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Peoples, M. B., Sudin, M. N. and Herridge, D. F. 1987. Translocationof nitrogenous compounds insymbiotic and nitrate-fed amide-exportinglegumes.–J. exp. Bot. 38: 567–579. The transport of nitrogen from the roots and nodules of chickpea(Cicer anetinum L.), lentil (Lens culinaris Medic), faba bean(Vicia faba L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) was examined in glasshouse-grownplants supplied either with nitrate-free nutrients or with nutrientssupplemented with 1,2,4 or 8 mol m-3153N-nitrate. A sixth treatmentcomprised uninoculated plants supplied with 8–0 mol m-31513N-nitrate. For each species, more than 75% of the nitrogenwas exported from the nodules as the amides, asparagine andglutamine. In fully symbiotic plants, the amides also dominatednitrogen transport to the shoot When N2 fixation activity wasdecreased by the addition of nitrate to the rooting medium,the N-composition of xylem exudate and stem solutes changedconsiderably. The relative concentrations of asparagine tendedto increase in the xylem whilst those of glutamine were reduced;the levels of nitrate increased in both xylem exudate and thesoluble nitrogen pool of the stem with a rise in nitrate supply.The changes in relative nitrate contents reflected generallythe contributions of root and shoot to overall nitrate reductaseactivity at the different levels of nitrate used. The relationshipsbetween the relative contents of xylary or stem nitrate andamino nitrogen and the plants' reliance on N2 fixation (determinedby the 15N isotope dilution procedure) were examined. Data suggestthat compositional relationships based on nitrate may be reasonableindicators of symbiotic dependence for all species under studyexcept faba bean when greater than 25% of plant nitrogen wasderived from N2 fixation. Key words: Nitrogen, translocation, legumes  相似文献   

Cotyledons of faba bean (Vicia faba L. cv. Fiord) were removedto determine whether an apparent delay in nodulation of thiscultivar could be attributed to an inhibitor from these organs.Cotyledons were left intact or excised from seedling plants14 and 18 d after sowing and plants grown with or without 2·5mm NO3. Seedling growth was depressed when cotyledons were removed onday 14 but not when removed on day 18. Removal of the cotyledonsat day 14 reduced nodule number and nodule weight in the absenceof NO3, but in the presence of NO2, nodule numberwas unaffected and only nodule weight was reduced. Cotyledonremoval at day 18 increased both nodule number and nodule weightwith +NO3 but not with –NO2. Acetylene reduction(AR) was markedly depressed by NO3. Cotyledon removalat day 14 decreased AR but removal at day 18 resulted in anincrease in AR. We suggest from these results that faba beancotyledons have an inhibitory effect on nodule activity andon nodulation and this interacts with NO3. This can beexplained through a ‘feed-back’ regulation of N2fixation by soluble N in the seedling. Vicia faba, faba bean, nodule number, nodulation, nodule activity, acetylene reduction, N2 fixation, cotyledon removal, nitrate  相似文献   

Natural 15N abundances of various tissues from twelve speciesof leguminous plants and those of nodule fractions from threespecies grown in Japan were determined by mass spectrometry.The 15N concentrations of non-nodular tissues of nodulated plantswere close to the value of atmospheric N2. The nodules of soybean,mung bean, cowpea, kidney bean, adzuki bean, sword bean, whiteclover, Leucaena leucocephala, and horsegram showed highly elevated15N concentrations, and those of pea had a slightly enriched15N concentration compared to other tissue, while the nodulesof peanut and lucerne had 15N values similar to those of theirshoot tissues. The bacteroid fractions from horsegram, swordbean and peanut had higher 15N concentrations than the cytosolfractions. (Received March 17, 1984; Accepted August 21, 1984)  相似文献   

The entry of nitrate into the infected region of soybean nodules and the possibility of a subsequent nitrite accumulation was studied. Nitrate was observed to gain access to the infected region in the short-term and significant amounts could be measured within 2 d of nitrate supply. The availability of nitrate in the bacteroid-containing region did not cause free-nitrite accumulation for at least 8d. However, to avoid the artefactual production of nitrite during extraction it was necessary to disrupt nodules in the presence of zinc acetate and ethanol, to prevent bacteroid nitrate reductase activity. Nitrite rapidly accumulated if nodules were extracted without prior enzyme-inactivation, or if bacteroids were allowed access to nitrate, or, more significantly, if nodules were not extracted immediately following detachment. Nitrate accumulation in detached nodules was mediated by oxygen concentration within the nodule; in the presence of pure N2 gas, nitrite accumulation was three times greater than in air and, conversely, it was prevented by exposure to pure O2. Furthermore, nitrite produced in detached nodules under atmospheric conditions was scavenged by transferring these nodules into 100% oxygen. However, measurements of apparent functional leghaemoglobin, using a nodule oximeter, suggested that after 8 d nitrate exposure up to 83% of Lb activity was lost, possibly due to interactions with nitrite produced in the nodule interior leading to the formation of nitrosylleghaemoglobin.Key words: Glycine max, cortex, infected region, leghaemoglobin, nitrate, nitrite, nodules, soybean   相似文献   

Indirect evidence suggests that legumes can adjust rapidly theresistance of their root nodules to O2 diffusion. Here we describeexperiments using O2 specific micro-electrodes and dark fieldmicroscopy to study directly the operation of this diffusionbarrier. The O2 concentration sensed by the electrode decreasedsharply in the region of the inner cortex and was less than1.0 mmol m–3 throughout the infected tissue in nodulesof both pea (Pisum sativum) and french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris).In a number of experiments the ambient O2 concentration wasincreased to 40% while the electrode tip was just inside theinner cortex. In 13 out of 21 cases the O2 concentration atthis position either remained low and unchanged or increasedirreversibly to near ambient values. In the remaining casesthe O2 concentration increased after 1 to 2.5 min and then decreasedto its former value. These results are ascribed to an increasein resistance of the barrier in response to increased O2 fluxinto the nodule. It was shown microscopically that air spacesboth at the boundary between the infected zone and the innercortex, and within the infected zone started to disappear 3min after nodules were exposed to high ambient O2 concentrationsand had disappeared completely after 8 min. These spaces werenot changed by exposure of the nodule for 10 min to either N2or air. Key words: Oxygen, root nodules, air spaces  相似文献   

The specific respiration rates of nodulated root systems, ofnodules and of roots were determined during active nitrogenfixation in soya bean, navy bean, pea, lucerne, red clover andwhite clover, by measurements on whole plants before and afterthe removal of nodule populations. Similar measurements weremade on comparable populations of the six legumes, lacking nodulesbut receiving abundant nitrate-nitrogen, to determine the specificrespiration of their roots. All plants were grown in a controlled-environmentclimate which fostered rapid growth. The specific respiration rates of nodulated root systems ofthe three grain and three forage legumes during a 7–14-dayperiod of vegetative growth varied between 10 and 17 mg CO2g–1 (dry weight) h–1. This mean value consistedof two components: a specific root respiration rate of 6–9mg CO2 g–1 h–1 and a specific nodule respirationrate of 22–46 mg CO2 g–1 h–1. Nodule respirationaccounted for 42–70 per cent of nodulated root respiration;nodule weight accounted for 12–40 per cent of nodulatedroot weight. The specific respiration rates of roots lackingnodules and utilizing nitrate nitrogen were generally 20–30per cent greater than the equivalent rates of roots from nodulatedplants. The measured respiratory effluxes are discussed in thecontext of nitrogen nitrogen fixation, nitrate assimilation. Glycine max, Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum, Medicago sativa, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens, soya bean, navy bean, pea, lucerne, red clover, white clover, nodule respiration, root respiration, fixation, nitrate assimilation  相似文献   

Faba bean (Vicia faba L. cv. Fiord) plants were raised in agrowth room for 5 weeks and then transplanted to a hydroponicsystem. After 48 h for acclimation, nine plants were removed(day 0) for the measurement of nitrogenase activity by acetylenereduction (AR), for determination of nodule number and noduleweight, volume of the active N2 fixing region (VAR), and volumeof the senescent N2, fixing region (VSR). Half the nodule populationon a further 18 plants was excised, and nine of these plantswere assayed for AR. The nine plants from which the noduleshad been removed (treated plants) and nine control plants witha full complement of nodules, were left to grow for 5 d, afterwhich they were all harvested and assayed. The average weight of nodules and VAR remained constant in thecontrol plants between day 0 and day 5, whereas the nodulesleft on the treated plants increased in weight by 1.2 timesand VAR by 2.2 times. By day 5, VAR per plant was the same inthe control plants as in the treated, whereas VSR of controland treated plants increased by 4.6 and 2.2 times, respectively.Removal of half of the nodules at day 0 halved the AR activityper plant, but specific activity remained the same. After 5d, however, the nodules of the treated plants showed the sametotal activity as those of the control. Thus the specific activityof the nodules left on the treated plants doubled after 5 din response to excision. The indeterminate nodule of faba bean appears to be able toincrease its specific activity substantially in response toincrease in the demand for fixed N. N2 fixation per nodule wasresponsive to substrate supply, in that halving the number ofnodules on a plant induced the remaining nodules to increaseactivity, presumably because they could use the assimilate previouslydistributed over a larger number of nodules. Victa faba, faba bean, nodule number, nodule activity, acetylene reduction, volumes of active and senescent N2 fixing regions of nodules, hydroponic system  相似文献   

Established, nodulated white clover plants were transferredto eight tanks of a flowing culture apparatus with solutiontemperatures of 5, 11, 17, and 25 ?C (two tanks per temperature).Shoot temperature and light environment were common to all plants.After 7 d, (10 mmol m–3) was continuouslysupplied to one tank at each temperature while in the remainingfour tanks (one at each temperature) the plants were completelydependent on nodule N2-fixation. Plants were randomly selected at intervals during the following14 d period in order to measure root and nodule respirationand acetylene reduction activity (ARA) in a flow-through systemset at the adapted root temperature. Additional plants wereassayed for in vitro nitrate reductase activity in leaves, roots,and nodules. Apparent nitrogenase activity (ARA) and respiration associatedwith it were each markedly affected by temperature in two ways;(1) Activity per unit weight of nodule was reduced at lowertemperatures; (2) Development of the plant, and thus also nodulemass, was restricted at lower temperatures which, in turn, restrictedtotal nodule activity per plant. The presence of nitrate significantly reduced ARA of nodules,particularly at higher temperatures. However, significant discrepancieswere found when N2-fixation rates, estimated from the acetylenereduction assay, were compared with N2-fixation rates calculatedfrom curves fitted to N accumulation data (minus the rate of uptake in the case of nitrate-treated plants). Carbon use efficiency (CO2 respired per C2H4 produced) was notsignificantly affected by temperature or the presence of nitrate. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) developed in all plant partsat the three highest temperatures, but not at 5 ?C. We calculatethat leaf NRA may account for 82, 75, and 68% of total nitratereduction at 11, 17, and 25 ?C respectively. Key words: Trifolium repens, white clover, N2 fixation, root temperature, acetylene reduction assay, nitrate, nitrate reductase  相似文献   

Nitrate assimilation was examined in two cultivars (Banner Winterand Herz Freya) of Vicia faba L. supplied with a range of nitrateconcentrations. The distribution between root and shoot wasassessed. The cultivars showed responses to increased applied nitrateconcentration. Total plant dry weight and carbon content remainedconstant while shoot: root dry weight ratio, total plant nitrogen,total plant leaf area and specific leaf area (SLA) all increased.The proportion of total plant nitrate and nitrate reductase(NR) activity found in the shoot of both cultivars increasedwith applied nitrate concentrations as did NO3: Kjeldahl-Nratios of xylem sap. The cultivars differed in that a greaterproportion of total plant NR activity occurred in the shootof cv. Herz Freya at all applied nitrate concentrations, andits xylem sap NO3: Kjeldahl-N ratio and SLA were consistentlygreater. It is concluded that the distribution of nitrate assimilationbetween root and shoot of V. faba varies both with cultivarand with external nitrate concentration. Vicia faba L., field bean, nitrate assimilation, nitrate reductase, xylem sap analysis  相似文献   

The relation of the in vivo nitrate reductase (NR) activityto growth period was studied in the nodules and the leaves ofthe summer moong (Vigna radiata). The maximum NR activity wasobserved 31 days after sowing (DAS) in the leaves and 28 DASin the case of the nodules. In a pot experiment, the effectof the various nitrogen concentrations, namely 0, 3, 6, 9 and12 mg kg–1 was studied on NR activity at three growthstages. The maximum NR activity was observed at 6 mg kg–1N during the pre-flowering stage (26 DAS). Though the noduleshave higher NR activity, its expression was limited by substrateavailability. The NR activity in the leaf could be used as anindex of NR activity in the nodules. Nitrate reductase, nitrogen, nitrate, moong, Vigna radiata  相似文献   

White clover (Trifolium repens L.) plants were grown from seedin perlite, inoculated with effective rhizobia and exposed tothe same ‘concentration x days’ of 15N-labellednitrate in four contrasting patterns of doses. Acetylene reductionwas measured at intervals using an open, continuous-flow sytem.Mean dry weight per nodule and rates of acetylene reductionfell rapidly (2–3 d) during periods of exposure to highnitrate concentrations (> 7 mM N) and rose again, equallyrapidly, when nitrate was withdrawn or substantially reduced.The fall in mean dry weight per nodule (50–66 per cent)was almost certainly too large to be accounted for by loss ofsoluble or storage carbohydrate only. No new nodules were formedduring periods of high nitrate availability. When nitrate wassupplied continuously at a moderate concentration (5.7 mM N)nodule numbers stabilised although existing nodules increasedin dry weight by almost four-fold over the 30 d measurementperiod. Treatment had no effect on the percentage nitrogen in planttissues although there were large differences in the proportionsderived from nitrate and N2-fixation. Plants exposed continuouslyor frequently to small doses of nitrate took up more nitrate,and hence relied less heavily on N2-fixation, than those exposedto larger doses less often. Increased reliance on nitrate broughtwith it increased total dry weight and shoot: root ratios. Possiblemechanisms involved in bringing about these differences in nitrogennutrition and growth are discussed. White clover, Trifolium repens, nitrate, N2-fixation, nodule, acetylene reduction, 15N  相似文献   

Nodulated soybean plants (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Clarke)were supplied with 10 mol m-3 nitrate at the vegetative stage.This treatment caused a rapid decline in nitrogen fixation (acetylenereduction) activity and a consequent decline in ureides in thexylem sap. However, there was virtually no effect on the nitrogenasecomplex, according to Western blots against components 1 and2. The effect on nitrogen fixation was matched by a decreasein nitrogenase-linked respiration and increases in nodule oxygendiffusion resistance and the carbon cost of nitrogen fixation.The addition of nitrate had little effect on protein contentfrom either nodule plant or bacteroid fractions. Activitiesof nitrate reductase (NR) and nitrite reductase (NiR) from eitherthe plant fraction or the bacteroids were affected in differentways during 8 d of supply. Nodule plant NR and bacteroid NiR were not affected. However,nodule plant NiR increased 5-fold within 2 d of supplying Bacteroid NR only increased after6 d. These results could be interpreted in terms of a restrictednitrate access into the infected region of nodules. However,denitrification was detected within 2 d of nitrate supply insoybean nodules. The results are discussed in relation to possiblecauses of the nitrate-induced decline in nitrogenase activity. Key words: Glycine max, nitrate, nitrogen fixation, nodules  相似文献   

Structural, biochemical, and immunological comparisons of nodulesfrom ten species of plants were made to determine if a correlationexists between nodule structure, ureide production, urate oxidaseactivity, and antigenic similarity in urate oxidase. In specieswith high urate oxidase activity and cross-reaction with soybeananti-urate oxidase [soybean (Glycine max), green bean (Phaseolusvulgaris), mung bean (Vigna radiata), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)],the nodules were determinate and contained numerous interstitialcells, interspersed among the infected cells. Within the interstitialcells of the ureide producing nodules numerous peroxisomes werenoted and these peroxisomes appear to be structurally similar,viz. a large electron opaque core surrounded by a less electronopaque rim. Although hemp sesbania (Sesbania exaltata) noduleswere similar in ultrastructure to other ureide producers withdetectable urate oxidase activity, no cross-reactivity was observedwith anti-soybean urate oxidase. Amide producing nodules eithercontained no interstitial cells [e.g. Indian jointvetch (Aeschynomeneindica), showy crotalaria (Crotalaria spectabilis)} or interstitialcells with few peroxisomes [e.g. alfalfa (Medicago saliva),broad bean (Vicia faba), pea (Pisum sativum)] with little urateoxidase activity, exhibiting no cross-reaction with soybeananti-urate oxidase. These data indicate that the urate oxidasein most ureide producing nodules is very similar and, structurally,ureide producing nodules are organized in a specialized wayto carry out ureide assimilation in the uninfected interstitialcells. (Received June 19, 1986; Accepted January 12, 1987)  相似文献   

Analysis of the distribution of enzymes of carbohydrate, carboxylicacid and nitrogen metabolism in nodule tissues prepared by protoplastisolation techniques has led to some confusion about their whereabouts.In this study nodule cortical and central (infected) tissuewas separated manually using a scalpel blade. Protein contents of whole nodules, central region and cortexwere found to be 19, 25 and 5-0 mg g–1 fresh weight, respectively.Specific activities of glutamine synthetase (GS), phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase (PEPC), invertase (INV) and sucrose synthase (SS)were higher in the central region than in the cortex. The reversewas true for UDP glucose pyrophosphorylase (UDPGPP), phosphoglucomutase(PGM) and phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI). The central (infected) region represented a minimum of 65% ofthe nodule fresh weight. Calculations based on this estimateand on the activities per gram fresh weight indicate that thebulk of the potential enzyme activity is located in the centralregion. This was particularly so for SS, INV and GS where greaterthan 96% of the relevant activity was located in the centralregion. Even the enzymes which had greater specific activitiesin the cortex (UDPGPP, PGM and PGI) were, in fact, predominantlyfound in the central region (86, 81, and 85%, respectively).The conclusion from this data must be that most metabolism inthe nodule is likely to occur in the central region, althoughthis does not negate the importance of the cortex in carbonand nitrogen flux. Key words: Glycine max, soybean, nodules, cortex, infected region, enzymes  相似文献   

A comparison between two hydroponically-grown soybean genotypes(Glycine max [L.] Merr.) cv. Bragg and the supernodulating mutantnts 1007 was made in terms of dry matter accumulation, carbon,nitrogen, and mineral element distribution, 15N natural abundanceand the effect of short-term treatment with 4·0 mol m–3KNO3 on nitrogenase activity and respiration. Differences weremost pronounced in nodule dry weight and plant nitrogen content,both of which were recorded to be substantially elevated inthe mutant. Mineral element concentrations in different plantparts proved to be rather similar with the exception of Ca,found to be lower in leaves of the mutant, and Mn concentrationswhich were twice as high in roots of nts 1007. The values of15N natural abundance showed that both genotypes were equallydependent on nitrogen fixation when nitrate was absent. Theresults of the acetylene reduction assays indicated similarspecific nodule activity, while on a per plant basis nitrogenaseactivity of the mutant proved to be more than twice the amountof Bragg. This effect was also reflected in higher nodule respirationwhile root respiration remained below that of Bragg. Nitrate induced a substantial reduction in nitrogenase activitynot only in Bragg, but also in nts 1007. Nodule respiratoryactivity of Bragg was reduced by nitrate from 1·27 to0·34 mg C h–1 plant–1. In nts 1007 correspondingvalues were 2·70 to 1·52 mg C h–1 plant–1.Starch concentration in nodules was decreased in both genotypes,but nevertheless remained higher in nts 1007. Values for solublesugars in nodules even increased in the mutant in response tonitrate while the same treatment caused a reduction in Bragg.The data indicate that nitrogenase activities of Bragg and nts1007 are equally sensitive to short-term application of nitrate. Key words: Glycine max, C and N distribution, nitrate, root respiration, 15N natural abundance  相似文献   

Activities of nitrate reduction enzymes, nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and nitrite reductase activity (NiRA) from roots and nodules of 5 mutant genotypes and one commercial cultivar (Alameda) of faba bean ( Vicia faba L. var. minor) grown in the presence of N2 alone or with additional NO3 in the medium have been studied. A naturally occurring mutant (VFM109) with impaired ability to reduce nitrate in its nodules is described. All the other cultivars of V. faba showed nodule NRA, although the range was very wide, from almost negligible (VFM72) up to 2 μmol h−1 (g FW)−1. This activity was entirely of plant origin. Root NRA also ranged widely accross cultivars. However, the level of activity expressed as well as the response of NRA to nitrate followed a pattern opposite to that observed in nodules. Roots and nodules of all cultivars showed very high rates of NiRA, respectively 50 and 150-fold higher than NRA, thus precluding accumulation of nitrite in these tissues. Root enzymes were significantly stimulated by nitrate while negative (NRA) or little effect (NiRA) was found for nodules. Nitrate and nitrite reduction are carried out by inducible enzymes in roots of V. faba and by constitutive enzymes in nodules, indicating that there may be different forms of these enzymes in each tissue. Differences in the plant genotype were a major cause of the variability in nitrate and nitrite reduction by nodulated root systems of V. faba .  相似文献   

Root nodules of Lupinus albus (L.) cv. Multolupa were subjectedto short- and medium-term stresses by lowering rhizosphere temperaturefrom 25 to 16°C (2 h), detopping plants (3 h), darkeningplants (21 h) or exposing roots to 20 mol m–3 KNO3 for4 d. All experimental treatments produced increases in oxygendiffusion resistance, compared with control plants. These correlatedwith structural changes in the nodule cortex, which is describedin detail for the first time. The most noticeable change isthe occlusion of intercellular spaces by a glycoprotein whichwas identified using the monoclonal antibody MAC236. This glycoproteinwas also found surrounding bacteria in intercellular spacesof the cortex of control nodules. Key words: Oxygen diffusion resistance, glycoprotein, nodules, nitrogen fixation, Lupinus albus  相似文献   

This study analyses the effects of salt on the effective symbiosisof faba bean (Vicia faba L. var. minor cv. Alborea) and salt-tolerantRhizobium leguminosarum biovar. viciae strain GRA19 grown withtwo KNO3 levels (2 and 8 mM). The addition of 8 mM KNO3 to thegrowth medium increases plant tolerance to salinity even witha concentration of 100 mM NaCl. This KNO3 level in control plantsreduced the N2 fixation. For 2 and 8 mM KNO3 the plants treatedwith NaCl reduced N2 fixation to identical values. The activityof the enzymes mediating ammonium assimilation in nodules (GS,NADH-GOGAT and NADH-GDH) was decreased by high KNO3 levels.The results show that NADH-GOGAT activity was more markedlyinhibited than was GS activity by salinity, therefore NADH-GOGATlimits the ammonium assimilation by nodules in V. faba undersalt stress. The total proline content in the nodule was notrelated to salt tolerance and thus does not serve as a salttoleranceindex for V. faba. Key words: Glutamate synthase, glutamine synthetase, N2 fixation, nitrate, salinity  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) cv. Clarke plants inoculated withBradyrhizobium japonicum strain RCR3407 were grown either ina greenhouse with a low irradiance (200–400)µmolm–2 s–1) or in a controlled-environment growth cabinetwith a higher irradiance (600 µimol m–2 s–1).At 42 d plants were given a nitrogen-free nutrient solutioncontaining 50 mol m–3 sodium chloride for 2 weeks andthen allowed to recover from salt-stress for a further 2 weeks. Salt treatment reduced plant growth by at least half in bothgrowth regimes, however, the controlled environment-grown (CEG)plants were five times larger than the greenhouse-grown (GG)plants in terms of dry weight and number/weight of nodules perplant, regardless of treatment. The structure of nodules, from both growth regimes, harvestedat the end of the 2 week salt-stress was similar to unstressedcontrol nodules. However, nodules harvested 1 week later fromboth CEG and GG plants had structural changes including degradationof bacteria in vacuoles around host cell nuclei, particularlyin the outer cell layers of the infected tissue. In addition,meristematic activity was seen in the cortex of some nodulesfrom GG plants. Young cells here contained infection threadsand newly-released bacteria. Nodules harvested 2 weeks after removal of the salt-stress fromCEG plants showed an apparent recovery from the stress. However,there was a very marked increase in the amount of starch inthe cortex which was not seen in equivalent GG nodules. In contrast,nodules from GG plants contained many vacuolate infected cellsand, consequently, a lowered bacteroid population. Further,meristematic activity was seen in a zone concentric to the infectedzone, newly-formed cells contained many large infection threadsand were interspersed with intercellular bacteria. The meristematicactivity increased the relative volume of cortical to infectedcells in these nodules. Growth conditions did not affect control nodule specific nitrogenaseactivity or oxygen diffusion resistance (R) and these parameterswere also not altered in CEG nodules exposed to salt plus the14 d recovery period. However, nitrogenase activity was greatlyreduced, and R increased by more than eight times in equivalentGG nodules exposed to salt plus recovery. It is hypothesized that the gross morphological changes werean attempt to counter salt toxicity and/or oxygen damage underconditions of reduced photosynthate supply to the nodules dueto the poor light levels in the greenhouse. However, soybeannodules supplied with adequate photosynthate were able to withstandand recover from long-term salt-stress with little alterationto their structural integrity. Key words: Soybean, sodium chloride, nitrogen fixation, light intensity, oxygen diffusion resistance  相似文献   

The accumulation of nitrite in nodules was investigated to elucidatethe mechanism of inhibition of nitrogen fixation in nodulesof soybean (Glycine max. [L.] Merr.) plants supplied with nitrate.Acetylene-reducing activity (ARA) in nodules fell within 24h as a result of the supply of exogenous nitrate, accompaniedby an increase in the accumulation of nitrite in the cytosolbut not in the bacteroids of nodules. Nitrate reductase (NR)activity in the nodule cytosol remained high, irrespective ofthe supply of nitrate. Nitrosylleghemoglobin (LbNO) was detectedspectrophotometrically in the extract from nodules in whichnitrogen fixation was inhibited by nitrate. In experiments invitro, it was found that LbNO was easily formed from leghemoglobinin the presence of nitrite and dithionite. Thus, it is suggested that nitrogen fixation was inhibited primarilyby a decrease in the function of leghemoglobin, attributableto the formation of LbNO, which was caused by the accumulationof nitrite generated from nitrate by NR in the nodule cytosol. (Received August 22, 1989; Accepted January 24, 1990)  相似文献   

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