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Li P  Xu D  Peng Z  Zhang Y 《Mitochondrial DNA》2012,23(1):34-36
The complete mitogenome sequence of the spotted steed (Hemibarbus maculatus) was determined using long PCR reactions. The genome is 16,611 bp long and consists of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes, and a control region. The gene order and composition of H. maculatus was similar to that of most other vertebrates. The base composition of H-strand in descending order is A (29.16%), C (27.41%), T (25.93%), and G (17.50%), with an AT content of 55.09%. The Kimura two-parameter distances between mitogenome sequences of H. maculatus and Hemibarbus labeo, Hemibarbus barbus, Hemibarbus longirostris, Hemibarbus mylodon were 2.09%, 2.35%, 12.77%, and 13.92%, respectively. The phylogenetic relationships among the five Hemibarbus species based on the whole mitogenome sequence data were (((H. barbus, H. labeo), H. maculatus), (H. longirostris, H. mylodon)).  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genome of Silurus asotus (Teleostei: Siluriformes)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zeng Q  Wang Z  Peng Z 《Mitochondrial DNA》2011,22(5-6):162-164
The complete mitogenome sequence of the Amur catfish Silurus asotus was determined using long PCRs. The genome was 16,528 bp in length and contained 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes, and 1 control region; the gene composition and order of which was similar to most other vertebrates. The overall base composition of the heavy strand is 30.5% A, 25.8% T, 28.0% C, and 15.8% G, with an AT content of 56.3%. The mtDNA sequence of S. asotus shared 93.6% and 90.6% sequence identity with that of Silurus meridionalis and Silurus glanis. This mitogenome sequence data would play an important role in silurid catfish phylogenetics and siluriform catfish systematics in general.  相似文献   

Wang J  Li P  Zhang Y  Peng Z 《Mitochondrial DNA》2011,22(5-6):178-180
The Chinese rare minnow, Gobiocypris rarus, which is endemic to China, is an attractive aquatic laboratory animal in China. In the present study, the complete mitogenome sequence of G. rarus has been determined using long polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. It was 16,601 bp in length and contained 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes, and a control region, the gene composition and order of which are similar to most other vertebrates. Except for eight tRNA and ND6 genes, all other mitochondrial genes are encoded on the heavy strand. The overall base composition of the heavy strand is 29.5% A, 27.6% T, 25.7% C, and 17.2% G, with a slight AT bias of 57.1%. There are 10 regions of gene overlap totaling 27 bp and 13 intergenic spacer regions totaling 63 bp. The mitogenome sequence of G. rarus could contribute to a better solution of its phylogenetic position within cyprinid fishes based on the whole mitogenomic data.  相似文献   

The sucker was studied in young and mature fish by light microscopy, histochemistry, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray probe microanalysis, dissection, staining preparations of whole skeletons, and watching the animals in aquaria. The fleshy lips are supported by highly flexible, chondroid tissues, the structure and histochemistry of which differ substantially from those of cartilage. They allow the sucker to evert when the fish attaches to a stone or aquarium wall and are connected to the maxillae, premaxillae and dentaries. Lining the inside of the lips are two horny rasps, each with several regular rows of small hooks. The scraping blades of these hooks are keratinized and point towards the mouth. They increase the coefficient of friction for adhesion and enable the fish to feed on encrusting algae. Between the posterior rasp and the -anterior margin of the mandible are two invaginations of the lower lip that extend the sucker chamber beneath large hollows in the dentaries. The anterior margin itself contacts the outer surface of the maxillary oral valve when the mouth is closed, and isolates the sucker chamber from the rest of the buccal and pharyngeal cavities. Contrary to previous views, it is thought that a true vacuum is produced, and that attached fish spend long periods without taking water in through the mouth. The attachments of the principal jaw muscles are described and their role in sucker action discussed. There are similarities with the jaw mechanism of catostomids.  相似文献   

The tissue specific patterns and ontogeny of sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH, EC lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, EC and isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH, EC are reported for Barbus tetrazona (tiger barb), B. conchonius (rosy barb), B. nigrofasciatus (black ruby barb), B. titteya (cherry barb), B. sachsi (gold barb), and in interspecific hybrids where B. tetrazona is the maternal parent. The spatial and temporal expression of SDH, LDH and IDH isozymes in Barbus is consistent with those reported for other teleosts. As the genetic distance between the parentals used in forming the hybrid increases, allelic expression proceeds from synchronous to asynchronous, with an increasing delay in embryonic gene expression. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that parental sensor genes differ in their response to maternally controlled regulatory signals; indicative of species specific effector/activator RNA molecule concentrations and sensor/receptor gene induction thresholds.  相似文献   

Sinocyclocheilus donglanensis, a new cyprinid species from a subterranean river in Donglan County in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of southern China, is described. It is distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characteristics: a completely scaled body with well-developed eyes; a curved lateral line possessing 57–64 scales; pectoral fin not reaching pelvic fin origin and last unbranched ray of the dorsal fin clearly serrated along its posterior edge; 8–9 predorsal vertebrae; 8–9 gill rakers; joints of dentary-angulars not close to each other at the isthmus; and a slightly inferior mouth with the upper jaw (6.2–7.4% in standard length: SL) protruding slightly beyond the lower one (5.7–6.7% SL). Sinocyclocheilus donglanensis is sympatric with the peculiarly shaped, hunchbacked S. altishoulderus.  相似文献   

The cyprinid tribe Labeonini (sensuRainboth, 1991) is a large group of freshwater fishes containing around 40 genera and 400 species. They are characterized by an amazing diversity of modifications to their lips and associated structures. In this study, a total of 34 genera and 142 species of putative members of this tribe, which represent most of the generic diversity and more than one third of the species diversity of the group, were sampled and sequenced for four nuclear genes and five mitochondrial genes (totaling 9465bp). Phylogenetic relationships and subdivision of this tribe were investigated and the placement and status of most genera are discussed. Partitioned maximum likelihood analyses were performed based on the nuclear dataset, mitochondrial dataset, combined dataset, and the dataset for each nuclear gene. Inclusion of the genera Paracrossochilus, Barbichthys, Thynnichthys, and Linichthys in the Labeonini was either confirmed or proposed for the first time. None of the genera Labeo, Garra, Bangana, Cirrhinus, and Crossocheilus are monophyletic. Taxonomic revisions of some genera were made: the generic names Gymnostomus Heckel, 1843, Ageneiogarra Garman, 1912 and Gonorhynchus McClelland, 1839 were revalidated; Akrokolioplax Zhang and Kottelat, 2006 becomes a junior synonym of Gonorhynchus; the species Osteochilus nashii was found to be a member of the barbin genus Osteochilichthys. Five historical hypotheses on the classification of the Labeonini were tested and rejected. We proposed to subdivide the tribe, which is strongly supported as monophyletic, into four subtribes: Labeoina, Garraina, Osteochilina, and Semilabeoina. The taxa included in each subtribe were listed and those taxa that need taxonomic revision were discussed.  相似文献   

We review the morphological and molecular evidence that Mayden & Chen recently used to infer that the developmentally truncated fish genus Paedocypris is not a member of the teleost order Cypriniformes or carp‐like fishes, but is ‘the basal sister group to all Cypriniformes’. This hypothesis contradicts several previous studies that used molecular sequence data or morphological characters. A review of the morphological characters that Mayden & Chen discussed and mapped onto their ‘simplified tree’ shows that these, analysed alone, rather support a close relationship of the cyprinids Sundadanio, Danionella, and Paedocypris. We also present four additional analyses of morphological data, which all contradict Mayden & Chen's result. Despite its highly reductive skeleton, posing a serious problem when analysing its phylogenetic position with skeletal characters, the presence in Paedocypris of the basioccipital masticatory plate is compelling evidence that it is a member of the Cyprinoidei (Cyprinidae plus Psilorhynchidae). Our reanalysis and exploration of their molecular sequence data shows that only a single gene, EGR3, of the six nuclear genes analysed by Mayden & Chen, is responsible for the position of Paedocypris as ‘the basal sister group to all Cypriniformes’. Three independent methods to visualize and analyse phylogenetic signal and conflict of data sets (phylogenetic networks, splits analysis methods or SAMS, and site‐wise likelihood analyses) reveal a high level of character conflict and noise in Mayden & Chen's data set. The ‘basal’ position of Paedocypris seems to be the outcome of the interplay of two long‐branch effects. We apply the same analytical methods to the data set from Rüber et al.'s molecular analysis of the phylogenetic position of Paedocypris and discuss our findings. We conclude that none of the molecular data sets compiled to date can establish the phylogenetic position of Paedocypris with confidence. Morphological data suggest that Paedocypris and Danionella are sister genera, and that their closest relative is Sundadanio, although the position of these three miniatures among cyprinoids is still unclear. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Turcichondrostoma, a new genus, from the Southwestern Anatolia is distinguished by having fewer gill rakers on first gill arch and morphologies of premaxilla and dentary bones. In addition, as a result of the phylogenetic analyses based on combine data set (mtDNA COI + Cytb) sequences (1706 bp.), Turcichondrostoma genus was recovered with high posterior probability value (BI PP:1.0) and strong-supported bootstrap value (ML BP: 100%) among the former Chondrostoma groups. Also, high K2P mean genetic distance values (more than 7.84%) differentiated genus Turcichondrostoma from the other genera of former Chondrostoma group. The results of both morphological-osteological and molecular analyses are congruent with each other. The results of this study revealed that the genus Turcichondrostoma is easily distinguished from the genera in Chondrostoma group.  相似文献   

鲤科Cyprinda野鲮亚科Labeonina的墨头鱼属Garra和盆唇鱼属Placocheilus的分类地位一直存在争议,争议的焦点在于盆唇鱼属是否为一独立有效的属。本研究试图通过鳞片的显微结构比较,寻找新的分类学证据。结果显示,依据鳞片的形状、侧区鳞纹上粒状突的有无和鳞焦形态的组合,可将2个属的18种鱼划分为3类;依据鼻孔前方鼻突的有无和口吸盘后游离缘的发达程度,也可将这18种鱼划分为3群。比较前后两项结果,在类群的划分名录中仅有西藏墨头鱼和腾冲墨头鱼2种的位置不符,其余的种类均呈一一对应关系。研究结果提示,墨头鱼属和盆唇鱼属均应该是有效的独立属,但原来划分归入墨头鱼属和盆唇鱼属的种类有必要重新进行分类整理,以客观反映各物种真实和自然的分类归属。  相似文献   

Skeletal elements of the gill arches of adult cypriniform fishes vary widely in number, size, and shape and are important characters in morphologically based phylogenetic studies. Understanding the developmental basis for this variation is thus phylogenetically significant but also important in relation to the many developmental genetic and molecularly based studies of the early developing and hence experimentally tractable gill arches in the zebrafish, a cyprinid cypriniform. We describe the sequence of the chondrification and ossification of the pharyngeal arches and associated dermal bones from Catostomus commersonii (Catostomidae, Cypriniformes) and make selected comparisons to other similarly described pharyngeal arches. We noted shared spatial trends in arch development including the formation of ventral cartilages before dorsal and anterior cartilages before posterior. Qualitatively variable gill arch elements in Cypriniformes including pharyngobranchial 1, pharyngobranchial 4, and the sublingual are the last such elements to chondrify in C. commersonii. We show that the sublingual bone in C. commersonii has two cartilaginous precursors that fuse and ossify to form the single bone in adults. This indicates homology of the sublingual in catostomids to the two sublingual bones in the adults of cobitids and balitorids. Intriguing patterns of fusion and segmentation of the cartilages in the pharyngeal arches were discovered. These include the individuation of the basihyal and anterior copula through segmentation of a single cartilage rod, fusion of cartilaginous basibranchials 4 and 5, and fusion of hypobranchial 4 with ceratobranchial 4. Such “fluidity” in cartilage patterning may be widespread in fishes and requires further comparative developmental studies. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The tissue specificity and ontogeny of creatine kinase (CK, EC are reported for tiger, rosy, ruby, cherry and gold barbs, and in interspecific hybrids where the tiger barb is the maternal parent. The spatial expression of CK isoenzymes in Barbus is consistent with the tissue patterns reported in other teleosts. In general, as the taxonomic (genetic) distance between the parental species increases, a corresponding delay in embryonic gene expression occurs; suggestive of species-specific effector molecule/sensor gene induction thresholds.  相似文献   

根据产自广西南宁盆地渐新世早-中期的鳅科鱼类眼下刺化石建立了鳅属新种:南宁鳅+Cobitis nanningensis sp.nov.。眼下刺长1.8~3.0 mm,粗细适中,刺二分叉,侧后突较中后突短而细,长度约为中后突长的1/3,侧突发育。这些眼下刺与德国晚渐新世的+Cobitis primigenus最为相似,但又以侧突更为发育而与之区别。这是迄今最早的鳅科化石记录,为了解早期鳅科鱼类的分布和眼下刺的形态特征提供了有益证据。南宁鳅及德国晚渐新世的+C.primigenus揭示,渐新世时期鳅科鱼类已广布于欧亚大陆。  相似文献   

We describe the phylogeographic structure of 28 Chinese populations of the cyprinid Opsariichthys bidens across three main Chinese river drainages. Our study is based on the phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp). We combined this analysis with population processes inferred from nested clade analysis (NCA) and mismatch distributions. Both analyses showed that Chinese O. bidens consists of five mtDNA lineages (Opsariichthys 1-5) with high genetic divergence among them. Molecular divergences (TrN+G) higher than 20% among the Opsariichthys 1-5 mtDNA lineages suggest a taxonomic underestimation at the species level. About 92% of the genetic variance among samples was explained by differences among Opsariichthys mtDNA lineages. Drainage-restricted haplotypes with high frequencies and moderate nucleotide diversity show that Opsariichthys populations have evolved independently. NCA results were congruent with the phylogeny, and unimodal mismatch distributions with negative Tajima's D values suggest population expansions in some Opsariichthys lineages. The phylogeographic structure of the Opsariichthys 1-5 mtDNA lineages appears to be related to their long-term interruption of gene flow (theta(ST)>0.97). Our results suggested that fragmentation of ancestral ranges might have caused Opsariichthys diversification in Chinese waters. However, current distribution of common haplotypes across the Yangtze and Pearl drainages suggests a recent river connection that could have favoured gene flow across drainages. Overall, the results indicated that the richness of current Asian widespread species might have been underestimated, and that the cyprinid populations of O. bidens in the Yangtze, Pearl and Hai He drainages may correspond to five species.  相似文献   

The tissue specificity and ontogeny of supernatant malate dehydrogenase (s-MDH) are reported for the tiger barb, cherry barb, and their reciprocal hybrids. The tissue distribution of s-MDH isozymes in Barbus is consistent with the patterns reported in other teleosts. The expression of the Mdh-B locus is correlated with the initial muscle contractions of the developing embryos. It is suggested that the state of muscle cell differentiation may be the stimulus necessary for the expression of this locus in Barbus. Expression of maternal and paternal alleles at the B locus are synchronously delayed in reciprocal hybrids, as compared to their expression intraspecifically.  相似文献   

Zheng, L‐P., Yang, J‐X., Chen, X‐Y. & Wang, W‐Y. (2010) Phylogenetic relationships of the Chinese Labeoninae (Teleostei, Cypriniformes) derived from two nuclear and three mitochondrial genes. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 559–571. The majority of genera within the Labeoninae occur in the South of China and the phylogeny of the subfamily Labeoninae has been a controversial topic over the years. The early and more recent phylogenetic results based on morphology are not in agreement, and some of the molecular analyses contradict those based on morphology. However, none of the previous studies has included an extensive sampling of Labeoninae genera. In this study, partial sequences of two nuclear (exon 3 of recombination activating protein 1 and rhodopsin) and three mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b, cytochrome oxidase subunit I and 16S ribosomal RNA) from 39 ingroup taxa and 11 outgroup taxa were used analysed to provide a hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships within the Chinese Labeoninae. The results supported the monophyly of Labeoninae and refuted the subdivision within Labeoninae based on the oromandibular morphology. It also further confirmed that the presence of a disc on lower lip arose through convergent evolution. Labeo was the basal clade and Osteochilus was closely related to Cirrhinus, forming the second basal clade. The monophyly of Garra and Bangana was refuted in this study, and they were both subdivided into two lineages. One lineage of Garra had closer relationships with Crossocheilus and Akrokolioplax, and the other lineage had closer relationships with Placocheilus. One lineage of Bangana represented the species with broadly interrupted postlabial groove; these species represented the true Bangana. The other lineage of Bangana included the species with continuous postlabial groove, and these species should be assigned to a new genus. Discogobio, as currently conceived, was paraphyletic, but it rendered monophyletic with the inclusion of Discocheilus. These results indicated that Discocheilus should be synonymised with Discogobio. Hongshuia and Sinocrossocheilus, respectively, formed independent lineages related to a lineage consisting of Pseudocrossocheilus plus seven other nominal genera. The relationships received weak support, but the repeatability of the clades could form the basis of recognising only the three genera mentioned above.  相似文献   

We studied the morphology and shape variation of the palatal organ and chewing pad of sucker fishes, family Catostomidae. The palatal organ is a muscularized structure that forms a large mass on the roof of the posterior part of the buccopharyngeal cavity in cypriniform fishes. It functions in coordination with the branchial arches to separate food items from inorganic debris during feeding. The palatal organ exhibits considerable variability in morphology among catostomids. It is shorter, narrower, and thinner in species of the subfamily Cycleptinae (e.g., Cycleptus elongatus) than in other catostomid subfamilies. The thickest and widest palatal organ is seen in species of the subfamily Ictiobinae (e.g., Ictiobus cyprinellus). The shape and size of the palatal organ generally varies between these extremes in species of subfamily Catostominae (e.g., Catostomus and Moxostoma species). Principal components analysis and analysis of variance has differentiated means of various palatal organ measurements for each monophyletic subfamily and tribe of Catostomidae with statistical significance. These results corroborate previously established typological classification of catostomids based on pharyngeal tooth count, pharyngeal tooth morphology, and diet. A keratinized chewing pad forms on the posterior surface of the palatal organ in catostomids or on a skeletal process in cyprinids and serves as an occlusion surface for pharyngeal teeth. The chewing pad is lunate in catostomids and generally ovoid in cyprinids. It is absent from the species of loaches (e.g., botiids, cobitids, and nemacheilids) and gyrinocheilids examined. A synonymy of terms used in the past to describe the palatal organ and chewing pad of Cypriniformes is provided. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

记述了产自广西南宁盆地渐新世早—中期的鲤科鲤亚科一新属种——伍氏南宁鲤(+Nanningocyprinus wui gen.et sp.nov).化石材料包括一些咽喉骨和咽齿.这些咽喉骨和咽齿的以下特征组合明显不同于其他鲤科鱼类:齿式-3·2·1,主行第一枚咽齿大小是第二枚的3~4倍,第二枚咽齿及第二行第一枚咽齿咀嚼面上各仅有一条沟纹,咽骨前角很发育.该属种的发现进一步证明鲤亚科是鲤科中较早的分支,中国南方很有可能是鲤亚科的起源和分化中心.  相似文献   

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