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After a cerebral infarction, some patients acutely demonstrate contralateral hemiplegia, or aphasia. Those are the obvious symptoms of a cerebral infarction. However, less visible but burdensome consequences may go unnoticed without closer investigation. The importance of a thorough clinical examination is exemplified by a single case study of a 72-year-old, right-handed male. Two years before he had suffered from an ischemic stroke in the territory of the left posterior cerebral artery, with right homonymous hemianopia and global alexia (i.e., impairment in letter recognition and profound impairment of reading) without agraphia. Naming was impaired on visual presentation (20%-39% correct), but improved significantly after tactile presentation (87% correct) or verbal definition (89%). Pre-semantic visual processing was normal (correct matching of different views of the same object), as was his access to structural knowledge from vision (he reliably distinguished real objects from non-objects). On a colour decision task he reliably indicated which of two items was coloured correctly. Though he was unable to mime how visually presented objects were used, he more reliably matched pictures of objects with pictures of a mime artist gesturing the use of the object. He obtained normal scores on word definition (WAIS-III), synonym judgment and word-picture matching tasks with perceptual and semantic distractors. He however failed when he had to match physically dissimilar specimens of the same object or when he had to decide which two of five objects were related associatively (Pyramids and Palm Trees Test). The patient thus showed a striking contrast in his intact ability to access knowledge of object shape or colour from vision and impaired functional and associative knowledge. As a result, he could not access a complete semantic representation, required for activating phonological representations to name visually presented objects. The pattern of impairments and preserved abilities is considered to be a specific difficulty to access a full semantic representation from an intact structural representation of visually presented objects, i.e., a form of visual object agnosia.  相似文献   

The Visual Association Test (VAT) is a brief learning task that consists of six line drawings of pairs of interacting objects (association cards). Subjects are asked to name or identify each object and later are presented with one object from the pair (the cue) and asked to name the other (the target). The VAT was administered in a consecutive sample of 174 psychogeriatric day care participants with mild to major neurocognitive disorder. Comparison of test performance with normative data from non-demented subjects revealed that 69% scored within the range of a major deficit (0–8 over two recall trials), 14% a minor, and 17% no deficit (9–10, and ≥10 respectively).VAT-scores correlated with another test of memory function, the Cognitive Screening Test (CST), based on the Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (r = 0.53). Tests of executive functioning (Expanded Mental Control Test, Category Fluency, Clock Drawing) did not add significantly to the explanation of variance in VAT-scores.Fifty-five participants (31.6%) were faced with initial problems in naming or identifying one or more objects on the cue cards or association cards. If necessary, naming was aided by the investigator. Initial difficulties in identifying cue objects were associated with lower VAT-scores, but this did not hold for difficulties in identifying target objects.A hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to examine whether linear or quadratic trends best fitted VAT performance across the range of CST scores. The regression model revealed a linear but not a quadratic trend. The best fitting linear model implied that VAT scores differentiated between CST scores in the lower, as well as in the upper range, indicating the absence of floor and ceiling effects, respectively. Moreover, the VAT compares favourably to word list-learning tasks being more attractive in its presentation of interacting visual objects and cued recall based on incidental learning of the association between cues and targets.For practical purposes and based on documented sensitivity and specificity, Bayesian probability tables give predictive power of age-specific VAT cutoff scores for the presence or absence of a major neurocognitive disorder across a range of a priori probabilities or base rates.  相似文献   

The six tests in the Amsterdam Dementia Screening Test (ADST) examine the cognitive domains of episodic memory (delayed picture recognition, word learning), orientation, category fluency (animals and occupations), constructional ability (figure copying) and executive function (alternating sequences). New normative data were collected in a sample of 102 elderly volunteers (aged 65–94), including subjects with medical or other health conditions, except dementia or frank cognitive impairment (MMSE > 24). Included subjects were independent in complex instrumental activities of daily living.  相似文献   

This article studies how older migrants gain access to care through neighbourhood-based forms of working. In the Netherlands, the neighbourhood is increasingly viewed as an ideal place to organize care and social services, close to citizens. To this end, municipalities are developing neighbourhood structures and facilities in which local providers cooperate. In our qualitative research we studied the developments in crafting practices relevant to access to care of older migrants in the city of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. In Nijmegen the new neighbourhood structures are only partly successful in helping older migrants gain access to care. Older migrants visit neighbourhood facilities not for the services these facilities provide, but because of the presence of care professionals who speak the same language, or share the same cultural background as do these older migrants. These caregivers are able to bridge the mental distance between the health care system and the lifeworld of older migrants. Relations also arise outside the neighbourhood structures, for instance at culture-specific day care facilities. To prevent too great a claim on professionals with a migration background, agreements between the city of Nijmegen and local providers to enhance cultural sensitivity should be better monitored.  相似文献   

Cognitive tests play a crucial part in the assessment of dementia. In 1998 the Seven Minute Screen was developed by Solomon and colleagues. The test was originally designed to distinguish between Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and normal ageing, and research showed that the instrument is highly sensitive to AD. Subsequent research also proved the diagnostic accuracy of the Seven Minute Screen in the detection of other common types of dementia, such as vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies. This article reports new research on the predictive validity of the Seven Minute Screen using 289 cognitively intact subjects, 175 patients with MCI and 563 patients with dementia in the setting of a memory clinic. In addition, a comparison is made with the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). The study demonstrates that the Seven Minute Screen is a valuable screening instrument for all common types of dementia, and it has added value to the MMSE. The sensitivity for dementia is 96?% and the specificity 93?%, in comparison to 69 and 98?% for the MMSE (<?24). The sensitivity for the various types of dementia is consistently high, ranging from 92?% for a subcortical dementia to 97?% for AD. The Seven Minute Screen requires little training, and combines a short administration time with a high diagnostic accuracy. This makes the Seven Minute Screen useful for application in memory clinics.  相似文献   

It is unknown how often choking occurs in geriatric wards and in nursing homes and what the treatment and outcomes are in regular practice. A questionnaire was sent to Dutch geriatricians (N = 130), nursing home physicians (N = 130), and trainees for these disciplines (N = 215), in order to gain information about the experience, practice and competence of physicians in choking in geriatric and nursing home patients. We also analysed to what extent geriatric and nursing home wards were prepared for accurate handling of choking. The response rate was 30%. More than half of the responders had experienced an episode of food choking at least once in the past five years. The mortality rate in the reported cases was high (30%). The majority of the patients who died of choking had not received the Heimlich-manoeuvre. Physicians who had attended resuscitation training long ago felt as competent to manage a choking episode as physicians that had recently attended resuscitation training. Of all geriatric wards and nursing homes, the majority lacked a guideline on how to handle in acute food choking. Geriatric wards and nursing homes do not seem to be well prepared for acute food choking in several aspects. Despite methodological shortcomings of this study, the results underline the necessity of clarification of the terms used, and development and implementation of guidelines for this important problem.  相似文献   

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