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Plasmid and phage deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) harboring bacterial insertion sequence (IS) elements IS1, IS2, and IS5 were characterized and used as probes to detect homologous sequences in various procaryotic and eucaryotic genomes. The hybridization method used permits the detection of sequences partially homologous to the elements. Hybridization of the IS-containing probes to each other revealed a region of limited homology between IS1 and IS2. Homologous sequences were then detected by computer analysis of the published IS1 and IS2 nucleotide sequences. The homologous sequence contains a tandemly repeated tetranucleotide sequence which resembles the repeated sequence at the hot spot for spontaneous mutations in the lacI gene (P. J. Farabaugh, U. Schmeissner, M. Hofer, and J. Miller, J. Mol. Biol. 126:847-863, 1978). Homology between the IS elements and various genomes was determined by hybridizing labeled DNA containing IS1, IS2, and IS5 sequences to Southern blots of chromosomal DNA cleaved with restriction endonucleases. IS1 and IS5 appear limited to the enteric bacteria, whereas IS2 sequences can also be detected in Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Serratia marcescens. Bacteria which appear not to possess extrachromosomal elements, e.g., Caulobacter crescentus, did not show homology with any insertion sequences tested. In addition, sequences homologous to IS1, IS2, or IS5 were not detected in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Dictyostelium discoideum, or calf thymus DNA.  相似文献   

Ants and Habitat Specificity in Aphids   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A number of rare butterflies are known to only utilise their host plant species when they grow in particular situations. Field data are presented showing that two rare species of aphid also only utilised their host plants when they grew in particular situations, namely near ant nests. The oak-feeding aphid Stomaphis quercus only occupied trees within 17 m of a Lasius fulignosus nest. The thyme-feeding aphid Aphis serpylli only occurred in a region of a Breckland grass heath where the sward contained a high density of Lasius niger nests, and then most commonly only in quadrats containing ant nests. The sward that was suitable for A. serpylli was generated by the action of farm traffic. It is concluded that ants indirectly impose habitat specificity on these aphids.  相似文献   

In the past few decades, scientists from all over the world have taken a keen interest in novel functional units such as small regulatory RNAs, small open reading frames, pseudogenes, transposons, integrase binding attB/attP sites, repeat elements within the bacterial intergenic regions (IGRs) and in the analysis of those junk regions for ge- nomic complexity. Here we have developed a web server, named Junker, to facilitate the in-depth analysis of IGRs for examining their length distribution, four-quadrant...  相似文献   

Although bacterial species display wide variation in their overall GC contents, the genes within a particular species' genome are relatively similar in base composition. As a result, sequences that are novel to a bacterial genome—i.e., DNA introduced through recent horizontal transfer—often bear unusual sequence characteristics and can be distinguished from ancestral DNA. At the time of introgression, horizontally transferred genes reflect the base composition of the donor genome; but, over time, these sequences will ameliorate to reflect the DNA composition of the new genome because the introgressed genes are subject to the same mutational processes affecting all genes in the recipient genome. This process of amelioration is evident in a large group of genes involved in host-cell invasion by enteric bacteria and can be modeled to predict the amount of time required after transfer for foreign DNA to resemble native DNA. Furthermore, models of amelioration can be used to estimate the time of introgression of foreign genes in a chromosome. Applying this approach to a 1.43-megabase continuous sequence, we have calculated that the entire Escherichia coli chromosome contains more than 600 kb of horizontally transferred, protein-coding DNA. Estimates of amelioration times indicate that this DNA has accumulated at a rate of 31 kb per million years, which is on the order of the amount of variant DNA introduced by point mutations. This rate predicts that the E. coli and Salmonella enterica lineages have each gained and lost more than 3 megabases of novel DNA since their divergence. Received: 7 July 1996 / Accepted: 27 September 1996  相似文献   

论述了细菌基因组进化的 4个分子策略 :点突变 ,基因组内重排 ,基因水平转移 ,基因缺失。从经典的达尔文进化论角度探讨了细菌基因组进化与表型进化的关系。  相似文献   

Recombination is an important evolutionary force in bacteria, but it remains challenging to reconstruct the imports that occurred in the ancestry of a genomic sample. Here we present ClonalFrameML, which uses maximum likelihood inference to simultaneously detect recombination in bacterial genomes and account for it in phylogenetic reconstruction. ClonalFrameML can analyse hundreds of genomes in a matter of hours, and we demonstrate its usefulness on simulated and real datasets. We find evidence for recombination hotspots associated with mobile elements in Clostridium difficile ST6 and a previously undescribed 310kb chromosomal replacement in Staphylococcus aureus ST582. ClonalFrameML is freely available at http://clonalframeml.googlecode.com/.  相似文献   

A plethora of algorithmic assemblers have been proposed for the de novo assembly of genomes, however, no individual assembler guarantees the optimal assembly for diverse species. Optimizing various parameters in an assembler is often performed in order to generate the most optimal assembly. However, few efforts have been pursued to take advantage of multiple assemblies to yield an assembly of high accuracy. In this study, we employ various state-of-the-art assemblers to generate different sets of contigs for bacterial genomes. A tool, named CISA, has been developed to integrate the assemblies into a hybrid set of contigs, resulting in assemblies of superior contiguity and accuracy, compared with the assemblies generated by the state-of-the-art assemblers and the hybrid assemblies merged by existing tools. This tool is implemented in Python and requires MUMmer and BLAST+ to be installed on the local machine. The source code of CISA and examples of its use are available at http://sb.nhri.org.tw/CISA/.  相似文献   

RNA-Z曲线及其在病毒基因识别中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代中期提出的Z曲线方法从几何学的角度阐明了如何识别基因,并取得了非常好的实验结果.但它是完全基于DNA序列结构构建的,对于识别RNA病毒基因效果并不理想,本文提出的RNA—Z曲线方法则弥补了这一缺陷.  相似文献   

Over 3000 microbial (bacterial and archaeal) genomes have been made publically available to date, providing an unprecedented opportunity to examine evolutionary genomic trends and offering valuable reference data for a variety of other studies such as metagenomics. The utility of these genome sequences is greatly enhanced when we have an understanding of how they are phylogenetically related to each other. Therefore, we here describe our efforts to reconstruct the phylogeny of all available bacterial and archaeal genomes. We identified 24, single-copy, ubiquitous genes suitable for this phylogenetic analysis. We used two approaches to combine the data for the 24 genes. First, we concatenated alignments of all genes into a single alignment from which a Maximum Likelihood (ML) tree was inferred using RAxML. Second, we used a relatively new approach to combining gene data, Bayesian Concordance Analysis (BCA), as implemented in the BUCKy software, in which the results of 24 single-gene phylogenetic analyses are used to generate a “primary concordance” tree. A comparison of the concatenated ML tree and the primary concordance (BUCKy) tree reveals that the two approaches give similar results, relative to a phylogenetic tree inferred from the 16S rRNA gene. After comparing the results and the methods used, we conclude that the current best approach for generating a single phylogenetic tree, suitable for use as a reference phylogeny for comparative analyses, is to perform a maximum likelihood analysis of a concatenated alignment of conserved, single-copy genes.  相似文献   

We study the detection of mutations, sequencing errors, and homologous recombination events (HREs) in a set of closely related microbial genomes. We base the model on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and break the genomes into blocks to handle the rearrangement problem. Then we apply a dynamic programming algorithm to model whether changes within each block are likely a result of mutations, sequencing errors, or HREs. Results from simulation experiments show that we can detect 31%–61% of HREs and the precision of our detection is about 48%–90% depending on the rates of mutation and missing data. The HREfinder software for predicting HREs in a set of whole genomes is available as open source (http://sourceforge.net/projects/hrefinder/).  相似文献   

Current metagenomic approaches to the study of complex microbial consortia provide a glimpse into the community metabolism and occasionally allow genomic assemblies for the most abundant organisms. However, little information is gained for the members of the community present at low frequencies, especially those representing yet-uncultured taxa, which include the bulk of the diversity present in most environments. Here we used phylogenetically directed cell separation by fluorescence in situ hybridization and flow cytometry, followed by amplification and sequencing of a fraction of the genomic DNA of several bacterial cells that belong to the TM7 phylum. Partial genomic assembly allowed, for the first time, a look into the evolution and potential metabolism of a soil representative from this group of organisms for which there are no species in stable laboratory cultures. Genomic reconstruction from targeted cells of uncultured organisms isolated directly from the environment represents a powerful approach to access any specific members of a community and an alternative way to assess the community's metabolic potential.  相似文献   

The characterization of functional elements in genomes relies on the identification of the footprints of natural selection. In this quest, taking into account neutral evolutionary processes such as mutation and genetic drift is crucial because these forces can generate patterns that may obscure or mimic signatures of selection. In mammals, and probably in many eukaryotes, another such confounding factor called GC-Biased Gene Conversion (gBGC) has been documented. This mechanism generates patterns identical to what is expected under selection for higher GC-content, specifically in highly recombining genomic regions. Recent results have suggested that a mysterious selective force favouring higher GC-content exists in Bacteria but the possibility that it could be gBGC has been excluded. Here, we show that gBGC is probably at work in most if not all bacterial species. First we find a consistent positive relationship between the GC-content of a gene and evidence of intra-genic recombination throughout a broad spectrum of bacterial clades. Second, we show that the evolutionary force responsible for this pattern is acting independently from selection on codon usage, and could potentially interfere with selection in favor of optimal AU-ending codons. A comparison with data from human populations shows that the intensity of gBGC in Bacteria is comparable to what has been reported in mammals. We propose that gBGC is not restricted to sexual Eukaryotes but also widespread among Bacteria and could therefore be an ancestral feature of cellular organisms. We argue that if gBGC occurs in bacteria, it can account for previously unexplained observations, such as the apparent non-equilibrium of base substitution patterns and the heterogeneity of gene composition within bacterial genomes. Because gBGC produces patterns similar to positive selection, it is essential to take this process into account when studying the evolutionary forces at work in bacterial genomes.  相似文献   

Mapping small reads to genome reference is an essential and more common approach to identify microRNAs (miRNAs) in an organism. Using closely related species genomes as proxy references can facilitate miRNA expression studies in non-model species that their genomes are not available. However, the level of error this introduces is mostly unknown, as this is the result of evolutionary distance between the proxy reference and the species of interest. To evaluate the accuracy of miRNA discovery pipelines in non-model organisms, small RNA library data from a mosquito, Aedes aegypti, were mapped to three well annotated insect genomes as proxy references using miRanalyzer with two strict and loose mapping criteria. In addition, another web-based miRNA discovery pipeline (DSAP) was used as a control for program performance. Using miRanalyzer, more than 80% reduction was observed in the number of mapped reads using strict criterion when proxy genome references were used; however, only 20% reduction was recorded for mapped reads to other species known mature miRNA datasets. Except a few changes in ranking, mapping criteria did not make any significant differences in the profile of the most abundant miRNAs in A. aegypti when its original or a proxy genome was used as reference. However, more variation was observed in miRNA ranking profile when DSAP was used as analysing tool. Overall, the results also suggested that using a proxy reference did not change the most abundant miRNAs’ differential expression profiles when infected or non-infected libraries were compared. However, usage of a proxy reference could provide about 67% of the original outcome from more extremely up- or down-regulated miRNA profiles. Although using closely related species genome incurred some losses in the number of miRNAs, the most abundant miRNAs along with their differential expression profile would be acceptable based on the sensitivity level of each project.  相似文献   

串联重复序列的物种差异及其生物功能   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
高焕  孔杰 《动物学研究》2005,26(5):555-564
串联重复序列是指1-200个碱基左右的核心重复单位,以头尾相串联的方式重复多次所组成的重 复序列。它广泛存在于真核生物和一些原核生物的基因组中,并表现出种属、碱基组成等的特异性。在基因组 整体水平上,各种优势的重复序列类型不同。即使在同一重复序列类型内部,不同重复拷贝类别(如AT、AC 等)在基因组中的存在也表现出很大的差异。同时,这些重复序列类型和各重复拷贝类别在同一物种的不同染 色体间,以及基因的编码区和非编码区间也表现种属和碱基组成差异。这些差异显示了重复序列起源和进化的 复杂性,可能涉及到多种机制和因素,并与生物功能密切相关。另外,由于重复序列分析软件和统计标准还存 在算法、重复长度、完美性等问题,需要进一步探讨。此外,串联重复序列的自身进化关系、全基因组水平上 的进化地位、在基因组中的生物功能、重复序列数据库建立和应用研究等,将是今后研究的主要课题。  相似文献   

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