both the preplacodal field as well as individual placodes. We have also used inducible dominant negative and activator constructs of Notch signaling components to analyze the role of these factors on placodal development. Our results indicate that the a precise level of BMP activity is required to induce the neural plate border, including placodes and neural crest cells, that in this border the iro1 gene is activated, and that this activation is required for the specification of the placodes.  相似文献   

The neural crest, a population of multipotent progenitor cells, is a defining feature of vertebrate embryos. Neural crest precursor cells arise at the neural plate border in response to inductive signals, but much remains to be learned about the molecular mechanisms underlying their induction. Here we show that the protooncogene c-Myc is an essential early regulator of neural crest cell formation in Xenopus. c-myc is localized at the neural plate border prior to the expression of early neural crest markers, such as slug. A morpholino-mediated "knockdown" of c-Myc protein results in the absence of neural crest precursor cells and a resultant loss of neural crest derivatives. These effects are not dependent upon changes in cell proliferation or cell death. Instead, our findings reveal an important and unexpected role for c-Myc in the specification of cell fates in the early ectoderm.  相似文献   

Mouse embryos with a loss-of-function mutation in the gene encoding the receptor tyrosine kinase ErbB4 exhibit misprojections of cranial sensory ganglion afferent axons. Here we analyse ErbB4-deficient mice, and find that morphological differences between wild-type and mutant cranial ganglia correlate with aberrant migration of a subpopulation of hindbrain-derived cranial neural crest cells within the paraxial mesenchyme environment. In transplantation experiments using new grafting techniques in cultured mouse embryos, we determine that this phenotype is non-cell-autonomous: wild-type and mutant neural crest cells both migrate in a pattern consistent with the host environment, deviating from their normal pathway only when transplanted into mutant embryos. ErbB4 signalling events within the hindbrain therefore provide patterning information to cranial paraxial mesenchyme that is essential for the proper migration of neural crest cells.  相似文献   

Experiments in which the developing gut of avian embryos was back-transplanted to permit the bowel to interact with the developing neural tube were undertaken. Segments of intestine from 4-day quail embryos were implanted between the somites and neural tubes of chick embryos of 7 to 24 somites. The spinal cord responded to the presence of the bowel by enlarging unilaterally on the side of the graft. This effect encompassed both gray and white matter and was accompanied by the extension of neuritic projections from the spinal cord into the enteric grafts. The growth-promoting effect of enteric transplants was manifest at all levels of the neural tube where the grafts were made and led to enlargement of the brain as well as the spinal cord; however, truncal neural crest derivatives in the region of the grafts, such as developing sympathetic and spinal ganglia, were unaffected. Neither sham operations nor grafts of ciliary ganglion, lung, pancreas, mesonephros, or rudiment of the eye mimicked the action of the gut. The effect of the bowel was manifest as early as 24 hr following back-transplantation and was found to be due to an increase in the number of cells in the neuroepithelium. The cell responsible for the ability of the gut wall to enhance neuroepithelial proliferation was not identified, but the effect lacked species specificity and could be elicited in the absence of endoderm or neural crest derivatives in the explant. We propose that the musculoconnective tissue of the gut produces a short-range diffusible factor that induces mitogenic activity in the neuroepithelial cells of the neural tube, but not in the crest cells that form sympathetic or sensory ganglia. Since the gut is not normally in apposition to the neural tube, we suggest that the physiological targets of this factor are the specialized crest cells that colonize the bowel and give rise to the enteric nervous system.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of neural crest formation.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

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