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The monophyly of Polynemidae was evaluated and its sister relationship with Sciaenidae discussed, based on osteological and myological characters from 24 polynemid species in eight genera, with comparisons with acanthomorph fishes from literature and 86 species in 8 orders and 63 families examined. Polynemidae was inferred as a monophyletic group, strongly supported by 19 synapomorphies, including four unique characters (unnamed bone present on cephalic sensory canal extending from supratemporal, third actinost not supporting pectoral-fin rays, section A1 comprising lateral and medial elements, and division of obliquus inferioris present between lower postcleithrum and rod-like process on coracoid) in percoids. In addition, seven pectoral girdle characters were recognized, with the girdle possessing filament-like sensory rays, an adaptation to benthic life in muddy water. The sister relationship of Polynemidae and Sciaenidae was supported by six synapomorphies, including two rather rare (a single branchiostegal ray suspended by epihyal and posterior portions of pelvic bones on both sides interdigitated) and two unique characters (metapterygoid and quadrate interdigitated medially and anterior extension of the nasal canal).  相似文献   

In this study, the complete sequence of the Tibetan Mastiff mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) was determined, and the phylogenetic relationships between the Tibetan Mastiff and other species of Canidae were analyzed using the coyote (Canis latrans) as an outgroup. The complete nucleotide sequence of the Tibetan Mastiff mtDNA was 16 710 bp, and included 22 tRNA genes, 2S rRNA gene, 13 protein-coding genes and one non-coding region (D-loop region), which is similar to other mammalian mitochondrial genomes. The characteristics of the protein-coding genes, non-coding region, tRNA and rRNA genes among Canidae were analyzed in detail. Neighbor-joining and maximum-parsimony trees of Canids constructed using 12 mitochondrial protein-coding genes showed that as the coyotes and Tibetan wolves clustered together, so too did the gray wolves and domestic dogs, suggesting that the Tibetan Mastiff originated from the gray wolf as did other domestic dogs. Domestic dogs clustered into four clades, implying at least four maternal origins (A to D). The Tibetan Mastiff, which belongs to clade A, appears to be closely related to the Saint Bernard and the Old English Sheepdog.  相似文献   

Ladybird spiders ( Eresus spp.) have attracted scientific interest since the 18th century, but taxonomical knowledge of the genus is unsatisfactory. Early classification based on colour and size variation divided European Eresus into numerous species. These were later lumped into one predominant morphospecies, Eresus niger / E. cinnaberinus , which could be found from Portugal to Central Asia. Here, we perform a major revision of Eresus from northern and central Europe using morphological, phenological, habitat, distribution and molecular data. Three species, E. kollari , E. sandaliatus and E. moravicus sp. n. were distinguished. The name E. niger (originally Aranea nigra ) cannot be used as the name A. nigra was used for a previous spider species. The name E. cinnaberinus is considered a nomen dubium . The three species differ in size, colour pattern, shape of prosoma and copulatory organs, phenology, and have slightly different habitat requirements. No morphologically intermediate forms were recorded. In contrast to distinct morphology and phenology, the genus is genetically complex. Genetically, the mitochondrial haplotypes of E. sandaliatus and E. moravicus sp. n. are monophyletic, whereas those of E. kollari are paraphyletic. Eastern central European E. kollari is likely a hybrid lineage between E. sandaliatus and the monophyletic western central European E. kollari . Because eastern and western European E. kollari are morphologically and phenologically indistinguishable, we did not formally split them. However, detailed population-based research in the future may partition E. kollari into additional species.  相似文献   

Paranebris bauchotae, a new genus and species of sciaenid from the Gulf of Panama is described from three specimens (138-212 mm SL). It is distinguished from all other sciaenids by having granulated tooth plates on the jaws and the premaxillary tooth plates that are exposed laterally of the lower jaw when the mouth is closed. The new genus shares the following characters with the New World genus Nebris: a thick fleshy and cartilage gap present between premaxillary bones where the ascending processes form an A-frame arch; gas bladder with a pair of long U-shaped appendages; and a thick, oval-shaped sagitta with deeply grooved caudal section of the sulcus. Paranebris bauchotae is distinct from all Nebris species in having a firmer interorbital skin and scale cover (spongy to the touch in Nebris), a larger eye (6-7 vs. 8-12 times in head length) and large ctenoid scales (vs. small and cycloid in Nebris).  相似文献   

Ron SR  Toral E  Venegas PJ  Barnes CW 《ZooKeys》2010,(70):67-92
Osteocephalus festae is an Amazonian species recently resurrected from a synonymy with Osteocephalus buckleyi. Because few specimens are known, its morphological variation, diagnostic characters, and distribution are poorly understood. Herein we determine its phylogenetic relationships and provide a complete taxonomic account based on recently collected specimens (adults and larvae) from nine localities in Ecuador and Peru. Osteocephalus festae is most similar to Osteocephalus verruciger from which it differs in having less tuberculate dorsal skin on males, smaller tympanum, and more tooth rows in the oral disk of larvae. A phylogeny based on mitochondrial DNA sequences, genes 12S and ND1, shows that Osteocephalus festae is closely related to Osteocephalus buckleyi, Osteocephalus mutabor and Osteocephalus verruciger. A clade consisting of Osteocephalus festae, Osteocephalus verruciger, and Osteocephalus buckleyi is characterized by stream dwelling tadpoles. Surprisingly, we found paraphyly among Ecuadorian populations of Osteocephalus buckleyi and Osteocephalus verruciger. The causes for paraphyly are unknown but in Osteocephalus buckleyi may result from the existence of cryptic species.  相似文献   

The proper identification of species has significant implications for conservation and general knowledge of ecosystem variety. It is especially important for biodiversity hotspots and former Pleistocene refugia, such as the Balkans. In this paper, we evaluate the taxonomic status of the endemic Balkan species Fruticicola waldemari A. J. Wagner, 1912, using both recently collected material and museum specimens. Phylogenetic analyses based on two mitochondrial markers, 16S rRNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, show that this species is closely related to the representatives of Xerocampylaea, including a conchologically similar and partly sympatric species, X. erjaveci. Analyses of shell and genital morphology as well as mitochondrial DNA sequences indicate that X. waldemari and X. erjaveci are separate but closely related species. These species differ in shell morphology (size, umbilicus diameter, microsculpture) as well as genital morphology. Nevertheless, a further study with more comprehensive sampling of both taxa is required to fully understand the complex pattern of genetic and morphological variation observed.  相似文献   

We have carried out a morphological and molecular study of Mycoacia nothofagi and Steccherinum lusitanicum, two rare irpicoid species collected in Spain. From Steccherinum lusitanicum, only the type of the species, collected in Portugal, was known to date. This has been compared with type material of Hydnum setulosum (≡Hyphodontia setulosa) collected in the USA, confirming that both species are synonymous. We contribute with microphotographs of the most representative characters of the specimens. The molecular data based on ITS and partial 28S rRNA gene sequences show that both taxa should be accommodated within genus Phlebia. Our data suggest a close relationship between S. lusitanicum and the core of Phlebia sensu stricto (including the type species P. radiata), whereas M. nothofagi is apparently more closely related with another group of species that would include M. aurea, P. subserialis and P. livida, among others. The molecular phylogenetic analysis confirms that the genera Mycoacia and Mycoaciella, as well as Merulius, should be considered as synonyms of Phlebia.  相似文献   

Cheng Y  Xu T  Shi G  Wang R 《Marine Genomics》2010,3(3-4):201-209
The complete sequence of the 16,493 nucleotide mitochondrial genome from the single species of the family Sciaenidae, the miiuy croaker, Miichthys miiuy, was determined. The nucleotide sequences of M. miiuy mitochondrial DNA have been compared with those of three other Sciaenidae fishes. The contents of the M. miiuy mitochondrial genome are 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA genes and 22 transfer RNA genes, and two non-coding regions (L-strand replication origin and control region), the gene order of which is identical to that observed in most vertebrates. The L-strand replication origin of M. miiuy is not pyrimidine-rich compared to those of most bony fishes. Within the control region, we identified the extended termination associated sequence domain, the central conserved sequence block domain and the conserved sequence block domain, while the typical central conserved blocks CSB-D, -E and -F could not be detected in the three other Sciaenidae species. In the ML phylogenetic analyses, the monophyly of Pseudosciaeniae was not supported, which is against with the morphological results. Collichthys niveatus is most closely related to Larimichthys polyactis, and Collichthys and Larimichthys may be merged into one genus, based on the current datasets.  相似文献   

Ridgway  T. M.  Branch  G. M.  Stewart  B. A.  Hodgson  A. N. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,420(1):103-118
The species boundaries between members of the southern African `Patella miniata' species complex (Patella miniata miniata, P. miniata sanguinans and P. compressa) are poorly defined on morphological grounds. Doubt also exists whether all populations of P. miniata miniata constitute a single taxon, with `P. cf. miniata' having uncertain affinities. The status of P. adansonii (known only from shells) is also obscure. Protein gel electrophoresis was employed to resolve these taxonomic uncertainties. In addition, a population of P. safiana from southern Angola was included in the study as a reference population. Electrophoretic analysis of 16 enzyme loci revealed four distinctive groupings. All populations of P. miniata miniata and P. cf. miniata proved closely related and separated from P. compressa populations at I=0.85; the P. miniata sanguinans populations clustered out at I=0.79; and P. safiana separated at I=0.69. Phylogenetic analyses, using P. safiana as an outgroup, indicated that P. miniata miniata, P. miniata sanguinans and P. compressa form a closely related monophyletic group in which P. miniata miniata and P. compressa are more closely related to each other than either one of them is to P. miniata sanguinans. Morphological analyses (shells, radula, sperm microstructure) revealed differences that mirrored the differences detected by the allozymes. Thus, it was concluded that P. miniata sanguinans and P. miniata miniata warrant full specific status and we therefore raise the former to P. sanguinans. Patella miniata miniata and P. cf. miniata are geographic variants of the same species, P. miniata, and P. adansonii is sunk within this species. Furthermore, the suggestion that P. miniata and P. compressa may be ecomorphs of the same species are not supported and both warrant specific status. Thus, the `Patella miniata' species complex in southern Africa is a closely related monophyletic group of three species, with P. miniata and P. compressa being more closely related to each other than either one is to P. sanguinans.  相似文献   

To understand the systematic status of Bahaba taipingensis within Sciaenidae, the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequence of Chinese bahaba has recently been determined by long PCR and primer walking methods. The complete mitochondrial genome is 16500 bp in length and contains 37 mitochondrial genes (13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes and 22 transfer RNA genes) as well as a control region (CR) as other bony fishes. Within the control region, we identified the extended termination associated sequence domain (ETAS), the central conserved sequence block domain (CSB-D, SCB-E and CSB-F) and the conserved sequence block domain (CSB-1, CSB-2 and CSB-3). Phylogenetic analyses revealed that Bahaba taipingensis is more closely related to Pseudosciaeniae than Argyrosominae and Sciaeninae. Additionally, Bahaba taipingensis is the sister taxon of Miichthys miiuy, and those two are sister to Collichthys plus Larimichthys.  相似文献   

Sorbus setschwanensis Koehne is a pinnate-leaved Sorbus s.str. species endemic to China with narrow distribution and intriguing phylogeny that needs wider attention. In this paper, the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of S. setschwanensis is reported, and its phylogenetic position is analyzed. The complete cp genome of S. setschwanensis is 160 064 bp in size with 36.50% GC content. It has a typical quadripartite structure including a pair of inverted repeat regions (IRs) of 26 378 bp that separates a large single copy (LSC) region of 86 013 bp and a small single copy (SSC) region of 19 295 bp. The cp genome encodes 108 genes, comprising 76 protein-coding genes, 28 tRNA genes and 4 rRNA genes. Additionally, 52 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 43 dispersed repeats were identified. Comparison of the whole cp genome with those of other Sorbus species showed an overall high degree of sequence similarity, but there are six highly variable regions (trnR-atpA, petN-psbM, ndhC-trnV, trnE-trnT, trnT-trnL and rpl32-trnL) located in intergenic spacers that may be useful as molecular markers in future population genetic and phylogenetic studies in the genus. Phylogenetic analyses based on 108 coding genes from 25 species in Rosaceae revealed that S. setschwanensis is nested within Sorbus sect. Sorbus together with other pinnately leaved species, but does not form a sister lineage to S. rufopilosa belonging to the same series Multijugae. Thus, the systematic position of S. setschwanensis and relationships with other species in the genus needs to be further studied.  相似文献   

The development of the prothallia in nine species of Callipteris Bory (Woodsiaceae), four species of Diplazium, the genus from which Callipteris has been segregated, and one species of Dryoathyrium are studied in this paper. The data obtained are compared with the development of the prothallia of several other genera of Woodsiaceae. The main difference between Callipteris and the other genera of Woodsiaceae was that the antheridia dehiscence of Callipteris, occurs by an opercular cell and whereas some of Diplazium and other Woodsiaceae antheridia dehiscence occurs by a lateral or apical pore. The presence of antheridiogens is suspected on the basis of small ameristic male gametophytes in the cultures. Spore germination in Callipteris is Vittaria-type, prothallial development corresponds to Adiantum-type.  相似文献   

范青海 《昆虫学报》2000,43(4):421-428
利用形态特征分析了小黑螨科已知 5个属的系统发育关系。对异物同名SinognathusFanandLi (华颚螨属 )重新命名为Paraneognathus(副新颚螨属 )。讨论了原来归在新颚螨属Neog nathus的 4个种的分类地位。描述了柔小黑螨Caligonellatunicasp .nov .和邵武刺爪螨Coptochelesshaowuensissp .nov .二新种。模式标本存放于福建农业大学植保系。  相似文献   

The pollen:ovule ratio (P/O) has traditionally been used as a rough estimator of plant breeding systems. It has been shown that plant breeding systems are associated with particular floral traits. In this study, we determined the P/O in 21 Leguminosae species from Argentina and explored relationships between P/O and taxonomic position, flower size, floral rewards, pollen presentation and pollination mechanisms. According to the results, 15 out of the 21 species classified were obligate xenogamous, although some of them have been recorded as facultative xenogamous in previous studies. There was a significant effect of taxonomic position (genus), reward type and pollination mechanism on P/O. Species offering only nectar as a floral reward (which were species with a brush mechanism) had a significantly lower P/O than species offering pollen or pollen and nectar. Species with the brush pollination mechanism had the lowest P/O, while species with valvular and pump mechanism had the highest P/O. However, pollen presentation (primary and secondary) and flower size did not have a significant effect on P/O. Our results demonstrate that P/O variability is determined by taxonomic position and pollination mechanism in this plant group.  相似文献   

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